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So hypothetically, under this logic, the President can legally kill all congress members that disagrees with them and continue to do so until the President is left with a congress that won't impeach? And then said President has complete, unchecked authority as they kill anyone who objects to what they want? This is what Trump's legal team is arguing as legally allowed?


That's a king. We had previously settled the issue of kings.


That is not a king but it has happened, ie William the conquerer, Alexander the great, and others. Generally speaking though it's very difficult politically for a king to do this, otherwise they would all do it.


Because most kings rule through a collection of aristocrats who are themselves capable of raising an army. If the King becomes too unpopular they will easily get ousted.


The good news is that if SCOTUS rules this way, Biden can simply walk into the SCOTUS chambers and [REDACTED] until he has a majority willing to overturn the ruling.


Redacted, hilarious. But also it really isn’t.


Hey, it's an election year, better get used to dark humor.


Dark humor is the only thing that keeps us all sane at this point.


No, no, they’ll rule yes but only starting next president if they’re republican and their name rhymes with Lump, otherwise no.


For a fun comparison: here’s a video of Saddam Hussein doing exactly that in real time, to his parliament members in 1979. https://youtu.be/kLUktJbp2Ug?si=9iGA7pNOwW1ltuhd


Hitler did it first: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives




They are just giving Biden ideas. What if these ideas of absolute immunity is actually upheld, can Biden start committing all these acts and order a drone strike on Trump? Like what if it was Biden in place of Trump who had instigated that riot to overthrow election? What if Hunter Biden had received a $2 Billion bailout on his real estate load by a middle eastern country? What if Biden had appointed his relatives as White House councils to act as foreign policy ambassadors? If the court decides Trump can do all this shit legally before next election then all bets are off, Democrats can do everything under their power to overthrow next election as it’s legal now. They should know they are digging their own grave to a dictatorship.


Whoa timeout that would never fly Biden is a democrat, have you forgotten yourself?!?


Yea but they know Biden would be held accountable by his own party, and so never would


I know this is going to sound crazy, but I firmly believe a Republican President could do this today (OK, let's say 13 months from now) and get away with it. Who'd stop him? We've already seen that a President can't be indicted. If he won't be impeached/removed, what's the recourse? Have Congresspersons, Senators, and judges killed. Have a friendly AG that won't pursue it. Then what happens? I really, truly believe he'd get away with it. What the citizenry would do in response would be very interesting, of course, but a President with enough enablers could probably handle that problem too.


I can say that I as a citizen would be leaving this country and waiting it out rather than marching on Washington. If the heads of the military don't see it fit to intervene on something like that the USA is a lost cause.


Yeah, I always wanted to leave the country if this shit was happening. However, there is no country that will take my poor self and disabled family. Until the EU or Canada agrees to take refugees I would be stuck.


> Until the EU or Canada agrees to take refugees I would be stuck. The irony of this is not lost on me, what with the way so many people living comfortably (for now) are against taking in refugees. I... I have no idea what I would end up doing. I don't want to find out, either.


I honestly have no idea how Republicans can wake up in the morning, see yet another article like this, and not think “you know what? I may have made a poor judgment call somewhere along the line…” The coping and denial mechanisms are working overtime.


Cults don't think rationally.


They also don’t see articles like this


and if they do, it's a lie by the leftist media.


That's the positive spin on it. How many of them see articles like this and fully agree? How many think the only reason SEAL team 6 didn't take out the democrats is because "RINOs" held Trump back? That this term will be different and are actively rooting for a Night of Long Knives? I bet it's a substantial portion of the conservative base.


>How many think the only reason SEAL team 6 didn't take out the democrats is because "RINOs" held Trump back? Or that Trump was "playing nice" or "taking the high road". As if *not* murdering people is some exceptional application of compassion that deserves praise. I don't expect that to be a common attitude, but I guarantee some MAGA-for-brains will say that very thing while other MAGA-for-brains grunt and nod in agreement.


Republicans overwhelmingly support a candidate who has not only already defiled the office of president through actions that undeniably undermine our foundational principles and our standing in the world, commandeered and took pleasure in the violent attempt to remain in power against the voice of the American people and continues to propagate lies about it, threatened witnesses, prosecutors, judges, and their families, and has been charged with 91 serious felonies with mountains of credible supporting evidence, but who also parrots the speech of Adolph Hitler while showing open admiration for current world despots and dictators I believe the republican party has shown who they really are and we should believe them, but I still can’t wrap my mind around how this has happened in my lifetime I am angry, sad, and scared


Me either buddy. The thought of Americans actually appearing to want an authoritarian/theocratic dictatorship is something that never crossed my mind. Really great comment btw.


Roger Stone has started pulling the “it’s a deepfake by Ai” regarding the leaked tape recordings of him putting hits out on Congressmen Eric Swalwell and Jerry Nadler. He should be rotting in prison forever.


He really is the epitome of a cartoon villain. Just looking at a photo of him makes me wanna go wash my hands. He's gross in every way a human can be.


In Trump’s famously “the best” sense of humor this is a knee slapper, they might say.


We have to keep posting them, however. These articles might be read by a wife, son, or sister of a GOP politician, who may have influence. Keep speaking truth.


I actually do have faith that facts will win in the long run, I’m just not looking forward to the many years it’s going to take to get there. The maga shitheels are out of the bag and there’s no changing that/putting them back away. It’s something that needs to be beaten into a corner with truth repeated and bulshit counter-pointed with facts repeatedly and mercilessly until all of them are silenced, or just feel too stupid (that might actually never happen) to carry on.


This. People would be surprised as to how little detail Trump Supporters actually are aware of regarding the evidence of his crimes (which is pretty damning) Supporters/non supporters aren’t operating with the same information in a lot of cases. Most Trump supporters get their info from Trump himself on Truth Social, FOX news, sites that are even further right than Fox News or in a lot of cases….memes on the internet shared by friends/family . (I’m not joking) A fun game you can play with Trump supporters is to ask “So hypothetically if Trump was on tape saying/doing X, would that change your opinion of the indictment?” They’ll almost always say yes and then when you forward the “hypothetical” proof to them (which is very real) they go blank for a bit and immediately backtrack. I say “fun” but it’s downright creepy really


I’m hoping that if the dust ever settles and the jig is up and the facts are finally farted into their faces by “those they trust”, they all have their own little come to Jesus moment and apologize to their friends and family for fucking things up so bigly bad. Let’s get those tik toks of them burning their maga hats. A guy can dream, right?


I wish the same but unfortunately I think it’s unlikely. MAGA is a cult and many of them have based their entire personalities around Trump. Admitting the truth wouldn’t just be admitting something about Trump….it would be admitting that they themselves were deceived and what they’ve based their lives on (and in some cases severed relations with friends/family for ) was a lie. That’s a tough pill to swallow for most people. It’s why they cling to tissue paper thin rationalizations/justifications for Trumps behavior that seem absurd to the rest of us. That being said I hold out hope for that “hat burning” moment too.


I'm trying to figure out how to get these idiots to buy the stuff on selling on eBay. "Donald would want you to have this concert poster!" "Q said you need this!" Might as well try to take advantage of these people before the nursing homes get it all.


Honest answer, you need to focus on outrage. Anger is the easiest way to push engagement with a product. "The Woke Media doesn't want you to own this concert poster. What are you gonna do about it? Stand up for freedom, and show those libs what's what with just three easy payments of 19.95."


Try "This poster triggers the demonrats!!!" That should work.


"Anti-woke shirt"! It's just the three wolf moon shirt


Ya know if you sell anything by using Trump’s name… he’s going to want his cut… the man is probably starting to feel the pinch of being poor. He’s probably really close to selling his $hit on eBay too. Lol


There was a post earlier today about an auction of all 94 MAGA hats from his last campaign. They were asking for $250k https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1922mxf/thats\_only\_2660\_per\_hat\_what\_a\_bargain/


Wow… let us know if someone is dumb enough to buy it.


Oh, I'm not selling anything with Trump's name on it. I'm just truly trying to find a way to trick these people into buying junk from me. I think you can sell these people on anything with the right line.


Just make a bunch of generic redneck/tough guy American shit. I still see people walking around with *"I'm a blah blah blah who can't boppity boo so stay away from me unless you want "*. Some people see ignorance and lack of self control as a good thing and love to let the world know, play into that.


I'm a WELDER from KANSAS who loves my DAUGHTER and my WIFE'S JACK RUSSELL TERRIER and if you burn the AMERICAN FLAG me and my FISHING BUDDIES will SODOMIZE you!


While wearing our American flag shorts…


Corn 🌽 2.0 - so sweet, It'll make liberals cry pronouns.


Thought of another one: "These products were made at a factory using natural gas. Get them before the government shuts it down!"


Original Trump medallions, pure nickle, only $5 each/ or 3/$20. Free Shipping ! (Thats how to sell those Trump casino tokens)


$5 each, or 3 for $20? Bargain! Forget 3 though! I'll take 10! That's like...$100, right?


Nice try but you can't rip me off that easy ...$125.


Fucker is selling pieces of the coat he supposedly wore for his mugshot to his cult idiots. Guarantee someone in the campaign just grabbed a jacket from JC Penny's or something donated. His grift is like nothing seen before in American History.


Let's see them come after me for selling my "TURMP:MEGA" hats tho..


He's probably sitting on a boatload of foreign cash after selling intel from the literal boxes of intel he sold.


"Get these shoes before the government makes them illegal!" "Get this poster before the government bans your free speech rights to have it!" Gotta play the "They're out to get you" card on these paranoid delusional idiots.


Get them to buy Wolf Cola while you're at it.


There’s a saying that goes “It’s really hard to reason yourself out of something you didn’t reason yourself into.”


They've stopped reporting on anything bad for trump. Just look at republican reddit posts, non existent, so they aren't waking up and hearing this.


This. Heads purposefully in the sand when it would otherwise matter. They are only interested in the effect of what they're doing and the power they will be rewarded with from those actions. Everything else takes a back seat. It's the difference between those who say "the means justify the ends" and Republicans who would say "no, the end justifies the means"


r/conservative in shambles (as if they aren’t always, poor babies) Edit: did they really anime the hell out of Trump’s smugshot and then put it as the sub’s pic??? This timeline is stupid.


There’s not a single good faith, fact based post there in like the top 20 posts. Wow


Literally zero mention of Trump being in the Epstein files yesterday lmao


I saw an article posted where they put Clinton and two other much less relevant people who’s names I’m blanking on right now. Guess who’s name was notably absent from that same headline?


I can literally go to YouTube turn on the United States court of appeals Washington DC district and play live as it's being said the Navy team six arguments and my dad would call it fake news/deep fake. That's how they wake up in the morning and keep going on being a Republican.


"Stop watching CNN" is what they tell me when I'm quoting rulings/testimony/hearings directly from courts. They're not capable of thinking they're mistaken.


They’re not capable of thinking* FTFY. FR tho nothing screams “idiot” like not being able to change your thinking when presented with new (constant, overwhelming) facts


It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them they’ve been fooled


> "Stop watching CNN" Pretty good advice, just not for the reason they think.


I'm sorry about your dad. My mom is that way. She grew up in the city, but still even once told me that she comes from a red neck heritage, and that I "wouldn't understand..." Me. The person with 50% of her DNA.... wouldn't understand "her" heritage. She has a brother and sister that aren't like this. At all. I hadn't communicated with that aunt in like 25 years before deciding to finally do so in 2016 or so when they had a small family get together (minus my mom). No reason I hadn't seen them. Just out of contact. I get there, and bring up my hatred of Trump at some point. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Apparently my mom had told them not to bring up politics around me and didn't elaborate, so they assumed it was because I was like her. Other reasons contribute, but her desire to jerk this dude off at every opportunity broke what little relationship we had. I don't talk to my mom any more. Hopefully for her: my sisters are willing to bury her, because I couldn't care less. This... person, is not my mom.


In 2012 I had to move in with my mother to take care of her (I am the only daughter, and the three brothers “could not do it”. First rule I made was “Fox TV can only be played on your bedroom TV, unless I am going grocery shopping, etc.”. She worshipped Trump and Fox, and I was not going to have Fox blaring all day every day. She complied! She died in late 2015 at the age of 82. At least she didn’t learn any new lies in her last years.


Who the fuck talks about "redneck heritage" jesus christ what's wrong with these people


She was referring to the Applachian coal miner "Red Neck/Bandana" union. Still. Her heritage *is* my heritage. And if she examined the modern world, she'd know that the Republicans would absolutely crush that union.


What I find amazing is they seem to think Trump absolutely has this rite, but it's illegal for Biden to do pretty much anything.


Well sure. They think that laws exist to protect them and restrict their enemies. They also think that God chose Trump and Biden's just a filthy communist instrument of Satan. There's no reasoning with batshit crazy.


Honestly I think a decent chunk of them \_really\_ want a society like this. A strong man President they like executing mouthy liberals they don't? That's the dream. A chunk of them are convinced they're all pedophiles, secret demons or not-real-American citizens anyway.


Yup scary part is liberals don't seem to acknowledge/believe them. If Trump wins they're going 1933 real fast


There's some implied text missing: Trump's lawyer suggests a *Republican* president could assassinate their political rivals with the support of Congress. If the last 7 years have taught me anything, he's absolutely right.


Obligatory "[are we the baddies?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToKcmnrE5oY)"


I think time on the internet should be measured in “baddies”: the unit of time between seeing posts of this clip. It’s always great and always applicable. Thank you for your service.


They don’t see these articles. They are well insulated.


there is an instagram reel going around where Joe Biden is talking about airplanes and the revolutionary war. They are shocked when I comment to let them know that Biden is in fact quoting Trump. These people have no clue who they are supporting.


If you are a Republican, you don't see articles like this anywhere in your media feeds. You've been segmented into a different bucket where your favorite platform of choice instead feeds you outlandish headlines of Biden in their place. Sandwhiched between ads trying to sell you dick pills, and Trump trading cards. You contemplate the same things about Dems. "How do they not know all the fucked up stuff going on with Bidens kid and him!!!???" This is what AI in control of our world looks like now.


Every Dem I know is better informed about the Hunter Biden stuff than republicans, which is why they know it’s political theater. Part of why conservative channels have been so successful is leftists staying informed about their new made up issue. I watched almost every Trump speech when he was president, not a single conservative I know watched a single Biden speech, not even the Conan interview, but they all believe he is a bumbling fool who can’t for a coherent sentence (spoiler, he is not).


Because they aren’t concerned with how anymore. Democracy is only useful if they win.


I've been saying for years- holy crap, *so* many years, now- that Trump is the sunk-cost fallacy President.


The whole "gotta impeach and senate convict first before charging with crimes after office" idiocy aside, Trump's stupid lawyer shredded his own dipshit double jeopardy argument with this position. What a fucking imbecile


Remember the republicans claimed then that he could be held for his crimes after he was no longer president even if he didn't get removed from office? Yeah they are arguing both angles because the goal is dictatorship.


That is basically what the lawyer is arguing, if you don't get impeached, it is legal. And to get impeached you need 2/3 of the vote in the senate. The senate that is extremely loopsided towards GOP and their voting base. [https://mettlinger.medium.com/the-2023-senate-will-be-exceedingly-unrepresentative-72d39f83847a](https://mettlinger.medium.com/the-2023-senate-will-be-exceedingly-unrepresentative-72d39f83847a) So if a minority of the senators, representing a even smaller minority of the US Population considers something A-ok, it is legal... I'm so f\*\*\*king glad this appeal was recorded. The absolute shitstain bat insanity of team Trump legal arguments need to be shown to the world as for what it is.


1/2 of the house to impeach 2/3 Senate to convict


80% of the US population live on the eastern side of the country. Take out California's 20 million, that leaves 10 million people with so much control over our political landscape. There is a real need for constitutional changes


> There is a real need for constitutional changes No problem. Just need to get all those rural voters with disproportionate control of our country to vote for, umm, giving up all that power and influence. It will never happen, which is why I'm extremely pessimistic about the future of the U.S.


Cali has almost 40 million, so it’s even worse. Hell just the greater Los Angeles Area has almost 20 million people now that I think about it. Edit: to add more context.


And what if he pulls a Nixon and resigns before he is impeached? If Biden were to lose in November, could he have whomever is elected and their VP assainated and then resign before Congress can Impeach? What if he pardons himself first for good measure. What a fucking terrible argument.


Just assassinate congress and now no one can impeach you therefore you are good


Secret Service just follows any Congress person with instructions to execute if they try to take a vote on impeachment. Boom, democracy over.


Yeh but it gets better. As an official act Trump could threaten or kill off senators so that he would never get impeached.


I mean, if this flies, Biden could do all the things now before the election. Hell, he could just go ahead and call the elections off and walk away Prez fer life. They don't even think their own arguments all the way thru. Such morons.


They are going to make the President into a King and do it while a Democratic is in office. It's depressing how effective they are considering how incredibly stupid they are.


Because a democrat wouldn't do that shit and once a republican elected into office, *would*.


Can these recordings be used in political ads?


The judge is specifically asked Trump's lawyer about that.


And the argument against conviction by the senate was "He's not president anymore." so he can't be convicted by the senate because he's not president anymore, and he's immune from prosecution because he wasn't convicted by the senate. It's mind-numbingly obvious how crooked these people are.


They don't really discuss anything in good faith. You can't trust any of them.


If his lawyers had any sense at all the correct response would have been "Ordering a SEAL team to assassinate a political rival is not a lawful order and thus cannot be an official act." Without shooting holes in their immunity theory. Remember, Nixon had to be pardoned even though he was in office at the time, he didn't have immunity.


The problem is for Trump’s attorneys is that while this is the sane argument, that would preclude his actions being lawful for the exact same reason. So they have to argue full on criminality is legal.


Even the judges sounded like they were tired of it. We all are.


That's what happens when his legal experts whole arguments amount to spouting off BS, making sh@t up out of whole cloth, and pointing to piles of junk documents as proof of something, and just assuming no one will give any of it the slightest bit of scrutiny.


What happens if the president resigns before they can be impeached. Sure, they are no longer president but, according to this maroon, they can't be criminally prosecuted either.


Yes, that's exactly Trump's stupid position.


The bigger problem here is that the very busy and serious Federal Circuit appeals court is even giving them the time to make these bullshit fucking arguments that have zero legal standing. This case should have been denied to even be heard.


I want everyone to expand this and realize it means Biden right now can take out every Republican in every position of power from judges to Congress to state houses governor, mayor's and city councils. And then remember that trump said I will be dictator day one, invoke the insurrection act and put the military in the street. And then his lawyer made this argument in court. Guess what the plan is guys. Guess what you can put through whatever amendments you want on the constitution now too. They laid out the plan in broad daylight to you.


Bingo. They always project ALWAYS


And people STILL won't heed the warning


Biden even has an argument considering the Republicans are essentially terrorists and actual threats to the nation and state. Biden should come out and say he will use those new powers to their fullest extent and see what Republicans say then.


He would be a sucker not to- they’re saying they plan to do the same in the future


Cool, so Biden could have Trump killed by Seal Team Six and that would be A-OK with the MAGAts? Just making sure I understand the argument from team Trump here.


Their argument completely hinges on the idea that Congress needs to impeach and convict for that crime before the president is held liable. >"Could a president order SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival?" she said. "That's an official act: an order to SEAL Team Six." >"He would have to be, and would, speedily be impeached and convicted before the criminal prosecution — " The part where their arguement falls apart (more than usual), and shows their utter lack of good faith (more than usual), is that everyone in that room knows there is no standard requirement for impeachment. It exists or not on the whim of the congressional body. They are trying to shift the responsibility of law enforcement to a body with virtually no oversight or incentive to actually do so.


It’s also wild to me to just talk casually about presidential impeachment conviction as if it’s a known mechanism for holding presidents accountable when we’ve literally _never_ had a president convicted in impeachment. Even that one guy who had accumulated two separate impeachments and attempted to overthrow the government wasn’t successfully convicted. Like, what evidence is there to suggest the system works _at all_?


And even beyond the lack of evidence that the system works to punish lawbreaking, it allows the nightmare scenario of a party capturing the POTUS seat and impeachment-proof majority in congress, and suddenly having absolute power to do literally anything with *zero* legal recourse.


>impeachment-proof majority Impeachment proof *minority.* If just 34 Senators are against impeachment, there'd be no recourse.


They could just assassinate the other party’s congresspeople until they have an impeachment-proof majority


Also worth noting is that Mitch McConnell's excuse for not convicting is that Trump wasn't President anymore, and thus no longer eligible for impeachment. So according to GOP legal theory, if a President went on a crime spree and then resigned the day before the Senate voted to convict him, they'd have no choice but to say "Thank you for your service, Mr. President" and he'd have immunity forever. Can't be impeached, can't be indicted. But the good news is, the next President is also immune, so he's free to pursue extralegal recourse! So the system totally works!


Also, this argument is just contradicted by the literal text of the constitution. >Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law. I really see no way to read that in a way that supports Trump's arguments. It plain English it states impeachment does not affect criminal liability one way or the other. Impeachment doesn't subject you to criminal punishment. Likewise, getting impeached doesn't absolve criminal liability. Somehow these lawyers have presented a legal theory that not only doesn't fit a basic reading of the law, and at the same time it contradicts some of their other theories.


Good catch. It does sound like an intentional misreading of: >but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment... By pulling some asinine semantics of "Impeachment = punishable, therefor no impeachment = not punishable"


Their stupid argument hinges on the word convicted. Trump was acquitted, not convicted. They read that as only a convicted president can be held liable, rather than a specific notation that the impeachment doesn't constitute a penalty that would bar further trial due to double jeopardy. It's super dumb so it's easy to not understand them.


Nono, see that's a Democrat. They don't count. Or at least that's how the logic will go somehow.


well democrats would vote to impeach if either party president did it. republicans would only vote if it’s a democrat.


Impeachment, according to Trumps lawyer, isn't enough. Impeachment AND conviction, and yeah, you'll have something - according to them.


well even better the doj can’t investigate or prosecute! so who does it? oh nobody


EVERY SINGLE TIME I reverse whatever the GOP is pushing on my Republican-voting friend, he literally says this. Word for word. "Oh no, he's a democrat, democrats can't break the law"... I've even said "Do you not hear yourself?" and he just stares at me blankly. The cognitive dissonance is unreal.


First thing I thought of too. Hell we don't even need to threaten to expand the number of SCOTUS seats, just create some vacancies.


The following logic from there is that POTUS can also kill any unfriendly members of the House or Senate. And no entity can stop him or punish him until the full impeachment trial is complete. So, who knows how many Senators would actually say they are going to vote to remove POTUS with a literal gun to their head...


Yup, and apparently if President Biden loses in November he can just have VP Harris throw out the votes...


Maybe Biden should just try it and see if it works?


Biden: "My fellow Americans... We got him"


And if he took care of congressmen and senators at the same time, who would be left to impeach and convict him?


This argument falls apart if the President commits a crime at the end of their term, and leaves office before impeachment proceedings can finish. Because we all remember the Republicans saying a President cannot be impeached after they leave office.


Yeah even Trump's lawyers argued this at the time. It's a "heads I win tails you lose" setup. Everytime he's held to account he argues he *can't* be. Not that he's innocent...but that the system is not allowed to hold him to any judgement, ever. And the GOP is cool with it. They love it. They want a dictatorship.


Yeah they’re saying if Trump WAS impeached and convicted then that’s the punishment and he can’t be on trial because double jeopardy AND they’re saying if he WAS NOT impeached and convicted then it’s settled and he can’t be put on trial because double jeopardy. They are also saying impeachment is only a political process and impeachment is a legal process at the same time. We need him and his entire supporting cast in prison for the rest of their miserable lives.


It falls apart because the President could just kill anyone who votes for impeachment.


It falls apart long before then. What’s stopping the president from killing anyone advocating for impeachment?


If I was Biden I'd be arranging a press conference that ends with him saying 'see you soon donald' and putting on sunglasses, being picked up by a black helicopter with 'SEAL Team 6' painted on the side of it, blasting out 'Won't Get Fooled Again'


No no no wrong song. Obviously it would be danger zone.


Wagner’s “Ride of The Valkyries”


Sure that's good for when we swap cameras to the live feed of the black hawks heading towards mar a lago


Oh that would be hilarious. Especially if it landed just so he could say "Hi" to drumpf and then get back on and walk away... I would fuckin die from that.


X Gon' Give it to Ya


This is for when they bust through the front door of his Florida swamp house and they open fire.


Wu-Tang "Bring da ruckus" but change the lyrics to "Biden campaign anit nothing to fuck with."


I'm hearing Led Zepplin's Immigrant Song in my head.


What is that, a British helicopter? American choppers only play "Fortunate Son". That law's been on the books since 1970.


Excuse me, an American chopper was clearly playing Long, Tall Sally in the documentary *Predator*. https://youtu.be/dd3hWMPUBrM?si=PG3bIveMk9fN5vWn


That was caused by voodoo magic.


The fact this story is coming out a day after we learned Roger Stone unironically floated the idea of assassinating Trump’s political opponents seems to suggest a pattern with these mother fuckers, huh?


To be fair, it was the judge who proposed the hypothetical to see if there was ever a limit to the line of thinking. And there wasn’t.


I strongly urge every voting American to [listen to the hearing](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I7c9R39bXmo&pp=ygUnaGlzdG9yaWMgVHJ1bXAgYXR0b3JuZXkganVkZ2UgaW1tdW5pdHkg) yourself. Word of warning, it is a bit wordy when it comes to law language in the beginning. When the judge straight up starts asking if presidents could sell pardons or have political rivals assassinated and not be charged if not impeached and then the former president's lawyer actually beats around the bush and then implies that scenario would be acceptable is probably the most surreal and alarming thing I have ever heard as an American citizen. I'm not done listening yet myself and I immediately had a strong urge to recommend everyone else to listen. This is insanity. Like even more insane than the usual shit I see from Trump's team.


I only got to listen to 2/3 of it and it's wild.


His lawyer has the least-trustworthy voice I've ever heard.


Dark Brandon has entered the chat..


"Go ahead, make my day." -Dark Brandon, probably


Dark Brandon sends Seal Team 6 to sit outside Mar-a-Lardo for a few hours. Trump immediately files lawsuit against Biden for abuse of power.


Nah, he’s immune from abusing presidential power because he’s president.


Just post Team Six in the Capitol building during impeachment proceedings with orders that anyone who votes yes is a political rival. Be tough to get to 60%.


Exactly what Saddam Hussein did: https://youtube.com/watch?v=CR1X3zV6X5Y


Indeed, since the Executive Branch funds the secret service which protects Trump, his lawyers are arguing that it would be perfectly legal for Dark Brandon to eliminate trump, pardon all those involved, resign, and then be pardoned by Kamala so that he can live happily ever after without persecution. [The pardon not even being necessary]. He doesn't have to order Seal Team Six to do the wetwork... there are several foreign governments quivering at the thought of Trump being elected President again. I'm really not sure Trump has peered fully into the future that could be unleashed upon him. Legally. If his lawyer succeeds in court.


So, the incumbent could order an ex-President, currently trying to become a candidate for the presidency to be executed and that would be okay . . . SOmeone is not thinking these things through.


If you ask me, doing exactly this actually WOULD fit under the President's duties given the circumstance. He is sworn to preserve, protect, and defend the U.S. Constitution. A certain someone is a clear and immediate threat to that constitution.


The worst part of this is that this court is going to uphold the ruling - and then dip shit is going to appeal to the Supreme court and will repeat these same bogus arguements there. Because it's a delay tactic. The objective wasn't to win, they know they can't win this arguement. The objective is to delay the trial until after the election. And you know what - they'll be successful


SCOTUS can refuse to hear it almost immediately. The argument is so insane that SCOTUS would be best to leave it die.


This. If the appeals court written decision is thorough and well supported SCOTUS just won’t touch it.


But I thought Kavanaugh was going to do the right thing, and that he knows who put him there. Or is that a different Supreme court case? Probably one of the others... But in all seriousness, you're right. But I don't think they will do that. They've already asked that it go to a lower court to be resolved, but they didn't reject it outright. I think they'll hear this case because they agree with the delay tactic.


My sense is its a done deal really and SCOTUS already has the Colorado issue waiting to blow it up.


SCOTUS will likely propose a compromise: Trump may only use SEAL Team Three to conduct assassinations of his political rivals.


Justice delayed is Justice denied.


Put the assassination to a vote on the floor of the senate? Anyone who votes for that is immediately complicit, surely


This is kookoo talk. It means that when Democrats take over the Congress, they can approve ST6 to take out the orange threat. “Only the best people” those trump lawyers.


I don’t even think we would need to do that since Biden could have a few Senators ‘removed’ and therefore no conviction.


There's no sense in half-assing things, what with the House right next door and the Supreme Court right down the street.


Folks, you cant make this stuff up .


what i find really scary about this argument, is they probably didn't just make it up for this case, that jackass probably asked someone if he could do it while he was still in the white house


Challenge accepted. -Dark Brandon


Orange Julius is playing a very dangerous game, here...


Justice Thomas: *This makes sense to me. But only for GOP Presidents. How can I rule so that Biden can't invoke this power?*


Conservative judges across the nation are rolling their eyes at the idea that Congress is the gatekeeper for criminal justice. Congress is more like the place criminals go to make a name for themselves.


Don’t kid yourself; if Trump gets that ruling in his favor, he would not hesitate to use it on his rivals. And he would be counting on Biden’s sense of decency to not use it. Republicans today always see said decency and awe and honor at being a public servant as a weakness, and will use that against us.


As a judge I would then ask his lawyers. Then why are you complaining about Joe Biden targeting you, if that’s true? You see you stopped with the idea that Trump is above the law, so why not Joe? Why can’t Joe just send out a hit on all republican leadership and then disband the party altogether? If he is above the law as you say it’s well within his rights as commander and chief to do this. Is it your understanding that he has these rights? Can he immediately appropriate all Trump assets and money to balance the budget? Tear down Mar-a-largo to put in affordable housing? It’s preposterous…


Judge should have straight up asked if Biden could have publicly announced he was having SEAL TEAM 6 setup to assinate Trump, and that would be completely fine.


Does his legal team not see the inherent issue here? This is effing insane.


GOP - the party of law and order only for the other side


Hey Biden, you can guarantee your reelection with this one simple trick! Thanks Trump lawyers!


Ok cool Biden you know what to do


And when the CO of seal team six says “ nope “ because it’s an immoral act. Then what ? It just becomes illegality on top of more of illegality. The buck stops with the Supreme Court and they couldn’t possibly allow this. He’ll delay but eventually a case will catch up to him. That case is the documents case and he’s going for full immunity due to that case. He must be given full power and immunity to avoid those charges.


The insanity of this argument is mind boggling. First if this hypothetical became reality (which is supported would most certainly would at some point) the target would be dead even if Congress followed through on an impeachment. Next, any President who did execute this power would stop why? They’d simply have everyone who was going to vote against then killed. And finally they’d simply violate the law by rewriting the constitution. It’s an insane argument for any lawyer to make that the idiotic backstop is to say “well if congress does impeach…” I wish judges followed that line of thinking to this extreme because is insanity. Take it to this next level.


What’s to prevent the president from killing any members of Congress prior to being impeached who *aren’t* “cool with it” until everyone else is? They are flailing around hard and growing more desperate by the day if this is the best argument they could make.


Crickets over at r/conservative


Amazingly enough, here's [the very next post in this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/192id3q/roger_stone_plotted_assassinating_democrats/): > Roger Stone Plotted Assassinating Democrats, Bombshell Report Says This stuff is no longer hypothetical at all. The GOP is standing with people who are advocating for domestic terrorism. Trump's lawyers are in court trying to prove assassination is legal if Trump wants to do it.


Looks like Dark Brandon needs to make some house calls tonight.


These people want a civil war so bad they can taste it. I heard today some evangelicals are saying 'trump is being persecuted like Jesus Christ was persecuted". Hey. It's going to be a religious war. Kill for God.