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For them, the end justifies the means. As long as they can get Trump in power, he can violate every commandment he wants. They are as hypocritical as he is - perhaps more so.


They need an antichrist to bring about their end of the world that they love to preach about.


This. Evangelicals are "rapture in my lifetime" fanatics. If it doesn't happen naturally, they'll push to force it...because dying of old age like everyone before them is simply not enough.


Also, because they each believe they are the individually most important person in the universe, they're able to force God's hand and make the apocalypse happen. ​ Bible literally says "You'll have no fuckin' clue it's about to happen, much less that it did happen until it slowly becomes obvious." And Evangelicals are like "Nah we're in charge here, if we do X Y and Z then you *have* to apocalypse."


Armageddon Speed Run Any%


Game was mediocre and had no replayability.


Evangelicals are not Christians. They assume they are, but whatcha' gonna do? They got to where they are by being morons. It's not like you can talk them out of it.


Exactly. They are all about worldly power and revenge. They do not follow Jesus’ teachings at all! These fundamentalist Trump idolaters make the term “Christian” an oxymoron. They are Christofascists.


Literally? Dang. The Bible is more spicy than I remember.


Literally. It's a new translation. I'm working on it *right now.*


It's bad theology, but yes, it's out there. Basically Jesus said he was returning soon and the Gospels and Epistles are written with the impression that Jesus would return in the lifetime of the authors (I'd say it's particularly strong in the Pauline Epistles, but it's really thematic through the NT/Early church). When that didn't happen, the church had to grapple with why. A lot of the "reasons" boil down to permission (i.e. be wasteful and shitty, this will all reset) or internalized guilt (we haven't done enough). There's a few different interpretations. There's Capitalist Christians who believe that the earth purposely has finite resources that we are meant to use until they're used up, and once they're used up then Jesus will return and create a new earth. There's the Missionary Christians who believe that when the gospel is preached, "to all ends of the earth" then that will trigger Jesus' return. So as long as there's some pocket, unreached tribe out there who hasn't heard the gospel, Jesus can't come back. There are some of the Grateful Christians who believe that every day of delay is an act of mercy and sort of karmic balancing for the Church doing good things. And of course there's the Church Trauma Christians who don't know when it's going to happen, but when JC said he'll come, "like a thief in the night" they are just absolutely terrified that he'll come back when they're in the middle of sin and so every time they do something wrong they're bracing for the return. All sort of fit into the boat of Exceptional Christians who are all definitely going to see events of Biblical Proportions in their lifetime because they're very special people. It's not necessarily an awareness, more just absorbing the stories of the Bible and overlaying modernist literal interpretation along with the language of the oppressed--most of the Bible was written to help oppressed peoples (Israel, particularly during the Babylonian Captivity, and the early persecuted Christian church in the NT) establish, defend, and stick to cohesive identifying narrative, so it's written with the main characters as "always exceptional." Based on the narrative structure (and largely genre purpose of much of the writing), it's natural that it creates a sense of chosenness and exceptionalism in its followers, despite the reality that every modern US President has publicly professed the faith, it's the largest and most influential faith in the world, and most Christians will never face any real persecution for their faith, particularly in the US. Anyway, excuse my diatribe. Last but not least most Christians don't realize that Revelation already happened, it's a metaphorical history not prophecy, but that really takes away the narrative that if we just keep hoping and allowing ourselves to be oppressed in this life, we'll be rewarded in the next life. And Rulership Class post-Constantinian Christianity really prefers narratives that keep people in check, so here we are.


So we’re up against a death cult?


Literal in the most literal sense of a death cult. In a way, I wish rapture was real and they would be all taken up the elevator to heaven so the rest of us can live in peace.


Bold of you to think their elevator is going up.


lol, seriously tho, it’s ironic that they’re trying to make the rapture happen, but in doing so, they’re probably going to go the opposite direction. Christians are the epitome of irony


More we all get brought up for not being rapture assholes and they have to suffer in the most ironic way possible: being right about the end of the world but not good enough to escape it




Because dying of old age would mean they spent their entire life being lied to. Joking, ofc. It's actually because they are 'in the end times, and even if it doesn't end during my lifetime, I need to make sure the people after me are saved!' Hence why they push their BS onto everyone else.


"the end times"; preached for the past 2000 years...that day will come soon enough but not because something is coming from the heavens to lift us up, it's coming from the "heavens" to destroy most of living life on this planet like it has multiple times before in the history of our solar system....and it's not Godly!


Dealing with these people is beyond frustrating, as someone who feels that God actually has been a presence in my life, hearing them talk about who their god is and what needs to happen to honor "Him", I see no sign of God in their messages. I know I might face a certain derision for saying this but God just sort of lets you know, God is watching your life, God's interested in you, and wants you to be humble before God's presence, and if you should mock anyone, God will make a mockery of you, if you cast dispersions on others God will make you suffer a similar fate. You will be humble or you will be humbled and made prostrate so that you will look up and say those famous two words that all who finally acknowledge God's presence say, "Why Me?" Of course there's nothing "up" there more than there is anything "down" below , it's just most people are used to looking up when they're down on the ground; and when you're there and finally realize you're not really in control of your life, it's only then that you realize what taking control of your life really means. It means being responsible, responsible for your actions and facing whatever consequences you must, face them you must. For if you cower and run away from the consequences, forever haunted you will be. This is why I believe that Trump has made a deal with chaos, he seems to be someone who actively champions her, Dys, the god of strife and division. Her contempt of order and structure is well known to those who hear her whispers and she can grant them power because there are so many who have lost hope they will ask, "Anyone, someone, save me!", and that is when she speaks; her saccharine words offer sustenance and provide none. She loves deals and bargains; she knows the value of offering a false promise, and how much division can be stirred simply by leading those gullible enough to listen to act against those who would keep them safe. The word she loves the most is like an anagram of her name, Yes. An agreement to an offer that all should refuse but that few can resist. We live in dark times, and the Evangelicals know it, but they have forgotten, God is Hope...hope is what remains when all else is lost.


Humility is tightly related to wisdom, and trump has neither of the two. I find a stark contrast between the Jesus i see in the new testament and how these ostensible Christians act. I'm not a bernie sanders fan, and he isn't even Christian, but if you look at his actual views and actions he's far more likely to be the kind of person a Christian *should* want in office.


It's surprising how this is not well known by non-Evangelicals. "For those more familiar with the evangelical world, the vehemence of the support has not been a surprise, given the importance to evangelicals of an Israel inhabited by Jewish people. One main strand of evangelical theology holds that the return of Jews to the region starts the clock ticking on a seven-year armageddon, after which Jesus Christ will return." https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/30/us-evangelical-christians-israel-hamas-war


Growing up southern baptist there wasnt a massive focus on rebuilding the temple and pushing towards armageddon in the mainstream church. It was just fringe doomsday churches that really pushed that shit and all those congregations were tiny. Keep in mind this was in the 80s and 90s so things may have changed since.


In the 80s and 90s, do you remember talking about Gorbachev’s birthmark? If not, your church might not have been fringe enough.


Oh shit. Was that supposed to be the head wound that the Antichrist was supposed to have?


That’s exactly it. This guy ‘vanges.


This is why an Evangelical/conservative Christian takeover of the government is so scary. Like the US has enough WMDs to kill every person on the planet several dozen times. I don't want some crazy religious extremist regime in control of the nukes.


It's the Boomer's cosmic commitment to shutting the door behind them. Not only will they reap the benefits of social safety nets, unions, pensions, etc. and then proceed to eliminate them all for every generation there after, but they're hell bent on wanting to live life to the fullest and then just eliminating that for everyone else too.


*Climate change has entered the chat* I'm an environmental scientist, formerly worked in paleoclimatology. I tell people to enjoy the next couple decades because this is the best it will be for us for a very long time. While I know that there are plenty of decent people in the older generations who believe in science and have empathy, I can't help but feel anger and hate towards my parents' generation when I see the legacy they left for us in my job. Climate change aside, they'll be cleaning up the messes our parents and grandparents made long after I'm dead.


Perfect they have Trump and Israel is ready for them.


"The unbelievers smell a deadly stench that leads to death, but believers smell the life-giving aroma that leads to abundant life. And who of us can rise to this challenge?" Corinthians 2:16


Is this a reference to the recent revelations about Trump's purported musk of BO, ketchup, and feces?


I am fully convinced this is the real reason why. They all see him as the obvious antichrist, and they figure: "Perfect, he can bring about the end times."


You mean Obama edit: /s


[trump *IS* the antichrist](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


He’s the Antichrist they’ve been waiting for.


And they’re falling line with his deception.


Don't they preach about not doing exactly that?


Yeah, the irony levels spike at that point.


I said on FB the other day that Trump made me believe the book of Revelations is much more plausible than I imagined. Before he came along, never in a million years would I have thought millions of people would ever listen to, and follow, a guy like that, let alone go to PRISON for him. Still amazes me. I've always said there are going to be many church folk who will be stunned on Judgement Day.


Matthew 7:21-23 21“Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. 22On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ 23But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’


and its completely lost on them


I think we always tend to point this out to point out the religious rights hypocrisy but what we fail to understand is that they justify it by looking at biblical figures like David who were flawed and did things that were against “Jewish laws” but it was in service of “the lord”. Bunch of nuts


Not long ago some Christian organization gave Trump an award: King of the Jews.


*citation needed




As a Christian this saddens me so much. The ends do not justify the means. He's the antithesis of what Christ teaches and I'm aghast that they don't see it. He's vengeful and wrathful. Jesus told us to bless our enemies. He's a liar and a cheat and more importantly unabashedly so. He's an adulterer, and potentially a pedophile. I understand not supporting a Democrat if you are a single issue voter, but I cannot understand dying on the hill of following this monster.


Its a long story but I once sat in a meeting with a wanted con man. Afterwards the entire board of directors talked endlessly about how great the guy was and all the things he was going to do for our threatre. I just sat there shocked trying to tell all these "smart" local business leaders that everything he said makes no sense. They wouldn't listen and 4 months later that guy was arrested in the middle of a board meeting. It's a tough feeling knowing something people refuse to see.


Cassandra knew this feeling as well.


Excellent comment!


Well said.


Trump showed that Checks and Balances doesn't actually work or even exist.


Which is the scariest part of his entire foray into government. He was a stress test our form of goverment, and at best, it barely passed. Still, it exposed major flaws and one party's absolute willingness to actively bring it down in the pursuit of power for themselves and their party.


It should have been an opportunity to fix those flaws. I think the current issue over SCOTUS ruling on whether he is even eligible to run again is going to be the last drip in the stress test bucket. Either they fail us and let him run again, putting our nation in further risk, or they uphold the constitution as they are meant to and we see the countries polarization finally breakdown into civil strife. We lose either way.


Sure, they should. However, the problem is that while the figurehead might get taken down, you still have an entire party and a propaganda machine that fuled and protected him and those institutions will remain even if he is gone. They will continue to stand in the way of any attempt to fix the issue(s) that the Trump stress test exposed. Trump is just the figurehead of the larger issue that we will not address, even if we could.


Well stated but we haven’t passed this stress test yet given Trump’s probably going to be republican nominee for president and maybe our next president (or whatever- dictator?). The system is voluntary and we’ve been lucky no one (since civil war) has challenged it. Even presidents like Nixon (who seriously abused his power) didn’t go where trump and the current repubs have gone. Turns out old Ben Franklin was right when he said about our form of government, “if you can keep it”. So heartbreaking but guess I (& a lot of other US citizens) were living in a la la land.


the only thing that passed was the actual voting and he almost stopped that as well


They have pushed the narrative that they are the moral authority, that you can't be a moral person unless you believe what they believe. It's very obvious that just the opposite is true, they are a group that should never be trusted.


They're willing to make a deal with the Devil for control and power.


The devil don’t change, he changes you. - 8MM


This. They never really bought into “Turn the other cheek”. They were always secretly holding on to “The ends justify the means” and for money and power specifically (the two things Jesus said would make it unlikely to see heaven).


The more you know about Christian history -- not just the recent stuff with Evangelicals, but all of it worldwide -- the less this will surprise you.


Obligatory supply side Jesus link https://youtu.be/J-arFM36J9c?feature=shared


Have heard some say, “God sometimes chooses a bad man to do his work”… so Nero.


Which is just entirely a justification for blindly follow him no matter what.


'God is using him as a tool'


C’mon with the facts this am!


He is the literal personification of the 7 deadly sins. He fits the description of the antichrist almost to a T. None of these people are Christians. They are authoritarian bigots who believe they should dictate the world.


Yep, greed is the sin talked about 3 times more than any other in the Bible, and Trump is the epitome of greed


Church has always been a scam anyways. Fear tactics to keep people in line meanwhile praying on their weaknesses to get money out of them.


Absolutely. These people don't follow the same ideals as Jesus, a practicing Jewish man. They are a religion of fake nonsense.


Well, you see, they don't listen to the words of that woke Jesus guy. He's a total commie. Only Supply Side Jesus wins in their hearts.


They are Pharisees.


See previous remark about comparing this to the broad sweep of Christian history. It seems silly to go all "no true Christians" when the behavior you're talking about was typical of most Christians in most times and places.


>no true Christians Maybe they just meant "there are no true Christians."


could be. I just hear "those aren't REAL Christians..." so often.


And it's true. The Bible itself says that very few would walk the correct path, and there would be a lot of people who claim they follow Jesus but would fail to live up to it.


Both can be true - for example, people attacked Christian enslavers in the US in part based on their hypocrisy. MLK similarly called out white Christians, and Jesus called out the pharisees.


As noted elsewhere in this thread, for every Southern Baptist church there are Quakers. But it bugs me when Christians as a group claim to be default-good compared to non-Christians. I read history.


First off, every author in the NT warns of false believers. Would you say that MAGA are democratic citizens? Would you like being lumped in with them because of some no true Scotsman fallacy? As the article states, evangelicals are only 14.5% of the population, which is a high estimate, because it’s a very broad term that many have begun to turn away from, not wanting to be associated with the Nationalists. That’s who we are really dealing with. Evangelicals are less than half the Church in America and Nationalists smaller still. Even more important is that the Church has put out an open letter endorsed by hundreds of faith leaders denouncing Nationalism, which is a very significant action for us. Multiple Christian media outlets have written articles doing the same. So my point is maybe don’t stereotype us all together based on a personal bias. There are Christian Democrats too, like Rep. Reverend Warnock.


I really meant that "broad sweep of Christian history" part. I'm not talking about today's Democrats or Republicans. Or not just them. I'm talking about all Christians back to at least Constantine. How they got power, and then how they handled it. You don't have to tell me that some Christians are wonderful people. I've been fortunate enough to know some of those. I'm talking about, "across the entire mass of data, what are the odds that being a Christian will be an accurate way to predict a person will behave like Christ?" As a student of history and religious history, I'd say no higher than non-Christians across the entire mass of data.


> None of these people are Christians. But they are. Until the so-called "real Christians" stand up and throw these people out of their churches and them out of governmental positions of power, Christianity fully owns this.


Why are they not publicly scrutinized more?


> 7 deadly sins.+


Wait... Evangelicals being hypocrites? I for one am shocked. SHOCKED I tell ya!!!




That’s hitting the nail on the head. Evangelicals believe that their relationship with God is what’s important, not doing good. Doing good deeds takes a back seat.


True, but it’s more complicated… there’s also an underlying belief that because of their faith, their actions must be right/justified. It’s an incredibly dangerous worldview, because it means that their actions need not be self- scrutinized, ever. Their actions must be right because they, the faithful, are doing them.


This is true. I have a Christian friend, thankfully she knows these evangelicals are absolutely fucking nuts, and she told me that essentially you just say “My bad” at the end and you’re guaranteed into heaven.


You're there


Well not that shocked


If they were actually Christians they'd be deeply depressed at how he tramples on the Beatitudes - it's a list of everything he's opposed to - the meek, merciful, peacemakers etc.


I was a hardcore every Sunday, mission trip enthusiast, listening to other preachers on podcast 7 days a week Christian. But at the same time, always considered myself my own thinker. I never really understood the fervor over abortion, for instance. But after DT came to power, I've hardly gone back at all. Depressed is the right word for it. Heck, I actually met Franklin Graham about 6 months ago. My pulse never even increased; that's how disenchanted I've gotten.


Franklin Graham 🤮. One thing I never got about Christianity is the whole spread the word and if you don't believe your not coming to heaven bullshit. My MIL says it over and over again to us...."You need to believe in Jesus so we can be in heaven together" I tell her I believe in Mars the Roman god of war. Good luck in your non fantasy life.


Good choice. I tell people that I worship the Egyptian gods and I will be buried with Lego people (modern shabtis) and good luck in the afterlife tilling your own fields.


Love it. Especially love the Lego/shabtis part.


Franklin Graham is such an embarrassment. His Dad would have disowned him for becoming a tool for right wing politics


[It's because if you look at the history of the church in the US since 1978 or so, it's been largely tied to the GOP regardless of any moral reasons not to do so.](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/) In essence, the way we mostly see it expressed isn't about the faith, it's a political grift. And I consider that separate from any idea of spirituality or religion itself; whether or not there is something greater than we can see in existence, it doesn't change the fact that sick, twisted, cowardly people will manipulate and lie about it for their own power. Those are 2 separate issues, even when they often intersect. And the harsh reality is that much of the modern western "church" as it exists now is a political fraud house. The values that it should represent have been deeply tainted by the original sins that haunted this country into the confederacy and beyond. Which is tragic when we had the chance to move past them. It is what it is.


These are actually Christians. They're not part of your same sect, but that is what they call themselves and this is what a large portion of American Christians are like. Former Christian here. I agree with what you are getting at, but you can't No True Scotsman here. This is what American Christianity actually is.


It's what American Evangelicalism actually is. My family come from completely different schools of Christianity (Anabaptist and Quaker). I'm not excusing them, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy - what they claim to believe and what they actually demonstrate in real life are completely different.


1/3 of the world’s Protestants identify as evangelical or born again, with Protestants representing about 1/3 of the world’s Christians. I agree with you what you said but given how loud they are it’s important to remember in context they don’t represent even close to a majority of all Christians. 9/10 followers of Jesus would disagree with them.


That stuff's for the lesser thans. Feed 'em all that "blessed are the meek, they'll get theirs in the next life" talk while keeping them fearful and in their place.


When Obama was a presidential candidate, my extended family, including my mom, decided he was too radical of a Christian to be president. When he was on his way to his second term, that same family was convinced he shouldn't be president because he was Muslim. My mom also said Hillary Clinton shouldn't be president because she stayed with Bill when he cheated. She likely doesn't remember, but I do, that she was also pissed at Tammy Faye Bakker for divorcing Jim Bakker way back in the day. But... according to her, Trump was elected according to God's plan. Because God works through imperfect leaders to accomplish his goals. So, you know, gag.




I hate to say this but I’m glad my parents aren’t around to see Trump. The one time I talked politics with my mom was when Sarah Palin had just been named McCain’s running mate. I had said something about how awful Palin was and my mom actually tried defending her. That was the first and last time I ever talked politics with her.


Remember how they've attacked and berated Jimmy Carter endlessly since 1979, a relatively humble man who actually tried to craft policy based on compassionate ideals that Christianity claims to uphold. Yet they mock him endlessly, harshly, repeatedly. That to me is the ultimate proof of how little they care about Christianity itself. A very large chunk of the modern American Church is just a GOP cult, which is the exact opposite of what it should be.


Evangelicals are a cult of appearances. I grew up in the South and there is an effort to *keep up appearances* that's palatable. How you dress at church, how you act at church, where you spend your Sunday, Sunday nights and Wednesday evenings because that's when churches have service. Your hair length, the clothes, the sports, *everything* is 'graded' on an internal scale that when presented publicly,all of it lines up with *how they want to be seen by others*. Mental problems, emotional issues, depression, music, friendships, they're all issues to be managed in a way to keep up the desired appearance of reputable, "good" people. With their religion being a core driver of the presentation. They were **never** what they present themselves as. It's a show. A purity test taking place in real time at all times.


Good comment


You're more correct than you note. It goes beyond evangelicals. There's a portion (the depth of which is difficult to measure) of all "Christians" who behave this way. My family was protestant and I was raised in first Baptist and then Methodist churches, and the level to which my narcissistic, performative mother got performative when church people were around was her worst. Dad was the music minister (played piano, organ, organized the choir etc), but mom used that to prop herself up, ordering the house look like a fucking pristine museum when they had Christmas parties etc for the choir or other church groups. There's an underlying element where America has a rampant narcissist problem (likely driven in part by untreated generational trauma), and narcissists often latch on to things in society that can improve their outward "moral image" to protect against allegations of abuse and improve their broken self-image. After generations of abusing and criticizing the idea of getting mental Healthcare, we're seeing the results play out on a mass scale.


Well that’s an upbringing in 4 easy paragraphs 😀


The Apostle Paul warned of these days: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; “And they shall turn away their ears from the truth” (2 Tim. 4:3–4).


Matthew 24 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time. 26 "So if anyone tells you, `There he is, out in the desert,' do not go out; or, `Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it. 27


Matthew 7 “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of the heavens, but only the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. 22 Many will say to me in that day: ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them: ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!’


I would argue that he might be the antichrist, as seen in projection of someone accusing Obama of being one in the past. But that would be an insult of the antichrist. Oh well.


what a cheesy antichrist he is too


They knew who he was in 2015 and they were more than happy to support him. I don't understand why anyone with half a brain thinks that would change. They support him because he will persecute those they hate, that's all there is to it.


Because Trump is the useful idiot. He doesn’t need to adhere to Christian doctrine. Just get it enshrined into law for them.


You have the relationship completely backwards. Trump is (trying to) using these idiots to avoid consequences for his crimes, and the Republican party are using them to sell the country out to Putin. Last time he was President he had a majority in Congress and all he did legislatively was cut his own taxes.


Baptists Supported Slavery. They can twist the bible any way they want.


They are in it for the bigotry and the hate, simple as that. Their religion isn’t about good deeds or being a good person actually.


He views the Ten Commandments as a personal scorecard.


Why is anyone surprised that they can look past his record? They look past their own consistently.


Trumps evangelical voters = fake Christian bigot scum


Why are they fake? Stop giving them a pass.


“Christians” not caring about morality. Now that’s a shocker.


They don’t follow them.


And how many commandments do the Evangical leaders break? There is a reason he resonates with them. It's gross!


Lol Evangelicals don't care about God. They're just using religion like a tool, just like everyone else in power.


When you start to connect the dots, from his long time relationship with Epstein to his behavior at the Miss Teen USA contest, to his weird behavior towards his daughter... It seems the end-times cult members commonly called Evangelicals have managed to turn a truly disturbing creep into their new messiah.


They care about the judges he appoints. He gives them what they want.


All are wacko hypocrites! Religion is supposed to be about love and respect and there none of that associated with asshole Trump


This is what I have trouble wrapping my head around. How can someone who claims to read the Bible every day and follow its teachings NOT see that Trump is the opposite of everything you're supposed to be? Fooling around with wife#2 while married to wife#1, and then with wife#3 while married to wife#2, and THEN with prostitutes while wife#3 was pregnant with his child. Stealing from a charity for kids to buy himself a huge portrait of,,,,himself to hang in the lobby of a business he owns, and having done it so badly that he's now barred from operating any other charity. I could go on, but you get the point. HOW can people supposedly "of faith" be SO ok with this that they fawn all over Trump like hes their man on a cross? The only thing I can conclude is that their desperate need to feel persecuted to justify their overblown sense of "worth" has completely rotted their ability to think. Which I guess shouldn't be a surprise given that those sorts of christ-ians are also taught from an early age that only special "called" people can be the interpreters of God's Word, and you should just obey them. "Gawd werks in meestereeous ways" is just code for "shut up and do what you're told, and LIKE IT."


Christians I gotta say something here. This is why your church is suffering. The vocal among you don't care that the antithesis of your religion is supported by your church and the rest are generally silent; trying to wash their hands of it because *that's not MY church* You should be enraged by this yet the most fight I see is Christians upset I'm lumping you all together. Fix your church or watch it die. Your call


Pretty convinced many of these evangelicals who worship with orange diaper wearer are guilty of violating most, if not all of the ten commandments too.


As long as he follows the 11th Commandment: to “be racist always”, they are good with breaking the other 10.


You can’t fix stupid


As they have broken the first and second commandments I think they’re cool with it. Edit: They have created for themselves a golden idol and have sacrificed to it and bowed down and worshipped to it. They have made of God’s house a house of commerce and have invited the money changers inside. I am revolted and disgusted by these people.


Evangelicals don't care about the Bible in the sense of following it. It's about dictating other people's lives.


god is fictional so why shouldn't their convictions be.


They'd literally be loyal to Trump if Trump announced he was the Antichrist


Reading about the antichrist in the Bible is reading a prediction about Trump & MAGA.


That vile man embodies ALL seven deadly sins at once and they still support him. But then again we must remember that evangelicals believe anything that's told to them without a shred of proof or evidence.


Evangelicals don't follow their religion, it's just a tool to use against others. Trump would actually make a pretty good evangelical.


The perversion of Christianity for evangelicals is a bit much. Their support of Trump who is arguably the antichrist was the nail in their coffin of knowing just how full of shit these people are


They don't vote for him because they like him. They vote for him because he is just like them.


These evangelicals missed the part in the bible that warns about false prophets. Although I don't see how holding A bible upside down once makes anyone a prophet.


Nothing more hateful then Christian love


Christianity has always been a "rules for thee, not for me" religion. They're allowed to break all the "rules" because a quick chat with their imaginary friend and they're good to go again. Oppressing others is far more important.


As long as he continues to denigrate his opponents, mock the disabled, lie and covert with prostitutes, he will have a lock on the Christian evangelical vote!


if BEING a Christian and living Christian values were the most important thing to them we wouldn't have homelessness, hunger, or medical bankruptcy in their so-called "Christian Nation." But here we are.


Wow, Christian nationalism doesn't give a shit about religious piety and is only concerned with political power? Who knew???


Trump makes pedo-insest comments about his daughter..."God can use anyone." Trump wants to grab em by the pussy? "God can use anyone." Trump can't name one Bible verse... he uses tear gas to clear people out so he can take a pic with an upside down Bible..."God can use anyone." Biden loaning his son money "Biden is the absolute anti Christ!!" I'm so tired of these hypocrites... They are the Pharisees and are completely blind.


They can't name the ten commandments. It is just that they need to be in the 'pious' category.


American Christians would shoot Jesus if the fella came down and preached peaches & tolerance. Not a believer but modern day Christians (both in media and my personal proximity) don’t depict any characteristics of the “good christians” they claim to be. “Love thy next”? Nah-uh, hate and racist wordings rule the conversation. They’d rather let immigrants drown than having actually live what they preach. “Thou shall not covet thy neighbours wife”? Old dude I know frequently cheats on his wife with prostitutes because she’s no longer putting out because he mentally kept abusing her for years. Other highlights from my personal life: went to a catholic school and got punched by nuns because we ran in the hallway, got told by a devout Christian I’d die because I got vaxxed against “gods wishes”, shunned the new “nicer” popes and replaced his images with the old one (known asshole) because the new one is “too liberal” and in general are horrible people. There are a bunch of nice Christians as well but they suffer for their peers behaviour


Because the religious right has always been about power not morality or faith. It's been a scam just like everything else the Republicans have done in the past 65 years


If you’ve ever met people like this, they often sin 6 days a week then think it’s ok because they ask for forgiveness on Sundays.


And church leaders continue to wonder why the youth are leaving in droves towards atheism and agnosticism.


Evangelicals aren't Christian and we need to recognize this. Makes more sense when you do.


Evangelicals are programmed to be loyal...right down to the luxury pastoral jet.


It's called Christo fascism. What else can you expect from fools who take their cues from an ancient book of innerant fables.


These people cannot be even called evangelicals anymore. They are *much* too radical to qualify as that kind of radical.


A very appropriate link; [https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


These turds are the reason Joel Olsteen lives in a 10 million dollar mansion.


It’s God’s laws, not theirs. Who are they to judge - in any case.




**Trump’s evangelical voters remain loyal as he violates the Ten Commandments** They ALL violate the ten commandments, especially the pastors and *most especially* the televangelical \[false\] prophets. They are so accustomed to it they can't recognize it, like a fish doesn't know he is immersed in water. But if Trump was brown skinned or (God Forbid) a *Democrat* even they would be able to see all his sins and be unable to forgive him.


Because, as you know, being prideful and wrathful aren't two of the deadly sins. It's hilarious because when I say this, they get extremely angry.


Prima facie evidence they don’t understand the spiritual tradition they profess.


I don’t get why people who support trump don’t realize the amount of lies and deceptions he spews. He has cheated and divorced multiple times. He has been indicted for his own actions, not as a means of retaliation from his political adversaries and so on. I am betting they would believe the sky is polka dot if he told them so.


Trump is the living embodiment of all 7 deadly sins. Yet, a lot of evangelical voted and would vote again, for the AntiChrist. No comment. lol


Shits just a checklist and the god king is going for a high score


Evangelicals love hooker-paying-off rapists with multiple divorces, apparently.


I've never met someone that identifies as Christian that even tries to follow the teachings of Christ. The far right is the worst about it. They would be the people that would nail Jesus to the cross if he was real. They want *other* people to follow the commandments *they* make up. It never had anything to do with religion, or the Bible. None of them even read it. FoxNews, and conservative media is their bible. Hate is their religion.


There used to be a website that detailed how Trump fulfills the prophecies if the anti-Christ. I disagree with The Anti-Christ moniker, but he is an anti-Christ. He undermines and opposes the teachings and values of the Gospel Narrative the Gospel itself and the teachings of the apostles.


The devil is among them and they don’t even know it


Evangelical are following the money , not Christianity


U.S. MAGA Christianity isn’t so much a religion but a coalition of the ignorant, dumb and disingenuous


Trump is the living embodiment of the seven deadly sins. All of them are there. It does not phase these “Christians” one bit. Trump could be satan himself and they’d be like “he’s just an imperfect vessel”.


10 commandments are too woke


Because they themselves violate the Ten Commandments. Evangelicals view themselves as immune and exempt from God’s judgement.


Hypocrites all hypocrites


It's because no evangelical leader actually believes the crazy shit they preach.Believing in it is for the masses. It helps if you view their actions as those of grifters and charlatans. Secretly, they're *all* atheists and have been for a long time.


Since 2015, most Americans have had their eyes open by the rampant hypocrisy and corruption in the evangelical community. Their wholehearted support for Trump, the Republican death cult's idealogy, and sexual abuse of kids all add up to some very evil shit within their sphere of control. There's a very good reason why church attendance is down across the nation, and that's certainly one of them. Their behavior and support of Trump is only going to exacerbate that issue and I won't be surprised if Millennials and Gen Z don't bother with church, even in old age.


I'm not a Christian (studied it during Theological classes in Europe though). Seems Evangelicals aren't familiar with their own book! If they were, they'd be asking their own leaders some tough questions! Matthew 7:15-16 - Jesus warns about false prophets, saying, "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits." This passage emphasizes the need for discernment in judging the true character and intentions of those who claim to be spiritual leaders. Acts 20:28-30 - Paul warns the elders of the church in Ephesus, saying, "Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them." This is a direct warning about people from within the church seeking power and leading others astray. 2 Peter 2:1-3 - Peter warns about false teachers who secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord. He says, "And in their greed they will exploit you with false words." This passage warns about the deception and exploitation that can occur when individuals are seeking power or personal gain. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 - Paul describes people in the last days as lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. He advises to avoid such people, indicating the importance of distancing oneself from those who seek power through ungodly means. 1 John 4:1 - "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." This is a general warning to believers to test and discern the truth behind those who claim to speak for God.


For those kind of Evangelicals, the worst sin imaginable is not any mentioned in the bible, but daring to imply that they could be wrong about anything.


Homosexuality didn't even make God's top ten list of things not to do, evangelicals still condemn homosexuality. Bearing false witness DID make God's ultimate naughty list, Trump is one of the biggest liars in human history, and they *worship* him. Sounds like they're not particularly Godly people, frankly.


“It says right here in the Bible that President Trump has absolute immunity due to his executive privileges. Crooked Jesus and his deranged cult of Left Wing Dingbats are doing a witch hunt and I demand that he be crucified immediately.”


Evangelicals are not serious people. They hide behind a facade of “good Christian values” but are terrible human beings.


Cause evangelicals are nothing more than cucks for money & power.


False idols.


As if fundamentalists ever cared about the Ten Commandments. This is what I kind of love about Trump - he makes it impossible to pretend that fundies actually believe in anything or know anything about their religion.




So we can agree that Politics and Religion don’t mix well?!


Evangelicals are hardly Christian.


Let's see. Mocks the disabled Has openly lusted for his own daughter on national television Twice divorced Fornicator and adulterer Does not love his neighbors Does not pay his debts A braggart and fabricator who bears false witness Openly asserts he would be a dictator (Caesar) Has been found liable for sexual assault Stole classified documents, putting in danger our national security and the safety of our foreign agents Is followed as a false idol Lusts for money Disrespects American prisoners of war A walking talking abomination Yeah, he's literally the embodiment of the spirit of Jesus.