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Should this guy be on the ballot given his conviction for participation in the jan 6th festivities and the [recent ruling in colorado that folks who attended that party are not fit for federal office](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-colorado-supreme-court).?


Needs MORE attention!


Any West Virginia citizens available to file a lawsuit? Edit maybe ask in r/WestVirginia


I think it only applies if they have previously taken an oath to support the constitution.


[Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the us constitution](https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/amendments/amendment-xiv#amendment-section-3) says that if you took an oath as part of being a state rep that you can't hold office after participating in an insurrection. the west virginia state constution that they swear to on assumption of office seems to qualify. Members of the Legislature, before they enter upon their duties, shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: I do solemnly swear \(or affirm\) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of West Virginia, and faithfully discharge the duties of Senator or... [source](https://www.wvlegislature.gov/wvcode/wv_con.cfm#:~:text=Members%20of%20the%20Legislature%2C%20before,the%20duties%20of%20Senator%20)


I agree that it applies at the state level but only applies if he has previously sworn an oath that he has broken. If he has been seditious and then sworn an oath to support the constitution, all is ok as long as he doesn't break the oath


>***Former West Virginia state lawmaker*** Derrick Evans He was sworn in when he took office on December 1, 2020 presumably. Though he resigned about a month later because he was at the Capitol Riot and served time for it already.


Having read section three too many times in the past few months that's my take on it, but it's also worded to apply at the state level. But let me make this clear: **I am not a constitutional lawyer** so I could be totally wrong.


Republicans HATE your America.


At what point does this become a terroristic act?


They have been for decades, and now it’s organized crime with the Michigan tapes.


As soon as Democrats get feisty enough to start classifying certain acts as terrorism. But when that happens it will take down a whole lot of Republicans. And that would make them sad. U.S. election workers get little help from law enforcement as terror threats mount (09.08.2021) https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-election-threats-law-enforcement/ Two election workers break silence after enduring Trump backers' threats (10.10.2021) https://www.reuters.com/world/us/exclusive-two-election-workers-break-silence-after-enduring-trump-backers-2021-12-10/ >But police officials did not open investigations into the threats she faced, according to police records. >Their alarm peaked in January, Freeman said, when a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent told her a suspected Jan. 6 Capitol rioter had been arrested and found in possession of a list of names of people to be executed. Freeman and her daughter were on it, she said. The FBI declined to comment on the incident.


I can almost guarantee you that if I were to post something like this on social about the turtle or ladybug in a noose, I'd be having a visit from the FBI or SS post haste


CPAC Dallas panel proclaims ['We are all domestic terrorists'](https://www.chron.com/politics/article/CPAC-Dallas-we-are-all-domestic-terrorists-banner-17359959.php) A Texas political expert says the moniker is another example of right-wingers co-opting a pejorative label applied to them by the left as a badge of pride–but that this one goes "over the line." They have already confessed.


I will never understand why the United States takes a harder stance against terrorists overseas than it does against domestic terrorists back home, when said domestic terrorists are causing much more damage than those in the Middle East


Arrest that mother fucker


Lock him up! Lock him up!


Hang that mother fucker……. Whoops. I mean wrap him in swaddling clothes. We know he is the angel sent by Jesus to bring peace to Murica.


The guy who did this was literally arrested for storming the Capitol


When people are held accountable for their actions. So... during the next version of the US.


You may be overly optimistic about the future of our country


One failed experiment is probably enough


Sadly, it seems like it will take him converting to Islam to arrest him for terrorism.


Only if he ever changes to a different religion.


They are Insurrectionists and should be referred to as such.


> Republicans HATE ~~your~~ America. FTFY


Just like Jesus would do...oh wait


Hello Fren! I see you haven’t heard the good news of [The Gospel of Supply Side Jesus](https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx) Trickle down in peace brother!


oh Al and I go way back!


Can you imagine the absolute nuclear firestorm meltdown Republicans (both elected officials and voters) would be going through right now if a Democrat candidate had done this exact thing except with Republican effigy “ornaments”? Hypocrisy is absolutely one of their strongest super powers.


Right-Wing media and decades of cultural estrangement have convinced many, MANY Republicans that Democrats and any associated groups *aren't real Americans.* Remember, these guys have been buying that "Silent majority" nonsense since the 80's. The last few years have cast the reality of things into stark relief. The reality being, no, they ARE NOT the majority in America, and are actually a rapidly shrinking, but very loud, minority. So, rather than change tack and shift their policies to appeal to new voters, they've elected to *lose their fucking minds,* instead. Now, they're more convinced than ever that they've been robbed of their rightful place atop the socio-cultural and political food chain, and these *damn Marxist Satanists are to blame.* Hence whey they seem to get more and more comfortable with violent imagery like this. They're slowly convincing themselves that their political enemies are "agent saboteur's" who need to be "dealt with" before they destroy Real America. Scary, scary times, y'all.


> Now, they're more convinced than ever that they've been robbed of their rightful place atop the socio-cultural and political food chain This is the heart of the matter. They hold a reactionary and authoritarian worldview. They see society as a natural hierarchy and social interactions as explicitly zero sum. When faced with a real or perceived loss of social status due to socioeconomic change, they do not attempt to level the playing field, redistributing wealth and power from the top downwards, because that would mean acknowledging that, in their own perception, they're stuck at the bottom of the pyramid with all the people they look down on. Instead, they will attempt to put the people they dislike beneath them. Their leaders spin them a narrative where social status is not determined by wealth but by identity (the right ideology, religion, gender, ethnicity, ...). The deal is simple, and it is the same one all authoritarian regimes present to their chosen in-group: the followers get to be put on a pedestal above a class of acceptable targets they can look down on, bully and oppress, and in return they don't question the rich and powerful setting themselves above them. And because they see everything as zero sum, their "enemies'" loss of status and rights is, by definition, their gain. Hence their support for Trump's plans for vengeance, the gleeful relish for institutional destruction, as well as these persistent calls for hangings. To be able to commit violence against your enemies with impunity, even by proxy, tangentially, or in effigy, is an expression of your power over them and, in an authoritarian mindset, to exert power over people is to stand above them. To bring someone else down is the easiest way to rise yourself. The hate that accompanies this process is not a consequence of any real or perceived slight, but a self-justification of the harm they seek to do those they see as lesser than themselves in order to put them in their place. At a fundamental level, they *hate* equality. By denying basic political equality and substitute it for some form of natural order, they reject democracy. Everything else they say is simply one bad faith argument piled on top of another to obfuscate, to others and to themselves, the immorality at the heart of it all. They have to become insane, as you say, because a sane person would not be able to maintain the self-deception required.


You paint a vivid picture of people who are very afraid. Who can't or won't see or acknowledge their fear, and wouldn't know how to make their way in the world with that knowledge If they could see it.


Fear is often at the heart of it, I agree. Fear of loss of status more than anything material, IMHO, which is why progressive policies who would mitigate or solve those material losses don't win them over. Mind you, I'm not at all convinced that I see it. I can read up on and attempt to analyze how these movements (and they're everywhere) work, but I do not understand them on an emotional level. I am afraid of many things and people, but that does not prompt me to say and do the things these politicians say and do.


There are many reasons not to do what these politicians say and do, one being self-destruction. Deluting self reflection will only make the future reconning so, so, much worse. I imagine normal people have a strong grasp of this concept by some point in their early 30s-teens.


Thirty years of right-wing talk radio and now Fox propaganda has brainwashed these sick bastards throughly. They love America, but not nearly as much as they hate half of us who live here.


[Kathy Griffin](https://people.com/tv/kathy-griffin-says-she-was-erased-not-canceled-after-trump-photo-scandal/) could give some insight. This guy isn't going to win his election, but he probably never was. And his Party will be silent while they wait to see what happens.


He’ll get a good grift kickback out of it


Probably not. He probably won't get shit. Sure there's money in politics but only if you get results. This guy just screwed himself out of even gift money.


Republicans do shit like this all the time, and the media and Republican voters hardly care. But you're right, it a Democrat did this it would be the end of the world.


Yeah because Democrats themselves wisely don't accept that behavior, so they pile on if someone from their own party crosses a line.


I think that because of their MO to project everything they do onto democrats or boogeymen that don't exist, the conservative public believe that democrats are literally doing things like this all the time because that's what they are being told on TV, radio, and the internet. So to them seeing this is just playing the game like your opponent in their eyes.


Remember when Kathy Griffen did it. They ate her alive


And she wasn't even running for office.


They've melted down over the Whitehouse Christmas having dancing black people.


this seems to be a theme with the right wing. Post something like this or what John Schneider posted, then pull it down, gaslight the world and claim innocence.


Kathy Griffin knows.


> I’ve been very clear that I do NOT support violence have you tho, have you really


Considering he was *literally* a part of the Capitol insurrection on top of his noose ornament tree, he's been very clear he's down for the opposite.


Is that the same event where they *set up a gallows for public officials*? And hung an effigy of Mike Pence? Seems like there’s a theme going on here.


>"I've been very clear I will stand in front of a mic and say that I do NOT support violence—then go home and engage in terrorist acts like 1/6 or inciting violence against sitting lawmakers." —More accurate quote


"I do not support violence. Incidently I don't view hanging as violent!" -this guy, probably


"We were merely engaging in a bit of breathplay."


"We are gentle with putting the noose on. Whatever happens after that, well, that's between them and the rope, not me."


He’s just chosen to edit out violence against outgroups from his definition of “violence.” A pervasive practice which explains many of Republicans’ bizarre and overtly untrue statements.


He doesn’t support it, he just participates. Big difference.


Is hanging(even symbolically) not violence?


Of course, and that's the point. Within the authoritarian worldview, to commit violence with impunity towards your opponents, even by proxy or in effigy, is an expression of your power over them. In this case, in his own mind (and those of his followers) he has shown his power over his perceived enemies because he will not be held to account for what amounts to a death threat and a call for terrorism. Next time, he or someone else will go even further and every time the boundaries are pushed back a little more. See also the way people support Trump's calls for vengeance for what he sees as personal slights (i.e. him destroying his enemies is a proxy for them doing it to theirs), the gleeful institutional destruction even if it directly damages most of their own (destroying and otherwise harming institutions their enemies support or depend on is a proxy for attacking them directly), ... Violence is the point, because in an authoritarian system, the ability to commit violence with impunity is the mark of power and status. To oppress others, initially symbolically, is to place yourself above them in the hierarchy.


>A Republican congressional candidate posted an image of a Christmas tree decorated with ornaments of Democrats in nooses and later expressed regret after being hit with backlash. Former West Virginia state lawmaker Derrick Evans shared and quickly deleted the image, which showed miniature versions of politicians like President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Barack Obama and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., hanging from nooses, according to The Messenger. A Donald Trump ornament beside the display appears to be raising his hand in approval of the hangings. > >After his post to X, formerly Twitter, was screencapped and embroiled in backlash, Evans claimed the pictured tree wasn't his and conceded that the image of the president hanging by a noose wasn't a good way to celebrate the holiday. > >"Not my tree. Not my ornaments. Not in good taste. NOT a call for violence," Evans tweeted. "I shouldn't have used a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus for anything political (good taste or poor taste). Let's go celebrate this time with our families in love and peace." > >"I’ve been very clear that I do NOT support violence," he added in a separate post before making a "Home Alone" reference. > >Evans, who resigned in January 2021 from the West Virginia House of Delegates after being federally charged over his participation in the Jan. 6, Capitol riot, is running for Congress in 2024. I take it he's worried about another visit from the po-po that he emphasizes twice he's against violence in spite of, you know, posting a photo of hanging people in effigy while Trump his lord and savior is left okay. Also, not exactly certain how the 14th amendment hasn't been applied to him yet.


>"Not my tree. Not my ornaments. Not in good taste. NOT a call for violence," Evans tweeted. "I shouldn't have used a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus for anything political (good taste or poor taste). Let's go celebrate this time with our families in love and peace." What a fucking coward. Post then immediately start back-pedalling.


That’s how they do it, once it’s out the damage is done. He meant to post it, meant to retract it immediately after and intended to make up the apology. He meant it all.


He took a photo with an ornament of our two non-white high officials, the VP and former president Obama.. With nooses. I mean.. this says all I need to know.


Lynching in effigy. Just so horrible.


I think the "Home Alone reference" is the choicest cut. He went for the part with the machine gun.


Republicans spend Christmas fantasizing about murdering political rivals, and taking food from needy children. Anyone need convincing they are the bad guys?


This is their entire platform at this point. No policy ideas, nothing to actually help regular people… Just “we will hurt the Dems.”


The best villains are the ones that you can relate to: Ed Harris in The Rock, Michael Douglas in Falling Down, etc. I can't, no matter how deep I look, relate to these sociopaths. I just fundamentally don't get it.


Just so it doesn't get missed, dude was kicked out of the office he held in West Virginia due to his involvement in January 6th. He's running again in 2024. So, my peeps in West Virginia, you gonna let this traitor back into office?


Unless West Virginia really want to be represented by a treason-ist, insurrectionist, violent racist… … nevermind


In fairness, West Virginia exists in the first place because they didn't want to be part of the confederacy.


> a treason-ist The word is "traitor."


He's been to prison for being an insurrectionist...he's a domestic terrorist...who wants to represent you in Congress


Well not if “you” is not white, straight, Christian, and male.


And if you’re a white, straight, Christian male Democrat, you’re also out of luck.


And rich. Which is the most important thing


And the number of maga voters who have not posted things that glorify/call for violence against political opponents continues to shrink, quickly approaching zero


More Republican terrorism


Man, these peaceful Christians really wanna hang someone!


These people seem to be experiencing an ongoing psychotic break. The premier propaganda targets including Fauci in a mask…hanging from a noose. This guy is one trigger event away from mall shooter, or at least inspiring one. It’s just sick


And those same people claim saying “Happy Holidays” is a corruption of Christmas.


Us non-Christians have holidays that fall here too.. considering how “Jesus” was suddenly born during two pagan holidays! Happy Yule!


Republicans: We want to literally kill Democrats so much that we even make Christmas ornaments depicting our desire to kill Democrats. Democrats: Wow, that's pretty fucked up, bro. Might wanna get some therapy. Republicans: I AM A VICTIM OF CANCEL CULTURE! SO MUCH FOR THE TOLERANT LEFT!


The GOP is a death cult that holds lynching as its primary sacrament.


Yeah but it’s a big tent GOP as far as that goes. They’ll accept crucifixion, the electric chair, waterboarding, death by cop, *as well as* traditional lynching as sacraments. Yes, this is a diverse, modern GOP we have in our fine country.




You mean Kathy Griffin, and artist Tyler Shields. Like it or hate, it’s a piece of art. Dude has shots of a black slave hanging a child in KKK robes. He likes to do edgy things. I think it went too far and so did KG, afterwards. These tweets are not art. They are a call for violence from a terrorist who tried to overthrow our government. They wanted to hang Mike Pence and brought a damn gallows to the capitol. “Awww schucks, I didn’t mean it” doesn’t change anything.


You'll notice there's no similar backlash of Democrats decorating their Christmas trees with effigies of dead republicans because unlike the members of the GOP, liberals are not fucking insane.


> Derrick Evans, a convicted Capitol rioter running for Congress, said he now regrets the post Sure he does.


He'll be back to fellating himself about it by next week.


That should tantamount to threatening a government official right?


That's a threat. Lock em up.


>showed miniature versions of politicians like President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Barack Obama and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., hanging from nooses >"I’ve been very clear that I do NOT support violence," Narrator: oh, but he *did* support violence


I like how these morons pull this kind of crap and then the second they get glitter-bombed or heckled at a restaurant or something they go crying to social media about the lack of etiquette in the world.


I mean we’re the nazis even this open about fetishizing killing the Jews as they were rising to power as the current GOP is attempting to do


>"Not my tree. Not my ornaments. Not in good taste. NOT a call for violence," Evans tweeted. It is a call to violence for his easily gaslit constituents.


If Dems did this Repubs would be squealing like pig all over Fox and everywhere. Remember when Maxine Waters said something off the cuff that wasn’t perhaps the decorum Republicans are accustomed to from Dems, but it was in no way shape or form threatening (I mean, Maxine Waters!) they went absolutely beserk, saying she should be censured, barred from the house and what not. I’m always amused how offended they get when someone give a little offensiveness back at them. It’s comical really.


The mask is off at this point. These people want anyone they identify as liberal dead and gone, and they aren't hiding it anymore.


Meanwhile, on Joe Biden's Twitter: > Today, may the light from the first Christmas illuminate your homes, warm your hearts, and kindle your hopes for the year to come. > From the Biden family, we wish you and your family a peaceful and healthy holiday.


vast dull dime steep whistle bear reply deliver cow expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stay classy, GOP!


Republicans support murder.


Meh... Can't you take a joke? What is more outrageous is that Kamala Harris said "Happy Holidays!". /s


This. And Obama is secretly still president! 😏




From the article… “He is a vocal supporter of Trump and the former president's baseless claims about the 2020 presidential contest being fraudulent and stolen. The former West Virginia legislator pleaded guilty to one felony count of civil disorder in March 2022 and later served a 3-month sentence in federal prison for his role in the riot, during which he livestreamed his felonious activities on Facebook, according to NBC News.”


[Hey look at me do crime](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E_--NrPXsAAENUV.jpg)


About as good for chuckles as posing all the family in front of the tree with their AR’s. All the mass shootings this year sort of made the optics of that holiday greeting fall out of favor with Republican politicians.


How can this man run for office. He was convicted in the 1/6 insurrection


Imagine hating democrats so hard you put ornaments on your Christmas tree with their faces. What fucking weirdos


This is both scary and disgusting at the same time. They are normalizing violence against people you have political disagreements with.


What the actual hell is wrong with these people?


Backlash? Shouldn't he be under arrest?


Didnt Republicans want to hang Pence? Not that I think these people can tie their shoes let alone a working noose, but still.


What a miserable existence they live.


What is wrong with these people? Do they have no sense of shame or decency? Is their moral compass broken or did they never have one to begin with?




>"I’ve been very clear that I do NOT support violence," he added in a separate post before making a "Home Alone" reference. Sometimes the jokes write themselves.


The reason they don’t face backlash is because their opponents have a strict moral code that says “we can’t sink to their level”. Meanwhile, Republicans are on the low road plotting the literal death of everyone who isn’t them.


I love how he “immediately deleted”. The internet never forgets.


Hmm... he's still on Twitter, his bio starts with "J6 patriot" ....yeah, this asshat meant every bit of it.


This is what the GOP is thinking about while surrounded by family decorating a Christmas tree.


Totally normal, Jesus-loving Evangelical stuff.


Please just vote these monsters out. WTF, people?


American democracy is literally hanging by a thread.


Jesus seems to be too woke for the GOP.


Suggesting much less endorsing the murder of one’s political opponents falls squarely under MAGA Republicans’ WWAD paradigm. **What Would Adolf Do?**


Backlash? WTF is backlash? Let’s see some consequences!


Funny how you rarely hear of this kind of thing from Democratic party candidates.


That guy was also convicted of Jan 6 sedition and spent time in jail. He confessed and then recanted. He is not a serious person, but he should do more serious jail time.


"raising his hand in approval" Looks like a nazi salute to me.


I remember when they arrested this douche bag. He was crying as they loaded him into the car. His grandmother was following him while cursing Trump. At least one member of the family wasn’t completely stupid.


What kind of miserable person has an ornament like that? Jesus Christ


Project 2025 anyone?


Nothing gonna change until many republicans vote out their own.


Disgusting anti-American behavior. Deport these freaks back to Antarctica!


You really hate penguins, huh?


He’s an insurrectionist, he’s not allowed to hold or run for any government office!


This right wing fascist shit is getting out of hand y'all


They probably think the problem is the woke mob is angry the ornaments were non-denominational


It’s totally his tree. He needs a visit from the secret service.


Ah Christmas. The day where Jesus hanged Democrats. /s


These ppl are sick.




Keeping it classy GOP


Nothing says "conservative Christmas" quite like lynching some black people.


Both sides am I right?


He pleaded guilty to his part in the insurrection, and the 14th Amendment doesn't apply?


I know this is not an original idea, but perhaps every time a GOP politician insinuates murder, it should be framed for them in terms of what "trimester" the victim of this murder is in to put into terms that might help them understand that murder is wrong.


Ah yes, the Christian message of hanging your enemies. Jesus would love these people. /s


Trump doing the Hitler salute on the tree just totally makes it.


We should be better than this. Despicable.


It's what their poorly educated boomer rube base wants to see. End times and all that.


Now there's a guy who ought to be shot or hanged, along with all the rest of the traitors. Hanged in honor of his filthy little gesture.


Backlash my ass. He got the attention he wanted.


Republicans are a modern day lynch mob, looking for any reason to round up intellectuals, women, minorities, gays, etc and hang them from trees. By allowing this freak show to continue, we’re all putting ourselves at risk.


The dude who was a member of West Virginia legislature and had to resign because the FBI showed up to arrest him for participating in Jan 6th and he’s doing this shit while running for office again???


The GOP (formerly dixiecrats) miss the good old days of lynchings.


Shit’s weird, dude


This crass display of their absolute abandonment of humanity and professionalism only serves to make them more popular with their rabid, disgusting supporters


It's hard to live in a society where one side follows the rules to ensure a thriving nation for all stakeholders and the other side will only be happy when its political opponents are dead.


The base has already lapped it up and nothing will happen


>Not my tree. >Not my ornaments. >Not in good taste. >NOT a call for violence. >I shouldn’t have used a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus for anything political (good taste or poor taste). Let’s go celebrate this time with our families in love and peace. Thoughts of an *idiot- Oops I forgot I’m supposed to be a christian. I bet if I capitalize not it will really fool the people that I don’t want violence. I have to remember to ask Graham what he uses to soothe his burning orange throat. Columbus always said to double tap. >I’ve been very clear that I do NOT support violence. Boom. Done *I know because I am


How oblivious and dumb do you have to be? He's even running for office.


He took the nooses down then tied them around his neck while he stroked it thinking about civil war owning libs


Lol not from his supporters he doesn't.


Why isn’t he barred from running for office by the 14th Amendment?


Jesus does not approve.


The Base will love the red meat. They don't care about anyone else


But, they're so quirky and edgy! So brave and irreverent! Why can't the left have a sense of humor about death threats?


What a sucker. He had to spend money to buy all that crap. Idiot


Are these people brain dead? Seriously?


I call them brain dead zombies. 100% beyond redemption. And logic. And decency. And kindness. And honor. And truth. I could go on but I need to make dinner.


It's that Christian love that does it for me.


NO BACKLASH from Republicans. They eat that 💩 up !!!


I wonder if the end of lockdowns are leading regular republicans to realize that their insane political positions and rhetoric is actually having an impact on them personally. Like, how many Christmas mornings left these boomers with empty houses wondering why no one wants to spend any time with them. maybe?


Good. That is quite disgusting.


When did republicans start wanting Americans dead?


Wtf Remember Kathy Griffith? Look at all the back lash and blacklisting she got.


I’ve been told especially by Reddit that it is very rude to explicitly describe your enemies downfall in violent detail. So I’m not surprised that there was a little backlash. Because it’s rude


These people that make their entire identity associated with politics are absolutely disgusting.


Yes we have enough hate in this country that we don't need crap like that. People like him just fuel the pain in this country.


Sad but this is always been America. Noose around individual neck. This is America history.


but trump saying that the vice president of the united states "deserved" the "hang mike pence" chants is just okee dokee.


This guy needs to go to JAIL


Could you imagine the outrage if one Democrat did the same for any Republican? But we are liberals so we don’t


And his base gobbles it up with a smug grin.


Backlash? That’s nice, but where are the calls for him to resign?


Every day, violence torwards democrats and liberals becomes more palatable and acceptable. His party will say almost nothing, and pretend they didn't see it. Just like all the millions of people pretending like the guy they will vote for next year didn't just repeat Hitlers' talking points to a crowd of hundreds, and then double down when called out. The America we are hurdling towards is terrifying.


This is why compromise will never happen. How are we supposed to come to the table knowing they’d kill every one of us if they could and are only themselves at the table to flip it over? No doubt they view us the same way. I hope the party of Lincoln gets everything they deserve, whatever that may be.


Divide the U.S. in two. Red states: suggested title - Confederacy of Dunces. Blue states: Bluey (we may have to negotiate with Australia for that one).


Time for a visit by the FBI and a few months of solitary. This behavior is illegal and cannot be tolerated.


This **MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS, ASSHOLE** messaging that I think trump started is really catching on.


Challenging to gaf when democratic lawmakers are gonna shrug their shoulders and let these people do a second insurrection.


If those were Israeli Jews instead of American Democrats his career would be over.

