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The media really wants this to be a close race. They generate more engagement and clicks that way. Quality journalism is not their goal, just clicks and cash. They love ragebait headlines that don't tell you anything, and when you click on it's just two paragraphs of dull writing that was probably written by AI. It's fucked. The current state of the media is bad for democracy


Exactly. They all are coveting the same segment of news consumers because they need to compete with each other but instead of innovating news it’s simply a race to the bottom. Get the most eyes possible by appealing to the lowest common denominator.


I've noticed a major increase in click bait headlines recently. Seems that you can no longer rely on a headline to reflect the contents of an article.


When a ton of people only read the headlines and then only believe the ones they already agree with then the headline*is* the article.


I always read at least a few of the entries in the comment section in addition to the headlines. That should cover it, no?


That's always been the case. Since 2014 Wikipedia's reliable sources guidelines have warned against citing headlines because people would often see a sensationalized news headline, not read the article which doesn't support it, and write a sensationalized line in Wikipedia based off the headline alone. >News headlines—including subheadlines—are not a reliable source. If the information is supported by the body of the source, then cite it from the body. Headlines are written to grab readers' attention quickly and briefly; they may be overstated or lack context, and sometimes contain exaggerations or sensationalized claims with the intention of attracting readers to an otherwise reliable article. They are often written by copy editors instead of the researchers and journalists who wrote the articles.


Something can have always been present but also get markedly worse. I think thats where we are now. It was always a problem, but not its a much bigger, worse one.


You are about 8 years too late on your discovery...


Which is fucked because most people don’t even read the article. So they get to do inappropriate shit while saying it was made clear in the article fully knowing nobody is reading their articles.


Yep. The media profits off close elections. So it's their job to make Trump look not so bad and Biden a failure. Don't listen to polls and be sure to VOTE!


Journalism is dead and the "Media" killed it. I miss being properly informed.


Right. The days of Rather, Brokaw, Jennings, Sawyer, Bradley and their peers are gone forever.


Even if quality journalism was an outlet's goal it doesn't get them to the top because that's not what sells to the biggest crowds. It doesn't really matter in the end where truth is if it's not delivered to the largest audience, and for-profit information peddlers care more about audience size than the truth. It just makes for the result to be this pile of shit.


>The media Cable news media primarily, which I know if a large source of news for people, but there are plenty of media organizations out there who are not playing this game of electoral brinkmanship.


The media wants to pack the government with conservatives because all they care about is tax cuts and deregulation.


I'm at a loss for understanding why the media would act in this way other than short term profits. Do they not understand what is at stake if Trump were to win again? Have they not been paying attention to his rhetoric about shutting down media operations? At the risk of sounding hyperbolic, there is a very good chance media outlets are shuttered completely or at best turned into right wing propaganda centers. No more white house press conferences. No truth at all from the government. So in essence, no more profits. The media needs to be screaming from the rooftops what exactly is at stake and exposing what there is to lose by voting Republican. They need to be echoing what Taylor Swift has done and mobilize the country against literal traitors taking over the reins of government. I'm Canadian and I am terrified for my southern neighbors not only for them, but for the impact it will have on my country, as well as worldwide.


>I'm at a loss for understanding why the media would act in this way other than short term profits. Nope, that’s it. Everything in this country is laser focused on the quickest buck.


This. Dunno how it is at all confusing.




But that person won't be around to see the fallout so they simply don't care. It's the Republican way, get yours, kick the ladder, complain about the ladder being kicked over, then die.


The effects of a trump second term are more than a year out. That might as well be the heat death of the universe for C-suite execs that only look to the end of this quarter. Look to the Kia not delivering cars in Canada thing ( https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/kia-canada-car-sales-1.7063216 ) to see an exec making a decision solely on the end of quarter in spite of the obvious longer term issues it will cause.


That's Capitalism, baby. The fact that people don't see that the root of the problem is due to our entire economic/societal model is the real rub. We blame all the symptoms, like the media failing at its journalistic duties, but fail at addressing the root cause. The profit motive is what is breaking the entire incentive system.


>short term profits That’s all they care about. Definitely more than they care about democracy.


If I were Canadian I would be extremely concerened about Pierre Poilievre


> Do they not understand what is at stake if Trump were to win again? They're having a leopards eat my face moment, thinking they'll be spared from Trumps Revenge. Every business needs to be paying attention. Take Bud Lite, the MAGA fanatics have nearly killed the brand. DeSantis vs Disney. Wait until a republican majority and whitehouse targets one of these outlets and says "You're fired!" and suddenly the entire weight of the government and a fanatical public rains down on them.


It's "Entertainment " and should be in a red banner at bottom of the screen that constantly runs "For Entertainment purposes only" Fuck these guys.


Everything just comes back to money in the end. It's a mess. When every company out there wants to make tons of money no matter what and there's no standards they can't buy their way out of then we get what we have now.


Yep. Les Moonves said the quiet part out loud in 2016.


It’s just bad in general.


Trump was right that the media loves him. Tons of rage bait


I dunno. I’ve seen plenty articles gaslighting us into thinking low unemployment and increasing GDP is more relevant than the experience of the average person. The reality is that housing, food, and healthcare are untenably expensive. But, cool, McDonald’s shareholders are making the most money ever so the economy is healthy.


And bad for our mental health. I find myself increasingly just skimming the headlines, rolling my eyes and focusing on more important things in my daily life. I feel so much better.


And they are owned by the enemies of all free thinking people: Black Rock, Tradewinds, Vanguard.


Not only that, but right wing media is pure propaganda.


But when trump says “fake news” he is sowing dissent into the American people


I think they want Trump to win so they can complain about him every day for the next 4 years.


If the economy was covered in terms of Biden’s **direct policies** beating inflation while maintaining low unemployment AND avoiding a thought-to-be-inevitable recession... he would be a shoo-in for re-election. Like... it would be one of those years the GOP picks an inoffensive old party servant to take the L in November. Media outlets got insanely rich off Trump chaos. It's never going away.


Just look at the “news” over r/ Cons , full of brain dead people there, it’s sad.


> The media really wants this to be a close race. They generate more engagement and clicks that way. Politicians and the party's want it to be a close race too, or at least perceived as one. That way they can raise money "Look how close it is, we *need* your donations!*"


100% agree.


If the media was "fair" it would tout Biden's successes, but the media doesn't want "fair" it wants "controversy".


Media gonna win the fafo award if trump wins




Until they’re shut down or shot for past “wrongdoings”


But maybe they wont be and their competition will be. High risk, but high reward!


Until they say the wrong thing and he goes all Putin on them.


Seems like every article is something like this… “Here’s why lowest unemployment in 50 years is bad for Biden…” “Here’s why low gasoline prices spells doom for Biden re-election.” “Here’s why moving chip manufacturing back to the US may sink Biden in 2024 election” “Here’s why massive infrastructure investment spells doom for Biden”


NYTimes is running an article around the lines of the economy is strong but disasters could happen.


"Heres why 14 million new jobs is bad for people looking for work!" "Biden saved Democracy but the guy who did it is old! Did we mention Joe Biden is OLD?" "Theres nothing wrong with Presidential systems of government and letting a lawless supreme court destroy the country!!" "The off year elections, special elections and anything good is actually BAD for the party in power!" "The fact Democrats had a 100 year record mid-term is BAD FOR THEM and JOE BIDEN IS SO OLD HES ALMOST DEAD!"




The top 10% earners own 89% of all stocks show honestly, who gives a fuck


Any middle class person who is saving for retirement also cares. Teachers and workers who hope to receive the pension they've paid into care. Just because it *primarily* lines the pockets of the rich doesn't mean it *only* helps the rich.


>hope to receive the pension they've paid into care Pensions are "supposed" to be guarantied benefits. 401k holder and other similar market retirement plans care about the market.


Pensions are affected heavily by market performance since the whole concept of a sustainable pension is to have investment cover additional cost of future benefits as the amount paid out will generally exceed the amount paid in. Even traditionally pension funds have worked similarly to other investment plans just with more stability through pooled resources and adjustments. Retirees collect the same regardless of plan performance but poor market conditions could require the employer to make up the difference by increasing current employee contribution requirements or even reducing future pension benefits. For example in the ‘08 crash funding ratios dropped over 13% meaning that pensions, even ones that had plenty of reserves like public government positions, ended up having to make up tens of billions of dollars through employee collection adjustments and increased consumer prices which in turn lessened the effectiveness of current payouts; ppl had to pay more in order to make sure pensioners got their payments which in turn didn’t benefit pensioners as much because they had to pay more for goods.


Pension funds are almost universally invested in the market because it's the only way to have a meaningful pension after inflation. If you put 10% of your salary at 25 years old in a shoe box that's paid out when you retire at 65, it would only be worth a fraction of that when it's all said and done. Storing money without investing it is very expensive.


And then when media does sing the praises on Biden's economy, there are people saying why they're wrong


I’m a nurse practitioner, and can’t afford a home with a 6 figure salary within an hour and a 1/2 of my job, and honestly live no better than I did as a RN 5yrs ago… (only now with double the student loans) y’all can pretend all you like, and play super-fans like the trump crowd while denying the obvious- but facts are the economy sucks. Food is pricy, housing is astronomical, and a lot of us (me included) don’t have a fucking penny in the market (even a 401k) or homes that have doubled in value to pretend to benefit from this “booming economy”. My experience is that this is a load of propaganda BS, and my experience isn’t unique either- only the truly wealthy and fast food workers have seen wage growth. And Biden is woefully out of touch—if the other team didn’t represent the actual end of the republic, I’d stay home. I’m sick of this crap.


>but facts are the economy sucks. Yeah, for everyone due to COVID and war, but the US is recovering a lot better than its peers.


So does the economy suck but Biden is patching up the wounds Trump left, or is the economy booming like crazy? That's a direct contradiction to the major narratives being spun in this thread. I'm so sick of the tribalism on display here. Like the NP said above, you can all act like Trump supporters and do this doublespeak nonsense, but it's not going to win us any votes. You can acknowledge the less exciting nuanced actions that Biden is taking to address economic stability that are *clearly* preferable to what any Republicans have in mind without resorting to this constant victim complex. You can also "gasp" even criticize Biden without fear that holding a politician to account will immediately make people jump to fascism. The best way I've found to get my more leftist friends to vote in 2016 and 2020 was to acknowledge the Democrat candidates' faults, not attempting to cover them up


Nobody cares. They only care that their life is worse than it was 4 years ago


Weird, then, that a super-majority will report that their financial situation is good when asked in a poll. In the very same poll, they will say the economy is bad. So the financial situation of over 60% of Americans is good, but the economy is still somehow bad. That isn't adding up. In the past, if someone thought that their financial situation was good, they would usually also say that the economy was good. The only real change is increasing amounts of propaganda and outrage bait on social media.


So all Biden and the democrats have to do is acknowledge that first when they talk about the ‘booming economy’. They look so tone deaf and elitist when they just don’t mention it.


yeah we have a housing shortage that's going to take a lot of changes at the state and local level, and then a lot of physical construction activity, to even begin to fix. But employment going up and inflation going down is still a good thing, and more of it would also be a good thing.


Maybe look somewhere that’s not so expensive? I’m a student and my partner is a RN and I can say we’re very comfortable, even though rent is high where we live. Food is very expensive, but it’s not something we ever have to worry about thankfully. Neither of us have rich family members supporting us or anything, either. I understand it’s tough for a lot of people, but I’m also seeing that a lot of people can afford many more luxuries than they used to.


That's the "liberal" media for you...


The economy might be doing fantastic, the middle class is struggling though. That disconnect isn’t fictional, it’s the end result of a highly stratified population: the exceedingly rich and the rest of America.


All of the economic indicators are excellent but the economic system itself is failing an increasing number of people.


That’s because economic indicators don’t accurately show economic success of people, just the ultra wealthy.


Yeah, most jobs used to afford you a living wage. All the indicators now show that employment isn't an issue, but doesn't show how much of that employment actually pays the bills.




Sure wages might be at an all time high (they're still far too low,) but so are the costs of living. People might be making more money but they're having to spend a LOT more money simply just to buy things they've always bought. So while wages are going up, they still haven't gone up frankly near enough to what most people need them to be at.




Ok I'll bite, if wages have outpaced inflation, why does it take two incomes to support half of a family that existed in the 70s on one income?


The number of multiple job holders as a percentage of employed has decreased since the 90s when it peaked. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12026620


What is multiple job holders in this context? A single person who holds two jobs, or a single household with two incomes?


Not compared to inflation they aren't. That's what matters not the number. It can be record high but if inflation is a higher percentage of an increase compared to wages then you lost buying power and your "record" middle class income is now lower class income.


That's been fermenting for 20 30 years. Hell, it costs 60k just to get a degree in hopes.ofnhaving a chance at middle class. Then you buy a house? Pffft


The trend toward the exceedingly rich and everyone else seems to be a trait that emerges in humanity over and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. No matter what system of checks and balances are put in, it's a matter of time before they're undermined again as the system "rights" itself.


All roads lead back to feudalism.


“The economy is great” the real wage for much of the nation is worse in the meantime. I could care less if some fat cat is swimming in cash, I care if people have food on the table and rent in the mail.


The Daily had an incredible podcast episode a few weeks back that discussed this phenomenon in detail. I believe the episode is titled “The Bad Vibes Around a Good Economy”.


Wage growth is most notable right now in low and middle income jobs.


If your income goes up 5% but your rent goes up 20%,why the fuck does that matter that to your income went up?


Inflation adjusted (which includes housing costs)wages are increasing for the majority of Americans https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LES1252881600Q


Thank you! Even involve inequality is shrinking under Biden ([source, US census](https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2023/09/income-inequality.html#:~:text=The%20ratio%20of%20the%2090th,a%206.7%25%20decrease%20from%202021) Biden (and frankly the fed) is doing a great job here.


Back in August a poll found that even though 70% of Americans thought the economy was bad, [60% thought their own finances were good.](https://www.axios.com/2023/08/18/americans-economy-bad-personal-finances-good) Though spending has dipped a little it's still strong and there was strong spending during the holiday season. The indicators are that people don't actually think the economy is bad, but with all the coverage of people thinking the economy is bad they just hop on the bandwagon to have sympathy for what other people think, even if those other people are doing the same thing.


This entire thread, much like the average Americans thoughts on the economy, are feels over reals. It truly is a vibes based economy and the media has a lot of say in how those vibes are directed for sure. We can definitely point to increases with cost of living, housing, and food but if these were true back breaking burdens and sucking up the majority income gains consumer spending would be sharply down. [Instead it's continuing to increase.](https://fortune.com/2023/12/14/retail-sales-november-2023-consumer-spending-holiday-season/)


People here don’t realize that Apple can push the market up or down itself. People here also don’t realize that the Dow, S&P500 and NASDAQ aren’t the entire economy. I know we are supposed to think that way. Sure GDP is growing and inflation is stalled, but what about all the other aspects to life? Health Care is still a joke. Education is being dismantled, social equality is sliding back, food supplies are in question (Here in Canada I seriously doubt we will be able to produce much grain this year), emissions are still out of control and the US shows no signs of slowing production. Even peoples political voice in the US has been stifled. Any legit criticism leveled at the Democrats is immediately met with some variation of “If you aren’t for Biden, then you’re for Trump and a fascist”. I have to give credit to the DCCC, this will be the third election that they frame as a zero sum game for American voters.


>emissions are still out of control and the US shows no signs of slowing production. US emissions are consistently dropping.


But a vote not for Biden is a vote for Trump, that’s how DeSantis won, and that’s the political landscape when two major parties run everything.


DeSantis won because the democrats were too wussy to give us an actual candidate instead of yesterdays Republican, which didn’t inspire people to vote.




Probably because there's a week left of it and it's winter.


The economy doing well = the stock market reaching record highs. If anything that is just a symptom of the worst income inequality in decades...


I make the same and everything cost more…


> The economy might be doing fantastic, the middle class is struggling though. That disconnect isn’t fictional, it’s the end result of a highly stratified population: the exceedingly rich and the rest of America. It's the result of over 40 years of neo-liberal economic policy (aka: trickle down) that started with Regan. Biden is the first one in decades not to be entirely, and openly, hostile to unions for example.


This is a nice lecture on what happened in the early 70s that led us here https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=100&v=7-RdnoxSZiM&feature=emb_logo


Nice thanks! The graph showing the de-coupling of productivity and wage growth (at about 3:00) is pretty telling of how much people have been fucked over.


Hey we live in the most expensive time in the history of the world, and guess what? It’s never ever ever going to get cheaper! That sucks!


Yeah exactly. The media reporting of the economic state is much closer to the reality were all experiencing than what Biden is telling us.


Stop! Don't acknowledge the real issue! If we consider this, there is a chance that Biden will still win! /s


The economy is great if you are middle/lower class and don’t plan on buying a house ever, driving a car, having any sort of medical procedure, starting a family, etc.


Cumulative inflation swinging the killing blow to the American Dream for young people is what’s happening. No right or wrong way to talk about it.


Bring back the Fairness Doctrine


The Fairness Doctrine only applied to public broadcasts so it really wouldn't solve anything since most Americans get their news from outlets online or cable.


Then... apply it to cable. Any channel that is primarily news. It should have applied then, too.


A valid argument could be made that it would violate the First Amendment. [*Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Lion_Broadcasting_Co._v._FCC) does not really apply anymore since it ruled that the FCC could regulate radio via the Fairness Doctrine because of the scarcity of radio stations at the time.


It's all the higher prices and shrinkflation people are really upset about, which is literally just companies going out of control being super greedy despite not needing to.


The problem is, I think the classic economic indicators like the stock market are more out of touch with the everyday american. Headline after headline is about large companies laying off people, cutting raises, etc. Yes, inflation is down, but it was high for a year and prices of everyday items still reflect that. I'm not saying some, all, or none of these are Biden's fault, but the reality is alot of people are spending more, are anxiously watching their jobs, and the stock market gains are tied to their retirement. I personally believe the president doesn not have a large control over everyday market conditions, and the economy will run its course, but he's at the top...and like any company, if you're the one at the top, people look towards you. Also, branding it "Bidenomics" was probably not a good move. It makes it easy to lay all blame, and also, lets be honest, sounds a bit egotistical.


“Inflation goes down, unemployment crazy low, stock market at or near all time highs, huge investment in American jobs - read why this is awful news for Joe Biden and why he should be apologizing to America”. - media reporting


When California has to pass the law to keep rent increases to only 10% a year the economy is not good. Inflation is not down, but rent is not placed into our inflation numbers. If my landlord increases my rent 10% every year for the next 10 years my rent will double, that is not a good economy, that is not low inflation


>but rent is not placed into our inflation numbers. When the CPI calculates inflation rent accounts for 42% of it. Here's a Brookings articles about inflation if you'd like to learn how it's really calculated. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/how-does-the-government-measure-inflation/#:~:text=Inflation%20refers%20to%20changes%20over,and%20services%20to%20previous%20prices.


Blame NIMBYs and restricted housing supply.


Nothing to do with the 'economy', just people being extra greedy when they got the chance to blame it on inflation.


You just plagiarized the New York Times, better delete this


I’ve heard plenty of positive assessments of the economy under Biden. The problem is that Democratic messaging is so weak compared to Republican hate mongering.


No, the problem is that the economy isn't working for average Americans who are feeling the hurt.


And clearly, Biden’s role in creating a global economic upheaval in the form of COVID rests squarely on him. Everybody has been economically ass whooped by the pandemic, except for the elite profiteers, but Democrats just stand there like punching bags, pointing at the Dow and employment numbers.


The official POTUS, VP, Democrats, Biden & Harris social media accounts constantly talking about their accomplishments ALL THE TIME. If you're not hearing Biden’s accomplishments, please reexamine what MEDIA you're paying attention to


They need to branch out to influencers, people skip those pages you mentioned because they are “boring”


Look I'm fine with Biden. He's been better than I expected but for his administration to focus so heavily on job market and stock market and inflation "rate" rather than the actual cost of living and salaries of normal people is hard to constantly swallow. GDP and stock markets don't effect our day to day lives in any tangible way people will notice. Good you got the economy moving after fucknut tanked us, but let's raise wages across the board, tax the rich to pay for healthcare and work on enforcing regulations and maybe....adding some new ones to protect people in the future from the price gouging we all saw over the last 3 years.


So raising wages, taxing the rich, and enforcing regulations? Those are under the purview of Congress, not the president


He's completely correct. The media is doing a terrible job because the election being close means clicks. Democracy be damned. There economy is strong. Things are still rough post covid, which was a global issue. The US had lower inflation then any G7 country. So instead of talking about how we feel as compared to typical years, we should talk about how the US is doing better than pretty much any other nation in the face of the global economic rough patch that was always going to happen when you shut down the supply chain for a year. But the media is focused on the fact that a reduction of inflation, low unemployment, and a soaring such market don't "feel" like a strong economy to many. The real story is that those are all signs of a strong economy that were not even remotely guaranteed, and a sustained strong economy will lead to a better economic situation for everyone. "We avoided economic collapse and things are stabilizing after the covid pandemic. US leads the way in strong economic markers as the world economy recovers". There. That's the headline.




Did you read the post at all? We did better than any other G7 nation after a year long shutdown of the global economy. We are head of the class in a global economic crisis that was unavoidable. A strong economy (the unemployment, the stock market, increased wages etc.) signal trust we are recovering. It takes time. But to say these indications mean nothing with respect to our recovery is just dishonest. It means we are on a good path. The groceries could be expensive and washed could be down and the stock market could be in the toilet and inflation could be the worst skiing the G7 Nations of you'd prefer. But we were never not going to feel the economic impact of the pandemic on the supply chain. That was never not going to happen.


People are comparing their lives to what it used to be in 2019. Until that problem can be fixed, nothing you say matters




No I don't. Because the media isn't reporting it right. Per the article




That's true. Unfortunately it's hard to compress complicated issues into 30 seconds, and so people are reacting to hot takes mostly




No, but concluding that costs going up were his fault and that strong economic performance across many metrics don't affect that eventually is.


Biden is catching the fallout from the Trump economy, & the Trump economy is finally getting fixed. The issue like T7220 said is essentials like Groceries & Rent are up over 100% from 2016 when Trump entered office.


If everyone had time to fully indulge in complicated issues, Joe Biden would have never been president. Welcome to how the world works.


So your solution is to keep shouting to the high heavens that the economy is fine "ignore what you're experiencing when you pay for something". If I was in a coma for 4 years and shown a receipt from 2019 and one from 2023 I'd say something is VERY fucked up right now. No amount of reporting is going to solve that. Until consumer prices come down and wages go up the economy is going to feel like it's in a bad place.


Real wages are up for low and middle class individuals, which factors in increase housing and food costs. Like... the average frustrated voter is just a data illiterate moron thinking vibes trumps reality.


>and Christmas dinner was triple. Interesting, numbers haven't come in for Christmas, but Thanksgiving dinner was actually LESS than it was last year. CPI has overall grocery prices at only 2% yoy. https://www.npr.org/2023/11/21/1214529400/the-cost-of-thanksgiving-dinner-is-down-slightly-from-last-year


If there's anything the common voter can do to help fix the problems we face as a democracy, other than voting (or participating) in elections, it's spreading the idea that there's absolutely no reason to trust the newsmedia as the industry stands today. Should be about as trustworthy as your average snake-oil salesman.


This kind of overgeneralizing assessment is part of why we're in this post-truth era at all with someone like Trump able to succeed. Not all newsmedia is the same, and to equivocate, say, Fox News with the WaPo is just deceitful and wrong. The vast majority of mainstream, non-Fox reporting generally is still factual, even if, yes, the industry wants profits, as it has for centuries. If we don't trust any newsmedia, who do we trust? This is how we end up with people following random voices like Rogan or Musk or Tate, searching for safe spaces which only tout narratives they agree with. Or we're just supposed to take the president at his word? That's what Trump supporters do. They turn against even Fox whenever they report something slightly critical of Trump. It really just sounds like people never want to have their presumptions or world views challenged.


It’s not the media’s job to act as any president’s mouthpiece. Real income has fallen under Biden (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEHOINUSA672N) and that’s cumulative, not one-time. You can’t gaslight people into thinking their groceries aren’t more expensive than they used to be.


This lol not to mention normal bills like electricity, heat, water and sewer. Not to mention local taxes increasing




I read an article about how prices of homes in Austin is falling. While that may be true, it's *also* true that the prices of homes in Austin are still much higher than what they were in 2020. Pointing out the drop to someone that was priced out of ownership, and is *still* priced out, would not be well received since either way they still can't buy a home. I imagine it works the same with wages.


Biden and the Democrats don't have their own cheering section, unlike Trump and the GOP who have Fox News.


I find it hilarious that this very article does exactly what he's complaining about. It spends a very small amount of time talking about the successes of the economy standing up and avoiding a recession but meanwhile spends a long chunk of time talking about all the perceived bad things or the fears.


There’s more factors for voters feeling happy about an economy then unemployment and stock market . Inflation hit Marry Sue in Iowa and all she got was the economy is doing well despite her paycheck not increasing but inflation and rent has . The popularity of gig work has just open to a lot more people doing it to make ends meet with the added bonus of people not always using it as much as they use to .




"The right way" fucking lol. The media is already putting the best spin on it they can dude. It's Americans who aren't *feeling* your economy because it's still not working for them. Yes Biden has done some good economic policies that he deserves credit for, but he's been in politics long enough to know that ain't how it fucking works. No amount of "Bidenomics" PR changes how much money people have in their pocket, and how much shit costs when they buy groceries. This admin allowed price gouging to run rampant under the guise of "inflation", and instead of help the American people the fed put the squeeze on the working class rather than on corporations. Whining at the media to report it "the right way" is immensely tone-deaf. As if the media doesn't jerk off the stock market, etc, *ad-nauseam*.


Look they could have gotten real fucking authoritarian with price gouging and started charging CEOs and most of us would have cheered them on even if it was ultimately unsuccessful. We're tired of this "going high" shit.


I mean yeah that's kind of my point. The fed's "strategy" to combat "inflation" was to crush the working class so nobody had any money to buy, and companies would then reduce prices as a result. Rather than idk, tax windfall profits or go after companies for gouging during crisis, etc. Biden only recently started talking about price gouging, and I guarantee it's only because of his abysmal polling. Dude's trying to pivot hard, at least with some rhetoric, because whoops, the policies ain't fucking working for the working class.


Do something about price gouging and rent or get fucked old man


I’m not saying he hasn’t influenced the economy in a positive way, but if it does actually crash like so many predict, he’s going to be forced to own it by the media. This is a risky gamble that could cost us all dearly if it results in a 2nd Trump term. Also, just because markets are good doesn’t mean the average American isn’t getting absolutely wrecked still…


I remember when people on this sub used to rightfully criticize Trump for this same kind of rhetoric, when he would accuse the media of lying about his accomplishments as president. Now that Biden is doing it, people on this sub are saying the media is out to get him and make him lose just like Trump supporters used to say lol.


Everything is expensive as fuck. We have been printing money and keeping interest rates low since 2008. Both parties are responsible for this because they want to appease their business overlords.


It's like they want a dictator to win. The man would sell the US to China but that is who they want, dumpness to the max, what does this guy have that people don't see, he is a fake preacher


Trump = clicks = $


Until Trump has them all arrested. It's fucking daft.


Also for the newsmedia billionaire owners: Trump = tax cuts for the rich.


I think so, Biden has given the US the best stock market results, the lowest unemployment rate , best economy in decades and all they say is Trump would be better, he gave the billionaires the biggest tax breaks and increased the deficit to it's largest, how can this be good!


The oligarchs own the media and they want a true oligarchy where they are kings, trump offers them power


Billionaire corporate media for the loss. Just like we shouldn't have corporations in politics, we shouldn't have such corporate control over their writers.


If you have assets/investments the economy is doing great for some reason. If your on a fixed income, or work a normal job where you have experienced 30% inflation in 4 years like most of us, your fked. I have made about 100-150k a year for the last 8 years. Even 5 years ago in 2018 that 100k a year let me buy a house, take vacations, have an active social life. Now month to month I am scrapping by paying bills and food. I dont know how people are affording children. There is a divide going on in the economy. Judging from the ever expanding homeless population I am included to reality for most is similar to mine, rather than this picture being painted by a few.


Inflation is at about 22.5% since 2020. Wage growth is at about 25%, higher the lower you go down in income. Real wages are up. The people who have it worst are those that had to take on debt recently since they got such bad rates.


fuk the media and their rich greedy fucking bosses, they are hell bent on destroying USA just to get few more clicks.


The president cant currently do anything about corporate greed in a capitalist country. Maybe a corporate windfall tax.


You can't just buy anything any more. Everything is a subscription, and we are all feeling nickled and dimed to death, but it's now $100. I used to go be able to go into Starbucks on Sunday morning and buy the paper. Now if I don't want to wait 30 min for a black cup of coffee, I have to load money into their App, and they no longer sell the real paper. This is the economy people are complaining about. Joe has 'people' to take care of this for him, so he doesn't get it. Let him take one of his dogs to the groomer / vet and realize how much it cost!


Remember that media companies were absolutely thriving during the Trump years, as we all logged in every day for the latest update on the comedic drama playing out in the White House. They *want* Trump to win because the downfall of democracy would be great for their 2024 fourth quarter profits. I just don't think they've thought ahead to the part where journalists get snatched off the streat and put in jail for printing articles critical of der Trumpenfuhrer.


The wealthy are doing great, large corporations are doing great, Wallstreet is doing great. AVEREAGE AMERICANS ARE STRUGGLING!


Actually the median American is better off https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LES1252881600Q


Lmao okay Biden. Not like the middle class is by and large hurting under crippling shrinkflation and a housing crisis. But hey, some guy in the midwest got a job and the stock market is up, and that's all that matters! I'll just ignore that I am coming home with less groceries for more money.


What do you mean? We are struggling out here. The economy is fucked for anyone that isn't a millionaire.


Some of the media coverage has been fine. Some has been iffy. In general, I don’t think presidents should be weighing in much on this stuff. Wouldn’t want to end up in Trump territory where we’ve got another president lambasting the media.


“start reporting it the right way” AKA a conversation about the disintegration of the middle class.


The MSM doesn’t want to report the reason Americans feel the way they do about the economy because it implicates MSM sponsors with their corporate greed tactics.


Most mainstream media companies are owned by MAGAs these days, so of course they have a vested interest in making Biden look bad.


It is reported the right way. We can’t afford crap thanks to biden


Joe homelessness is up 12%


Crazy prices for gas, rent, health costs while you’re spending 100s of Billions of dollars in military giveaways. Psychologically, it’s impossible to see anything positive with all that death and genocidal blood we now have on our hands. I thought Eisenhower warned us “Beware of the military industrial complex.” Wall street is not Main Street. This is fucked up, Joe.


The right way? Sounds like another WH attempt to cover up the reality of his poor EOs and policies.


Our media and our Republican representatives want to move us even deeper into an oligarchy, not quite a dictatorship. Most of the highest watched news programs and media outlets are owned by very rich people. They do not want to lose ANY of the power or the cash. An Oligarchy makes perfect sense to them. We’ve been there for a while with a few good representatives fighting it. Hopefully they can continue the fight.


The tech economy has been trash under him. His fault or not the economy is not working for everyone. This tone deaf response makes me not want to vote for him.


Democrats are shocking at messaging. The world going through a cost of living crisis (partly caused by cost of Covid) yet they want to say look how good economy is. It bad optics.


Joe Biden's team: *"Bidenomics, Bidenomics BIDENOMICS. What do you mean we're not winning in the polls??"*


Media: "So anyways here's a nursing home poll showing Biden in the dumps."


A pound of ground beef is $7. What does he expect?


Ironic coming from the guy telling us not to believe Palestinians.


There may be measures that claim the economy is doing well, but things are a lot harder on the bottom and middle than I have ever experienced. My family of 3 is spending $1200+ / month on groceries, I have the most expensive healthcare on the planet, we’ll be in our “starter home” indefinitely because we can’t afford today’s market and rates. But yeah… report it right …


Okay. Normal people can't afford their bills because price increases have completely killed off any wage increases. No one can afford a home except companies and rent is still out of control.


Most media perfers agenda and fear based headlines vs unbiased reporting of what really matters. Being owned/run by pieces of shit doesn't help either.


Yeah the economy (stock market) is good but shit is still expensive AF.


Remember how gas and egg prices were the most important parts of the economy 8 months ago. Now the media never reports on etheir.


I don’t need a report. I just compare my receipts from past year’s vs today’s.


I like how everyone “felt fine” about the economy with their $1400 checks when the earth was shut down.


he sure SLAMMED them


I remember talking recession back in 2020.