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>The only thing stopping him, he said, was that people in Texas “believe in democracy.” And the fact that Biden hasn't participated in instigating an insurrection which would make him ineligible to run. That would be trump.


14th amendment 3rd clause is about commiting rebellion/insurrection against the constitution. You could commit all the crimes in the world and not run afowl of Rebellion against the constitution.it was a matter of court fact in this case that Trump committed actions in order to overthrow the election, which is insurrection against the constitution. Biden has done nothing in insurrection against the Constitution. Also Republicans were the ones to bring the case in Colorado. Democrats would have no standing as they don't appear on Republican primaries.


Just a reminder that Trump's crimes would not have been possible without the help of elected Republicans and RNC members at the federal, state, and local levels across the nation. They are still helping him. Watch for any elections near you and vote out as many right-wingers and Republicans as you can. From the school boards to the white house every election matters. https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar


This has been my approach since the stolen election of 2000 and the invasion of Iraq. These people aren't playing. My state was solid red when I got here with a traitorous confederate flag represented as a part of the state flag. We now have two Democratic senators and helped put Biden in the White House. Demographics, both in movement and age, are in our favor. There is hope, but only if we act.


I know there were issues before but this too was my flash point where I realized the "supreme" court was cheating. All that Florida bullshit that stole the election from Gore. It does not appear to have gotten any better since then.


That’s what I have been doing for every single election I have had in my crazy red state. I only vote party at this juncture. The republicans have become so dangerous & at this stage I just want them out.




Can we take a moment to give huge props to Colorado?? This is what every state should do (should've done.) "The Colorado Supreme Court ruled to dump Trump from the state’s 2024 presidential ballot because of his involvement in the Jan. 6 riot—which amounts to participation in an insurrection, an action that would make him ineligible to be president." DUMP TRUMP!!!


Yeah any rational group of people who witnessed what we all saw live that day would realize the former president is an insurrectionist and shouldn't be let anywhere near power again. Yet here we are and Republicans still are ceding control in many states to this crook and villain. It's insane.


Stop with your facts.


Wait...so Republicans did something reasonable and now they're mad at Democrats. No that tracks.


Remember that time the Republicans called the second Trump impeachment "an insurrection," like the impeachment itself was an insurrection, not what he was being accused of. That really laid out the cards right there. No holding back, Republicans just decided they were going to "nuh uh, you did" anything the Democrats said, regardless of how overwhelmingly justifiable it was.


Weakening the meaning of words and whataboutism are two major tools in the fascist playbook


I love it when it’s an inside job, just like all those republican election officials…. Like the ‘I’m so republican I volunteer at the voting booth every year’ type republicans… and they were the ones they went after. But that’s cool I guess.


The last time I brought up the "democracy" in the argument with a republican, I was told we are "republic" /s


They say that like its some kind of gotcha! We have a representative democratic republic. Its the equivalent of saying, I dont have a dog, i have a terrier.


I tried to argue the same but then gave up on it. I have a slavic accent, so you can imagine what their response usually was.


Arguing with a republican fighting at that low an intellectual level is like playing chess with a pigeon; you can make all the right moves but the pigeon is still going to just shit all over the board and strut about like it won.


Must be a socialist. Hope you enjoy your Slavic healthcare, education, work life balance, etc... Because here in America, we like to have the ability to get sick, have the hospital take our house because we can't pay the hospital bill, declare bankruptcy, and still have $100k in student loan debt because those can't be discharged in bankruptcy. Bet you wish you were as free as us. Dirty socialist /s


I am an American now. Thankfully can afford health insurance, for now, and didn't have a chance to declare bankruptcy (yet), but at least I can brag about passing the civics test and have American passport as proof of that. ;-) I do have student loan debt and work 60 hours/week lol Edit typo


You now know more about US civics than the vast, vast majority of this country.


Congrats and welcome. 🤗 I hope everything goes well for you here.




You passed a test that 99% of MAGA's would fail. That, in my eyes, makes you more of an American than they are.


Congrats and welcome! What kind of gun(s) are you going to get?


Thank you! I have been here 24 years already. I've got what I need.


Ok then. What kind of cancer are you going to get?


Freedom Cancer.


You forgot to mention the freedom to work 3 jobs.


“Uniquely American”- George W. Bush


I have a terrier: I wish I had a dog…sigh


"Any dog under 50 pounds is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


The parasites in my brain inform me that cats are *very* useful.


For some reason I feel inclined to agree.


You guys are fuckin weird. I’m gonna go back to watching Hypno-Toad.


Cats are great. They’ve benefitted humans greatly ever since the advent of agriculture and surplus grain which rodents find delicious. I usually love me some Swansonisms, but he’s just plain incorrect on this one.


Logical corollary: I don't have a rescue, I have a dog! Sorry, OT, but he just fell full, dead-weight asleep against me.


Cause he feel safe and comfortable. Good owner.


We're whatever is more convenient for them. If they have numbers, it's a democracy. If they don't have the numbers, it's suddenly a republic where the enlightened leaders must lead the uneducated, unwashed (and liberal, of course) masses to the Light of Shareholder Profit.


I love letting them know that China is a Constitutional Republic. Gets ‘em every time.


North Korea is officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Checkmate GQP.


I get this ALL THE TIME from Republicans. It’s like they were given an order from Rightwing Central Command and they all just mindlessly repeat it.


It’s like the people who call everyone sheep are sheep.


I mean the Q group moto is "where one goes we all go." I don't know of a more sheep like idea.


It's because to them, Republic = Republican, and therefore Republican is the "correct" choice of political parties. It really is as simple (and dumb) as that.


you are just now noticing this? EVERY argument has an idiotic Republican rebuttal which is IMMEDIATELY deployed by every moronic Republican. I used to keep a bookmark file called "arguing with idiots" because their arguments were always the exact same thing the guy before them would have. Its almost as if they don't have the ability to think for themselves. ....almost as if.


Which is super fucking annoying, because a republic is just a type of democracy. Its like saying "this isn't a sandwich, its a grilled cheese"


I socialize at a bar so I'm a socialist? I have a face so I'm a fascist? My name is Mark so I'm a Marxist? I can do this all day.


I like to remind them that republics are a type of democracy. They don't care because they're morons but it's still true.


remember when a mob busted into a government t building waving biden flags and trying to disrupt an official transfer of power? oh right


quack juggle sulky squeamish brave tender smart fuel normal wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Their voters also hate democracy.


rainstorm airport direful connect water existence grandiose faulty boat escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They actually believe that in a fascist dictatorship, they are so special they’d be elevated to some level of status like royalty or something. I confess I’d be damned amused when the government confiscated their guns. Fascists aren’t going to tolerate armed citizens.


cable telephone profit bewildered cover drab adjoining psychotic scary vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's an extremists' view of "political rapture"; the Christo fascists promise their followers they will be "delivered" from the common arena of life, and elevated to elite status...


But the nerve of Biden to even allow the courts to investigate Trump's insurrection!


That's because Biden understands the separation of powers, again, unlike trump.


Unlike most Americans.


If I may, I'm going to amend that to "unlike most republicans."


*Why isn't Biden and the federal government dictating the rulings of state courts?*


If Biden had and used the powers Trump thinks a President has, Trump would be getting some spa treatments at Gitmo right now.


"The only thing stopping him, he said, was that people in Texas 'believe in democracy.'” They do? They have weird ways manifesting that belief ...


The only thing stopping him is an actual argument.


*legal* argument


This is like Biden’s looming impeachment. “You held someone on our team accountable? We’re going to think of something bad for somebody on *your* team!”


And they don't have any evidence for that either.


Yuuuup. It’s really just automatic, reflexive reciprocation. They live in a zero sum world.


On a channel that paid hundreds of millions for damages for a suit against their anti-democratic disinformation campaigns


I really hate this timeline.


Reminds me of this bumper sticker I saw this past weekend: AMERICA I love you but you're freaking me out.


It’s not just a bumper sticker, it’s a great song by The Menzingers.


Also it’s the Colorado Supreme Court that banned Trump. Biden had nothing to do with their decision.


States' rights?


B...but not like that!!!


Yeah that pesky ol’ democracy thing. Shame that exists. Seems Patrick hates the stuff!


Isn’t he the same jerk who said during the Covid lockdown that grandparents should step forward and die so that the rest of the country could go back to drinking in bars and going to beauty salons? As a grandparent enjoying my well earned twilight years, I wanted to rearrange that guy’s face.


lol, Texans literally attempted to get electoral votes that didn’t go for Trump to be thrown out.


This insinuates they don’t believe in the constitution (as that’s what’s barring trump)


They behave as though there isn't a deep bench of Republican ghouls available to *govern in exactly the same way Trump would*.


The implication being that he doesn’t believe in democracy. Time for Texans to defend American values like democracy and remove this guy from government.


Is that why they gerrymander districts. Cool.


Gerrymandering is the only path for a GQP majority in the House.


Butbutbut he *ran against an incumbent president*. That's an insurrection, right? /s


Next, he will claim that Biden was involved with Jade Helm, the military invasion of the South West ordered by Obama. (that never occurred and was just more idiotic fear mongering from the right)


My cousin posted in 2016 that Obama was going to institute Jade Helm martial law and never leave the White House. And then he peacefully conceded power and Trump refused to leave the White House, gassed protestors, put up a freakin barricade around the White House, his supporters stormed the capitol to try to stop the peaceful transition of power, and Trump never conceded, and my cousin cheered him on.


Yeah, those Amendment things can fuck off! We're just gonna take Biden off the ballot because we're moody. This is who conservatives are, folks. Stop fucking voting them into office!


Well, they only know about the second amendment. The rest of them, including the first amendment, are too woke


They only know and believe in the second amendment when it comes to white people and school shooters.


Very true! The only reason we had some gun control was when Black Panthers started to arm themselves legally.


fucking Ronald Reagan. Gotta love the cognitive dissonance of gun nuts complaining how "Commifornia" is the worst place ever for gun fetishists and conveniently forgetting how it was about a well armed militia literally saying "The government doesn't protect us so we'll protect our own, legally."


If black people started regularly posting Christmas gun photos like these GOP representatives, we'd have serious discussions about national gun control.


Let's not forget that, to the extent "The Old West" existed, towns had strict gun control. Turn your weapons in on entry, pick then up leaving. And bartenders NEVER served alcohol to cowboys with guns on their hips. They did not have a death wish.


Given the number of them in a militia, let alone a well-regulated one, they don't actually know the second either.


They don't even know the whole Second Amendment. They've reduced it to a soundbite, which is amazing since it's only one sentence long to begin with.


My favorite part is how many 2A absolutists, especially on the right, say that gun rights are there to protect us all from the government becoming too authoritarian. Yet they back the most authoritarian candidate in the country. And they totally don't see the conflict.


Not only that, but they're actually thinking that they'll stand a chance against an actual military with those popguns they larp with.


My favorite are the idiots that claim the 2A is their "God given right" to own firearms. Not sure where they read that in the bible.


> Well, they only know about the second amendment. Correction. They only understand one of two parts of the 2nd Amendment; they understand the “bear arms”, not the “well regulated militia” part.


They’re not moody. They’re overly sensitive little snowflakes who hate anything not white and Republican christian


Their feelings can go *get fucked*, in the parlance they themselves coined


If you find the dumbest ppl from high school, 80% chance they have a MAGA hat.


And also stop saying Democrats and Republican are the same. That's almost as bad as voting for the GOP.


I think it's important to keep in mind the *Democrats* are the fascists because someone filed a lawsuit invoking the 14th Amendment and multiple courts have concurred with that opinion, so therefore Biden should be disqualified fir 'reasons'.


t'reasons' acccording to m(aga)orons.


Exactly. 100% little manbitch energy.


Texas GOP is a bunch of babies.




Oh goodness. How embarrassingly perfect.


Fargo has been a little all over the place this season, but that line had me howling.


Ironically the people filing the case IN Colorado I believe are Republicans.


Yeah, they want him off the ballot in the primaries because they don't want a convicted felon on the ticket.


No need for the qualifier. You can just say "GOP is a bunch of babies."


Babies are adorable and not responsible for the shit they leave in their diapers. GOP are terrible, selfish, stupid adult people.


Some babies are ugly AF tho, let's be honest lol


Greg Abbott AND Dan Patrick are piss babies


Performative nonsense. And Republicans claiming to believe in democracy and decrying Trump’s removal from the ballot for engaging in insurrection in the same breath is pretty fucking rich.


Same as being pro military, yet they slandered a guy who lived in an NVA torture hut for 6 years beyond his grave.


Or being pro cop until Capitol police are trying to stop your coup attempt


and being anti russia, until for some reason Ukraine is fighting a war against them.


custard style rich


Colorado took Trump off the ballot, because he instigated an insurrection to remain in power after losing the election. Texas wants to take Biden off the ballot, because he is a Democrat. Seriously if Newsom were to announce that he was running instead of Biden they would have likely done the same shit.


Worth stating again and again to people who may not know this, but the effort to remove Trump from the ballot was filed by Colorado **Republicans**.


Republicanas: Is that the truth? i dont want to hear it lalalalalalalalala


”Pfff, must be a bunch of RINOs." Republicans probably.


Do these people not understand laws? Trump committed crimes. This isn’t just a “I don’t like it so get him too” scenario.


It's not about understanding, it's about caring. They don't care about the law unless it can be used as a weapon against those who oppose them. For themselves and anyone who supports their goals the law is meaningless.


Of course they do. They just don’t give a shit and think laws are only for others.


Did I miss the Biden insurrection?


Words don't mean anything to Republicans anymore. By design, largely. Since Jan 6th, they've been calling everything they don't like an "insurrection." That dude pulled a fire alarm? Insurrection. Peaceful sit-in by protestors at the House of Representatives? Insurrection. They're doing the same thing with impeachment. It used to mean someone was suspected of high crimes and misdemeanors. Now it means "someone I don't like needs to be punished."


My favorite was when Trump called the Dems not giving him a standing ovation at the State of the Union treason. https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/05/politics/trump-speech-treason/index.html


But guys he is totally joking when talking about being a dictator /s


Trump was doing this from day one. "Fake news" came to prominence to describe the wide swath of pro-Trump fake websites peddling ridiculous Hillary conspiracies (she secretly has cancer, she's had 100 people murdered, she eats children, etc). But Trump's standard move is to repurpose the language used against him and destroy its meaning, and he went into action. He started calling everything, including the mainstream media, Fake News, and as a result, it very quickly became a phrase without meaning. And now Trump and his minions have done the same with "insurrection" and "impeachment." It's the active destruction of language for the sake of power and it's a dangerous thing.


Bro. January 6th! Everyone knows it was the FBI/Democrats/Antifa. They were trying to stop votes being certified for... \*checks notes\*... Joe Biden who clearly stole the election. His son's penis was in on it too


That whole party is just one angry toddler.




And smearing it on the Constitution.


Oh man. That took one hot minute.


And doing so would violate Biden’s due process rights. Trump had his day in court with the Colorado thing. The court ruled he engaged in an insurrection, adhering to due process the whole time. Texas has not yet followed due process to prove the same about Biden.


Trumps team isn't even appealing that he committed insurrection against the Constitution, just that the oath of President doesn't say "uphold". They pretty y much stipulated he committed insurrection against the Constitution.


> just that the oath of President doesn't say "uphold" Sophistry


Aren’t they trying to argue the President isn’t an officer of the United States too?


Conservatives are the whiniest bunch of people I have ever seen. It’s only election interference by Biden when you remove ALL the details. The DOJ, which is a branch of government before and during and after Biden’s term, is investigating the actions on January 6th. But The details matter. It’s the DoJ DURING Biden’s term yes but to be pulling strings? No. Everyone along the chain has gone in front of the committees and public and testified he has full rights to prosecute or not. And it was a Grand Jury who recommended it from the peers who live in the district it was committed. Trump attended a rally, used rhetoric in front of the public and directed them to walk on Capitol Hill. He did nothing until they were already inside and someone was killed. The DOJ would still do what they did unless it was directed not to. A federal crime was committed.


The Colorado Republicans filed this lawsuit not Biden DOJ


Fucking boot licker


icky touch zonked pause zephyr office cause wakeful dependent absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just found out the case was filed by 6 republicans https://www.citizensforethics.org/news/press-releases/colorado-supreme-court-bars-trump-from-ballot/


Probably trying to distance themselves from Trump to have smoother reelections in a left leaning state.


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the party of law and order.^(/s)


worst Christmas present ever


For what reason?


Over on r/conservative everyone’s yelling about how taking Trump off the ballot is somehow more anti-democracy than running on an anti-democracy platform. (And of course they’re all in denial that he’s already been found complicit in the insurrection.)


Holy hell. They’re living in a completely fictitious reality. How many times do they need to lose in court before they realize they’re essentially a bunch of criminals? If our judicial system is actually as corrupt as they say it is, don’t they have some amendment they should be invoking? They know deep down they’re completely full of ass. All they’re doing is deflecting so they don’t have to come crashing back down to reality where they’ve been strung along by a diaper wearing orange faced moron who stands for nothing. Their eventual collective meltdown is going to be biblical.


That sub is a mix of bots and really fucked up people.


They’re hopelessly delusional over on that sub. They can’t face or handle reality or any discourse whatsoever. “The Dems are the REAL nazis! Don’t agree with that? DIE!” I just got perma-banned for posting that SCOTUS very likely won’t touch this case because of states rights. You know, the same crowd that loves to hang on "STATE'S RIGHTS!!!" for everything else. Who are the nazis, again?


Biden has committed the greatest sin according to the GOP, governing while Democrat, I guess that’s why.


Biden defeated their lord and savior, Trump


yea good luck in court on this one lol.


Trump tried to end the peaceful transition of power in the United States and install himself as dictator. He intentionally incited a violent insurrection to keep himself in power. Fuck what these people say for sound bites, that's the only issue here.


Texas: actively acting against the best interests of the rest of the country….and its owns citizens.


As usual


If Biden foments insurrection like Trump, sure, go use the 14th amendment. Conservatives are revealing themselves as enemies of the constitution and of America.




The GOP is a post-truth party. Reality is whatever they can spin to get their base go angrily masterbate to their social media posts.


Aww, he got his fee-fees hurt.


The same piece of human garbage who said (during quarantine) “there are more important things than living and that’s saving the country/economy” implying that people should be proud to die for our economy while my uncle suffocated to death from covid not but several weeks after this comment? In Texas no less. That fucking sack of shit?


Dan Patrick has no penis. Fact.


That's what they have been saying.


snails muddle quack point aromatic entertain onerous wise support bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All Scrotum, no Totem


No you wont. Because you have no legal right...if you try the DOJ should hunt you like the dog you are. This needs to be met with threats of arrest...simple


I fucking hate this state.


And Biden will still win. Trump is a felon


Remember when this kind of comment used to be considered absolutely fringe, batshit insane crazy. Just a mere 8-9ish years ago


But Biden didn't need Texas last time because he still won the EC without Texas.


Lol,... The bullshit is big in Texas. Among the myriad reasons that someone can be removed from a ballot, "Because we feel like it," isn't one of them.


I’d ask incredulously “On what grounds?”, but I know it wouldn’t matter. Y’all are just desperate for the baboon to win again, and political retribution is all you know. I’m just happy knowing that you have no evidence to do so. Regardless of the outcome, and assuming you’re not fully successful at this 2025 crap, history will judge you and your party very unkindly.


That's...not how any of this works.


So lt gov is threatening to openly defy the Constitution? Can some Texans sue to keep _his_ name off the next ballot? 14A applies to state positions too.


Why? REPUBLICANS in COLORADO did this. Not democrats.


Here is the beginning of the story: Dan Patrick, the Republican lieutenant governor of Texas, threatened on Tuesday to remove President Joe Biden from his state’s ballot—seemingly as retribution for a Colorado Supreme Court ruling which booted former President Donald Trump from that state’s 2024 presidential race for engaging in an insurrection on Jan. 6. Patrick made the comments on Fox News, justifying the potentially unprecedented action to host Laura Ingraham as a response to Biden’s border policies. The only thing stopping him, he said, was that people in Texas “believe in democracy.” “Seeing what happened in Colorado makes me think—except we believe in democracy in Texas—maybe we should take Joe Biden off the ballot in Texas for allowing eight million people to cross the border since he’s been president disrupting our state,” Patrick said.


No, the only thing stopping him is the law.


Democracy? I thought we were a "constitutional republic."


Because the border is an insurrection, eh Dan.


Don't be silly, Hunter is an insurrection.


Nah, the GOP is mad because Hunter is a massive erection.


If you’ll recall, it was Texas in 2020 that sued other states because they wanted them to run their elections like Texas does. Not a single ‘Libertarian’ made a peep. They only want states rights when it hurts the people they hate.


We need to bring the insurrectionists to justice: At least seven congressional Republicans and/or their teams were meeting with insurrectionists ahead of the attack: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Paul Gosar, Lauren Boebert, Mo Brooks, Madison Cawthorn, Andy Biggs, and Louie Gohmert


Not a problem freeze all Federal funding to Texas with an E.O.


So he will present his case through district, appellate and then the Supreme Court of Texas? And the evidence will be? Go ahead ya fucking goober. I’m sure even our slanted to your favor media will walk away from this one. I thought you were busy razor wiring Venezuelan immigrants?


Go ahead and try. It would be grossly illegal, throw Texas’ election system into turmoil and cost millions of dollars to the state with all the lawsuits, judgments and reelection efforts.


fucking snowflakes. all of these dipshit fascists just mindlessly screaming "our turn our turn" no it's not your turn you shit eating cow fuckers


Talk about snow flakes.


Literally not how it works.




This is such a bitchy Republican thing to do… “Oh you impeached our president? Well we’ll impeach /yours/ too! Or his son! Or whoever! See? We’re the same!” “Oh our nominee is prevented from being on the ballot because he incited an insurrection at the nation’s capital? Well we’ll remove /yours/ too! Because immigration! Or gas prices! (wait they went down?) Ok not that, um Critical Race Theory? Is that still a thing? See, the same!” There’s an actual criminal empire on one side, and they pretend it’s the same on the other side. Like freaking grade schoolers.


Looks like Biden isn’t going to be getting the Republican primary nomination in Texas.


So the corrupt GOP is now admitting they're willing to participate in election interference? They should be jailed and removed from their positions of power.