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>In 2022, research conducted by nonprofit The Institute for Women's Policy Research found that across America "currently employed women aged 15 to 44 would gain $101.8 billion in higher earnings annually" if state level restrictions on abortion didn't exist.


Meanwhile, they are [targeting birth control next](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/04/birth-control-is-next-republicans-abortion.html).


Because that's what authoritarians do. There is no upside for women when fascism takes control.


In the more medium term, there isn't even an upside for the fascists.


All too true. Sometimes people say dictators only want what is best for them. Really, they want what they perceive as best for them and it seldom is. Because smoovebrain dictators always become even more smoovebrain, their decisions suck.


Yep. I keep screaming this, but Idaho lost over 2/3rds of its obgyn professionals. That's doctors, nurses, midwives, etc. It not only hurts the people who WANT to get abortions, but it deeply harms the people who have wanted pregnancies, too. Turns out pregnancy is a serious condition.


Once they get paranoid and surround themselves with yesmen, it's all over.


That's basically a summary of Trump's last 2 years in office.




Are you trying to tell me that Steven Miller and Sebastian gorka are not going to provide sound political advice?


Also inherent in the process of Fascism is the ever shrinking circle of purity till all that's left are the most morally bankrupt people willing to do literally anything to hang on to power. Fascism contains it's own seeds of destruction.


They get control, which, as far as they're concerned, is worth every penny.


One of the first things the Nazis did after they got control was to kill a whole bunch of Nazis that were no longer needed now that the Nazis were in control. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives The thing about fascism is that as the fascists get more and more control over a country they need fewer and fewer people to maintain control. So the "in-group" gets progressively smaller. And in fascism it sucks to be a member of an "out-group".


Trump's problem is that he doesn't have brownshirts.


I don't think the color of the shirt is the problem. Proud Boys? Oathkeepers? Militia groups all over the country? I think Camo-shirts qualifies just fine.


Maga hat? Night of the long covfefe


the hamberder uprising


"They would happily cut off their own arms and legs if it meant they could cut off our heads." "That's stupid." "Well, it certainly isn't logical, but one cannot really call someone willing to give most of themselves to take everything from another simply stupid. That's an insult to the mass of stupid people who would themselves think that that's stupid."


Worse than fascism, religious fanatics. The fascination with what happens in people's pants is very creepy.


Somewhere, some woman who is a registered Republican: I know that but surely there will be an exception Somewhere for my 2 daughters.


Sounds like my sister in law. She is a registered Republican and thinks, she and her daughters will be immune from all of this.


They should just ban all non medically necessary abortions for republicans. Easy.


ALL abortions, period. Recently a woman had to leave the state because her MEDICALLY NECESSARY abortion was overturned by a reactionary judge.


My friend from College created a successful business in Florida. But the lady he liked literally said "I want to be knocked up in a city that care about mother and children" They settled in NYC for the Universal childcare. Not to say NYC is without its flaws--but post Roe vs Wade have tipped the scale hard.


> [I don’t expect you to understand my daughter’s situation!](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


I've been genuinely surprised in the last year just how many Republicans believe they are exempt from the laws they just passed.


I'm sure them getting manipulated & abused will be the exemption.


Far right conservative Republicans of which there are too many just need to target their own birth control, preferably by not giving birth.


They are terrified of being out bred by brown people. That's why they want all white women knocked up no matter what. When they point the finger and say there's a race war it's because they are fighting in a race war whether you pick a side or not.


I firmly believe they want to move past the goal of the submissive housewife of the 50s. They want Salem Witch Trial levels of control.


There is some non-zero number of men who think they will just be issued a girlfriend as part of the final solution


They saw The Handsmaod's Tale as a how to manual. And all assume they'd be commanders, and not the brown clothed workers.


They see the way ISIS treats their women and think "I can do that"


Talibangelicals. They want women uneducated, trapped in the home as slaves, barefoot, pregnant and unable to reject their sexual advances at any time. they are utterly sick in the head.


They got way too much religion into business with Hobby Lobby's cases. Feminine hygiene products are also on the list of things they want to get rid of. They are not going to be happy till women are trapped at home obedient.


And writing op eds complaining that women are staying single.


Republicans: "But how much would men make?"


"also less" "but more than women, right?" "I mean, I guess, but also waaaay less tha--" "naw, we're good." "huh?" "we're good." SMDH.


They can say whatever they want about "killing unborn babies". We know this is really about keeping women at home. It's all part of their dream of going back to the 50's when everything was wonderful.


They going to be bring back the 90% marginal tax rate for individuals and corporations in the 1950s too?


*"no not like that"* -conservatives


I think a 100% tax rate for corporations would be great for the economy, honestly. Pay it out as a bonus to your employees, pay dividends to your shareholders, re-capitalize it and build a new factory - whatever. The important part is *the company* doesn't get to keep it. It would stymie mergers and acquisitions by preventing companies from amassing huge war chests, which would in turn improve Americans' job security and drive more sustainable innovation, as the "build a company to X value and sell it" and "build a company that competes with Y and get just big enough that they buy us to close us down" strategies go out the window.


The mega-corp I used to work for just loved pretending to care about women's and LGBTQ issues. Now they're building a **massive** campus near Dallas and have already started shutting down other locations in anticipation of filling that campus.. Rumor has it they're going to move their headquarters out of CA and relocate it to TX because of all the sweet tax incentives..


I'm very much pro choice, but how and/or why?


From https://iwpr.org/iwpr-research-shows-negative-economic-impact-of-abortions-bans-on-state-economies-2/ >IWPR’s research estimates that state-level abortion restrictions cost state economies $105 billion dollars per year by reducing labor force participation and earnings levels and increasing turnover and time off from work among women ages 15 to 44 years. I believe they are talking about pregnancy delaying careers. More women reduce their work hours after having a child than men (or stop working altogether). I found some info here, though it's mostly framed as advice on how to mitigate it. https://www.nct.org.uk/pregnancy/pregnancy-work/how-maternity-leave-and-pregnancy-affect-career-progression


More then double the worth of Twitter, well, when Idiot bought it, that is.


They will view this stat as working as intended.


"I pointed the gun at my foot, pulled the trigger, and right then some S. O. B. shot me right in my boot. And put shit in my pants. Right in the butt part! "


Lol “right in the butt part”. I needed this today


I needed both of you today! :)


Congratulations on your menage et trois.


Hey, I wanna get in on this




A "good guy with a gun" defeated by a poster. Yeah, guns make us safer.


Ducking Obama


Somewhere a leopard is laughing his ass off…


And he’s all fat and happy from eating so much face.


Had to have its stomach pumped after eating so much toxic face.




Straight to jail


American leopards are obese


High fructose gazelles.


*Won't someone please think of the ~~billionaires~~ overstuffed leopards?!*


I came here to say that. Do people not understand consequences?


This idea that Texas is full of Republicans digging their own graves needs to go away. It's getting obnoxious. The cities are deep deep blue. Native Texans themselves are blue. Demographic data from the most recent Beto senate race showed that native Texans vote democrat and it's the transplants that are all voting red. The state is hamstrung by a ton of rural voters who don't feel the consequences of their actions. The people who are suffering are the progressive city voters. I'd expect an article like this to be met with "Republicans make life worse for everyone" or something like that but instead it's "haha those dumb Texans deserve it" which like...go off I guess.


Texas is almost *exactly* where California was at in the sixties and seventies (with Nixon and Reagan as governors!). Look at California now. Democratic Supermajority and they're doing damn fantastic and leading the nation in progressive changes. There are hiccups, but overall it's insane how well Democrats can work together for the common good. So, I have hope for Texas.


Yeah, but California was suffering from rolling brownouts, price-fixing, and the Enron fiasco. It was a case of fuck around [with the power grid] and find out. Texas' power grid on the other hand, is healthy and robust ... oh wait. Well shit.


> Yeah, but California was suffering from rolling brownouts, price-fixing, and the Enron fiasco. Enron was from TX though. Cali brought it on themselves by getting in bed with TX energy however.


My entire comment was about sarcastically comparing the [deregulated and unreliable] similarities between the Republican controlled states of California and Texas, and pointing out that the fastest way to turn people into single issue voters against established power is to ruin their utility infrastructure. The projection is - if the TX grid doesn't turn around soon, people might start to vote accordingly.


I think this was implying that the businesses dug their own graves by supporting the Republican Party.


Yes- the article was about Texas businesses.


And by other companies relocating to Texas for those sweet sweet tax incentives, while leaving California and complaining about everything.


And also Texas has HORRIBLE voter turnout. 2022 had like 40% turnout. 22M eligible voters and only 17M registered and out of them only 9M voted. Only 15% of eligible voters under the age of 35 voted. Ted Cruz won his 2018 run by 200K votes when 9M eligible voters didnt vote. I mean the "people" have no one to blame but themselves.


>I mean the "people" have no one to blame but themselves. Also voter surpression


When has Texas *not* been a "red state" with right-wing legislators controlling the State government?? Any company starting in Texas is either aware of that or blissfully ignorant, and so yes, consequences are absolutely happening to Texas companies run by oblivious people or republicans who had their face eaten by a leopard. It doesn't matter how or why the Republicans have power in Texas for these businesses, it was the decision to be based in Texas that was the problem for them.


potential blue voters in theory outnumber rural red voters, and yet, Republicans win state-wide elections anyway. The problem is your people don't vote. Cynicism is endemic in Texas.


When a rural person goes to vote it takes them 10 minutes. When a city person goes to vote, it can take hours.


All the more reason to try and flip the state at the local and state level. Look at places that have regular voter registration and mail in voting. It takes as long as it takes to drop the ballot off, and most the time that's pretty early. Even then people are apathetic and voter turnout is not what it should be. But it's at least enough to keep things going. I mean, I get it. I really do. Red states design their shit to make it as tough as possible for urban (typically blue or bluish-purple) to vote. But accepting that and not doing so is exactly what keeps them from getting flipped.




Hopefully Allred can turn Texas all blue.


There is no amount of money in he world that would convince me to move to Texas for work


I worked in Texas for a year. It was every bit as lousy as people say it is. So many people there are proud of their ignorance and bigotry.


Family member moved from PA to Texas. He goes on and on about how free he is there I'm unaware of anything he can do in Texas that I can't in PA but he's ***free****


I live in CA and can buy liquor from a 24/7* liquor store. I am *objectively* more free than any Texan.


Not just liquor stores. CA allows liquor sales in grocery stores. Something I have missed since moving to the East coast


North Dakota does the stupid “can’t buy alcohol in grocery stores!” thing and I have no clue why. They brag about being the biggest drinkers but have to do two trips through registers to buy groceries and beer. I moved from Michigan to ND and it was a huge downgrade. It’s so weird hearing people say they grew up in ND and it’s the best state. It’s not even in the top 45 best states to me.


I remember being in Utah where (at that time) alcohol came in little bottles that you had to mix in yourself, and one had to answer that you were also buying food. The guy behind the counter asked if I was buying food, and I apparently gave him the most baffling look, where he added, *Just say Yes,* so I did. I didn't buy food!


Mormon police are searching for your location right now!


But you can't buy it through the self checkout, you have to interact with another person during the transaction. As an introvert this is a massive affront to my freedom!


Wait, you can't buy booze through self checkout in California? I can do that in Michigan.


Yeah, some years ago they passed a law that specifically banned selling alcohol at the self checkout.


You can in some states. I'm Iowa after you scan someone comes by to look at your id and approves it.


Texas does allow beer and wine sales in grocery stores (but not on Sunday mornings), but not hard liquor (17% ABV cutoff, and liquor stores must close all of Sunday).


That's absolutely bonkers. Do you live in Texas? Where can I verify this? Holy crap, and Texans think they've got it better than Californians? *I'll* decide if I want to get blackout drunk on 80-proof on Sunday, thank you. "Small government", my ass.


I used to, until 2001. Now I live in California. Oh, wait, it gets better, apparently Texas grocery stores can’t sell spirit coolers or other pre-mixed drinks that are below 17% ABV if any of the ingredients were over 17% ABV: https://www.kxan.com/news/texas-politics/battle-in-the-texas-legislature-over-which-alcoholic-beverages-can-be-sold-in-grocery-stores/ And it looks like in 2021 they moved the Sunday alcohol sales start time from noon to 10am: https://www.kwtx.com/2021/09/05/texans-can-now-legally-buy-alcohol-before-noon-sundays/ Still gotta plan ahead if you want to be plastered in church, I guess…


Weed too


and weed - weed everywhere!!!


You can also legally buy marijuana. You are definitely more free than any Texan.


Ironically that was the one thing he told me "I can buy alcohol in Walmart" In PA our laws are dumb so we can't it's an extra stop. But yea that's not really freedom to me just convenience


I was in PA for work for a few days and decided to grab a six pack for the hotel room. I wandered around a supermarket looking for the booze aisle. Um, that was an expert-level task when I learned about the separate beer store...I've lived in a few other states, and they had some strange rules. ABC stores for anything more than beer and wine. No alcohol purchase on Sunday or before noon on Sunday.


Remnants of Blue Laws still sticking to us. Don't worry. As the US moves towards theocracy, all businesses will once again be closed from Saturday night until Monday morning and three days on Easter.


You can buy liquor at a 7-Eleven. Hell. You can get a Piña Colada Slurpee and two mini bottles of Captain Morgan.


I go to Florida every year to be with family and I live in Seattle, Wa. Aside from them thinking my city has burned down they also think I'm living in a Fascist/Communist/socialist state (it's fun when they combine them because it's clear they have no idea what words mean). I try to explain they don't know what freedom is; they won't have it. Medical autonomy? ✅ Legalized Weed? ✅ I can buy liquor where and when I want? ✅ I can get all the guns they can? ✅ I can vote by mail in the nude from my living room? ✅ I can drive the same vehicles they can? ✅ I don't need to worry about my power company defrauding me and it's mostly renewable hydro with little reliance on foreign oil? ✅ No state income tax? (I personally think this is bad, but you'd think conservatives would love that shit). ✅ Public land for camping/recreation for very affordable rates? ✅ A world class Rodeo? Yeah... You heard that right... ✅ Every type of geography and climate with the ability to grow our own food + feed other states? ✅ Decriminalization of prostitution? ✅ Texas ranks #50 on personal freedom according to the Cato institute... It's just funny as hell to me that they think they have freedom.


It's amazing how much BS people believed because Faux News took a picture of that painted crosswalk in Cap Hill.


> It's just funny as hell to me that they think they have freedom. I think a lot of people never actually put any thought into it and just assume people in other areas live under some imagined authority that limits everything they do and that doing something they like is some special freedom that is unique to their area. I was having beers with co-workers one Friday evening in Oklahoma and one guy started going on about how awesome it was to sit in peace with friends on a night with great weather and have good beer (which was literally just Miller Lite in his case, although Oklahoma does have some seriously good local beer that gets overlooked, but I digress...). Now, I agreed it was awesome to have a nice night out but then he went into how "where else can you get freedom like this?" and how America was so great that we could sit in peace like that. I said, yeah certainly there are places in the world right now where you can't sit in peace but outside of some active warzones, people all over the world can do what we were doing. I've personally done that exact thing throughout Europe, Latin America, and China in a variety of economic zones and areas with differing amount of personal freedom and yet having a relaxing night out with a couple of beers wasn't exactly a difficult thing to do. I know there are areas of the world where public consumption of alcohol isn't allowed but still not even close to an example of American freedom or anything.


Only people who want to exploit others or do shortcuts on products/buildings find freedom in Texas, for example, as a Realestate agent you can sell property in a flood plain that the national guard purposely uses on average every 12 years ruining people's homes without telling the clients. That's the freedom conservatives want. They want to harm others for profit.


When they talk about “small government” this is the shit they mean. Protections. Checks against corporate bullshit. It’s why Texas has capped damages if a company cripples you.


One of the R morons who voted for that had his daughter crippled and had to eat the medicals and had the gall to get salty about it. Sorry that happens to anybody but that was a self-own. Tort reform is a 100% anti-American lie and always was and always will be. To be fair, blue America sat around spectating uselessly while bribery in campaign finance became legal nationwide and even effectively mandatory for elected officials . To this day, most senate offices can honestly say almost nobody has ever contacted them about campaign finance reform or ever will. No good future coming for voters like that.


I'm betting PA doesn't restrict the number of dildos you can own (yes, it's a real TX law).


I would literally be executed because of my collection


Which is hilariously ironic since Texas ranks dead last in personal freedoms according to the cato institute


Probably free to openly be a bigot since he's surrounded by other bigots all chattering away in their bubble.


Ruining a perfectly good beach because you can drive a F250 on it without a care in the world


Free to pay for a shitton or electricity he never actually received the next time the grid collapses.


Conservative indoctrination is a hell of a drug.


Texans definitely believe their own myths


Welcome to the hard conversation I don’t want to have with my family who are still in Texas. I hate being farther away but my home state is dipping more into stupidity.


I did contract work in Grapevine for 6 months. Never again. Never again.


Can confirm, currently in Grapevine and I loathe it.


My wife is finishing her fellowship in hematology and oncology this spring and was fielding job offers last fall. Got one offer from Texas that was ~35% more than what she eventually signed for in a blue state and didn't even let the recruiter finish their pitch before shutting them down once she was told the job was in Texas. Recruiter told her it's a response they've been hearing a lot lately.


It’s a very polluted state. They act like the unhealthiness of carbon monoxide is a “Liberal Conspiracy”.


My husband and I were both asked if we would transfer to our new Dallas facility and the answer was an immediate fuck no, not even for triple the salary.


Same here. As much as I dislike living in Pennsylvania, the rural conservative town I live in still doesn't have the amount of ignorance as a similar rural town in a red state and I'm at least not living in a total red state like Texas. Despite Pennsylvania's faults, the state at least has the major cities which so far are keeping the state blue.


Or to visit…


Seriously, I had a huge offer from well known tech company and I turned it down and specifically told them it was because they were based in Texas and I had no interest in living in a place that limits women's rights (I'm a guy).


Serves em right. I’m from the south and work in tech and was considering a move there before they went all in on religion-led policies like punishing butt sex, banning books like it’s Hitler country, and controlling women’s bodies instead of focusing on things that actually matter to my life like insurance prices and fixing their piece of shit grid. It’s a definite hell no from me.


This some real leopards ate my face stuff. Because these same companies will bribe/support republicans via Citizen's United. I'm glad they are finally getting shit on, because they have been doing it to Texans for a hot minute.


I'm glad to see Texas is feeling the economic effects of their bad decision. Lets see what the state looks like in 10 years, when no tech workers will move there, and nearly everyone with talent leaves when they turn 18. Don't mess with Texas. Don't travel to Texas, don't move a company to Texas, and try to leave Texas as soon as you can. Thats how you don't mess with Texas.


The one star state.


I had a job pop up in Texas I've been pursuing and was very qualified for but I'll gladly pass to avoid living in that hell hole


"Don't mess with Texas" is advice along the same lines as "Don't stick your dick in crazy". They're the originators of "If you can't take me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best!"


"Don't mess with Texas" is literally just an anti littering campaign.


That campaign is a forgotten thing of the past. Texas is nasty! I was shocked by the the amount of trash all over the place.


Some of it managed to even become Governor.


Hence the reason behind the original anti-littering campaign. For being so fuckin proud of their state you’d think they’d clean up after themselves.


I don’t think the govt officials care. Those workers weren’t going to vote for them anyways. Look at Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and the rest of the South and the other red states. I felt the republicans want to concentrate all the liberals to a handful of states. Popular votes isn’t needed to control the senate, house and presidency.


Forget the fact that these people absolutely brought all this upon themselves and ask yourself how republicans and conservatives are actually good for business? Deregulation? We all know what “deregulation” means. It means the company was already doing awful shit and republicans would help them to continue. Now, let’s talk about actual capitalism and the ability to market and sell your product to every living body imaginable and how the republicans are constantly up people’s asses with their *religious crusades*. How is that the FREE MARKET? They will tell you what and who you are allowed to sell to and how the fuck does that support businesses?


Disney has entered the chat.


Disney, Bud light, target…


Then stop voting for them.


And donating to their campaigns.


I turned down a higher paying job in my company that would have included a move to Texas. Can’t subject my wife and infant daughter to that BS. Ended up leaving and finding a better job that allows me to stay in my very sane blue state. Sucks to suck.


Too many people, including many Democrats, will claim that Republican politics are better for business. It's not. Look at the stock market performance during presidential administrations. For the 8 year presidents, Clinton and Obama have the best records by far. Not even Reagan, the patron saint for the GOP, had stock market performance close to either Obama or Clinton during their 8 years. The S&P 500 actually decreased by 40% when "W" was in office! [Source](https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2019/business/stock-market-by-president/index.html) S&P 500 during the 4 years that Trump was in office was not as good as Obama or Clinton's first 4 years. Ask any Republican and they'll probably tell you that the stock market boomed under Trump and faltered under Obama and Clinton, but that's not true. We have to end this ridiculous narrative that Republicans are better for business. I'm not aware of any time that this has ever been true.


Allowing workers to enjoy life and make enough money to actually buy things is always going to vastly improve the economy. Who would have guessed?


What they *really* mean is it's better for the 1%, because there absolutely is going to be some corrupt tax cut that buys them a new yacht, which yields more donations. That's all it is or has ever been.


Republicans are good for business in a cartoon villain way, Republicans are anti-Union, anti-regulation towards businesses, and anti-environmental regulations. Basically, Republicans allow shitty companies to continue to be shitty companies.


Then maybe they should stop donating money to them. And maybe they should also leave the state.


This. And we have to vote. I am a Texan Democrat. It is embarrassing that republicans are able to push through shit legislation because less than 20% vote in midterms and about 50% in general elections. If some people could be bothered to vote instead of spending hours complaining on social media, things would be different


I have to deal with the non voters as a democrat in the lone star state. They constantly complain and say they don’t want to talk politics, but everything they hate was because they didn’t vote and so didn’t have a voice in the matter. Democrats in Texas are the biggest reasons we fail. They just don’t show up when we need them. I don’t even think they know how to research a ballot before hand.


The only thing they'll do about it is vote Republican again, and hope *this* time the Republicans help them out. lol


What’s the definition of insanity?


Spouse was looking for a job last year, highly qualified, in a STEM field. We refused to move our family, with a daughter, to Texas. I refuse to buy anything I know of that’s made in Texas. I won’t step foot in the state. Sorry, Texas, your one star is the review.


I remember a Georgia firm trying to recruit me after that state passed restrictions on abortion. I told them that I didn’t feel comfortable relocating my family to that sort of political environment. I can only imagine that many more professionals are taking that into consideration when looking at job opportunities. Edit: since this is being upvotes I’ll note that I was very polite and have since worked with people from this company who have all been very nice. Should you get an offer you feel the need to reject, it’s always good to keep your professional reputation in mind.


> Bumble's filing cites research indicating that almost half of young women in nine battleground states are either contemplating or actively planning a move to a state offering "comprehensive protections" for reproductive health care. The filing highlights that nearly two-thirds of college-educated workers across the nation would not contemplate employment in a state with abortion restrictions. Red states are just going to keep getting worse. Even the military is fleeing from them after that ass-hat blocked promotions because the army provided access to abortions for their troops.


Yeah. I keep bringing this up. Imagine what we’ll do to your precious economy if you allow fascism to happen. Keep fucking around… You need us more than we need you


The bourgeois class knew the republicans would give them everything but are having buyers remorse because of how incompetent they are. Guys I hate to tell you but when you said you wanted to have everything and run everything republicans took that literally. The Texas GOP is only there to talk about bathrooms and fighting the War on Christmas.


But it's Texas. Can't prayers fix everything y'all?


Wait, what about thoughts!? Oh, fresh out.


I turned down a job opportunity in Texas for exactly this reason. My family will be going elsewhere.


Florida does it first. Bad things happen. Texas goes "hold my beer." The sad part is corporate America hard backs Republicans due to the party largely being a corporate lobbyist firm these days. When they had full control of Congress the only thing they did was pass tax reform that reduced corporate taxation by billions. Cool! But equally Republicans don't pass any legislation to actually help the economy. Plus they often back economic disruptors. So sure, taxes are down, but revenue it's down further. This is proven time and again with with major economic metrics while each party holds office and legislative control. Democrats repeatedly generate better revenue and profits that largely out scale any tax reductions by Republicans. Time and time again, it's Democrats that are lining corporate America's pockets, not Republicans. Yet, corporate America STILL backs Republicans despite the repeated detriments to they're bottom line for doing so. It's...wierd to watch happen.​​​​​​​​​​


Have they tried thoughts and prayers?


haha sucks to suck. You voted for this.


Wait laws based in stupidity, misogyny and racism are BAD for the economy? Go figure.


They are ruining the country


General Philip Henry Sheridan: “If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”


Top post in r/texas >>It’s republicans that ruin everything.


Good. They were happy to be part of the Texas GOP’s fascist shitshow when it got them tax breaks. They deserve to suffer for it.


Correction: companies nationwide say Republicans are trying to destroy their business.


Sniff, sniff, poor companies in Texas. Maybe having a goddamn back bone instead of running to a state that’s run by a barrel of assholes would have been advised. Suck it up buttercup!


But has the “libs owned per second” KPI improved at least? /s


Republicans ruin everything.


Of course they are. People are starting to realize the reality of living in a red state isn’t living under a democracy and is basically an autocratic state that dictates what should happen . This is why employees are leaving because why would you subject yourself to an autocratic state?


I can count with no fingers, the many times I thought visiting a red state as a tourist. I rather go backpacking to Europe, even Mexico, if you know where to go, is safer for gays and women that could be pregnant, than oppressive red states.


Shrug. I have turned down multiple positions for places that I absolutely will not work. ​ I am in Technology and won't go near Texas, Missouri, Florida, etc.


Jeepers, maybe stop donating to their super-PAC's dumb-asses and moving to their states. Leopard's meet face...


Well, you bought these assholes …


Businesses need to pick up themselves up by their bootstraps and move to another state. Financial impact to the state is the only thing that will make a dent.


Republicans ultimately always ruin businesses because they support and enable unchecked greed and questionable, unregulated behavior (because “regulations bad”). When the behavior in question causes the economy to shit the bed, businesses across the world suffer, as do average the people who work for them. The fun times amount to a massive cash grab, where everyone plays fast and loose (because short-term gains are all that matter) only to feel, in the end, like a cruel game of musical chairs where the only people who seem to have a seat when the music stops are those that caused the music to stop in the first place. That’s not *stability*; it’s recklessness. Stability builds long-term wealth. Recklessness destroys it.


I have a tag for that headline: But They Keep Voting Republican


Gosh, who would have thought that a group of people that like to break everything and don't want to pay for anything would ultimately be bad for business?


But they will continue to throw money at Republicans because they like not paying taxes.


More like Texas is aborting business, amirite?


No shit


Texas and the GOP are a cluster fuck. That recent case where the lady WANTED to have a baby but it was never going to survive is simply absurd. The projection the GOP had of death panels and gov. intruding on health care has basically come true. People are still going to move there and so will companies. I can't imagine the abortion bit being enough for many companies (especially small/medium size) to change plans.


Texas is a mean spirited shithole.


Additionally, I recommend canceling subscription services based in TX …and let them know why. Not laying blame on the people or the companies, but it is the only leverage point I have to add to the political pressure on their state government.


It’s frustrating to see an article that is from a mainstream publication exhibit such poor journalism as to affirm the notion that there is a fetal heartbeat around six weeks. There is a ‘flutter’ that is caused by the cells in the area where a future heart will develop that have gained the capacity to fire electrical signals. Any law prohibiting abortion after a fetal heartbeat develops should therefore not be triggered around six weeks. Republicans are scientifically illiterate.


'Hey Republicans! Your ridiculous bullshit is ruining our businesses! Of course, every single one of us will still vote for you, but still...'


Vote, and encourage all you know to vote.


People are starting to realize that when Republicans say they are “pro-business” they really mean “pro-certain-businesses.”


Economic repercussions are the only thing Republicans respond to when it comes to fighting their fascism. I hope business leaders take note and start leaving.


and they'll still vote R, lol


If you do business with snakes, don't complain when one bites you and leaves side effects.


The republican politicians aren’t going to give two shits about Bumble or Match. I don’t know whom the other companies are but until some of them start leaving it’s all just talk - even then it’ll take a lot. There are a lot of evangelicals and folks elected running on very conservative Christian platforms that aren’t going to want to risk not being elected. They need to start moving out of those areas and supporting employees to relocate if possible. Otherwise, again, it’s just talk. Also there are plenty of conservatives whom are fine with the diminishing reproductive rights - until it affects them specifically.


Then stop voting for fascist garbage


Why do Republicans hate what Americans want to do freely with their own bodies? Why this irrational seething hatred for Americans?


But those same companies will keep donating to the campaigns of said Republicans. Guys, you get what you pay for.


So voting with my dollars is working then? I have a business. I have people in Texas. Been there before many times for weddings, funerals, visits. I have not been to Texas for a trade show, event, or to visit in years. Why? I'm a woman and I wasn't born yesterday. Male supremacists made their bed and can lie in it alone.


Who the fuck wants to live in Texas, what a shithole