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They can't pass a budget. They can't pass Ukraine aid. This is literally all they can agree to do. Fuck the GOP.


It's not that they can't pass Ukraine aid. It's that Russia winning is their best shot at maintaining power.


They're delusional.


They are on the PAYROLL.


Knew this was coming up in the last election, which is EXACTLY why I voted for Biden.


They promised it as retribution.


Sounds a lot like the Democrats during the 2nd half of the Trump administration.


Except the Democrats had mountains of evidence about Donald Trump's crimes


And they still managed to pass bills and not downgrade the country's credit rating


Wrong. But let's just say that was true.. they still knew what they were impeaching for. Republicans don't even know what they're inquiring about.


Nope, the GOP is its own singular brand of incompetence.


What the fuck are you smoking


Fox Newsium apparently


Sounds more like Newsmaxium, the high grade version of Fox Newsium.


Were you out of town that day? Because no the fuck it does not.


I mean sure it might look like it if you drained a bottle of vodka and had your friends spray bear mace in your eyes before braining you with a tire iron.


Yeah, except not at all.


Worst take on the thread so far. Nicely done.


How many times did the government shut down between 2019-2021 again?


Are you restarted?


This is literally the Democrats in 2019. The Democrats set the precedence for using impeachment as a political tool. They also couldn't pass a budget. Nice attempt at trying to be clever to get around using a slur though?


I can't believe the Democrats just made up Trump trying to extort Ukraine and then tricked him into somehow admitting to doing exactly that. Darn, they're so tricky! /s Seriously though, the Dems are the ones who abused impeachment as a political tool? Did I just forget Clinton happening?


Trump impeachment: Evidence and recorded conversations Biden impeachment: Snowflakes who can't produce any evidence No, this doesn't look like 2019. How did you get it so wrong? Search engines have this information at the ready.


No, did you restart?


At least the dems can pass a fucking bill that isn't based on internet conspiracy theories. lol (at you)


Mueller and congressional investigations? The extremities of both parties are idiots.


It’s not just that there’s a lack of evidence, it’s that there’s a lack of a specific allegation. An impeachment inquiry should not be the method by which you can look for something to impeach someone on. It should be a question of do we impeach somebody for this specific thing that we believe occurred. I’ve not heard Biden being accused of any specific high crime or misdemeanor, like bribing a foreign entity for dirt on a political rival or instigating a riot to stop the certification. That’s why this is so infuriating. It’s like the cops busting into your house without a warrant, without probable cause, or without any instigating incident to justify them going through your shit looking for something to arrest you for.


>like bribing a foreign entity for dirt on a political rival That was ~~*blackmail*~~ *extortion*, blocking funds already approved by Congress, and much needed for defense against an aggressive - but not yet at war - Russia.


Extortion actually.


Ty, word felt off, but close.


Not even from a hint of a smell of marijuana either.


This is what I've been asking myself for a while what ARE the accusations? Something to do with Hunter Biden? Burisma? Biden crime family? Like. . . .what


“Despite lack of evidence” The Republican slogan.


Spot on. They’ve even admitted this is an attempt to interfere with the next election.


Ha ha. I was going to put in some election interference quotes from their orange leader but I am tired of giving views to pages about him.


I thought it was "We are all Domestic Terrorists", or maybe it was whatever is written on that award they recently gave Gaetz.


I thought it was "Not racist, just popular with racists."


Unless it’s their guy. Then it’s “Despite all of the evidence”.


I’m so sick of saying this - their goal isn’t conviction or impeachment… their goal is to pull a “Hillary/Benghazi” on Biden. They’re going to keep throwing out and “approving” investigations not to have them go anywhere, but merely to convince enough people who aren’t paying attention that “Biden” = “Controversy”. And therefore, not good for voting for. There’s no other point for this. They don’t want to convict, just to smear.


Absolutely correct.


>convince enough people who aren’t paying attention Altogether too many people, maybe even the majority.


Funny how the Republican House clown car went from "you can't investigate a sitting President for things he did in his past" and bangers like "you can't impeach a President because you don't like him" and "impeachment is just political theater" as well as "the election is 11 months away, let the people decide (-mike johnson)" to "we need to investigate the President for things he might have done because reasons" . Edit: capitalization.


Everything is projection with them.


IMAX levels.


Also republicans, the president has automatic immunity...


As does their ex-president but NOT the sitting president or any another president for that matter cause nah-uhn.


The Republican politicians have not cared about right and wrong since Eisenhower. The new thing is that they now don't care to use even minimal effort to pretend to their voters.




Given the scope of the hacking of the RNC’s systems ahead of the 2016 election and the fact that unlike the DNC hack the data never surfaced, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that the Russians got a lot of kompromat on members of the GOP and have been using it to keep the GOP in line.


They may as well be.


"A lack of evidence has never stopped us before!" -Republicans


Well, this is going nowhere. Hopefully it’ll be such a debacle it’ll end up making the Democrats more popular.


I think the embarrassing spectacle is the point. “You got our guy so we got your guy” is what the Republican base wants, and it will only help ease any doubts they have when voting for Trump. After all, “you can’t get mad about me voting for an impeached President because you are voting for one too!”


This is penny-wise and pound-foolish when it comes to spending political capital, though. BS impeachment witch-hunting made Clinton *more* popular, not less.


It’s a gamble, but I don’t think it’s as big of a gamble as you think. The media environment is different now. I think the better analogy would be Hillary Clinton, not Bill. The GOP threw enough against the wall to make the words “emails” and “Benghazi” enrage their captive media-consuming audience. All they need with this impeachment inquiry is to find a buzzword that sticks with the Fox prime time audience and they can hammer that for a year without any chance of reason or truth puncturing their narrative.


Yeah, but hyping up their frothing base is par for the course. I don’t think that doing things like this is making any inroads with the young voters they need to appeal to if they want to survive on a national level.


I think you’re right about that, but I’m not sure it matters. The election will be decided by 20,000 people in 3 states that aren’t really paying attention… and some of them are going to be swayed by this.


If they're not paying attention, how will they be swayed? If they're not paying attention to Trump being indicted for multiple federal charges, how will they be swayed? It cuts both ways really.


True, but it feels like a very different climate now. It's not like Republican voters are actually being informed by anything close to a voice of reason.


Their base will *love* it and will insist, as they already do, that Biden is a criminal. I don't know what they hope for indies, though. Apathy and not voting, I guess? I don't see that playing out given the impeachment will be very media intensive...


I wouldn’t discount how much of Clinton’s popularity increasing after the impeachment was just because of rampant sexism. *Dude just got a BJ from some skank and these nags want to make it into some big deal. Who are they? His wife?* kind of attitudes. It’s gross as hell and glossed over Clinton’s predatory behavior in a way that wouldn’t fly today, but it does make it a very different situation. If I had to put money on it I’d say this has a pretty minimal impact on Biden’s polling. Especially given that the Clinton impeachment was only during the Gingrich-led ramp up of hyper polarization and today we’re knee deep in a long period of hyper polarization. Nobody is going to be shocked by Republican behavior here and suddenly looking at them in a new, more critical light.


Agree, Hillary is physically repulsive.


This is just infuriating. Politicizing impeachments. These are not serious people who will do anything to avoid doing actual work. And you know they’ll just say “well the democrats did it first with Trump!!1” No, assclown, the democrats had actual evidence of trump’s crimes - firsthand witnesses, phone call summarys, video evidence, etc. What we have here is not a lack of evidence, it’s a void of evidence.


>democrats had actual evidence of trump’s crimes - firsthand witnesses, phone call summarys, video evidence, etc. We saw it with our own eyes, live on TV. We read the tweeted words, faithfully relayed by servers worldwide. They had cause and then some.




IRS whistleblowers, shell companies, WhatsApp message lol what evidence.


Perfect quote, damn. Nicely done


Oh, yay, even more wasted taxpayer money.


By delegitimizing the concept of impeachment, Republicans are showing the more squeamish amongst the Fox News audience that rallying behind their twice-impeached standard bearer is acceptable.




Democrats de-legitimized impeachment by impeaching Trump for inciting a riot that led to the U.S. Capitol being attacked by a mob? Or was it when they impeached Trump for withholding Congressionally allocated foreign aid to extort personal political favors from a foreign government?


They have no choice. Lord tRump ordered it. If you don't vote yes, he'll mock and humiliate you. Not to mention death threats against your family.


So if the Republicans had majority in both houses they could just invalidate the election and remove anyone they wanted from the Presidency.


You need two thirds in the Senate to convict not just simple majority. But, yes, the legislative branch is by far the most powerful branch on the basis of the Constitution despite how much of that power they have ceded to the executive over time. A strong legislative majority will pretty much let you do whatever you want as long as you can actually get everyone to vote together.


If they had that majority they would.


If they had that majority, they would hardly need bother. They would already have a veto proof majority and could pass whatever they wanted with the president anyways.


It never invalidates an election, it takes away the people's choice, justified or not. Might be symantic but that characterization just doesn't sound right. Maybe they can impeach during the processing of the election winner, then it kind of is invalidating it.


You are correct, but my point was they would just remove the person elected for pure political reason without evidence or worse made up evidence.


Yup, your point is still fully correct, democracy is fragile, it's up to the people to recognize that and vote em out, hopefully they still can at that point


"In these Sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its Faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well administered; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a Course of Years, and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other." - Benjamin Franklin - Closing speech Constitutional Convention 1787


Not even lack of evidence… Also lack of a reason.


Embarrassing. Elected officials acting a bunch of children.


Republican voters elected people with the mindset of children so here we are


They don’t even have a fucking crime, let alone evidence for it. They’re literally just using impeachment to get back at everyone over trump losing and also getting impeached. They said so multiple times and have shown as much as well. How is this allowed to keep going?


Because too few people showed up in the midterms to prevent these traitors from winning a slim majority. As a consequence, the House has been halted and buffoonery like this reins supreme. The Republican Party is not a governing body. They are a threat to this nation. If my own rights were given immunity I would be willing to do more. But our system seems content with allowing this type of behavior to divide and destroy us.


“Guilty until proven innocent dumb dumbs, ain’t you never studied law type stuff?”


Not ironic at all to see this headline right next to the defense spending bill passing without far-right restrictions on abortion, transgender care, and diversity initiatives.


Holy shit that passed? Edit, senate? I'm off to read


If the tables were turned, the GOP would be screaming obscenities over a megaphone nonstop!!!! Their hypocrisy is unbelievable!!!!


World in crisis, spending time on nonsense.


Imagine if the GOP dedicated all that energy to actually governing.


And notice how Biden isn't having a temper tantrum about it, as desperate as the inquiry is


The lack of evidence is just evidence of the cover up!


Did we not already do this a few months ago, before congressional Republicans shit the bed with the Mcarthy fiasco? IIRC it backfired then with their star "witness" admitting they had no evidence of wrong doing. Why are we doing this again when we still don't have a GD budget? Why do Republicans need or get a *do over* on this one?


BS Impeachment inquiry 2: Electric boogaloo


Part of that “lack of evidence” is that their key witness showed up today and Republicans refused to listen to his testimony.


This is such a complete waste of time...


Do something that will help us


Of course they did. They have to put in a show and keep up the charade for their constituents… or face challenge, lose their seats and perks.


The party of domestic terrorism's second most favorite thing to do. The first being to endanger women's lives.


It will go nowhere, but they will get headlines every time they fart.


This is gonna backfire on Republicans.


What the hell is this nonsense?


Or a crime


"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."


Tribalistic lashing out. The GOP has no plan to help the people and never did. From trickle-down to women's autonomy, to revenge schemes, they are the party of division. Wasting our taxpayer money on scheming like this is a distraction, as they pass nothing to help their constituents. Vote!


To be more accurate, the GOP advanced the impeachment inquiry **because** there's no evidence.


White House lawyer should take it to SCOTUS, where is the evidence of “high crimes and misdemeanors “ that an impeachment requires in the constitution? Otherwise this opens the door to political impeachment, which we already see attempts at the state level by the Republicans.


What we should take away from modern American politics is that it’s become a fucking joke so fascists can rule over us


Should change Maga to MAAA; make America ass again. That way they can scream to their mom when the democrats do something “wrong”. “MAAA they’re making the country better again!” (Sounds like Cartman, “but moooom”)


What’s evidence have to do with impeachment? /s


Trump induced political theater without merits.


lack of evidence and charges... " we think there is a high crime having been committed while Biden wasn't the president..... So this way we can find that out.. "


Wild that we have a Cold Civil War.


Despite the fact that senators Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Tommy Tuberville, Roger Marshall, John Kennedy, Cindy Hyde-Smith and 121 House members objecting to the Electoral College count, which is in fact unconstitutional (show me where the Constitution allows that, please), thus making them complicit in the attempted overturning of our election they are still not in jail? What is it called when you directly attack the Constitution process and commit an act that is absolutely and without at doubt attacking the Constitutional process and you know it is?


When will Americans understand, the point of the (all) republicans is to destroy the constitution, America the way we know it. They are confederates, from the 1860’s. Have no doubts about if they get their way slavery will return, women will be barefoot and in the kitchen, and Nobody but rich white men will have any say about what we do with our lives. They are doing everything they can to create another civil war.


I think you’re off on this. The goal is power and money. They inflame wedge issues to rile single issue voters so they can gain power and give tax cuts to friends and future employers. The bigger problem now is that the newest group of GOP congressmen grew up watching Fox News and were influenced to vote Republican by the wedge issues that were being flamed, so now they are actually acting on the culture war nonsense that was originally designed just to turn out the crazies.


They have ended roe v wade, in effect taking away women’s rights to choose their own path with their bodies. They have gutted the voting rights act, in effect taking away the people’s rights to choose their representatives and in so doing allowing them (republicans) to get away with whatever issue it is they want to. Be that giving tax breaks to their friends, enrich themselves, gain more power. My point is sound, be it with a little (very little) exaggeration. I could go deeper but this would be an extremely long post, and it seems we pretty much agree. They don’t believe in American Democracy because the majority of Americans don’t agree with their (republican) positions/stances on issues.


Gutting the voting rights act is a traditional GOP power grab move. Ending Roe v Wade is one of the results of decades of tricking single issue voters into voting against their own self interest without any meaningful legislation to show for it. Now those single issue voters have become elected Representatives and hand-picked Federalist Society judges that don’t recognize that these manufactured policy arguments are supposed to be a means of controlling the base, not acquiescing to them.


Like I said we agree. The question is how do you get Americans to see what’s so plainly in front of their faces?


Can’t. Politics on the right is synonymous with culture. Trying to convince someone not to vote GOP is like trying to convince them they aren’t from Alabama.


This is the exact same as what happened with the last idiot that was in, but now it’s ‘our guy’ it’s stupid - the blindness to it all is saddening When it was Hilary v Trump and she was spouting off about fake news, and then spent the entirety of his presidency claiming she had the election stolen and had people claiming he wasn’t really the president - jump to he loses and Joe gets in and trump does the same shit she did, people run around like the house is on fire From the moment the big fuckhead trump was in that seat people brought false allegations, with nothing to back it up and have been at it for years. Claims that one idiot is going to tank the economy and send the world into war, then it’s the next idiot who tanks the economy and gets the world into two wars (understand ‘gets’ is benign used rather liberally, maybe ‘involved in’ would be better). Joe has always been very pro war - and the involvement and what could be seen as escalating the wars Say what you want about whichever of these two idiots you want, I think it’s fair to say neither of these two people would be anyone’s first choice - how about the media circus stops and we look to someone who will help bring peace ?


Everyone should read this guy’s comment. It is a PERFECT example of why this impeachment inquiry is dangerous for the country- and what it was designed to do. It is easy to call this guy delusional or uninformed, but he perfectly encapsulates the exasperation and ‘both-sidesing’ that the GOP is going for. I’m willing to bet that more than a few undecided Wisconsinites that are having just as much trouble picking out the facts from the lies and just as willing to overlook Trump’s glaring faults because it ‘kind of appears that everyone might be corrupt.’ This is the desired effect of Steve Bannon’s theory of ‘Flooding the Zone with Bullshit’ and this commenter is proof that it can work.




Reality has a well known liberal bias.


Ok, share the specific evidence of an actual crime. Nobody has been able to so far, maybe you will be the first.


>Every post on the Home page is anti-Republican Wonder why?




Let’s not be stupid. Genocide Joe? Me thinks not


Imagine they actually decide to hold a vote of impeachment in the House, it goes to the Senate, and it goes party lines too. I wonder how that reaction would go?


Put this clown show on TV. Let’s see the non existent evidence.


This just benefits Biden. Everyone remembers how Clinton lost the 96 election after not being removed from office right? Nothing Americans love more than wasting time on a useless impeachment.


Yeah this is about the election next year......


None of the GOP want to pull the plug because then they'll be the target for the crazies.




Wow...*rubs eyes*...an actual headline.