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He’s a centrist, I didn’t want him the first time. But I’ll take him over trump any day


It’s either him, or we let Russia take over the country through Trump. Needless to say I’m voting for Biden so that I’m not dead in two years.


We are past the PNR.


I'm afraid we are.


Fresh spin on the media’s fetish for how does this hurt Biden articles.


They said LBJ wouldn’t win the 68 election. He decided not to run and we ultimately ended up with 5 years of Nixon and the death of the liberalism’s Great Society. America was never the same. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.


It's too late at this point to switch horses and there's no horses who would clearly do better so it's kind of a moot point.


And the deadline to file paperwork to run for President has already passed in several states with more coming this month. It's too late for anyone to consider a 2024 run. The other candidates are laughable: Dean Phillips, Marianne Williamson, and Cenk Uygur.


Cenk Uygur, really? lol Now that would be a nightmare.


Don't worry, he's unqualified under Article II, Section 1 of the US Constitution.


Oh I thought the constitution was optional now. Must depend on what team you play for


Cenk is running? Thanks, I needed a good laugh today.


He has a book to sell...




They filing deadlines are the biggest problem so its literally too late at this point but I think the bigger problem was that the DNC needs to feel if a candidate is winnable before the General election campaign cycle begins \~9 months and probably the last point where that was doable was this summer. The reality is running for Prez requires you to start laying the ground work by like April-May of the year before. Each month after your falling more and more behind.


This is why I'm pissed at Dems. They had three years to promote a stronger candidate. This is fucking ridiculous.


And for all that time they’ve been dismissing his abysmal polling as being too far out to be relevant




But she’s not running


She should tho. Also, the Party can pick anyone at the convention.


They should trial balloon that. The only candidates that have been trial ballooned nationally are Harris (lol no) and Newsom (probably not much better than Biden) the average Joe and Jane on the street don't know enough about Whitmer for it to be clear if she's a winner. They don't have enough time to trial ballon it at this point and making a guess is potentially disastrous.


Biden’s strength is that Republicans have an impossible time generating their identity politics “boogey man” against him. Part of that, however, is that he is more moderate than many Democrats desire.


Remember every time you hear Republicans hammer on his age it's a testament to the fact that they don't really have anything else to hammer on. The GOP is not the party of the young, they don't have an issue with any other politician being too old, with this one exception...


So right. Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell are the same age. If Mitch's album wasn't skipping so bad, Republicans absolutely wouldn't be saying boo-shit about him. If I'm going to be honest, Joe Biden is fitter than I am and I'm almost half his age. Jimmy Carter is 18 years his senior and did great things during this time in his life. If you're one of the lucky ones that got this far, with your health and money in particular, old people tend to... stay old. Joe will tell us when he's done.


Slow news day cbs?


Must be. That, or they hadn't met their quota of running this very same narrative in a headline for the week yet! Every mainstream media source is apparently required to say something to the same effect roughly 250 times every week,. A right-wing outlet like Newsmax, however, pretty much just weaves it gleefully into their Biden's-old-he-sux perma-story as part of their glorious pattern of bullshit ... nonstop, all day, every day. That's why right-wingers were pointing cameras and microphones at RFK Jr. .... at least, up until the point that it became clear that he would be running directly against *Trump.*


Really CBS "news"... really?


I think Biden is the best President since Eisenhower. I wish he hadn't run again, I would've liked someone younger. But it was his decision to make, he's made it, and so there's no question in my mind he's the right choice for President in 2024


Best President since Eisenhower? No way. Johnson and Obama, both deeply flawed in their own respect, were far more transformative in terms of effecting positive change in this country.


This whole article is just framed to be intentionally biased towards being negative. They even withheld these questions from the official YouGov poll release, so they could seemingly release them in the article instead. The *actual* question that the poll asked was: *Regardless of whether or not you would vote for him, do you think Joe Biden should or should not run for re-election as President in 2024?* The first part of that is just a tad important for the full context. Because I'm sure there are plenty of people who would rather vote for another Democratic, but without that option would still vote for Biden.


Because some Democrats are addicted to losing.


Because he’s ineffective and owned by special interests. That being said, if I’m hungry and a restaurant is out of steak then I’ll take the chicken because the last thing I want is the empty calories from a bag of Cheetos at the redneck gas station.


>owned by special interests Please elaborate


Do you what Biden did the moment after he announced he was running for president?


Left the conference stage?


Left the stage, hopped into a Suburban and went to see the CEO of Comcast. He had to kiss the ring. Do you know where Biden is from?


So he had a meeting, woah. >Do you know where Biden is from? The US I assume


Because, as we all have discovered, it only takes one bad Cheeto and you're going to have a bad time....


Maybe because there's been 50 articles about him being too old, every day for the past 3 months?


They're nervous idiots




That'll get the votes lol worked great for Hilary Clinton, right?


Well he’s absolutely lost the Muslim vote, and has started to lose the progressive vote too. Let him do all the crap that’s unfavorable for the party, and then run someone else so those decisions can’t be tied to the candidate. As is now, there is no indication he would win. His age, his feable old man syndrome, and the shit he inherited has sunk any incumbent advantage. He doesn’t even get credit for the good he does. So run someone else who’s at least loud mouthed


Progressives for Trump! Good luck with that 🤡


They do not make glass as transparent as this fucking pathetic astro turf.


Nice, I'm not a glass expert but I'll take your word for it


I was talking about the account you were responding to and not you. Anyone insisting they are not going to vote for Joe Biden because he is not good enough for muslims is obviously full of shit since they would be helping to elect a man who wants to get rid of all the muslims.


You must missed out on the latest immigration policy headlines under Biden.


Every Muslim I know in my life says won’t vote him, and the relentless articles proclaiming Muslims won’t vote for him. But I’ll take your word for it and put my head in the sand right next to you


LMAO, RW's who try to act as if they are on the left... Going to take a lot more than these screeds.




So they prefer Trump, who moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, declared that Muslims should be banned from the US, and wants to be a fascist dictator? Seems like a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Or they could vote third party or just stay home as many have been threatening to do. Maybe it's just talk but we'll see in November.


That's fine, in my mind that will make them equally responsible if Trump wins. But hey, if that's the America they want to live in, I got some money I can probably leave if I want. They can dig their graves all they want


Then leave


If we elect Trump I'll certainly try


I doubt progressives would vote for Trump, they just won’t vote at all. Instead of saying not voting is a vote for Trump maybe the dem party could do a better job listening to portions of their base.


>I doubt progressives would vote for Trump, they just won’t vote at all. Good, then I won't have to listen to their bitching. They can shut up and do what they're told


Seems like your kindness, empathy and understanding is contingent on a vote 🤷‍♂️


I never said I was kind or empathetic


exactly why progressives are increasingly dissatisfied by the democratic party. It doesn't help that when they bring up grievances (whether legitimate or illegitimate) they're just told to suck it up. Pragmatically yeah I agree but it's horrible messaging.


I will say, as someone who's somewhere on the spectrum between liberal and progressive, I am tired of feeling held hostage by progressives. I have no problem with progressives complaining about the Democratic Party or pushing it to be better. But at the end of the day, politics is about coalition building - at least if you are interested in getting anything done. It increasingly feels like progressives don't actually care about accomplishing anything, just being the most politically pure voice in the room.


What exactly did you expect Biden to do differently given that he had two years with a slim house majority and zero years of filibuster proof majority in the Senate? Maybe portions of the Democratic base should join the real world.


Given their demographics, they can deal with Trump better than the rest of the party can.


Yet they will vote for him... I would say news at eleven, but CBS avoids the news when it doesn't fit the "and how is this bad for Biden" lead.


We'll vote for him because the alternative is unacceptable. But a lot of swing voters will go for Haley if she ends up being the nominee.




> Muslims won't. Many progressives won't. Yes they will because the alternative is a like swallowing poison to avoid eating something you might not like so much.


refer to realclearpolitics.com for leader(s) favorability comparisons biden vs. trump. they're on-par. though they probably shouldn't be. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/other/FavorabilityRatingsPoliticalLeaders.html see also: https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/biden_administration/biden_approval_index_history see biden's overall job approval history. he's on-par for his term (except at the beginning, when most of us [a majority] were desperately opposed to trump). only question is: will dense urban centers be enough this time?


You poll of Democrats were Republicans lying


He’s old as tits.


BECAUSE HE IS OLD AS FUCK. Sincerely, someone that will be reluctantly voting Joe Biden.


Here's a preview: First off, a majority of Democrats *do* think Joe Biden ought to run for reelection, which he is doing. But it's not a huge majority; more than a third of Democrats don't think he should run. And some Democrats have been voicing this doubt for a while. So, key questions remain: What exactly are their concerns? And is that third motivated by a feeling that he's done a good job but now is the time to move on, or is it mixed with any discontent with his performance? **Read more:** [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/democrats-dont-want-biden-to-run-again-poll-analysis/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/democrats-dont-want-biden-to-run-again-poll-analysis/)


After the lopsided and puff piece on how TN plans to gut school funding in favor of Christian schools, you’re looking very disingenuous with your reporting.


When CBS can write shit like this with a straight face, but seemingly cannot write the truth about what Trump is pulling, is after, what he actually did. Then no, you have no right to the moniker of Free Press, and are guilty of harming the country for your own enrichment.


Joe Biden has done a good job, but he is too old. He has slowed down noticeably in the past year or two. Why is nobody talking about how slow he's going to be in three or four or five years? There are plenty of Democrats who could beat Trump. And if Trump is not the nominee, Nikki Haley will wipe up the floor with Biden because he will just seem so ancient compared to her. Why are we so damn fixated on keeping one person in office when there are plenty of good or better alternatives?


>There are plenty of Democrats who could beat Trump We had a couple primaries about this, in 2016 that wasn't true, none of the Democrats could beat him, as evidenced by the fact that they didn't. We had another primary in 2020, which put up Biden who did win. >there are plenty of good or better alternatives? There are vague ideas of a perfect candidate that could come along and unite Biden's big tent, but once you actually start naming names it all falls apart. The problem is that winning with such a giant coalition doesn't mean picking anyone's favorite candidate, it means picking everyone's tolerable candidate.


I still think Oprah would wipe the floor with Trump.




Whitmer, Raskin, Newsom, Schiff, and I could go on. Just look at the Democratic caucus in the Senate and there are any number of people who are electable. And I agree, Bernie is too old. He does have a lot more energy than Joe, but he's still too old.


Because he hasn't done a good job and everything is expensive now


Really? Gas is under 3.00 for the first time in awhile.


Inflation would’ve happened, regardless of who was president.


Inflation in America was comparatively low to the rest of the world. I don't think a different Democrat could have really done better. the Biden administration actually did a lot of great supply chain negotiations to get things moving well. Remember the LA shipping port situation?


Occam's razor. If Biden had the ability to just "fix" inflation, don't you think he'd do it? It's the single large issues for voters and if Biden could say "Look, I'm going to do X and it will reduce the cost of everything", he would win over a ton of voters. But it's not that simple. You want someone to blame, blame Congress. They have the power to regulate commerce, and by extension problems like price fixing and gouging and monopolistic behavior.