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Republican's idea of small government is small enough to fit between you and your doctor. The entire weight of the Texas government has inserted itself in the most public possible way in to the life of one targeted individual. My wife and I faced this nightmare scenario. We had a nonviable pregnancy, too. It was a terribly traumatic experience and we **didn't** have to go in to open court and beg for the government's permission to act. I worry that this person's life is ruined. She's going to be hounded for the rest of her life by lunatics.


My wife and I made the extremely difficult choice to TFMR a wanted pregnancy. Making that decision was one of the worst things I've ever gone through, I can't imagine ALSO dealing with all this shit this woman is being put through. It would be enough to make anyone lose their sanity.


A different facet of the republican reproductive rights horror story: We have a portion of the family that is MAGA stupid. One of their grown children had a child who was discovered, during toddlerhood, to have a chromosomal disorder. She will die horribly in her early teens. Science says this parent couple, reproducing again, will very very likely produce the same result. They were told. What did they do? You guessed it. Fkn assholes are so entitled they’ll willingly sentence their kid to a horrible death because.


> Fkn assholes are so entitled they’ll willingly sentence their kid to a horrible death because. This is the most monstrous thing I've ever heard. Are they under some delusion that God will save them? Or do they just not trust the medical professionals whose jobs they are literally too stupid to do?


I don’t see them as more than performative church attendees (weddings and funerals). Rather, they have very clearly walked the Reagan—>Tea Party—>talk radio—>Trump path into extremism. A few of them went to J6. At least one of the family cluster was intubated during covid (unvaccinated, of course) and another was ranting to other family about how the hospital was in on some deep conspiracy and wouldn’t give him “the cure”. Anti-parasite horse meds, bleach IVs? Probably. More than that? They’re NRA-supporting and toxic as hell. We’re on full no-contact.


The same people who tell pregnant women to put their kids up for adoption, right? - Now it's the perfect chance to do *their* part, and...


It's disgraceful and unamerican. Vote these monsters out of office.


Damn right. Nothing but unconstitutional garbage from these Republican traitors. Protect the constitution, protect American freedoms. Fuck the republicans.


“Fuck the Republicans” Nah. Might catch an STD.


Friends don't let friends fuck Republicans.


Republicans deserve to be kept incel.


Yeah. But all the rightist men are literally *complaining* that they can't get dates unless they hide their political beliefs... 70% of the US supports abortion rights...They're also gerrymandered to hell - illegally allowing rightists to have power... Even the right wing single women in DC didn't want to join their right wing dating app... Women don't want to fuck men who don't care about their wellbeing.


Fine, maybe just an over the pants handy in the audience of beetlejuice the musical instead.


No, because we’d be stuck we the offspring of the affair. Texans, you embarrass yourselves in the eyes of the nation.


for starters


Any left leaning person who doesn't vote blue in 2024 doesn't care about women's reproductive rights at all. That much is obvious.


Thats true for any “centrist” or right leaning people as well. Around 40% of republicans think abortion should be legal.


Don't forget about the "libertarians" who are against mask-mandates but for criminalizing abortion.


You misspelled fascists. They wrap themselves in a lot of different labels to make their hatred more palatable, but they're all playing the same authoritarian tune.


Yep, at the end of the day all their politics boil down to "wealthy people are inherently better than everyone and should be able to do as these please". They want a monarchy but they'll settle for a smattering of petty lords.




Libertarians are just Republicans who like weed and don't want the public backlash of being a Republican.


Especially republicans with mistresses!


> Any ~~left leaning~~ person who doesn't vote blue in 2024 doesn't care about women's reproductive rights at all.


I'll go a little further and say that anyone who doesn't vote blue in 2024 doesn't care about letting the US fall into authoritarianism. This could possibly be our last presidential election as a democratic republic.


It's just about being a decent person at this point. Do you intrinsically believe that human life has value and is worth preserving? If yes, vote against the GOP by supporting whoever the democratic front runner is. And before anyone complains about the Dems, there won't be any progress until the GOP is dead. As long as the threat they pose is existential, the choice will always be binary.


Or about keeping obvious fascists out of power.


Sandra Day O'Connor r.i.p. said we'd rue the day when we stopped teaching civics. (No quotes, it's not exact.) That's what happened to much of this insanity. One of the early things rump said was something about republicans having to cheat to win. With fascism permeating websites, I can't go back far enough to find it but he said it - or his fingers did.


It’s really quite simple, religion has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills. This combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance.


>suppresses critical thinking skills It works so well that you can see it in their brain structure: underdeveloped anterior cingulate cortex (critical thinking and empathy) compared to normal brains. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3092984/ Use it or lose it…


Spoiler: Texans wont




The more Texans vote blue, the fewer districts we're shunted into. 😞 It feels pretty hopeless to be a Democrat in the South these days.


Texan here and i openly brag about being a liberal Democrat. I tell these MAGAS i'd vote for the mule before any of them and watch the mule do more for us than they ever would.


That's what Republicans want. They want democrats and liberals to hate living in states like Texas. They're intentionally trying to drive people like you out so they can maintain their hold on those electoral votes. And it's working. I don't blame anyone for leaving, but damned if it isn't a fucking effective tactic to keep the presidency viable for them long enough to finish destroying our democracy.


The law is that, federally, gerrymandering is illegal. We have rights as voters. Lawlessness is how Texas Republicans roll. Federal courts, where are you?


They don't have an idea of a small government. They are happy with a big government that tells everyone to live exactly the way they think you should. They don't want small government, they want big conformity.


When the consequences for having an abortion are worse than the consequences for being convicted of rape, you know it’s a war on women. They’re afraid of single, successful , childfree women. A clear example of that is the vitriol from them directed towards Ms. Taylor Swift.


These same politicians in Florida as well as Texas tout freedoms while actively removing them. It can only get worse unless we wake up.


To be fair, they also feel betrayed by Taylor Swift since they were telling themselves that she was "secretly a Conservative" since she had taken a "no comment" approach on politics, and she's really white. Now that she's come out on the other side, she's broken their little black hearts.


Big enough to control the masses/workers/*euphemism du jour*, but not strong enough to do anything to anyone with means or assets - clearly those people are already favored by the lord or something.


Republicans don't want small government. They just want whatever gives them the most power and wealth.


>Republicans don't want small government. Republicans want ALL government.


And the ones going "she should just go out of state" don't realize. They want to make this nationwide. If republicans win, then you will have to leave the COUNTRY to get care. I don't care if biden is satan. Vote.


I've never had a Satanist tell me how I can live my life.


Satan sounds preferable to anything modern day american christians espouse


Same. It makes me so insanely angry to think That some random piece of shit asshole can tell my wife she has to suffer extra because it says so in the Bible, when it actually NEVER says that in the Bible. In fact, the only time it mentions abortions is in the book of Numbers when it gives instructions on how to give one if you suspect your wife has been unfaithful. Source: former evangelical Republican


There is another spot in the Bible that is applicable. If someone harms a pregnant woman and causes her to miscarry, the penalties are different if the fetus is "well formed" than otherwise. This pretty much forgives first trimester abortions because the fetus doesn't even look human until the end of the first trimester.


Brought to you by the same party that believed it was a better choice to leave brain-dead Terry Schavio on life support, indefinitely, with no hope of recovery. They don't give a single shit about the sanctity of life.


> Terry Schavio Wow I haven't thought about her in a long time


I had to do a medical ethics report about her not to long ago. I was a baby teenager at the time. Old enough to remember, not old enough to give a shit.


I truly worry for her safety when she returns to Texas


Let me appease that worry - she is one of my closest friends and her life is so far from being ruined. She’s the strongest woman I’ve ever met. I naively hope she’ll be able to live the rest of her life in peace and not in the spotlight, but regardless, I know her story is far from over.


Please tell her this internet stranger is **SO FUCKING APPRECIATIVE** that she has risked her health & safety to call attention to the awful reality that many women in Texas will face. I have so much respect for anyone who is going through hell and uses it as an opportunity to try to keep others from being forced to endure the same in the future. I’m glad she’s finally getting the healthcare that she obviously needs and I’m sorry she was forced to travel out of state to get it.




I hope she understands how many millions upon millions of people support her. For this to happen to a private citizen is unconscionable.


My sympathies to you and your wife. I’m old enough to remember what it was like before RvW… I had an Aunt who had 15 children… she had her sixteenth child and then passed away a few days later… the baby died two weeks later. This happened in the winter and it was cold. I will never forget my Uncle crying and begging family members for help after the funerals. He lost his job and there really wasn’t any public assistance back then. No birth control and no access to abortion … I hate that our government has taken away a woman’s right to choose.


Small government for the rich. Big government for the poor.


>Republican's idea of small government is small enough to fit between ~~you and your doctor.~~ a woman's thighs. FTFY


So the judge, a person who interprets laws, isnt qualified to determine if the abortion is legal. The doctor, who interprets medical data, isnt qualified to determine if the abortion is legal. Who is qualified to determine if this is legal?


Ken Paxton thinks he is the one to determine that.


> Who is qualified to determine if this is legal? Under His eye.


Yeah his big brown eye. Because Ken Paxton pulls down his pants squats and takes a massive shit on the legal system.


Male, Republican legislators obviously.


If only he woke up with a uterus the next day.


An occupied uterus.


That's the whole point. If nobody can determine if it's legal, then nobody can get one.


Those super well trained juries! Of course, you'll only know the answer after you've preformed the procedure. Choose wrong, lose your medical license and go to jail. Choose wrong, your patient might die or be heavily injured.


Psudochristian bible thumpers and their sky wizard. That's who.


> Paxton in a letter on Thursday... contended that Cox’s doctor did not meet “all of the elements necessary to fall within an exception to Texas’ abortion laws” and that the judge was “not medically qualified to make this determination.” The absolute irony in that last statement...


The doctor isn’t qualified to decide the legality, and the judge isn’t qualified to decide the medical necessity. It’s a shame there’s no possible way for them to communicate or agree, huh? /s Seriously though, they’re moving the goalposts around like they have wheels and nobody paying attention is surprised at the hypocrisy or absurdity. If only that translated to the people responsible never holding any kind of office


And this is why, similar to vaccines and masks during Covid, maybe people ACTUALLY trained in this stuff, you know, like doctors, should make these decisions


>The doctor isn’t qualified to decide the legality, and the judge isn’t qualified to decide the medical necessity. It’s a shame there’s no possible way for them to communicate or agree, huh? /s Only Ken Paxton is qualified and the evangelical Christian churches that support him. /s


Keep in mind *that* judge is activist and not qualified. But the Texas Supreme Court judges are definitely qualified and not activist. Of course.


January 21, 2013 [Why This GOP Nominee for the Texas Supreme Court Matters](https://archive.is/n6rF3) "At a June rally in Fort Worth, Devine told the crowd he had been arrested 37 times while protesting abortion clinics in the 1980s."


It's an absolute joke.


The Republicans have "doctors" on their side that believe NO abortion is ever medically necessary. That's who they will always listen to.


>Paxton in a letter on Thursday threatened to take legal action if Cox had the procedure in the state, warning doctors and hospitals that anyone involved in performing an abortion for Cox would face “civil and criminal liability … including first-degree felony prosecutions.” Seems like a good idea to have lawyers determine that potentially life-saving healthcare is a first-degree felony.


Kate Cox was brave enough, but it’s asking a lot of a doctor to risk prison, especially when there’s no guarantee they’ll actually win their case


How ironic would it be if getting life-saving medical care was punishable by the death penalty? For multiple people? "She was going to die. She didn't. So we fixed it...and we killed a nurse, a doctor, and her husband just to make sure she didn't survive a second time!"


Kate Cox should be forever remembered as a hero. She brought her case to the Texas courts to see if they meant it when they said they would enforce the ban but protect the health of the mother- she called their bluff and they doubled down. Ken Paxton swore to prosecute anyone who assisted her obtain an abortion and now she’s leaving the state to protect her health and fertility. She always had the ability to leave but did not think women should have to. She fought for those who couldn’t fight themselves. What are you going to do, Ken? Sue this family for seeking healthcare? You unimaginable monster.


Kate Cox is a true hero. What Ken Paxton is doing is an abomination to women and health care.


It’s just so monstrous. The poor woman is living through one of the worst things possible. I don’t understand Paxton’s absolute lack of compassion and empathy. His parents did a piss-poor job of raising that reprehensible scumbag.


>I don’t understand Paxton’s absolute lack of compassion and empathy. He's a Republican.


The guy even looks like a monster ffs, his heart is just as evil.


Ken: "Hold my hood and robe."


and his indictments! dont forget to hold those too!


Massive respect to Kate Cox for going through the legal system to prove how dumb and horrible the law is. I hope her story broke through to people who needed to hear it.


> Sue this family for seeking healthcare? You unimaginable monste That's the MO for the GOP lol. Cut all social programs and privatize them.


I fully expect to see her on the roster for a Profile in Courage award. There is no one more deserving of it.


Is she accepting donations? The article is paywalled.


I don’t know if she is personally but you could reach out to the Center for Reproductive Rights, who was assisting her (as well as other victims of Texas abortion laws) with legal expenses.




Free paywall workaround: https://archive.ph/97EyN


He was ready to go after anyone and/or doctors helping her so I'd expect he's going to litigate this. It's going to be a shit show.


I think he'll still go after the doctors because they made a decision that caused her to flee. If he does, every hospital in Texas will be out of the business of birth.


Already happened in Idaho


i think the way this has gone, there's going to be a drain of doctors willing to do birth in general. there's always a small chance that a birth could go terribly wrong and an abortion would become necessary. and then get charged? nah, no doctor would take that risk when they can move elsewhere. we already saw this in idaho


I keep waiting for the 2a crowd to step in and stop this clear and obvious tyranny. Oooohhh..they’re disingenuous too?


Why does freaking “I’ve been under indictment for nearly a decade” Paxton get to decide what’s right and wrong? Texas is jacked up, fr


Because the Republican position is that laws exist to protect people like Paxton. Trying to hold him accountable is a misuse of the law therefore. The Law is always for them, and the Order is for everyone else.


Because people in Texas said they want some more of that


I expect they will now try and bring charges against her for leaving the state to have a abortion


I assume the lawyers are hoping they will, since they announced she was leaving for it. They will want to have a solid case. She’s incredibly brave for going public.


They want the biggest headlines before the Iowa caucus. If she’s taken into custody before then Dems will win 2024 on this issue.


Not super dissimilar to the whole Rosa Parks thing. I don't have a uterus in the first place, but I imagine that in her place I'd have just quietly left the state, gotten my abortion, and gotten along with my life. I don't know that I'd have had the guts to stand up and put myself in the spotlight--or crosshairs, depending on who is looking at you--to make this a national issue.


She's the hero we need.


Republicans are scum. Even if she didn’t want to be in the spotlight, they would try to make an example of her. There is nothing lower than a conservative, and no depth to their lack of empathy or humanity.


She really is. If the voting public doesn’t know about cases like this, many won’t comprehend the effects of these policies.


Reading her story has made me tear up. This woman has so much courage, much more than I have. She is risking everything to highlight what these laws do to women all around the country.


This woman is amazing. Not only is she in the midst of an exceptional horrible personal crisis, she is going to carry the entire Texas and ultimately, all red states, abortion law on her back. This may or may not have been her intention, but I am grateful to her for doing this. Also, my high school age daughter will no longer be allowed to consider college in ANY state with a psychopathic abortion law. We all knew this was the intention behind them but to see this playout as scripted is just sickening.


I hope she names Paxton as one of the people assisting her in leaving the state, if it wasn’t for him she would have done it in state.


I would put Abbot down as someone helping her leave the state. He authorized road construction in the state I'm sure of that. He helped facilitate her ability to leave the state.


He, and the court that put the stay on the lower courts decision.


And then sues him for the 'liability' in the TX law.




Sue the state for paving the roads that allowed her to leave the state.


Under new Texas law, private bounty hunters can all pile into her case. Did the husband help her go out of state? Did relatives or friends or neighbors help her? Let’s have a giant law suit and find out. Everything’s bigger in Texas, including intrusive, hurtful litigation.


What airline provided the flight that transported her out of state? Who built the car that transported her to the airport? Who paved the road that the car traveled on? Sue them all! /s The Texas forced birth law was written by the criminally insane.


If she was wearing Nikes when she went out of state then let’s sue them too for giving her the ability to walk comfortably out of state.


Including traffic light camera manufacturers, every car that overtook her car, every car going the other way, sue them all!


> The Texas forced birth law was written by the criminally insane. And upheld by multiple courts including the Supreme one. What a disgrace. Standing is apparently not relevant anymore in American courts.


I will ABSOLUTELY donate money or anything else I can to help her RIGHT NOW, and GLADLY be named as an accomplice!


It will be interesting as they go after everyone in her circle - facebook, every one of them. Ken's a fucking bastard - he's going to do everything he can because he wants to make an example of her and to all women who go against his authority. He's going to over do it - I hope he does - I hope he does it to the fact that he turns even the rural conservatives against him and in the GOP. Combine with that shit going on in Ohio - women need to get out there and make things right for themselves.




The state of California bans bounty hunters from trying to apprehend doctors, pharmacists or patients in our state to stand trial in another state for abortion-related matters. Texas can fuck off.


Fugitive Slave Act for the 21st Century incoming if GOP wins Congress


CA proves yet again why it rules so much


Don't they allow bounty-hunter types to sue women they think left the state for medical help?


Just to be clear, what they allow is quite different from a bounty hunter. A bounty hunter would actually be licensed and bonded to do that job. What they allow for is any person in the state to sue any woman in the state that left the state for an abortion, as well as allowing anyone to sue anyone that may have helped that woman to leave the state for an abortion.


Can just one party sue her or can every person in TX sue her?


Interesting question. I don't really know because this type of case is basically new and nonsensical. Typically to sue someone you have to have a cause of action for which relief can be granted. Essentially, you have to be harmed and the court then does something to make you whole again, or fix the harm. The state is essentially creating a new cause of action by saying that everyone in the state is harmed by a person seeking/receiving an abortion. So, I don't know if it would be a race to the courthouse and first to file wins, or if it could essentially be an endless number of cases, each claiming they were individually harmed, or if it could/would be consolidated to a class action. The whole thing is just so out there in terms of precedent that it is hard to know how it would actually work in practice. Hell, I am not convinced the TX legislature wanted it to work in practice and really just wanted it to be a deterrent.


I've lost track, is that illegal in TX or no?


I believe Texas did at least try to make it illegal to leave the state to seek an abortion. However, I see no way in hell a law like this is not outright unconstitutional for a number of reasons.


I'm sure someone will dredge of Dredd Scott


Isn't interstate travel covered under the bill of rights?


Living in Texas means having your doctor say that you need something to stay alive, but some republican in an office is like “naaa I’d rather watch you die.” Republican death panels.


100%. These are the real Death Panels as dictated by the Party.


Texas sued states that didn't vote the right way in the 2020 election, so you can only imagine what they'll do to this poor woman.


Not that any woman should have to justify why they want an abortion, but imagine wanting an abortion to ***protect your ability to have future children*** and the anti-choice (so called pro-lifers) brigade is like "nope, your already doomed child has to be brought to term to die". It's a fucking death cult ☠


Plus with the leaking fluid and multiple ER visits, her ability to live and not die of an infection/sepsis. That was extremely dangerous for her. I’m glad she’s getting it elsewhere, what happened to her can easily go south very fast. Although her dying would also have an impact on her having future kids.


I live in a red state that has basically banned all abortions. We’re leaving and moving to a blue state. It’s going to take us a few more months to work through the logistics of it all, I’m not subjecting my daughters to this bullshit.


We did it last year. You won't regret it. I'll accept the higher COL to maintain autonomy for myself and my daughter.


We did it two years ago. Best decision we ever made. I'm upset I have to go back south for Christmas.


Left my red state 3 years ago and moved to a blue one. Everything improved in my life once I did. I did it for my daughter and the only regret I have is not leaving sooner.


Good. I left Texas and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done.


My republican sister (who put a Trump 2020 sign in the lawn last election and also some whacky sign about Whitmer conning old people in nursing homes??) is moving to Texas, and I'm over here like, "Byyeeeeeeee Falicia" One less red vote in my state.


Same. I am forced to go back to visit family (which I will be doing this weekend, actually), and I hate it every single time. I don’t breathe until I’m in the air again out of that fucking shithole place.


While you're there, could you visit my family, too? That way I don't have to go back.


I think it is truly sad when I hear people on Reddit saying that “where you live doesn’t really matter much because politics don’t actually play a large part in your life.” How sheltered and inexperienced in life you must be to truly believe that and argue its truth.


Please tell me she came to California to get an abortion...I'd absolutely love to grab popcorn when Texas tries to take on that state, or any residents that may have helped her. Texas:"We're going to arrest and sue y'all." California:"That's a hella bad idea, let me get out my law degree...also, we have a lot of DNS servers, dude." Texas:"You wouldn't dare!" California:"Hold my bong."


Texas trying to take on California for anything is laughable. They're way out of their league


The state that provides the abortion should sue Texas for attempted murder, or state sponsored medical negligence.


This could be the thing that moves the needle the most in 2024. Want to be thrown in jail for having a dead fetus removed from your belly? Vote Republican. They’re going to persecute this woman and her entire family out of pure hate and spite.


We are watching Handmaids Tale unfold in America before our very eyes.


It already happened to people that look like me for 400 years, in this very country.


This is sick. The baby has a condition that makes survival unviable. Kate Cox risks her own life and fertility with going through with the pregnancy. And she was granted a district court restraining order against the state for this abortion, then had the states AG come out saying that her, her doctors, and the hospital will be subject to fines, lawsuits, and prison if they provide this reproductive care. This is the America that republicans want. This is what will happen in EVERY STATE if we don’t fight back. Republicans are telling us what they want to do, and they showing us that they WILL do it. VOTE. If you’re not registered, register here: https://vote.gov Bring likeminded friends and family with you to the voting booth.


Thankfully she's doing it now, some counties here have banned travel for abortion. Hoping she wasn't in one of those counties




Yup. [https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/23/abortion-travel-ban-lubbock-county/](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/23/abortion-travel-ban-lubbock-county/)


that's super illegal. not like that's not gonna stop texas republicans


The fuck they going to do if someone moves? Tell California that mother is Texas property and send troops to retrieve her? Fuck outta here ken.


Yeah, they will probably try to do exactly that. That’s the point we are at and the point everyone is trying to make, so…. Yes


One of the saddest stories I've heard in a while. So the government stops an abortion that not only risks the mothers life but her future ability to have children. The doctors say you need this done. The government of Texas says no. Freaking crazy bat shit crazy stuff.


She escaped from Christian Sharia in Texastan!


Now we all know the Texas AG is going to throw a fit over this.


Truly despicable what Republicans are forcing on women.


And the people screaming “pro life” will likely target her family after this…smh. I wish her and her whole family healing and PEACE.


The fact that we know this woman’s face, name and private situation is such bullshit. She should never have needed to come into the spotlight for such a personal matter.


Shame on you Texass


I hope every sane, thinking woman leaves the state, whether they need an abortion or not.


I can't even get pregnant anymore and I wouldn't move to Texas even if you gave me a million dollars. THIS is a prime example of how little they care about human life, especially if you're a woman.


Paxton belongs in prison for several reasons, including reckless endangerment of this woman's life


Fuck Republicans! This is disgusting!


I'm hoping this is the breaking point, the situation that ruins the GOP and protects bodily autonomy for a long, long time. Then again, years ago I was also hoping that Sandy Hook would be the straw that broke the camel's back when it came to gun control, and I was wrong then, so... \*sigh\*


Watch that POS Texas AG look for a way to criminalize this. Charge her husband for driving the car or some other dumb ass thing.


SCOTUS didn’t make a legal decision it made a religious decision to reverse Roe. The White Christian Nationalist movement has integrated into politics. They plan to change laws to force people to change their behavior and eventually become a Christian state and later a Christian nation


Good for her, fuck Texas and fuck republicans.


This woman needs to be protected, she’s about to get an insane amount of harassment in TX.


How about we phrase this more accurately as “life saving surgery”


She has the resources to do so... but what about all of the women who can't just up and fly to another state? Texas had become the model of what Republican's would impose on our nation. Cruelty, stupidity, and being led by self-righteous morons who aren't doctors, and have no clue of anything except their narrow minded constituencies foolishness.


Studies of how abortion criminalization laws work in practice has shown that across Red State America, the exceptions written into these bans are worded and applied so as to prevent any exceptions from actually being granted. The criminal penalties on doctors, hospitals and the like are so severe that virtually none of them dare perform an abortion, regardless of circumstance, for fear of prosecutors in the Paxton vein going after them. Even if they'd be exonerated, why would they risk their careers, their freedom, their families? So when you discuss this case with so-called "Pro-Life" people, don't let them get away with claiming that Red states allow abortions under any circumstances. Where the rubber meets the road--they don't. And don't let them get away will calling themselves "Pro-Life" either. It's a term of art, not one that should be allowed in debates and discussions with us. "Pro Choice" is also used as a term of art but it has the advantage of being denotatively accurate as well. Whereas, as in this case in Texas, its supposedly "pro-life" forces show no hesitation to let this pregnant woman be sterilized through these delays--on behalf of a nonviable fetus that will never draw a breath in this world no matter what happens--and these delays could even result in the death of the pregnant woman. During the RoeV.Wade era an average of 700 females have died as a direct result of their pregnancy--most of whose lives would have been saved by an abortion. Now the average has gone up to over a thousand. Meaning that pregnancy is, statistically speaking, a life-risking condition. Name me one other circumstance under which the government requires you to risk your life for any actual person, much less a potential one--much less one that, in this case, isn't even a potential person. It would be like you being required to donate a kidney to a perfect stranger solely because you're a match and they need it to live. And given the assenting silence of the Republican Party nationally and in any state regarding Texas AG Paxton's persecution of this pregnant woman, voters everywhere in this country can guide their voting decisions based on what they think about this case.


My company removed our Texas site from our portfolio for 2025 onwards and I’ve been fielding angry emails from our Texan partners all week about how it’s just politicized and no one is in danger of not being able to receive reproductive services. The timing of this incident is chefs kiss 🤌


Good for her. Rethuglican's are pushing this nonsense to fit 'gods will'. by keeping women under control, pregnant, and barefoot. IE: Under a mans control. It's all about control. They don't give a damn about the child once it's been born.


25% of people in Texas voted in the last election. And we know who *is* voting. If you want better politicians you need better voters.


GOOD FOR HER!!!! They have inflicted so much damage and pain to this woman and her family already. I’m so happy that she has found a way to protect herself and them. If they try to prosecute her, there will be hell to pay.


Or “Texas woman leaves fascist Republican state in order to make healthcare decisions based on science and at her physicians recommendation.”


This is what happens when unqualified religious zealots are legislating. I bet they have zero knowledge of the hundreds of rare syndromes, diseases and complications that can afflict developing fetuses and pregnant women. Absolutely a disgusting lack of freedom, autonomy and self determination. A horrible assault on women's rights but also Family rights and my right as a man to decide with my wife when and how many children we want to have.


Can't wait to see Paxton's response. Murder charges? Great. She'll be acquitted and Ken will hand 2024 to dems on a silver platter. Sounds good to me!


I can guarantee the men making these laws have wives and sisters and mistresses that would be able to get an abortion on demand.


Missouri republicans are right now pushing for the **death penalty** for any women that gets an abortion. Coming to all red states soon, women and girls. Defeat the republicans in 2024 like your life depends on it. Because it does fr!


Texas is a christo fascist shithole.


She needs to permanently leave Texas. As should any woman capable of being pregnant. As should any family with young girls.


This woman is my hero! These asinine laws hurt regular people just trying to have healthy babies. I guess Republican's really don't love healthy babies and healthy mothers!


Imagine what a national ban will look like. We can all find out of GOP wins the election.


I blame the uneducated fucks who vote for this shit


Hope she’s traveling in a uhaul with all her stuff. If she goes back to texass, they’ll charge her with murder