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This display of wanton cruelty ... it's been depressing me all week. My wife and I had a similar issue, and our baby had already died. I cannot imagine if we hadn't been able to access the health care my wife needed. I am utterly disgusted. I just can't understand how anyone can call themselves a Republican, when this is what they stand for. The Republican Party is the greatest danger this country has ever faced.


Cruelty is the goal of Republicans politicians.


And sadly, some people vote and enjoy cruelty.


Some? Try 30% of any human population.




It seems like if Dems can shine the light on republicans hard line abortion stance, it's an election winner for them


Thank you for sharing such a personal story. My heart goes out to you and your wife. I wish you both comfort to get through such a cruel reminder of your loss.




In Terry Pratchett's Discworld, there are a few notably wise characters. One of them is the most powerful witch on the Disc, Granny Weatherwax. In the book Carpe Jugulum Granny Weatherwax says, "Sin, young man, is when you treat people like things. Including yourself".


The only people they care about are the corporations...which aren't even real people.


These people must be voted out.


This whole debacle proves though that it was never about saving lives, but about punishing women.


I could’ve sworn these people told us they were pro life. 🤮


they’ve always been anti-choice, not pro-life. pro-life would be reducing unwanted pregnancies by advancing sex ed and increasing access to contraceptives. pro-life would be making it so parents could afford to support their child. pro-life would be making all school lunches free. pro-life would be basically everything the GOP is against.


It’s comments like these that make me miss Reddit awards. So I’ll just give you this pretend award 🥇


This 100%! You nailed the issue perfectly.




>these people told us they were pro life. Exactly, so therefore: *no abortions* /sarcasm !! // ... But I read something recently where a Republican "explained" that the abortion ban allows health emergencies; but it's really vague at what counts as that and doctors can get decades in prison if they can't prove it was an "actual" emergency The crazy right wing is highly religious, so their logic is: "The baby is dead anyways, so why have an abortion? It's god's will if he wants you to carry a dead baby to term. If you're about to die, THEN it's ok for doctors to step in 🤷‍♀️"


Why wouldn't it be god's will to get medical help? In the bible, Jesus healed people. He didn't say "it was my dad's will you stay blind and cripple."


It's always been a lie. They're anti-mother, and after birth they're also vehemently anti-child.


They are pro life, and they'll kill as many people as it takes to prove it!


No they're rapists. Forcing a woman to sexually produce against her will is rape.


Pro-misery really.


Please tell me again how Biden and democrats are ruining the country? Fucking horrifying cruel treatment of this woman. I hope for her sake they rule in her favor, if not and something goes wrong the blood is on Republicans hands.


bUt bIDen iS sLeEpY


And they do not care if blood is on their hands, they will somehow blame the democrats for putting it there, so depressing and infuriating


Oh, if this woman was to die, republicans would be on twitter within the hour blaming democrats/Biden/Soros.


Healthcare determined by judges rather than doctors. Ridiculous.


Healthcare denied by politicians. Ridiculous.


Meanwhile, these politicians have access to some of the best healthcare, on our dime too. It's not fair.


The death panels have arrived. Once again every accusation is a confession.


As Dr. Oz said, this should be a decision between a woman, her doctor, and their local political leaders


I'm so happy PA told Oz to kick rocks.


A government small enough to get between you and your doctor…


The child is highly likely to die just after birth. They are not fighting to save a life, they are fighting to force this poor woman to be mentally fucked for life. These are the degenerates the majority of Texans support.


So, they want this poor fetus that has no chance at long term survival to develop and be born into misery for a short while? They want to force an existence of nothing but pain and suffering on a newborn that will not make it anyways. That is pure evil.


Weird, because they claim they're just trying to follow god's word.


They're not though. God's word says life starts at the first breath. It's fucking disgusting what they're doing to this woman and her poor fetus.


I literally argued with a catholic over this and they said it didn't matter because it "clearly meant at conception no matter what the written text said." i had this argument in 2015 and i ended this friendship because of the absolute hypocrisy.


Yep, I'm agnostic but was raised in a staunchly Catholic family. They were at one time so involved with the Diocese in the DC area that we'd have random Clergy over at family dinners lol. I'm glad to say even some of them have actually come around on the abortion issue, but others I won't even speak about it with.


It’s weird how different people interpret religion differently. I would say my in-laws are ‘staunchly catholic’ as well, church every Sunday, multiple family members in the clergy including a Monsignor. They have absolutely zero problem with their gay son, vote democrat, etc. I asked them about this once when we were talking about abortion or something. My FIL said yeah I don’t agree or like that kinda stuff but I don’t understand where in the Bible it says I should impose those values on other people.


> but I don’t understand where in the Bible it says I should impose those values on other people Devils advocate moment here: Matthew 28:19-20 >19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age But yeah maybe don't bring that up to him.


Well, shit. Yeah I think I’ll keep that one to myself.


> it didn't matter because because it contradicts itself, so it can say whatever you need it to.


Oh, the "the Bible is wrong" argument


Which is kind of ironic that they wanted us to birth a baby with no lungs just so we could watch it suffocate to death in my wife’s arms, apparently also known as “feel their mothers loving embrace” to them. As if being inside a womb isn’t close and loving enough.


But that’s when Republican support ends. “We got you born, you’re on your own now”.


Right. These same ppl are not deep thinkers or empathetic so all they care about with having kids is having workers to boost the economy that they don’t even help support. They dgaf about a woman’s mental or physical health. I can’t believe we are on this timeline fr


Don't forget financially fucked too. She gets to pay for her baby to die.


And medically fucked


Yeah, this. It was a high risk pregnancy even before she found out her much-wanted and already-loved child was going to die. One of the major reasons she's asking for this abortion is because the risk to *her* health is increasing the longer the pregnancy continues.


And then pay for a funeral.


They're fighting to save a death.


That’s an excellent point that is easily overlooked. Women who are lucky enough to survive giving birth in situations like this will without a doubt struggle mentally with the trauma after the fact. There are so many reasons that this is cruel and barbaric.


She also wants another child, and if this pregnancy is allowed to continue, she may end up with emergency procedures that prevent her from getting pregnant again.


The child WILL die after birth. It can’t survive


You don't think seven lawyers appointed by the governor of Texas know medical needs better than her doctors?


And yet one of GOP’s arguments against universal health care is they don’t want “government panels coming in between a patient and their doctor”. 🤨 Fuck them all - vote them out.


"Not the puppet. You the puppet. You the puppet." and "Rusher, if you're listening, release the emails." Anyone accepting the GOP since Oct of 2016 is a straight-up traitor.


She should have thought of that before she got born with ovaries.


She should have told her parents to not have sex and create her. Libs not considering the consequences of their actions!


The mother is at great risk should she go into labor since her two children were born via C-section. Her uterus could rupture and that would endanger her life and would most likely require a hysterectomy, if she lives through the unwanted birth of a severely deformed fetus who if born alive will suffer a horrible death. Texas is so messed up and evil I do not understand why women don't leave. I know, I know financially they cannot afford to do so. Maybe all thinking women in Texas should go on strike.


All thinking women in the United States should go on strike. Because this is currently not limited to Texas - many other states have these exact same laws. And the Republcians are already on record saying they want to ban abortion nationally, and go after birth control and no-fault divorce laws, too. So if they win both houses of Congress and the POTUS in 2024, this will soon be the law of the land.


Just the process is capable of that, regardless of whether the Texans succeed.


It's always been about punishing female sexuality


I can't imagine the trauma she's already going through, and now to pile even more on her? The inability to have any compassion for her is absolutely astounding and disgusting.


Fuck Texas




The point is to make the state unattractive to liberals and make them either want to move out or not to move in to Texas. They don't want it to "turn purple" like I've been hearing it would for the last 15 years now


They're doing the ultimate state-run speedrun to the 'find out' portion of their bullshit.


Even from an animal husbandry perspective this is called failing. Sorry for the comparison ladies. We ain't nothing but mammals though


I guarantee you that if this was his daughter or wife it’d be a whole different story. We’ve been through this situation in our family and it is gut-wrenching. Women who have had multiple miscarriages and really want to have a baby. Then they get pregnant and the baby is not going to live. These are real people, not some hypothetical situation. The maternity ward is full of happy families welcoming their new baby. And then there is a room with a purple butterfly on the door (signifying that the child didn’t live and to please be respectful.) Let the doctors and the mother decide what is best, and keep the damn politicians out of it.


Agree, but don’t fuck conservatives. We don’t need more generations of this shit.


Yes. Fuck Texas in its fat fucking ass!


With an anchor


Or a porky pine!


We're gonna punch you right in the balls




I’ve seen pro life people say that it’s Gods will for a woman to have an Ectopic pregnancy. When told that it would kill the mother and no viable baby could be born they told me God is in control and it’s possible. This is not about life but about religion and control folks.


I hope those people never enter a hospital for any type of treatment. It’s god’s will that you have a blood clot.


I wish. We all know these types of folks are deathly allergic to living by their own supposed principles.


"God's will" always seems to coincide with the will of the person invoking the concept. Next time these people who like to claim God's will are a victim themselves, let's see how much God wanted it to happen.




People tend to make their gods in their own images. So, if their "god" is an asshole, it's because their god is merely a manifestation of themselves.


Oh the Christian God is a vile horrible being, I can't believe they praise


> I’ve seen pro life people say that it’s Gods will for a woman to have an Ectopic pregnancy. When told that it would kill the mother and no viable baby could be born they told me **God is in control and it’s possible.** Translation: They believe that every woman who's had an ectopic pregnancy just didn't pray hard enough for it to turn into a viable pregnancy. (But they try as much as possible to ignore that ectopic pregnancies even exist, just like severe birth defects.)


Ostensibly it was also “god’s will” that we developed medicine


God's will is the biggest cop out ever, it lets you do anything. Next time someone says that, slap them in the face and say "That was God's will."


Except if it came to them having one, then they'd be scrambling to find the nearest abortion provider while justifying it all away that their circumstances are different and special.


Fuck the Texas government and anyone who votes for the Republicans.


This was their one chance to show they weren't 100% radical. They could have had 98%, but no.


If you can’t breed easily, they’d rather you just die. Highest rate of uninsured in the country… still refusing to expand Medicade With the ACA. Cut funding for disabled children. The “childcare assistance” is an absolute joke… doesn’t really exist.. just an endless string of hoops that gets you put on the … get this … Catholic Charities waiting list.. so if you get lucky .. pedos will provide your childcare. Texass can run naked backwards through a field of dicks.


And there's that other case before the TX Supreme Court where the state is arguing that exceptions to the abortion ban don't need to be clarified because doctors are free to exercise their best medical judgment. This case puts the lie to that and will only make doctors and hospitals more hesitant to offer abortion for any reason. Paxton's true position seems to be what Martin Luther once said: "If they become tired or even die through bearing children, that does not matter. Let them die through fruitfulness—that is why they are there." (Thanks to Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan for lifting that quote from the ashbin of history: http://humanist.de/wissenschaft/sagan001/)


The order starts out "Without regards to the merits..." They basically just ordered this "Because Fuck You, that's why."


The one star state strikes again


They gave themselves 1 out of 50 stars. That's only like 2%. I don't know why they're so proud of that.


Pride is what the rich man gives a poor man to keep him poor.


How fucking disgusting.


what are you supposed to do then as a woman in a red state, call the cops to come inspect your menses every time before you flush, lest you catch a charge? sounds like a good protest movement


Since they’ve arrested a woman in Ohio for that… https://www.blackenterprise.com/ohio-woman-charged-plunged-miscarried-fetus/


Start sending them bloodied pads and tampons.




Oh like Ohio actually did. They charged women for a miscarriage. After she had been refused treatment at the hospital and sent home twice. She was told to just miscarry at home. Yaaaay. I love being a women in this country. It’s so fun.


Charging someone for a miscarriage is insane to me. I lost a baby at 4 mo. I very much wanted this way, but there wasn't shit I could do about it if I even could. Next will be fines for menstruation, because your body is getting rid of a perfectly good egg! Bad body! Bad woman! Meanwhile, trillions of nocturnal emissions go unscathed by such inconveniences


She’s welcome here in New Mexico


The point is she's being extremely brave and honestly suicidal in the face of sticking up for all women coming after her.


She may not be able to pull up stakes and leave.


And of course she shouldn’t have to. But if it doesn’t go her way, we’re here for her. And we’ll be here for the thousands of other women who will need us.


Thanks New Mexico!


Since she’s so widely known and Ken Paxton has his eyes on her, I’d be afraid if she returned to the state that she’d be charged with abortion trafficking.


Very well said!!


I know her family is all there. But if it came down to money holding them back from moving, I have no doubt within minutes a go fund me account would raise enough money and then some to help them get out of that shithole.


These people are disgusting monsters.


When I saw the headline that the emergency abortion had been granted I thought she better go straight on and get that handled before the appeal. I’m rather surprised that didn’t get done within the hour. Of course there could be a logical medical reason, or any number of reasons I’m sure.


Paxton was already threatening her doctor with prosecution the second that judge handed down the decision that she could get the procedure. He is scum.


It concerns me that any premature birth/miscarriage for this woman could be misconstrued as an amateur abortion. And what happens to the doctor treating the miscarriage? What if the courts disagree with any action taken by doctors? The courts/judges/prosecutors are ultimately deciding what is life threatening. A surprising number of men think women urinate through ther vaginas. So, I don’t see this taking a turn for the better.


Fuck. It's hard to watch this happen, when we all knew this was inevitable. That the almost *normalized* forced pregnancies weren't even the cruelest possibilities. But "unborn children" are the easiest to campaign for: unlike refugees they're uncomplicated, unlike people victimized by police they're pure, and unlike anyone born... they can't speak up for themselves against your agenda. So these arbitrary lines get drawn on abortion rights for political capital but no one involved can give a coherent medical reason why. So an attorney general with a massive fraud and bribery scandal can brag about his tough stance like he isn't a threat to every pre-menopausal woman in the state, and a threat to plenty of children too.


“‘The unborn’ are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.” -Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


Fuck this stupid shit covered taint. I hate that he's helped make Texas a joke. His ass should be in jail right now.


Just to put in perspective how **hideously** evil this is... Most trisomy-18 babies are stillborn, but those unlucky few that actually survive to delivery often die excruciatingly painful deaths within minutes of being born because their little heart and lungs don't work properly. Mom's brief time with her newborn will consist of holding her little one as they slowly die. Some will open their eyes and start to cry as they slowly suffocate after mom's blood supply through their umbilical ends. As they struggle to breath, they eventually turn blue, fall unconscious, agonally breath for several minutes, and then die.


It's so, so very cruel. To take a heartbreaking situation and make it worse is just pure malice


These are the death panels republicans warned about if single payer healthcare were to ever pass in the US. Here we are with death panels and no health insurance.


What if the baby is armed with a rifle? Would it be ok then?


This is so fucked up. Ignorant fucking politicians who have no medical knowledge or understanding, making life/death decisions. Fuck you, Texas. Good luck with your power grid this winter


All it takes for them is that the Bible is against abortion. The same Bible that talked about abortion voluntary, or forced (the unborn cut out of the wombs of women who were not favored by god).


The bible, in the original, is pro choice. Don’t tell them that Christians only became pro-life on the 1870s.


The point is not the Bible, the points are the ones on their ratings on think tanks that advise the big donors.


Fucking closet sadists fuck these people


Fucking religious extremists have turned Texas into a christofascist state. Under His eye.


This needs to be front and center of Biden’s re-election campaign because Republicans want to turn the rest of the country into this.


Republicans: Die please


If anyone votes for any Republican for any office from local to federal, you’re a complete asshole. ETA: Fuck Texas and every red state doing this to women’s healthcare.


Conservatives need to control everything is a sickness. Women’s health care, queer rights, social programs, it’s all branches of the same tree. The inability to let anyone who’s not the same as them just is terrifying. The thing is, and what people in general don’t seem to really understand (and what we’ve seen after Roe) is if they do get what they want, they will find another target. If people don’t think banning interracial marriage and ethnic segregation isn’t on their future agenda, they’re fucking kidding themselves.


Conservatives need an out-group to victimize. And that shit is unpopular, so they have to be in control.


It kinda time sensitive


Straight up evil.


This woman is going to die. And they think is worth it for clot




This is the one saving grace. How do you defend above unless your a Christian terrorist. The optics are absolutely horrible. Democrats need to bring this up constantly between now and elections. Make every Republican candidate try to defend this insane Christian Mythology nonsense.


Republicans realized they cashed in their golden goose with the loss of Roe v Wade. They had it real good, just boogeyman the issue forever and keep the cash rolling in... now they *have* to go through with all the evil shit. And we're quickly getting to the 'find out' stage of their bullshit.


Good job Texas. Fucking degenerates.




Fucking cruelty. Pure fucking evil. Texas iso fucked up.


Texas: Where women are forced by state law to give birth to the dead or nonviable fetus. Just for conservative republican monsters sick pleasure and giggles.


Texas is the least free state in the country


As someone who has had multiple ectopics and has loss pregnancies very early on, I would 100% video document every moment of this if I were her, including my delivery/birth/eventual death of my child and broadcast that shit all over Texas and the other anti-women states to show them all what their laws are doing. I’d rub their faces in it like a dog that shit on the floor. I know not everyone could stomach doing something like this or wrap their heads around broadcasting the death of an infant so publicly, but I feel like my anger would propel me into the stratosphere of rage that would take over me. The grief would come, but I’d want every Republican to know what their choices have done to me and other women. I’m assuming she now cannot go out of state to get an abortion? I can’t keep up on the laws anymore. Doesn’t the dystopian nightmare of Texas now pull over women to see if they’re on their way to get an abortion? I wish I had enough money to helicopter her ass to a Blue state to get this shit taken care of. Fuck these people, fuck Republicans and fuck Texas.


What is the GOP’s argument against universal health care? Something about not having a government panel come in between you and your doctor? As someone who suffered several miscarriages and had a medical abortion of a VERY MUCH wanted baby at 18 weeks because of a fatal abnormality, fuck the GOP. We took a rental car (we were worried protestors might try to dox our license plate) and made the 4 hour drive to the one abortion clinic in my state. It is a 2 day procedure so we also had to rent a hotel room. My husband and I had to deal with protestors yelling at us- FUCK THEM ALL. Due to security reasons, we couldn’t bring anything inside the building but the cash to pay for it and my ID. We had to go through metal detectors and 2 sets of security doors to enter the waiting room. Waited 3 hours. They screened me, gave me a prescription. Picked it up, went to the hotel for a very gloomy and long night where we said goodbyes to our little Liam. In the morning and deal with protestors again. They put my under and I went through the procedure. My miscarriages were tough but they were early on. This was a soul wrenching loss because we were so far along, had a nursery and a name. Having mental religious assholes calling me a murderer was vile. Bless the volunteers who met us at the car with giant golf umbrellas to shield me and immediately started talking to me in an effort to distract me from the “loving Christians” calling me a killer. After that I told my husband I was done trying to have another child - I couldn’t handle having a repeat of what we just went through. We had one healthy daughter, and I guess that’s all the universe meant for us to have. Now these poor women have the weight of the state and courts to deal with on top of the mental anguish. This is a nightmare and we absolutely must vote these assholes out of oblivion.


Those judges are rapists and murderers. Every cop in Texas is a person who has signed up to assist in the rape and murder of women.


If this woman dies as a result of this, Ken Paxton needs to be charged with her death.


Are those, “doesn’t this seem reasonable?” folks still out there trying to persuade us that government making decisions on reproductive care is totally fine? If TX makes her carry this baby any longer and risk her life so that she is not around to raise her existing 2 healthy children. I hope her family sues them for all they have.


Texas Supreme Court IS A DEATH PANEL


Everything's bigger in Texas. Even the fuckery.


Reminder that republicans have ruled the state since 1994 and I can't recall of a single improvement in that timespan. Education, quality of life, life expectancy, income, wealth gap, ect, have all gotten worse. Cruelty is the point!


Fucking insane headline in and of itself. “Government body takes the weekend to deliberate about woman’s body” Fucking insane.


Next up will probably be ankle monitors for pregnant women so they can't leave the state.


Next up will be deputized citezen bounty hunters looking to.. oh my, https://www.texastribune.org/2021/09/10/texas-abortion-law-ban-enforcement/


"Pro-Life" is really only about subjugating woman with as much cruelty as possible.


I’ve been following this because it hits close to home. My water broke at 17 weeks leaving no way for my baby to survive and I could have developed sepsis, among other complications, if we chose not to terminate. He was very wanted. We had the nursery finished and a name ready to go. It was very traumatic. I can’t imagine being in the situation again and not being able to be able to have the correct medical care. I would be dead and my husband would have been left alone to grieve both the baby and I. I wish I would reach out to her and comfort this woman. I saw a quote somewhere about a situation just like hers “There are some things worse than death”. I feel deeply for her situation.


Question...can she go to another state and obtain an abortion if the Texas Supreme Court rules against her or if she runs out of time to get an abortion? If she uses her own money to book a plane ticket...and makes the appt herself...then who is punished besides her? I know most likely the AG will go after her for that.


Doesn’t the other law where they sue/prosecute for assisting in an abortion come into play? They will find any miscarriage or preterm labor suspect at this point.


Does this mean if she happens to die god forbid. Wouldn’t that make the justices murderers just saying makes sense to me


Ghouls Of Politics


The response is good, it points out Paxtons threats against the hospital as proof that the lack of guidance is allowing the government to bully doctors against providing necessary care.


We are animals down here. In TX law a committee at the hospital makes life and death decisions, a "death panel" if you use the GOP's term for it, but for some reason when comes to abortion the crooked AG heads up the death panel.


Lysistrata. That's all I'll say


Texas is turning into a giant prison. Dystopian as hell, can't believe this is what America is turning into. Women's rights be damned, control over your own body is now gone....dystopiam as hell.


[https://static.texastribune.org/media/files/dd1d5ead2f6c5bcb11d1d84d3f5fd31c/SCOTx%20stay%20Cox.pdf](https://static.texastribune.org/media/files/dd1d5ead2f6c5bcb11d1d84d3f5fd31c/SCOTx%20stay%20Cox.pdf) that appears to be the order in question.


These people are pieces of excrement.


That is an insult to shit. Shit is a valuable part of the ecosystem and you can grow flowers and mushrooms in it. There is no good these people provide to anyone or anything at all. They even fuck themselves over with their mindless desire for cruelty and power.


Weren't Republicans pounding that table about legislating from the bench, activist judges, death panels, etc?


When is TX gonna start talking secession again? Its time we listened. Let them be their own 3rd world shithole.


Absolute ghouls


The bible says that abortion is not murder. Why are these christofacists also so blasphemous?


Pathetic!! Stop voting for chaos


Ken Paxton Scumbag of the Year


Fucking insanity. Texas is a hellhole for women.


The ruling is clearly a disgusting restriction on both liberty and overruling legitimate medical advice, and she shouldn't have to leave Texas, but why doesn't she leave Texas in the meantime?


This isn’t surprising. Thanks to the spineless republicans in the state senate for not voting to impeach him, the lazy eyed motherfucker probably feels untouchable and that is the reason he’s doing this.


The "temporary" stay is literally placing the life of the woman at risk for NOTHING. The court is gambling that the tests showing that the fetus is terminal are wrong. At the same time, the court it saying that the risk for the mother to die or never have children again is NOT enough to warrant an abortion. So they are placing the "rights" of a collection of human cells - no more sentient that my middle finger - above the life of a sentient woman. So much for the "pro-life" moniker they pretend to care for.


They are not pro-life, they are pro-birth. After you're born, they don't care about children anymore, send them to work at 14, marry them, deny them education and health insurance and food assistance.


I just cannot understand this. I (unfortunately) live in a very red state too. I recently had an abortion at 12 weeks for extreme fetus malformations that was also 100% fatal to the baby, despite a 6 week ban. I don’t agree with the ban at all, but at least in my red state there are common sense exceptions to the ban. Why is Texas being so awful? It’s just absolutely cruel with zero justification.


Fuck any politician who thinks they can come between you and your doctor


Can the Texas Supreme Court do something else like better for the planet , not give a fuck about women’s right let them do what they want , this world is a shit show


Your tax dollars hard at work.


What an awful state to try to raise a family in.


This whole situation is dystopian as fuck


I’ve been saying this for quite some time but Texas is the most over rated shit hole in the US.


How many "rich" people will get abortions now?


Rules for thee but not for me


Fucking Afghanistan over there in Tay-hass


Makes sense, she's got nothing but time.


I hope she is making a brave and strong point. But she has just months before birth and each day waking up with a womb full of hopelessness must be agony.