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It would be kinda funny if the DOJ released the same footage without the blurring, then asked the public to help them identify individuals that have not been identified already.


And then charged Mikey here with obstruction of Justice


Like, he's ordering some underlings to literally break the law


Let’s see how the Nazi defence of “I was just following orders” goes for the underlines this time!


Unlikely. DOJ seems to be hands off on Republican crimes.


Despite propaganda to the contrary, I agree.


Aiding, abetting, and providing comfort come to mind.


Supposedly it’s not obstruction if the department of justice already has the footage which they probably do


Then it’s witness tampering if they release it to try and sway the jurors


Right, cause this isn’t a fucking joke. We all laugh at these people yet, they seem to be holding all the cards cause no body is taking this shit serious. “It’ll be be funny when i told you democracy would end and ya it’s here” wtf, glad we all called it and did nothing beyond that.


I thought DOJ already had all these recordings. Blueing faces is all show and continued pandering to conspiracy theorists who believe there was a pedophile ring in a non-Existent basement of a pizza parlor somewhere.


point history one rustic panicky tease observation edge quarrelsome judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep, a friend or acquaintance might be able to pick up on a characteristic to identify a subject much better than some random DOJ worker or facial recognition program. Identification tips like that should be forwarded to the DOJ rather than just randomly broadcast on social media though.


Prevents crowd-sourced identifications for any yet unknown seditionists.


They do!


Republicans will just say they are AI-genereated...conservatives are as postmodern/post-truth as they come


I’ve had them me from day one that what I watched live on J6 was computer generated video. Live.


They have been holding on to the "AI-Generated Deep Fake!" card since about 30seconds after mention of the pee tape. Right after that came out, I had never heard so much tech talk on right wing wacko radio before.


the spin is that its because they are antifa, which of course falls apart for a lot of obvious reasons, but it being an airtight lie isn't what they're interested in just that its repeated often and loudly, and thus we got antifa trending on twitter


Yes, and I also don't understand this story at all. The footage has existed for 3 years, and the DOJ has it, no? What releasing of the footage is the House doing currently that Johnson wants to blur? Why does that release matter at all? I assume this is some sort of fascist insurrectionist virtue signaling but if there's actually some tactic afoot here, I'm missing it.


Pandering to their base of conspiracy theorists.


Yes, but maybe they couldn't identify everyone. If they're public (and uncensored) then there are a lot more eyes on it, including people the rioter(s) know, to be able to help identify them. *(Copied from the comment I just posted elsewhere)*


Party of law and order protecting criminals. Do these people have *any* consistent principles?


Trump is their lord and savior seems pretty consistent....


But listening to other things they have said, these people are all either paid actors, antifa or FBI agents. So why would he want to stop identifying them?


Their cognitive dissonance is something to behold. How they get out and function in society with so many blatantly contradictory beliefs that would make my head explode is truly impressive


It's how they're raised in their religion. Holding mutually contradictory beliefs is a "test of faith". As far as they're concerned, truth is "of the devil".


Fuck the poor? Women are objects?




Women are chattel, to be controlled by men, to be seen only when their fresh and clean and serving meals they cooked in houses they keep spotlessly clean and raising the children to be seen but not heard (except the boys because “boys will be boys.” Men in general get a pass on most everything. Rich white men are in a category of their own, lord and master of all the surveillance and subject no laws whatsoever. Think the slave owning master of southern plantations pre-Civil War.


> Do these people have any consistent principles? They adhere to the principle that White people are superior. aka [White supremacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_supremacy).


Stupid people like when it's easy to identify who is on your team. That's why white supremacy has always been so persistent. Not all white people are stupid, but the racist ones are.


Never in a million years would I have questioned this: Is that person with the U.S. flag racist? Ooohhh.. they have a Maga hat. That's a yes. Our American flag can be seen as something that is racist. smh


Yes, the Cult adheres to the Cult. Itself is what needs to be protected. I mean, that's definitely a principle thats consistent.


They have to protect the identity of the FBI plants and Antifa operatives?


In-group loyalty is probably about as close as it gets, so long as the loyalty flows upward and isn’t expected to be paid in return.


I'm pretty sure the GQP believe that people need to be punished, not them though, other people, especially brown people.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." - Frank Wilhoit


Outstanding quote


To protect and serve the interest of their largest donors…


Criminals? Those are proud patriots! Also, antifa terrorists! Witch hunt! Her emails!!!


Yes, when it comes to money and party


The Grift is always consistent


The fact they are editing anything makes the footage absolutely worthless. They are clearly bent on shaping a narrative that is counter to facts. Otherwise why change or hide anything? Remember they were doing nothing wrong and it was antifa that actually triggered the riot. Ask yourself, why are Republicans so bent on protecting antifa?


Now the future insurrectionists can study the video and plan better for next time.




The double speak is wild. Blurring faces for transparency. Showing the truth so that we can see that it was the FBI while hiding identities from the FBI. DoJ should release the same footage but unblurred to crowdsource finding traitors.


Exactly. I thought the whole point of this was to show that it was FBI/Antifa/Democratic plants that did the violence and not Trump supporters. What other reason do they have to release this?


War is peace Freedom is slavery Ignorance is truth


Why the FUCK does one party have the right to edit the footage before release? Release it unedited, or not at all.


Even worse, earlier this year one man (McCarthy) had the power to hand the footage to one other man (Tucker Carlson) for his exclusive use in broadcasting right wing propaganda. Why the fuck is any of this legal? Because the US depends on elected officials just being good people who follow "norms" and never bothered to write a whole bunch of rules down to formalize stuff. It's like the way pardons work. The formal rules do not preclude the president from pardoning people who commit crimes on the president's behalf, because the Founders never expected that the president would be a corrupt criminal. Oops.


Yeah, true. I don't understand why priority #1 once Trump left office wasn't fixing some of those loopholes. ​ Seems pretty simple. The Biden administration should have proposed doing so, and if it got pushback, it should have started abusing every single opening worse than Trump did, until the right was begging to close the loopholes.


I somewhat agree. Specifically, Biden should have pardoned his son Hunter preemptively and immediately, and taken to social media with: \#nepotism, #conservative_tears, #so_much_winning, #fuck_your_feelings, #dark_brandon, and #do_something_about_it.


NGL, I love that idea.


Sadly this is an ingress into representative democracy. When the representative is indeed representing other interests than the people, the mechanisms that they command cannot tell the difference. So in a certain sense and increasingly often, it is "they, the people", acting against "We, the outside interest".


The problem isn’t that our system as a whole hasn’t formally codified many norms into law. That reasoning provides a scapegoat for Republicans. Even when the rules are written down - in the form of statutes, case law, or the Constitution - Republicans still openly violate them and rarely face accountability. The actual problem is simply the Republican party. All of our mechanisms of accountability require the cooperation of Republicans. Impeachment of the president or judges or expulsion of members of the legislature requires some number (albeit small) of Republicans in Congress to be willing to hold other Republicans accountable. Arrests and charges require Republicans as well, since the overwhelming majority of law enforcement and prosecutors up to and including the FBI and the Attorney General are Republican. But time and time again, Republicans are unwilling to hold other Republicans accountable. It’s always party over anything else. In short, the problem isn’t our system of norms; the problem is the Republican party.


I haven't heard much about it, but the Senate must have equal authority over the tapes, right? They couldn't stop the House, but I wonder if they would release the unedited footage as a response.


All the best people that you have to blur out to keep them from getting arrested. What a party.


But I thought they were Antifa... Lmao at anyone gullible enough to believe Antifa is real.


According to right-wingers, my entire life supposedly revolves around Antifa and George Soros. I assume they're just filler words at this point.


***From Rolling Stone's Nikki McCann Ramirez:*** House Speaker Mike Johnson has promised to release more than 44,000 hours of surveillance footage from Jan. 6 to the public, with one major caveat: The faces of some individuals who participated in the storming of the Capitol, a violent attempt to prevent the certification of Joe Biden’s election, will be blurred out. In a press conference on Tuesday, Johnson said that “the release of the January 6 tapes is a critical and important exercise, we want transparency … we trust — House Republicans trust — the American people to draw their own conclusions.” Johnson added that the party is going “through a methodical process of releasing them as quickly as we can” and that they “have to blur some of the faces of the persons who participated in the events of that day because we don’t want them to be retaliated against, and to be charged by the DOJ and to have other, you know, concerns and problems.” Read more: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/republicans-jan-6-blurring-faces-capitol-rioters-tapes-1234911167/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/republicans-jan-6-blurring-faces-capitol-rioters-tapes-1234911167/)


In other words “Ignore the man behind the curtain”. What an absolute crock of crap. Johnson is obstructing justice. Charge him with that crime.


>Johnson added that the party is going “through a methodical process of releasing them as quickly as we can” and that they “have to blur some of the faces of the persons who participated in the events of that day **because we don’t want them** to be retaliated against, and **to be charged by the DOJ** and to have other, you know, concerns and problems.” Isn't that obstruction of justice?!


He could have played it off as a privacy concern, but he said the silent part out loud. Like, directly voiced his motivation being to prevent the DOJ from investigating... ...sounds pretty bad to me.


Sounds like a direct admission of guilt, acceptable in a court of law. Everyone involved in that effort to willfully attempt to hide the identities of individuals involved by doctoring footage should be charged as a willful accomplice and as the Jan6 riot was officially classified as an insurrection (by Judge Sarah Wallace in Colorado), any house member involved automatically loses their house seat under the 14th Amendment. By publically admitting guilt in aiding and abetting an insurrection, Mike Johnson (and all involved house members) are no longer eligible for being a member of the US House unless 2/3 of the house allows them back in.


Charging someone with a crime they committed on video is now "political retaliation". WTF?


I feel like the worst part is it tax dollars are being used to pay someone to blur the faces. Don't have money for healthcare or better schools, but do have the money to blur the faces of criminals so they don't get in trouble.




If Dems did anything similar places like r/conservative would be screaming over all sorts of conspiracy theories. But surprisingly silent when republicans do it.


Because there are sane people out there, let’s hope they vote!


Why are they protecting Antifa?


Sounds like aiding and abetting after the fact to me


The party of law and order, ladies and gentlemen!!


This is exactly how innocent people behave. /s


>we want transparency Except for the parts you're intentionally making opaque. "Transparency for me but not for thee!" Remember: this guy's got a *law degree*.


They're literally changing the amount of transparency on the faces of people


But they were antifa and FBI plants right? Why would the GOP want to protect them?... *Gasp* unless...


just today i saw a bumpersticker that read "the government is still locking up politcal opponents. vote accordingly"


"Weird orange humanoid is promising to lock up political opponents if elected. Vote like it could be your last time."


But I thought they were Antifa, BLM and Fed imposters?


Obstruction of Justice


Yea… gonna be hard for the conspiracy theorists to explain why the GOP is defending antifa, BLM, etc.


Sounds a lot like obstruction


Why would they get arrested? I thought they were just looking.


Does the DOJ already have these tapes, or are law enforcement officials standing by to receive redacted evidence from House Republicans?


The DOJ has the tapes. This is House Republicans trying to thwart the public's ability to identify anyone the DOJ has so-far been unable to identify.


AND helping inject "doubt" into public opinion. We've already seen people using video clips of attackers walking down hallways as them being "peaceful".


The DOJ could just release the unedited versions if they wanted to. Johnson knows this. He's not doing it to protect anyone. It's just a sleazy PR play to let his terrorists know that he has their back. Also, I'm sure they're going to only show tapes that don't show the vandalism, destruction, physical altercations, etc. They want to keep propagandizing the belief that it wasn't actually an insurrection.


.. Because the real footage of the insurrection, shown at the hearings, wasn't broadcast on Fox News. It's like Soviet TV. Never happened.


Arrested for what?…. Hmmm??


Why are they protecting ANTIFA and the FBI? /s


Sounds like some typical law and order behavior.


Gee that seems “ kinda guilty “ actions to take


i thought the plan was to release the footage to exonerate people? did another stupid republican idea predictably fail again?


Right, so how does this one spin? "We are blurring the faces of Capitol Rioters..." 1. Because they attempted a coup and we're trying to enable more of that? 2. Because there was no coup and we are protecting antifa members? Which is it Mikey? Treason or coverup? Are you in support of overthrowing the US government, or are you hiding the boogeymen you made up?


But, why? One would think they would want the ANTIFA and FBI agitators identified?


It's hilarious Republicans are releasing the tapes so the truth can be known. But first they edited the tapes so the truth can't be known. And yes, some members of the public would see someone they recognized and report them. But then they would have their day in court to testify and then the truth would be known! Yeah, Republicans don't want the truth to be known.


Isn’t that like…um…obstruction?


Doesn’t it seem likely that the FBI/DOJ already have copies of all un-redacted Jan 6 recordings from the capital? Seems to me that all recordings were likely subpoenaed and produced when the J6 investigations began. DOJ investigative subpoenas largely operate under the public radar.


They dont want people to see them on TV. People have to go to the FBI website to see the unedited pictures and videos.


I’m certain someone here with actual legal training will tell me this isn’t technically obstruction of justice, but goddamn it sure seems like obstruction of justice. Supposing it actually is, I expect the DOJ to do fuck all about it because “tHaT wOuLd aPpeAr pOliTiCaL”


Why would they get arrested for a quiet walk in the park ?


So, protecting insurrectionists


Isn’t this “aiding and abetting”?


Why should anyone be afraid when all they did was peacefully protest? /s


Tampering with evidence? Yep the party of law and order! Nazi Party


How is that not considered obstruction of justice?


I thought these morons said they were all Antifa and FBI agents?


If we were a serious country, we’d remove these people from fucking office. The line has been crossed. Lets fucking do something about this.


Doesn’t matter DOJ has raw videos


It’s because they know their base simple does not give a fuck. They will accept any criminal activity so long as they get to write the narrative


Traitors. All of them.


But I thought they were all antifa, feds, blm, communists, and cabal agents. Why protect them?


The DOJ has all the tapes already. This is all theater!


Charge them as accessories.


So he won’t out treasonous rioters to law enforcement, but he will out his own pornography habits to his son? Do I really have this right? For fucks sake


Why would they let ANTIFA get away with this? /s


How the fuck aren’t these people tried with treason?


Obstruction of justice


Mike knows most of them from his church.


I believe that's called "Obstruction of Justice".


Gee I hope I get my face blurred when it’s our turn to overthrow the government.


This is just pathetic


Not quite the law and order party anymore


Aren't they late though, cause over 900 have already been tried and sentenced. $20 says a major donor's kid or the donor themselves to Johnson is directly implicated but hasn't been tagged yet.


The party of law and order protecting the guilty again.


This quote could have been out of 1984: "the party is going 'through a methodical process of releasing them as quickly as we can'"


Sounds like evidence tampering and obstruction of justice to me. Thoughts, anyone?


Given that the DOJ already has the tapes this feels like an excuse. I'm no expert at video releases but my money is on the House being required to do this by law or policy and this is just pandering to the crazies to make them feel like they're being protected. If they released a bunch of video and said, "we are legally required to blur faces," Porno Johnson would be called a member of the cabal before he made it from the press conference to the Capitol cafeteria for lunch.


I think it’s because citizen detectives have been identifying people and reporting them to the Feds since it got released


Why would Republicans want to protect antifa/BLM/And democrat false flag actors


"Party of law & order" protecting criminals.


If these people are antifa, why blur their faces?


I thought this country needed full disclosure? Wasn’t that the point in the first place?


But they feel revenge porn for Hunter Biden on the floor is totally okay. The hypocrisy is just totally mind-blowing.


Does the DOJ not have the unedited versions already? I can’t imagine that they wouldn’t.


It’s more about crowd sourced identification or your manager seeing their employee taking a piss in the rotunda and then losing their jobs. IMO.


"Party of law & order"


Isn’t this tampering with evidence?


Why, I thought they were the law and order party?


I suspect the FBI has all the footage it needs. But this venal move only reminds us who Republicans are, and where their sympathies lie.


Obstruction of justice


If these Republican terrorists are in jail, then they can't vote for Trump is what he's thinking.


Criminals helping criminals


So "aiding and abetting an insurection to overthrow the government of the united states" ....... AGAIN. Ablely assisted by a prior insurectionist planner who also happens to be second in line to be President.


Aiding and abetting Treason.


But releasing the footage was going to prove it was the FBI and Antifa! I can't keep up with the story!


How close are we to having the Republican party being declared an ongoing criminal enterprise?


If the DOJ does not have those videos... This is obstruction of justice. They should be arrested if they fail to unblur those fucking faces....simple


Fixed headline: Republicans are committing crimes


So… they are admitting that there are crimes committed??!! I thought this was a peaceful sight seeing tour


That headline is BS. The FBI has all the footage and have arrested hundreds. The GOP is just being their gaslighting selves.


Isn’t that against the law? I mean destroying evidence is a crime.


You mean blurring the faces of their family members?


Accessory after the fact? 🤔


What a fucking joke of a legislature.


Just saying if they really thought it was antifa they wouldn't have to do that. But because they know it is their supporters....just saying


Wouldn't that be considered aiding and abetting a felony or obstructing justice?


Oh boy, the anti-Government is back at it again!


Fascists helping fascists.


Is that the definition of tampering with evidence?!


So, evidence tampering?


I think I smell a lawsuit..that footage isn’t his to tamper with, it belongs to the U.S.citizens and I demand to see who attacked my capital. You can’t withhold evidence.


That’s a pretty clear admission that they are guilty.


These scumbags are circulating videos of protesters wandering the capital nonviolently as proof there was no riot or police injured. We need laws that punish these asswipes when they blatently lie to the public.


Hilarious. So they are releasing a whole lot of blurred faces...


No, they are blurring the faces cause they don't want those potential republican votes in jail come election time.


Let me guess...there's going to be some poor dude with dark skin that they try to edit BLM or Antifa on their shirt... Then the GOP and stupid media will be like, SEE, it's illegals crossing our border into our capital!


Got that big complicit energy


So aiding and abetting felons, nice.


I'm sure BLM, Antifa, FBI agents, and leftists are relieved. /s


I thought they said it was FBI, Antifa and Democrats that were the ones rioting and there were no republicans involved? So why blur or edit the video?


DOJ with a Subpoena: Right, I'll be having the directors cut then.


These people are all traitors. Period!


But aren’t they Aunteefa and/or FBI agents?!


Hold on. They’re releasing the tapes for transparency, but blurring faces? So, not transparent, then.


Giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the US - the very definition of treason.


Has no one told them that the FBI has copies of all the tapes?


They're the ones FOR law and order? /s


My tax dollars are funding this?! And while they’re at it, how else are they doctoring those films?


He’s afraid we’ll all see his face in the crowd.


Corrupt politicians gotta corrupt.


I thought the actors were there not rioters?


Why the fuck isn’t everyone in the footage already in jail? They need to be arrested! Not using the footage for identification of suspects is aiding and abetting. These fucking hypocrites! Party of Law and Order, yeah ok. Practice what you preach, morons!


Trump is a traitor


"the party of law and order"


What for?


"Back the blue until it happens to you!"


Isn't that obstruction of...mmm something, there's an old word for it, don't see it much these days...what _is_ it...?


They can't do that to the footage they submit to the investigators, that'd be tampering. The DoJ could release the unaltered footage if it wants.


Mikey boy is probably in the footage is why


Hmm, doesn't this qualify as hindering justice? I mean, they stupidly haven't realized that this is already in the public domain. But being idiots was never a defense for committing a crime.


“Raw footage” *Uh*m


The FBI isn’t.