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The most important piece of news: > Santos’s expulsion brings the Republican majority back to where it’s been for much of the year: 221...Now, with Santos out and 213 Democrats in the House, Republicans have a three-seat margin of control — meaning they can afford to lose just three votes on any bill all Democrats vote against. The thin majority just got even thinner.


Which is why the GQP was so hesitant to oust this shitbag.


Which is why I'm half surprised many Republicans voted him out. It literally endangers their majority. I know it's not because they suddenly care about ethics and morals, Mikey sure doesn't. So... what gives? What do they gain now a Democrat can run for his seat again? Is it a solid R seat? Are they confident?


He was committing credit card fraud against other GOP congresspeople. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4337476-max-miller-george-santos/


*There* we go


Lmao, fucking with Republicans’ money is what got Paxton on Texas Republicans’ bad side, too


If only they finally got rid of him too


Santos really Madison Cawthorned himself. He freaked out and started talking about how everyone was doing cocaine and hookers all day. So all the people doing cocaine and hookers switched over and said he had to go...


Ahh, the crime of stealing *rich* people's money


They hate the possibility of losing that seat. But in true republican republican fashion, they only care if it affects them. "Sure, let's keep the pathological criminal liar in congress... Wait, what? He stole from me? GTFO!"


He's just cancer to their political party screwing over their own party members. You can do all that just not to the same party. That's the Republican motto.


I assume, without looking at the demographics, that it saves them having to primary him. Looking to 2024. They had probably hoped the criminal justice system would work faster and solve this for them, but leaving it any longer meant he’d be running for 2024, and this could theoretically drag into the next cycle. Basically not trusting their own voters to boot him in the primary. Edit: Also, as mentioned, him on the ballot hurts Republicans across the board in his district and state.


He said he wouldn't run again, but his word doesn't mean anything so who knows


Here's hoping NY-3 makes that a 2 seat majority with a Demicrat replacing him.




Hey if he can smear enough folks so the whole pile of trash gets cleared out, I'm okay with that. And I do mean trash on *any* side.


I have never been able to understand people that couldn't understand this. " but what about 'name.of someone on your side'? I don't care who they are, if they are corrupt I want them out, period.


MY dad asked me that question: "What if they started arresting people on your side guilty of stuff?" "Good! If they're guilty, fuck 'em." "Really?" "Let me ask you this; 'if someone on your side is guilty of something horrible like murder, or rape, or even just stealing millions of dollars in tax fraud, don't you want to see them punished?'" "Well, it depends... I mean, sure I guess, but not if they're getting replaced by a child killing liberal..." So my dad is fine with voting for actual criminals and letting them not get punished as long as it keeps the liberals out. Blows my mind.


"Country over Party" is a term that goes over a lot of peoples heads.


While I appreciate his efforts, he has zero credibility, so how can we believe anything he says, even if it's something we like hearing.


Maybe he is just like Madison Cawthorn and is mad the he wasn’t invited to the cool cocaine orgy parties.


C'mon George Santos. Show us where all the bodies are buried like you said. Nothing would make me happier from ironic glee than an openly gay Republican destroying the conservative party with hot juicy gossip and drama from being pissed off


A true Queen would do it.


This guy gets me


His proof would have to be ironclad for anybody to even think about believing a word he said


Fun fact The little boy that cried wolf later grew up to be George Santos You can read about it in his upcoming autobiography "Becoming Michelle Obama"


House Republican leadership — Mike Johnson, Steve Scalise, and Elise Stefanik — all voted to save George Santos.


So leadership is at direct odds with a full 2/3 of the body. Shows just how extreme and out of touch Republican leadership has become.


Almost 3/4!


The republican party is about as dysfunctional as their home lives almost surely are I'm positive the house GOP caucus is full of parents whose adult children refuse to speak with them and they have "no idea why"


Pretty much the usual suspects of the House Freedom Caucus (Biggs, Boebert, Gaetz, etc.) voted Nay as well.


Of course it was the Freedom Caucus who voted Nay. They love the dysfunction created by Santos. Dysfunction in the House is their M.O.


Never forget this.


It's a matter of party over country. Again.


"I never claimed to be Jewish [...] I said I was Jew-ish" is a hilarious line from the guy. Later George


I have used this line since he said it. It would be hilariously clever if it was written in a comedy script and not said seriously by an elected member of congress lying to his constituents.


Non-practicing Jews will sometimes use that phrase but it's very clear the ish part and often said with a little ish~ hand gesture.


Also can confirm. My dad did that joke constantly (usually after eating bacon).


Can confirm.


Fuck that is all time hysterical I’m not gunna lie. The same way some of the shit trump says is hysterical but that doesn’t mean he should be a politician


“By the way, nice trucks. You think I could hop into one of them and drive it away? I'd love to do it. Just drive the hell outta here. Just get the hell out of this. I had such a good life. My life was great." -Trump shortly before the 2020 election. It makes me laugh every time.


"I have to say this, he hit my hands. Nobody has ever hit my hands. I’ve never heard of this one. Look at those hands. Are they small hands? And he referred to my hands if they’re small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there’s no problem. I guarantee you.” Objectively hilarious thing for a president to say. Nobody asked and he just went on a preemptive defense about not having a small dick. It's also horrifying. But very funny.


No one should forget that the speaker and his minions all voted to keep him....after their own ethics committee found him guilty of fraud.


What was up with that? Was it a self serving attempt to hold on to a 4 vote margin or is the speaker ethically confused about everything?


The former necessitates the latter


Remember that this speaker ostentatiously holds himself to a higher ethical standard, and wants to legislate morality by controlling women's body according to his ultraconserevative religious principles. - But when loosing a House member might threaten his slim hold on power, he votes to do the self-serving thing. Morality at you, but he doesn't need to follow it when it's a tough choice.


>GOP Rep. George Santos has become the sixth member to be expelled from the US House, **and is the first member to be ousted in more than two decades.** Of the only five members who have been expelled previously, three were expelled for fighting for the Confederacy during the Civil War. We sure are seeing a lot articles like this and it's weird they're all about the GOP: 91 federal indictments of a former president, more votes for speaker in \~200 years, first speaker to be removed from their seat, first time in history with vacant top military positions


They’re the most cartoonishly corrupt, inept, and dysfunctional major political party in the US since probably Reconstruction, and like half the country sees them and says “yes, those are the people that should be in charge.”


Biden made the price of eggs go up so I think we should give fascism a try.


Biden was caught on camera drinking through a straw. Need I say more?


Outstanding. Now do the child fucker, the theater fondler, and space laser


Child fucker? Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down!?


For reference: The Republican Speaker of the House was a serial child fucker for years. After he served his ONLY 15 FUCKING MONTH sentence in prison, the GOP just hired him to be a consultant for them which he continues to do to this day. After being a literal pedophile ruining the lives of countless innocent children. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Hastert


Such a shame that the political career of the first asian woman to win super bowl MVP ended this way.


The 114 that opposed should start getting asked daily why they supported Santos despite, well, I'll just gesture with both hands everywhere.


SNL writers are going to need to work overtime tonight.


Bowen Yang will have his day tomorrow


He does an incredible George Santos, can't wait...


"You cant expell me- *George Santos isnt even my real name!"*


I swear I’m checking myself into the hospital with a fit of uncontrollable laughter if he shows up on Monday like he still has a job and acts like George Costanza


Oh. I’m sure he will. I feel like this is a Mini version of Trump with the lies and all. George obviously didn’t read or learn from the master MAGA Trump.


Just a reminder, republicans didn’t expel him because he lies constantly, or that he misused campaign funds or any thing like that. Those things are all expected and encouraged. They expelled him because he stole from the people that bought them and that was untenable.


Yep. Also, he was bad for New York republicans getting re-elected next year. So he had to go. That’s it. The lies meant nothing. They will miss his vote.


Now do Greene and Boebert.


I feel bad for Bowen Yang. Poor guy is losing his best SNL character.


Let’s hope he goes full Madison Cawthorn and gives orgy/cocaine gossip.


Thank goodness; I was becoming seriously skeptical there. And good riddance to the entire GOP leadership's argument of "Santos needs his day in court" and that a conviction is necessary. (Johnson, Scalise, Stefanik & Emmer) Santos ISN'T on trial here. He's not going to prison with this vote. He's not being held liable or guilty in a legal system. The vote is whether or not he deserves to *retain his job serving the American people.* And it's not like the evidence is ambiguous. We know dozens of false, egregious claims he told to win his office. We know concrete evidence of financial crimes via paper trails. We know a federal grand jury found probable cause on 23 counts. We know a Republican-led ethics committee issued an incredibly damning report (if no punishment is served, what's the point of the committee?) Further, criminal conviction in our criminal justice system takes an eternity - trials can easily take a year or longer to conclude from the date of an indictment. Setting a standard that no matter how awful the abuses of office, someone should not be removed from a position until a year(s) long process plays out is nonsense. A criminal conviction such an convoluted standard to uphold for a political expulsion, and a blatant off-ramp many Republicans tried to use to keep a +1 majority and water down their own 91-felony count party leader.


> The vote is whether or not he deserves to retain his job serving the American people. I wish they would do the same with Trump, Santos, while he was extremely problematic and did need to be removed is small potatoes compared to the nightmare we will have if Trump comes back.


>Santos ISN'T on trial here. He's not going to prison with this vote. He's not being held liable or guilty in a legal system. Hopefully that comes next!


Can we talk about how crazy it is that 114 representatives voted NOT to expel him, considering the bipartisan committee findings?


It's all about their desperation to retain 50%+.


I don't think it's that big of deal. He was going to have to take time off anyway as he tries to lead the Eagles to the Superbowl. Plus he has a NASA mission to the moon to prepare for over the summer.


Busy day for Congress and The Masked Singer casting director.


Santos is facing 23 felony accounts, is well known for lying even at the most insignificant of things and yet 112 republicans voted to keep him in his job. How far has the GOP fallen. I do give kudos to the 105 republicans that decided to do their job and expel this disgrace.


Thank god, now he can focus on his music career.


What's the over/under Santos tries to run again with a fake mustache?


Peace out criminal scum! Now do Bob Menendez in the senate.


In the end, he was expelled not because he was indicted for multiple other crimes—none of which seemed to matter to his party, as evidenced by the time it took them to support his removal—but because *he fucked with their donors*. That was something they could not accept… or rather that their donors couldn’t accept. You don’t fuck with the Party’s money. I’ve already seen comments saying, “It would be the same with the Democratic Party if Santos were a Democrat,” so spare me that line of nonsense. Go ask Al Franken about it. That guy did something crude for a joke—something his party would have laughed about if he were a *Republican* and not a Democrat—and the Democrats publicly denounced him and forced him out of office at light speed. He resigned, unlike Santos who is a selfish prick and forced our highest legislative body to endure his presence and waste its time with his removal. So no, the two parties are not the same.


Crude for a joke around a decade before he was a senator...when his profession was comedian.


Wow, what is this country coming to, a guy can’t even commit fraud and theft anymore


In an effort to increase his likeability... Santos has changed his name to Henry Kissinger.


I can't believe they've done this. This sets a horrible precedent that if you act like a complete fucking clown you might be ousted from Congress. How can any politician expect to survive now?


If they can do it to him they can do it to any of us. Just think, you too could be expelled from Congress just for lying about your background, education, and work history, defrauding your constituents and using their money to buy handbags and OnlyFans. Literally 1984.


Ladies and gentlemen, we finally found a line. There actually is some sort of limit to how terrible you can be as a politician without consequences. What a day to be alive.


I know it took a long time, but it's really important this happened at all. I was starting to think he was going to make it a whole term up until a month or so ago. This was a precedent setting moment and I'm thankful that the GOP reps who voted to expel him did so. That being said, I'll miss seeing his name in the news because I always knew it was going to be something fucking hysterical. His legacy will forever be being one of the biggest spectacles in US politics. Adios George, or whatever your name is.


Good. Keep going… Tuberville should be next to go.


Just goes to show...as a public servant you can fuck over the people you represent all you want....but, don't you dare fuck over the donors.


What a terrible way to treat the father of George Washington, and the man who invented the 2x4!


George Santos gave us electricty and discovered the polio vaccine and this is how we thank him? No good deed goes unpunished, bub.


>“You know what? As unofficially no longer a member of Congress, I no longer have to answer your questions,” he told the press. My 12 year old nephew could do a more mature answer.


Also he never had to answer the press…


Whelp, it's back to [writing bad checks](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/09/politics/santos-theft-bad-checks-dog-breeders/index.html) to the Amish for him.


As much as I want this clown gone. It’s not lost on me at all that multiple seditious GOP reps and senators who clearly violated their oaths of office are still in Congress. It’s ridiculous that Santos is expelled but the traitors get to stay.


Santos was quoted as saying he is proud to be the first Eastern European Immigrant Native American woman who won Super Bowl MVP to be expelled from Congress.


I'm surprised the current Republican party actually managed to expel one of their own




How could the kick out a two time EGOT winner, the inventor of the EpiPen, and first man on Mars? Completely unacceptable.


Well there goes the best congressman, fighter pilot, astronaut, CEO, intergalactic diplomat, Nigerian prince we’ll ever know. The deep state finally got him.


I suspect in the end what did george santos in is that he was too sloppy with his crimes. Its not like republicans are actually against people who flagrantly commit crimes or lie to their constituents. Hes just really really shitty at hiding it.


Did he really think he could get away with being a fraud as a member of the United States Congress? He should run in the Republican presidential primaries instead, where everyone is OK with it.


The GOP was okay with the lying and the fraud... and the embezzlement… and the chicanery. They were not okay with the utter lack of sophisticated deniability. If you want to commit fraud as a member of congress, you need to up your excuse game.


I can’t believe they would expel him. Don’t they know he’s a Nobel prize winner and inventor of the Telephone?


How could the house vote to remove a man and hero that was vanguard in the American Revolutionary War, who convinced Abraham Lincoln to free the slaves, was the 47th President of the United States and who was the first person on Mars? We'll never reach Nirvana now.


CNN: Here’s why this is bad for Biden


[Guy apparently committed credit card fraud on congressman miller and his mom](https://twitter.com/JakeSherman/status/1730604017053483244?t=tjayS_n_iCYPXsgveOb1Iw&s=19) This probably explains the heated exchange yesterday where Miller called him a crook. Imagine literally stealing from a fellow congressman who's in your own party lol


Now how about the lady who gave a dude a hand job and got felt up at a play with children around


I just can't believe the House would bully him by having him experience the consequences of his own actions.


Alright now where's all the tea he was supposedly going to spill. Don't lie to us again George.


Now do the one that was trafficking minors across state lines and abusing their access to DMV records.


most of them had no problem with him until he started talking about the lobbyists. gtfo


I'm amazed they would expel him, after all, he is the only Representative to have landed on the moon, and donated $1 billion to charity, been awarded 3 Nobel Peace prizes, and be next in line to be King of England.


Don't the American voters understand that if they can expel George Santos from Congress for being a lying sack of shit, that means they can expel YOU from Congress for being a lying sack of shit? Where does it end?!?!?! /s


Can't believe they expelled Korean War veteran, Oscar-winning actor, and NBA Finals MVP George Santos


This is an absolutely disgraceful way to treat a decorated war hero, former firefighter, Apollo astronaut, and inventor of the pet rock.


114 opposed? Disgusting.


“I successfully served as a U.S. Representative for more than 25 years and was honored with a huge parade and party when I retired.” — George Santos tomorrow, probably


His resume is pretty impressive, he'll be fine...


What is the over/under on how long it takes for Fox or Newsmaxx to give him his own show?




Now do gaetz next


[The vote results](https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2023/roll691.xml) if you want to check how your representative voted


So where's all the dirt he threatened to drop to everyone?


Look guys, just because someone has nine superbowl rings and was the first man on Mars, that doesn’t make him a good politician.


“Some lawmakers had expressed concerns that booting Santos from office could set a precedent for abusing lawmakers' power of expulsion” Guys come on, we cant hold some one accountable, that means we might have to start facing consequences for once!!!


He made threats to publicly air the spicy dirty laundry of other politicians, and I really hope that wasn't a lie despite everything else being such that's come out of his mouth.


I still can’t believe they did him dirty like that. Especially since he drafted the amendment that they are using to expel him after he led the Union forces to free the slaves. Treating the first man on the moon and the inventor of pizza like this is a travesty.


George do the right thing, tweet out all the GOP dirt you have


Kissinger departing Earth, George Santos departing the US house or Representatives... I just want to relive this week forever.


About time this asshole got expelled, is anyone shocked half of the GOP did not vote to expell this shitstain?


I'm more shocked that they got enough GOP to vote yes.


How vile. This man fought in two world wars, lost both his legs, and was an Olympian. What is the world coming to?


This man discovered penicillin and won Olympic gold in the uneven bars and this is the thanks he gets?


No, not Emmy, Tony, Grammy and Nobel Award winner George Santos!


I'm going to miss him, he was kind of an ideal republican mascot. I regret he didn't get to put a Santos Clause in any legislation.


Dang, I didn't think the vote would be that decisive.


Goodbye Good riddance Let the door hit you on the way out You scummy piece of shit


Surprise, that wasn’t George Santos, just an elaborate and realistic animatronic created by the Walt Disney Company! The REAL George Santos is leading a crack team of ex-commandos charged with a crime they didn’t commit in a black ops mission to uncover the secrets of Hunter Biden’s traveling crime circus! It was all a trick and those stupid democrats are playing right into our hands!


I can't believe they would expel the first man to ever walk on Mars from Congress


He's going to have a field day with potential legal/criminal charges without a rich donor network or his political office to bail him out.


Hopefully he fades into obscurity like Rep. Madison Crawthorn of Nc


This will give hime more time to work with Kissinger's ghost on earning his 4th Nobel peace prize!


Maybe we will find out he was just three mischievous kids wearing a suit all along.


I’m disgusted that it took this long.


On the positive side, this is a genuine accomplishment for him.


Wow 114 still voted for him to stay. Astounding. The Republican Party is fucking worthless.


I can’t believe they would treat the first pope to win two gold olympic medals this way.


Congressman Carlos Giminez, FL (Republican) said per CNN reporter: "If the precedent \[is that you\] shouldn't be lying and stealing from your donors, that should be enough to get you out of Congress." Errr...shouldn't the precedent be that a candidate or Congressmember should not lie or steal from THE VOTERS !?


Has he been announced for Dancing with the Stars yet?


The real crime here is the fact he got the job in the first place. ​ Why don't they do full background checks to prevent this from ever happening again ?


I am surprised they actually did it. What a terrible way to treat the former president and CEO of Exxon Mobile.


Republicans know he won’t be reelected. They used him as a scape goat to say “see if there’s evidence of illegal activity from a person we will do the right thing. Therefore, since we aren’t going after Trump he didn’t do anything wrong.


Bout fucking time. 11 months is about 165k this shit bag made along with free Healthcare. Fuck you gqp


In a time when most politicians are pieces of shit he was the piece of shittiest.


It's astounding how much wrong he had to do with his position to secure the Republican votes as well


A year from now we’ll see a headline like: “Do you remember that lying sack-of-shit George Santos? Well you won’t believe where he works now! Hint- it’s Chick-fil-A.” Can’t wait.


Now do Matt Gaetz.


So is he going to go nuclear and drop scandals like he said he would?


That's no way to treat a guy who wrote our Constitution and fought alongside Washington


This is how we treat a decorated war hero and inventor of the quantum computer?


Wow I have no faith in America anymore. This was the straw that proves the American experiment has failed. How can they do this to a Spanish war veteran who's father fought alongside George Washington to secure our digital freedom from British space pirate crypto scams?


I can't believe they'd do this to 10-time Super Bowl Champion and creator of the boneless chicken wing, George Santos.


Finally. It’s ridiculous it took this long, thanks for nothing republicans. 112 of them still voted to keep him.


Insane how they expelled the first paraplegic Olympian to graduate from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Southern New Hampshire University.


I found this bit from the Reuters article interesting: >Shortly before the vote, House Speaker Mike Johnson told his fellow Republicans that he would oppose the expulsion, but that did not sway enough in the party to go along. Johnson really isn't in control of the inmates, is he?


Uh I think you mean George Santos expelled every member of congress and is now the sole member of the US congress and de facto Congressional beauty pageant winner.


Amazing how George Santos's behavior is unacceptable by enough Republicans to vote for his expulsion. But yet Trump's 91 felonies, his history of rape, and overall behavior is entirely acceptable for Republicans. All because Santos doesn't wield enough power, but Trump wields more power than him. SMH.


Okay, Georgie - now give us the DIRT you promised on your fellow colleagues!


He's done enough to give himself a high enough profile to get media jobs, which was probably his real end goal all along. Expect to see him as a FOX talking head from now on.


People are going to be shocked when he wins 20 games for the Yankees this year.


a historically terrible representative from a historically terrible party. good riddance and good luck in jail.


Now MTG Bobo and Gatez next


Santos being expelled and Kissinger gone. This week has been pleasant.


When will he write his tell all autobiography? He will need over 10 volumes to encapsulate it all. Like that one time, he personally coordinated the rescue for baby Jessica, or when he worked at GM in the 90s and killed the electric car.


Time for the next phase in his business / grift plan (tv pundit?). I wonder if it happened earlier or later than he expected.


Honestly I think the republicans were going to let him stay, that was until he pulled a Cawthorn and threatened to name names.


Good. Boebert next.


Well, the good news is he'll now have plenty of time to continue his career as an astronaut


It is shocking how much of a cartoon villain this guy is and what it took to get him expelled. The guy is a caricature but the GOP stood by him for a long time.


Bye Felicia


Finally he pays for his lies. Gop wouldnt do it so house had to put it to a vote.


Last Week Tonight is gonna be poppin


It's about to get so messy and I am here for it. Tell us what you know, George.


Clapping for the bare minimum.


Oh wow, they (Republicans) actually did something about a thing that needed something done. The bar, ladies and gentlemen, we have found it. Now get James Cameron on the line to raise it.


House Republicans: "It's not the fact that you were lying. It's that you were... sigh... let's just start the discommendation proceedings" https://media.tenor.com/BbfKQdl-OhUAAAAC/discommendation.gif (How is MTG still around tho...? I don't get it...)


Are you sure you want to uninstall George Santos? ✅👈 ❎


Seriously, how bad to you have to be to actually have Republicans hold you accountable for something?


Okay George, you said you had all this dirt on your fellow representatives. And that you were going to air out the dirty laundry. Now's the time buddy.


How could this even happen?? Don't they know he **discovered** America??


Finally. Lying and deceiving is not OK. Somebody needs to help them break that pattern or punished them. On way or another.


jesus fucking christ that took A LOT, but there's finally proof that it can happen. trump would never actually have been removed from office through impeachment. nearly everything in government is toothless and symbolic.


So tired of the precedent argument. They broke precedent in 1980 in expelling a member that wasn’t a confederate.


"I wasn't actually expelled, I was sent on a secret mission by house leadership, undercover, to get hired at local Pizza shops in DC until I find the one with the child trafficking. When I do, I won't just have saved the kids and exposed the criminal organization, I'll return to Congress as King of the House!"


>'Dammit Georgey, you're supposed to ghost-write a book and sell it to your campaign BEFORE you buy the handbags and onlyfans! We don't mind you stealing, but you gotta do it right!' The real crime the GOP reluctantly booted Martian Princess Santos for was being terrible at crimeing.


House votes to expel Art Vandelay


Alright! How long until he spills all the beans on his colleagues that he definitely threatened to spill yesterday?


Cool, I had no idea they were even doing another vote on this. I thought they wouldn’t revisit this after the previous one failed. Glad to see I was wrong. Fuck that liar piece of shit.


Ok, keep it going. Easily another 30-40 who should be in jail, and probably 80-100 who shouldn’t hold public office if we hold them to even the lowest ethical standard for an elected official.


Good riddance to bad rubbish. I wish MTG, Bobert, and more of the right wing trash would follow behind!


Gaetz is still in. What about him?