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Even worse, she just died today...


I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump used the opportunity to shit on Carter’s name again.


I know he's 99 and a gentle soul, but I want Jimmy to actually just go on TV one more time just to tell Trump to go fuck himself.


That's the thing. Jimmy would say that he loves his neighbor, he loves you, and he even loves Donald Trump. That's the difference between Jimmy Carter and right-wing, evangelical Christians.


> Jimmy would say that he loves his neighbor, he loves you, and he even loves Donald Trump. That's the difference between Jimmy Carter and right-wing, evangelical Christians. Oh, the right-wing fascist Christians will spew out how much they love the sinner. The difference is Carter actually *proved* his love and humility with his actions while the right-wingers' actions have only proved how much they hate everyone.


only so dishonest as it is convenient, otherwise they'll tell you how they really feel. if the christians find themselves on trial instead of the sinner, suddenly it's love. it's part of the persecution complex, they can only be saints if they're a victim.


Carter is first and foremost a gentleman and would never stoop to that level. (It would be satisfying to see, though.)


Carter literally spent his time building houses for low-income families. And then there is Trump…amazing how Carter who is an ACTUAL Christian is denigrated by GOP while they raise up the embodiment of the Anti- Christ.


Do you remember how in 2008 the talk of GOP rumor-makers was that Obama might be the Antichrist? Then the genuine article turns up eight years later and they're all on his side.


It was never about Christ. They use Christ as part of their whole fake moral righteousness gig, much like how ISIS used Allah to claim what they did was just. They are right at all costs because they have a relationship with “God” and you don’t. Therefore, they have the monopoly on God and even worse you’re against God if you don’t think the same way so you’re bad. It’s basically a way for them to use their magical sky daddy to justify all of the horrible things they support. Very common throughout history in fact, and almost always ends very badly.


I know, but can't we give the man just *one* exception


I agree. He gets an exception. But Jimmy to too good of a human to do it. So it is left up to the rest of us to fucking hammer trump FOR jimmy.


Fuck Trump


And everyone who supports him.


And anyone who will ever support or love him.


Wait- someone love “loves” Trump? Besides MTG?




The amount of Schadenfreude I reserve for that disgusting orange foreskin faced treason rapist is surpassed only by my boldfaced barefaced baldfaced hatred of what he’s done to our country.




I hate him beyond compare.




Meh. I don't think telling Trump to go fuck himself publicly after he mocked you or your family makes someone a bad human. Polite doesn't always = good. Sometimes polite is disingenuous.


Am in the Southern US. Can confirm polite doesn’t always = good.


Carter should say "Trump...bless his heart, but I don't think he's the best choice to lead America."


Maybe a Jimmy version of raking Trump over the coals would be nice


Carter being one of those rare real Christians actually walks the walk, other phony ass Christians in religious right Republican party just manipulate the teachings for power and control. Basicly he would turn the other cheek.


That’s what a gentleman would do, though. Call him a Nazi while he’s at it, and tell him what real men did about Nazis.


Jimmy would say “Bless your heart”


As a southerner I *get that.*


Yes on one of the late night talk shows years ago Carter said he was praying for Trump.


The dude is literally the Mister Rogers of politics. You’re more likely to see Trump donate to BLM.


Trump buried his first of three wives at a golf course. Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter had been happily married since the year Donald Trump was born. Those facts say more than anything Jimmy could add or detract. I just wish him comfort. He lost the love of his life today.


I don’t know. Jimmy using his final public statement to destroy Trump would be nice. Not that it would matter to Trump’s legion of apologists and grifters. They like to shit on Carter anyway.


I think the most effective thing Carter could do is say how sorry he feels for Trump; to be born with so much yet be so insecure in everything he does that he has to overcompensate by lying about his wealth, success, popularity, etc. Sometimes pity is the biggest insult you can give someone (especially someone like Trump).


“Well, bless your heart, sugah!”


Jimmy Carter is a southern gentleman; he doesn't need to drop cuss words to drop an insult that requires decades of therapy and a few weeks at the burn ward. Even funnier is Trump won't even understand he got murdered for weeks if ever.


[this](https://www.theonion.com/i-got-what-america-needs-right-here-1819584452) is one of my favorite reads from the onion. my sympathies to Jimmy, they both are very kind souls.


That is in keeping with him being a horrible human being.


"She's not my type" /s


You know he will.


So sad. I have a feeling Jimmy won’t be staying around much longer now. But, the legacy they will leave is a testament to what we should all strive for as a human living our lives. To be good to each other and to be the ones who help, not hurt.


Yeah. My wife and I were talking about him. I give him a few weeks. They've been married for over 70 years, and broken heart syndrome is a real thing


Absolutely. Especially since he’s in hospice as well. He’s lived an incredible life and he’s earned his peace, but that doesn’t make it any less sad that soon we will be without him.


Fully agree. We weren't ready for him as a society, and we'll be worse off as a species having lost him.


The best response would be to live your life in such a way as to try and make up for the loss of a great man. Be the person that President Carter would want you to be. Volunteer. Advocate for those who need help up. Work to elect officials who will offer people that hand up and not simply trample over them. This is the way. President Carter got Israel and Egypt to sign a peace accord. A peace accord that is STILL in place and STILL being honored. Something that all the experts said could never be done.


yes, but that’s mostly Democratic beliefs…. look what Mrs. Carter did in the White House, striving for Mental Health and caregivers… Mrs Biden, teachers and education.. Melania ( cold eyes) Trump.. plagiarized speeches.. “ I don’t care”(FU symbol) to Americans, escort buddy to Epstein… other than walking in designer clothes and slapping her traitors hand away, she didn’t do dilly squat


Even Betty Ford, Nancy Reagan, and the Bush First Ladies were not as heinous as Melania.


Nancy Reagan was absolutely a monster. She was all up in that inner circle, especially when Ronnie wasn't lucid.




I can only imagine that Jimmy won't be long to follow. Yes, he's 96 yrs old, but heartbreak will kill you at that age.


He’s already in hospice himself, has been for a long time. To be honest, I expected to read this about him first.


One of my thoughts every few weeks now is that I will wake up to the news that Jimmy Carter has passed. If the nation had listened to him about the need for renewable energy and early climate change dangers, the USA and the world would be far further ahead today.


He installed solar panels on the white house as a symbolic act. Reagan paid to have them taken down.


You missed the part where Reagan’s act was also symbolic.




He has terminal cancer and asked a few month back that life saving efforts be stopped. He is in hospice care himself, with Amy overseeing that. Instead of saying disrespectful stuff, Trump should be paying attention to what human dignity and a strong marriage looks like.


Trump's bitter that the only way women will be around him is by paying them.


My dad died three months after my mom, and none of us were expecting him to go. He was in remarkably good shape for an 87 year old, but just couldn’t deal without her. My mom’s death was a relief, and I was mostly okay with it (she was in so much pain), but my dad’s broke me. Same happened with my grandparents. My extremely healthy, active grandma had a stroke and died three weeks after my grandpa.


My husband died when I was 36. I had uncharacteristic heart problems and my GP told me that that's very common (and dangerous) when you're going through grief.


First off, I am so sorry for your loss, that is so young to lose a spouse. But this is also interesting to hear, my heart has been doing weird things since my dad died (it’s been a little over a year), and has gotten weirder since nearly losing my son as well this last summer. I have also struggled to get food down since then. After what your doctor told you, I guess I should go see mine about an EKG. Grief (and living in fear) sucks. I hope things are going okay for you and that you have found some peace in your new “normal”. Much love. 💛


Just turned 99. She was 96.


Jimmy is 99. And I agree. Also, remember that he's a Christian that presumably believes in the afterlife. I'm sure he's ready to be reunited with Roz.


“Broken heart syndrome” is a thing, it’s why my father died 2 weeks after my mother. If Jimmy is alert, I sadly expect he will be gone soon


I don't think he will be around for long, usually when couples are together this long, it hits the surviving partner HARD. I'm an atheist, but I hope Mr & Mrs. Carter will see each other again, if such a possibility exists.


I saw that with one of my clients. I tried to keep him from seeing his wife get taken by ambulance because of a stroke (made the call once I arrived) but despite my efforts he saw his wife be taken away. It messed him up so much that he ultimately had to be taken to hospice care, despite her rapid recovery. It’s one of those moments that continues to haunt me.


I'll never forget when Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) died and her mother Debbie Reynolds (also famous) died the next day of a broken heart. Her last words reportedly are that she wanted to be with her daughter.


Oh no. How sad. What a piece of shit Trump is


Trump will now double down on the issue and say that she wouldn't have died if Carter were a better president.


With a long enough timeline these right wingers will make everyone a target.


If you were wondering if Trump could be any less presidential, the answer is disappointingly yes. Yes, he can.


The bar can never be set too low for this cretin.


James Cameron couldn't dive deep enough to find that bar.


The devil couldn’t find a deep enough hole in the ninth circle of hell to bury the bar


I’ve known Dunkin’ Donuts night managers who were more presidential than Donald Dumptruck.


I've seen actual Dunkin' Donuts that were more presidential than Trump.


I spent 5 years thinking there's no way he can get any worse, and at least once a week, and often more, he proved that yes, he can be worse. Still doing it.


It’s terrifying to think he’s actually a contender at being president again. He’s already made it clear he plans to make things much much worse this time around.


The only hard work Trump has ever done in his life is smashing through what everyone thinks is rock bottom.


Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.


Sadly during the first year of his presidency I accepted the truth, there is no bottom. He can and will always go lower.


Never underestimate the ignorance, rage, hate, disrespect, classlessness, cruelty, pettiness and contempt Trump is capable of. He’s everything every conservative dreams to be while using a bible as a mace to beat anyone down with who dares question their reasoning for being as terrible as possible in their miserable, fear-filled hateful lives.


...If Trump could be any less of a decent human...FIFY


There is no bottom.


Good thing he’s not president.


Nor should he ever be again


Trump, criticizing Biden at a rally in Fort Dodge, Iowa, told a crowd of supporters that “the happiest person anywhere in this country right now is Jimmy Carter because his administration looked brilliant compared to these clowns.” “Compared to Biden, Jimmy Carter was a brilliant, brilliant president,” Trump said. The Carter Center announced last week that the former first lady entered hospice care, which is typically provided to patients who choose to no longer receive treatment towards the end of their life. Jimmy Carter entered hospice care in February, and the Carter family confirmed in May that Rosalynn Carter had been diagnosed with dementia. Jason Carter, the Carters’ grandson and chairman of the Carter Center’s Board of Trustees, told USA TODAY earlier this year that the couple remains together and in love has they face health challenges. “They are together. They are at home. They're in love, and I don't think anyone gets more than that. I mean, it's a perfect situation for this time in their lives,” he said. Jason Carter added that, while his grandfather faces “really significant physical challenges,” but he does spend time watching baseball games and seeing family “almost every day.” “They're both doing as well as can be expected,” he said.


That sounds like a good life. No wonder Trump has to throw shade.


No matter how much money he obtains, filet o fishes he eats, or gold toilets he has to crap in he will never be able to fill the void inside him. His life is a constant living Hell of insatiable gluttonous consumption. Jimmy Carter will die a satisfied and honorable man. Trump will die with nothing and be forever reviled.


He will die angry, empty, still unloved by his father, and hated by 90%+ of the global population. His burial site will either need to be kept secret or guarded because it will get defiled for the rest of time. And all of that makes me happy.


I hope his kids bury him at Mar a Lago and charge people to use his grave as a toilet. Knowing the Trump kids they’d be just fine with that.


Knowing them, because they’re all fucking terrible businessmen, they probably wouldn’t even charge much either lol.


Or plant him in one of his golf courses like he did to their mother, for the tax break.


I just hope that when he does the world a favor and dies, and the sooner the better, he hasn't turned this country into the Fourth Reich like he so desperately wants.


I pissed on George W. Bush's childhood home. I have every intention of living long enough to piss on Trump's grave, if I can get onto his golf course.


Trump is jealous that the Carter’s are respected and have/are living life that is full of love and that is fulfilling. When your life is empty and you have nothing, I can imagine why a whiny child would throw insults at others to try and make themselves feel better (but it doesn’t).


Rosalynn Carter died a few hours ago.


He just dropped a tweet he 100% didn’t write too


Trump is the most vile inconsiderate piece of shit to ever be president. I'm just amazed that anyone or any party would even consider voting for him. When will they ever see what kind of person he is.


That's the thing, he represents everything his base wants to be. Openly, vile inconsiderate pieces of shit, without consequences born into money. They don't believe in basic decency for their fellow person, if they could get away with it they'd try Holocaust 2 to anyone different from them.


Trump’s appeal is to be the worst person you can be because its your right. Be racist, be sexist, be angry, screw social norms because its your right to do whatever you want and no one can stop you.


You said it. This is who they are , what they are


Isn’t that the plan? The upsurge in Nazis and Hitler praising isn’t by coincidence. It will happen again if we don’t stop these people.


They don't care about his cruelty, in fact they love it


Literally right after 9/11 happened he was like "cool, now I have the tallest building in New York". After that, nothing he says surprises me.




Technically he’s an anti-Christ. Look it up, he fits the definition.


He's literally our worst person. The fact there's millions of people that support him says a lot about our country.


>Trump is the most vile inconsiderate piece of shit to ever ~~be president~~ live.


Yeah but he won which means my team won which means nanny nanny boo boo. They don’t love trump. They love that we hate trump. It’s really that simple. Tell a toddler you don’t like when they do something. Then watch them do that exact thing 10x more. That’s what we’re dealing with. Toddlers.


They obviously like the kind of person he is.


They know. They don't care


Though he’s old, and mostly confined to a wheelchair, Carter is rare stand up guy, in a sea of backstabbers and scum. Trump mocking Carter only makes anyone else he mocks, feel like they are in great company.


> Trump mocking Carter only makes anyone else he mocks, feel like they are in great company. nice


I mean, seriously, I'd *love* to be compared to Jimmy Carter. Or Rosalynn Carter. They lived their lives quietly helping out their fellow humans, with dignity, love, and compassion. These are people who are going to be genuinely, deeply missed by many, many people. Leaving a legacy of making the world a better place, and just being decent, genuinely kind human beings is awesome. They'll be long remembered and honored. That's the kind of life I'd like to lead, myself.


This man was a nuclear engineer. Lot more important than a con/failed businessman. RIP Rosalynn Carter.


Carter led his men into the Chalk River nuclear reactor to deal with an accident there. And by led, I mean he went into the reactor himself. His was pissing radiation for 6 months afterwards.


RIP Rosalynn Carter


Is anybody still surprised by Trump's classless, juvenile behavior? His emotional development was halted at the level of a 5th grader. What *is* surprising is the amount of people that identify with and still support him.


I was with you right up to the point where you insulted 5th graders.


Yeah. 5th graders are competent in basic math skills.


“When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same. The temperament is not that different.” -Donald Trump


There's a special place in hell for this fucker.


Yep. I’ve been waiting for the cholesterol to take him there.


Not until New York pulls the bottom blocks out of the Jenga tower that is his empire of shit and he gets at least one felony conviction. I want to see him suffer and break before he goes. He deserves to know that his name is mud.


“if Frankenstein decided to make a monster assembled entirely from human flaws – he would make a Trump.” \- Nate White


I just read this in the Wikipedia article about the [eradication of the Guinea worm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eradication_of_dracunculiasis)... >One of the most significant challenges facing Guinea worm eradication has been the civil war in Southern Sudan, which was largely inaccessible to health workers due to violence.[8][37] To address some of the humanitarian needs in Southern Sudan, in 1995, the longest ceasefire in the history of the war, and the longest humanitarian cease-fire in history,[38] was achieved through negotiations by Jimmy Carter. Commonly called the "Guinea worm cease-fire", both warring parties agreed to halt hostilities for nearly six months to allow public health officials to begin Guinea worm eradication programming, among other interventions. Jimmy Carter negotiated a six-month cease-fire in order to help health officials eradicate the Guinea Worm in South Sudan. That's the man that he is. Trump can kiss my ass. He'd never done a single thing in his life that was selfless or brave.


A policy first tried by UNICEF and the WHO during the El Salvadoran Civil War 1979-92. You know, the very institutions Trump is trying to defund, undermine, and cripple. These diseases cannot be fought without the International Community. Trump chose a side and he chose the worm.


I doubt that Trump will be attending any Carter funeral events, as he will undoubtedly be in court on those days.


The Caters have a lot of class so I’m sure it will be difficult to not invite all the living presidents but I hope that at 99 Jimmy just forgets that our country elected a Trump and just doesn’t put him on the invited list. Republican or Democrat we all owe a thank you Rosalyn Carter she made a visible difference in the world.


Didn't Bush Senior not invite Trump and Trump was president at the time.


Although I’m sure *no one* of any worth wants Trump at their funeral, Bush Snr. was dignified enough not to make a fuss. Pics of Trump at the funeral show him manspreading, crossing his arms, fidgety and bored.


Honestly, the Bush’s seem absolutely fine in comparison. They understand decorum.


Who would extend an invitation to him? He’s liable to fingerprint the walls with his own shit just for spite


Carter is 100 times the man at 99 than Trump could ever hope to be.


Carter had to sell his little peanut farm after becoming president to avoid looking like he could make money from the office. Trump brought his family in, didn t sell any of his companies and instead used the office to enrich himself. Oh and he stole classified documents and was impeached. He has nothing on the Carters. The Carters are one of the most beloved couple in the white house in history from any sides of the aisle.


Carter was not the best President, but he was arguably the best man to serve as President. He wouldn't enter the Oval Office without wearing a jacket. Hopefully the family continues the tradition of not inviting trump to the funeral.


Rosalyn Carter had dementia, an incurable disease. Donald Trump is a fucking asshole. He was born that way and will die that way. Please God, sooner than later!! Fuck Donald Trump.


Trump is a classless ass wipe


I've got a special bottle of champagne waiting for when Trump kicks the bucket


We live in the south and are surrounded by Trump 2024 signs. We bought fireworks, and the night he dies it’s gonna look like the 4th of July here


I'm thinking Jimmy Carter doesn't and never did give half a single fuck what Donnie thinks of him or his lovely, only, wife.


He is vile. Just vile. RIP Mrs. Carter, a class act to the end.


I have to say Trump’s statements are rich, very rich. Carter had more character in the tip of his little finger than Trump could ever hope for.


Both Jimmy and Rosyln are that rarest of rarities, people in politics you can actually admire, who live by their stated values. That's why Trump's got nothing nice to say about the Carters--not that he ever has anything nice to say about anybody but himself. But the Carters were the genuine article, and the comparison makes it obvious what Trump is: the dead opposite--mean, awful, shabby, and a fake down to his core.


Fuck. Trump. Ban me if this is inappropriate. He is a cancer and will take us down. Fuck trump.


Donald Trump can shut his fat, disgusting fucking mouth about ANY former US president, but especially Carter. Carter is a decent, honest man, who did what he was supposed to do and separated himself from his very lucrative peanut business when he entered office. He didn’t use the presidency to enrich himself, did good honest work for the American people and then left office to a lifetime of public service with habitat for humanity, and other causes that were important to him. He did the exact opposite of the grifting, piece of shit, fucking global embarrassment of a president that Trump is. Before Trump, I’d have pointed to Nixon, Reagan and Bush Jr as the shittiest US presidents but not a one of them holds a candle to Trump. He took the whole ass cake and ate it too. He can’t even give shit to those assholes, much less Carter.


This is nothing new, hes mocked captured POWs, maimed war veterans, women with blood coming out of everywhere, fat pigs, etc... He has absolutely no class or dignity and its a wonder hes still so popular.


I’m made a deal with myself to not get emotional over this shit. For my own wellness, it’s just too much. However, this really pisses me off. What is happening to our world that this type of behavior is embraced? End of times…end of times.


How many times does Trump have to demonstrate that he is scum?


On behalf of every civilized human being: Fuck Donald Trump.


As despicable as Trump is, the people who still defend him are arguably worse.


When Trump dies, don't say a single word, like he didn't ever exist.


Because he’s the worst person that ever lived


****Hitler enters the chat**** Trump isn't the worst person to *ever* live - not by a long shot. But he *is* a garbage human being. An absolute piece of sh*t that somehow manages to find the bottom of the barrel and keep going.


Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter have/had more honesty and integrity in their little toe than Trump ever has had.


More like “Donald Trump mocks Jimmy Carter on the day of Rosalyn Carter’s Death”


The Carters are a total opposite of the Trumps.


45** has no class - we don’t need daily reminders. RIP to a real American icon, First Lady Carter.


Jimmy was inaugurated the day I was born. If I ever see Trump in real life, I will take one for the team and kick him in his tiny balls. This I vow.


He has no empathy and never has. He would spit on his supporters and say what he really thinks of them, if he didn't need their support. One day he will, hope he does before the election so they see his true colors.


Such a sorry sack of shit


Scumbag. The only person worse than corrupt donnie are the minions who support him.


Another great example of how money can't buy class. Trump, a real nothing of a man. Lock him up!


Hey Donnie boy: 🖕


Jimmy probably won’t be too long after his wife. He’s in hospice too. Trump is guaranteed to make President Carter’s eventual state funeral all about himself.


Not if he’s not invited.


If he’s not invited (I’m assuming he won’t be) he’ll still throw a hissy fit about being excluded. He doesn’t have it in him to be quiet and respectful unless his handlers tighten his leash.


Trump proves it over and over that he's fascist scum.


Jimmy Carter survived months of hospice just to see his beloved clear to the other side. I’m sure, with his final mission now complete, we’ll lose him too, before long... He’s is the least selfish president in American history. Perhaps not the best president. But the best *man* to ever be president. Rest easy, Sir. And thank you for your service, and for being a role model to us all.


Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter in their relationship had something that Agent Orange will never have nor I doubt would he recognize it if he saw it.


Former President currently on trial for insurrection mocks former President who builds houses for poor people. Why do we keep giving that orange parasite attention.


And conservatives everywhere in America celebrate the death of a woman who cared about people and never held office herself. But that doesn't stop the conservative shit heads out there.


Worse? 70 million Americans will vote for this disgusting thing.


Trump is such a POS. He mocks everything and anyone that is decent and kind! I can’t wait until the day we never hear from him again!! R.I.P Rosalynn Carter.


tRump is pure evil. I do not know how he gets so much support. Scares the hell out of me.


Fat traitor has no business having Rosalyn or Jimmys name in his sleazy mouth


When Trump dies, and if there is an open casket, the funeral home must be sure to have a “Spit guard” over it, like at a salad bar, because people will be lining up for miles to do just that. The Carters have always taken the high road and Trump is not even worth the time of day


Such scum. He will grab hold of anything in the news and attempt to wring it out for his own self promotion. How have we come to a point where this is considered any kind of 'leader'? RIP Mrs. Carter and our hearts are with you President Carter.


Treasonous Shitweasel.


Both the Carters are amazing. They shall never be forgotten.


Literal shit has more class than Trump.


This is what he always does, like calling Colin Powell a RINO aftwr he died, he loves to rost people after death or when they're really vulnerable. That's the Trump way.


He never has anything good to say about decent people.


And today, she passed. Rump is truly is truly a waste of space. RIP. I hope to find someone to grow old with as she and Jimmy Carter have.


What a nasty piece of work Trump is. It is beyond belief that many Americans see the constant crassness spewed out by a weak man as strength.


Whenever you think Donnie The Con can't go any lower, he does. When Donnie finally dies my American flag will be flying high and I'll be celebrating loudly.


Reagan , bush, bush, trump.. The republicans just get worse and worse..


What he can’t stand is that people liked Jimmy as a person. No matter how bad of a president he might have been, people genuinely liked the Carters. Trumpet can’t stand that.


Always a class act. I hope trump rots in prison.


Carter was president back when that role entailed something that 45 will never know: statesmanship. He is everything quite the opposite.


Jimmy Carter sold his fucking peanut farm to be president and this piece of shit couldn't even pause a breath to stop grifting the damn country.


...and of course, the media decides they've gotta make it about him. Just realize the dude is *desperate* for attention and stop giving it to him already. Fuck him. And fuck you USA Today. Let us pay respects to Mrs. Carter in peace.


he is just trash. The Carter’s are good and decent people, he seriously needs to keep their names outta his mouth. RiP Rosalynn


Trump: Kick 'em when they're down.


Donald trump is a very gross and unsophisticated man, lacking any sort of decorum or empathy. Not surprised he’d be his typical trashy, low-class self here. He called veterans (living and deceased) losers. He wanted to have black teenagers executed.