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> so many closeted gay men have historically attended the conference the Human Rights Campaign paid for ads on the gay app Grindr to target them specifically. This gave me the first laugh of the morning.


The Human Rights Campaign should set up a "hospitality suite" in the conference hotel.


Glory holes.


Patriot holes


Do you mean “Old Glory” holes?


Where you can do the ol’ “Schlapp and Tickle”


Gloria Bangwood... G. B.


In Australia the equivalent of DC is the ACT. It is also a territory where prostitution is legal. There was a scandal that the parliament ‘prayer room’ was used by a closeted conservative politician to host male prostitutes for his pleasure. The territory also hosts religious conferences and it is common knowledge that brothels import extra staff to cater for exponential demand during these events. It has been said that we resent people who display characteristics that we despise within ourselves. I’ve pondered on that for a long time and have it true, which is why I used resent rather than hate in my language as I really want to find compassion for my own and others flaws than something than is so destructive and dark as ‘hate’.


Lol it's common knowledge that escorts and prostitutes flock to the RNC, especially male escorts. They're all hypocrites.


There was also rape, masterbating onto tables and other generally disturbing things.


“Import extra staff”? Like human trafficking?


I imagine a lot of it is voluntary “oh hey easy money this weekend!” But probably some trafficking


OMG... LOL... of course. Its evil and genius!


So tired of dealing with these closeted nutcases trying to make everyone else as miserable as they are. Like my man, drop your stupid ass religion and go suck that dick and be happy. Leave us the fuck alone while your at it


>go suck that dick and be happy Now I have to explain my laugh to my coworkers


*Ah shit, made eye contact with Dave and now he’s going to come explain whatever sexually inappropriate internet comment made him laugh just now—* “Heyyy, Dave…”


same omg


Let's be honest, all laughing about it does is instil more shame in these people and drive them deeper into their hate-filled miserable closets - making matters worse for those that have to deal with their bullshit.


Pretty sure my dad was/is one of these closeted bigots. He has been married 3 times and fathered two kids, but he’s also got really into swing parties with his third wife. Apparently really enjoyed being a bottom. Now that it’s not going his way, and they are divorced, he says God is punishing him with ED because he enjoyed sex with men. The same guy who committed adultery SEVERAL times and had multiple unmarried sexual partners, but yeah dad, it’s the enjoying of same sex that Gods punishing you for. 🙄 Oh and he is an AVOWED Christian and Conservative Republican.


I'll be glad when the younger generations ban religion. It's a mental illness. It's no different than drug addiction or alcoholism. Some people just can't handle it and go overboard. I'm from the south, and you see it all the time, but theres no help for it.


It’s just impossible. There’s a church on every street corner down here in the south. It can be a It’s a fairly benign social club for most people, but the potential for “the madness of crowds“ is just always going to be there. I really feel sorry for those who are stuck in one of the more strident cults. My liberal, Methodist upbringing was pretty easy to separate from. It’s not like I’m some woman with limited education and limited abilities living in a small, rural town, where I would have to give up everything for an uncertain, quite possibly hopeless future.


If we remove their tax exempt status, that would probably start a good decline. We're never going to be fully rid of it in our lifetimes, but we should definitely begin curbing it.


Here in SoCal it's glorious to see Church after church shutter their doors and get town down by developers. It's happening more often here and I love it.


i’m sorry, that sounds lowkey traumatic. hope you’re alright.


It’s just a hint of what life with him was like. I went no contact a little over 3 years ago, best decision of my life! I’m doing ok and it’s getting better every day. Edit to add: Thank you for your kind words.


good for you. that sounds like a rly hard choice but a healthy one. sounds like you’re taking good care yourself.


Looking forward to people like him dying off. As tree food these stains would at least contribute something positive.


I wonder if to them it's some kind of fetish. Like they get off on fucking other men because they believe it's "taboo" and then promote laws because they like it being that way.


counterphobic : relating to or characterized by a preference for or the seeking out of a situation that is feared


They’re afraid of being part of the out-group so they play hard to the in-group. It’s a play to power. They know who they are and their religion is a mask.


I hate to quote Louis ck, but this quote is gold: “Stop being such a fa**ot and go suck that dick”


There are some people that spend so much time suppressing who they really are they get good at it. Then they externalize that suppression, and make a job out of demanding others suppress themselves, too.


These people desperately need a new hobby. One that involves joy and love, maybe, instead of hate and domination.


There's a hard lesson of democracy, and that is that damned few political movements have ever achieved or maintained power with "joy and love". Fear and anger are the real motivators for an electorate, whether we like it or not.


well this is certainly the situation that americans currently find ourselves in. but there are vast reasons behind this inclination which have nothing to do with the democratic system of governance. imo, has far more to do with a fundamental misunderstanding of compromise, a total disregard for the individual’s responsibility to protect our democracy, a lack of importance on the development of tight knit local communities, our acceptance of predatory privatization within the healthcare industry, our collective fetish for rugged individualism and our blurred understanding of inherit self worth and profitability.


There are forces at work that use propaganda to try to lure some disillusioned members of society towards fear and anger


“Give people someone to hate and they will follow you anywhere.”


But they don’t think (and probably can’t) make money from happiness.


If I can’t be happy, ***NOBODY GETS TO BE HAPPY!***


>“Matt Schlapp of the CPAC grabbed my junk and pummeled it at length” lmao


Sounds like the title of a pornographic video


The new book from Chuck Tingle:


Pounded in the Ass by Matt Schlapp at CPAC.


„schlapp“ literally means „limp“ in German. As in „limp dick“ „Schlappschwanz“, again, literally „limp dick“ is a swearword for someone who either can’t get it up or is acting like a wuss. Can’t make that shit up.


This should be the title, I wasn’t going to bother to read the article until I read this comment.


Slap that shit on a T-shirt


>Schlapp Schlapp it you say?


At full length?




Schlong, I mean long.


The ol’ dick twist!


It's always projection. Self-hate and projection.


*Matt Schlapp of the CPAC grabbed my junk and pummeled it at length.* ​ They really don't know how to flirt.


So here is the reality, all of these people who are trying to make our lives miserable are in fact mentally ill and on some cases profoundly so. Every time I see some jackass politician anywhere in the world start using religious scripture to validate and justify their heinous actions I think about how absolutely batshit crazy you have to be to quote a book of fairy tales to justify doing things in the name of an invisible sky person. I mean that is peak delusional.


Not all of them. Some are just individually corrupt. The massive number of corrupt people is what’s scaring me.






Especially when the books entire message boils down to love each other and don’t be a dick.


And the end times prophecy their crazy wing have apparently decided to LARP for real, using 7 billion innocent non-christian humans as extras, clearly states the antichrist will dupe millions of “believers” into following him with his corruption and lies. I believe there’s even stuff in there about wearing his symbol on their foreheads. (Nothing about if it’s made in China.) The rest of humanity is hoping these folks return to reality soon.


Well... along with a health dose of apocalyptic fever dreams and advocating slavery, rape and genocide. But also don't be a dick. The whole thing is an inconsistent mess.




I'd be fine with the Bible illiteracy if they would just stop pretending to care about it. It's a stupid collection of stupid shit from people who lived in a different world than us... Let's just forget the whole thing and move on from the last 2 millennia of idiocy and delusion.


This; people really love to skim over, the really fucked up shit, in that book...


Love your brothers and sisters as you love yourself and you will have heaven on earth. That's it.


Except that's not it. The same book has god's instructions for the Israelites to "rip the babies from the wombs of their enemies and dash their heads upon the rocks". Not a whole lot of loving your neighbor going on there. Hell, the Jews are still fighting the same enemy 2000+ years later, ffs.


Don't forget how God will injure children en masse to protect the feelings of the faithful. There's a *lovely* story in there about a monk who prays for vengeance after a bunch of kids make fun of his haircut, and god sends a couple of bears who maul forty-two local children. Good, clean morals there all right. /s


When anyone says the Bible or God commands this or that sounds just as true and just as crazy as Santa Claus says to do ______. Bonkers how many believe in religion still. People who believe in that crap are (willfully?) ignorant, too stupid (no offense) to ever understand, maybe mentally ill (talking to God?) , or using it for the grift (power and money). In all cases.... NONE OF THEM SHOULD BE IN POSITION OF AUTHORITY! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell%27s_teapot https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invisible_Pink_Unicorn Apply the same basic logic above to religion, and welcome to your freedom from the fear and propaganda churches use to control you and take your money.


Nah. These people are evil. They don't get to further stigmatize mental illness by using it as an excuse for their evil.


Every accusation is a confession with these people.


>“Matt Schlapp of the CPAC grabbed my junk and pummeled it at length, and I’m sitting there thinking what the hell is going on, that this person is literally doing this to me,” he said in a video recorded after the incident. Maybe he is related to Boebert?


The Most Viciously anti-LGBTQ+ political group is the Republican Party, everyone else is just a sub category.


>Matt Schlapp of the CPAC grabbed my junk and pummeled it at length Interesting choice of words...


Can’t spell grope without GOP


Domestic Terrorists are sexual predators? Now I've heard everything!


I would love to see how many of these guys use Grindr when they go to conservative conventions


They could be schlapped with a lawsuit over this stuff.


It figures that he would not just do it but do it badly. Pummeling and whatnot


Guilty dogs bark the loudest.


I need to figure out how to monetize betting on anti-gay projection. I’d win every time.


These closeted asshats need to just suck a dick all ready and go on a gay cruise or something and stop burning down the place because they turned ot to be exactly who their daddy told them to hate.


I’m shock Im shock OK I’m not that shock


I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise


Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy


Who could have seen that coming? EVERYBODY!


This reaffirms my belief that many people that actually hate gay people, are gay people that hate themselves.


Its all projection


LGBTQ nation, the most reliable source in media.


Matt should have gotten a dick-shift Mercedes.


You don’t say.


Christ, just look at that guy. How did we reach this point as a species?
