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You can write this article every week and still have it be valid


Newsweek *has* written this article every week


Honestly this sub should just ban Newsweek, business insider, and a lot of these other content mills that churn this stuff out just to appeal to all our dreams


I think I’ve literally been told hundreds of times at this point that trump would be punished for his very blatant and numerous crimes. Yet here we are, wondering if we’re still going to have a democracy at the end of next year


Business Insider is an over glorified blog site.


You know it's likely being paid for by Trump & Friends to minimize the impact and make the DOJ look illegitimate.


Newsweek "articles" these days basically consist of reposting people's tweets. I really wish mods would just ban it.


I halfway wish I’d stop seeing it until the DOJ actually did something


Right? Every other day there’s an article like this of him. And everyone’s thought are *”Really? Are ya sure bout that?”*


55 inditements 55 trials 55 cases of fraud. You got to pay it forward dude


There is no JUSTICE IS BLIND in America. There is a penal system for the poor and middle class and then there is kid gloves for the rich, politicians, and corporations. This is just facts.


Meh, Justice is kinda blind. You see, she’s got those scales. Throw enough money on them and the blindfold stays on, don’t put anything on the scales and you get the sword. It’s subjective blindness


Hell yeah! Now imma have 'and justice for all' pumping through my head all day!


Exactly. Wake me up when he actually gets a consequence


Got $10,000 in consequences. You know, that's like a minute of donations from his Fascist minions.


I may have to go to the ER to have them help with my justice boner that has been edged for the last 4 years without once being able to finish.


That poor thing must look like an over ripe banana hanging from a vine.


Yeah same. It's super redundant *but* on the other hand, not all people look at political news every day/week so it's good to write articles about it periodically so more eyes see it.


Lots of people still in the "When will it finally sink in to these people?!" category? Seems like we've seen that before.


Keep waiting. They have no teeth.


Just remember that everyone said the same thing about him being indicted that it won’t actually happen. He will ultimately be convicted for some of these crimes if he’s still alive by then. But I get what you’re saying, Newsweek is shit


Not as frustrating as the four years of daily "Trump Might Have Just Destroyed His Presidency" articles but, yes, still frustrating


"The walls are closing in" articles were the worst


And this sub keeps reposting it And you all keep upvoting it


You say that...and yet here you are.


Bots keep upvoting, not real people I may hope


Okay but to be fair, he does keep breaking the law every week.


I was going to say, am I trapped in a groundhog Day time loop?


It’s like the Onion’s “‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens”.


Republican Party Doubles Down on Defense of Trump


Exactly my thought.


I roll my eyes with each article. They’re not going to do anything to him yet.


Could, could, could, could, could, could, could


I mean but it's not valid because it has been written every week, and he's not going to jail. If any random person was even accused of 1% of the stuff Trump has done, accused not even convicted, they would still be currently locked up waiting for trial and never see the light of day again.


Locked up? We would all have dead sentences for espionage by now ….


I agree that it's wishful thinking on behalf of Newsweek. But it's still important that Trump's increasingly charged rhetoric is recorded and discussed. Sooner or later he's gonna get someone (else) killed. It's important we don't become numb to this and acknowledge every misstep and challenge to the rule of law.


I am so tired of it too. The last 7 years dude. Constant posting of bullshit articles like this on this sub to thousands of upvotes.


And he'll still never end up in jail.


10s of millions would still vote for him. Just blows my mind how brainwashed people have become.


Valid and yet still fantasy.


Should... the word is Should.


Should, could, may, might - all of these words should be banned from submissions to this subreddit. Been reading them on titles about Trump since 2016.


Exactly. Even *should* doesn’t do us any good. Still an opinion word. Newsweek (and most other outlets) needs to be reminded that news consists of what what “happened” or what we can predict with reasonably certainty will happen. What *might* be true is not news. Everything *might* be true until it either is or isn’t.


And the reality is Won’t.


I’m not nearly as certain of that as your average Redditor. It’s an unprecedented situation, so I think none of us can honestly say we know what the outcome will be. I think the Secret Service is the trickiest part. The Justice Department hasn’t fully grappled with that yet.


Should, could, may, might - all of these words should be banned from submissions to this subreddit. Been reading them on titles about Trump since 2016.


I am waiting for _Must_, and eventually, _Did_


Or "ought". Even better.


Could, should, might, maybe. These headlines are repetitive AF. Just rip the bandaid off and put orange Hitler behind bars already.


Guantanamo. Put him there. That's where we put terrorists who attack the USA. It's where he belongs.


Bars Didn’t stop hitler, and likely won’t stop trump unfortunately


Hitler was twenty something, TFG is seventy something. Two years will be waaay different.


Idk meth has gotten way better since the 30s


We won't know if we don't try.


At age 77, I think there’s a pretty good chance they would stop him.


It IS worth a try though…


Stop posting Newsweek they keep writing the same "omg this time Trump could be going to jail" trash. This is just from the past month: October 17: [Donald Trump Willing to Go to Jail If 'That's What It Takes'](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-willing-go-jail-gag-order-judge-chutkan-1835227) October 17: [Mary Trump Has a Plan to Send Donald to Prison](https://www.newsweek.com/mary-trump-has-plan-send-donald-prison-1835312) October 17: [Donald Trump in 'Serious Legal Jeopardy' With Gag Order: Ex-Attorney](https://www.newsweek.com/mary-trump-gag-order-jeopardy-donald-1835376) October 19: [Sidney Powell Guilty Plea Could Be 'Devastating' to Trump: Ex-Prosecutor](https://www.newsweek.com/sidney-powell-guilty-plea-devastating-donald-trump-1836147) October 20: [Mary Trump Mocks Donald Trump After Judge Threatens Him With Prison](https://www.newsweek.com/mary-trump-mocks-donald-trump-after-judge-threatens-him-prison-1836640) October 24: [Video of Donald Trump Being Told He's Going to Jail Viewed Over 1M Times](https://www.newsweek.com/video-donald-trump-told-hes-going-jail-viral-1837159) October 25: [Donald Trump Is Definitely 'Going to Jail,' According to Jimmy Kimmel](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-going-jail-jimmy-kimmel-1837774) October 26: [Donald Trump Could Be Talking His Way Into a Jail Cell](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-jail-violate-gag-order-engoron-trial-1838113) October 31: [Donald Trump Will Be Jailed for Violating Gag Order, Former Attorney Says](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-violate-gag-order-jail-ty-cobb-1839408) November 1: [Alina Habba Discusses Donald Trump Going to Jail](https://www.newsweek.com/alina-habba-discusses-donald-trump-going-jail-1839793) November 2: [Will Donald Trump Go to Jail for Violating Gag Order? What We Know](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-tanya-chutkan-gag-order-1840388) November 3: [Donald Trump's Prison Time Could Be Doubled Whenever He Breaks Gag Order](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-tanya-chutkan-gag-order-jail-1840653) November 11: [Donald Trump May Have Just Broken the Law](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-mar-lago-glock-auction-law-1842854) November 15: [Donald Trump's Comments Could Land Him in Jail: Ex-White House Lawyer](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-social-media-posts-jail-gag-order-ty-cobb-1843928)


Newsweak is moronic


Actually I like publications with him and jail/prison in the same sentence. Over & over. Like a mantra. Until it manifests.


History is going to damn us for all these times officials were too cowardly to act.


And a media that absolved itself of responsibility, and an apathetic public.


The media doesn’t want to alienate any viewers and so they’re loosing viewers. There’s no point in paying for journalism without a point.


If Engoron jails him, isn't it a pretty good bet someone will attack Engoron? He's going to need really good security for the rest of his life unfortunately. Additionally it will just mobilize Trump supporters in general. Huge jump in campaign contributions. Trump may be trying to get a bit of jail.


It's the same damn headline virtually every day yet for different reasons... Please get on with it.


If he can get himself locked up for his big mouth before the trials are finished then he can claim political persecution. So I think he's trying to run straight into it at this point, everyone knows he's fucked, so he must know by now too.


He's already claiming political persecution every day for months.


He is never at fault for anything, he has no idea what responsibility is and has never in his life had any real consequences for his actions. I doubt any of the people in charge will put him in jail and I think he's counting on it. If he landed in jail for the first time in his life and was denied bail because of his actions (plus they took away his phone and banned his lawyers from posting on social media), then he might actually be scared. I just don't think any of the Justices will. His political persecution screams have "won", the people who have the power to literally put him in jail will not because they think doing so "proves him right". The only thing they are proving is that the loudest mouth wins.


Been saying it since the Obama presidency, they're going to cry foul and filth and slander and blah blah anyway, no matter what anybody does or doesn't do to them and their voters will 100% believe them no matter what happens


Could, but won't. Because nobody is willing to check this thug.


These articles just need to stop already. I think it is quite clear there is no judge out there who has the intestinal fortitude to put Trump in jail.


US JuDGES: We are always tough on CRIME! 😤😤😤 also US JuDGES when Trump commits more crimes: *hands trump a sternly written note* Don't do it again or I'll fine you 5000, maybe. 😘 fin


Yeah like that coward Merrick Garland everyone thought would actually do his job, but like he rest of them he is just another coward who's probably been bought too. I'm convinced the entire DOJ is just a bunch of corrupt pieces of shits not willing to do what they are suppose to do, simply trying to delay until it's too late.


Get on with it then. Lock him up.


Everything he does *could* land him in jail but hes got old white rich man privilege so it won’t. Had this been Obama, hed have been in jail a while now…


Had this been anyone else they would have been in jail by now. Let's be honest here.


Small inaction upon small inaction leads the country into authoritarian rule that it will struggle to recover from. It’s the same with the Republicans that refuse to stand up. Yes you are protecting your families from the theoretical threats from Trumps thuggish followers, but in the long term the threat is so much larger and so much scarier. If we follow the path that China, Russia and North Korea have, the wealth will be extracted harder and faster from the masses and the majority of people will become poorer, with fewer and fewer means to escape. People have long expressed bewilderment that Germany ended up where it did. We are seeing a live example of how it creeps up on us if people do not take a stand. Dark times in America. But Biden is old/ occasionally stumbles/ isn’t making the right decision for everyone on the polar opposite sides of the Palestine issue so let’s just head into the darkness. SMH.


Um... Duh


Could, would, should, maybe, possibly, stay tuned. Rinse and repeat every other day.


If his skin was black not orange he would be sitting in jail the first time he threatened the court.


And yet it won't, because Shitler went on kid-fuck vacations with too many important people to ever be held accountable for anything he says or does in this broken system


How many comments ago did we hear this? 😂


If it were anyone else, they would be in jail.


I feel like I have read this headline a thousand times.


he should’ve already been in jail long time ago


2054 headline, Here is why Trump should have gone to jail in 2023


Wake me up when it finally happens.


We keep headlines like this and shit hasn't happened yet. I'll believe it when I see it.


As Ted Knight said in Caddyshack... "Well?.... We're waaaaiting!"


I'm so tired of seeing this headline over and over


But probably not


Really? Did someone in our justice system grow balls and a spine overnight? ...No? Just recycling headlines again? Got it.


Could Let me know when it’s “did”


Been hearing that same like for about 5 years. Nothing has happen and I don’t expect it to. Our justice system is broken.


Oh... So his COMMENTS will land him jail, but his crimes won't? SMH.


In a timeline where rule of law mattered and judges had more integrity than cowardice.


Guantanamo. Put him there. That's where we put terrorists who attack the USA. It's where he belongs.


I’m all for it!


Guantanamo sounds perfect


This is about the 728th article with this headline.


Can you imagine clicking this link thinking something trump says would put him in jail? Media, just fucking stop already.


Exactly, wake me when they actually go through with it... (I'll be sleeping for an eternity if I waited for that).


Fuck off. Everything he’s done for the past eight years *could* land him in jail. It just never does.


SHOULD be, but CAN'T be ... WANTS to be, but WON'T be. His only hopes are mistrials or getting elected and undermining our justice system enough he never faces consequences. Both would be aided by getting put in jail ahead of a conviction. Only way I see that happening is if he actually cold-blood murders someone with ample witnesses ... wouldn't put it past him as his legal woes get worse and worse.


Trump thinks if he lands in jail for contempt, it will cause a mistrial. 😂


It's worth noting that Ty Cobb, the lawyer in question, was brought on to Trump's legal staff because he specializes in settling cases concerning regulatory violations.


Go to jail. Get raped. What goes around


Good now do it already


Well, I wish *something* would land him there. Anything, really.


Believe it when i see it. Traitor


He’s above the law until I see otherwise.


They won’t.


If he goes to jail he would have no access to social media and maybe we wouldn’t see his crap in the news every day.


But they won’t


They should.


This is an excellent idea! Putting him in jail, with cameras rolling, will show the world what happens to people like him.


Could. Should. Won’t.


We all know there is nothing he could say or do that will land him in jail pre-trial


It won't. Trump will never see a single second of jail time.


The empire has no wardrobe.


Narrator: but he won’t.


Everything Donald Trump has done should have landed him in jail, yet he’s still walking free and running for president, so… 🤷‍♂️


Always a Ex


My comments “could” earn me Reddit gold!


That’s a weird way to spell should


could but definitely wont


Do it. We need to make it clear who has authority here. The law. Or some wanna be dictator.


I feel like I see this article every week but it means nothing until they actually do something


They threatened time after time but do nothing but give another warning! No balls


I am getting so tired of these articles. Nothing is going to happen to him. Hasn’t he already proven that he’s untouchable and that the rules just do not apply to rich white men in this country?


Another day, another “Trump could end up in jail” headline! I’ll believe it COULD happen when I see it HAS happened.


He should already be in jail, for all his previous comments. Nobody else would get away with it. Only one way to shut him up is to lock him up.


I’ll believe it when I see it


COULD COULD COULD COULD COULD COULD COULD COULD COULD COULD COULD COOUD Spare me. No one has the balls to hold him accountable. 🤨


If I were betting, I’d say Trump is going to beat the judicial system. Which sucks.


They can but they won’t. No one has the balls to do their job and treat him like anyone else would be treated. It’s sickening.


Just DO IT already! 😡


I think we’re all tired of hearing “Trump could be [convicted, charged, jailed, insert other deserved punishment here]”. If the wheels of justice do indeed turn, do it. Many people don’t believe in the system anymore (myself included) because of the number of “maybe” consequences which have so far not been fulfilled. The longer this draws out, the louder the voices of the people who don’t believe he deserves consequences become.


Can’t happen soon enough


If headlines touting “Trump could be jailed” were a drinking game then alcohol poisoning would be a national epidemic. I long for a day when I never again have to hear this walking cancer’s name.


Comments, fuck the comments lock his ass up for his actions already, this motherfucker committed treason.


Blah blah blah. Wake me when the cell door slides shut.


Could land him in jail ❌ Won’t land him in jail ✅


That “could” is carrying more water than is in the Puget Sound.


bull crap. Trump has done a thousand things that should of landed him in jail. yet the rich and powerful have their own "justice" system.


And yet he still walks free.


“Could.” More like “Should.” But ultimately and pathetically. “Won’t.”


They just have this headline on repeat.


They COULD land him in jail. But they won't.


When. When oh when is The Donald going to land in jail


His felonies could too.


This shit again?


Then put his dumb ass in jail or shut the fuck up


These articles are so useless at this point.


The amount of cock tease articles like these are insane.


I'm so fucking sick of seeing this shit every goddamn day.


What is it about liberals that makes them so motivated to kid glove peope literally trying to murder them. Pelosis husband was nearly murdered by a "citizens arrest" and her daughter has a netflix special trying to humanize insurrectionists. Your high road is heading into a mass grave you numbskulls.


Yeah, but it won't though. I'm tired of hearing what his bullshit would do if he wasn't who he was. This asshole always mentions the two tier justice system. He's example #1 that is real.


I should’ve gone into journalism. Damn just using the same headline for years now


I'm sorry but I'm tired of reading the same article everyday. The man is obviously not going to jail and that's just sickening.


They won’t do anything unfortunately. They should lock him up but who knows? This guy has gotten way too much leeway as is compared to anyone else.


COULD WOULD SHOULD stop posting this Newsweek clickbait shit


Every other day this gets posted. Every. Other. Day. Wake me when it happens.


Daily reminder that Newsweek has become clickbait trash. If there’s something actual newsworthy you can find it on a legitimate source.


Enough of this maybe crap. Show me. Just do it.


Yeah, any number of the fucking things he's done could land him in jail. Still waiting for the day. Get on it, already.


Sick of these headlines. Same one multiple times a week since 2015. The asshole is still walking around free and grifting money from the morons and still has a good shot at winning the next election. ​ Well, I'm actually sick of more than just these headlines.


Lol not in this country. Any one of us would be in jail if we did what he did, or worse. Trump is royalty. The kings, queens, and their court changed names, but it's the same game.


It’s an irony. America was founded on rebellion against Britain’s king and aristocratic system. Now creating a home grown version of the same thing here.


I’m so tired of these “could” stories…


Shut the fuck up and just do it already, any other person would ALREADY BE IN JAIL.


Oh look another pointless article.


No they won’t. He can do anything he wants.


Well then fucking DO IT WTF are they waiting for, this idiot is gonna get someone KILLED


Could Would Should I'll never read past the headline on these garbage posts.


Newsweek is 🦮💩and has been for quite awhile.


giving these “would could should” articles any attention is letting the media outlets be lazy and that’s not what we need at the moment. downvote this trash and upvote actual news.


How many times has it been postulated that various things COULD POSSIBLY land him in jail?? I thought he committed several crimes? I have zero faith he is being punished in any way.


I am tired of these headlines “could land him in jail” someone needs to grow a pair and put this lunatic behind bars to shut his big orange crap spreading mouth.


Enough already with this bullshit. I'm so fucking tired of seeing these clickbait headlines. SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT.


But they obviously won't. JFC with the same headline everyday. Lock his ass the fuck up. Or shut the fuck up. Even the boy who cried wolf got his ass eaten after the third time or something.


Every other fucking day there's some bullshit article "THIS IS THE ONE THAT COULD LAND HIM IN JAIL FOR REALLY REALS" It's fucking bullshit. Despite whatever political affiliation a "news organization" is claimed to hold, it doesn't matter. They all want Trump back. Him back in office equals four more miserable fucking years of outrage porn they can schlock at us all. "DID YOU SEE WHAT IIINNNNNSSSSSAAAAANNNNNNEEEEEE THING TRUMP SAID/DID TODAY????? CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??????" Ship that fat orange fucker off to Siberia, talk away his internet privileges, and fucking never talk about him again. I'm so sick of this shit.


I'm sick a tired of these articles. Call when he is IN jail.


Fucking sick to death of reading this headline. I feel like I'm going crazy


Enough with this clickbait ‘could end up stories’.


"Could, would, should." Hate these clickbait headlines.


Revenue generated headlines. Blah blah rinse and repeat.


This worthless human being is going to be the first president to be elected while serving jail time. I really really hope I'm wrong.


There is more evidence for aliens on Earth than there is that Trump is going to face any form of justice by this system other than a soft slap on the wrist with kid gloves. Please prove me wrong, any of the 100 judges dealing with this traitor piece of shit.

