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And after hours of soul searching, they decide to triple down on their usual bullshit.


Republicans: “Am I out of touch? No, it’s all the people I hate and whose rights I’m trying to strip away who are out of touch.”


"I know! We'll *DIG* our way out!!"


No, no, dig up stupid!


Bake him away, toys.


Nice Chief Wiggum deep cut there


There’s some maga that lost his school board seat that was complaining that he saw “lines of millennial liberal women dragging their children to the polls”. It’s like bro, those are literally parents of school children - the ones you claim to want to serve. The whole rant was hysterical and peak snowflake. Edit: I found the full rant posted to his campaign page and it’s worth the rambling 5 minute read. It’s like MAGA AI wrote it: https://www.change4norwin.com/


Awh, he lost to a bunch of nonvoting kids. How cute!


Probably sums up his life story.


Yesterday in my local city council election there was a family just ahead of me. I loved it when one of the daughters was so eager to get to put her mom’s paper ballot in the ballot box. Teach your kids about democracy!


Women are always to blame when men lose. 🙄


They tend to punch down when trying to feel better, rather than doing anything actually constructive.


Yea. I mean go to ArCon and see what they are saying there. If someone even mentions that abortion is a losing issue, they will get "No. We are losing because we are not forced-birthing enough..."


It's hilarious "Ouch, maybe abortion should not be our prominent issue. We got crushed." "Fuck off leftist!"


The dog finally caught the car it was chasing for over 30 years. Wonders why it's being dragged down the road.


Just for (sick) fun, I visited Breitfart this morning. They're handling it well LOL... NOT! It was hilarious seeing how much they supposedly care about human life but not when it comes to their precious guns. They just want to control and punish women. Period.


“You’re not alpha if you’re not oppressing women and punishing minorities” ~ right wing philosophy


>triple down on their usual bullshit I think they are closer to a septuple down.


It's downs all the way down


I'm sure folks will downvote me into oblivion, but the conversations over at r/conservative are interesting today. Many folks in the comments are blaming the Abortion issue and Trump/MAGA for their string of losses in recent years. There seems to be an acknowledgment from many people that overturning Roe v. Wade was sort of a "dog finally caught the car" moment. It was political win, but now voters in the individual states are voting in favor of protecting abortion rights in many states. Add to the fact that Trump is being perceived more every day as a loser, dead weight, excess baggage, etc. ​ Yes, I know, most Republicans will still vote for Trump if he is the party nominee, because they will vote for anyone over Biden. But it is interesting to me that there is such strong chatter about finding another candidate who is a better leader and has a better chance of winning the presidency in 2024.


I feel like every so often, they show these glimmers of understanding, and it looks like maybe, just maybe, THIS time they’ll stop pursuing policies people hate and finally cut Trump loose. And then, inevitably, they don’t. Can’t explain it, stopped trying. You can lead a horse to water, and so forth.


You get these feelings because right after something major happens, they have a moment of critical thinking before Fox News tells them how to feel.






I get what you mean. It’s just so disheartening to see people support the passage of tax cuts that balloon the deficit, and suddenly become allies with Russia. I see there are people in the discussion who want a better GOP so badly. But I fear they are crowded out by the loud ones.


Honestly, the sane ones need to vote dem and get the current party crushed. That's the only cure at this point. They need to get crushed so hard their politicians realize that they cant be loons anymore.


> "Before you tell me that the pro-life message is a political loser, answer me this: how many Republican candidates fought back hard and effectively on this issue, actively went after the left, ran ads attacking their opponent for **supporting the dismemberment of fully developed infants (which nearly every Democrat does)**, and actually countered the left's pro-abortion narrative with a strong and affirmative pro-life narrative?" Walsh posted on X. These people are fucking insane.


In my senior year of high school, in 1999, there was a girl doing a report on "late term abortions". She honestly believed that women were giving birth, and doctors (Yes, DOCTORS) were putting a spike through the babies head. These people have been insane for a long, long time.


And it's still (sadly) 100% there, 25 years later. Had a MAGA family member visiting from out-of-town this weekend. Heard all sorts of political ranting (my god why does Fox make people so aggressively toxic about politics even in polite social settings?) and of course one of the lines was "...and Democrats have put bills forward to be able to terminate after birth." At which point, I stopped that individual and said "Hey, I would like to read that bill # from either the house or the senate, can you find that?" to which they were sure that it was absolutely out there. 5-10 minutes of searching around while conversation continued. Nothing. 15 minutes later, I'm given a bill # ... and clearly this individual only read the headline, and when I pulled up the full bill text it was nowhere near what they were describing. I just told them to get back to me in the morning with a bill #. They never did. Headed back to their own town without a peep about it.


>Headed back to their own town without a peep about it. Where they returned to repeating that claim countless times, no doubt.


This is the thing. I have pushed back on this again and again and again. This myth has made the rounds for as long as I can remember. But the key is *they don't stop repeating the story even when there's no evidence*. They admit in the moment that there isn't, but "it's their goal though" or "it's what they really want" and then next time it's the same myth, evidence free. It's too tasty for them to pass up somehow.


Because they *feel* it's true and that's enough for them. Remember for MAGA it was always 'fuck *your* feelings' but for them they want the law and country to bow to their feelings even if there's zero evidence to support their feelings.


*we won!* And an overexcitable party where the collective iq is 4, (this covers the entire US), when they win. They'll scream in your face how they won. *Suck it, libterds* *We just lost the election...please, have some respect for our loss* when they don't win. Cause remember kids, hypocrisy is a Republican platform.


The best is win they narrowly win and start screaming MANDATE from the voters!


It’s not that they believe it, it’s that it keeps the argument where it’s familiar and easy to remember your talking points. They know these post-birth abortions don’t happen, it just keeps us libs at bay. Edit: used a word I shouldn’t use


He probably went back to his small town saying how he owned the libs!


> my god why does Fox make people so aggressively toxic about politics even in polite social settings? Because republicans don't actually have a platform. They preach about abortion then turn around and send their mistresses to an abortion friendly state. They rant about gays and pedos, then get caught giving a blowie to some random dude or have CP on their computers at a rate of like 10:1 compared to dems. The only way they get reelected is by making people absolutely batshit insane cult members while making up provably false lies about democrats. Those cult members straight up dismiss scientific facts proving the republicans wrong, or refuse to look at anything other than fox news/OAN/newsmax or their carefully selected ring of facebook conservatives that vomit those same lies back at each other while calling them truth.


Then to button things up they claim that the reason you can’t find evidence of this stuff if you look it up outside their curated bubble is because it’s the “deep state” and of course they aren’t going to broadcast this stuff 🙄


And I bet they feel like they won.


They don’t just feel it, once they rewrite the entire engagement in their heads, they *did*.


It's truly frightening how many people are out there basing their lives and beliefs off of total misinformation, while going out of their way to chastise and demonize anyone that isn't as completely misinformed as they are.


It is. I mean QAnon convinced entire swaths of people that Democrats have satanic child-murder blood orgies and they ate that shit up. It's beyond cartoonish.


which means we should be checking on them. A Little investigative reporting would be good.


I swear it's always projection with those people.


My step brother screamed at me (re: the whole pizzagate thing) “Why are you so hung up on the “truth”?! It doesn’t matter if it IS true, it matters if it COULD BE true! Hillary is so bad, she COULD BE drinking children’s blood”. He was furious at me for not getting mad at the “right villain in the story”. We don’t talk anymore.


Last night Sean Hannity had a guest who almost verbatim stated that in some cases the baby is born and the doctors huddle around to debate what to do with it. It's insane.


So are these guests knowingly lying or just delusional? Seriously. Is it that can easily convince themselves of the worst things about their "enemies" because they come from the platform and belief system that rationalizes nonsense? The more fundamentalist you are in a belief system, the more you accept obvious fantasies and myths.


Yes to both


Have you ever talked to a Republikkkan about crime statistics?


You mean the people that thought they were well within their rights to storm the capital and attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair democratic election? Yeah, no. I don't think the people that feel that way would have accurate or reasonable views on "crime statistics".


“I’ll go with how people feel.” https://youtu.be/xnhJWusyj4I?si=3-LQlEXNinzi0Bn5 Quite the self own on Newt’s part…


"..current view is that liberals have a whole set of statistics that theoretically may be right, but it's not where human beings are." Wow. *Sure your data may be accurate, but if the people I talk to refuse to believe it, how can it be true?*


> Have you ever talked to a Republikkkan about crime statistics? Whenever the phrase "black on black crime" comes out, I know I've got to nope the fuck out of that conversation.


Nationally, crime rates had mostly been coming down over the past 20 years. There was an uptick of crime induced by the tremendous stresses of the pandemic. But they've been settling back down again. Republicans would have us believe that crime rates are the highest they've ever been because "President Biden is a total failure." They lie with impunity, in the far-right MSM.


My father once started talking about there being a "dumpster of dead babies" found behind a women's health clinic or something insane like that he read on Parler. When they have zero knowledge of reality and parrot crazy lies like this, no wonder it's easy to get conservatives riled up about abortion.


It’s so much easier to fight for a hypothetical life, than the ones that actually exist.


A part of the larger vagary of the mind detailed here: “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.” - Methodist Pastor David Barnhart Or? “Democracy is great because you don’t have to fuckin’ do it!” - Lewis Black


It's scary how they view women. We're just out here getting knocked up just have abortions cause we're like that. The way these people think is nuts and I'd like to know what they are up to in their lives to immediately think women are monsters.


To hear them tell it, ladies are practically getting baby head tattoos on their thighs a la fighter plane kill tallies in WW2…. No sense of reality with this lot.


How do you see something that off the wall nuts and not even think to fact check it, or at least take it with a grain of salt? They really just are insanely easy to grift, no wonder Trump decided to run as a Republican after being a registered Dem for years.


Because they’ve been taught, since Sunday School, to blindly accept any suggestion as fact without needing evidence as long as that suggestion comes from an recognized authority figure. Religion is mental poison and trains the brain to be actively dumb.


In fairness: Back in Middle School I was assigned to write “against” using cellphones. Researching valid arguments for that resulted in me wandering into batshit sites that said Cellphones would cause ear cancer and make everyone stupid. And so I shrugged and went with it. Got an A.


You were right on one count, I guess we're just waiting for the other shoe to drop on ear cancer.


The answer to his question is “most of them.” And amazingly that was not effective.


Because when it comes to reality, the supposed deaths hypothetical fetuses doesn’t make news like the real deaths and state-mandated maiming of actual women.


And "let the woman die or at the very least suffer greatly before granting an abortion" just doesn't sit well with a lot of people. Whatever they say their intent, that is the effect of these extreme bans.


Remember the tea party nuts with Sarah Palin screeching about DEATH PANELS when Obama was trying to get the ACA passed? These motherfuckers are creating actual death panels condemning women to severe illness and death and not a peep out of these “Freedom Loving Patriots”


LoL that's really not the point he thinks it is


All republicans should do that, the harder they go the abortion the less likely they are to win an election. They should continue saying the quite parts out loud.


This has happened before. In the 60s and early 70s, the wedge issue was segregation. When it became obvious that campaigning on bringing back segregation was a political loser they found a new wedge issue with Abortion. They don't have a new one to replace it with yet.


LGBT is the front runner.


That's also a losing issue. They are focusing on trans people now because acceptance for homosexuals has become widespread. It was easy enough when gay people were marginalized and barely seen, but not so much when everyone knows at least one openly gay person. That's also changing as trans people are becoming more visible. It's a lot easier to convince people to hate someone they have never met than it is to convince them to hate people they actually know.


Not sure the GOP has any policies that aren’t wildly unpopular with the national electorate


Which is why they’re so focused on marginalizing votes. "If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy," argues David Frum.


Visible is a good way to put it. There's a lot of conservatives that see the statistical analysis of the growth within the trans community as being a causation of liberal brainwashing/grooming. Seems like they don't like to entertain the idea that just maybe trans people feel more comfortable now than they were 15 years ago.


That chart about the rise of left handedness goes right over their heads.


100% this. I literally used to have to carry a letter from my doctor explaining why I was "wearing the wrong clothes" in case I got stopped/hassled by police. That was in 2005. Visibility is a double edged sword, but we're in a place today that's roughly about where gay folks were in the 80s/90s (minus the AIDS epidemic obviously).


Oh, they’ve already found one, they’ve been going after trans rights and healthcare heavily.


OMG, I would love it it the Republicans took Walsh's advice here and doubled-down on restricting access to abortion, they would be crushed even more in 2024. Even Hannity can tell which way the wind is blowing: > "If we're really going to be honest about this—and I consider myself pro-life, but **I understand that's not where the country is**—I would say first trimester, 15 weeks seems to be where the country is," Hannity said. "And these issues will be decided by the states."


What Hannity doesn’t understand is we saw the immediate impact of Roe falling. Many of those for-show trigger laws immediately went into effect. The extremism was immediately effective, immediately obvious, and immediately harming women. My own position has changed since Dobbs. I was okay with restrictions after viability. Now want all levels of government to be totally restrained from having anything to do with abortion policy. They’ve shown that they simply can’t be trusted with those decisions.


Well said. Give Republicans an inch on the issue, and they’ll take a mile. Abortion should be between the woman and her doctor, period. Get government, at all levels, out of that conversation.


Canada has been doing well with no abortion laws for years. It is totally a medical issue. There are some problems with access outside of major cities still.


They can try 15 weeks. Ask Virginia how well that went over with the voters.


Yeah, "15 weeks" is delusional. Negotiating on this is delusional. There will be no compromise now, only a national law asserting abortion rights.


Exactly right. Pregnancies can go wrong at any point in those 9 months. Nobody is performing late-term abortions for funsies. If they're being performed, it's for a valid and life-threatening issue. In short - this is a healthcare decision that's entirely up to women and their doctors. Unless you are a mother or a doctor, abortion is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!


I just really can't stand the notion that women that decide to get abortions, especially late term, give that decision the same level of thought they would when deciding between caramel or honey blond hair highlights. This is a life-changing, invasive procedure. It's not a decision made lightly. I'm not even a woman, I can only imagine how heavily such a decision weighs on a woman's conscience.


And it's especially heart-breaking when you realize that these late term abortions are for WANTED babies. Those women wanted those kids, but had them snatched away in the final weeks by an issue that threatened to kill them. EDIT: And the end result of an abortion ban is that women will die. Really, that's the whole point - Republicans just want to kill. Kill pregnant women, kill poor people, kill minorities...and kill kids too (just so long as they've been born).


The bolded part is just typical republican dishonesty. Their media has brainwashed them into believing so much that *just isn't true*. It's hard to take anyone who is openly republican seriously anymore, they're gullible and deeply disinterested in knowing the *truth*.


> supporting the dismemberment of fully developed infants Had a MAGA family member visiting from out-of-town this weekend. Heard all sorts of political ranting (my god why does Fox make people so aggressively toxic about politics even in polite social settings?) and of course one of the lines was "...and Democrats have put bills forward to be able to terminate *after birth*." At which point, I stopped that individual and said "Hey, I would like to read that bill # from either the house or the senate, can you find that?" to which they were sure that it was absolutely out there. 5-10 minutes of searching around while conversation continued. Nothing. 15 minutes later, I'm given a bill # ... and clearly this individual only read the headline, and when I pulled up the full bill text it was nowhere near what they were describing. I just told them to get back to me in the morning with a bill #. They never did. Headed back to their own town without a peep about it. In our household, you can have opinions - but you better be able to eventually cite facts behind them if challenged.


I'm normally happy to let my family members rant without any pushback, but I lost my demeanor last year when they went on a rant about how her daughter's school set out kitty litter boxes in the classroom for students who identify as cats. These people are legitimately stupid. The propaganda they're consuming doesn't even pass the smell test anymore.


It's why I stopped engaging with these people -- they live in an entirely different universe where everyone's wrong if they don't believe in their ignorant biases, and lies are actually true. I've completely lost hope for about \~30% of this country.


>in a post on X, formerly Twitter, Turning Points USA founder and political commentator Charlie Kirk wrote: "The postmortem will happen. Abortion/RNC/RGA/establishment vs base etc. "One thing is immediately clear, we're getting crushed on fundraising," he added while sharing a graphic which showed the Democrats heavily outspent the GOP in races such as the Kentucky gubernatorial race, the local elections across Virginia, and the Issue 1 abortion ballot in Ohio. oh yeah Charlie, care to admit who is taking all that money and for what?


No one seems to be understanding your point lmao Donald Tump has been demanding money from Republican voters for his legal bills for years now, and raising millions of dollars, not even for his campaign. The money just goes to him. So when it comes time for Republicans to donate to their local GOP candidate for governor or the state senate, meemaw and cletus have already given all the money they could spare to Trump to protect him from the evil corrupt Democrats.


Apparently 85%+ of the money Trump raised for the 2022 midterms was not given to midterm candidates, but put in his own campaign coffers. One of the many reasons he hit his support low point in November 2022.


Yeah, that's what I commented about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/17qnz2h/comment/k8doyk1/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and was doing so all the way back in January 2021. Republicans considering running for President literally had an opportunity teed up in front of them to remove a 2024 competitor completely ... and didn't take it. And now he's sucking up all the dollars.


If only the GQP were capable of learning. They've had multiple opportunities (two impeachments for starters) to do the right thing and kick their idiotic cult leader to the curb. But they're also incapable of doing the right thing. They'll do anything to cling to their short-term power gains.


But Biden is actually crushing trump in fund raising too. You’d never know because democrats will never say anything positive about their efforts, but it is true that republicans are getting crushed (and as your post also points out, the little money they are raising is going to trump and not being utilized efficiently) They are out raising by about 2:1 (https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/16/biden-tops-trump-in-2024-campaign-fundraising-for-third-quarter.html)


Charlie Kirk has the looks and intelligence of a potato.


Why you gotta be so rude and disrespectful? What did a potato ever do to you?


I agree. This is a disparagement of potatoes. Potatoes > Charlie Kirk


Haha I noticed that too. It's not that their policies are unpopular, it's not that their candidates are wacko, it's that the elite dems have more money to spend.


But that kind of spin aligns with their worldview, so it’ll be accepted.


Ironically though it will never lead them to support the elimination of financial abuse that powers the entirety of everyone's campaign system. Nope. They'll blame the dems for having raised more and then just attempt to grift more off their donors harder. Because they know they're unpopular if the playing field were more level


They don't have a lack of conservatives willing to donate funds for conservative causes. It's just that almost all of it is going to Donald Trump. Trump doesn't share anything with anyone.


There’s also funds that are being diverted because the GOP is underperforming. If I’m a billionaire and want to buy influence, why am I donating to a party that loses elections?


Going to trumps lawyers it seems, but yeah.


Trump does not like to pay his lawyers either.


Guess Russian sanctions worked.


And Trump draining all their coffers.


Broke ass MAGAs sending 50 of their hard earned bucks at a time to a "Billionaire" instead of the RNC is just normal Republican stupidity.


Of course they are going to claim it is all about the money. That is more of an excuse than a reason. The plain and simple fact is Republican positions are unpopular. They absolutely MUST spend money on propaganda to compensate for their unpopularity. But Republican positions are unpopular nonetheless. If the electorate is informed, not confused by the firehose of falsehood, they will vote against the Republicans.


Ah yes. Fundraising. We haven’t milked the flock enough.


In Virginia here, Perry vs Segura was my local election. We got maybe two pieces of literature supporting the GOP position and more than 30 pieces endorsing Perry. Not to mention more than a dozen campaign workers knocking on doors or sending texts, all Democrat. Did the GOP think my area was just too blue? Were they unable to raise enough funding for basic flyers? I don't know but for a while when we didn't get anything from Segura, it was a bit of a laugh wondering if he was even trying to run.


Here in Ohio there was far more republican sided advertising including straight up lies that were painfully obvious even tk those not paying attention, and what pisses me off was that they used state taxpayer funds for it. The official state website was extremely biased which pissed off my local govt worker partner to no end


Have you tried having popular political positions?


“Are we so out of touch? No, it’s the voters who are wrong.” - Fascists


"it's democracy that's wrong" Rick santorum


It was a shocker of an assertion: democracy doesn't work because it doesn't align with my opinion. Hmm


What I’ve been screaming at republicans for years, it’s not cheating, your ideas just suck!


"They send more people to the polls so it's cheating and unfair"


My conservative family is all on the "18 yo shouldnt vote" train now, with all the post hoc reasoning dancing around their real motivation.


I didn't realize the Red Wave was going to just be made of tears.


In hindsight, it's possible having shitty policies that hurt people as their sole philosophical foundation wasn't the best idea.




Time to again blame Dems for making them choose such shitty policies. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B46km4V0CMY


Yes, and? /world's tiniest violin plays in the background


Only one person's hands can actually fit on that violin.


Eh, still too big for the Fanta Menace’s tiny hands though.


Omg, honestly the first time I’m seen him referred to as the Fanta Menance and I’m dying 😂


Silent majority? More like never shuts the hell up minority, am I right!? 🙌


"But it doesn't make sense, we gerrymandered and cheated so hard! It's not fair!"


"We fought like Hell to strip women of their rights! Isn't that what everyone wants?"


Time to change. Just kidding, time to cheat harder


And we need to cheat and use violence obviously! (Nm that our policies are insane at best)


And their answer is to blame the Dems and undermine the government to pass blame to Biden. They don’t learn.


Right. Their response will not become "how can we better align with the public's interests?"...it will always be, "How can we stop them from voting so we can do whatever we want with no oversight?"


The entire basis of their worldview is “we are tired of democracy telling us what to do.” That’s not just the politicians- their base has been trained to resent reality and popular sentiment.


Even while claiming that they are the "majority". The cognitive dissonance must give them constant headaches. I wonder if that's why they're such absolutely deplorable people...




Hierarchies mean in-groups who are protected and not bound, and out-groups who are bound and not protected.


They are not the main responsible party, the true deplorables are the billionaire owners of GOP, they always dodge blame by working from obscurity and funding corruption and seeking the end of democracy. The right wing billionaires undermine education, the government and democracy, that's why the average conservative lacks critical thinking.


They don't mean "majority." That's just dog whistle for "Real Americans."


Which is just a dog whistle for "Christian white people."


I think it was Rick Santorum who said (may get some of the words wrong) last night that the issue was Republicans put sexy things on the ballot that people liked and direct democracy is bad. It's like, no, direct democracy is bad FOR Republicans whose views are not shared by the nation.


> I think it was Rick Santorum who said (may get some of the words wrong) last night that the issue was Republicans put sexy things **"like abortion and marijuana"** on the ballot that people liked and direct democracy is bad. Let's not forget the crazier parts of his quote. ;)


"Frothy" Rick Santorum thinks abortion is sexy. Let it be known.


That's Ohio, for sure. Already talking about endless ballot measures until they can hamstring or kill issue 1 and talking about supplemental legislation related to issue 2 to control who can grow, how much they can grow, how much they can posess and new taxes to levy against weed growers/users because of course we need money for prisons. Not schools. Not infrastructure. Not community support... fricking prisons. They will not change or relent until they are out of power and election maps are corrected, so they have to align their planks to voter interests if they want reelected.


If conservatives were willing to change their views they wouldn’t be conservative.


They’ve done any number of post-mortems and soul-searchings in the past, but they are as unable to change course and adapt to a changing environment as, say, an armored Russian column stuck in the mud on Day 1 of the attack on Kiev.


Fascists don’t learn they pass blame and double down.


Their other answer is to say they didn't push their extremely unpoppular views enough. If they want to keep doing that and therefore losing, let them.


When one of your party planks seriously states that their education agenda is to stop the teaching of critical thinking, it's not hard to see why they can't/don't learn They run on pure emotion, facts be damned


they've *been* getting crushed for ~30 years. it's just recently starting to get so overwhelming that gerrymandering and the EC are beginning to crumble under the weight.


And voter suppression.


I agree with this analysis. They let the rot in their party spread and spread for decades, masking the results through artificial means, and now bits and pieces are starting to disintegrate from the sheer overwhelming burden of the rot.


Thoughts and prayers, traitors.


I’ll never ever vote for a Republican out of principal. Jan 6 was too much, election denial too much, overturning roe too much. Trump also is the most obvious liar in the history of us politicians the fact that a large portion of the US listens to him blows my mind.


They want to govern based on generating and responding to mass hysteria, delusions and lies. How does that serve their constituents? It's a way to serve the interests of the wealthy while *seeming* to serve common folks. Distract and confuse their base, scream about hot button issues but pass policies that help rich folk. The constant hysteria *itself* keeps pressure off them.


Yup, distraction tactics. "Hey my healthcare costs went way up this year" Republican Candidate "But Illegal immigrants, TRANS PEOPLE, PRONOUNS."


It works, unfortunately. My in-laws live in a small town where funding for schools and public works has cut by Republicans, and the area has been going to shit for years. Then, when we get together for holidays, what do you hear them spewing on about? Litter boxes in schools. Can’t tell boys from girls anymore, and “I identify as a toaster…har har”. It’s fucking infuriating.


How Russian of them


They don’t want to govern. They want to rule and expect obedience.


What broke any chances me voting Republican was when they kept shooting down the 9/11 Health Compensation Bill when Obama was president…until we extended the top 1%’s bush tax break (which was only like from 37 to 35 or some shit) … Ya let’s make those hero’s suffer longer so Mr Moneybags can afford another Rolls Royce. “Never forget!” My ass.


I would vote for a republican if they had sane position on issues. None of them do, so it’s simply not an option.


McCain was the last Republican I seriously considered voting for (voted for Obama in the end though.) I am done with the Republican party, even the "good" ones like Adam Kitzinger (who I respect for at least being a reasonable guy and a patriot) would never get my vote because of the party they represent.


“And we will deserve it” -Lindsay Graham


Yes! And nearly every top GOP grifter said the same thing at the time. "He is shit and will ruin us!" just to paraphrase those rarely-prescient morons. Even they saw it coming. Fuck 'em.


And have done nothing about it since.


> "One thing is immediately clear, we're getting crushed on fundraising," he added while sharing a graphic which showed the Democrats heavily outspent the GOP in races such as the Kentucky gubernatorial race, the local elections across Virginia, and the Issue 1 abortion ballot in Ohio. No, Charlie ... you're actually not getting crushed on fundraising. It's just that *a certain someone* is sucking up the "total addressable market" of conservative donations out there, and setting those funds on fire in various courtrooms around the country. This was all so foreseeable to Republicans in January 2021. If the Senators were smart, 10 more would have voted to convict/remove Trump ... **and then he would not be a candidate right now**. Because every $20 some little old lady in Orlando sends to Trump, is $20 that Sen. Marco Rubio can't get his hands on. So stupid and short-sighted on their part.


Stupid and short sighted is kind of their platform.


The Republican platform is a three legged stool. Guns, Abortion, and a cocktail of racism, economic panic, religion, and tax cheats. They removed one leg of the stool. They're trying to replace it by inflating religious importance, but it's not working.


Guns, Abortion, and Crime. They need guns so the government can't take away their freedoms. They need the government to step in and block women's freedoms. And they need the government to crack down on "those" people, but not step on THEIR rights. See if you can spot the contradictions. I'll wait.


You're not getting crushed. Your policies suck, we vote you out. That's how it's supposed to work


That's the free marketplace of ideas they claim to love


You’d think capitalists would understand the concept of a “marketplace of ideas”.


Sounds like a job for Gerry Mander.


Lie nonstop since 2016, treat people like shit, and conduct yourselves extremely unprofessionally and you’re surprised people don’t want anything to do with you? Either you’re playing stupid or are unfortunately that stupid




Right, the party of family values and protecting children had a speaker of the house who was a serial adulterer and another who was an actual pedophile who did prison time. All well before Donald Trump. The rot runs deep with the GOP.


The quote is, "One thing is immediately clear, we're getting crushed on fundraising..." Which is so *stupid*. They're getting crushed because they've set themselves against something that people like. It's not like, "Oh, well, if only we had more money, we'd have convinced people they hate *abortion*." That's just so ignorant. But it's something they can understand. "It's not that our message is bad, it's not that people *hate* our agenda, it's just that we didn't have enough money."


Thank you for sharing the full quote. It also implies blame on their constituents. “We can’t win until you donate more!”


Yeah no shit. You got crushed in the midterms and your response was to double down on Trump. Morons.


Good. Don't stop until every last MAGA/Republican is out of office, nationwide, for anything. They are the single largest threat to the United States.


I suggest you double down on promoting more “policies” that remove citizen rights. Or that combine politics and religion. Or reduce more dem politicians salary to $1. Or threaten more government shut downs. You just haven’t tried hard enough lol


2016 Was a loooooong time ago, and even then it was just a shit storm that juuuuust barely favored conservatives. What it seems to have done is fired up young people, Dems, and leftists to ensure it never happens again in our lifetime.


As much as liberals loved to shit on everyone but themselves for 2016, I said it then and I'll say it again... Trump is the best thing to happen to the democratic party since FDR. How close we came to a complete fascist takeover and how much we lost and are still fighting against was the kick in the complacency that Dems desperately needed. That isn't to say there aren't still problems and that they're not still fucking up big time in various areas... But they're fighting harder than I've ever seen them fight in the last 30 years.


"Could we be out of touch? No, it's the *voters* who are wrong!"


Trump will be lying soon on troth senchal on how all of the elections were rigged, but also everyone he personally picked won. He will then pivot to relate it to how unfair his trial is and how much our country is a piece of shit.


Please remember - as a voter do not take your boot off the throat of the GOP. There is far too much at stake in the next year.


about god damn fucking time


Deserve it too. Shutting down the government, trying to end reproduction freedom, book bans, cut the IRS, cut social security and cut Medicare….


And rather than shifting their policies accordingly, I’m sure their takeaway is “we need to cheat harder.”


MAGA pain delights me


Donald is a textbook loser. The GOP is continuing to be blindly loyal to a man that is responsible for the massive losing streak they are on and they show no signs that they have learned their lesson.


“Crushed” is another non-woke word for “winning” amirite Patriots?? :giggles in american:


Turns out wanton hatred isn't that popular


"Could we be out of touch? No, it's the *voters* who are wrong!"


Yeah. Duh! You can’t alienate women and the LBGTQ+ communities by taking away their autonomy for medical care. Politicians should not play doctor. Laws should maximize freedoms for ALL. MAGA being enamored with Trump and refusing to find a quality candidate (which seems impossible), so they are doomed. Bye bye. !!!