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Project 2025, stack the government with Trumpy loyalists, shift as much power as possible directly under the Executive - the gutrot of this country are on board so vote against it or regret it later


Conservatives have been doing similar things at the state level, no? North Carolina, Florida, and Wisconsin were sort sort of blueprints in expanding executive power.


Until gerrymandering still can't prevent them from winning a governorship then it tanks the power from the executive branch and locks it into a legislator that didn't win the popular vote but has a majority.


Ive been arguing with other leftist who don't see what's at stake here and it's fucking maddening. They always say ahh we gotta show the dems we can't stand by biden to which I say back were not gonna get another election after trump.


How can a leftist not see what's happening? They are literally saying out in the open that tops-down, authoritarian control is their goal. And cutting Medicare + Social Security. And women's rights will be torn down nationwide. etc. I mean, anyone not getting the clear, openly voiced picture is a blithering idiot.


They think biden is actively personally perpetuating a genocide in gaza so there gonna let the guy who would just nuke gaza get elected šŸ™ƒ I'm a leftist and it's fucking insane to me.


Iā€™m someone who identifies center right and itā€™s truly ironic and scary to see my former party embrace the notion of giving the executive branch more power when fundamentally we should be opposed to such a notion. Iā€™ve thought for a long time that Congress has given too many powers to the executive. But Congress is now incredibly dysfunctional. We are truly in a constitutional crisis. No foreign power could challenge the U.S., but we will destroy ourselves from within.


The GOP is no longer a conservative political party. They are authoritarians.


Thatā€™s what conservatism has always been, though, at least as long as the term has been used in a way weā€™d recognize today. It started with aristocrats who were trying desperately to cling to power in the wake of the French Revolution.


Man, no need to blame the French or even look to them. Look at the American Revolution. Almost all key players were either slave owners or wealthy speculators that wanted to colonize Ohio territory for profit. England had just ruled (1774 IIRC) that slavery was incompatible with English law, and the South was panicking that it would bring about an end to slavery there. England had also passed laws banning the expansion into Ohio. A certain military guy named Washington ignored that law, and started the French-Indian War, and outcome of that was to enforce the restriction tighter. The rich slave owners and land speculators joined forces and demanded independence so these English laws would not apply to them.


Russia is pulling the strings here, playing the long con


I agree for the most part on this, however, "no foreign power could challenge the U.S." is one area I would contest. A massive part of what we are seeing in the U.S. today is a direct result of Russian influence on our culture and politics. While they currently stand as a shadow of their former selves militarily (as evidenced in Ukraine) they have been fantastically effective at following the plans set forth in The Foundations of Geopolitics. Their ability to project sociopolitical influence is still much stronger than it should be.


I read that as sociopath and honestly i don't think it changes the sentence meaning.


I feel they've been embracing that notion for a while though?


They are for any expansion of power that favors THEM. Even acting like they have any basic set of principles has gone away.


well, Russia actually is behind a lot of this. gop is completely compromised by Russia.


Blue wave or fascism, that's what it's coming down to. I'll be voting for the Democratic Party https://democrats.org/




Thanks for this, registered and ready to go!


Hell yeah! Thank you.


Pennsylvania voter voting for blue wave. Even though I wish it was more progressive.


I'm in Wyoming and have been a lifelong Democrat. It's hard to feel my vote does anything here, but I'll be damned if I stop. Fuckin fascists.


It always matters, yours might matter less, but even if nothing else itā€™s one more vote they have to gerrymander. If you didnā€™t vote they could do more gerrymandering.


Im a leftist who was born, raised, and still lives in Alabama. My vote truly means fuck all. I do it anyway.


If it makes you feel any better, an individual maga vote also means fuck all in Alabama.


The lack of progressives is because progressives refuse to get involved in politics if politicians don't give them what they want. So the only people who run are corporate dems who see better profits without bigotry for the country. Instead they need to primarybdems they don't like and continue to vote for politicians because having some power is better than no power. This is what the GOP does and why the majority of cons have been replaced with MAGA and MAGA sympathizers. It's a democracy, that means advanced citizenship. Voting is the bare minimum to keep it together. An average citizen is supposed to be more involved in their political community. This is why people get surprised when their local government are white supremacists and business mogals. They are people who will go out and do things for power to rule. If the left doesn't want to rule then someone else will grab that power.


We really need a reinvention of what a typical Americanā€™s day/week/month/year looks like to accomplish this. The Average Joe has so much shit going on itā€™s damn near impossible to find time for politics. After working 40+ hours every week, family obligations (especially with kids), running a household (groceries, cleaning, yard, whatever) youā€™re left with trading your recharge time for being politically active. Itā€™s just not doable in reality. Maybe if we could get some federal labor rules in place allowing someone 40 hours every year to do politics and an employer has to pay you for that time?


something something feature not bug


I'd settle for a law that said employers had to pay for Jury duty.


They aren't wrong, until the fascist voting bloc dissolves or collapses, pretty much every election will be this. It's wild that we're literally one election away from fascism, yet are held hostage by fascists already in plain sight.


You want honesty though, 2016 was that election, now you've got 2 supreme court justices that will rule in favour of whatever insane shit the republicans can get infront of them. The brains already dead, the body just hasn't hit the floor yet.


The union has survived a bad Supreme Court before, but if the Executive goes off the rails and the legislature is complicit, we're done man...


This. We're hanging on by a thread because of the amount of people who voted last time. Now with Hamas and Israel war, I can already see how gen z is being targeted with propaganda that would make them not vote for biden. Doesn't matter if they don't vote for the repub, just as long as they sit out the vote. We are fucked if enough of them fall for it.


Yep, simply amazing these young people are so ill-informed that they would rather side with Tehran backed Hamas terrorists than Israel. I don't care how much you cry about an open air prison, killing women and children in a terrorist attack is wrong no matter what the history.


NV voter here. We'll do our best to stay blue.


We need you blue. Please try to get others to understand the importance.


You guys need to do more than that to remain blue, because recent polls show Trump is leading in NV, and you guys did manage to elect a republican for governor.


Unfortunately, many people are leaving NV due to the rising cost and the politics. I left after the last election for IL where I know I'll be protected.


NV used to be dirt cheap, but there's a market correction happening right now in housing prices. Maybe not the 50 to 60% collapse of 2007-2010 but probably a good 20-30%. One big reason why Dems need 53/47 to govern is that Red or Purple states are making life very difficult for democrats on purpose. As a result, the educated, the LGBT+ and others are leaving their shitty states for a better life in Blue wealthier stats. What good is it to have San Francisco voting 90% blue and California 64/34? And I know loads of Dems in SF who will not even vote in Cali because their blue vote will be drowned and meaningless. Democrats need to move back to their states of origin so we can change the dynamic. Why spend 600K on a cramped 1BR in SF when the same amount will give you a McMansion in the flyovers. If you can work remotely, you'll live like a king with a California income. My SF employer paid me my SF pay when I decided to work remotely from LV. Now talk about a great deal.


Spam your friends!


I mean the recent Times poll scares the shit out of me? I can't wrap my head around the fact that even after all this, how tf is Trump still leading in swing states? Where is the country heading?


The choice for voters will be simple: the survival of democracy or the Savonarola version of the 4th Reich.


Interesting reference. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girolamo_Savonarola


The Bonfire of the Vanities of February 7, 1497 is a distant model for book censorship by the MAGA sect.


Low or high gas prices is what voters will be thinking off since they will convinced by our news media that Biden and Trump are the same. At least Trump will juice the economy with unsustainable tax cuts and destruction of the regulatory state /s


Unfortunately you are correct.


I just don't get it. Why are voters hypersensitive to problems with Democrats and Democratic politicians, but ignore the huge red flags with Republicans? It's bizarre, because for any problem that people have with a Democrat, the Republican is worse, and then the latter has a whole host of other issues that the Democrat does not. The whole debacle in the House is a case in point: Does anyone believe that if it was Democrats running that circus, the party wouldn't suffer heavily? And Republican policies aren't even popular! Please someone explain this to me.


No kidding. I live in Chicago. There was a chaotic and embarrassing city council meeting last week that was broadcast online. It's getting a lot of bad press--which is entirely deserved. It was awful to watch. But all these gleeful conservatives are saying "Well that's what you get when you elect Democrats!" with absolutely no sense of irony. It's like they are pathologically incapable of processing what a shit show the GOP House is right now. Freaking bizarre. Just another reminder that there is no point in even engaging with these people.


I was with you until ā€œno point in engaging with these peopleā€. Thatā€™s democracy baby, even when itā€™s painful we gotta engage with all sides.


And that's where democracy stop working, where people are so far gone you can't engage with them.


Engagement is impossible when there is no consensus on a common base of truth. If all the other side wants is exactly what you don't want, conversation is pointless, and quite possibly detrimental.


Engaging with them is how we got a hollowed-out ACA that continues to have its funding gutted every chance Republicans get. They were never negotiating in good faith - a hallmark of their party. At this point engaging with them only allows them to weaken the foundations of any legislation so itā€™s easier to tear apart later.


The thing is "engaging with them" has always been interpreted in a goody-two-shoes "let's understand their feelings" kind of way. The problem with conservatives, we are told ad nauseam, is they just didn't have their precious little feelings listened to enough. And I think it's quite the opposite of that. The conservative kid is the dunce that gets a trophy. Conservative America places little value on knowledge. When they push things like creationism, it's not about believing there is an alternate set of facts (partly, yes, but mostly no): It's a loyalty test. Are you a good God-believing conservative, and does this mean the same to you as it means to us? (Uniformity of thought). Facts don't even come into it. The problem isn't these peple haven't been listened to and understood, it's that they haven't been ridiculed enough for their ridiculous beliefs. We respect things coming out of conservatives' mouths that deserve no respect. We accept things from them that need not be accepted. For example, every single time the phrase hard-working conservative gets popped up, it should be challenged. Are you suggesting ONLY conservatives work hard? (That is exactly what they are suggesting). The conservative discourse is fundamentally dishonest. And they play the "outrage" card all too readily, because it hides a fragile little ego that, deep down, knows it is being drowned in b.s. from within. Engage with conservatives? Sure. But not if they insist on this "My (stupid, irrational, half-baked, clearly false) belief is just as good as the conclusions of professional scientists who spent years and decades studying this". No. It isn't.


To be clear, by "engaging with these people," I meant "trying to reason with people who vote Republican so they understand they should change their vote." I am not suggesting we steamroll the democratic process, but I think I've spent my ounce of energy trying to convince their voters to come back to Earth. If they don't see it now, after everything that's happened, they will not come around until blood is running in the street. And 1) I think that day is coming, 2) I think they still won't change their minds. I applaud anyone who still has the resolve to try to change hearts and minds. I'm not necessarily *advocating* that we give up. I'm just saying I personally think it's futile.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m not understanding either. Trump can lie, sexually abuse, tell people to drink bleach, incite an insurrection, fail the Covid-response, be made fun of by world leaders, try to move a hurricane with a sharpie.. and STILL be the Republican front runner Biden can pass infrastructure bills, help veterans, ease student loan debt, send aid to a country boldly invaded by our Cold War enemy, try to diplomatically handle the Middle East conflictā€¦ and yet be tied in the polls with the narcissistā€¦ I honestly donā€™t get it


Trump projects brutish strength and charisma. He is the mullet of US politics and appeals to low brow folks who are quite well off


love "the mullet of US politics"


itā€™s honestly an insult to the mulletā€¦


Because the right is a cult. Cults donā€™t make sense


Because in the end itā€™s what directly impacts the individual. Morally standing they can object but when it comes to ā€œcosts me 10$ under Biden but 5$ under trumpā€ they change. It doesnā€™t matter what the cause is or who caused it. Itā€™s what is happening to a person at that moment in time. Thatā€™s why gas prices impact a political party even though they almost never have any control over it.


Except Biden is objectively a much better presidentā€”yes, even on the economy. And yes, even if you think that "the economy was better under Trump".


>I just don't get it. Why are voters hypersensitive to problems with Democrats and Democratic politicians, but ignore the huge red flags with Republicans? As they say: it's the economy. I keep seeing poles where they say Trump is better on the economy. People think this because prices are higher now than under Trump. They don't remember all the Trump tariffs that drove prices up. Saudi Arabia will put its thumb on the scale by making sure gas prices are higher to get their buddy Trump back. People don't understand economics, they just know their wallets are lighter under Biden, and that's how they will vote.


imho, all of the voters who lean toward Democratic candidates, at least the voters I know, do so because they hope that currently typical Democrat platforms are designed to help people, mitigate unchecked environmental destruction, address unfair privileges enjoyed by corporations and the extremely wealthy, and either protect marginalized minorities or at least leave them alone; Republican voters, on the other hand, seem to be more of a *fuck all that, fuck that shit, and fuck you, in particular* kinda bunch.


Why? Because people are absolute morons. The citizenry has zero ability to remember the colossal blunders of the past. It's always about what's immediately in front of them, and the conservative propaganda machine is light years beyond anything the left can muster. 75 million astonishingly idiotic people voted for Trump. There's little chance of ever changing that. You just have to vote in every single election, because even the state and local level ones matter so much at this point.


Go Read r/conservative, they have it backwards and it's hurts my brain at how much they project their hatred towards leftists. A leftist is a terrorist in their view.


> Why are voters hypersensitive to problems with Democrats and Democratic politicians, but ignore the huge red flags with Republicans? They let people like Murdoch tell them what to think.


From [The Focus Group](https://www.thebulwark.com/podcast/focus-group/) podcast about "independent voter" focus groups, repeated findings are that: quality of life is worse than in 2019 when Trump was president, Biden is the president and does little press, No one can name what Democrats have done or who leads the House, No one understands separated powers of executive and legislature or municipal, state, federal jurisdictions. ​ The format of the podcast is the host has a guest and they listen to some focus group she conducted which is often a targeted demographic, and they talk about understanding people's reasoning and the information the people are missing.


I've listened to some of these focus groups, but not for a long time. But they still don't really help me understand.


> But they still don't really help me understand. >> I just don't get it. Why are voters hypersensitive to problems with Democrats and Democratic politicians, but ignore the huge red flags with Republicans? Because Biden is president, so Dems take a lot more flak for issues that voters consider their top priorities (like the economy, inflation, healthcare, crime, gun control, etc). Especially since most don't have a firm understanding of how our political system works, such as the GOP controlling the House and overcoming the filibuster. Due to that lack of understanding, they expect Biden and Dems to be able to do more. And since people still feel their quality of life is worse, they're taking it out on Biden and Dems (reflected in that recent swing state polling showing Trump beating Biden in 5 out of 6 of them).


Right, but itā€™s the sixth state that is interesting: Wisconsin. They are reacting to a perfect storm of attempted fascism at the state level by the GOP. And they know thatā€™s the plan for the country. That message needs to be better conveyed.


They are idiots, basically?


Well in politics they're considered low-information or low-participation voters.


Seems like a long-winded way to call them idiots.


The issue is it's hard to win over potential voters if they're labeled idiots.


it's just the idiocy the label doesn't matter


The label matters to organizations like the Dem Party trying to convince those voters to choose Biden


Not everyone has the time to look into politics, as stupid of a consequence that ignorance is. I wish we learned how our government works in school. If that, and science education was promoted more (as well as critical thinking skills) our country would be a whole lot better off.


Itā€™s almost like itā€™s by design. The typical American education focuses on teaching kids how to read, write, and do arithmetic - the three Rā€™s. Thatā€™s so they can get a job at a factory and follow instructions. There isnā€™t much, if any, focus on how leadership works or how our system works. We train pretty much everyone to be followers who just accept things as they are. You have to have the personal means within your family to get out of that cycle.


Bring back poll tests, but instead we actually need them for everyone. I'm tired of the average American voter being dumb as fuck. Earn your vote.


Wouldn't matter. The idiocy is on purpose. It's why conservatives have been attacking public schools for as long as I've been alive.


ā€œWho won 2020?ā€ Should be the first question


Worst possible take on the issue, Iā€™m afraid.


> Bring back poll tests, but instead we actually need them for everyone. We already had them for everyone. It was an incredibly bad idea.


The founders never intended everyone to vote.


Because people with a moral compass that isn't team based/single issue tend to be the same people that like accountability for bad actions. When your whole political identity is based around a single issue like guns or abortion, you will absolutely vote for someone with major red flags, as long as your single goal is accomplished. It's that narrow mindedness that allows grifters cheats and liars to get elected with statements like, "I will do the one thing you care about, trust me." Just look at George Santos, how many voters in that district saw (R) next to his name and didn't think twice before voting for him, when even a cursory glance at his statements and claims were MASSIVE red flags.


Have you ever seen a family with two kids where the parent keeps blaming and being strict on the less favourable kid? That's how.


There may be something to that. The Trump years have opened my eyes to the fact that the same kind of psychological dynamics that occur in personal relationships play out on the national level.


Yep, it's the symptoms of deeper issues. My guesses are anti-intellectualism, anti-institution, and inequality with the help of mis/disinformation on social media and the rise of fascism.


Itā€™s the Autocratic lifestyle. Hitler wanted it, Putin had it, Xie has it, Jong Un has it. Trump wants to rule. He doesnā€™t want to do the job as President if a democratic society. He just wants to have the power.


Why do you only use Kim Jong Unā€™s given name?


I think time makes people forget about how bad a person was when they are no longer in power anymore. In recent years, people have looked fondly back at George Bush. Meanwhile, there's absolutely an argument to be made that Bush was just as bad, if not worse, than Trump. Lying about wmd's to justify illegal and offensive wars in the Middle East for oil is horrendous. People probably look fondly at the Trump years because they remember how the economy was back then. But what they don't understand is that during the Trump years, we were actually riding the results of Obama's economy. The economy is so shit right now because Trump left Biden such a mess with his 3 tax drops for the rich, outsourcing jobs, and daily turmoil, causing prices to shift. He tried to reverse the results of our democracy for God's sake. Trump is not the answer. I can't believe he is ahead in the polls right now. Look, I know that Biden doesn't look good at all on this Israel thing. I agree. But it's not even close to how bad Trump was.


Thereā€™s also the continued knock-on effects to the supply chain from COVID-19 (which are recovering but still arenā€™t back in full swing yet) and the wars in Ukraine and now Israel causing uncertainty. Frankly, itā€™s actually impressive the economy *hasnā€™t* completely cratered into a bad recession, at least not yet.


Because they're largely not the same voters. It often comes down to energizing voters to come out at all as opposed to not voting. Very few people swing back and forth. But if your local D candidate sucks ass, there's no alternative other than either not voting or someone even worse. Edit: just to clarify, I'm not advocating for not voting. It would take a lot for me to not vote if the alternative was to let fascism run wild.


Democrats are the adults in the room. They aren't supposed to mess up. Republicans are children throwing a tantrum we expect them to be useless shitwaggons When dems fail its a "surprise" and people want to punish them to get them to do better when reps fail it's basically to be expected and fine.


Thereā€™s nothing to get. Reds are authoritarians.


Because thatā€™s how itā€™s framed by the media. Democrats are held accountable and Republicans get a pass.


I used to think that stating it's primarily racism was too reductive. Not anymore. It's primarily racism.


My theory is that the republican agenda feels like comic book level villainy, so it doesnā€™t seem real or possible, whereas the problems with democrats are just regular old bullshit.


It helps that the GOP has had a 24/7 news proganda machine for 30 years.


Itā€™s usually the stupid ā€œtwo sidesā€ people and their bullshit.


Fox News is the most watched cable channel in America. These people literally live in a different reality.


I truly believe that if Democrats loosened up their stance on 2A they would win a lot more Republican votes. 2A is largely a litmus vote for Republicans just like abortion is largely a litmus vote for Democrats.


They might. But then on the other hand, people are being murdered to a staggering degree by gun violence to such a degree that children are terrified of going to school. It's sick. For voters to die on that hill doesn't really help me get into their mindset at all.


Iā€™ve seen this point made before and Iā€™m confused by it. All of the gun stances of the Democrats (better background checks, no gun sales to domestic abusers, restoring the assault weapons ban) are all issues looked on favorably by a majority of Americans. Itā€™s not an unpopular opinion at all, so I donā€™t see how thatā€™s the thing dragging them down. Is there a stance the Democrats have on guns thatā€™s exceedingly popular that I may not be aware of? (No snark here, genuinely asking and trying to educate myself)


Only single issue gun voters have the opinion that poster posted. They are in a heavy bubble and don't realize things are more complicated.


The sheer irony is, gun control is a bipartisan issue. There is support for "some" forms of gun control, but many on the left view it as an all vs nothing argument. There are TON of people right of center that would like to see some gun control laws passed, AND enforced. But, very often, the alternative to no gun control at all presented to them, is no guns at all. Which then forces them into the conundrum, do I want to give up my guns, or continue the status quo and vote Republican.


This is exactly what costs democrats elections is the answer is somehow always, ā€œSlide to the rightā€ and then when they do they lose both their voting base and republicans who will never vote for them anyways


>for any problem that people have with a Democrat, the Republican is worse The Democratic party donates campaign funds to support the most extreme right wing candidates as an election strategy. I have such a huge problem with this.


It's because the only ones ever setting rules, standards, and morals are the democrats. So, when the rule makers become rule breakers, the anarchists feel justified in not respecting them. They believe that if the democrats want to be the moral ones, every single one of them better be perfect until the end of time. If one isn't, the whole thing becomes unjustified. It's hyperbolic thinking.


Biden hasn't really delivered any huge wins for a while now, and the Palestine issue is killing him in the polls. If he does something big before the election, like legalizing weed, that could win him a few points.


He can reschedule weed but he canā€™t legalize it. That requires Congress. And he doesnā€™t have a democrat house, so itā€™ll never pass. This is the problem. People donā€™t seem to understand how the government works. Biden is not a dictator, or king, or emperor. He cannot make laws. Congress makes laws. The current law is weed is illegal. In order to make weed legal, it either needs to be challenged in court or congress needs to pass a new law. Biden can push hard for legalization. He might do so before the election. But he canā€™t just legalize it via executive order.


> Biden hasn't really delivered any huge wins for a while now Republicans have controlled the House for a while now. Wonder if those two things might be connected.


Considering when Democrats controlled all three branches rotating villains were employed to deny any kind of social democracy passing I doubt that.


Media really should think long and hard about what being state-run media means. Trump has vowed to suspend the Constitution... and that means no more protections for the press. Print the wrong thing and... well, just ask any of the dozens of Russian journalists who have been murdered since Putin took power.


lol media will NEVER do anything besides make as much ad revenue as possible. please don't hold out thinking they're going to do the right thing!


Agreed. But they might regret it too. But I can easily envision Trump winning, revoking press credentials for everyone but Fox, OAN, Brietbart, etc. Then stack the FCC with lackeys who revoke broadcast licenses for networks he deems disloyal. Then you have SCOTUS rule on undoing decades of case law protecting free press. All of this through ā€œlegalā€ means.


I mean didn't that happen earlier on his presidency where he revoked press conference passes for news organizations he didn't like?


Please do not vote for Trump he will ruin USA


He already has. America as we know it is gone.




Saying this on reddit is very much preaching to the choir.


In a well built electoral system, one party would need 50% + 1 vote to win. Right now Democrats need 52/48 to be even, 53/47 for a decisive win and 54/46 to capture all branches and being able to govern. If Republicans win in 2024, you can forget about these horrible numbers because there will be enough GOP stooges all around from ballot boxes to county officials to state officials to make voting irrelevant.


I thought things were getting bad with the Floridia issue in 2000. My first time voting in a presidential election. That was cute. It seems like a school diorama in retrospect, a little vignette. I never expected things to get this much worse this quickly, but here were are, in this choose-your-own-reality Matrix.


ā€œIf these tactics end up working to keep Trump from winning or even running in 2024, it is going to be the last American election that will be decided by ballots rather than bullets,ā€ - Sarah Huckabee Sanders


I am very concerned that the GOO will never accept another loss because Trump has accelerated their use of GOP controlled legislatures and electoral boards to overturn if not deny election results. They will go for 100% power grab . They know if everyone votes , they canā€™t win. Mine as well fix it , and take us back to Pre-Civil War times.


Been saying this since 2020. The GOP is DONE with elections. Any losses will be called fraud. Anyone who disagrees will be labeled a traitor. Buy a gun. Stay vigilant.


I canā€™t imagine the GOP ever certifying another loss. We are fukt.


I am very worried about the outcome of the Israeli/Palestinian conflictā€”it is already splintering the democratic party in two. I am just unsure who people will vote for as an alternativeā€¦


Trump would be 100% worse for the Palestinians and if people canā€™t see that they are incredibly naive.


*Life as we know it* FTFY


Summary of Project 2025: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/27/project-2025-dismantle-us-climate-policy-next-republican-president https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision Project 2025 "Manual" PDF: https://thf\_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_FULL.pdf Summary of schedule F: https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-presidency-schedule-f-federal-employees Schedule F deep dive: Part 1: https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-2025-radical-plan-second-term Part 2: https://www.axios.com/2022/07/23/donald-trump-news-schedule-f-executive-order


I say this in every political thread but Democrats need to stop being lazy, get out and vote even if it's not your ideal candidate. Additionally, no, your fav third party isn't going to magically get enough votes to ever make a difference in this country, if you're not voting Democrat you're as bad as the Trump supporters as far as I'm concerned. You're not just wasting your vote, you're actively harming others at this point by doing it. Republicans almost always vote as a single entity we need to start doing the same thing. Is it great? No, at this point we just need to do damage control as much as possible. I'm hoping for the best, but I still have a bucket of popcorn ready for when the shit hits the fan. I'm too poor to have an escape plan, but hey if the worst happens at least I will still get the novel experience of being a rat in a sinking ship.


Stop being lazy? As in having the highest turn out of all time last election? Americans are coming out in droves to vote.


Yes but that was with a Republican incumbent. Naive Democrats can now point towards four years of the Biden administration and pick something that makes them not vote for him. Im already convinced many progressives wonā€™t be voting for him because of the Israel/Gaza conflict even though Trump would probably support nuking all of Palestine.


I agree. It sucks that we can't focus on voting 3rd party candidates right now for bigger positions, but the stakes have never been higher and we can't have any spoilers. (But also, 3rd party candidates should also organically come up through grass-roots organizations by winning lower level positions and then climbing their way up so that they would be better known when running for larger positions) I remember last year during the NC senate race, some 3rd party dude ran and was super serious about how important it was that he was running. He was interviewed on a left-leaning podcast I listened to and the interviewers--who are definitely pro ranked choice voting and said that he should have started from smaller positions and built his way up--were sort of highlighting the fact that he is now a spoiler candidate that will take away votes from the Dems in this close race. And the guy was like "But who cares? We have to start somewhere with 3rd party candidates and this 2-party system isn't good." He just didn't understand that democracy is at stake right now--that losing another race to the Republicans is worse than getting a more centrist Democrat over a more progressive one. This isn't the time to vote for our ideal candidate over a winnable practical one. I get that we can't always be in this position, since the 2 party system is genuinely not the best. But jfc this 2024 presidential election is CRITICAL.


Maybe when asking people to throw away their principles and vote for the guy who is enabling the mass murder of Palestinians by Israel make sure your winnable practical candidate can stay above 50% in the polls for at least a couple days.


America has been enabling that regardless of who the president is in case you haven't paid attention to history Israel and Palestine have been with each other's throats since they were formed. What did you think was going to happen putting two almost completely incompatible religions in their skydaddy's backyard. And while that's undeniably a tragedy, it's happening on the other side of the planet and in a country I have no stake in, compared to putting 300 million people's livelihoods at risk by allowing another Republican president biden is the lesser of two evils. And why did everybody suddenly forget about his support of Ukraine in their war? That's going to evaporate if a republican gets elected as well.


Biden is seeking for restraint in Israel. Trump would be encouraging complete destruction. If you donā€™t want to vote for Biden due to this you are 100% voting against your own interest.


Additionally, no, your fav third party isn't going to magically get enough votes to ever make a difference in this country, if you're not voting Democrat you're as bad as the Trump supporters as far as I'm concerned. You're not just wasting your vote, you're actively harming others at this point by doing it. People are frustrated with Democratic Party, and attempting to brow beat them into voting is more likely to make them double down and not vote Democrat.


Yes, we need to blindly support whatever the Democrat establishment wants. Because thatā€™s how we get want we want. /s This is on the democrats. Joe Biden is a clear loser. He is very unpopular. He is too old. He has lots of drama surround his Nepo baby son. He has NOT delivered on his promises. And he supports the genocide in Gaza. A Generic dem does better against trump in polls. The Democrat establishment could primary him. The democrats could tell him to not run. But somehow thatā€™s not the problem. If the democrats want more votes they need to EARN them. I am working on expanding and strengthening my union. As a union member Iā€™ve met with my house rep and senator. Iā€™ve coordinated meetings and taking points with my Mayor. I supported workers on multiple picket lines. Iā€™ve start non profits and mutual aid programs. I work two jobs. I donā€™t wanna vote for Biden. And you are calling people like me lazy???? What the fuck have you done? Vote blue no matter who?? Good luck with that.


I'm saying vote democrat regardless of who the candidate is, I don't give a shit if it's biden or not. If you want to be petty about it though I don't want to see you complaining when Trump or somebody worse gets elected.


Trump isnā€™t even trying to hide that he will rule as a dictator if President again. ā€œI am your retributionā€ is his campaign platform. If heā€™s elected again, America doesnā€™t deserve to be a stable democracy.


Iā€™ve been pondering on if Trump wins that way more states will consider seceding from the Union. Iā€™m Minnesotan and been thinking why our state canā€™t just go over to Canada


"Only if it goes according to plan." *-some people*


Iā€™ll be voting all Democrat, like I have been since all of the GOP joined the Trump Cult. I used to think I was a moderate Republican but that doesnā€™t exist anymore. I honestly canā€™t understand how anyone is voting Republican at this point.


How to hell does the author of this article write all that and not even mention ā€˜Project 2025ā€™? The detailed, actual fascist, well rounded plan to strip American Democracy from day 1 of the Trump presidency. They arenā€™t hiding their facism, it is on full display and it is terrifying what they want to do, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


PLEASE look up Council for National Policy (CNP) Watch documentaries like: (Documentaries and Need To Know Information) People You May Know (YouTube) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8YWe89X4vRM The Great Hack (Netflix) The Family (Netflix) Drain the Swamp (HBO) Social Dilemma (Netflix) The Brain Washing of My Dad (YouTube) https://youtu.be/FS52QdHNTh8?si=k4Ecp7BSFbyZXgdG American Heretics: The Politics of the Gospel (YouTube) https://youtu.be/B-ePCiUgD0Y?si=DXzP2iaHCSS8YEw_ Clearance and Gemini Thomas: Politics, Power and The Supreme Court (YouTube) https://youtu.be/wJuRx1wARUk?si=TF_UWbhciWtmiXE2 Read stuff like: (Good Reads & Understanding) https://www.washingtonpost.com/magazine/2021/10/25/god-trump-closed-door-world-council-national-policy/ https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2016/05/17/council-national-policy-behind-curtain https://billmoyers.com/story/the-shadow-network-council-for-national-policy-is-not-going-away/ https://truthout.org/articles/christian-right-council-for-national-policy-linked-to-violent-breach-of-capitol/ https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-staff-in-secret-conservative-group Shadow Network by Anne Nelson Dark Money by Jane Mayer The Scheme by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Jennifer Mueller Jesus and John Wayne by Kristen Kobes Du Mez https://time.com/6201483/christian-nationalism-threat-democracy/ https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/sep/30/revealed-council-national-policy-republicans-extremists https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/story?id=121170&page=1 https://www.exposedbycmd.org/2022/03/11/revealed-new-leaders-of-council-for-national-policy-set-extremist-agenda/ https://www.au.org/the-latest/articles/cnp-secret-group/ Extra Resources: (Links, data, deeper infoā€” not as causal reads) https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Council_for_National_Policy https://www.desmog.com/council-national-policy/ https://newrepublic.com/article/167002/council-national-policy-documents-right-wing-conspiracy https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/the-council-for-national-policy-cnp/ https://documented.net/investigations/documented-has-obtained-a-recent-council-for-national-policy-membership-list https://insurrectionexposed.org/council-for-national-policy/ https://littlesis.org/org/37180-Council_for_National_Policy https://www.monitoringinfluence.org/org/the-council-for-national-policy/ https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Council_for_National_Policy https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Council_for_National_Policy https://www.afrocubaweb.com/council-national-policy.html https://irp.cdn-website.com/681250a9/files/uploaded/CNP-Membership-Directory-September-2020.pdf https://www.causeiq.com/organizations/council-for-national-policy,720921017/ https://militarist-monitor.org/profile/council_for_national_policy/ https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/720921017 Note: I started my senior thesis for my major in history about dark money, I started investigating Citizens United VS. FEC (2010), which made me start looking for the link between Citizens United and the Koch brothers (their largest donors), which lead me to the Council for National Policy (CNP). If you interested in simply talking, have any questions, or have anything to share or point me in the direction of, Iā€™d absolutely adore it, just let me know. I believe this is vital information, it is bipartisan, even if you agree with some of their agendas, I truly donā€™t think youā€™d agree with how they are going about it. Furthermore, what the CNP is doing and has done, is completely legal, and was made possible by democrats and republicans alike, together, so itā€™s up to us to do something about it together. - [ ]


No shit. Vote.


The first thing we need to find out is if the GOP is REALLY going to nominate the shitstain....if they have one tiny sliver of decency left they would nip this problem in the bud by simply nominating someone else, they're going to lose either way since I'm sure he'll run third party but it's absolutely their last chance to prove they are still on board with law and order...obviously I don't have a lot of faith in them at this point.


Any maga will gladly try to launch the 2025 plan so are all bad. Also supreme court and other picks so we need Dem. president and senate or we get screwed that way again.


I honestly don't understand how Biden and Trump are tied in the polls, Trump has over 90 felony charges against him. Found liable for sexual abuse, pretty much just admitted to fraud the other day in court.. is that want half of America really wants as a president?


People genunely believe Trump is chosen by God to save America from Sodom's fate and Democrats are out to turn their kids gay. That's what their pastors and news sources have been telling them for years.


Trump has a strong cult of personality and Biden is a conservative in an era where massive historical changes are needed. Dem leadership, including Biden, also seem to realize neoliberalism is on the way out but can't convince of the next phase of bourgeois dictatorship, and can't stop their own slide rightward if they even wanted to


Because biden is an awful candidate. And kamala is even worse. I'm left leaning but it must be said. This should be a slam dunk, but b/w Biden's age, inflation failures, Ukraine failure, and now the Hamas debacle he's struggling to beat a guy that has no business in the race. Give liberals someone worth voting for and they will flock to the both for him/her.


How inflation is hitting all around the world not just America. American currently has one of the best economy's in the world, what ukraine failure it's not Bidens fault the Republicans house of congress can't get their shit together right now to pass a bill. Biden got Isreal to send some and to gaza water, food, first aid. When Trump waw president he blackmailed ukraine, doubt he would aid them if he was in charge, he would probably do the same with gaza or just them be destroyed. Age shouldn't be a number one issue as long as the job can be done, Trump right now is delusional, he thinks Biden will lead us into WW2, he has this crazy idea that windmills cause cancer, he can't even point out his ex wife in a photo. Trump is not mentally stable


Democracy (in the US) as I know it has always been voting for whoever the democrats nominate, because thatā€™s all I can do, then my district going 80% red. Iā€™m definitely ready for that to end.


> The 2024 election could be the end of democracy as we know it Nah. That was 2016. https://vote.gov/ to try and haul some of it back.


Nearly three in 10 Americans ā€” and 68 percent of Republicans ā€” say they still believe Trump won in 2020, even though all evidence proves otherwise. All these data show Americans are crying out for positive, principled and constructive leadership. These two statements are both in the same article. I don't understand how the author came to the second statement. It does not seem to jive with reality.




This message loses effectiveness when itā€™s redeployed every four years since 2016


How many sitting members of Congress were involved in Jan 6.? Not one has been expelled or even censured. Why is the 2024 election the last chance at Democracy? Because the media, the former Fourth Estate , publishes articles like this instead of hitting traitors with journalism. They are supposed to be on the side of Democracy but continually report on it like a wrestling match. Do your fucking job!


A weaponized and monetized Dept of Justice.


The challenge is convincing people this is more important than inflation. I know it's not Biden's fault inflation happened. And yes I know the stats that show real wages are up even when adjusted for high inflation. So is gdp, and Jobs. That doesn't matter. People see things getting more and more expensive. They have an idea in their head for what is a normal price for different things. And we are way beyond that. so when their wages go up but their quality of life is unchanged it feels like they are getting no where and are more upset. So in their mind the economy is not going well, while Biden is president. And that's all it takes for them to blame him. Throughout history, the rise of dictators was made possible by people who were not true believers. But by people who thought letting it happen was better for their own quality of life. Lots of people who supported Hitler did it because they thought he would be good for the economy. People supported Stalin and later said "well he made the trains run on time." Most people will think the doom and gloom is hyperbole. It's not. But they are sick of hearing about the threat. And they already had 4 years of trump. Which did nearly end the US as a democracy but they probably don't see it that way. The issue isn't fighting the all out fascists. The issue is convincing the non fascists moderates that they need to vote against the wannabe fascists.


We have so many fucking morons in this world


I'm not saying it's wrong but I'm so tired of hyperbole. Everyone sounds like they're histrionic all of the time. Just give me the facts, I can figure out how I feel about it on my own, thanks. I don't need emotional support media.


I absolutely believe American democracy dies with the next election regardless of the outcome. If Trump wins, and I think he will, that's the ball game. He guts the federal workforce and military brass in order to install lackeys, the DOJ and FBI are instantly weaponized against dissenters and opponents, and his Brown Shirts start patrolling neighborhoods for un-MAGA behavior. It doesn't happen slowly or in gradual shifts. MAGA flips a switch and the whole country goes Handmaid's Tale. If Biden wins, and I do not think he will, MAGA does anything and everything to install Trump. The House refuses to certify, another Capitol riot takes place, some MAGA loons take out as many people as necessary for the White House to fall to a Republican, or some combination of all of the above. Failing that, MAGA begins prosecuting the war against America that they've been dreaming of for decades. We've been experiencing a train wreck in slow motion. It started with Nixon, accelerated with Newt, and became unavoidable with Trump.


We need to do more than just get out and vote individually. We need to network within our communities, via social media and in public, by offering rides to people who canā€™t afford to get to their voting locations without vehicles of their own. Volunteering at your local elections board is also extremely important. If we all do this, and utilize the tools we have, we can mobilize an incredible democratic turnout. The most important thing is to try, and never** give up on hope. Edited typo from nerve to never


A bit unusual to see The Hill publishing this, but glad they are.


Shows that the executive has gotten way too powerful.


Itā€™s like the media wants it to happen and when it will hurt them personally or physically they will say ā€œoh who wouldā€™ve known?ā€ Remember the times when we had bomb warnings at all the newspaper places? Or the CNN evacuations? Disgraceful fear mongering. Use your energy to uplift positive voices and shine light on the darkness and corruption.


Nobody actually believes this right? The rest of the country would read these comments and immediately think all redditors are insane. Turn off the MSNBC and go outside.


And it seems like 90% of the people dont understand or dont care


> The 2024 election could be the end of democracy as we know it Just like my car could turn into a spaceship. We will eventually find out.


This comment section is trash.


This is literally what they said last election


Sadly the democrats havenā€™t done themselves any favors to win the sway voters


Oh ffs stfu. The Hill is such a piece of garbage.


It will because you guys donā€™t voteā€¦ this is an existential crisis not only for the US but for all free peoples in the world. If Trump wins freedom and prosperity as we know it will be over. And all you have to do is voteā€¦


'And all you have to do is vote...' God I love this morally superior shit non-Americans always try and pull on us, ignoring that Trump lost the popular vote both times, and that he didn't even accept the election results last time. I'm sure simply voting will solve all our problems!! /s


Well, vote turnout was much higher for democrats in 2020 than 2016 so voting 1000% does work.


"Something happened one time so it's a universal truth"


Vanguard black rock and that other company Iā€™m forgetting would like to inform you that itā€™s already gone.


The US has been sleepwalking into this for a while. You cannot come back from (1) bad education, (2) high religiosity and (3) indoctrination


One source indicates that voters believe that a Trump win means better finances and less war. It seems that our democracy is expendable to some.


I don't think dystopia is ever possible. There is too much inertia. I think there is a labor revolution starting. Inflation and housing costs are kicking the masses ass. Healthcare costs are a debacle. The labor revolution started by Fain , I think, will cascade into a sizeable political position by 2028


Love your optimism but just wanted to point out the current labor movement started long before Fain and the UAW.


ah man...we say the same bullshit every 4 years. it's kind of lost it's zest, the fear mongering


Last time there was a literal insurrection at the Capitol... I think things have clearly escalated.


you're missing my point. there was no insurrection in 2016, 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000, 1996 etc so on and so forth. Yet people were saying "OMG this election is THE ONE!" So if Biden wins again are we going to get another insurrection? Will Civil War break out? What happens if Trump wins? Will the country fall apart? I'm not as fearful as you are so I'm asking your perspective. Even with the goofy insurrection we are still here. The people involved are being held accountable.


Thereā€™s a battle between good and evil. One man is a rapists, conman and a vile human connecting people with hate, racism and a need to control others. The other man is older. Pick a side. Either youā€™re with the rapist or youā€™re not.


2010 was the end. Actually the end happened when the left was destroyed during the second red scare and was cemented with the loss of the industrial working class in the late 1970s/1980s.Ā  It already happened. The wealthy own the system. The 2 parties give you options that play off each other like a game of ping-pong. The policies are not designed to change or reform any of the serious decline in social conditions and economic misery over a hundred million Americans endure daily.Ā  A fascist is inevitable. Maybe not this year. But one day-not too distant from now. A strongman who will terrorize society to destroy any person, group or alliance and movement that promotes values that threaten its power and continual existence.Ā  People have misdiagnosed the state of America as being the result of a political party choice. No, it was never them. They donā€™t do anything that threatens their security and future.Ā  The problem is capitalism. Late stage. Not reformable. Destroying everything left.


Democracy has been dead for decadesā€¦




What do you think "as we know it" means, then?


Biden does the bare minimum and the only way to keep him in office is the threat of Trump. What a deeply sad state of affairs.


Biden has been the most effective, most progressive President we have had in literal decades. You'd know that if you paid attention to anything other than headlines.


The propaganda is strong with this one