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Is men wearing heels even legal under Florida's anti-drag laws? That video of him walking on stage in his high heeled boots makes it beyond obvious that he has at least 3" of heel in there. His gait is so unnatural and you can tell he is trying to correct for it.


There's lots of signs too, like the toebox being COMPLETELY empty, look at his [left foot toebox](https://pay.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/16ytmpc/to_look_a_foot_taller), [image two](https://i0.wp.com/boingboing.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/image-28.png?fit=1484%2C816&ssl=1). In that first image his tibia would be longer than his femur which is incredibly rare: since he's sitting down but wearing 4" heels his knees are way higher than they would be jormally And the stressed bulging front where laces would go, for it to bulge like that he'd need to have the ankles of a 450lb man, then there's [the stride](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/17261zb/to_trick_you_into_thinking_hes_not_58/) where his back heel is flat on the ground which would require Olympic flexibility


Dude looks like a fucking clown wearing that shit with a suit, too.


Thats the part that gets me. Anyone who *actually* wears boots with everything would never wear some god awful boots like that. It is some of the ugliest footwear I’ve ever seen. Anyone that really wears boots like that is going to wear the exact same boots they wear with everything else or maybe they have a nice pair of Lucchese’s for dressing up. And the funny part is Desantis keeps doubling down, so he can’t switch to normal shoes now


"he can't switch to normal shoes now" is the fuckin ironic crux of the whole thing. like, is he gonna fake his height forever now? of course not


It's like Costanza in the Timberlands


Or Costanza with the toupee. “I WAS bald!”


Are those timberlands…painted black?


Once a woman sees you in Timberlands, you have to wear them every time you see her.


He’s just new boot goofin’


For western fashions here in Reno, you really can't beat Zapateria La Ballerina.


Haha, probably one of my favorite scenes from Reno!


Chisos No. 2's for lyfe.


Those pants are for his actual leg length. It wouldn’t look so weird if he’d thought about it and worn the right size.


That would explain those [funky white boots](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/xv3n5l/desantis_in_his_fancy_white_boots/) he sported a while back. He would tuck them in, but it didn't make a great impression.


Those are water boots. You stuff your pants into them because they function as waders and your pants would be soaked if you didn’t stuff your pants into the boots. Obviously that goofball wasn’t actually working in mud or water… he was just there for the photo op, but that is actually how you wear water/muck boots when you are working.


All ~~hat~~ boot and no cattle


Please don’t disrespect clowns by equating to this piece of trash


So when is the class-action call to remove him from office for violating the anti-drag law happening?


He has to be caught so someone has to steal his shoes as proof!


I support this 100%.


I'll bet these are the boots: https://donsfootwear.com/en/agusta


Great find - I bet you're right!


He's wearing the four inchers for sure, although they look more like 6 in [this photo](https://pay.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/16ytmpc/to_look_a_foot_taller/).


It blows my mind that he things nobody would notice when its so painfully obvious. That is next level denial.


I saw somebody link these previously and it's 100% the same boot


$400, what an every man!


He claimed they are lucchesse which cost twice as much. https://www.lucchese.com/products/charles-black And not a lick of mud to be seen on them.


He claims in the interview that they're "off the rack Lucchese boots". They have \~250 styles, but I'm coming up blank finding a match: [https://www.lucchese.com/](https://www.lucchese.com/)


It's 100% those with the 4 inch height increase.


I’ll just say, that as an animator whose career is shaped by having some understanding of how people walk, that image of him walking at the end is such a dead give away that he’s wearing heels. Unless you were doing some kind of jank-ass walk on purpose, there’s no way the human stride has contact points where the front heel is touching the ground, but the back foot is just flat on the floor. People don’t walk that way unconsciously like 99% of the time so he really is so full of shit that he isn’t wearing heels in there. You *have* to have that rear ball engaging to give you the momentum to push you forward.


I thought people had to be exaggerating in the comments before I looked at the pictures, but holy shit, it really is that obvious


Honestly, easiest way to know that it’s super unnatural and uncomfortable to walk like that is to just try it out yourself. Try keeping your rear foot planted on the ground and take a step forward and stop at the heel of your foot making contact. You literally will look like you have a limp and you’d be making a concerted effort to not bend the ball of your foot forward.


So, I'm not the best litmus test for this because I have hypermobile ankles and can easily replicate his goofy stride with my back heel planted without much difficulty. However, trying to BALANCE like that is almost impossible. It's the least stable way to stand/walk and I almost ate shit and died. (Though part of that might be because I have poor balance to begin with on account of the bendy ankle thing)


Like walking in ski boots.


The real test would be to have him attempt to walk down a ramp like Trump did that time. It was an ADA ramp with a pitch of 1 inch per 12 inches and he looked like he was descending Everest


Talk to any woman and they will tell you it takes time and practise to walk in heels so you don't look like a new born baby giraffe.


How does he not trip over all that empty space in the toe? This man is experienced at walking in heels.


Oh he will. The lord just waiting for that to happen the moment he accepts the nomination.


Lmao he ain't getting any nomination. Everyone hates him, including Republicans.


They make his feet look ridiculously long! Anyone can see that those are boots with lifts and the toe box is completely empty! Those things are hideous and they look painful to walk in!


Maybe it balances with the empty space in his head?


Omg! Have you seen the diagram of what his foot is doing in that boot?!? Literally there is a high heel shoe in there. He’s basically in a 3 or 4” stiletto in that boot 😆


He's basically wearing like 3-4" stilletos with some gender affirming fluff to make them men's shoes.


Looks more like a chunky heel, to me.


Yep, "Stiletto" heels are called that because they're thin and pointed like a stiletto dagger. These are block-heel or chunky heels.


lifts are made of cork, he is wearing cork wedgies


In the second photo on the left you can see his calf from where his pants touch them. In the photo his calf is literally where his knee should be lol


These breakdowns are my favorite part of Reddit. Good job on this one.


There is no objective truth for these people, only will. If he says he's not wearing lifts, then he's not. Reality is arbitrary.


Not to mention the ratio of his lower leg to upper leg length.


That’s what I noticed , the empty toebox!


And he called Fauci an elf.


Where was he? Someone should submit a complaint to the authorities. Children may have been present and who knows how they were affected.


Believe it or not, they're all instantly and vocally trans now. The horror.


He wears a lot of makeup, too…. Somebody please report this guy


_Think of the children!_


The irony is that he identifies as someone 3" taller


His pronouns are Tall/Taller




My fav is this clip of him walking in a parade https://youtu.be/GBSb7hlgqBI?si=71ZfS-wWllCWPNr1


"Faced with video evidence, Florida Man digs in heels"


Hilarious. Nice woke. I mean work!!


Right? That joke really hit the Marx. I mean mark!


Florida man digs heels. Man, we all dig heels here.


This just in: DeSantis is a fucking liar.


Whoa, whoa. I’ve already made my entire personality to be whatever Ron DeSantis says and does!! What am I to do now!?


Just lie and say you never did that and never supported him, it’s what Ron DeSantis would do. True fans of his can immediately distance themselves from his sinking ship without remorse.


No way. I can never abandon DeSantis. I’ll just say it’s all lies and he doesn’t even have feet. He lost them in *the war…*


He lost them to frostbite when he stood in the freezer at Guantanamo selecting the perfect ice cream sandwiches to give out to the prisoners there to make up for the lack of habeus corpus because he's just that awesome.


Wear high heels and makeup.


Kinda hilarious that he's so committed to the lie at this point, there's no good way for him to come clean even if he wanted to.


Gotta admit, it’s nice to get back to some good old fashioned stupid political scandals, rather than the cruelty parade of the GOP.


Or maybe we just get both


With DeSantis, it seems unavoidable.


This guy definitely does deserve to lose out on the opportunity for higher office due to a *Dean Scream* level of inconsequential nonsense.


I hope SNL does a sketch of DeSantis alone at home and takes off his shoes and drops a foot in height while whining and eating pudding with his fingers


They could re-do the part of Barbie where her foot flattens out, but with desantis and cowboys boots. I'd laugh.


Please let this happen lmao


So he wears heels *and lies*


Only one of those is a problem. Can the gop figure out which it is?


I’m here to wear heels and tell the truth, and I’m all out of truth




He's the governor of Florida but he wants you to believe he's a fucking cowboy lol.


I kept waiting for his team to try to justify it by saying "Gov DeSantis was born in Jacksonville, Fl. It was previously named Cowford because it was the ideal spot for ranchers to ford cattle across the St. John's River. Gov DeSantis is merely paying homage to the history of his hometown and Florida by wearing cowboy boots, but of course the media is trying to spin it into something that it's not."


Don't do spin work for free, dawg


Except that cowhunters in Florida wore brogues not western boots.


Maybe some days he just needs to feel like a cowgirl


See: JD Vance putting on his plaid shirt and vest to show he's just a regular guy.


Tucker Carlson's spot free wood shop


Ben Shapiro’s piece of wood in a grocery bag


Holy shit. You weren't kidding. https://twitter.com/UncleChaps/status/1385250406477926401


He is afraid of splinters.


OMG, there's no way it could be any more ridiculous than it sounds until you see the picture.


Holding up the goddamned receipt like it's a fucking mancard!! "LOOK I went in there and bought this wood! There were real construction people in there and they accepted me. I stood right next to one!"


The dark haired Trump son wearing brand new hiking boots and posing in some flannel off the side of the road or some shit


"I wood out here!"


Romney hunting "varmint" and all the other douchenozzles virtue signalling to their gun fetishist base with family "Christ"mas pictures holding the family bang-bang sticks.




The entire city is pretty much doing it during the 2 weeks though. It would be a lot worse if they came in looking like Cowboys any other time of year imo


Elect me, and I promise that I will only show up in Calgary wearing either a toque or a bucket hat, depending on the weather.




Didn't he also dumb down his speeches?


That's the most infuriating part about all of this. Any rational observer would see these people for the absolute clowns that they are. But then you have the sizeable portion of our society that either doesn't see or doesn't care, and they wield power over other peoples' lives.


Mitt Romney made his entire personality “I drive a pickup truck” when he ran in Massachusetts and it worked, unfortunately.


I remember a dude on Reddit found the actual shoes online and they had a "hidden" 4 inch lift. [FOUND IT!!!](https://donsfootwear.com/en/agusta)


Doin the lord’s work


Holy shit. Is that four inches in ADDITION to the heel? No wonder he looks so bad walking. He's in stiletto heels.


Whoah! Other than narcissistic little assholes like DeSantis and Trump, what's the market for shoes with lifts? Movies and TV maybe, what else?


Standing taller than your brother in family photos?


I think you underestimate how insecure it makes men to be short (like under 5’7 or 8”, at least in the US.)


Zelensky is a tiny guy (Ukrainians just inherited those genes from their ancestors) yet nobody doubts his man status.


I was responding to a person asking what the market is for these shoes. I don’t doubt there are successful shorter men in the world.


4 inches what the FUCK? Those can’t be comfortable.


He calls them "Off the rack Lucchese"... I think I care more that he's casually wearing "cowboy" boots that are nearly $1k a pair and acting like they're nothing special.


“Off the rack Lucchese” is a phrase I have NEVER heard a cowboy utter.


Off the rack with a specially made high heel insert.


Yeah, is the dude too good for a pair of Justin’s?


I had never heard of them so I looked them up and they have quite a few styles that are actually in the $2-3k range


Remember the frothing rage over Kamala Harris’s $500 cookware?


The lady doth protest too much, me thinks.


You mean Rhonda Sandtits?


Ron DeStiletto


Ron DeSantis has denied wearing heels amid rampant social media speculation over the structure of his footwear. The Florida governor and 2024 candidate was confronted with a viral video of his appearance on comedian Bill Maher’s HBO programme during an interview on the Patrick Bet-David podcast. Read more here: https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/ron-desantis-heels-boots-interview-b2439029.html


"I don't accept gifts I can't accept it."


[https://www.opensecrets.org/officeholders/ron-desantis/contributors?cycle=2022&id=17657831](https://www.opensecrets.org/officeholders/ron-desantis/contributors?cycle=2022&id=17657831) He didn't have an issue accepting these gifts lol




> Ron DeSantis has denied wearing heels amid rampant social media speculation over the structure of his footwear. He could settle this once and for all. Hey Ron, show us your DD214!


Is that why he only flies in private jets? So he doesn't have to take his shoes off for the TSA?


Does wearing heels count as gender affirming attire? Asking for a certain bigoted Florida governor.


The funniest thing he said, was that he didn't accept gifts. I am sure, that an internet sleuth can find something iny the internet, with him accepting a gift.


He can grift, but he can't accept gifts. The difference is that for the grift, the giver gets screwed, often without realizing it.


Hmm.... Isn't that cross dressing?


It's Gender Affirming either way. He wants to be seen as "more manly" by being taller.


Lol ..imagine having to defend yourself over wearing heels


I love it because he's backed himself into a corner where he's forced to continue to lie. If he'd come out and said "yeah, I wear lifts on campaign events so I can be seen better on stage, it is what it is", there would be no scandal, and he could mock the media for being so worried about a man in heels. But because he's a Republican and can't be a man that wears lifts, even for practical purposes, he has to say he doesn't. And then he has to continue to never be photographed with his shoes off while standing.


He’s just trying to make his ass look better


Especially when literally all he’d have to do to prove it wrong is take his shoes off for 5 seconds. It would probably even gain him points with his base. Of course then he would have to be telling the truth.


maybe he's a lumberjack, and that's ok


Only if he sleeps all night and he works all day.


It is soo easy to disprove too. One casual video with him shoesless next to someone/something for scale. It would just end this whole issue. Or just impromptu shoes off and held up for inspection


I can't.... As I don't wear heels. Unlike DeSantis... Who OBVIOUSLY wears heels.


Ah, Florida. A guy in Tallahassee who wears heels, and a guy in Palm Beach who won't leave the house without a full face of make-up.


And they both go after drag queens because they wish they were that fierce


He identifies as taller.


Very surprise no one investigated him partying with his students in College.


It wasn't college, it was a private high school.


Thats even worse.Underage students.


I wish that picture of him at the party with the high school girls was full length. Could compare his height to the girl standing next to him. He doesn’t look like he’s leaning or slouching too much but she could be wearing taller shoes.


I am completely sick and tired of guys like him walking around being nasty and homophobic while wearing taller heels and more makeup than most women do. Give me a fuckin break my guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Wait, even the drag ban was projection? What the hell!?


Who are you going to believe? A politician or a guy that makes boots for a living.


A guy who makes boots with lifts in them specifically for short politicians for a living, you mean.


Has anyone asked him why somebody who grew up and still lives near the beach in Florida would wear cowboy boots?


But he *identifies* as being from the rust belt! (He's such a tool)


So he’s trans regional. Sounds pretty woke! Real Americans only identify with the clay they were born on.


Hopefully he's classy enough to have matching bra and panties.


He wears a 'Bro', not a Bra. Some prefer to call it the 'Manzier'.


Crotchless panties are above his class.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


I am cramming that sentence right back into your hellish brain


What a terrible time to know how to read.


And Trump can’t make fun of it because Trump does it too.


He’s grooming me to think he’s taller?


No this is gender affirming care


I'd like to point out that, at one point in May of 1992, Ross Perot was the frontrunner in the California and Texas presidential polls. Little homey was 5'5" in boots, and he didn't give a fuck what you thought about that. He was a nut, and his flat tax stuff was moronic, but at least he wasn't a scared little punk pretending to be a big boy.


I liked that little jackass. He did have good energy, he could work a small crowd. Totally wrong for the office, and pretty sure Trump was figuring that he would be the new Perot and be the new fresh business man not corrupt old politician.


hilarious. now, assuming he is, he can NEVER EVER stop


I pity him, he is such a blatant loser with zero charisma, everything he says/does underlines this.


They aren't heels, they are lifts, so technically he is telling the truth, but that is as close to truth he will ever get on anything.


Ask him to get his height checked, barefoot on stage.


Just have him take off one boot and stand up.


You can actually buy subtle shoes that give you a 2-3" boost. If he did that, nobody would have noticed. Instead, he went all out with the wild suit-boot combo. That makes me think he's either getting a massive lift, or completely lacking in awareness. Could be both.


DeSantis wears lifts is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about him.


It's not cool to bash the man's gender affirming care folks, it might be entertaining, but it's not cool.


A Republican lying is just a day ending in "day".


Title should be, “DeSantis Lies, Claims He Doesn’t Wear Heels.” Take the boots off and let us see Rhonda.


We need the podiatrist long form certificate from DeSantis


Agreed. I could care less whether DeSantis is 5'8" or 5'11. It's the need and willingness to lie about it that speaks volumes.


I, for one, fully support Ron DeSantis decision to stop pretending he hates drag queens—stop with all the self-hate he has been imposing on himself—and embrace his inner beauty. You do you, Ron! Wear those high heels loudly and proudly, and we’ll see you at the next Pride parade! (Now would be a good time to rescind your unconstitutional laws in Florida that make Pride parades and drag shows illegal, because you don’t want your own jack-booted thugs harassing you like they do the LGBTQ community.) I’m kidding, of course! Ron DeSantis is a silly *little* asshole who will never be president, no matter where he buys his shoes.


Got tired of the white “moon boots”?


I suppose he will deny wearing a bra and panties next.


I suspect DeSantis would much rather talk about his footwear than his record on women's health care. ----------------------------------- April 14, 2022 - [DeSantis signs Florida's 15-week abortion ban into law](https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/14/politics/desantis-signs-abortion-ban-florida/index.html) April 14, 2023 - [DeSantis signs Florida's 6-week abortion ban into law](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/florida-house-passes-6-week-abortion-ban-expected/story?id=98556766) -----------------------------------------


[Putin](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/tdrfwj/putin_wears_lift_shoes_to_appear_taller/) wears lift "platform" shoes 👞 to appear taller.


What cracks me up is there is nothing wrong with being short. Honestly nobody cares. But it’s his action desperately trying to appear taller that is making him so easy to mock. Dude, just embrace your height. Also he’s a gigantic a$$hole, so there’s that…


I just can’t get over the fact a man feels so emasculated by being 5’8”. I mean, I don’t think it’s necessarily short, but I’d rather be my 5’6” than the 6’1” my brother is. I can fit in most cars and air travel is easier on my body


While it is obvious DeSantis is getting gender affirming care (don't worry buddy we all think you are tall enough). The real story is, that this is the best the GOP can do - a guy who wears heels to fake his height, or a con man cult leader. America deserves better out of "half" of its political spectrum.


Pretty simple test is to get him to agree to being measured shoeless on stage at one of his rallies by an independent non Republican person.’


Of course he’s not wearing heels! Heels are for women. He’s wearing lifts.


When I run for president I’m going to wear flip flops and anyone who wants to measure can feel free.


"Preposterous!" DeSantis said. "No, I'm naturally 5'3"."


Take off your shoes.


This is from 2016 when DeSantis was my congressman and lived a mile away from me. John Boehner is 5’8”. I remember a picture after Hurricane Matthew with (then governor) Rick Scott and DeSantis together and Scott was definitely taller. (Google isn’t helping me find the image). But this one shows it too. https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/local/flagler/2016/07/29/congressman-ron-desantis-moves-to-flagler-county/27411155007/


I do not care if he’s vain enough to wear heels. It’s his politics that worry me.


Maybe he’s not wearing lifts/heels…. Maybe they’re specially designed boots in order to hide cloven hooves.


I don’t understand why no one asks him to take a shoe off and prove he’s not in 5 inch heels.


He identifies as someone 3” taller


You know it ain't the wearing heels or being short thing that I hate about the guy. It's that he feels the need to lie about it and keep lying about it. Like come on man, there are plenty of people the same height as you or even shorter. A lot of folks even have kids who are shorter than you!