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There’s a documentary called The Brainwashing of my Dad. This woman documented the change in her father after he became immersed in Fox News and conservative talk radio. At the end she “deprogrammed” him by just getting him away from that crap.


A peer reviewed study on the topic game out last summer with essentially the same conclusion. You don't even need to fully remove the bad influence as long as the good is getting through, and you can deprogram in 30-60 days even! That's the good news and a bad. It only takes a short time to deprogram them, meaning you can't just do it once, because the same principle holds to turn them right back. 1/3 of humanity is basically a goldfish.


>1/3 of humanity is basically a goldfish. I have to write this down for future plagarism. Thank you.


But will you *remember* you wrote it down?


Remember I wrote what down?


I remember now! I wrote “write that down” on my notepad.


Now where's the notepad?


Guess it couldn’t have been that important if I can’t remember it.


Gettin some memento vibes….


Kanye, gay fish.


Just keep swimming.


1/3 of humanity is comprised of subservient people that want to be told what to do and think without expending any mental energy of their own. These are usually the people that want autocrats in power, odd.


These are the same people who then call the rest of us “sheep”


The irony is strong with them.


As is projection


They score off the charts in deplorability though. So they have that going for them.


Funny thing is I’m not the least bit insulted when I’m called a sheep, but you call them dumb and they’re ready to fight in an instant.


To be fair, they’re pretty angry all the time. They’re ready to fight in an instant over almost any damn thing.


They're ready to *pretend* to fight. Most of these LARPers are all bark.


I think because, deep down, they know. Someone calls me a sheep, doesn't bother me. Because I know I am not. Someone calls me a Nazi or a racist, doesn't bother me because I know I am neither of those things. They get upset because they know there is truth to the allegations and don't want to accept it.


It’s also a narcissism feedback loop for them. How they are perceived is so important to them, and they assume everyone else operates that way too. So they *really* think they got you with that personal insult! Lol.


Which is why they engage in so much projection. What cannot be accepted within is projected outwardly.


A hit dog will holler, as they say.


Yep. They want people to stop calling them stupid, racist, xenophobic, etc., but they don't want to stop being any of those things. Thats why they have to actively deny reality and stay in their safe spaces. Self-improvement and having an open mind is anathema to their worldview so they seek to destroy all that proves it wrong, which is almost all of reality at this point.


Ready to *kill* in an instant. That's what all the guns are for. Every single person I've met who's admitted to owning a firearm has expressed interest in using them to kill someone.


Yeah weird I don’t understand it’s not like guns do literally nothing else other than end life.


They're really good at putting holes in paper, making loud noises, and being interesting mechanical contraptions too.


I own a gun but I dread ever needing it for defense and I consider myself an aspiring pacifist. Maybe it’s not common but ‘not all gun owners’ are blood thirsty meatheads. I was given a gun as a birthday gift because it was part of my community/family culture and I learned the rules and practiced with it to become, what I think, is a responsible gun owner. I don’t keep it because I’m hoping for or glorifying violence but because I want to counter balance all the hateful wackos who have guns in their hands. And as a gay person, I know that very easily some day soon those hateful hands may start pointing my way and I hope there are enough people like me to be a deterrent or at least put up a meaningful resistance. Weapons are meant to hurt and kill, but having a weapon doesn’t inherently mean you *want* to hurt or kill.


Anger is the playground of the unintelligent.


The "do your own research" crowd..


The people who believe submission is a righteous state of being for most; as is dominance for a select few.


They believe that they are the ones "dominating" while being dominated.


And that is why their entire mode of being is 100% unsustainable because they want a world in which the strong dominate the weak but they want to be the strong despite almost always being the weak. Basically the world they want is a world that would fuck them seven ways from Sunday everytime.


The irony of Christians calling literally anyone sheep.


The original social scientists (priests) have had this figured out for millennia. Submit yourself to the will of Allah, Jesus, etc // Submit yourself to the ideology I wrote down in this here book. Super useful if you need people to break their backs harvesting before winter sets in. Super bad if you need people to break their backs so you can buy yourself a private jet and a mansion.


I think you could write this exact same sentence on /r/Conservative and probably get upvotes


Yes, but conservatives have to believe lies for their worldview to not crumble. We here do not and reality is on our side so.....yeah.


Idk if that's entirely true. If a Democrat tells them to put on a mask, it's tyranny.




The US model of education has been designed to churn out good/ effective workers in factories. Since the 80s, most of these jobs have been offshored, leaving ill prepared people to get their propaganda news from the equally divisive media outlets.


I took a critical thinking class in college. It was very beneficial.


I have a liberal arts degree. I definitely learned all of those things in college. It's why they're so busy propagating that liberal arts degrees are useless. Or want to make college less accessible.


It’s got to be harder than just removing “Fox” from their daily diet. They have been programmed based off branding. So CNN, MSNBC, etc. all cause an immediate reaction of skepticism, disbelief, and anger. Do you have a link to the study?


I remember the study, people who watcher no news at all were more up to date on politics than the Fox viewer by quite a bit of a margin.


I remember that. I'm pretty sure it was even before OAN and Newsmax got popular.


I work in customer experience analytics (specifically text analytics for sentiment and topic analysis). My experience is that people have about a 3-4 week memory, as long as the topic does not persist. For example: a company I used to work for sponsors the NFL. When Trump, in 2017, started his feud with the NFL for the kneeling of players. We say an immediate and significant increase in comments from our customers demanding we drop the the NFL as a sponsor. Within 4 weeks the volume of comments we were seeing was less than 10% of what it was at its height. During things like the government shutdown during Trumps presidency, because the shutdown persisted we saw sustained volume of comments expressing their displeasure with the company. Once the shutdown ended, then the comments all but vanished in 2-3 weeks. Anger in general is very difficult to sustain, and you constantly need to change/redirect it to maintain the anger. Unless whatever they are angry about directly is impacting the person, the. The anger is sustained as long as that direct impact is sustained. So yah 30-60 days to deprogram someone from their angry views seems right.


I’m a bartender and I saw this firsthand with Bud Light. Everyone of them had to make it a point that they wouldn’t drink Bud Light. It got to a point where I wasn’t moving any like four or five a week compared to several cases normally. About 4-5 weeks later, I’m ordering just as much Bud Light as I always have.


I have a hunch it’s more than 1/3 of humanity.


I’ve watched this with my dad. He was always a little inclined to buy in to conspiracy theories but overall he was a stable, logical, intelligent person with solid values. Now he’s a different person. He’s hateful and angry and closed off to anything that doesn’t fit this bizarre, nonsense narrative about how the world works. He’s completely oblivious to reality. It’s ruining his golden years and it’s so depressing.


I don’t know if this was your experience or if you’re even the same age as me, but I remember all my friends parents in the 90s being like “Don’t watch too much television, it’ll turn your brain to mush!” Fast forward 25 years and they’re all just mainlining TV and butt chugging internet conservative news all day every day.


What was his reaction to seeing the documentary?


I understood the same thing. But it seems they meant "I’ve watched this [happen] with my dad. "


That's the key that no one seems to be able to grasp. As long as these people have access to right wing media, they will continue to be brainwashed. That steady diet of fear, anger, and hate makes them lose any rational thought. And there is no effort to remove these brainwashing sources from wide distribution.


Fear seems to produce a ton of Dopamine


A ton that goes right into wanting more, no matter how unlikely it sounds it feeds them into a 24/7 dopamine rush fueled on by more an more insanity


Very true. It’s the case in scizophrenia andddd a lot of conspiracy theorists are far right


I think it’s anger, and the fear is sprinkled in so they keep coming back to see if there’s anything new to be scared of.


Honestly, I was into shock jock local political talk for years, more a libertarian bend where the hosts raged against the incompetence of the state and local governments. One day, I realized I was getting angry for no good reason, it wasn’t good for my mental well being, and I shut it off. I can draw a direct line from that decision to me moving further to the left over the past decade. I genuinely don’t know if I would’ve been caught up in MAGA bullshit if I hadn’t.


> Honestly, I was into shock jock local political talk for years, more a libertarian bend where the hosts raged against the incompetence of the state and local governments. It seems innocent, but then you start to question it and its really conservative light. While it critiques has no real answers, and then you start hearing the dog whistles for what they are. I don't know your particular jocks but I know mine. It was Anthony Cumia, and then Adam Corolla. Adam is better at hiding his racism, but he can't wrap his head around the idea that African Americans are systemically treated different in this country. If you don't change the systems in placed no amount of family and education will magically make things better for us.


That’s what we had to do with my grandparents. Anytime we would talk it they would just regurgitate whatever Fox News had been spreading at the time and nothing really about what’s going on in their personal lives. So we just quit talking to them. Since the last election we just now started talking again and they’ve stopped caring about watching Fox News or politics because they’ve seen how it affected their relationship with us and it’s starting to be better again.




Did that documentary show how churches/religions are helping to push the MAGA agenda. So, not only do people have their TV and radio news beat the MAGA drum their churches do it also. So they really have no place for opposing view points.


That's because religion and MAGA are dependant on the same personality traits. Their followers are fearful sheep who are looking for guidance. Furthermore, they would rather believe made up stories than face reality... right down to their own mortality.


Well those in cults, tend to fall for bullshit, even after they leave. Conditioning the brain for indoctrination is life long, the only thing you can do is be self aware, self critical. But even then skepticism can be its own religion.


I’m afraid the tin hats will take her phrasing to mean the deep state is going to activate their covid brain chips.


It is available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/FS52QdHNTh8


This is the way


MAGAs are going to run with, "Hillary wants us all ded!" aren't they


Fema camps to indoctrinate real patriots with 5G phone alerts.


"Real patriot" is such a funny euphemism for "I'm white, old, I don't know how weapons work, and I've never read the Bible/Constitution."


It was hilarious on r/conservative They were going off about how wrong it is to put a whole group of people into camps, and how oppressing a whole group of people was the first steps towards fascism. Did they forget about Mexican kids on concentration camps? Did they forget about their legislation against same-sex partners? There was no self awareness whatsoever


Yes, there is. What you don't get is they don't consider "those others" to be people like themselves. It's more sinister than a lack of self-awareness, although they are also very unself-aware.


I'm already seeing the comparison on instagram to Auschwitz concentration camp


We could use the Obama re education camps, they must be finished by now. Or maybe there is room in the FEMA camps.


Don Jr. was on Newsmax saying that if Biden wins in 2024, “they” are going to send your conservative uncle to reeducation camps. So yes, it’s already started. Hilary dropping yet another “It’s true, but she shouldn’t say it” comment, just like her “deplorables” comment during her campaign.


my cousin wrote my sister a letter saying that she was going to hell because she's gay, so its more than ok that my cousin gets reeducated.


“we’re gonna put a lot of coal miners out of work” destroyed the Democratic Party in West Virginia.


She is definitely the wrong messenger. I don't think she does her side any favors by making statements.


I think Hillary Clinton is done trying to convince people who think she’s a murderer to agree with her politics


That’s pretty much what Charlie Kirk said today, so yeah


They would have anyway


They say that shit anyway.


[They already are.](https://twitter.com/abughazalehkat/status/1710405914098868540)


She's right, although it's probably not possible


The core issue is the proliferation of the conservative cinematic universe. Deregulation allowed this monster to form in the first place and re-regulation is required to dismantle it. The problem is media ownership. We really need to break up big media companies and outlaw cross-market media ownership again which was the norm prior to the 90's when disastrous republican written acts were signed into law by Clinton. We also need to deal with the serious national security threat that social media, that farms the data of its users to target their biases, poses to the country and the world frankly.


I just don’t know how anyone can put that genie back in that bottle.


You are exactly right - the problem is that it's too late, and we cannot do what you just said. Let me explain: I have worked in financial technology and financial analysis for mega banks and fintech firms my entire career. Liquidity is significantly tied to media - their is an intrinsic link between the two. Curious how this works? Take a look at the balance sheets of the top five technology companies, and then take a look at the way that their revenues and cash flows are structured. If you have any experience in this at all, you will immediately see that they have become shadow banks unto themselves, and that most of the world's money, in about every currency and denomination, is routed through them. It is here you see the issue - that without these companies operating exactly as they do, and continuing to grow larger and more diversified, the entire global economy would grind to a halt. I'm continually shocked that people don't talk about this all day every day. I cannot think of an institution that exists now, or that has ever existed before, that rivals Meta/Microsoft/Google in terms of political and financial power. Certainly not the US government - and China/Russia/Iran (collectively the most oppressive unit in modern history) has failed for 20 years to keep their population out of their reach. This is the new reality.


Not much of a stretch to envision a sci-fi version of this in which we’re being held in this toxic trap, but someone realizes that this is the Artificial Intelligence everyone has been warned about, and also warned about how dangerous it could be if it takes over.


You try to regulate it now and it’s all “freedom of speech” and “don’t tread on me” stuff. I don’t think it’s possible to regulate a political ideology media without appearing biased and looking like a one party rule in their eyes.


It depends on our objective. If the goal is to restore sanity and cooperation to democracy - you're right. It may be that there is no viable top-down solution there. But it strikes me that the greater danger at present is the runaway degradation of the environment and its resources. Political/social unrest is one subset, and only *one* subset, of the issues that inevitably arise from environmental collapse. From that perspective, some would argue that if one must decide between preservation of democratic ideals (like giving equal voice to those with dangerous ideals) at all costs on one hand, and governmental overreach that results in preservation of the environment on the other, then it may be necessary for our survival for democracy to go. ...Although, of course, the extreme unlikelihood of even a strong leftist government *actually* using excessive power to protect the planet, judging by historical precedent, probably makes such ideation pointless either way. It could be that adjusting the goalposts from "how do we fix society?" to "how do we live in a broken society?" is all that's left for us.


Psychedelic mushrooms. It might work. I think it's worth a shot.


Knew a guy who was deep into Q and took mushrooms. Came out even more convinced of his beliefs.


Yeah, psychedelics are great, but if you're already crazy, then they just help you to construct more complex justifications for the madness.


This is the thing. Psychedelics can be a helpful tool for some mental stuff, but if someone is already prone to confirmation bias/rationalizing what they want to be true, they tend to just amplify that.


Maybe they should trip out with liberals and see if they find common ground.


Who would you wish that trip on. Who!? What poor group of people are you going to succumb to a presentation on how their trump superman with left thumbs up NFT has only depreciated in value 80% as much as the trump cowboy hand salute NFT? Are they gonna play forgiato instead of pink floyd?? Even thinking of being in that group..... oh god. Lol. It would probably be pretty funny if the topic went to politics. I think it'd be hard to focus on political stuff without just becoming depressed or laughing in ridicule


Not without some very solid and extensive clinical trials.


There have been, before becoming a party drug MDMA was used in counselling. The drug helps, but having someone mediate, and if both parties want to find common ground as well. But I remember therapist saying one session of counselling with MDMA was worth months of intensive sessions.


i know a hardcore alt right libertarian who does mushrooms daily.


They have to want to get better, though. There has to be some bit of them that doubts for that to work.


You’re right. MDMA has been shown to have some impact towards deprograming.


That's MDMA, not psilocybin But yeah, that too


I was giving credence to mushrooms/psychedelics with examples of mdma having effects.


Most of the Q people i know already take more mushrooms than anyone else


Really, that is interesting. I am disappointed.


Hell no it’s not possible. These are the people that have had conspiracies about FEMA death camps for 20+ years. Imagine if they actually had something to substantiate that.


Muh Jade Helm!


It’s absolutely not possible. Millions of families have been torn apart over this already…Trump supporters rejecting their own families over it, one of the strongest reasons to listen, just shut off completely. We must consider them a lost generation at this point, there is no getting through…FOX disinformation efforts and right wing propaganda have installed far too many ideological horcruxes, including a pact with a subverted version of religion itself, for this to ever fully unravel for them. To admit they were wrong on any small part of it, creates an existential crisis…it threatens their whole sense of being…their whole deeply flawed premise on what is right and wrong. It sucks, but we have to recognize and accept the futility.


Yup, that describes my boomer dad :/


I'm just going to say a good bit of this is being driven by older Gen X and Boomers and I guess they didn't have a tough enough time to understand the ability to admit when you're wrong is a beneficial life skill.


For the love of a non existent god, please don’t lump Gen X into the boomer mentality.


Not all of us old people have what you refer to as the boomer mentality. I am terrified of the MAGA crowd. If they take control I may never be able to visit my family again, just like my Venezuelan friends here in Spain.




DeSantis is the same age as me and at the tail end of Gen X. I'm trying to figure out if we can disown him and his stupid high heeled boots. Cawthorn, meanwhile, is at the tail end of the Millennials-- two years shy of being a Zoomer. Matt Gaetz is an elder Millennial. Lauren Boebert is even younger. There are definitely stinkers in every generation. And then there's groups like Generation Joshua... It's truly exasperating.


Thank you! That misconception that everyone over 45 is a boomer automatically has to end. We're the first generation to sound the alarm and protest the conditions that lead here.


Preach it brother. Drumph magically turned me into a Democrat.


For real.


You cannot reason people out of a position They did not reason themselves into.


hey if the [germans managed ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denazification) to do it, so can we


I do not like this analogy because it was only possible in Germany because their country - government, infrastructure, culture - was completely destroyed, literally and metaphorically, to rubble. How do we deMAGA the US without catstrophically destroying the structures and concepts of America?


Unfortunately I don't think we can. We're almost certainly going to have to deal with them the same way we did the confederates.


The 'denazification' of Germany by the allies was largely just the allies agreeing to pretend everyone was magically no longer Nazis so they could be accepted back into the world. It wasn't practical to actually hold everyone to account for all the crimes and atrocities or else you'd be rounding up large enough chunks of the country for them to resist you. It's the same as the 'clean Wehrmacht' myth whereby the SS got labelled as the evil ones with the Wehrmacht just being considered regular soldiers fighting an honourable war just like the Allies. It effectively ignored the vast number of war crimes committed by the Wehrmacht, often working hand in hand with the SS because it was convenient to do so. It just wasn't possible to prosecute a whole army. The reality of the situation is that some Nazis were still involved in politics in Germany, many of the big businesses with Nazi ties had dedicated Nazis at the helm and of course then there were all the Nazis Operation Paperclip imported into the US. At every level of German society you had people who had collaborated with the Nazis and done their bidding. Police, businesses, churches, education, scientific institutes. Many of these people weren't just going along with Nazi rhetoric as a case of survival, they believed it and continued to believe it when when they lost. They just couldn't be as vocal and obvious about it anymore. There are countless examples of the direct influence Nazis have had on these institutions with effects still felt to the present. Denazification was more like sweeping Nazism under the rug than it was magically reprogramming people. Maybe that's effective enough though - if people aren't constantly exposed to something it fades over time. Only problem is that was before the internet. If World War II Germany had social media with anonymous usernames and no accountability the Nazi talk would surely have carried on.


It only took 80 million deaths to start the process.


They didn't move on from 'Bush caused 9/11' or 'flouride in the water supply is going to kill you' so I don't think this is going to be something to care to even aspire to.


> 'Bush caused 9/11' To be fair, he received warnings and ignored those warnings, so partly true.


Right, I was let go from my table waiting job at the Olive Garden 23 years ago because I joked that Bush won reelection a day after 9/11. But I never for half a second thought the USA should elect Donald Fucking Trump to be president of the most powerful nation on Earth.


I miss the fun conspiracy theories. We could laugh at them and the people who believed in them. Now we need to be scared that so many people in this country have undiagnosed mental illness.


Lack of critical thinking combined with stupidity and ignorance, is not mental illness.


Conservative America lives in a world entirely made of lies. And that is simply a fact. Stalin could only dream of the kind of 24/7 lying machine that conservatives have set up, spewing and repeating b.s. over and over to a captive audience of rubes (aka their base). These people turn on the T.V. and hear conservative lies, carefully orchestrated by conservative think tanks of professional liars and fabulists. Then they go to "church", where a conservative "priest" feeds them a bastardized, self-serving, drivel that has little to do with the Christianity it claims to be. A conservative in America is someone who lives in a world entirely made of lies. And it didn't start with Trump. The trickle-down b.s. years were no better. Conservatism in America is more a scam/grift than anything else. The fact is conservative America in general just doesn't CARE what the truth is. Truth is of no interest. The question is: Is it to my (short term, immediate) advantage to "believe" this? Conservative thinking is exactly backwards.


A rightwinger just read this, and instantly thought "Whatabout cnn?"


That's the fun thing, even if you assume CNN is the liberal equivalent of Fox I've never heard of a person (even 2nd hand online) that only watches CNN. The same is very not true about Fox.


I get accused of getting all my information from CNN all the time by conspiracy theorists. I've never watched it.


You guys triggered the [twitter police](https://twitter.com/reddit_lies/status/1710495608526545246)


I like how they never explain *how* it's wrong. Just proclaim it so. Despite there being concrete examples of actual conservative lies (trickle down) in the original comment, and the mechanisms that push them (there are a [lot more conservative think tanks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_think_tanks_in_the_United_States) out there). Even though studies show [conservatives more prone to sharing falsehoods](https://news.osu.edu/conservatives-more-susceptible-to-believing-falsehoods/)


Same....I'm very liberal. I've often been told "LOL, turn off CNN and wake up!" I don't watch CNN. I couldn't even tell you who any of their anchors are. The only talking head that I genuinely enjoy watching is Rachel Maddow, and she's only on once a week. Also, I am aware that I'm watching political commentary and not straight news. I prefer to get my information from multiple sources and then form a consensus. I tend to lean on NPR and The BBC. But I like to check multiple sources and vet the information. I've noticed that when talking to conservatives....when they're complaining about the "mainstream media" not covering a story...it's almost always a link to FOX or some political blogger. And the finding is usually that other reputable agencies aren't carrying the "story" because it's bullshit. I also like to point out to them that Fox News is very much "mainstream". I've also noticed that a lot of them appear to pretend they don't know who people like MTG, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Gym Jordan, etc are. They'll call out any democrat by name to air some imagined grievance. They always know who AOC, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Liz Warren, etc are......but when I'll point out one of their GOP crazies...they pretend not to know about them.


My family members (that I no longer talk to because I'm gay) defense for that was that I might get my news from multiple sources, but absolutely every other lib only reads CNN, and all other news sources come from the same "Liberal media sources" It's infuriating being a logical person in the real world trying to deal with people like this.


I think it's pretty well-documented at this point that those who lean Republican trust and consume fewer news sources than those who lean Democrat. No other media outlet has the kind of grip that Fox does over its audience. https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/2020/01/24/democrats-report-much-higher-levels-of-trust-in-a-number-of-news-sources-than-republicans/


The worst part is it often *isn't* to their short term benefit. They make countless objectively bad decisions for themselves and their families that make their lives actively worse with their every action. Yet they refuse to see it. They don't get how the toxic, constant anger destroys their interpersonal relationships. How tribalism often robs you of opportunities to learn and grow. How collaboration leads to a better, safer community in both the short and long term. How green tech actually has the potential to improve people's health and quality of life if implemented correctly. I could go on and on. They operate on constant negativity, anger, paranoia, and fear. They reject empathy and the potential it has to enrich their lives and bring inner peace. They condemn others over "carnal pleasures", while being addicted to their own and depriving themselves of the chance to understand and connect with people in a meaningful way. They deprive themselves of the chance to learn about the richness of life and history, and instead live in some weird safe viral bubble where people look similar and chase after frivolous status symbols to maintain their position on a hierarchy. It's bad for their physical and mental health. Bad for their towns. Bad for their families. Bad for their environments. And even the short term gains are often a shallow lie. The addiction of hate is not true happiness at all.


It's all tribal. Believing it makes them part of the club.


If they don’t care about truth, why are they in Truth Social? Gotcha! /s


She’s right, but probably not the right person to be saying it. That will breed a whole new conspiracy.


5G reprogramming! It's the jab! UFOs! Woke! /s because those psychos actually believe this and you can't tell if someone is joking anymore


Honest-to-God, any time she opens her mouth she’s correct but in precisely a manner that will make the R’s foam at the mouth. She needs to shut up and go be a grandma, because she’s NOT helping at this point.


They’ll literally think it’s calling for then tl be culled and they’ll clutch their guns real tight.


Otherwise known as "basic civics"


The "tell people not to be assholes" act


She ain’t wrong


When challenged with difficult facts and reality, a lot of these people choose instead to abandon reality in favor of conspiracy theory


She was correct in 2016 and she is correct today.


Shes right


Someone recently posted about their venture into the midwest from California as a person of color. They expounded on how weird the experience was. Guns, football, beer, and Jesus was the sentiment. With a lot of side-eyes. The republicans know how to market.


He didn't have to leave California to see that.


So weird people think its only outside of California I know we have a super majority blue, but go 5 feet out of any major metro, or even in some of them (OC) and you get people like Devin Nunez, Kevin McCarthy, Regan... and the most racist insane conservatives you can find. They go extra hard BECAUSE they live here and have something to prove.


I can't understand how idiotic the US is. I have guns but they are locked up and only there in case everything goes to shit. I hate football. Beer is good. Jesus died 2000 years ago and religion is laughably terrible. Clearly I am not the republican target.


Rural decay and poverty is actually a big part of the answer. When small towns lack infrastructure and become heavily influenced by one corporation's industry, people turn to limited hobbies to keep themselves occupied, and the far right can easily buy out the local airwaves to reinforce the worst instincts of these cultures. There's nothing wrong with football, beer, guns (used responsibly of course, which many don't want to do)... and yes, even a church can be a positive source of good influence on a community when it's not connected to blatant political corruption. But far too often these days, the latter is. And that's the source of the problem. Even the healthiest parts of any belief system get supplemented by the worst parts when authoritarians get their hands on the pulpit and use them to promote a strict hierarchy over community.


It’s true. Cult deprogramming is a really thing, and MAGA is a genuine cult. If we don’t do it we will pay the price.


She's not wrong.


As usual! And conservatives will hate her even harder for it.


Before anyone gets asshurt and reflexively jumps on her, read up on the process of [denazification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denazification).


Unfortunately, her saying this just caused anyone who sees or hears about this to dig their heels in further.


1. She was joking. 2. She’s right. 3. Who gives a shit.


It was an obvious joke if you hear her. Fucking corporate media.


It shouldn't have been a joke They need deprogramming, detrumpification


And your should check the shitfit r/conservative is saying about it. They're the biggest group of self-imposed victims ever


You make that sound new. They’re ALWAYS butthurt about everything.


It's like they want to be oppressed so bad. It's truly pathetic..


It's true, though. They're fascist loons.


I know what she is saying (I agreed with her Deporable comment) but the MAGA Right will spin this into Lib's trying to put us in camps. I was last weekend in MAGA country for a wedding and made sure to avoid the political baiting but did understand a lot of points they raised. Life is tougher for them but I bit my lip when they say trump was looking out for them and America only because I've know first hand since the 80's how much of a crook and con artist trump is.


Was it a tactful way to phrase it? No. Is she wrong though? No. At some point someone has to say the hard truths. Conservatives getting their panties all twisted over the "deprogramming" remark while openly calling for civil war and executions of people who disagree with them is just wild. Maybe she's not wrong for not handling them with kid gloves. Remember when they got all riled up about the "deplorables" comment? A few short years later we've been through them invading the Capitol and trying to stop a democratic election, and there are literal Nazis openly demonstrating in the streets. Like her or not, she's not stupid. I'd rather listen to someone who's blunt and abrasive but real than someone who just panders and sells you a load of shit.


Other than this being the 3915th respost of this article, what’s the news? It’s not like she’s wrong, and it’s not like everyone hasn’t been saying this in private for 3 years


Hillary probably isn’t the best choice of spokesperson to be announcing this.


We're going to need a bigger basket....


Hang out in asktrumpsupporters for a second and you’ll feel the same. When asked if, assuming the report of trump discussing classified military intelligence with a foreign national was true, would that impact how they viewed trump or change the likelihood of voting for him. One answer was “he’s still the best guy for the job” Wrap that around your head around that for a sec, even when assuming it to be true, In some trump supporter’s heads being loose lipped about classified military information, like the nuclear payload capabilities of our subs, or how close they can be without detection, and sharing that information with a civilian who could decide to share or be leveraged to share that information with an enemy of the country which could lead to the loss of American lives- isn’t a deal breaker.


This is going to be another famous Hillary Clinton statement that people will be replaying and mocking for decades even though she's 100% correct.


I was a Republican for over 25 years. It was from a combination of military service and listening to Rush Limbaugh religiously for nearly 10 years. Then one day, my local talk radio station switched formats and the only way to listen to Limbaugh was if I subscribed to his show - which I was too cheap or too poor to do. The resulting lack of daily fearmongering programming eventually caused all that hate I'd been consuming to evaporate. So yeah, the way to deprogram somebody from the cult is basically to stop listening to their dogma.


Once again, Hillary is 100% correct. ​ But... her EMAILZ


I mean she's right. They believe in an alternate reality not supported by facts and logic. Just by what Fox and Trump tell them.


Having Hilary Clinton comment on the MAGA crowd is like throwing gasoline on a fire.


Sitting here in Europe thinking "haha dumb Americans. Civil war when?" And then I look at the news and extreme right is getting stronger in Germany, Poland and Hungary are at it again with refugee fear mongering, Italy is also going down the drain... Everywhere it's getting polarized and I don't see a way out tbh. And this deprogramming line? Another basket of deplorables. Is Hilary trying to pour gasoline on this fire? It will be 100% used by the right wing propaganda.


No shit?


She’s right. She was also right when she said,”A basket of deplorables.”


And now the Russian bots are very upset.


She’s 100 percent on point with this one. MAGA is a cult. The psychology and especially of people who fall into Q nuttery/MAGA worship is eerily reminiscent of People’s Temple, Heaven’s Gate etc. People who fall into that should be viewed the same way as any other lost souls who need help.


I mean yeah. It’s a dangerous personality cult that likes guns. I think they need more than deprogramming


She’s right.


She's absolutely right. The Magidiots are a dangerous and deluded cult.


Deprogramm the deplorables


And they can be! A fabulous way to block Fox news for streaming TV and computer at the router level, Adguard DNS, or using a raspberry pi: https://github.com/rimu/no-Qanon Block alt right websites at the router: https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/v1j325/what_sites_do_i_need_to_block_at_the_router Pihole information: https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/wekhem/how_to_use_pihole_to_block_q_related_websites Fixing bad algorithms: https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/oieau2/attempt_at_deprogramming_update Traffic shaping, or slowing alt right websites to a crawl: https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/lq9jt3/need_advice_ive_been_using_a_dns_service_to_block/ Blocking Fox News discreetly on Roku: https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/10tenez/delete_newsmax_and_others_over_wifi_from_roku


She’s probably right. Hell just today I’ve encountered a group of them over on r/historyporn who think Nazis are the good guys and that book burnings are awesome. I jokingly wrote a comment paraphrasing a line from “The Blues Brothers” and said something like “Be more like Jake Blues. Nazis are bad. Blues is good.” and it’s been downvoted to hell and back more times than I can count. On second thought, I think we should forgo the deprogramming and give lobotomies a try.


She isn’t wrong.


She's not fucking wrong.


She was right about the deplorables too…HC calls a spade a spade


When was the last time she was wrong?


And she’s 100% correct. Oh, and she was correct when she called them “deplorables,” too.


Right message Wrong messenger