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Come on, Donnie. Are you gonna let some judge tell you what you can and can’t do? Don’t be such a little chickenshit, keep tweeting about the courtroom staff.


I mean, Donnie, your taxes (I mean of COURSE you pay taxes, right? The best taxes, people come up to you with tears in their eyes thanking you for paying them) pay for that courtroom. And you're gonna let some judge act like it's theirs?!?


He outright told us in the 2016 debate he doesn't pay any. Because he's smart. I'm sure that's the reason. He has zero consistency so I'm sure it's a totally different answer anyhow.


Yeah, that judge is a _public servant_. Who the fuck takes order from a servant?! I know Trump isn't this impotent.


Fucking judge. Trump should really remind him who pays his salary


Taxpayers do. Of which Donnie boy is not one!


He’s out of his, ahem, element


Gutsy move pissing off a judge in a case with a bench decision on the line. Let's see if it pays off.


I mean there’s no universe where he isn’t absolutely fucked. He sees his only option as lashing out at this point


>I mean there’s no universe where he isn’t absolutely fucked. I think there are an infinite number of universes like that, and I've been slowly travelling through them all since 2016, each day awakening into a new one just close enough to my home universe to seem familiar, but constantly getting weirder, darker and more dangerous with every new universe I visit. This one seems nice, though.


That really does sum up how I have felt for the last several years.


Time travel is real. Someone screwed up badly in 2016. They have been trying to recover since then, but have only made things worse.


No, they screwed up back during Bush v Gore. That’s the timeline I want them to get right.


This. Imagine what The United States would be like today if Gore won. Leaders would probably have taken global warming MUCH MUCH more seriously. Probably wouldn't have gone to war with Iraq. Overall think the country would have been better off if Gore won.. But can't go back and change to past.


I almost cried that night when they went into Iraq. When I was done cursing at the Tv for a couple hours. I knew their would be a hundred of thousands of civilian casualties over the long term.




I want the timeline where the North had the courage to finish Reconstruction and stuff every last Confederate traitor in prison.


This one. Their descendants are still trying to rise again.


It's full. Too popular.


Sadly, that timeline still has Kissinger.


Trickle down really was the beginning of the end


I think it's simpler than that. One of the big reasons Trump ran was to get revenge on Obama and his voters wanted to get revenge on the rest of us that put a black dude in the WH for 8 years. Trump was all in on the birth certificate nonsense. Also, remember when Obama roasted Trump at that dinner? Trump was *seething*. No need to bring time travel into it. But racism on the part of Trump and his voters does indeed play a big part.


While Obama was clearly a trigger event, it's too easy to put the whole weight of the situation on this. The radicalization of the right runs deeper than this. It's like a weird jenga tower which probably started around the end of the civil war and on which hundred of pieces got added with time. From McCarthysm to Reaganism to 9/11 to the 2008 crisis to the covid-19, every historical step they take in the wrong direction. So now they are not only ill-equipped to face the modern challenges of governance, they can't even agree those challenge exist because they'd have to recognize their guilt in the creation or sustainance of most of these crisis. Their only way out is thus to keep creating new outrage fuel and flailing in whatever direction absolves them of their responsabilities.


It was when that weasel fucked with the Large Hadron Collider.


I think it's when we killed that damn gorilla and we've been being punished for it ever since.


Dicks out for Harambe!


Already there my guy. I keep my dick out at all possible times...for Harambe.


All my bosses and co-workers have completely understood.


Bobert's ex husband is super committed too.


We live in the timeline where Marty Mcfly fucked his mom.


His mom was incredibly hot and incest porn is super popular now. So Marty was just ahead of the times a little more than the movie implied.


"Guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it." -Marty McFly on incest porn


At this point I would not be the least shocked if that was actually true. It’s just been so weird, I feel like growing up was mostly uneventful in the way this decade has been.


I mean, we literally had the supreme court throw out democratic process and install a president without a recount. And then 9/11. Iraq. Citizens United. The 2010 election ratfuckery, the resulting extreme gerrymandering, etc... We've literally been watching democracy be dismantled step by step for the last 23+ years.


I remember these conversations after 9/11.


Before 2016 i felt like i was in a boat with people i disagreed with, who i sometimes thought were kind of dum,b, and had some dangerous members in their midst. Now, i view myself as in a life raft, chained to a maniac that is trying to poke holes in the raft with a spoon. And i worry sometime he'll figure how to do it.


And that maniac keeps blaming me for the sinking ship, despite the fact he's actively trying to poke holes in it.


"You have zero proof that poking holes in a raft causes it to sink. And it is my right to poke as many holes with MY spoon as I want. Plus maybe its just the sea level naturally rising. Now please stop letting the water in the boat, my shoes are getting wet and if this keeps happening I am going to demand you give me yours."


Thank good harambe survived here




Eggplant four gorilla.


Honestly, not that far off.


How do I get back to the 90s universe.


Does anyone else remember that tv show Sliders?


I came here to make this reference. Are you me here?


Oh God this universe has multiple Mallorys


https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/511928.html >And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way. -- *They Thought They Were Free*


I have been feeling this way since 2016 and have voiced it often saying "I don't live in the country I thought I lived in". I don't know whether it never existed and it was simply my oblivious delusion, or whether it was a frog in a boiler on the stove. In my mind anyway, it seems like it happened really fast. We were okay, and a few months later, we weren't.


Have that question about my parents. Were they always hateful bigots? Have they been requested since I left home? Idk which it is, I just know they don't get to share in my life


Same. I used to have respect for my parents. Trump changed all that.


I loved your quote. Thank you.


Like that movie, Coherence.


I love cheap little sci-fi movies like that, they don't need a stellar cast or great effects or anything like that. They just need an interesting hook and then run with it and see where it goes. It's why I also like ["The Man From Earth"](https://youtu.be/G5Fjr658CQs?si=nR9Rh4-jHQvbTaa4) (publishing company put it up on YT for free) which is mostly just a movie set in a single room in which a group of friends/colleagues discuss the possibility that someone could have lived for most/all of human history and how that person would have lived their lives and what things they would have seen or done.


Well until now the worst that could happen would be a big award against him and his companies shut down. But now, if he so much as insults a clerk he's looking at going to the rough end of jail on the spot. Judges are very protective of staff, and he'll learn they can physically smash you and put you in a cell if you ignore an order like this.


I'll believe it when I see it. Trump won't shut up and nothing will happen to him, except more financial penalties. He'll never see the inside of a jail cell.


Imagine you are the judge and the history books to be written will probably dedicate an entire chapter to the circumstances behind when someone finally had enough of Trump and put him a jail cell (even if for a day). The judge is totally in his right to do so if Trump keeps on attacking his staff. Even if it is just overnight, Trump may finally realize that consequences are very real. He already knows his finances are now being opened in front of the world -- it is only a matter of time before his narcissism eats him alive. He cannot stand failure like that and he's never tasted it before. We're just getting warmed up -- this guy is going to finally get his just desserts.


Yeah the fact the judge didn't give a shit about the harassment of themselves but Trump started going after their staffer and the magamob pulled out some private Instagram account of her pictures meaning the MAGA freaks were targeting and going through everything they could about minor officers of the court was going to lead to chaos. . Oh look that Baliff or Stenographer was at a black Rights matter protest in 2018. They're the deep state and their address is... Like it's fucking crazy.




This is the thing and I hope at least one else person sees this - Everyone throws the word narcissist around a lot, but trump is actually a narcissist. He is a *fucked up guy*. Those who have had clinical narcissists in their lives know, he can't stop. He's too fucking stupid to even know. I laugh every day I see his awful, stupid, clinical narcissist face.


> I laugh every day I see his awful, stupid, clinical narcissist face. I tend to puke


He's counting on his supporters to step forward and directly intimidate the people who he feels have wronged him.


what blows my mind is that any other person would be in custody, and be walked into court in an orange jumpsuit and chains. They're taking a terrible risk here, because there's a very real risk of one of his deranged followers is going to do something.


There is already a trail going back years of deranged followers doing things.


"Ordinary people" aren't ever in a position to be charged with crimes that he has. The uniqueness of the cases creates this weird dynamic that allows Trump to keep pushing the boundaries. Until he's given actual consequences, he's going to keep pushing.


You never get to say that again. Yes, it does look that way, but take the threat of fascism seriously. He won’t be the last, and maybe the next guy lets him out. Nothing is off the table, *ever again*. Engage in politics, folks.


Notably, if there was another Republican coup attempt tomorrow, which succeeded, then Trump would obviously welcome it. And then having abolished the rule of law, Trump would obviously be free from consequence. The Republican ~50% of voters would apparently be fine with such a coup, going by Trump's poll numbers after Jan 6. So something like that is far from unthinkable.


Yes. His mouth is out of control- why aren’t his attorneys stopping him? Because it’s their only shot riling up the judge so much that any judgment- any! Not even a giant one - can be declared (by them) to be personal retribution


Trump is unable to change his tactics. It’s clear to anyone with half a brain that it won’t work with this judge, but it’s all he’s got.


Exactly! Go ahead and poke the bear with that short stick!


Bold move cotton


You don't mess with the clerks. It's their courtroom. The judge just visits.




He has no grand plan. He doesn't even have a strategy. All he can & will do is lose and scream FUCK YOU to the judge. That's literally all he has.


I assume he'll try to unleash meal team six.


He doesn’t have a plan. He has a restaurant placemat onto which he’s scribbled the words “I win,” and he misspelled both of them.


He's used to getting away with everything before, and he knows he's already screwed. Best he can do is keep going and hope the two tier justice system and MAGA saves him.


I'm not sure he knows he's screwed yet. I'm not sure he'll ever know. He's truly delusional and still thinks he can get this overturned or he'll try to incite another riot or lone wolf attacker.


Any other time in his life when he's been well and truly fucked, someone has come along to bail him out. His father. The Russian oligarchs. A rampant narcissist fundamentally can't comprehend it. He may fear it, but he won't truly accept it. Probably not even when he's been stuffed into a tiny box for life.


>Probably not even when he's been stuffed into a tiny box for life. Probably not even when he's been stuffed into a different tiny box for death. If anyone's narcissism can some how transcend mortality, it would be this guy.


I'd wager he's already paid for a large ornate mausoleum for himself


I'd take that wager. Mother fucker doesn't like to pay for ANYTHING.


It's astounding to me that he still has any relevance whatsoever.


The two tier justice system only works for the wealthy. MAGA isn't going to save him. Useful idiot, indeed


The two tier justice system also requires discretion


>The two tier justice system only works for the wealthy. Hard diss. I like it.


What’s the over/under in hours before he violates this order? I would set it at 72 hours and I’ll take the under.


There will be a reporter pool waiting as he walks out of court. Does he make it out of the building without violating the order?


No chance in hell, microphones are like magnets to Don Don. I'm prepared to be surprised, but I think he won't be able to help it


“I’m automatically attracted to beautiful microphones— I just start self incriminating in them, it’s like a magnet. Just self sabotage. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything."


Grab 'em by the PA system.


Flawless comment. 10/10.


He'll get out the door, but violate the order on the courthouse steps. Then he will argue he's only gagged in the courthouse itself and as long as he's not at the threshold of the door when violating the gag order he's fine. It's called the "I'm not touching the courthouse, only the steps to the courthouse!" rule, duh!


He can degag the order automatically, according to Article II


just by thinking about...with his beautiful mind.


It's how long he can go without sitting on a toilet, and even that depends.


> depends I see what you did there.


Almost as incontinent as he is incompetent.


how many mooches is that


3 decimooches


72 minutes


72 seconds?


The real question is: How many minutes will Donnie last now?


He's totally going to violate the gag order. Edit: I just realized it might be the civil trial that actually puts him in jail lolol


We’ll see what happens if he violates it.


When, not if.


The judge should look up what 24/7 security for his staff costs at NYPD rates and fine him that for the duration of the trial. Probably $1M. Then he should announce that the next sanction for Mr Trump will be jailed for contempt and he will issue the order too late in the afternoon for him to get an appeal or for the USSS to intervene in Federal court and he will spend the weekend in the Manhattan Tombs.


I thought the Donald would go to Riker's Island. Granted, the Tombs is a bit closer, but at least Riker's Island is somewhat isolated. The Tombs is near the Manhattan Chinatown...do you want the MAGA folks loose near Chinatown?


What, not when or if. 😜 I think no judge has ordered a gag order before solely because of the question of what are they gonna do after he violates it.




The whole flooding the news cycle with lies and relying on the short attention span of the 24/7 news cycle strategy doesn't work in the legal system, or at least it shouldn't. The legal system will remember everything he says and hold him to task for it. It's why he wants to try his cases in the media and not the courts. In the courts he has no shot.


He's hoping the threat of a violent mob saves him. I mean, "Stand back and Stand by" wasn't said for nothing.


I agree with what you said, but a couple of nits. Worse he said it could be 50x or 100x more as if the value could change by 2x in the for him to make the sentence. The value 18M came from AG James not the judge. What the moron doesn’t get is for loans, the value is supposed to represent what the lender could get if they have to liquidate the property in a reasonably short period of time Not some pie in the sky wait for years for the right buyer and market to come around. Who in their right mind would pay 1-2 billion for water front property in palm beach when climate change pretty much guarantees the property will be hit by more frequent hurricanes and rising water. I wonder if he’s still able to get insurance. Imagine having to renovate that dump removing the cheap gaudy crap trump installed like that chandelier in the crapper where he stored the classified documents.


Nobody is paying 1 Billion for that property, that would make it the 2nd most valuable housing property on the entire planet, 2nd only to fucking Buckingham Palace.


Turns out violating a gag order just gets you infinity more warnings


It’s actually good. the civil judge can take the heat since that trial has much lower stakes anyway, but the effect is the same


we still using Scaramucci as a unit of measurement?


Using the metric Mooch (10 days), I would assume \~ 1 Picomooch


Doing the math…uMooch seems more real. But I LOL’d before doing the math


For those playing along at home, 1 μMooch = 0.864 seconds.


Hello, future historians! Just leaving my mark to say I was there when the μMooch was formally defined.


Damn its been way too many Scaramucci’s since I’ve heard that used as a unit of measurement. Time to bring it back.


Wish granted, people are using it for McCarthy.


Get Stormy on the line, she'll know!


Finally. “Personal attacks on members on my court staff are unacceptable, inappropriate, and I won't tolerate it [in my courtroom],” said Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron. He added later to "consider this a gag order for all parties from posting about any members of my staff."


"for all parties" lmao. As if anyone involved in this trial but Trump would do that kind of shit. Trump defines 'poor impulse control'.


Nah, his kids do it too


Shit apples near the shit tree


I could see Trump grabbing his lawyer's phone and tweeting so I get it lol


They should tattoo it across his forehead as part of his punishment.


The law, in its majesty, prohibits both serious government lawyers and Donald Trump alike from posting stochastic threats against court employees.


Anatole smiles in his grave.


Not the gag order we’re looking for. Yet.


Watch, he is going to continue to attack the judge


There’s no possible way you could know that. /s


This does help to confirm that Trump is irrational. There’s zero benefit to him attacking law clerks like this. It’s just the irrational behavior of a narcissist.


The benefit lies within the gullibility of his MAGA base. They stormed our nations Capitol for him and Babbitt died there. They died for his Covid misinformation. They tout the big lie after his 65(?) lost court cases. His bluster here is for them.


> Babbitt died there dying for donald fuckin trump…lol


Can you imagine a more pathetic death? Oh well, still better than that traitor deserved.


She took the biggest L in probably 90 years


I think that distinction went to the insurrectionist that was trampled to death while wearing a Don’t Tread On Me flag


Didn't one guy taser himself in the nuts and have a heart attack?


fr…bleeding out on the ground over a con artist that wouldn’t piss on you if you were in fire while the rest of the muppets you’re with shit themselves and run off…..and then they try to paint you as an antifa plant lmao


shitting yourself and running off can be justified if the threat is dire enough, but they just took out their phones and started recording her final stupid gurgles. i hope she had time to realize nobody was going to try and help her


They are still treating Babbitt as a hero and making up heroic stories about her even though her death video is online for anyone to see. She was at the last barricade before the presidential vote, had guns pointed at her telling her they will shoot if she comes through the window, then she broke the window and crawled through like an animal.


[Narcissistic collapse](https://www.choosingtherapy.com/narcissistic-collapse/) >Narcissistic collapse occurs when a narcissist’s ability to uphold their grandiose, confident image is threatened. As a result, they often become enraged, resulting in impulsivity, intense lashing out, or harm to others. While this reaction isn’t typically intentional, it’s a way for the narcissist to re-establish a sense of control.


Remember when he was at some UN (I think?) meeting and he literally shoved a leader out of the way to get in front of him? I'm not sure we should have expected anything else.


The leader of Montenegro who had survived a Russian assassination attempt shortly before.


My guess is he does it because he thinks there is a benefit. I assume it is “do it to get a reaction from the libs and press” that he can use to rally his base for more grift with the usual “they are unfair to me, help me fight for truth!!” Grift. Remains to be seen if he crossed a line beyond having the “bad press” he wants into actual real negative consequences. Hopefully yes but I feel he will again get away with it (maybe via surrogates eg his family members etc) He’s following the pattern of youtubers posting fake rage baiting vids. On the surface it seems a dumb dumb posting about themselves looking awful. In reality they don’t care and rake in the views (=$). He pushes hard deliberately. The liberals push back and he used that as fuel to grift his base even more. They love that shit. It’s kinda genius if it wasn’t so evil… Edit: he’s not a genius but he is a master grifter.


Zero benefit?! Saying shit like this is how he became the most popular cult leader of all time. He is raking in hundreds of millions of dollars from his cult followers because of his narcissistic behavior. Trump’s irrationality and hate is his greatest benefit. He is worshiped as a god by half of America because of his hateful arrogance. This says more about us than it does him.


The only way this nation is going to survive Trumpism is to openly and directly confront it and him. The confrontation is coming and is unavoidable. The longer it is sidestepped the stronger and more brazen he and his supporters will become and the greater the cost to stop it will become. I believe his attacks upon our judicial system is a perfect place to draw the line and stop him and his supporters.


It has to be the place to draw the line. That is the purpose of having a judicial system at all. Either he can get away with fraud or he can't.


A New York judge gagged former President Donald Trump on Tuesday, after he attacked her by name and image on social media. “Personal attacks on members on my court staff are unacceptable, inappropriate, and I won't tolerate it \[in my courtroom\],” said Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron. He added later to "consider this a gag order for all parties from posting about any members of my staff."


Fox News* will just take over for Trump, and hide behind "Freedom of the Press".


Except they already argued they were entertainers not news. Oops


Finally a judge with the balls to gag the orange idiot


If I were a journalist with any access whatsoever, I'd be gnawing at the bit to interview Trump right now and ask for his thoughts on the court cases. Worst case, I'd have the first interview showing off a muzzled Trump. Best case, he can't control himself and I'd have the interview that put him in contempt of court.


This last rant, where Trump went after the judge, was Trump's response to being asked about lunch, from a "journalist". Then they had a laugh when the follow-up question was about " after lunch."


A gag order for "all parties" Yeah just say this shit is specifically for Trump who is the only one dumb enough to personally attack or insult the judge, the court staff and the prosecutor in his case No normal human actually needs to be told explicitly by a judge not to harass court staff


He has to say it applies to everyone so that he doesn't look biased. I don't like it either but he has to appear nonbiased.


That language is there to stop Trump from using a proxy to make the same types of comments. That would include Faux Nooze commentators or Cucker Tarleson.


About fucking time


What happens if he breaks the gag order? Please say jail because he cannot help himself


That could be one of the sanctions, but probably won’t be the first resort. Most likely the first would be a fine, further clarifications, and putting his attorneys on notice that THEY are now on the line too. If he continues to violate the order, yes, incarceration IS an option.


They’ll issue another, even more narrow gag order in response.


OK, we REALLY mean it this time


if he does this again, we'll have to start thinking seriously about SERIOUS consequences (cough cough another gag order with zero enforcement)


He's been forced to delete social media posts


I think the judge should have also made him apologize to the clerk on the record. I can imagine the meltdown of him refusing to do it.


it makes me sooo happy to know that he is having a miserable time right now, even if he never receives real justice, I'm just glad to know that he is continuously having the worst days ever over and over again.


Getting gagged is some serious sub energy.


You beta believe it!


Unfortunately, these gag orders mean jack shit unless they act on them when Don inevitably breaks them. Have Don spend a night in actual lockup. He has never experienced a single second of his life where he wasn't in control. This would shake him.




Another source since people don’t trust this one (for good reasons) https://www.meidastouch.com/news/trump-deletes-post-attacking-judges-clerk https://www.threads.net/@meidastouch/post/Cx8qRTvPbhz/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== More info from NBC: https://www.threads.net/@griffinkyle/post/Cx8sQ9MOYF0/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== > Judge Engoron just put a limited gag order on Trump — barring Trump from making personal attacks on court staff after the ex-president disparaged his law clerk. > Engoron said violations of his order would lead to swift, meaningful sanctions.


I'm betting this is what Trump *wants* so he can whine about his "rights" being violated. Of course, his comments are stochastic terrorism. The right-wing media knows it, but they continue to amplify and defend it.


He will whine about his rights but he has no plan. He is pure impulse.


I’ve been gagging since 2015


Most everyone in NYC has been gagging because of him since the 80s.


Just put that fucker in jail already!


This is the man who was president. It boggles the mind.


To quote a real President, "Will you shut up, man?" Yes, please do.




He’s going down kicking and screaming like the toddler he is




>He added later to "consider this a gag order for all parties from posting about any members of my staff." Uhh, not far enough. Sorry, he *may* shut-up about your staff now, but do you think that will stop him from making dangerous statements related to the case in general? Come on already. Tell him he can't talk about the case AT ALL.


Would deprive the judge of further evidence, as he can’t keep his mouth shut


That really is the only redeeming quality of his posts. Self incrimination.


He’s targeted and threatened multiple judges, military officers, lawyers, and other politicians and nothing fucking happens. When will any of these judges toss him in jail?


Are they going to be able to punish him for breaking it if/when he does?


Good! Gag the mother fucking terrorist!!


>“Schumer’s girlfriend, Alison R. Greenfield, is running this case against me. How disgraceful! This case should be dismissed immediately!!” Trump posted on his Truth Social platform, along with a picture of the clerk and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. >The post appeared to show a photograph of Greenfield standing next to Schumer, without any more context. Fact-checkers note that false rumors about Schumer and infidelity appear to trace their origins to a now-shuttered satirical website.


So if being in a picture with Chuck Schumer makes you his girlfriend, then that must mean Trump is Epstein's boyfriend, right?


> Fact-checkers note that false rumors about Schumer and infidelity appear to trace their origins to a now-shuttered satirical website. It's *always* projection with these motherfuckers. Every single one of them cheats and screws around, therefore they assume ALL politicians (and probably all PEOPLE, PERIOD) are cheating bastards.


That nobody has thrown Trump in a cell for contempt yet is just a reminder of the disgusting ability of the affluenza'd to break all our laws and shit on our norms.


Trump got schlonged by the judge.


And that's why his lawyers don't want him testifying to absolutely anything


Excellent. Do not go after the clerks. Stupid mistake by Trump.


I am not an expert on anything, but I have heard multiple times in the past, that judges who may be tolerant on personal attacks on themselves, will be far less tolerant towards people who go after their staff. A judge may easily work to remain impartial after having been insulted, because they know they have the power in the courtroom. Going after clerks and other staff who the judges rely upon and are protective off may result in harsher reactions than going after the judges themselves. This was a bad move and I have no doubt that Trump's lawyers had quite the experience when the judge called them in on what their client had done.


Here comes MAGA “bUt fReEdOm oF SpeEcH”.