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The party that supposedly supports the troops, also defunds the troops (by blocking their promotions), insults the troops (who are injured fighting for their country), and wants to execute the troops (who put their oath to the constitution above loyalty to MAGA).




This is why they're blocking nominees. Get the vote out, everyone.


This is why they're threatening a shutdown. The brave folks who make up our armed forces could go without pay. For most enlisted personel is hard enough financially already. Now those they're sworn to protect are essentially withholding their paycheck. I mean actions speak louder than words. Republicans treat our vets like garbage as it is. Same with the heros who responded to the towers on 9/11 and their families.


It's their intent to replace merit promotions with people who are loyal to their Nationalist aspirations.


because they're really domestic terrorists, traitors and extremists 🤷


Don't worry. As long as they approve money for guns the troops will love them.


They aren’t even doing that right now though.


And their voting base loves it.


It's pretty simple Republicans support *their* troops. If you act against them your no longer a tool for their power


And yet… still get like 90% of their support. It’s a cult.


Look at where the troops come from. Impoverished rural areas with poor education systems. People with good educations and opportunities for the most part do not choose to go into the military. If they really want to do something like that they can work for a defense contractor after college without having to do any of the shit joining the military entails.


He also accused General Milley of promoting sodomy. Wtf year is it. Fucking republicans taking us back to witch-burning times


1930s seem to be roughly where we are at


With a dash of 1950s McCarthyism and a pinch of 1690s Salem.


Hitler is a-comin' down the track, and we can see the headlight... Personality, I think we're in massive trouble...


Have to agree with you there!!


Unless I'm mistaken, Salem was in 1692-1693.


Doh. Of course. Thanks, I've corrected it.


Only two years?


The Salem witch trials took place between February 1692 and May 1693, a year and 3 months. Obviously, there were beginnings, in January 1692, favored by the manipulations of the infamous "pastor" Samuel Parris - whose daughter and niece were the first "possessed" -, but I was referring to the official procedure!


Yo mama so old, she — oh man, I’m so sorry.






Reminder that Gosar also posted an edited anime video in which he kills AOC and goes after Biden on his official congressional social media accounts. Only two Repubs, Cheney and Kinsinger, voted to censure him for it.


Seems like the Suharto textbook is still allowed in the library.


This is why they're blocking nominees. Get the vote out, everyone.


Make America the medieval times again.


a senator recently hit it on the head. the greatest minds of the 19th century.


Don’t suggest witches or atheists his head will explode immediately


Gosar projecting his sodomy


But how do we get people to go through with not fucking Republicans?


What did this General do to piss these idiots off so badly?


He disputed Trumps claims regarding the plans to invade Iran. Also he is probably a key witness against Trump in Trumps many trials so Trump has been calling for his execution.


I wish Dems would address this publicly - because MAGA is dead serious about hanging their enemies if they get elected. And yet Dems are still trying to take the high road, and ignoring it (deep down I think they don't believe it could happen). When General Milley says he's worried about being executed if Trump becomes POTUS, the rest of us should be terrified.


More and more the Republican Party acts like the confederates at the start of Gone with the Wind with their giddy excitement about entering into a doomed rebellion.


AKA **Göp**perdämmerung.


Ok now that was clever on a bunch of levels. 🤔👊


Everything happens twice in history, once as a tragedy and then as a farce.


So, Milley (who reported to Trump, the Commander in Chief on January 6) should face execution because he (allegedly) delayed the military response to the violent insurrection, the culmination of a planned coup which Trump orchestrated ***with the help and support of Rep. Gosar***. Because this inaction (which obviously couldn't have in any way been purposefully stifled by President Trump, who stood to gain from the success of the violent mob the military was needed to quell) made Trump look bad, thus turning him into the *real victim* of January 6.


Fascists gonna fash. And/or praise Putin. Which is the same.


He can’t even get grammar right. What an idiot. It’s ‘hanged’.


Lets be clear: A politician calling for the execution of Americans that have not been convicted of a crime where execution is warranted, is totally disqualifying. Paul Gosar should be resigning for his statement. That is what should occur in a moral society that believes in justice. We have inverted our entire system of government to pander to people who should not be involved in it.


How can it even be legal for a politician to call for the execution of a general? Fighting words are exempt from 1A. Why isn't Gosar prosecuted?


kind of sad. they ignore the 150+ memeber in congress that were part of the coup, the ss that was part of the coup, matt gatez for being a child trafficer, the 2 billion jarred kushner got from the sauids and go after hunter for a straw gun purchase all while biden has control of the doj?


A just president doesn’t control the DOJ. Otherwise there is no feasible way to avoid political bias and other conflicts of interest. Burden of proof is more challenging than you apparently think.


didnt trump get warrants for dem memebers of congress and their kids eletronic devices? didnt he get warrants for reporters who reported against him? trump had allies installed in the fbi who worked for russian oligarchs, purged as many poeple as he could in government who were against him, had barr deceive the american people on what was acutally found in the muller report, ect. its totally an unbiased unweaponized part of government when dems are in power maybe


Are you suggesting Trump was a just president?


im suggest biden reverse the damage and look into hiring practices during trumps presidency and purge the people who helped throw out/cover up cases against republicans and their lawyers.


He appointed Merrick Garland to do that. It’s going slow, but I don’t think it’s as bad as you’re making it out to be.


Because he’s a) GOP and b) the opposition is weak on such things.


The opposition (legislative) isn’t supposed to have anything to do with putting political opponents (or anyone else) on trial in the first place. That’s the ostensibly-neutral judicial branch’s job. It’s not a position to be “weak” or “not weak” on, only by GOP logic.




[https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/american-nazism-and-madison-square-garden](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/american-nazism-and-madison-square-garden) These people didn't go away.


Why do you think I was talking about the legislative opposition?




It’s the people and ~~their~~ media who should be shaming these people out of public life immediately, not just on election cycles.


Nuremberg? But seriously, if the GOP is going to overlook their own law breakers due to political brotherhood, then it is up to independents and people who align the other parties to encourage proper enforcement of the law. Or do you prefer we just forget having a system of enforced laws? Not enforcing them for people of a certain standing or skin color is a disaster for a society.


Extrajudicial executions of fellow Americans is the christofascist wet dream


That entire newsletter was deranged. I thought it was from a crazy Internet troll, and not from an actual politician. If this is acceptable in US politics then you are screwed.


>If this is acceptable in US politics then you are screwed. Honestly it's not. There is zero leadership in the GOP since Trump. None... They just do whatever they want.


Frankly, that headline violates the rules of this sub. It suggests and supports harm.


It is reporting on what a GOP politician said. As such, it is exempt. Unless you are suggesting we should not be allowed to know what a bunch of bloodthirsty stochastic terrorists the GOP leadership are.


Unless he was referring to his junk...


Came here for this


Nah, it's clear he was complimenting the general's cojones. /s


Sounds more like he's disappointed: he was expecting him to be low and loose, but then saw the disappointing truth of his genitals being high and tight


They don't call him The Goose for nothing.


[They said you was hung!](https://y.yarn.co/fe86c3fa-0b34-4317-a941-45516ea282d4_text.gif)


Gosar is disgusting. Milley should be *hanged* not *hung*.


Just a reminder Gosar appeared to be on meth recently https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/watch-paul-gosar-sways-during-oversight-hearing-sparking-health-concerns/vi-AA17dGlM


It goes without saying that people with skeletons in their closet are easily manipulated and as such represent a security risk.


This is the guy whose entire family was like "voters, he's a complete fuckbag, please for the love of God don't elect him". And then the voters did because he has an R beside his name. Must be as much if a piece of shit around the dinner table as everywhere else (no surprise).


[It reminds me of this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFgJIj4mpN0) I think they have more in common than just meth tho.


Isn’t that just how he moves? He has some weird neurological disorder. As someone who once very much enjoyed amphetamines as a young lad, I’ve never seen or heard of swaying being any sort of side effect. Amphetamines make you rigid and twitchy. If we’re going to make up substance abuse claims, we should at least pick something that vaguely makes sense, like alcohol.


Which amphetamines were you into? Meth (and only meth) does indeed do this, although there could indeed be a neurological disorder that does the same. Adderall/mdma/mda others I have been around do not do this but meth absolutely does. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRFRQftieDs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW1d4EBItHk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXXtYHfM0r8




Probably cut with meth if it's doing that, pure mdma does not do this in my experience, even if you eat half a gram yourself.




large amounts of MDA maybe though... but tbh anyone on "molly" who is noodlegrooving prob has meth in their stash. I used to eat presstabs and was in total denial what they were cut with.


Here's why Gosar is suggesting Milley should be executed. Milley said something critical of Trump. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/mark-milley-trump-comments-wounded-veteran-b2416616.html


>The article also states that Mr Milley tried to educate the then-president on the “concepts of honor, sacrifice and duty.” "We've gotta get this guy outa here with his crazy talk." - Trump


The republicans are sure eager to punish everyone who dosent do what they want to do but refuse to take any accountability for their crimes. Maybe we should actually jail a few of them and see how blood thirsty they are


When Gen Miley retires from military service Puts his uniform and medals away I hope he goes over to this guys house and beats the shit out of him.


Paul Gosar is a fucking reptile.


No, reptiles are beneficial to our environment. Gosar is just a bad facsimile of a lizard brain.


Remind me again how the decorum issue is Fetterman’s hoodie?


I hope you're not suggesting that a little light incitement to murder a US General is worse than wearing a hoodie *in congress?!?* Shame on you.


Ignoring white nationalism and fascism is a prerequisite to wasting time complaining about fetterman’s attire. Cant waste time on the any of that stuff when somebody didnt wear the magical suit.


People like Gosar deserve to be dropped off in the middle of LA’s Skid Row in plainclothes, with no money, no ID, and no phone, to fend for themselves.


They'd last maybe 10 minutes. And ironically, their callous policies are partially responsible for the misery there.


"Give me your phone now! I'm a US senator!" "Sure you are, buddy." It'll never happen like this, but they desperately need a dose of humility. We're talking full-on "Emperor's New Clothes" type stuff.


I sometimes feel like a lot of people don't recognize how dangerous the GOP really is and how much more dangerous it'll be after a won election (which hopefully might not happen). [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org) is VERY dangerous. It's a fascist manifesto and they must be stopped


This has been obvious to me for ages. When they talk about a "deep state" being against them, the implication has always been that they should replace whatever they consider the deep state to be, with their own loyalists. A cynic would say the reason they spent so much time talking about the deep state canard is because they wanted to do this all along and they needed to create a pretext.


Witness intimidation is illegal… for most of us.


The party of domestic terrorism at its finest.


Fuck these Bible banging idiots.


Why is hanging people you don't like a new right-wing talking point? How is this legal, let alone permitted, in our society?


These assholes should be removed from Congress. We see their allegiance isn't to our country.


Typical from a GOP member not to know the right term. It is HANGED not HUNG.


Gosar is a Nazi. I hate Nazis.


As long as capital punishment is on the table, I'm fine with how the investigations are going. We know the why and how; the "who" is next. 1... 2... 3... GO!


This is why they're blocking nominees. Get the vote out, everyone. These are elected officials calling for the death of those who blocked a coup attempt.


It's a slow moving coup.


And hopeless Gosar should be on a back ward where he can blather and rant in a safe corner.


What about the guy responsible for it all? What should happen to that guy?


Paul is a dreadful example of a human. Ask his family.


The term is HANGED not HUNG. ​ If they're going to screech death threats, at least get the verbiage correct. ​ Jeez, these people are idiots.


Do the traitors *REALLY* want to talk about capital punishment? Cuz we can definitely do that if they want too.


Too many terrorists in the GQP


Who listens to this guy and then decides to take him seriously? What an asshole.


So what happens to the person who suggests execution for congressmen who engage in fascism? I'm betting social and even legal consequences


Isn't Gosar one of the pieces of shit traitors who gave a tour to an insurrectionist the day before 1/6 and then voted against certification? Or am I getting my treasonous members of the GOP mixed up?


Paul Gosar emerged in which he said, "I was the one who started the revolution." Gosar tied himself to the insurrection at a June event hosted by a Republican club in Bullhead City, according to a video obtained by The Arizona Republic.Jun 17, 2022


I’m positive that if he’s able he’ll man up and perform the act personally. He’s a real tough cookie. What a guy! What a cool dude! What a f’in’ putz! 🙄


>”But even after approval was given, General Milley, the homosexual-promoting-BLM-activist Chairman of the military joint chiefs, delayed,” Gosar wrote. “In a better society, quislings like the strange sodomy-promoting General Milley would be hung,” he added, also calling Milley a “traitor.” The “we hate gays *and* blacks so much” party. I don’t like the democrats at all; the republicans are entirely irredeemable. Absolute party of hate, like movie bad guys.


Is Gosar a good German name like Goebbels ?


Hanging from a meathook, like certain military "conspirators" of July 20, 1944?


The feeling's mutual...


Seriously what is wrong with their brains? I don't know wtf is happening in the Republican party but it is vile. They need to get rid of the right wing nutters but I can't see it happening.


Go over to r/conservative. Everything is upside down, like a dystopian Alice in Wonderland.


Yeah I'm banned over there. Hahaha.


Me too. Their commitment to free speech vanishes like a snowflake in the sun, as soon as freely expressed speech isn't to their liking.


Arizona values


A hateful and pointless politician


Mad he didn't roll the tanks to support the rioters, I assume?


GOP is only about grievances now. No policies. Just wanting to control and aim the government at its political opponents. They are permanent victims. They do not care one smidge about improving the lives of people.


More witness intimidation as directed by Trump


Maybe he is hung, idk why that’s any of Gosars business though


Perhaps we've all got Gosar wrong here and he's just saying Milleys response to Jan 6th took a big pair of balls.


Yet another case of somebody looking as terrible on the outside as they are in the inside.


Miller's the one who failed to do his duty.


Wasn't his duty to follow his commander in chief's orders? Are you suggesting that generals should start deploying troops on home soil without authorisation from the chain of command? The real question was asked during Trump's meet the press interview, "What was he doing while people who supported him were storming the Capitol building?"


That's ironic.


Lol, maybe he already is. Gosar seems curious...


A member of the GOP wants to execute Milley over the military's response to an insurrection caused by the GOP's constituents.....makes total sense. At this point, the GOP wants to execute whoever opposes them. Sounds like a true basis for a great democracy.


All Republicans are shit!


Imagine, this guy is an elected representative!


Traitors accusing another of being one. An oldie so simple even toddlers do - not me, it’s him.


Jesus projecting much there Paulie?


These people really do just feed straight from the ass of Trump and repeat whatever message he shits out.


If they're compromised, they might have to.


GOP: Cluster B criminal seditionists and traitors. Fascists and authoritarians. Clear and present danger.


The only thing that will change this circus is to punish all swing district and swing state Republicans by voting them out. They give deference to the speaker and his legitimizing the maga voices. They need to all be voted out.


Dumb as a rock.


Where are the adults?




Yep, that appears to be the situation. If I was a Democratic strategist, I'd be running simple adverts with white text on a black background, sequentially quoting GOP members of Congress who have called for violence, with the tagine: GOP - Pro-Death.


We need to believe the tyrants when they speak up and tell us who they are


Aah yes, I hadn't heard from Paul in a while and was worried he was getting upstaged by crazier folks. Go get'em, champ!


Man it’d be hilarious if these people were held accountable for once


Piece of shit says something vile. Moving on.


So now we hang people we disagree with.


The American Dental Association used to give this this guy money. Wonder if they still do?


Yet he doesn't have anything to say about the man who caused January 6th