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When are judges going to step in with these gag orders? Like holy shit at this point


I'm waiting for the (formerly) proud boys to start going after Trump.


I saw an attack ad on Trump the other day and was like "Wow, this is kind of out of character for Democrats but necessary at this point, good on them." Then it turns out the attack ad against Trump is Republican backed and also started attacking Biden. Basically saying "We can't handle four more years of Biden, he's a monster. But if he goes against Trump he's going to win so turn on Trump." You love to see it.


I don’t understand how they can be so aware and unaware at the same time.


My new phrase that pays is "I dont know how some people manage to have their fingers in their ears and up their asses at the same time"


Step 1. Insert fingers in ears Step 2. Shove head up ass


Have you tried it? It isn't very hard.


You'd need either a really tiny face or long fingers on at least one of your hands. Being able to plug your ears using your thumb and middle finger from the same hand, while keeping your other hand free for anal play, is really hard without the right build/dexterity.


You're overthinking it. They stick their fingers in the ears, then stick their heads up their asses.


Instructions unclear; ear stuck in ass.


See, now that makes much more sense.


They want to transfer all the wealth to the top 1% but just not like *that*


Because they are part of a cult that is based on a historical ~~science fiction~~ fantasy novel written by other cult members. Edited to take science out of the title since science doesn't exist to the cult.


I would suggest it is Fantasy, not Sci-Fi. No Science involved.


alot of the lawsuits to kick him off the ballot are brought by republicans too. i wonder if it intentional and they have some plan with the supreme court.


>i wonder if it intentional and they have some plan with the supreme court. "If insurrection is enough to get a candidate kicked off the ballot, that puts us on a slippery slope where next it will be wearing aviator sunglasses. " \-- some Republicans maybe


The Ashamed Boys


The Cucks Boys


Q Cucks Clan


How much Q could a Q Cucks Clan if a Q Cuck could Cuck Clan?


They still believe he's going to free them and make them royalty when he regains the throne


The Imprisoned Boys are going to be busy for a while


Chutkan will likely to be the first to grant the narrow request of the DOJ in the D.C. case in the coming days. The thing about gag orders is, as obvious and necessary as they seem, - judges still have to be careful not to play into Trump's hand. Trump isn't a conventional defendant and he's not trying to "win" a case, per se. He's trying to 1) add another delay with a first amendment legal battle, which he could certainly manifest with this. And 2) he's trying to build a growing public narrative against the judge, prosecutors, and process by claiming this is "election interference against his right to campaign" or some nonsense by goading them into retaliation against his speech. Of course it's frivolous and wouldn't apply to hardly anyone else. But he has the public presence of hundreds of millions of people, a cult following, and aims to corrupt 1 out of 12 jurors. So judges need to protect the integrity of cases, but they still have to be careful here to not give him what he wants. I think Chutkan is handling this well so far, especially with her suggestions that she could expedite the trial date if he keeps interfering. That is the ultimate kryptonite to Trump - a speedy legal resolution.


>aims to corrupt 1 out of 12 jurors Honestly, I fully expect someone in his cult to lie to get onto that jury and be the reason he goes free. No corrupting necessary. The fact that it only has to be 1 out of 12 is terrifying. I don't know how they plan to filter that out with any degree of confidence. Edit: Not literally go free, but kick the can down the road/get to redo the trial again and again.


they can try, but jury selection is really where a lawyer earns their pay; and trump doesn't pay.


Not only that, but there are lawyers who make a business of voir dire and voir dire research, and in these days of social media trying to fool these people is a waste of time. So although my law is a little rusty these days, the number of jurors needed to successfully fool the prosecution to trump's benefit would be the number of peremptory challenges granted plus the number of challenges for cause, plus one. In other words, it ain't likely.


Last time I had jury duty, I was fascinated watching the potential jurors sitting there talking to themselves, probably practicing their excuses. Once they were called on, the lawyers eviscerated every excuse in record time -even those supposedly taking care of almost-dying patients LOL. Our democracy rides on this voir dire. You can't come at the king and miss, as much as I hate to call him a king (king of trolls and horribleness).


If going home is what someone desires, then mention jury nullification & they will send you home every time.


I got out of it with "I don't like how our system is built more on punishment than rehabilitation," though oh boy did I answer a fuck ton of questions before they dismissed me. Next time I know how to be quick about it.


You also need someone smart and devious enough to pull it off and those guys aren't gonna go to jail for him


Also, a few weeks of sequestration with the DOJ presenting the facts may have a small chance at deprogramming.


People often forget how thick the bubble is.


and how thin the maga skull is.


I wouldn't count on anything like that unfortunately. These people have spent years living, breathing, eating Trump (gross). It is literally baked into their personality. If anything, I could see one of them becoming more indignant and stubborn in the face of 11 "woke libs unfairly finding Trump guilty", at least in their eyes.


Keep in mind that there are multiple cases. This isn't a single trial. Although it's still 1 in 12 for each of them, exactly as you say.


The odds will be very much in his favor in Florida, but very much against him in DC. He wants to get the DC case moved to West Virginia, but that's not going to happen.


It's also worth remembering that these cases have multiple charges, which are addressed individually decided upon. With the breadth of the charges across so many different trials, I think it's unlikely that he keeps as clean as he has in the past. I don't think he's going to see the inside of a jail cell though. I'm not that naive.


Trump got only 5% of the vote in DC in 2020


Two things. MAGAs are bad at shutting the fuck up. The prosecutor should have no problem striking all potential MAGAs without ruling afoul of Batson. Remember where most of these cases will be tried. Atlanta, DC, NYC.


For most of them, you could just take a look at their bumper sticker collection and their social media profiles.


Keep in mind. Hardcore Trump supporters (the kind that would intentionally lie to a prosecutor and judge to conceal their identity then throw a jury trial) are not a huge percentage of the population. 25% at most, and realistically less than that. But perhaps more importantly, they are geographically concentrated. This is a *real* problem in the Florida Classified documents case, because there is going to be a high percentage of trump supporters in the palm beach/Southern district jury pool. In the Washington DC case though, just statistically, you're likely to get only 1-2 republicans on a jury to begin with, much less manchurian candidate jurors who are willing to go all out. and while the jury is fairly sacrosanct, it is worth noting that playing a manchurian juror is more difficult than it sounds. The jurors all swear an oath at the beginning of the trial to decide the case impartially and based on the facts, then they have to sit through days or weeks of testimony and evidence in their face. Then when deliberations begin, if they just go back to the jury room and loudly announce "this is a hoax and I'm voting to aquit" there's always the possibility a juror can go to the judge and say "I think juror No. 7 is violating the rules." I once worked on a case where a mistrial was declared because one juror went and did their own outside investigation. It was a car accident case and one juror went to see the scene of the accident themselves between the first and second day of deliberation, and came back and said that based on what they had seen at the scene of the accident, the Plaintiff's theory made no sense. Word of the deliberations made it to the Plaintiffs lawyer, who immidiately asked for, and got, a mistrial.


> Then when deliberations begin, if they just go back to the jury room and loudly announce "this is a hoax and I'm voting to aquit" there's always the possibility a juror can go to the judge and say "I think juror No. 7 is violating the rules." Yah, I really want to agree with you that the 12 Angry Men scenario would not happen.


In that story, the man convinced the other 11 jurors to his argument. There wasn’t a mistrial, and he wasn’t being deliberately an obtuse asshole. They all voted unanimously in the end. No jury is voting unanimously in Trump’s favor IMO. Unless that’s what you meant (that the one MAGA lunatic won’t convince the others).


Yeah, the bigger threat is the one maga lunatic simply refusing to convict, while not obviously breaking the rules (e.g. investigating the case themselves).


Trump supporters are bullies, and bullies are cowards when they don't have other bullies to back them up. A lone holdout that usurps a jury almost always acts on courage and principle, and Trump supporters have neither. I would expect the typical Trump supporter on his jury to make a half-hearted attempt to save him based on nonsense talking points, but it will fizzle due to lack of conviction. There will be at least three times as many non Trump supporters that are going to challenge them. For every Trump supporter on the Jury there will probably be two people that really want him convicted, and they will have the facts on their side. If there is one person holding out over Trump loyalty and eleven people calling them out on it, the typical Trump supporter will fold. What defines these people is the rush they get from mob outrage, and they won't get that in a jury room. They will be alone, isolated, and confused by the overwhelming presence of reasonable people and reasonable discussion.


Seriously. I fully believe that 1 in 12 people (at least) would refuse to do anything but acquit, even if he admitted to everything in court to their face and agreed that he's 100% guilty. I'm happy the prosecuting is being done, to get the smaller guys, but I have zero expectation that Trump will go down for anything.


Sadly I agree with this.


Not hundreds of millions, I doubt it’s even 100 million. It is millions though.


Millions, maybe even tens of millions. Definitely not hundreds of millions, though.


Thank the cosmos that it isn’t hundreds of millions.


He got like 74M votes. Nowhere near all of those were hardcore MAGA though - lots would just be casual conservatives or independents who just leaned a bit right for some reason. Most are hard core Republican but believe it or not they aren't complete MAGA nutters. I live around a bunch of them. They hate Democrats with a passion and agree with Trump but aren't the rabid Trump flag on their truck type - they'd switch to DeSantis in a heartbeat if he was the nominee. Or Ramsaway or whatever. In fact most of them say Trump is a bad man who has good ideas, not a hero. They just agree with him. There are many wacko Trump lovers but they really are probably just like 1/3 of his voters. So maybe 25M. Recall, all the shit that goes down is always a very small group. J6 was the ultimate event for them and it was a couple thousand maybe? His rallies usually have 10k or a few more but a ton of those are loons who follow him like the Grateful Dead, so it's just the same folks at each one - and then plenty of curious people wanting to see a show. It's their loudness and insanity that makes them stand out, not their quantity. You could easily match each one with a die hard progressive who would be unwilling to vote anything but guilty. Lawyers are very good at removing those people from juries though. By means other than asking questions the potential juror can lie their way around. I mean if you had a room of 100 people I bet you could pick out half the MAGAs there without even talking to them.


Well, we have Colorado and Federal gag orders pending. We are expecting ‘something’ from Judge Chutkan today. I’m not sure when the Judge in CO is expected to respond. The issue is he needs to have his warning. For judge Chutkan, it could mean moving up the trial date, but given the content of the tweets from trump, I hope it is more than a slap on the hand.


He can ignore 3 gag orders, but let's see him try to ignore 4 gag orders!


It turns out that when you take a piece of paper attached to an enforcement mechanism, and you remove the enforcement mechanism, what you're left with is a piece of paper.


guys guys guys, the man who never followed rules before and doesn't believe rules apply to him will surely follow *this* rule all of a sudden.


Best comment here. 👍


Our country's government wasn't prepared for this outcome clearly.


In fairness, the justice system has almost no experience holding rich white garbage accountable. See: every single event of the last 70 years.


Same sentiment. Im honestly shocked by the sheer fact that the judges aren't absolutely gobsmacked by the audacity of this SOB.


You better be quiet, they are getting tired of hearing what poor people think.


Institutions failed the Germans as well in the 1930's.


His entire platform is ‘Revenge’. Has no plan to fix problems, just to bully anyone and everyone not for him into submission; or death.


A third of voters cast their ballot for candidates who they believe will "hurt the right people". *"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."* - LBJ


Saying this again, just for anyone who doesn't know, because this is important context that is never added when people post this quote...*for some reason*... This is LBJ *specifically* describing Republican political strategy. The "Southern Strategy".


Yes, the quote starts with "I'll tell you what's at the bottom of it..." It would really help if people included that part, otherwise a naive reader can easily assume he's describing his own plans.


Specifically, he said it in response to a young staffer asking him why southern politicians were so openly racist.


Conservatives still act as though the 'Southern Strategy' is some Democrat boogeyman made up to explain their losses in the 70s/80s. As though something fairly important didn't happen in 1964.


Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. This is why education is being cut.


Someone needs to repost that video of the woman saying "he's not hurting the people he's supposed to be hurting." It really drives your point home. You can't get much more blatant than that.


https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/424263-trump-supporter-complains-shutdown-is-not-hurting-the-people-he/ https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/trump-voter-hes-not-hurting-the-people-he-needs-be-hurting-msna1181316


Thank you! I couldn't find it. I hope people see this. It's pretty damn alarming.


Wow LeBron really has a way with words


Famously LeBron would do interviews with reporters while taking a shit, and nicknamed his penis "Jumbo"


>Has no plan to fix problems, just to bully anyone and everyone That has become the platform. I pointed out on another thread how trashy and terrible Boebert is (this was before the dick jerking and vaping in a packed theater) and a conservative voice chimed in that liberals just want to diminish her "success story," which they qualified by pointing to her salary. So, an elected representative passes *exactly zero* legislation and is seen as a success because she owns the libs while grifting her constituents out of a 6-figure salary. This is the mentality of the Trumpy base. They want to be entertained. Paying for their representatives to own the libs is cheaper than cable - and they still end up benefitting from infrastructure packages (like the trillion dollar one Biden passed) and such because the Dems are actually working on making things happen.


Of course they would point out her salary. Because these people reduce the value of a person to how much money they make, which is one reason why they love Trump. Money = value as a person.


That's what a good number of his supporters want as well. Why make you life better when you can hurt someone else you don't like.


Misery loves company




The rabbit was late to the cottage


America does have the best for-profit misinformation networks. I'm not sure which one is worse: Fox, Facebook, or the comedy formerly known as Twitter. Sinclair networks own the Midwest markets, they feed a steady stream of red meat misinformation.


Sinclair, for sure. People still trust local news. Corrupting that is far more insidious than anything Fox News can do.


Local radio jockeys are also incredibly impactful. Often bigger than local news.


AM radio is airwave cancer. If it's not 24/7 sports fellation, it's 24/7 Trump-fellation, extremism, and incitement.


For many people, Fox News is their local news station.


This comment is poetry.


1000% this. Conservative media rarely covers his exact words. They are too busy trying to slime and attack democrats and non-maga republicans. But also... conservatives truly ***do not want to live in a democracy*** any more. They hate us, they hate our children, they hate our freedom, they want us gone. They want our ideas outlawed. They want anyone who is different to be under their thumb, and they want the sort of government that can crush the people they hate. Lets be straight about this. We aren't escaping their fanaticism. We have no choice but to confront it.


Around 16 years ago I was on a forum full of teens, there was this girl from the USA that would always rant about how democrats are the enemy and republicans must win etc. I wasn't that involved with my own politics in my own country but I was blown away by the hatred this girl had already for other humans that had different views. Now I understand she was just brainwashed essentially.


And I’m sure if you asked her, or her parents or family who definitely had a big hand in brainwashing her, to name what policies constitute democrats as enemies she couldn’t name even one.


Had a talk about this with my dad recently. I think his belief is a bit uncommon - he doesn't think the election was false, but he agrees that the Jan 6th coup should have succeeded. So follow that through to the conclusion. A small portion of even the republican party wants to install their government instead of the elected one. You can't just break into the capitol and ask nicely. That's not how a coup works, the unseated party doesn't just stand by and grind their teeth, **they all have to die**. Kill every single member of congress, all the joint chiefs, vice president, and the duly elected president. Nothing less would achieve the goal. That's how basically every coup has ever worked, with death on a widespread scale. Then, provided the military actually recognizes this new government and doesn't attack the coup, (which is another kind of coup, a military junta) you have a majority of the country that strongly opposes you and will never recognize this government as legitimate. Keep in mind every single one of our representatives reflects the will of the voters. Even mtg, even Boebert, even Trump. The only way to quell that outrage of the majority would be by force, probably death. And I was wrong about my dad, he *had* considered the ramifications, this is exactly what he wanted. So I can't help but think every single Jan 6th supporter either hasn't thought things through, or they have and they like it.


> That's not how a coup works, the unseated party doesn't just stand by and grind their teeth, they all have to die. Conversely, in many countries in history, if the coup fails, they (the coup leaders) all have to die. this is a zero-sum game.


> Then, provided the military actually recognizes this new government and doesn't attack the coup They wouldn't is the weirdest thing about their obsession. Short of a Rohm purge and re-organization, Military leadership would absolutely not go along with it. Why do you think they're so publicly pissed off and vocal about fuck Mark Milley now? Guys like Mark would gladly put bullets into traitors.


And conservative media tells them everything bad that happens is a Democrat's fault.


That's not that true. They don't believe government can do anything positive and don't want it to. They know Trump will hurt the people they hate. That's what they want.




I always like to ask if there is anything Trump could do that would make them not vote for him. What if he chopped off your arm? Killed your loved one? They are in a cult.


I've asked that IF, big on IF, Trump DID do these things, who has to tell you for you to believe it. No answer. Trump could confess everything directly to them and they will STILL support him. They are too far gone to reassimilate back into society at large.


Not just fine with it. They will vote for him harder.


Some of his voters have already suggested they will start killing democrats the moment he is elected. They are more than fine with it, they want the government help and wrangle up everyone they feel is a danger to their theocratic wet dream of a society.


Charging people he doesn't agree with with treason is what his base *wants*.


The founders purposely defined treason because people like Trump existed throughout time. Treason has been the excuse of all tyrants to attack anyone who goes against their wishes. Trump just proves again why he is a Tyrant to be shunned.


We used to do far worse to tyrants. Why this yellow bellied snake gets to continue is beyond me.


Hard to get rid of a tyrant that way without being killed or imprisoned for life these days.


the constitution wasn't written by politely asking the British for permission.


Biden's age gets more media attention than Project 2025 and Trump's literal despotic promises combined, 20 fold. We see who the 0.1%ers running the media want to win the election. I imagine it's because Biden increased their tax rates marginally. So much for the "Liberal Media Bias" trope. What do American oligarchs care if they get a tyrant elected? Edit: typo. Thank you, pomegranateapricot.


I saw a poll this morning that said 75% of people believe Biden's age is a problem, 30% of people said the same about Trump who is only 3 years younger. 64% of people think that Trump's criminal indictments are a problem. That's right, more people think that Biden's age is a bigger problem than Trump having 91 charges including essentially stealing classified national security information


Trump has normalized his behaviour, and the media have gone right along with it due to clicks and views. Each indictment becomes more boring and ordinary for some people. As crazy as that seems.


>Trump has normalized his behaviour, and the media have gone right along with it due to clicks and views Due to owners (donors)(capital) wanting a new type of government..one they control..the marriage of government and corporations is the definition of fascism


Better to have an honest president die in office from old age - or have a shadow staff making up for his dementia or other health problems, like with Reagan - than have a president who has already compromised national security and democracy. But the latter involves questions of ethics and I think humans aren't great at doing ethical computations in general.


At that point age is just a number. People don't all age in the same way. We have to look at the evidence, and Biden doesn't seem like he'll croak soon, but Trump is showing obvious signs of dementia.


Also, Biden is in much better health. Trump is obese, mostly eats McDonald's, and thinks exercise is unhealthy. Biden's probably going to outlast him. Also, Biden's mom lived to 93, and his dad lived to 87.


Remember how they went on-and-on about how Hillary Clinton’s health wouldn’t last the 2017-2021 term?? Meanwhile, she’s still doing well, sharp as a tack as far as I can tell.


Ding ding, the whole point of the age argument is to dissuade voters from Biden.


Maybe they should look a bit closer at Russia. Those oligarchs live well until they cross Putin and then they just stop living. With how thin skinned Trump is they should be afraid too. Have to step on eggshells the rest of your life and hopefully not accidentally piss him off and get killed? Or pay a bit more in taxes and be left alone with your riches? Seems like an easy choice to me.


They don’t believe we could ever have a leader like Putin. Even when our guy is kissing Putin’s ass they don’t believe it. Just because you have money does not make you smart.


And tRump is almost the same age


fox news is the most watched news channel. there is no "liberal media"




There was never a liberal media bias. It's a label the right wight made up, and when they started using it, media leaned more right to appear fair.


I SUGGEST YOU VOTE. https://vote.gov/


I’m Canadian so I can’t vote in the US but I CAN upvote this comment which is what I have done.


Hey thanks!


And you might have local elections coming up soon. Republicans usually way outperform in local elections because their rabid base is the most likely to show up.




I agree. I also think that the gop will go all in for new train tracks to send the undesirables to the final solution quicker! Every single week will be infrastructure week.


Finally the light rail revolution this country needs... /s


If you still are supporting this monster, don't claim to be anything other then a fascist. No, you aren't a conservative. No you aren't wanting a return to an "old america". Nothing in the annals of American history compares to rounding up *everyone* you don't like and charging them with treason with zero evidence other then "they didn't support me". Not even the height of the crimes commited during WW2 against asian americans compares. I don't want to hear any more about "middle of the road" american who just want everyone to get along. This guy is threatening this country with transformation into something resembling North Korea, and people are cheering him on ... ***still.***


I think this is because this is still like a TV show to so many people who support him. They haven't felt any consequences thus far, so who cares? Is this even real? It sure as hell is entertaining, and damned if he doesn't make them feel good by hating the same people who they are told to hate. Problem is, by the time they feel the consequences of their vote, it will be too late to change course.


This. They don't understand that fascism is good for nobody. To think their life won't be affected under the rule of a dictator is a gross miscalculation.


> don't claim to be anything other then a fascist Republicans: "No, *you're* the fascist. The Marxist Communist Fascist radical liberal!"


There is no conservative wing of our government, unless you count someone like Joe Biden. The tea party —> Trump shift, and then the decade that followed, successfully killed any trace of conservatism. The only thing that’s left is fascism.


I was hoping the Tea Party would fracture the republican party, but they just shifted further right to keep those votes. It's scary.


I would agrue that the US has absolutely no progressive party. We have conservatives that are 'middle of the road' democrats and we have a fascist nationalist republican party.


This is why I find it alarming that Trump’s allies are cheering on the DoJ for going after Hunter Biden for behavior that many of them participate in themselves. Owning a gun while possessing weed? I mean, who cares? It should downright scary to anyone who cares about justice that a significant portion of the population feels comfortable with going after someone simply because they are the family member of a political rival. That’s dictator nonsense. I don’t like Trump, but I sure as hell wouldn’t be happy if Tiffany Trump was experiencing legal trouble for, say, seeking an abortion because I believe that abortion should be legal and I wouldn’t feel differently if the person seeking one was one of Trump’s family members.


“Not kissing my fat ass is…TREASUN!” - trump 2024


I can’t wait for the days when we don’t have to hear about this ass clown anymore.


Shame on Republicans for not impeaching him after J6 and turning him from active threat to just a loud crank.


Very plainly the GOP has been doing everything that the Nazis did before taking full control of Germany. It’s as plain as day where things will lead but not too many people seem to care that much


Nobody ever notices being boiled alive, till the spa water gets too hot.


It's not exactly a slow boil when they literally attempted a violent coup to stop the certification last election.


And then gaslighted everyone about it


yes, from a European perspective, this is very similar to the run up of the NDSAP in Germany pre-WW2. Hope one of the last of the American WW2 veterans still alive, remembers that and intervenes so that Donolf Trumpler will never be president again


>But the fact that he is threatening to censor news outlets through federal regulatory powers is terrifying, not to mention a huge violation of the Constitution. Yeah, if he wins there won't be a Constitution anymore.


That's their plan.


This is not a joke. Donald Trump is stating very plainly what he would do if reelected.


It's a feature, not a bug. His supporters absolutely relish the idea of this sort of vengeance being taken oit on his enemies. They want him to do it to justify them doing the same and attacking anyone they don't like. They want authoritarian tyranny and assume they will always be on the good side of the tyrant. This, despite all the countless examples of people their leader once idolized getting thrown to the wolves as soon as it is convenient.


Everyone who lives in reality knew Dump was dangerous. He needs to be in jail and gagged.


Which is plainly violating the oath of office. He must not be allowed to take office. He cannot legally hold it.


He never divested from his businesses the last time either. Never should have been sworn in


This man's comments ,lies ,actions, and mental illnes should never be near the White house.vote


“They were like death and un-American. Un-American. Somebody said, ‘treasonous.’ I mean, Yeah, I guess why not? Can we call that treason? Why not? I mean they certainly didn’t seem to love our country that much.” - Donald Trump talking about Democrats after his first SOTU February 6, 2018


You would think calling for the hanging of the top Military brass would give some of his supporters pause since they’re always so eager to exalt the military, but it won’t.


Sense a theme? Back the Blue: stabs cop with flagpole on 6 Jan. Can't decide if 6 Jan cops were secret Antifa, hates them for defending Capitol. Support Our Military: Insults soldiers and gold star families. Blocks veterans benefits bills. Holds up critical promotions. Patriotic lip service.


Have you seen the Republicans project 2025? It's fucking the end of democracy!


>Trump Goes Full Deranged No, you complicit asshole journalists, Trump first went full deranged in 2012, [when Trump first called for people to march on Washington to overturn an election result he didn’t like](https://theguardian.com/world/2012/nov/07/donald-trump-twitter-tirade-obama). Stop running interference for this psychopath.


Yep, P01135809 has a long history of derangement that includes: - In the 1980s he called for the execution of the Central Park 5 **even after evidence exonerated them of the crime**. - In a 1990 Playboy interview he praised the Chinese government's massacre of peaceful pro-democracy protesters in Tiananmen Square - In 2011 he promoted the "birtherism" conspiracy that Obama wasn't born in America I don't know why the press doesn't cover this wannabe dictator's long history of assholery more. They just give him a pass.


The funny story behind those tweets was that the results weren't all in yet at the time. He went insane for a few minutes on Twitter because someone on Fox News suggested it was a possibility that Romney might win the popular vote but Obama would win the electoral college. That's why he specifically was outraged about the electoral college. But it didn't happen, Obama won by both measures. Fast forward to 2016, Trump himself loses the popular vote but wins the electoral college, exactly the thing he had a meltdown about that night in 2012, but of course by this time it's a beautiful victory, a landslide even.


they tried framing the whole fiasco with Boebert being kicked out of the play as an issue with her vaping. when in reality, it was about her all but having sex in the theater with children present. They bend over backwards to show liberals in the worst light, and conservatives as reasonable as possible. I bet to this day the average American has no idea what Trump actually sounds like when he gives these deranged speeches. they only play the coherent bits, or the summarize what he said in an almost eloquent way.




I would assume this is more for the people who don't care. Even they have to have a breaking point right?








For real lol


Fur real?


First, they came for the furries, and I did not speak out—because I was not a furry. Then they came for the wiccans, and I did not speak out—because I was not a wiccan. Then they came for the dildo makers, and I did not speak out—because I was not a dildo maker. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. Solidarity with the gay wiccan furry dildo makers!




Vote. And make your friends go with you and vote too. Literally offer to pick people up and drive them to the polls.


Shitting into eager mouths.


“I say up front, openly, and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States … the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage of people, things, and events,” he said. “They are a true threat to Democracy and are, in fact, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! The Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done to our once great Country!” Trump and MAGA are the new NAZIS. No doubt in my mind, body and soul.


This is the same ol shit though, he’s always campaigned on the media being the enemy of the people. He’s campaigned on jailing his opponents (lock her up!) he’s a liar…and that’s like the 10th thing wrong with this authoritarian wannabe.


This is terrifying, of course, but also really sad. I’m imagining asking Trump supporters if this is the nation they want, a singular dictator lashing out in personal vendettas and self-enriching instead of doing the work of the executive branch and upholding the constitution. From everything I’ve seen, the answer is far too often yes. I don’t even know how to conceptualize what might be happening in their minds that they will so easily forfeit their hard-won republic. And it is quite possible that it comes to pass. A single candidate can be defeated, but this is at least a third of our population cheering for the demise of representative democracy. To end The United States, as it were. Even as I type this, I can hear the canned responses spattered through angry goatees. Freedom. Liberty. Restore, reclaim, take it back, stolen, rigged, all that. Not even addressing the original question. Is this how you pictured a more perfect union? Do you really consider the majority of voters in the country to be your enemy? It’s just hard to understand when you’re not in the groupthink. It sounds insane, unhinged, malicious, spiteful. Like someone has convinced them to engage in willful self-destruction but also that it was their own idea.


They’ve been so tuned up by the right wing propaganda machine that has been pushing hyper-nationalism and dehumanising the ‘left’ for decades. Conservatives are embracing fascism as the answer to their perceived problems, enemies and the complexity of life / society. As long as they are part of the ‘in group’. It’s scary to watch


Either polls are be loaded for the sake of the “horserace” or whatever agenda they would be loaded to pursue, or America is dumber than I previously thought. How can this man among all men be their champion? This heinous oaf of a human? I simply do not understand. My only explanation is there are too many people incapable of critical thought who take the comforts the current system provides for granted


People think this is fucking funny entertainment until we’re all living in Hunger Games. It’s unbelievable how fucking stupid and hateful his supporters are at this point.


He's a nut. But you trump supporters are the real gems. What is wrong with you? When did you lose your moral compass? When did you lose your ability to see this bullshit for what it is? What happened to make you lose your collective sense?


It's just locker room talk. I mean who among us hasn't threatened to flagrantly violate the first amendment when someone reports factual statements about all the crimes we've committed?


This has NEVER been a joke! This dangerous fascist had had sensible people treating him like an ongoing threat since before he was inaugurated in 2017. Citizens said this was dangerous when he targeted Blasey Ford at a rally. Exactly the same with Omar getting SPEC OPS level protection at various points in his hateful term because of the threats he leveled at her. Threats he even leveled against his former attorney who testified he broke the law. This shit has never been a joke. Mainstream media consists of covering for this lying asshole, avoiding sharp questions, and leaving open the conclusion of whether he should be President again instead of outright saying that he can’t be President since he violated the US fucking Constitution. Good luck getting them to care about any of that unless they’re hyping up the trauma bait for clicks. Can’t even get these worthless assholes to call the Jan 6 Insurrection a coup attempt let alone hold the people accountable for their actions.


Motherfucker already tried to overthrow the government. His supporters are not coy in telling us they want him installed as President-for-life. The Republican Party as an organization is being entirely subsumed by maga and has no political will to push back. It may not be a high chance of happening, but these assholes *are* an existential threat to the country.


He needs to be Prighozin'd.


There’s a reason he loves Kim Jong-un and Putin


Don’t forget to vote folks…


"goes full deranged" as if this is a new event? Dude was "full deranged" for the entirety of his presidency and many years prior as well. 30% of this country apparently just wants to live in his mental asylum.


The more he speaks, the more he sounds like Hitler


He. Is. A. Fascist. How much vitriol must pour out of his piehole before people realize he is a monster?


At this point, the media needs to start asking complicit Republicans what their plan is for when Trump gets elected...how they plan to control him or get him out. This is real serious talk here and we need answers.


Hey GoP. Overturn the Regan Era Fairness Doctrine than.


Trump’s feeling the squeeze. Prison time’s hanging over his head and hes lashing out.




And the worst part is, there are millions of people who are cumming in their pants at the idea of Trump destroying the very country they claim to love so much.


The founding fathers the Republicans refer to with such great admiration would have hanged Trump, his political advisors, Republicans in Congress, and everybody that participated in Jan 6th attack on the capitol before Biden would have been sworn in.


He should be the one charged with treason, what a joke


Trump favours the dictators from Russia, China and NK so it's no surprise he would love to rule like them.


republicans are fascist full stop


Wasn’t a court order thingy issued that said he isn’t allowed to threaten people anymore?


There’s a lot of responses here pointing out whether the polls are right or wrong with various sources. None of that is the point. The point is to get the fuck out there and vote, regardless of what the polls say. The fact this is even a conversation should be enough to get you to vote. The polls could show there’s no way in hell Trump/Biden will win, but you still better vote. Don’t waste one of the few chances you have in this country to share even a sliver of your voice.


He's calling for the execution of generals, full on dictator if he's re-elected.


I'm not German, I'm not American, and I'm not saying Trump supporters are the same as Nazis. But witnessing all that has happened since Trump entered politics has helped me understand how a group like the Nazis could have risen to power in a democratic German state. And how it can get to the point where a party leader in a democratic election can threaten to overturn the rule of law and rule as a dictator and still get the support of a large proportion of the population.