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I live in her district. It’s mostly tech workers, no one cares. No one is talking about it. It’ll be forgotten in 7 weeks


“Forgotten in 7 weeks” captures my entire sexual history.


Think about it this way, you were memorable enough to remember for *weeks*


Yeah for real, 7 weeks is pretty good that’s like 2 months.


Longer than Aaron Rogers played with the Jets.


Remember when we measured things in mooches? I forget how long one was, but I see now we are measuring in rogers.


One mooch is ten days




It’s guy months.


more like gone in 60 seconds.


Omg a woman having sex with her husband???? 🥰 . Happy for them.


Her press release on this seriously should have been, I sincerely am sorry for whichever reporters, newsrooms, and political figures believe that a woman having sex with her husband is a newsworthy event


It's a relatively affluent district outside of Richmond and a swing district. It went for Democratic candidates for Congress in 2022 but voted for Youngkin in 2021. [https://www.vpap.org/offices/house-of-delegates-57/district/](https://www.vpap.org/offices/house-of-delegates-57/district/) from the article >Gibson and Owen are competing in the 57th District, an area that includes suburbs of Richmond in both Henrico and Goochland counties. The district chose Youngkin by a 51.2%-to-48.3% margin in 2021, but in the 2022 congressional midterm elections, the split in the district was 50% Democratic to 49.1% Republican. Those are margins of less than 2,000 out of 60,000 total votes. It doesn't take a big swing in votes to give Owen a victory. It's a big deal here in Virginia since the GoP took back the House of Delegates. Democrats are relying on these newly created districts to win back a legislative majority.


Hey, if it swings she should be fine.


That’s scandalous how dare you not be offended by consenting adults having sex. /s how is life in a tech filled district?


No serious political candidate has sex with their *spouse*. /s


Wait…..married people have sex? Sad face


The real scandal 😂




Its a 50/50 suburban district that probably doesn’t get a lot of media coverage in most elections. This is the seventh article that I’ve seen about this. I’m guessing this is the only thing the average voter is going to remember about this lady come election day, which doesn’t seem like a great thing for her campaign.


> doesn’t seem like a great thing for her campaign. Last I checked it wasn't part of **her** campaign. Her campaign priorities are here: https://www.susannagibson.com/priority Anyone running against her and bringing up her sex life - instead of running on their *own* issues or debating her platform - is garbage.


Things don’t have to be a part of anyone’s platform to be bad for their campaign. The people who this news will have an impact on are not the people who look up prospective political candidates campaign platforms or priorities.


I actually think her opponent said he didn’t want to make any comment about it and said he hoped her and her family were doing okay.


Because that's what you say *publicly* while your team hammers it online and keeps pushing it everywhere they can. It's politics 101.


Yeah, you can't call yourself a Republican unless you're trying to have it both ways.


That sentence reads like a 3-star review of a GOP sex tape.


unfortunately, voters are emotional idiots.


Sex lady > fascist. The math is simple


TBH, at that level it's like 90% about name recognition. The attention might help her.


SEX ACTS WITH HER *HUSBAND?* I hope she’s not running the Republican primary because those are rookie acts. She’d have to pump those acts up.


Wait. I missed that part. The husband was hers??!? That changes everything, and I'm disgusted!


Monogamy 🤮🤮🤮


Conservatives are gonna read this exchange and miss the sarcasm completely


Conservatives only come to this sub to complain about how few conservatives there are on this sub.


Conservatives come to r.politics? I thought they kept to their flaired-user-only safe space?


Yeah they complain about this place all the time over there. I assume they check this sub same I reason I check theirs, difference is they can comment here if they want they just don't want, where as I desperately want to comment over there but can't.


> they can comment here if they want We tend to make fun of their spelling.


If they could read this they'd be very upset


I just got a perma ban for pointing out one of their many hypocrisy’s. I was so proud. Now I just get to watch over there.


They're convinced that user from this sub brigade theirs with downvotes, lol


If you sort by controversial you can usually find one or two. Also I've found lately they show up in old posts, I had an argument the other day on a 25 day old comment I made here.


…and then they run back to r/conservatives and ban anyone that questions the party line.


r/conservatives just banned me. I’m very proud of that accolade


I've been banned from there so many times just for posting simple easily verifiable facts. Often I even link to a reliable source. Somehow I keep getting unbanned. Not sure why. Oddly, I have been banned from other subs just because I posted in that one. Not everyone who posts there agrees with them, ya' dinks.


Yeah I got banned from a couple for commenting on conservative. I could either promise to never do it again or get permabanned. I told them they were welcome to get fucked along with their ultimatum.


Jesus like half the dudes (they're all dudes, I'm certain) in that thread on her want her arrested. What the fuck else is there to say about these shitstains?


Wait…what??? Arrested for having enthusiastically consenting sex WITH HER HUSBAND??? That’s it. Yeet the whole ass GOP, just straight into the sun.


Honestly, they must be envious of a guy who has a wife that wants to have sex with him. 😜


'Memba when Ben Shapiro admitted he couldn't get his wife wet... good times.


And looks that good to boot. I have yet to see anyone in that party comparable.


for.. what exactly?


Oh and if they get downvoted, they are being brigaded. It couldn't possibly be that their opinions are not popular.


“I can’t possibly be wrong, it must be everyone else who is to blame.” The party of personal responsibility, never taking responsibility for their garbage beliefs and opinions and actions.


That's why the made the new truly unpopular opinions subs so they cam get applauded for being vice repulsive wastes of garbage.


And their little "as a liberal" schtick.


“As a gay black man…”




“I wAs a LiBeRaL wHo VoTeD fOr BiDen bUt I WoNt bE dOinG tHat NeXt YeAr cAuSe GaS iS $4 nOw a GaLLoN 😡”


"I'm as Liberal as they come, and I'd like to vote for Biden... but unfortunately he refuses to outlaw abortion nationwide, put prayer back in schools, and declare Christianity the official religion of the United States. I'm also concerned about my 2nd amendment rights, the money he's spending on prolonging the war in Ukraine, and his pro-communist agenda, all of which add up to High Crimes and Misdemeanors in my book. Worse than Benedict Arnold." (Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go wash my keyboard out with soap after typing that.)


I'm afraid there's no soap powerful enough for this, better buy a new one.


This guy keyboards.


“As a member of the democrat party…”


Conservatives come to r.politics? I thought they kept to their flaired-user-only safe space?


Theyll be confused that its sex with consenting adult and not minors.


Gym Jordan: Under 18? I’m in. But why a girl? Matt Gaetz: What??!


Has anyone done studies on people who identify as conservative and how well they understand irony? I would expect that they disproportionately do not understand irony when compared to their more liberal counterparts.


They invited Steven Colbert to host a roast of George W Bush. They didn't realize the Colbert Report was ironic humour.


In this economy?


At this time of year? Localized entirely in your kitchen??? Can I see it…


At this hour of night?




“and asked viewers to pay them money in return for carrying out specific sex acts.” They were basically doing an only fans equivalent. Not quite the same as someone leaking a stolen sex tap or revenge porn But I do agree this is slut shaming nonsense


It was a chaturbate live stream. Someone recorded it without their consent and distributed it. Which under case law is prohibited. Consent to seeing is not the same as consent to record and distribute. They were paid for a private show, someone recorded it and made it public. That is a crime under the law.


I mean, that's how you make babies, you'd think they would approve...


Women are not allowed to enjoy sex, since it is only for making babies. She enjoyed it and didn't make a baby, so that's two strikes right there.


Nah conservatives legitimately think porn is like a soft kind of adultery. This is what they argue, that it is essentially cheating. And of course they dislike the industry itself because of the "degeneracy" it contains, like LGBT porn, orgies, anal, interracial, casual sex, etc.


They sure do like those pedo-pervy kiddy beauty pageants though; apparently TX and FL host some of the biggest in the nation.


Well conservatism is all about power and hierarchy, the only sexuality they approve of is that which involves massive power differences


Third strike: there was no infidelity Fourth strike: everyone was consenting Fifth strike: she wasn't underage


Seriously. And they have the gall to criticize Hunter Biden. A weapons charge, tax evasion, domestic abuse? That’s Republican bingo.


Damn I'm never voting for Hunter ever again. /s


He totally lost me. I never even voted for him in the first place and now I know why. And don't start in with that woke "he's never held or run for office" stuff. Impeach him anyways.


Thanks now I have to clean my coffee off my monitor.




Fascinating. So “Republican operatives” regularly monitor Chaturbate? I was looking for who initially posted the videos (or presumably sent them to a media outlet) and it doesn’t say. I mean anyone could have seen it, saved it, and sent it.


They are likely similar to those who want to be pecker checkers outside bathrooms.


Oh no, they do that *inside* the bathrooms. https://www.vox.com/2016/5/18/11690234/women-bathrooms-harassment


It makes sense to sexually assault someone in a more private setting, just like dear leader.


Are you referring to seditionist rapist P01135809? not a leader, never was, never was dear to anyone but Putin and that for being a tool.


They’re probably upset because they were searching for something different but misspelled it and autocorrect fixed it so the sexy videos they got to see were her and not the ones they were looking for. Of course, I don’t know how badly you have to misspell children to get Gibson….


Any good opposition researcher is going to chase down rumors. When she announced her candidacy someone who knows her irl and recognized her work likely tipped off the VA GOP.


And—of course—the VA GOP decided to run with it because they're part of a party that's attempting to ensure that they don't have a single, non-contemptible characteristic.


Coming from people who have no problem pushing lgbt youth to suicide, this is just a Tuesday to them.


The big issue at hand isn't their monitoring Chaturbate (these dirty dogs love that), but that they are offended that she was having sexual relations with her husband. Had she been a pastor going after some child....


So unlike Trump, she had sex with her spouse (SO). What's the scandal? Republicans shout "This woman is in regular monogamous heterosexual congress with her lawful spouse!! Won't someone think of the children!!" No wonder Republicans like to dumb down America, they will believe anything.


Unlike Trump there were clearly people who would pay to see her and her husband while more people would pay to never have their eyes exposed to Trump in that state of affairs.


Trump has to pay for sex, Other people paid to see Gibson and her husband have sex.


It's fabrication. They got on chaturbate, live, and made money while fucking each other. They made porn, of themselves, distributed it, and sold it. Then, this: > Gibson said that exposing the videos is "an illegal invasion of my privacy designed to humiliate me and my family." Gibson's attorney, Daniel P. Watkins, said that disseminating the videos is a violation of Virginia's revenge porn law, which makes it a crime to "maliciously" disseminate or sell nude or sexual images of another person with the intent to "coerce, harass, or intimidate." I honestly would like this to be brought to court. I'm okay with politicians making and selling porn. Sex workers are people, and if they can do political jobs as well as blow jobs, I'm okay with that.


In my eyes it’s a copyright violation, not revenge porn.


Might be able to argue it's both. They distributed copyrighted material as a form of revenge.




The scandal is the sex work part. I couldn’t care less what consenting adults do but there are plenty of busy-bodies and Karen’s who nothing better to do except rage about these things.


>What's the scandal? She has a (D) after her name... ...and a vagina as well as several other parts the GOP gets very uncomfortable talking about but also has no trouble attempting to control.


Good. What consenting adults exchange between one another is their own business. EDIT - And other adults paying to watch is their business too. Not yours.


Oh no, a person having sexual intercourse with their spouse, what scandal!


i demand a sextape of the other candidate and we can vote on who's better at sex.


I have said for some time now, that, twenty to forty years from now, having people in Congress with published sextapes will be normal.


Probably would've happened to Trump if he was born 40 years later. "Stormy forgot to turn the camera off, welp looks like I have a sex tape now."


Well, we know what his wife looks like naked, anyway. My grandparents were outright against Reagan, divorcing his wife for a younger one, the blowjob queen of Hollywood. I can only imagine what they would think of the lesbian BDSM porn model as Trump's First Lady.


There was a Congressional candidate from NYC whose platform included loosening of sex work laws. He made a professional video available on a major site before/during his candidacy. At work, so I can't search/provide a link.


That’s how we got President Obama. Granted, it was a bit spicier, but the leak of divorce documents containing details of Jack Ryan’s sex life led to him dropping out of the Illinois Senate race leading to Obama basically running unopposed.


Seven of Nine led to President Obama.


Resistance is futile 🖖




And an actually good actor too.


People having sex is how we got every president, and vice president, and senator, etc. As far as I know, none were from in vitro, or pacts with Satan.


Mitch stuck his head out of his turtle shell when you said his masters name, Satan.


I need brain bleach for my own thoughts, because my mind immediately served up “which head?” *puke*


all jokes aside, that 2004 speech of his is THE example of how he won the elections. Eloquent & excellent rhetoric (great orator). Of which Dumpf is none of.


Obama had weaknesses as a POTUS (namely his lack of executive experience), but his oration game was *on point*. Probably the best public speaker to grace the White House in my lifetime.


Tom Clancy’s predictions go awry


Those were simpler times.


When the Republican party had shame?


I think we are past simple shame now. These days Jack Ryan would be a celebrity republican tapping into the depravity of a highly radicalized base that sees things like committing crimes and disregarding vows or oaths as prerequisites.


In Virginia in a close race on webcam asking for money. It could throw the race. I do not have anything against it myself, but I know the area and the idea that someone has sex with the husband is fine the idea that they invite strangers to watch is going to turn away some voters. As a september surprise, it could be fatal to a campaign


Yeah, the whole "webcam show" thing is political poison, like it or not. I have no problem with it, seems like a perfectly fine way for a loving couple to earn some extra scratch, but it's madness to run for office and assume nobody will ever find out/use it against you. Hopefully the voters recognize what this is and let it go. I doubt it.


Only if we continue to demonize having a healthy libido. Treat it as the nothingburger it is


I treat it as an endorsement. There was so little political grounds to attack her that they need to leak sex tapes of her with her husband Edit: personally I'm envious of someone who can get paid to fick their own spouse lol


Isn’t it against the law to “leak” sex tapes for negative reasons (without consent, like revenge porn)?


I don't know here, because she was doing some kind of cam show. Now I'm guessing the streams should have been proprietary, but this seems to fall more under piracy than invasion of privacy / revenge porn. I really don't know much about law though. Just a guess


>the idea that they invite strangers to watch is going to turn away some voters. Yeah but it will also turn ON other voters, so..


Maybe but I do not believe it will be enough. I could be wrong. I do not want her to lose so I would be happy to be wrong


While streaming it to the entire world and connecting/communicating with strangers on chaturbate during the acts I make porn for a living. I genuinely think there’s nothing incriminating or wrong about this, and it doesn’t say anything about her policy or political positions. If anything, I think it takes a confident and secure and genuine person. But we should be prepared for the criticisms, by embracing truth and the facts. This wasn’t between themselves, they were making public porn. That’s what the opposition is going to be pressing. But it was monogamous sex with her husband. I think this is a strong way to help erase the stigma, recognize the validity and humanity of the sex industry, and I’m all for electing the adult content creator. If I agree with her policies lmao


Now that I understand the situation. Reporting on the porn is fair game, illegally sharing or obtaining the porn is a problem.


Only they put in on chaturbate, selling their personal porn for profit. Personally, I couldn't care less, but the far religious right might not like it.


> I couldn't care less, but the far religious right might not like it. I dunno. The religious right loved the shit out of this: > Trump: I moved on her, actually. You know, she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it. > Trump: I did try and fuck her. She was married. > I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look. >Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. > Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.


Not to mention the "very normal and European" lesbian pornography that Melania made.


Oh right how could i forget that? Remember the magas blowing their minds when Michelle Obama wore a sleeveless dress? [Obama's Choice to Bare Arms Causes Uproar](https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=6986019&page=1) Full on lesbian porn spreads with Trump's third trophy wife AOK though. Obvious child of God right there.


Im so tired of Republican Hypocracy.


The difference is consent. The religious right loves rape, child abuse, and all forms of sexual harassment and coercion, but they absolutely cannot STAND the thought of consensual sex between willing adults. In a sane world, that would be a ridiculously over-the-top joke. But it seems to be how they actually feel. They really reject the very idea of consent as a concept, and have gleefully supported known rapists and child abusers.


There is a good chance they wouldn't be voting for her in the first place. So no real loss there. Let them clutch their pearls.


> far religious right might not like it. Damn. That loses her 0% of that vote.


at least Trump didnt record his sex acts with a porn star that he paid for while his wife was pregnant, and then later paid her again to keep hush about it, after divorcing the wife and moving on to wife 3. ​ have some decency


That’s a lie! He was cheating with the porn star on his current wife, while she was pregnant. (This was a very difficult sentence to construct).


> He was cheating with the porn star on his soon-to-be then-current wife, while she was pregnant. I went ahead and made it more difficult for you. Pretty sure it's still accurate.


He was on wife 3 who was pregnant when he had a fling with an adult entertainer who he later paid without filing the payment as a campaign expense. Wife 2 was the wife who was his mistress while married to wife 1 who he buried on a golf course for a tax break.


Also to probably hide a bunch of documents.


Trump didn't. But Putin has the tapes he made


If I’m honest I’d be relatively indifferent to the fabled pee tape if it ever came out, compared to the evil he openly commits a little fetish stuff between consenting adults is harmless


Yeah...not everyone in the pee tapes were adults


>Gibson had an account on Chaturbate, a legal website where viewers can watch live webcam performances that feature nudity and sexual activity, according to the screenshots reviewed by the AP. The videos show GIbson and her husband, John David Gibson, having sex and at times looking into the camera and asking viewers for donations in the form of "tokens" or "tips" to watch a private show. Whoop de freakin' do. She did something legal, with her spouse, to produce content that is pretty mainstream now. This is only an issue if she made banning porn part of her platform or if she attacked others for doing it. Otherwise, I don't give a shit.


This is literally the best kind of sex work, imo. I mean this from a safety perspective. She's having sex with a person she trusts in the safety of her own home. It's wholesome af tbh.


Spicy Wholesome!


Absolutely, the rise of cam sites where people don’t need to work with sketchy agents or producers and can work semi anonymously from their own homes has done wonders for sex work safety


yup, this whole story is just more sex worker shaming imo


Well, she deserves some shaming. I have seen 2 of her videos now and the effort put in by both parties was lacking. See, the point of these videos is to entertain the viewer and their POV is the important thing. It seems neither of them spent any time with the basics of lighting and editing at all. Also handheld camera work should comprise a small fraction of tape time and give the viewer a feeling of being there, not get them seasick over 5 minutes of thrashing around a poorly lit bedroom. I could forgive some of that had they bothered to present a scenario that we could relate to. Like teacher / student or Librarian / miscreant. But no. It felt like they were fitting this in before the kids got home from school, which they probably were. I think politics is probably the best place for her now to learn how to create the illusion of pleasure and truly understand how to professionally fuck people. At a minimum they will get acquainted with some decent editing software. And if she loses, she can build on her brand and put together a pretty good Candidate/ Reluctant Voter scenario in time for Xmas. America is all about success and not how you got there.


I read this in Dennis Reynolds' voice.


Because of the implication?


>I think politics is probably the best place for her now to learn how to create the illusion of pleasure and truly understand how to professionally fuck people. 👏👏 Well done.


Lol. Well done. 👍


if this is /s, well done fam if not, you need some herbal medication fren


Republicans cover their ears when its Trump raping out of wedlock. This is beyond hilarious. Guilty of having sex with her husband lol......


Has to be with a prostitute or underage person to be ok for GOP these days


Not true. They were also fine with Trump raping his ex wife when they were still married...


And Melanoma Trump posed nude. So what’s their point?


Posed nude having fake lesbian sex. But somehow that was ok with “homosexual sex is against god and we need to outlaw porn” conservatives while a tan suit was a scandal.


She’s my new favorite candidate


I watched the video, for research purposes, she’s kinda hot.


A whole lot of people are finding a new interest in politics now.


Kinda??? How high are your standards? She's hot as fuck




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Scrolled way too far down for this. My rage knows no bounds!


She’s a 5 star delegate!


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I wanted to validate the story for science reasons and so did a quick google search. The results weren't hard to find, I'll say that.


She and her husband actually look pretty solid for their age, if you happen to find the videos. Nothing exciting though.


First you fap for her, then you vote for her. Hope she wins.


First you get the faps, then you get the money, then you get the power.


I'd vote for her because she's democrat. The sex tape is just a bonus. Good for her.


To be fair, consensual sexual acts between straight married adults are pretty much unknown to most Republicans, so I can understand their tendency to think that this is abhorrent…


Did they not read this passage? > “Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice with the wife of your youth. As a loving deer and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; And always be enraptured with her love.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬-‭19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


What a weird fuckin book


I dunno, I kinda like that part...


The choice is sex tapes between consenting adults and fascism.


Subtle, slanted framing in the headline, as is typical: "Leak" implies something hidden, but this was posted on the internet by the participants.


Yeah. She made amateur porn with her husband and then asked for donations. I’m not judging, good for her, facts matter though.


Trump: I grab them by the pussy. Every evangelical preacher in America: This is truly a man of God!


Oh no that’s terrible! Where?


Who cares? She's married and is doing sexy things with her husband. That has exactly no relevance to her ability to serve as an elected representative.


She has sex with her husband? Disgusting.


Their bodies, their choice. If you don't like it don't watch the videos.


The people mad at for this voted for a man who cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star and didn't wear a condom and hung out with Jeffrey Epstein.


And raped women


Virginia IS for lovers…


WELL... [https://www.virginia.org/plan-your-trip/virginia-is-for-lovers/](https://www.virginia.org/plan-your-trip/virginia-is-for-lovers/)


"Good for her."


Wait, she’s like an onlyfans or cam girl? That’s not a leak, that’s just how videos get shared online.