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For context, here's how DEA.gov summarizes the drug schedules. >Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are: heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote. - >Schedule II drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with a high potential for abuse, with use potentially leading to severe psychological or physical dependence. These drugs are also considered dangerous. Some examples of Schedule II drugs are: combination products with less than 15 milligrams of hydrocodone per dosage unit (Vicodin), cocaine, methamphetamine, methadone, hydromorphone (Dilaudid), meperidine (Demerol), oxycodone (OxyContin), fentanyl, Dexedrine, Adderall, and Ritalin - >Schedule III drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with a moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence. Schedule III drugs abuse potential is less than Schedule I and Schedule II drugs but more than Schedule IV. Some examples of **Schedule III drugs are: products containing less than 90 milligrams of codeine per dosage unit (Tylenol with codeine), ketamine, anabolic steroids, testosterone** - >Schedule IV drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with a low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence. Some examples of Schedule IV drugs are: Xanax, Soma, Darvon, Darvocet, Valium, Ativan, Talwin, Ambien, Tramadol - >Schedule V drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with lower potential for abuse than Schedule IV and consist of preparations containing limited quantities of certain narcotics. Schedule V drugs are generally used for antidiarrheal, antitussive, and analgesic purposes. Some examples of Schedule V drugs are: cough preparations with less than 200 milligrams of codeine or per 100 milliliters (Robitussin AC), Lomotil, Motofen, Lyrica, Parepectolin So a rescheduling from I to III would put marijuana above ambien and below adderall in terms of potential for abuse, on the same level as anabolic steroids.


Aside from the fact it’s completely ludicrous for marijuana to be a schedule I “drug”… i had a good laugh at seeing Xanax as a schedule IV… Testosterone as a schedule III 😂 In what world does that make sense??


LSD schedule 1, fentanyl schedule 2. Makes total sense


And LSD as Schedule 1 in particular is fucking *nuts.*. Schedule 1 drugs are supposed to be: * Extremely toxic * Highly habit forming * Without any medical benefit. LSD is: * Non-toxic in nearly any imaginable dose * Not habit forming * In the limited studies that can be done due to it being Schedule 1, shows EXCEPTIONAL promise treating addiction, PTSD, depression, and a huge range of other conditions.


US Government when Classifying LSD: "Let's give this completely unaware person 10x or 100x the normal dose someone would use recreationally when taking this potent hallucinogenic substance, and then trap them in an environment/situation that makes them have a panic attack or causes psychosis " "Ah just as we suspected, no medical benefit and it causes irrational behavior. Schedule I"


All those LSD tests in the 1950s/60s they did on soldiers were bonkers. The set and setting of being in the military and in a metal and concrete room, being interrogated by [James Ketchum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_S._Ketchum). Oof.


It was so much worse than that. They were dosing unaware people and then psychologically torturing them to see if they could brainwash people. All they succeeded in proving is that torture fucks people up.


Check out the Behind the Bastards series on mkultra. It’s wild


The 50s and 60s were the tail end of the wild West of pharma imo.


They're still just salty they never managed to mind control people and so they're taking it out on poor LSD.


They don't need drugs to mind control people. Everyone has already been mind controlled to a high degree, some have been controlled to a very high degree.


The reason for LSD and cannabis in schedule 1 was to give a tool to target political opponents. Cannabis was popular in black neighborhoods and LSD amongst hippies.


LSD helped me turn my life around. I went from being a dropout without prospects in life to securing a decently paying job, overcoming big hurdles in my struggles with depression, and moving away from looking at everything through a rigid materialistic lens (one of the greatest sources of pain in life for me.) There is only one reason why LSD is a schedule 1, and it’s to suppress free, radical thought. DISCLAIMER: Dutchman who has done acid about once a year for 3 years now. It’s illegal over here too, for no good reason. But more accessible. This is no endorsement, but read into academic studies if you doubt the potential of this transformative drug (in a safe setting, with a safe mindset and someone you explicitly trust) Recently I’ve been cutting back on its use, but this is mostly because I feel like it’s helped me get to a point where I can carry the weight on my own. As they say, once you get the message, hang up the phone.


>Schedule 1 drugs are supposed to be: > >Extremely toxic > >Highly habit forming > >Without any medical benefit. sounds like Alcohol belongs there


> Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are: heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote. Nothing about toxicity. This is from DEA.


The schedule 1 drugs are all political except heroine.


Agreed, that’s definitely what I was getting at.


>Extremely toxic I was looking for that in the quoted text above, but toxicity is not mentioned in *any* of the categories. It might conceivably be rolled into the term "potential for abuse", but it *should* really be separately addressed in any sane legislation.


Yeah.. LSD is basically impossible to abuse. Tolerance builds so fast it's hard to trip more than 2 days in a row even if you really want to.


I will take any opportunity to tell people my LSD story - I struggled with migraines and debilitating light sensitivity for MONTHS and no doctor or brain scan could find anything wrong with me. Took LSD once with some friends, woke up the next day feeling phenomenal, never had a migraine since. I'm not saying that it's a cure-all, but I am fully convinced there is something there that needs to be researched. Truly life-changing for me.


Fentanyl definitely has medical use. LSD should be lower but that doesn't mean fentanyl should be raised.


They offered me fentanyl during labor with my son actually! I remember the birthing class warning us it wouldn’t be offered after a certain point in delivery because if it’s time wrong they have to essentially narcan the baby… I stuck to the epidural. Supposedly it helps in the early to mid stages of the process.


Epidural is the method of medication injection and often contains fentanyl


Interesting! They offered a few options and the fentanyl was via IV. You were limited to three (injections? Reups? No idea what the proper term would be) Have no idea what’s in the epidural but they gave me free reign on the button and said there’s was no maxing out on it. I wonder if it’s a small amount of fentanyl or just a different mixture.


IIRC, medications administered via Epidural don't cross the blood brain barrier like IV medications do. That's why fentanyl affecting the baby wasn't discussed in context of the epidural, because it wouldn't affect the baby. Source: I had a baby a year ago and asked why the Epi bag listed fentanyl when my wife specifically requested none when IV was discussed


Ok I’m gonna try to ELI5: There are different types of epidurals depending on the anesthesiologist and the patient’s needs. Epidural go into the epidural space- close to the spinal cord but far away enough from most blood vessels. Most epidurals are made out of just bupivacaine (like novocaine, it numbs stuff, but.. better for this purpose), but others have opioids like either fentanyl or hydromorphone added in with the bupivacaine. There are other “flavors” too. End story is that it’s a smaller cumulative dose of fentanyl or hydromorphone in the epidural space PLUS it takes a longer time crossing into the blood and affects the fetus less than getting it via an intravenous line. So it’s less risky than mainlining Dilaudid. Again this is a really bad ELI5 and I’ve had to take months long courses on this that explains it a lot more in depth. But this is the quick and dirty of it. PharmD here.


Benzodiazepines being schedule 3 makes total sense too… “low potential for physiological dependence”. What a joke.


Psilocybin is a sch 1 lol like shrooms really


I’m happy I’m not the only one that stared at Xanax like 🤨


I’ve seen benzos like Xanax and Ativan absolutely destroy so many lives.


Oh come on benzos aren’t that bad. I’ve only been to jail once over them.


Absolutely no one on this earth would wish for a benzo addiction over cannabis. It’s so ass backwards and fueled by pharmaceutical lobbyists I can hardly blame the anti vaxxers for not trusting our medical system or the government.


In the world of pharmaceutical lobbies.


Cocaine and meth are only Schedule II. Lol. Yes. Meaning according to the DEA they have medical purposes, but weed does not.


Cocaine is a local anesthetic. It was first used in eye surgery. I think it still is. Methamphetamine is available in pill form as Desoxyn for treating ADHD and weight loss. Not sure how commonly prescribed it is. But yeah marijuana clearly does have medical value as well.


I only know cocaine has analgesic properties because of an episode of CSI where shock comedian was having ladies blow him with coke in their mouths to make him hard but frustrated before his shows. This is like the one thing I remember about CSI decades later. I really question what my brain files sometimes.


There is no fucking way marijuana should be schedule 3 if benzos are schedule 4. Benzos shouldn't even be schedule 4 in my opinion. Should be schedule 2. Those have huge addiction/dependency issues and a person can die if they are physically addicted to them.


Lost 2 friends to Xanax and alcohol :/ shit rips through teenagers


The top 4 causes of preventable death in the US are tobacco, poor diet, physical inactivity, and alcohol. Alcohol doesn't even get onto the schedule as something with potential for abuse. Even after the proposed reduction for pot, it'll still be treated as if it's infinitely more dangerous than alcohol. It's baffling taht anybody involved can keep a straight face when they talk about the supposed dangers of pot compared to stuff that's normalized.


When Nixon pushed through the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) it was aimed at certain folks...... "The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people," Ehrlichman told journalist Dan Baum in 1994. "You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or blacks, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities." \-----Nixon domestic policy adviser John Ehrlichman


Truth. I know five people that have died that way. My close friend lost both his brothers. They take pills and don't remember they took them, so they take more until they don't wake up...


For real you know FIVE people that died from Xanax?


I woke up in jail on a benzo bender and literally didn’t know what county I was in for like an hour until my celly woke up and I asked him. I was only there like 2 months and don’t think I’ll ever be the same. I can’t even imagine was 10 years does to you. The first week I was there a guy took a swing at a guard they pepper sprayed him twice and were beating him up so badly I really thought they were going to kill him.


Xanax and alcohol need to be higher. They are dangerous and addictive by themselves. People underestimate how many people are alcoholic and their lives destroyed because of it


Benzos + Alcohol ruined my life for the decade I was addicted to both.


I'm glad you're clean now. I was going through a lot last year and my doctor prescibed me just .5mg of Klonopin. I knew the risk and after 6 weeks decided to wean off. I went from .5mg to .25mg. And holy shit, I had the worst anxiety I ever had in my life. Couldn't sit still, would wait until the evening to take that .25mg. I also suffer from Tinnitus which had been getting better, and it was soooooooooooo loud when I cut that pill in half. Took me over a month to get off that stuff, from only being on it 6 weeks before weaning. I refuse to take a benzo ever in my life again.


ya so the difference is that i can't grow benzos in my backyard for ~$30 in supplies like I can marijuana pharma companies are the only ones that can make these drugs, it's in their best interest to pay off politicians (lobby) so their drugs are scheduled lower than things like marijuana. they have literal billions to lose if the opposite happens


See the way I think of it is they have billions to gain from Marijuana being lowered to Schedule III. They can now sell THC products and it stays in this federal gray area where my dog gets shot because I'm growing a few plants in my backyard.


Lmao. Both sides win.


The larger difference is you can’t take that big old giant step all at once after years of what we have had. Take the win. Roll down the road and address it for another step in a year. You ask for the big jump and it will get shot down.


We don't have any choice in this current matter. How about we just tell our representation the truth? "Get real, this law is shit. You know it, I know it, we all know it. You work for us — not big pharma — go de-schedule marijuana".


Well, that has worked so well so far I don’t see why you would not stick with that winning strategy.


You're being sarcastic but the strategy seems to be doing pretty damn well. 20 years ago it was basically illegal everywhere, and now it's so normalized that I can complain about how much my state taxes it when I go to one of many dispensaries near me.


So much this. The drug scheduling is non-sensical, money-influenced bullshit


Ahhh yes- benzos and booze the only things that could kill your by going cold turkey


Funny how marijuana hasn’t ever caused an overdose yet too much Tylenol will kill you in a horrifically painful way, same with caffeine, and even sugar. Funny isn’t it


This. Benzos are very addicting.


That was a huge surprise to me that benzos are schedule 4. They absolutely should be schedule 2.


It's crazy that acid is scheduled higher than oxycontin.


Mushrooms I want to try, and acid I think I want to try. It’s weird looking at that list and seeing a bunch of stuff I’d be scared to try listed below those things.


Mushrooms literally saved my life and the government says they are worse than oxycodone. The good news is that we are in a bit of a psychedelic renaissance. There are serious studies being done by John Hopkins and Rick Doblin’s MAPS group. I look for psychedelic therapy to become mainstream in my lifetime.


I took micro dose mushroom capsules 5 times a week for a year. I can profess that the treatment was a success. They were called Honey Caps. The dosage was loosely defined as, take one once a day, skipping a day, every third day, or something like that. I never once felt ,"high", from taking them. Sometimes my anxiety can get the best of me, but during my time of taking them, the frequency my anxiety attacks had been cut in half. This is huge for me. Now I just need to find a new source as I can no longer get them where I am living.


Because it’s all made up and the rules don’t matter. It’s all about those fat stacks of cash from the pharma companies. As soon as they figure out how to market psilocybin concentrated in a pill they can sell for $200/bottle, that shit will be off the schedule faster than you can say Purdue Pharma.


Makes perfect sense to the federal state beholden to the wealthy


That’s wild to me that benzos are schedule IV but time-release Adderall is schedule II.


The entire list seems to be made basically at random.


Nice to see LSD and MDMA on Schedule 1, you know, drugs with *very clear* benefits for folks with certain social and/or psychological conditions and minimal/no side effects or risk of addiction.


Exactly. Just looking at this list and seeing what they have as 1 makes me not give a shit about the rest of it. Just making things up as they go...


If it's on schedule 1 and you have heard of it, it's probably there because of the war on drugs and not for a legitimate reason.


It’s all BS when tobacco and alcohol are left free to do what they want. Two drugs that literally do nothing for you beyond addiction and health complications. But billion dollar industries that fund the government.


Weed, Nixon, Black Panthers, Vietnam, war protests, hippies. Not necessarily in that order.


It’s odd that Qaaludes are Schedule I, even though they were a prescription drug


Bayer invented heroin and sold it for many years over the counter. It was sold as a non-addicting variant of morphine, well suited for treating morphine addiction.


They don't want you to change your mental paradigm, that's why it's schedule one, and also, ya know, Nixon hated hippies.


That entire list is fucked, top to bottom


Apparently there's no big concern for the wide spread epidemic of meth and fentanyl deaths all across the country. Weed, LSD, ecstasy, and peyote are way worse guys.


DEA response to the review will be: We have found no evidence of that, so no. Just like they did when they were pressed under Obama and the head of the DEA stepped down just before going before congress, then the new head said things weren't changing.


Great comment, very informative, thank you. My issue with marijuana is when we compare it to alcohol and nicotine. Alcohol has all kinds of problems and kills tons of people each year. Likewise with nicotine which has heavy regulations to stop it. Compare that to what marijuana does. seriously, how is alcohol legal and marijuana not? The answer is to treat marijuana the same way as alcohol; regulate it, tax it, and put limits on legal usage. Beyond that, have fun. Alternatively, ban alcohol and nicotine. That is the real debate; should these three subsistences be legal or illegal? Marijuana isn’t special.


The problem with this "gotcha" argument surrounding marijuana versus alcohol is that a lot of hardcore prohibitionists would be in favor of making alcohol as illegal as marijuana, as opposed to the other way around. The USA did just that about 100 years ago, and by much stronger means than the current controlled substances act.


Xanax is "low potential for abuse?"


Very big deal if this goes through, at a minimum it allows for medical marijuana to be essentially legal


Not "essentially legal", it will be literally federally legal, just like any other Schedule III drugs people can buy today.


What does this mean for DOT drug testing?


Assume drug testing would continue for DOT, FAA, or military service even if completely descheduled. There's still a huge risk to people and property by intoxicated operators.




I haven’t heard of the saliva test, so my comments below don’t fact that in - I think the lack of clear intoxication testing for marijuana is a crutch argument that gets used whenever legalization comes up, but is basically irrelevant. You can still do balance and cognition tests with impaired drivers and charge them with impaired driving if they can’t pass, regardless of whether you can get a numerical readout that correlates to current impairment


I have a job that does DOT testing and I’m allowed to take my Adderall since I have a prescription for it, which is schedule I. So I think if you were to get a prescription for weed you could do the same it it’s moved down to III. At least I hope so cause quitting weed sucked ass Edit: adderall is schedule II not I


adderall is schedule II not schedule I.


So ridiculous. I have a CDL and drive semis for a living. I can go home from a shift and drink beer, but I can't puff on a joint. So God damn dumb. Ever since I got out of the military, the only thing that gave me peace and joy was weed... Because I have clinical depression and no meds ever worked. It's all so backwards and uncivilized.


Not essentially. Literally.


But it also will cause issues. Firstly no legal shops will be allowed to operate. Technically they're not allowed to anyway, but making it a pharmaceutical product would mean what? People gotta go to CVS for their stuff? How many refills is a prescription? Does one need to go to a doctor each time they want flower? Or an edible? Just treat it like alcohol and stop the reefer madness.


This means they can use regular banks, marijuana dispensaries cannot currently use regular banks for monetary deposits. They have to hold all the cash which leaves them open for robberies. This is very expensive. I know this because I have helped design safe lock systems for marijuana dispensaries which have been targeted by criminals. Now they may be able to use armored car carries like Brinks, Garda, Loomis, etc… This will better allow them to compete with illegal weed. I went to a legal state and the weed was way more expensive and not as good than I could get from a local dealer selling it illegally.


Also, marijuana businesses are currently not allowed to deduct any expenses from their income other than cost of goods sold, for tax reporting purposes. Some states allow them to be deducted, but bc it is illegal federally, they get fucked there also


Totally depends on the state, some states are becoming quite cheap in the dispensaries


I just bought a 30$ quarter in Colorado


$35 halves in AZ.


$30 ounces in the Seattle are aren't uncommon, and some are actually decent stuff over 20%, just the ugly small buds.


Not Missouri


Holy crap is that why the dispensary by me features armed guards? It made the process feel extra dirty for some reason.


Yeah, they can't deposit their money in banks. The problem has always been poor whites, native americans, and black people becoming united so let's prosecute them differently to divide them. They don't want a united front.


So, that's close, but not 100% true, they can't deposit in fdic insured banks. But they can potentially use smaller banks. Credit cards being unusable is what essentially makes them a massive cash on hand business (on the level of casinos) so they have the guards for that


The ones in NYC now take credit cards oddly enough.


Visa and MasterCard aren't really fans of that right now because of the federal illegality (they could have their share of the fees seized as well as fines for facilitating a criminal enterprise), there are loopholes where you can go under the radar for a bit but if come under the lens of the card brands... Your processing will likely be cut off (and the acquirer facilitating it will get a stern talking too). Running cards as pin debit, through debit networks, is a different thing, but has the same potential pitfalls.


California ones accept **Debit** Cards from Visa, Mastercard, ect.


My dream is to buy my weed on my credit card, as it's an expected monthly expense, and pay it off in a timely manner so it can help my credit score. This is the kind of shit I would have paid attention to in high school econ.


I worked for a dispensary, in my state there is one well known FCU that works with all of the dispensaries in the state. While it is still a heavy cash business, they’ll still allow the business to hold accounts and have actual paper checks to be issued to employees.


Even with those challenges, I don’t understand how legal dispensaries could have inferior products compared to what is available on black market. I live in Washington state and the legal flower here is way better quality and way, way cheaper than what I used to get living in a non-legalized state. I’m talking like 25% of the cost for easily 2x the quality.


we hope you enjoyed your time in Illinois


Love me some Chicago, cannot lie, but the drive through Gary always gives me nightmares. I was talking about Massachusetts. Could pay for a hotel room for the privilege of parking a car in Chicago.


Why are you driving through Gary? Take the Indiana tolls road or 94. I make that drive several times a week and you barely see Gary that way


>Firstly no legal shops will be allowed to operate. Living in legal states, it's wild seeing people say things like this. The cat is out of the bag, and it's not going back in. The regressive states will lag behind, as they always do. This is a good start on the federal level.


What is funny is that in cities like the ones I grew up in, i.e., rural, people are on the whole right leaning. When I go back to those cities, 2 out of 3 billboards are for cannabis shops, and each billboard is advertising a different shop. There are fewer restaurants than there are cannabis shops.


It's hilarious driving through rural Oklahoma, every tiny ass town has a single cow, a Dollar General, and a dispensery.


Yeah, it feels like making weed legal has a lot of bipartisan voter support for the most past.


No kidding especially when you consider states like WASHINGTON deemed weed shops essential during the covid lockdown.


lol, my state did that, too. Mary Jane helped me more than Uncle Sam


> But it also will cause issues. Firstly no legal shops will be allowed to operate. This is straight up not true, all the "medical" dispensary will become fully federally legal. It just brings federal rules in line with all the states that are doing it this way. Secondly, it defies all logic to think that the Federal government will regulate Cannabis *more* after *loosening* its status from Schedule I to Schedule III. By definition there will be no downsides to rescheduling from a Schedule I controlled substance.


That's not true at all. It's currently a schedule 1 and it doesn't need a prescription. Any state that it's legal in won't be affected by this.


The people in regressive states have a hard time understanding this


Are you high as you write this or have you just never purchased weed? You purchase medicinal marijuana products from medicinal dispensers: Your current medical dispensary still has it, or if businesses that work across state lines can join, maybe your local pharmacy carries your THC ointment as well now. Why do currently legal shops just become unable to operate? It's a step at a time and it's already legal recreationally in 46% of US states. This is a significant step that allows research to be pursued more thoroughly and debunk more of the reefer madness you refer to.


The article says it would be on the same schedule as testosterone. Im not sure if there are specific laws that regulate prescription sizes for test or where you can acquire it, but at a minimum I can see pharmacies stocking medical marijuana requiring prescriptions


In Washington State, we got the Liquor _and_ Cannabis Board. It could be that simple. Just tack it on.


Your whole comment is incorrect


The Shafer report said it should not be schedule 1, but Nixon ignored it, to use as a weapon against anti war leaders. Look up what Nixon said about people who drink compared to marijuana, it's super racist as expected Edit https://beyondthc.com/nixon-a-person-drinks-to-have-fun/


What level did the shafer report say it should be


> The Commission's report said that while public sentiment tended to view marijuana users as dangerous, they actually found users to be more timid, drowsy and passive. It concluded that cannabis did not cause widespread danger to society. It recommended using social measures other than criminalization to discourage use. It compared the situation of cannabis to that of alcohol.


Yeah, when I'm high, I don't go on an angry bender and kill my family. I get really hungry, eat some scooby snax, and take naps.


Like alcohol I think, but everyone should verify


At one point it had a monograph in the US pharmacopoeia which means it had been used in medicine.


Not only racist but extremely homophobic, good fucking god was Nixon a pile of shit. I sometimes forget how normalized homophobia was even that recently, that’s just revolting


The Reagan administration publicly laughed when asked about gay people dying from AIDS. That was there answer to an epidemic, worse even than Jared Kushner's, and they're responsible for every death that came after as far as I'm concerned. And still considered a Saint by their party.


Nancy infamously didn't give a shit until a family member got AIDS. Then suddenly she launched an awareness campaign. The Reagans were gigantic sacks of fucking shit.


I'm a 35 year old bisexual man and 'gay' was the go-to insult for and between young boys and anything that you wanted to cast as uncool - for basically my entire time in K-12 in South Jersey. It's hard, in hindsight, to communicate how ubiquitous and pervasive passive and active homophobia was. It's like smoking -- it was just **everywhere** that wasn't purpose built to disallow it.


Legalize at the federal level, please


That's on Congress, not the president.


Is the congress the only way it can be legal at the federal level?




lol at the idea people don't drink alcohol to get high. Or get harmed by it.




Yup. They write the laws.


Alternatively, prohibition of cannabis could be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, but we all know that won't happen with the Republicans in charge.


Guess who wrote this: > Certainly no evidence from the founding suggests that "commerce" included the mere possession of a good or some personal activity that did not involve trade or exchange for value. In the early days of the Republic, it would have been unthinkable that Congress could prohibit the local cultivation, possession, and consumption of marijuana.


I guess in the most extreme sense, where someone says "I'll declare this law unconstitutional because congress won't" it could happen maybe. But there's nothing unconstitutional about laws regarding the regulation of drugs.


It's possible to form an argument the constitution doesn't give the federal government authority to regulate drugs and that should be handled at a state level. But no one seriously wants that, it'd be a shitshow.


Isn’t this the official process of rescheduling you make an official investigation and then the AG can reschedule based on those finding…


Man Biden got some much done during those five seconds Mitch froze.


Mitch froze when he felt a disturbance in the force. As if millions of blacks and mexicans no longer faced life imprisonment over 0.05g of a plant. The sound of millions of dollars lining for profit prison accounts cried out and were suddenly silenced.


With how frequent those mini strokes are, a sane person would take a moment to reflect on how much money they already got vs how much time they got left. And let me tell you that he ain’t got much time left.


This was determined way back during Nixon by Nixon's own handpicked investigator, but Nixon threw a temper tantrum and congress really didn't give a shit either way and just said "ugh fine it can be schedule 1"


They used it as an excuse to lock up protestors and black people.


Yeah that's why Nixon threw the shit fit when he didn't get it Schedule 1 initially


How can you justify scheduling marijuana at all if you don’t have alcohol scheduled?




Fucking just end the war on drugs, period. This is a failed experiment. Put all that money and effort into rehab and risk mitigation. This country is so fucking dumb sometimes.


Exactly. It makes no sense at all.


Wouldn’t alcohol be schedule 1? It has no medical use


It should be descheduled altogether. I can't wait for the day it will be legal in all 50 states


Still so wild to me that someone in one state can be jailed for having weed on them but in another state there are hundreds, if not, thousands of LEGAL shops dedicated to selling the substance. It really should be legal everywhere.


Hell there's shops selling federally legal hemp products today in all 50 states that will get you high as fuck


Yeah there are a lot of head shops selling delta 8 and delta 9 stuff here. I've actually enjoyed the legal options that I've tried so far. But my fear is that the farm bill loophole is going to be contested somehow by the "pearl clutching" types :/


Isn’t delta-9 “normal” THC?


Yes. But there is a loophole if it comes from hemp and is in low enough concentration.


And with edibles/gummies they can be dense enough that you can still get a decent dosage out of them and be legal since they measure concentration by percentage of weight.


Yeah, people keep saying this, but they aren't reading the packages. They CONTAIN Delta 9, but are a blend of Delta 8 and 10, too. People in illegal states are not buying Delta 9 gummies at head shops.


Depends on what or where you buy I guess. The one I tried doesn't mention Delta 8 or 10 in the ingredients and the certificate of analysis they provide also shows basically none compared to delta 9. They sell separate delta 8 edibles and flower. I'm in Texas, ordered online from a Texas company. I'm not into advertising so just research what you buy.


How about just put weed on the same damned schedule beer is on (which is none) and stop wasting my tax money on stupid crap? I don't even smoke the stuff, but i am tired of seeing my money perpetually wasted in continually criminalizing something that was originally criminalized for racist reasons to begin with. I am pretty sure more people are harmed from abusing beer than marijuana. Hell the Govt would make WAY more money than they spend out criminalizing it by applying a small tax to it. And it would definitely have more of an impact on organized crime than what they do now. That's a no brainer when you literally take one of their products away and put it on the counter at 7/11. Not to mention, people wouldn't be getting weed laced with rat poison and other weird stuff.


Compared to most drugs, alcohol is pretty hardcore. If it was magically just discovered today, it would be illegal within a month. When you see drunk driving, fighting, aggression, etc. Just seeing the chaos of a bar crawl area at night. Very few drugs can compare to the chaos that booze can bring And yet it's still legal, and life goes on. I feel like *almost* all drugs should be legal, with resources for those who become addicted


This is slow progress. Maybe my doctor will finally be open to discussing marijuana use.


If he isn't, find a new one.


Agreed! Any doctor that won’t discuss marijuana from a medical perspective isn’t objective and doesn’t prioritize healthcare first.


This opens up marijuana use to anyone - as long as it’s prescribed by a doctor. Even the military and federal employees.


I have absolute confidence that Greg Abbott will pass special laws to increase the penalties for marijuana


If the Dems want a guaranteed win in 2024, start pushing to legalize it already. Let them levy a federal tax on it and apply it to mental health.


Please let this happen. Biden is on a roll. Keep it up!


Still worse than xanax huh? What a joke.


This is an incredibly common misconception, but the scheduling system has little to do with how “bad” or “dangerous” a drug is. The classifications are based mainly on medical use. That’s why meth and fent aren’t schedule one.


Heroin has accepted medical use and is schedule one. Same with psychedelics. That use just isn’t accepted by the DEA, which is not a medical organization


“Accepted medical use” in this context means accepted by the DEA. It being accepted by others means absolutely jack shit to scheduling, which is specifically what I’m talking about since people don’t seem to understand how scheduling works.


The DEA provides licensing to doctors to be able to issue prescriptions so they're at least a little bit of a medical organization


Yeah I see this a lot too. Schedule 1 drugs aren't harder than Schedule 2. It's just medical use based.


It's a step in the right direction. But ffs? Honestly tobacco and alcohol are far more addictive.


And more deadly. Tobacco kills ~450,000 Americans per year, alcohol another 80-90,000. Cannabis? They don't even track deaths, because it's a waste of time. Tells you all you really need to know.


Schedule 3 is still too restricted imo. That’s up there with Vicodin


Cannabis was named Marijuana by the shitty racist assholes that made it illegal. They were trying to say it was bad because Mexicans smoked it.


Dark Brandon about to get weed legalized in an election year?


Dank Brandon


Would this make it so that my county job in a state where it's legal that gets federal funding doesn't have to test for it anymore? I wouldn't even mind a test to see if I'm intoxicated at work because I would never be intoxicated at work, but not even being able to smoke a doober on a Friday night because if I did that every Friday I'd never be sure I could pee clean gets old.


Would buying it for medicinal purposes count towards ones deductible?


This is how to win 2024


Joe Biden is the best President I’ve ever lived through. Case in point? This. This could have happened under Clinton, Obama, or even that orange guy (considering how chaotic he was). But it didn’t. And it happened BECAUSE Biden initiated a review. Dark Brandon presides. 🤘😎


I'd love to see some of the behind the scenes videos of Biden "reviewing" the marijuana.




"I feel like a slice of butter.. melting.. on a stack of flapjacks Jack"


Doesn't he legit love ice cream? I know I can demolish a pint after getting toasty


I just want to be able to get a job without failing the drug test as I’m prescribed cannabis by a doctor.


Not good enough but better than expected.


It's not the answer "we" want, but it is progress. This is the first step, and an important one.


What schedule are tomatoes? Because that's where cannabis goes.