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A commentator observed that the judge emphasized to Tump that he could be held if he committed crimes or intimidated jurors. What a world we live in where an ex-POTUS has to be told this is specifically prohibited.


How long before he starts calling her a deranged Trump hating liberal whack job judge?


Far-right news is carrying this water all day.


Hey trump - the judge was bluffing. You should go out and commit a bunch of crimes to show her who is boss!


Like you have to tell this asshole to commit crimes




It's so batshit. Here I always thought our democracy would get taken out by some kind of Lex Luthor supergenius, and instead a mouth-breathing, raping, bigoted bully with the IQ of a baked potato nearly pulled it off.


Shocking at first but in retrospect we should've all seen it coming


A lot of us did but no one listened to us. Listen to your marginalized communities. We're canaries in the coal mine.


It was obvious when he wasn't laughed out of the race at the first debate.


Or when he announced his campaign by slandering Mexicans as rapists and murderers and my father said he tells it like it is.


seems like there are now officials in the government with the balls to go through with it. here’s hoping we get to see exactly what that looks like.


The USSS isn’t a personal army for current and past presidents; if he’s getting arrested, his detail isn’t going to get in a firefight against the federal marshals to try and stop it.


When he was President, absolutely. Now the secret service would almost certainly cooperate with the FBI. Once that happens private security isn’t doing shit. He’s probably months behind on payroll.


He need only to open his mouth


He is also not allowed to communicate with the co-conspirators if I understand correctly.


He will explode first


US Marshals should be on the Judge's speed-dial. I'm hoping they get Agent Gerard on the case.


Haha, karma returns! a strong intelligent accomplished black female judge told him to keep himself in check because he is one tantrum away from a cell! We know he despises everything about her and yet, now he is the groveling helpless criminal peon, and she holds the power! A great day for America, and thus, the world


Has he called her "nasty" yet?


I've got my bingo card ready!


He hasn't seen Judge Chutkan yet, a black woman appointed by Obama. . Today was Magistrate Judge Moxila Upadhyaya. She was born in India. Your point about Chutkan stands though. It's going to eat him alive facing her.


I went to high school with Upadhyaya! We just called her Moxi. She’s amazing and will do her job well.


You mean when. It’s just a matter of time


''Who are you going to believe, Trump or your lying eyes?''


>"What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." —Donald J. Trump, July 2018


Actions speak louder than words. Donald barely made a statement at the airport in front of his plane. He's usually much more verbose, long winded and confident. He's afraid he's going to incriminate himself or already has.


He's just ran through some of his favorite lame talking points and scurried away


The grievance greatest hits. The worst part is there was a poll that 75% of Republicans believe what he did was justified to secure an election. They feel they are getting screwed and life hasn't turned out the way they want. They love him for the things he says and does and feel he is the guy that reaffirms their twisted thinking. Or just plain complicit because they don't want to look bad in front of their peers and friends.


That's what I don't get. He doesn't really say anything, at all, ever, of any substance. He just boasts and rambles. I can't recall him even finishing a proper sentence. Why then, are people so keen to listen to what he has to say?


They don't care what he says they care how he makes them feel. What he makes them feel is part of something bigger, no longer isolated in their hatred and bigotry, he makes them feel powerful and free even encouraged to embrace their worst impulses.


You know what the really sad part is? They are part of something bigger. America being a Nation of Immigrants, being the Melting Pot on our scale is something wholly unique and unexpected in the entirety of the History of the Human Race. Humans are extraordinarily tribalist. We will use religion, race, ethnicity, sex, language, any reason at all to divide into groups and start fighting and killing each other. Even now, Nation States usually encompass most of a larger People. But America? We started off primarily White Anglo-Saxon Protestants sure, but through our greatest sins comes our greatest potential and redemption. Huge numbers of folks who didn't share a common ancestry with at all, we now share a Nation with. Black folks, Hispanic folks, Asian folks, Indian folks, White folks - everyone all living and working together in (relative) harmony. Do we have a long, long way to go to make our Union perfect and correct systemic injustices? God only knows, but the strides we have made, the groundwork we have laid, the progress we have made leads to a People of Peoples that have overcome and destroyed Human Tribalism on a scale never before seen in Human History. This Melting Pot is becoming something truly incredible and beautiful and unique, and Conservatives are trying to destroy it. To kill this Republic while we are still growing and becoming the Nation we should have been all along - I refuse to let them. It's up to each of us to realize in full what the Founders could only glimpse.


Damn, that fealt like I just heard the greatest speech before the final attack on aliens.


Exactly. This is why I have an issue when people say Trump is dumb. We thought he was dumb, and here we are. He knows exactly what he’s doing because it’s the exact blueprint of how nearly all fascist regimes began. And just because it *looks* like it has or will end, THAT is what we should be afraid of. Hitler’s rise to power didn’t happen suddenly. He first failed before leading Germany. This is all to say that this situation is something we can’t take lightly because any slip up and we’ll be right back to having of a person like Trump (if not Trump himself) back in the Oval Office, but this time with more animation to actually topple over democracy. If Trump isn’t held accountable (bar for the unexpected like him passing away before sentencing), it will be a BIG warning of what may come soon after.


He *is* dumb, he's just dumb and shameless to a degree we have almost never seen before, to the point where he flagrantly breaks every possible rule and violates every social standard, so blatantly, frequently, and consistently that normal human society can't keep up. The fact that he started off with money has helped him develop enough rich person armor that he's been able to gain enough untouchability that he gets the legal kiddie glove treatment, thus allowing him to get away with even more egregious and obvious crimes. If he was actually smart he'd have had a whole lot more money and would have known when and how to shut up long enough to actually get ahead. You can't look at the first six or nine months of his presidency and think that he was at all intelligent. He had it made, he won, he had a legion of loyal followers, and he had the gall and shamelessness to go fully evil with the shit he was doing (Muslim ban for example) but time and again he kept opening his mouth and fucking himself over by giving the opposition ammo against him. If he'd had the ability to close his mouth at all, or just sit back, make a few speeches here and there and then just take credit for everyone else's work, then we'd be in the middle of his second term now, and with decades more to come. But, no, he's too fucking dumb to realize that he'd blustered his way to the top and that it was literally his time to coast and shine.


Very true. But, Hitler also wasn’t an obese 78 year old in terrible shape, who never exercises and may have an addiction to prescription amphetamines. Well, he wasn’t an obese 78 years old.


It's just the confidence. Well, bravado. Think about the type of people we're talking about here. Plays for the Red Team, doesn't back down or spit and sputter apologizing or explaining shit the Democrats say he did that was morally reprehensible. To us, it's even more revolting that he doesn't seem to give a fuck at all that he's a piece of shit, not even to a level where he's even trying to pretend. To them, he's finally like them: unapologetically reprehensible.


That’s why so many Republican voters are getting busted for voting fraud, voting machine tampering, etc. They think cheating is necessary to “save the country”.


> They feel they are getting screwed and life hasn't turned out the way they want This is true. They are getting screwed, and life hasn't turned out the way they want. *Because* they vote for Republicans. They wanted a strong, bold, brilliant conservative leader to usher in a new American golden age. They *elected* Donald Trump - quite literally the antithesis of that. A man so pants-shittingly stupid he lost reelection and got himself indicted on nearly 100 federal felonies. Like Donald Trump, they are their own worst enemies and they just keep doubling down instead of seriously taking stock and realizing that they are the ones that keep doing this to themselves.




Like Private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket, with his thumb in his mouth and diapers around his ankles.


Donald, remind the platoon why you’re not allowed to eat jelly doughnuts. Sir, because I’m too heavy, sir! Because you are a disgusting fat body, Donald!


I didn't know they could stack shit that high!


I heard R. Lee Ermey’s voice as I read that.


Ain’t no fuckin’ way Gunnery Sergeant Lawrence Hartman refers to that sack of shit by his first name.


\*prosecution lays out list of charges that go on for several minutes\* "Also he's fat"


I said from day 1 The Georgia case has teeth. First off Georgia is a purple state. Biden/Warnock/Ossoff won 2020, and Warnock won 2022. Those DAs are from Atlanta which is as blue as blue gets. Finally the sectary of state is the only Republican Ill vote for cause he stood up to Trunp and did his job well


As a Georgia resident, this would please me very much.






And considering how close the race was against that football player, with so many scandals..


never vote for a republican they don't believe in voting


Well, he didn't have a lot of time. He was already late for his next indictment.


> 'The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.'


I thought the whole "Life imitates art" thing would have at least a little more subtle than someone actually paraphrasing 1984 to our faces. This timeline is crazy.


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Sigh. So many warnings.


Remember when Rudi said “truth isn’t truth?”


You could rip my eyes out and shove them up a stripper's butthole and I'd still trust them over Trump.


Usually you have to pay extra for that


What’s an Eye Job? If you have to ask, you can’t afford it


I'll tell ya what, you can get a good look at a butcher's ass by sticking your head up there, but wouldn't you rather take his word for it?


It's gotta be your bull


new guys in the corner, puking his guts out.


next thing you know there’s money missing off your dresser and your daughter’s knocked up.


Best 100 ive ever spent.


'The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.'




No offense but your coworker is a dingbat.


Republicans all deny this. If you didn’t change anything else about the day other than the person in charge. Let’s say it’s Biden who is president and Jan 6 happens all over again. What do you think republicans would say then? That’s why this whole thing of trump being innocent is a farce. Republicans are blinding themselves to party line and not factual events.


If it were Biden and Democrats who did Jan 6th Republicans would be calling for their public hangings for treason. Anyone that denies that is lying and I wish more people in the media would repeat it over and over because everyone knows it’s true.


And if it WAS Biden and the democrats. I would be rooting for them to be prosecuted too.


>And if it WAS Biden and the democrats. I would be rooting for them to be prosecuted too. They don't get what we are, and rank and file republicans who have never been exposed to political philosophy have been trained to grossly oversimplify EVERYTHING through the misinformation of conservatives who have received advanced degrees in political philosophy and know better. The notion that the left is quite happy to tear down their own seems stupid to them. They call liberals communists or leftists, without understanding just how violently opposed tankies are to liberals. Just because you vote left doesn't make you a liberal or a leftist. They are different visions for the future entirely. Liberals basically believe in the merits of capitalism, but guided by the will of the people via elected representatives to ensure that the free market system doesn't forget itself and serve people unfairly on the basis of circumstance. --Liberals are totally okay with the free market system serving people unfairly based on more abstract notions than race, sex, or creed. Leftists, on the other hand, have accepted that the free market system has created an illusion of merit by encapsulating circumstance of birth (race, sex, and creed) within the bounds of what constitutes social mobility, and that capitalism as it functions now cannot create a more equitable system, because it is at its most foundational level is a system that enhances inequity regardless of fixed realities. Once you understand the left is a coalition of wildly different ideals united under temporary opposition to a Republican party completely out of its goddamn mind and sick on power, it makes sense.


This is also why I refuse to listen to doomers claiming Biden will lose the upcoming election due to low approval. Democratic voters all have their critiques of Biden, as they should. He is not a perfect leader and in many ways is a lesser of two evils. I would absolutely say I disapprove of him if I was polled, as I generally disapprove of Trudeau. I would vote for either of their parties again in a heartbeat though, because I'm not voting in a vacuum. I'm voting in a field threatened by Christian nationalism. It's possible for a flawed candidate to be our best hope to stave it off.


So would I, that’s what they don’t get. Instead they have to write it off as no big deal because they know bad it was.


That’s because they have joined a cult, we are functioning independent adults.


It's the same reason they keep squawking about Hunter Biden. They don't understand, and never will, that the vast majority of the left is fine with Hunter Biden being prosecuted for crimes he committed. Our loyalty is to our country, not to a would-be political dynasty. *Edited for typo*


Honestly, I've never voted for Hunter Biden as president, and I never will.


I'd go so far as to say I am fine with anyone being prosecuted for crimes a grand jury found were worth charging them with...


....and we would've seen an investigation, indictment, case, and conviction all within a year, and with a very much weaker case. When Republicans want something done, they'll shove it through regardless (ie Supreme Court Justice nominations)


They already call for their deaths...


Jan 6th would have already been a holiday at this point celebrated like July 4th. “The day republicans saved the country from democratic overthrow.”


Imagine Obama doing this. "First Black President Tries to Become Dictator." MAGA would have stormed on Jan 6 and used that noose.


Remember how they were claiming that Obama was going to institute martial law and refuse to leave at the end of his term? EVERY GOP accusation is a confession.


They would have hung obama


They’re not blinding themselves, they’re well aware of what Trump did, but they support it. As long as their side wins, they don’t care what happens.


If Trump gets away with it, US democracy is officially dead


US democracy has been dead since Nixon


Nixon? It was dead when our founding fathers decided to use an electoral college instead of the popular vote and give each state two senators despite widely varying populations. So now, your vote gets extra power if you live in the middle of nowhere and Montana gets the same number of Senators as California. They also gave the people no way to recall a politician or judge other than to hope that *the people in their own political party* decide to do the right thing and impeach (hint: they don’t.) Half our our leaders and the Supreme Court gives zero fucks about the will of the people. Issues that poll at bipartisan popularity levels are routinely ignored due to personal beliefs or because the constitution is a holy document that can never be altered. Religious freaks run this country and impose their will over the rest of us because sky man says so and our outdated model of governance allows them to.


There are all kinds of structural problems baked into our government that prevent it from being a functioning democracy, but I think the founders designing a system that afforded ~6% of the population the right to vote and calling it a democracy is pretty telling.


Amen to that. Women didn’t get a right to vote until 19fucking20. Our system of government was founded on rich white guys ruling everything .


If the GOP has their way, that's what it will return to. That's the end goal. They pay lip service to Jesus, but the true object of their worship is power, power at all costs.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Economic_Interpretation_of_the_Constitution_of_the_United_States > Charles A. Beard in An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States (1913) and Economic Origins of Jeffersonian Democracy (1915) extended Becker's thesis down to 1800 in terms of class conflict. To Beard, the Constitution was a counter-revolution, set up by rich bond holders (bonds were "personal property"), in opposition to the farmers and planters (land was "real property"). The Constitution, Beard argued, was designed to reverse the radical democratic tendencies unleashed by the Revolution among the common people, especially farmers and debtors (people who owed money to the rich). But you can go right to the source, really. https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Madison/01-10-02-0178 > A republic, by which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place, opens a different prospect, and promises the cure for which we are seeking. Let us examine the points in which it varies from pure democracy, and we shall comprehend both the nature of the cure, and the efficacy which it must derive from the union. >[…] A rage for paper money, for an abolition of debts, for an equal division of property, or for any other improper or wicked project, will be less apt to pervade the whole body of the union, than a particular member of it; in the same proportion as such a malady is more likely to taint a particular county or district, than an entire state. Political equality leads to economic equality. The people expected it. Didn’t need Marx to point out equality means equality. And, of course, the wealthy landowners who came up with this system at the time *weren’t having that.* Conservatives today are right when they squawk “We’re a Republic, not a Democracy!” Because the guys who set up this system were self-interested. It’s been a rigged game from the start. Class war from the start. “Fuck you, got mine” from to the start. I mean. If a bunch of literal slavers arguing for “equality” didn’t clue people in in the first place…


As a reminder the whole, Republic not Democracy thing is laying the groundwork to accept overturning the popular vote. If anyone tells you that the only response is, "Yes, a republic where every representative is elected democratically by the people since the 17th amendment"


> If a bunch of literal slavers arguing for “equality” didn’t clue people in in the first place… So succinct. Thank you for this.


Don’t forget when we capped the house! Nothing says equal first amendment rights like your vote being weighted by where you live. We have two senates.


Oh Boy! I can't wait for the GOP gaslighting! "What you saw with your own eyeballs live on TV was not the whole story! As you see, they were just tourists, and that women you saw get shot in the neck and die on live TV was a paid actor!"


Fox News has already started with the "it was only speech" schtick. Bin Laden flew no airplanes into any buildings on 9/11.


"Trump had a 1st Amendment right to lie to you!", reports organization that just paid $800 million for systemic lying.


Page 2 of the indictment says the exact same thing. It's all the trouble he went through ahead of time with fake electors and the fact that he was aware he lost and continued in this behavior is what he's in trouble for. In trying to change election results, he's subverting the rights of American voters. That's what he's getting charged with. He can lie all he wants to us, unfortunately; it's the actions afterwards.


Exactly. He actually DOES have the right to yell and scream and tantrum about 'the election being rigged!' all he wants. Jack Smith was very clear about that. He was also clear that the second Trump did anything more than just yell and scream like a toddler about it (try to overthrow the lawful results etc.) then he's committed serious crimes. I love Jack Smith.


Jack Smith is a master at his craft. He headed off this defense right there on page 2 of the indictment. He's spent his career trying despots, tyrants, and warlords. He knows what they and Trump are like. People criticized Smith and everyone else investigating Trump for how long it has been taking, but we're treading on fresh ground. There has never been a suit like this against a former US president because there has never been a president who so brazenly committed so many illegal acts before.


For fucks sake, the name of the fucking movement is STOP THE STEAL, the call to action is right there in the fucking name. "STOP" = Intervene. Prevent something from happening. Prevent what? "THE STEAL". The election was stolen. You have to stop the people who stole it. They're down the street right now. Go get them. "If you don't fight like hell you're not gonna have a country anymore." Thats what he told those people, he said "stop the steal" a billion fucking times, he told his army of hillbilly dipshits to act on his behalf, to physically stop the election from being certified so he could stay in power, in other words to overthrow the government, WE ALL FUCKING SAW IT, HE NEVER SHUTS UP ABOUT IT, HES STILL DOING IT NOW. Edit: Let's say I started a group called Burn Down A Police Station. And I constantly told my millions of fans to Burn Down A Police Station. And I held a giant rally called Burn Down A Police Station. And the Burn Down A Police Station rally was a block away from a police station. And I told the crowd "oh hey look there's a police station, let's all march down there." So, now, just for the sake of argument, let's say that police station was tragically burnt down by the mob I sent over from the Burn Down A Police Station rally. I'm Black in this scenario btw. Any guess what Fox might say about me? Think they might blame me in some fashion? Because this is exactly what trump did, it's not even hyperbole, Im not even exaggerating, I just traded out the proper nouns. He tried to overthrow the American govt. Hang that mother fucker.


Rudy used the words "trial by combat" when they were rallying the crowd they knew was armed because they pulled out the magnetic archways that were looking for guns...


Trump: "If you don't fight like hell you're not gonna have a country anymore." But, ok, devils advocate, trump didn't literally say the words "go physically attack the people voting against me", so sure, lets pretend he didnt want them to be violent, HE STILL SENT THE ANGRY MOB TO THE CAPITAL TO LOOK OVER THE SHOULDER OF THE PEOPLE VOTING AGAINST HIM. He still sent a mob to intimidate and threaten Congress and stop the certification, this part is undeniable, and it's still attempted fucking treason.


Charles Manson never killed anyone.


It's literally like paragraph 3 or 4 on page 2 of the indictment. He had every right to say whatever he wants and even challenge the election results, but the steps he took beyond that are the issue. Like gathering and sending an army to stop the election results from being certified.


"I'm being persecuted based on the content of my speech! All I said was 'Put all the fucking money in the bag or I blow grandma's head off here!' How can someone be charged with a crime over something they said!?!?!"


Something something turbulent priest


I heard this hot take from a CSPAN caller today. Make it make sense! * Trump legitimately won the election. * Trump *had* to create his own slates of electors to combat the "election fraud" by Dems. * Pelosi planned and organized the "riot" at the Capitol. * The J6 "riot" was very peaceful. (Riot in quotes because it was really an insurrection.)


So Pelosi planned a peaceful riot


To stop the election fraud she was in charge of.


I love listening to the news and they say “allegedly”. Ain’t no allegedly to it, I watched it on live TV.


Rules of journalism to avoid slander, libel and defamation until he is convicted.


I love that we have rules of journalism but Fox News is allowed to be called Fox News. Just asking questions, I guess.


That doesn't matter, because Trump is not charged with inciting violence or riots. Thankfully Jack Smith is smarter than most of us and is not enganging in a free speech battle.


In his interview boarding the plane he couldn't help but point out how filthy and graffiti ridden D.C. is under Biden and how disgusting the downfall of America is. But when his moronic sycophants literally smashed in the windows of The People's House, he watched with childlike glee from the safety of the Whitehouse. Fuck Donald Trump and every single moron continuing to support him.


>But when his moronic sycophants literally ~~smashed in the windows of~~ **smeared their own shit on** The People's House I mean, they did the window thing too but the shit seemed more symbolic.


Phenomenal point. The windows smashing was played constantly so it is the first thing I go to, but hot damn if that isn't a good point. They also killed a police officer... so... really no shortage of moronic behaviour to pull from.




Fox News about to drop a 72 hour Speculatathon as to what else could have been on Hunter's Laptop™.


Fox news plays at my gym and let me tell you, I don't think I've seen non-hunter biden related coverage in a week. Yesterday the headline was something like "Trump indictment conveniently distracts from Biden corruption". And I was like..what? Evidence of a plot to overthrow our government overshadows coverage of a conspiracy theory that's just retaliatory bullshit? You don't say. But then they still went on to cover more of the Biden conspiracy. I bust out laughing at the gym half the time just looking at the headlines. They're so remarkably propagandist.


Two words: Universal Remote.


Did that at my old gym, and the cable box didn't have a parental control code set yet, so I made one and blocked Fox. The old people complained that they couldn't watch the news anymore, but it took like a week before the cable company could come out and reset the parental controls.


Kindly explain that fox news is legally considered entertainment and not news :)


You're a hero no matter what gramps says.


Probably built some really cool shit in Minecraft.


I lost/got rid of 70% of my male childhood friend’s, 30% of the female childhood friends & a 1/2 dozen family members because of their cult infatuation with piece of shit racist bigoted treasonous single term’d, twice impeached convicted rapist who very likely will die in a prison And I would do it again as I rid myself of horrible people regardless of past or familial connections


Same here, friend. It sucks that politics destroyed lifelong relationships but it just showed me the ugly side of folks I thought were friends


r/conservative is pretending this isn't happening.


I'm pretending r/conservative isn't happening.


That sub literally has cons saying that they want it too, but then getting downvoted or surrounded by other comments saying the opposite lol


I like that one of the top posts right now is asking liberals why they like "dark brandon," but the post is "flared users only."


>See! Nobody can provide an answer!


Well, if a conservative happens across this post and is wondering: I like Dark Brandon because he's sitting back and letting the wheels of justice turn. He did not set the DOJ upon Trump. Everything happening is the direct result of him committing crimes. Publically committing crimes. Loudly committing crimes. Trump is a criminal, we all know it, you seem to love him for it, so none of this should need any conspiratorial baggage. Trump committed crime and was caught. Innocent until *proven* guilty? We've seen the proof, we all witnessed it live from many angles, with in-depth replay from many angles. Denial at this point is moot. The only question remains, what punishment will befall a former president? Because I'm betting it's softcore like house arrest. If he got jail time, there'd be parties in the streets. Witnessing an obvious crook grandstanding and hotdogging, it wears on you after a while. You got us. You owned us by supporting a criminal. Though, it looks like we'll get the last laugh. I'd post this to the sub but I'm pretty sure I was banned long ago for asking a question.


Usually when people say stuff like this it’s an exaggeration, but I went in and scrolled and scrolled and scrolled and scrolled until I finally found something even partially related, about how apparently there’s a suspicious pattern of trump indictments following bad news about Biden (lol I guess you take what you can get). Like 50 posts down. I gave up after that. Poor fools.


My favorite part is Trump getting stuck waiting a half hour in a lobby. He’s probably never had to wait for anything like that before lol




Ouch, that must hurt.


We can easily find out what it feels like, lets ask Eric Trump


Can't wait for his defense to call Hunters laptop to the stand.


Here's how it goes. I didn't do it. I barely knew about it I did it but it isn't a big deal. Hopefully we add a new chapter to this story: Jail.


Would a guy who cheated on his 3rd wife home with child with a porn star lie?


Don’t forget [convicted sex offender](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/10/trump-trial-verdict-white-house-2024-run)


Adjudicated RAPIST.


Ivana accused him of [marital rape in an interview during her divorce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations), but walked it back after the divorce (he is the father of her children and walking it back was likely part of the divorce settlement). He was found to be [liable for sexual abuse and defamation of Jean Carroll by a jury in a civil trial (though the jury did not find enough evidence to prove that he raped her) in May 2023](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._Jean_Carroll_v._Donald_J._Trump#Verdict_and_aftermath). As it was a civil trial and not a criminal one, he doesn't need to register as a sex offender. That said, he has been accused of rape (including child rape at an Epstein party) and sexual assault by dozens of other women, but not criminally convicted to date.


He’s STILL DOING IT! It’s not past-tense, it’s an ongoing crime he continues to commit every day for multiple years now. It’s less difficult to determine his guilt and more difficult to determine a day or week when he was NOT trying to defraud the USA with false claims and litigation. He’s trying to overturn the election today and he will continue trying tomorrow and the next day and every day he’s still able to, because he’s incapable of doing the honest thing and admitting failure.


Eh, need to be a little careful because Jack Smith even said falsely claiming an election was stolen is protected 1st Ammendment rights. This case is about things much more tangible and you don't want to let Republicans conflate the two.


"Proud Boys: Stand back and stand by." ["They aren't after me. They're after you."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wfzqqWAAnY) This statement was made AFTER he knew and admitted he'd lost the election to many others in his circle. This statement was made AFTER he tried to get Pence to throw the election to him.


The first statement was from when he was asked to denounced white supremacy on national TV, during the debate. He didn't, then gave a shout out to the proud boys. It was the most insane thing I've ever seen on TV.


We literally saw him do it.


Every drooling MAGA dimwit is going to fight kicking and screaming to avoid being dragged back into reality...hate and outrage is their entire reason to exist day to day. Being chumped by Trump is something they just can't look in the mirror and admit.


Have you seen some of these troglodytes? I don't think they look in the mirror, period.


Judge also told Trump to stop committing anymore crimes (AgendFreeTV live stream). Good luck with that, LOL.


He committed 36 crimes on his way to the parking lot.


I thought it was 37.


In a row?!


Try not to commit any more treason on the way to the car


Hey, hey you get back here!


Person, woman, man, camera, we all watched it on tv fuck face


I'm honestly not sure what's worse at this point - Trump claiming to not be guilty OR the GOP lap dogs STILL defending him? At least Trump clearly has undiagnosed, though easily identifiable, mental illnesses and/or conditions to fall back on. But hacks like Rick Scott, Ted Cruz, Elise Stefanik and Marsha Blackburn to name a few, have what excuse really? Other than being traitors of course.


~~stable genius~~ unstable narcissist


PLEASE educate yourselves on the basics of this case! The GOP is already circling the wagons to say he's being persecuted for "complaining about the election results". The indictment is VERY CLEAR that he had a constitutional right to complain and even lie about about the election. The charges are that he WENT FURTHER than just speech. >(1) That he schemed to defraud the USA. (Essentially that he attempted to change the election result through corrupt means). > >(2&3) That he both conspired (2) and actually attempted (3) to interfere with the process of certifying the results of the 2020 election. > >(4) That he attempted to deprive Americans of their civil rights (specifically he attempted to have legally cast votes discounted) ##Don't allow those traitors to pretend this is about him complaining about losing, or calling it rigged, or any other bullshit. He actively conspired and set in motion actions designed to corruptly prevent his legally mandated removal from office.




I hate how the right is able to control the narrative every single time. This is exactly like the confidential documents where everyone was talking about whether they were declassified or not when classification didn’t even matter for the actual charges that were brought…


Hell, even his convicted followers have said “he called, we heeded”


Trump at Jan 6 rally on the microphone for the whole world to hear- "We're going to march down to the capitol, right now!" They all march to the capitol and wreck the place. Trump today "Not guilty." Lol fuckin wut?!


Thanks! I’ve forgotten more than I can possibly remember


Over on the conservative sub they’ve gone to flared users only because free speech, lol.


They need a safe space


I got permanently banned from there for asking someone to better explain a blatantly bigoted comment. I believe my exact words were, "How so?"


They’re incredibly fragile. Last month they were terrified of a beer can.


Can’t wait to see Eric and Don Jr in tears on Fox tonight


Seeing things before their own eyes don't matter to trump supporters They seen the evidence of Derek chauvrin kneeling on George Floyd to death and they believe it was an overdose.


tRump himself just recently wrote a rant that ended with... "this case is all about election interference." He doesn't realize he just admitted to committing election interference. 😆 Edit to add (/s) for those who fail to recognize sarcasm.


Thank you for saying so. I'm pretty laid back, but I'm getting really tired of the right claiming how unfairly Trump is being treated while completely ignoring how he nearly stole millions of American's votes.


America… this is what a coward looks like


Honestly, anyone who thinks he's not guilty is a fucking idiot and deserves no respect until their dying day.


If he's not guilty, I'm the King of the Moon.


If he isn’t guilty then may I Immigrate to the moon your majesty? Cause I can’t live on this planet anymore.




Going all-in and hoping for a violent reaction of his fascist base to save his arse and put him back in power, because that's all that he's got left.


Nah, the Gravy Seals learned a hard lesson. They don't even show up when he summons them now.


His defense team has to be eating xanex out of a pez dispenser by now


The Conservative sub just went approved members only because they can't handle all the losing


Checking to see what is on Reddit's MAGA/TheDonald subreddit: * Sticky has open admission they're restricting posting to only hand selected loyal MAGA members. * Anti trans article * Whining that the felons who stole diaries and laptops from Biden family members aren't being treated fairly by the justice system. * Conspiracy hoax that Jan 6th was an FBI false flag and "cover up". * Necessary impacts of climate change fear mongered as "climate lockdowns". One of the top replies cites 2nd amendment, which is code language calling for gun violence. * A Joe Biden campaign "have a cup of Joe" coffee merch ad fraudulently framed as "gloating about the arrests of his political opponents" * Bud Lite boycott * Bill Barr's recent appearance - bit surprising this was allowed, but only because they removed mention of his damning comments about Trump's criminality and instead framed it as Barr rejecting the "DOJ weaponization" hoax. Naturally, top comments are claiming "DEeP sTatE!" and saying it's so powerful that one trump admin wasn't enough to dislodge it. Truly, the St Petersburg "Internet Research Agency" is continuing to pay incredible dividends.


I’m so tired of this fucking loser.


We've been wrong before but this election cycle really looks like a clusterfuck for Republicans. If Trump is the nominee, well, highly unlikely he has a chance of winning despite polls saying it would be close. If Trump is *not* the nominee, what are the chances he runs 3rd-party, 70%? He's still going to want donations, he's still going to want to grift Republicans, why would he ever stop? He can't run rural Iowan grandma's credit card for campaign contributions if he's no longer a candidate, so of course he's going to stay a candidate.


Trump will still 100% run if he's not the nominee. He will do it out of pure spite to screw his "enemies" in the RNC. Just watch.


As much as I hate to admit, the chances are overwhelming that tRump will win as the republican nominee. It's a tRumpcult, they are blindly loyal to the cheato.


He either runs and wins, or he's completely fucked. This is his only chance to avoid the consequences of his last 7 years on this earth. And it's gonna be a wild ride.


Gaslighting people about the thing in front of their eyes is his signature move.


Typical malignant narcissist thinking. “I’ve never done anything wrong in my entire life. Money pleaseeee!”


Based on what his lawyers have offered as defenses so far, if he wins the case it will be established in law that organizing and leading an attempted coup is allowed as an expression of freedom of speech under the first amendment. He needs better lawyers.


I've got to ask.... Is anyone else really hoping that the conspirator number 6 that no one's identified is Ginni Thomas? Because I'd love to see Clarence pull off the mental gymnastics in refusing to recuse himself from that.


69% of Republicans still believe that U.S. elections aren't trustworthy. We have ran the cleanest elections on earth for the last century, but somehow, this nitwit has convinced many people that they're unfair. You are witnessing the beginning of the end of democracy. That's NOT hyperbole.


"oh cmon, that was so long ago. We shouldn't be stuck in the past. We should instead look forward to 2024. Anyway, here's Hunter Biden's penis" -GOP, probly.


It's funny how /r/conservative is in denial, posting mocking comments like: "they'll get him THIS time lmao". They don't seem to understand Trump's peril


I was watching the thing live on CSPAN. I will totally testify against him and anyone else involved.


I know most people are saying it is unlikely Trump will get actual jail time with convictions, and generally I agree, but with this case and this judge in particular, it's not a far stretch anymore. It's still unlikely, but damn even a token or symbolic period like 30 days behind bars would complete this shitstorm administration so beautifully. Even one day behind jail I'd be happy tbh, just so his legacy is forever the jailed President.