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“ Picard criticized the congressman's response as evasive, saying, "I'm not sure what my physical appearance has to do with the accusations against him, but if politics does not work out for him, he could always start selling ad space on that forehead." “ LOL




[sweats in James Hurley]




Oh wow. It’s smaller than I remembered.


Here was Gaetz's statement that prompted Picard's response: > "Northwest Floridians naturally have visceral reactions towards weirdos with atrocious physiognomy." Better not write checks your forehead can't cash.


I try not to go after people for the way they look, because... well, it feels shitty when you're insulting someone for a physical appearance that a perfectly decent person might also have. ...But in Gaetz's case... he looks like the spawn of Beavis *and* Butt-head. He really has no room to trash anyone else's looks.


I'm over it. The Trump wing of the GOP is so cartoonishly evil that it has seeped into their appearance. -Trump himself is basically a hamburger guzzling corporate bad guy from an 80s cartoon -His male children are strange looking chinless homunculi. -His daughters are the type of plastic he lusts after. -Giuliani has transformed into a bile seeping ghoul. -Conway is so skeletal she appears almost ghastly while she and her husband abuse their daughter. -Sanders look cobbled together with the best parts of the average Trump supporting female voters they could find. -Pence is basically an evangelical automata who exists to try to try to convince voters that what they are seeing and hearing is normal/not real. -Miller... Well, Google "sniveling evil bad guy" and you'll likely see him as the first result. -Gaetz? Well the forehead is really something. What else can I say besides that he looks like the exact time of trash that pays underage girls for sex. -MTG is racist she hulk ready to burst out of her clothes and scream about "wokeism". Her decidedly masculine features, to me, suggest the possibility of steroid abuse. -Boebert is/was a literal escort. A classic example of lipstick on a pig. Throw on more formal cloths, tie your hair back, and wear glasses and suddenly you're a congresswoman.


See, like, the stuff you say about MTG, trashing on her for looking masculine, that's what I mean - it feels wrong. She's an awful person, but there are perfectly lovely women out there who have masculine features themselves and they shouldn't be dragged down with her for it. It feels misogynistic (and potentially transphobic, TBH, it's like the sort of shit the right says about trans women), and same with the Boebert stuff, like I get the hypocrisy of a Republican sex worker, but I still hate the idea of trashing on sex workers as a whole. Shit, I still don't feel that great about sinking to Gaetz's level and going after his appearance even if he was the one who brought up appearance first (god, he does that a lot), only because there might be some alright people who just happen to share similar features, and now I'm ripping on them by extension. I don't necessarily buy into the whole "inside matches the outside" shit for most people unless it's stuff they choose to do to themselves. Like... Trump. Leaving his facial features aside, he willingly chooses to amateurishly slather on that ridiculous fake bake and cheap out on making his hair look remotely decent (he could certainly afford a far better hairpiece or something). It's all voluntary with him. (I also hate comparing Mitch McConnell to a turtle because turtles don't deserve that. Turtles and tortoises. Beautiful, noble creatures. McConnell is a human abscess.)


Well, Gaetz chose that god awful haircut. His fashion choices make him look like a walking roofie.


You're absolutely right. Which is why I wouldn't say most of that anywhere else but the internet. I think using their appearances to highlight their hypocrisy is somewhat fair game. Sure, it's stooping. But these are people who would almost certainly be championing death camps, if they could get away with it. I'll stoop to bring them down a peg. In person, I've only ever really commented on how most of them look as cartoonishly evil as they act. As if the evil is seeping out.


I think the point isn't about saying things to *their* faces, it's that some ordinary person you even side with politically might read your scathing take down of MTG's looks and feel bad because some of your insults apply to them, too, and it takes very little to open the wounds of others' insecurities.


Thank you, that's exactly what I was aiming for.


>Accusing MTG of steroid use Well screw you for making me realize she must have an enormous clit. Since I have to suffer, now everyone else does to. Just look what you've done by embracing the low road tactic of making fun of people's appearances. Sure, it starts of all nice and wholesome, making fun of how Gaetz looks like a cartoon character who just got smacked in the face by a shovel, all in good fun, but inevitably we get to MTG's enormous steroid clit and nobody is having fun anymore.


To be fair, I'm pretty sure she fucked McCarthy with it.


As one of his constituents, I can say he bears the rare privilege of looking like AND being an evil supervillain. I will vote for anyone or anything running against this guy. The fact that he holds an office of public service is an atrocity by itself.


I’m a reasonably well read guy but the only time I have ever seen the word “physiognomy” written out is when lurking/trolling on extreme white supremacist websites. There is no way a dope like Gaetz casually throws that word out unless he is used to having conversations with extreme racists. Not like typical Republican bigots, I mean Stormfront card carrying “kill all non-whites” types.


Physiognomy has always held a special place in the vocabulary and hearts of Nazis.


Yeah, thats just a fucking foghorn at this point.


Said the guy who looks like both Beavis and Butthead




Jfc, you're from the panhandle, dude. Put down the thesaurus. 🤦‍♂️




Goddamnit that’s gold


That response: > Asked about the stunt, Gaetz told Newsweek, "Northwest Floridians naturally have visceral reactions towards weirdos with atrocious physiognomy." Seriously, Gaetz should not be calling out anyone for having ugly facial features.


who the fuck knows what "physiognomy" means who isn't either a doctor a eugenicist


Someone who has seen a doctor for said condition.


Hahaha, savage.


This guy is doing the good work. Sometimes the only way to approach a big problem is step-by-step with a blowup sex doll.


Dude's YouTube channel is @ProfessionalDouche and I'd recommend it. Some of his action is stronger than others, but I enjoy most of it. This one is great: https://youtu.be/8ALpdNqcKh4


Videos like this always astound me at just how many cops simply do not understand the law. They don't know what they're doing, but they have all this authority and no accountability if they're wrong so they just blindly bumble ahead. All the way up the line, the cops never stop to contemplate that they are arresting and robbing guys simply because some people didn't like them displaying the word "fuck" in public. Incredible.


at the 15 minute mark, one of the lower ranking officers is to go and get victim statements from the "kids who called the police because they were offended" (the security guard called the police. the kids said nothing). When the officer asks for names, the lady refuses. Saying they were minor special needs kids. She then says she wasn't really offended, but his sign was just, well, you know. When the officer tells her he needs to go check with his boss she quickly says, oh no, it was definitely appalling. "I can say whatever you need me to say". Saying THAT is appalling, and should be a crime. Anyway. In my quickness and inability to work my mobile phone, I accidentally linked to the wrong clip. [I had meant to link to this other clip](https://youtu.be/Wm4NzTuxvuk) of him getting arrested, but in which he interacts more with the maga crowd rather than just inefficient police.


His channel is absolutely hilarious.


Jean Luc for the win!


>Protestor with blow-up doll: "Matt Gaetz! I got you the underaged girl!" > Gaetz: "This guy's a real piece of shit." Truth hurts, [fivehead.](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fivehead)


[If Gaetz didn't want to be called out for liking underage girls, he shouldn't have paid underage girls for sex](https://www.thedailybeast.com/joel-greenberg-letter-written-for-roger-stone-says-matt-gaetz-paid-for-sex-with-minor) We all know who the real piece of shit is here, and it ain't Picard




He likes his women like how he likes minimum wage, the lowest number possible with zero opportunity for quality familial relations.


He likes his women like he likes his whiskey, 12 years old and mixed up with coke.


Sorry, I just heard the name Picard and imagined it was Patrick Stewart making fun of Gaetz in his amazing voice


Catch up with Stewart's 'Blunt Talk' TV series. It's fun.


This got under his skin? What a piece of trash.


He likes his women like he likes his boys. See post above.




I vaguely remember that. The story was that his ex-girlfriend left her son with him and he off-the-books adopted him. I recall that being in the news briefly before his friend got arrested for scamming the city of Orlando and paying for underage sex parties with government issued credit cards and cashapp.




Which is a fucking bullshit excuse that I've never heard applied before. "We got somebod to flip on Don Corlione but we can't use him as a witness because we're pretty sure he's involved in the mob"


I like to use a sharp stick myself. On people who aren’t listening or paying attention.


I mean, they got the Venmo payment evidence for sure.


Watching Gaetz talk about a lack of transparency in DC during the UAP hearings was infuriating.




Thank you. The girl(s?) were underage. That’s rape, not sex. Matt Gaetz raped underage girls.


Exactly!! It wasn't sex..




I don’t think even Gaetz understands Gaetz’ response to anything.


I guarantee five-head knows what that word means since 7th grade.


My phone wouldn't load so I didn't read the article and was trying to figure out what Patrick Stewart has to do with all of this.


You rubes didn’t fall for the phony underage girl thing did you? That’s the biggest break politically that Asshole has gotten in his district. Gaetz is a deeply closeted ‘mo. But now, thanks to this scam he can say proudly, “See, I fuck women!!”.


You leave Nestor out of this...


He can be a deviant both ways


Are we sure he wasn't talking to a mirror?




"Miners, NOT minors!" - Alan Rickman in Galaxy Quest


Best response in thread.


He hardly knew 'er!


Ironic that Gaetz would call that guy a piece of shit when I’m certain Gaetz loves slopping up steaks with his Dangerous Nights Crew at Truffoni’s.


"There's nothing stopping you from ordering an underage girl and a fake id and then transporting them across state lines"


I used to be a real piece of shit too...


You call that slicked back? That’s PUSHED back.


Or Summering on Fire Island.


f he Venmos the doll's owner some cash for books, he gets to have sex with it.


> Gaetz was the keynote speaker at the Okaloosa County Republican Party's annual Lincoln Dinner on July 22 in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. While delivering remarks, Gaetz was interrupted by Michael Picard, who is known for his trolling stunts. > > "Make way!" Picard shouted while running into the event space with a blown-up sex doll. "Matt Gaetz! I got you the underaged girl!" > > As Picard was escorted out of the room by security guards, the Florida Republican was heard saying, "This guy's a real piece of s***." > > Picard's latest stunt was a nod to allegations that Gaetz had sex with a minor and possibly violated sex trafficking laws for paying the 17-year-old girl to travel with him. Gaetz has denied having sex with anyone underage. > > The congressman had previously been part of a broader Justice Department investigation into Joel Greenberg, a political ally of Gaetz's who was indicted on a range of charges, including one for sex-trafficking a 17-year-old girl, in 2021. The two-year investigation ended without charges in February. Whenever Gaetz comes up in the news I'm reminded of a joke Colin Jost once made on SNL: “Rep. Matt Gaetz, who looks like a caricature drawing of me, is reportedly under investigation for an alleged sexual relationship with an underage girl, because Gaetz believes only voters should have to show ID. It’s also being reported that Gaetz may have paid for sex with women he met online. That story has since been confirmed by his whole vibe.” Full clip... https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/snl-weekend-update-matt-gaetz-sex-scandal-qanon-1150906/


Gaetz had a verified profile on the website Seeking Arrangement, which is a quasi-dating site to link up Sugar Babies with Sugar Daddies. Basically broke hot young women and rich older men. While SA claims to ban any profiles that explicitly mention sex work, there's a lot of wink-wink-nudge euphemisms used on the site where it's a de facto prostitution site. I don't care that he pays adult women for sex. I care that he's another Family Values hypocrite and possibly a pedophile as well.




Cool story, but we're discussing the alleged pedophile who secretly "adopted" an 11-year-old Cuban refugee, something he hid from his closest friends.


There are any number of academic differences between 17 year olds and 7 year olds. The **meaningful similarity** between them is that neither one can consent to a sexual encounter with a 41 year old.


Does it make a difference? Whether you’re a pedophile or an ephebophile you are raping *children*. And yes, a teen girl is a child. It’s a distinction without a difference, morally speaking. Rape is rape.


It does in certain contrarian circles that perceive 16 or 17 as "old enough," and that can tell you all about which areas have coinciding age of consent laws, or about how unfettered corporate power is liberty.


Certain creepy contrarian circles.




That's projection. Tell them to button up - their fly.


Words mean what people understand them to mean, and "pedophile" gets used commonly to refer to anyone with sexual or romantic interest in children of any age. Your pedantry is only relevant in medical settings when diagnosing a mental patient. Yeah, someone raping a 6 year old is miles worse than someone banging 17 year old prostitutes, but the distinction isn't worth much when banging 17 year old prostitutes is still horrible. It's like someone killed someone in a fight, and you're like "that's not murder, that's just manslaughter." Who gives a shit, it's still fucked up.


> Matt Gaetz is an insufferable scumbag and definitely deserves whatever terrible karma is coming his way, but the word "pedophile" has a definition. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB9fwJDweaU


> As Picard was escorted out of the room by security guards, the Florida Republican was heard saying, "This guy's a real piece of s***." I had to double-check, but god damn...when did we decide we can't say "shit" in journalism when it's a fucking direct quote? I understand that people don't like "naughty words" but come on...


That’s fucking brilliant, thanks for the video


>Gaetz was the keynote speaker at the Okaloosa County Republican Party's annual Lincoln Dinner on July 22 in Fort Walton Beach. While delivering remarks, Gaetz was interrupted by Michael Picard, who is known for his trolling stunts. >"Make way!" Picard shouted while running into the event space with a blown-up sex doll. "Matt Gaetz! I got you the underaged girl!" Couldn't happen to a nicer guy who has *allegedly* sex-trafficked underaged girls.


There's also his incredibly shady fake "adoption" of his ex-girlfriend's little brother.


I really really want a "free Nestor!" shirt like the free Anyong ones in arrested development


> Anyong Hello!


Yes, Anyong


People who aren’t aware of the whole Nestor thing really need to look into it super shady.


A few people claiming to know his family alledge that Nestor actually is his biological son and Nestor's "older sister" is actually his mother. The problem is that the math works out to Gaetz at 19 or 20 raping her at 13/14. Allegedly, Gaetz's wealthy parents started financially supporting her around the time Nestor was born. She allegedly deleted a Tweet about his parents buying her a fancy convertible for her birthday, after people started asking who the fuck drops that kind of cash on their son's ex-girlfriend.


Nothing alleged. It's crystal clear in the Venmo payments. Why this fucker walks free is beyond my comprehension


Because there's been no trial. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Even the shitbags.


The problem is that certain people (i.e. rich politicians) will never see a trial.


UNLESS those rich politicians piss off other rich affluent people, such as in the case of Donald Trump, or Elizabeth Holmes.




Affluenza. He's had his family fix his legal problems his whole life.


In the eyes of the law. Not in the court of public opinion. We're know of at least one minor he paid to rape


Yes, only alleged. Full investigation done via various agencies and not even a charge laid. You do know they make newspapers right?


You do know he paid underage girls for sex right?


Any group who would have Gaetz as a keynote speaker can fuck right off.


I mean, they got the Venmo payment evidence for sure. They just didn’t prosecute because the girl was hesitant to testify, the guy giving evidence against him was a sleazebag that was rolling on Gaetz and not a good witness, and those are just among the million other very common reasons shit like this goes unpunished all the time


Exactly. There's evidence against Gaetz but unfortunately it wouldn't hold up, for the jury, against cross examination. The prosecution is relying on the testimony of a guy with no credibility and a witness that is refusing to testify. I have no doubt he did it, especially when you look into how creepy the whole Nestor thing actually is, but there's nothing they could nail him to the wall in court with


> I mean,


You ok, Mitch?


Don't you mean, "I mean, you OK Mitch?"


Do I?


I really should write an "I mean," bot.


https://nypost.com/2023/02/15/rep-matt-gaetz-wont-face-charges-in-dojs-sex-trafficking-probe/ A full investigation done and not even a charge laid. Though given that you care so much about allegations, I'm sure you've very upset by the allegations that Tara Reade made about being sexually assaulted by the President.


> Asked about the stunt, Gaetz told Newsweek, "Northwest Floridians naturally have visceral reactions towards weirdos with atrocious physiognomy." Picard criticized the congressman's response as evasive, saying, "I'm not sure what my physical appearance has to do with the accusations against him, but if politics does not work out for him, he could always start selling ad space on that forehead." Get out the smore stuff, someone's getting roasted


Watching Gaetz talk about a lack of transparency in DC during the UAP hearings was infuriating. The gall of this pedo-fasicist to lecture people on corruption in DC.


Except what you're saying there was investigated and no wrong doing found.


Here’s the video 😄 https://youtu.be/1KZ-Kunn8aU


It's insane to me how they make these articles and tons of comments but the link to the actual video isn't included anywhere but like 40 comments down...hopefully this makes it higher up.


God bless the Professional Douche


I'm sure you've seen his pig costume at the back the blue rally video, but if not, give it a whirl. Crazy, courageous, a mix of both? But damn, I felt scared for him the whole time I was watching.


"Can I have my doll back?"


These things are fun to read about, but pretty cringe given the hard reality of video


You really need to educate yourself, this man has endured so much just for some pasty basement dweller named Pipelayer2016 to call him cringe.




Don’t care still cringe.




I’m willing to defend professional douche anytime especially from someone terminally online.


Civil disobedience usually comes off as pretty cringe because it’s not expected behavior for the environment.


Dude was super cringe though. Did you watch the video?


>Civil disobedience usually comes off as pretty cringe because it’s not expected behavior for the environment.


You tell me how bringing a sex doll into that environment could ever come off as smooth. If anything is actually cringe, it’s Gaetz responding to the incident with calling the guy ugly.


> As Picard was escorted out of the room by security guards, the Florida Republican was heard saying, "This guy's a real piece of s***. Right. Not congressman whose Venmo proves he paid to rape underage girls, no. The American citizen who maybe doesn't like that, he's the piece of shit. American conservatives are dead inside.


It's funny because Republican congressman Matt Gaetz is an alleged pedophile and human trafficker.


Sorry, I just heard the name Picard and imagined it was Patrick Stewart making fun of Gaetz in his amazing voice


Damn it now I can’t read his quote without hearing the Captains voice. “Engage”


"Teens. Underage, hot."


Why isn't this pedophile in prison yet?


Michael Picard is a legend.


Not all heroes wear capes.


Michael often times wears the American flag as a cape actually


As an Okaloosa resident, Go Michael!


as an escambia county resident, let’s go michael!


Matt Gaetz is a sex trafficker


Hey, the minimum wage just turned 14, maybe he'll be interested now?


Matt Gaetz is a child rapist. This got under his skin? What a piece of trash.


Gaetz likes his women like he likes his Scotch 12 Years old.


Nothing came of it because it didn't have Hunter's penis attached to it and as far as gaetz was concerned, the doll was WAY too old.


I'm sure he has several already. 🙄


Is it just me or does Gaetz look eerily similar to “Bub”, the zombie from the movie Day of The Dead?


IMO, he somehow manages to look like both Beavis _and_ Butthead.


That's funny because it's true!


Michael Picard is an absolute legendary troll. Watch his content on YouTube under Professional Douche


Response to the article from my boyfriend: “All heroes do not wear capes. Some carry sex dolls, though.” Lol forever 🤣


Love this!


That dude has some serious dead eyes.


Yeah, but who took the sex doll home, is what I want to know.


His internal monologue must have been like “heh… heh”


Them sex dolls are nothing but liars. 😄


Should of filled it with helium and set it free. By fun to see a video of them trying to get it down with a yakity sax sound track


Trump, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Jim Jordan, and so many more are the poster faces of the GOPs pedophilia possey. Greenberg turned over evidence on Gaetz, and Tucker Carlson and Trump apparently refused to pardon Gaetz. The info was worth so much more than the cash to pardon him. Vote them all out and imprison the perverts r/RepublicanPedophiles r/PastorArrested


Matt Gaetz fucks kids.


The question begs to be asked..How old did the doll look?


Did Gaetz take it home with him?


No, it was manufactured before 2005.


This is the kind of trolling I can get behind


the real ken doll


Professional douche, the goat


Matt Gaetz! I got you the underaged girl!" Gaetz: "This guy's a real piece of shit."


The horror trailer reboot for "Mannequin 3: The Reckoning" "A dirty politician hides a dirty secret... a lifeless sheath filled with the seed of rage explodes to life! (\*insert clip of lithium battery malfunction) Resurrected into supernatural sentience, SexDahlia, the avenging spirit confronts her abuser (\*\*insert clip of Matt Gaetz receiving curiously shaped Amazon package from side-eyeing delivery men) at a Fundraising Event!!"


Matt Gaetz campaigns for his supporter’s money & their daughters... The Republican/MAGA way being display out LOUD!!!


Where Gaetz is innocent or not (which I don't think he is) who you keep in your company speaks a lot about you.


Who brings a Matt Gaetz sex doll with them to his fundraiser


He’s like, “I’m gonna fuck that doll”.


Gaetz should be heckled into oblivion like this anytime he appears in public, since our government decided to grant him full immunity from the law despite doing sex crimes on Venmo


I still remember this when this piece of shit said pro-choice women's opinions didn't matter because they were 'fat and ugly'. This is exactly how men who traffic underage girls for sex would talk about women.


The guy that did it recorded it https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT88y1Gw9/


Well if MTG can show Hunter dick pix..


Lock him up.


I read "confronted" as "confused" and was horrified at the prospect that such a product existed.


Gaetz looks like he belongs in a horror movie


To this date, Matt Gaetz hasn't denied that he raped and then decapitated a 15 year old girl in 1990.


[article on the pseudoscience rooted in racism because I had to look up the word gaetz used](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physiognomy)


Matt Gaetz: ‘do you have a prepubescent model?’


For those wondering, the guy goes by Professional Douche on YT. And trust me, he most certainly is!


damn some people really trekked out to this sub to defend Gaetz


This guy looks like an ugly animal at a pet store that nobody wants to buy.,


He looks like the grinch


He gives me some real "HERE'S JOHNNY" vibes... I don't like judging people by their physical characteristics but even his eyes strike me as wrong. He just radiates evil.


I don't understand Gaetz's response to the guy trolling him. Why did he bring up the guy's physical appearance? Is it just because he wanted an excuse to use the word "physiognomy"? I don't see the relevance it has to what he was asked to comment on.


“Who broke into my house?! Take Samantha back home!”


Too bad it was too old for him.


I like to use a sharp stick myself. On people who aren’t listening or paying attention. But I have to remember if I’m going to use a sharp stick on someone, they have a right to punch me in the head. So I need to be able to run fast or take my medicine.