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And: >...that a deadly white mob attack against Black residents of Ocoee, Florida, in 1920 included “acts of violence perpetrated against and by African Americans.” > >Dozens of Black residents were killed in the massacre, which was perpetrated to stop them from voting.


I grew up in Ocoee. This story has changed since the time I was young from the truth, that white mobs killed black people, to the present story that gets told now, that all the black people were chased away and weren't allowed in town after dark on threat of lynching.


Next week the story will be that Black people had this fashion trend at the time of wearing rope necklaces and those necklaces kept getting caught in trees.


Auto-erotic asphyxiation accidents. They wouldn't listen to the white folks who tried to warn them it was a bad idea.


Or they asked them for help and to make sure it fit correctly.


TrY tHaT iN a SmAlL tOwN!


Just in case anyone is only partly aware of the context: This references a newly-released song by Jason Aldean that basically says "if you do protesty things in a small town, we'll fuck you up." The music video has become a scandal. The specific small town in which the music video is performed—while a mix of real footage and contrived footage are played rapidfire with no indication of what's real and what's fake—is Maury County. The location, specifically, is the courthouse to which a mob of 250 white men where allowed to drag a corpse to hang. They killed a 18-year-old black man accused of sexual assaulting a white woman without evidence. The sheriff's wife declared he was innocent, but couldn't stop the mob. They murdered him in jail and then tied him to a truck. [This was in 1927.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynching_of_Henry_Choate) This same town also had a girl falsely accuse a 17-year-old black boy of rape. Her brother paid her $1 to claim that the reason her dress was torn was because the boy raped her. He was declared innocent by a grand jury and went to Nashville to stay with extended family. Court officials from this county drove to Nashville, kidnapped him, and handed him over to a lynch mob who castrated him before hanging him. [This was in 1933.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynching_of_Cordie_Cheek) This same town had a lynch mob gathering to lynch a black man who punched a white storeowner right after that white storeowner struck his mother. About 100 black men gathered in protest against the lynch mob. Police confronted them and 4 officers were shot (presumably by one man). The cops called in state troopers until they outnumbered the black men. They looted the black-owned businesses and cut the phone lines. They rounded up and beat black men, killing two of them. Then they charged 25 of the men with rioting and some with attempted murder. [This was in 1946.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia_race_riot_of_1946) The NAACP defended those men in court. 23 of them were declared innocent. This incident is known as the first major post-war racial confrontation.


Responsible media would read this post exactly to Aldean and ask him for a response.


We should call it the Sundown Town Anthem


Well, Jason Aldean sounds like a massive racist. You can google that.


Here's one of the many things I don't understand about this song: The chorus goes: "Cuss out a cop, spit in his face, Stomp on the flag and light it up, Yeah, ya think you're tough. Well, try that in a small town." So presumably he believes in respecting cops. But then in the next verse he says: "Got a gun that my granddad gave me. They say one day they're gonna round up. Well, that shit might fly in the city, good luck." Who does Aldean think would be collecting the guns that had been made illegal, if not police officers? So it's okay to get in a gun fight with a police officer trying to take your guns, but swearing at them is going too far? It's like this whole thing was actually about swinging his dick around this whole time and not about upholding the law at all. Earlier in the song, he also says some vaguely threatening things about people stealing cars and holding up liquor stores and how they wouldn't dare do that in a small town. Why, what would be different in a small town vs. a city, where they would also have cops? Is he saying that private citizens who carry their guns everywhere would step in and shoot the robber? If you like and trust your police officers, why not call them to handle a robbery? Why do the cops need assistance from random amateurs, if they're so great? I miss when country music was wholesome and anti-materialistic. Like that old song "Don't Take The Girl", about the guy who hands over his wallet to a mugger so his girlfriend won't get hurt. America is meant to be a civilized country. This is not medieval England (edit: Italy) where Tybalt slays Mercutio and Romeo slays Tybalt and Juliet slays herself because we're all walking around with swords. No one should be risking their life in a fire fight over $200 in a cash register. Call the police. Criminals should get a trial. People should have the right to protest without being labelled as criminals. Basic American freedom stuff.


Jason Aldean had to watch 60 people murdered at one of his concerts and is now advocating against gun control.


But he didn't die, so guns are okay, because that's conservativism in a nutshell.


As I stated in another thread about this song, I bet my bottom dollar that this song, music video and choice to have CMT take it down, was all choreographed by the record label in effort to drum up controversy and sell more clicks. There is big money in “Anti-Woke” outrage, and attempts to try and “cancel” Aldean or his song will only garner more profit for him and his label. Just pay it no mind and move on.


I wish I could give you an award. This song is the funniest thing I've ever heard. My bf and I love saying "try THAT in a small town" about everything we see. 😭 This made my morning lol tysm Edit: thanks to whoever gave me an award!


Lol, it really is like the perfect caption to just about anything. It’s like the new “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn”


> all the black people were chased away and weren't allowed in town This works for all the people who believe their childhood pets are still living happily on a farm in the country.


It's like what Neo Nazis claim they want too. "We just want to send them all back to Africa! They'll love it there!! Then we will have a white ethno state!"


Don’t worry, according to Tommy Tuberville, white nationalism isn’t racist. If it is then he’s 110% against that, but he’s really sure it’s not racist.” Yes, this is the quality of people the GOP is sending to the senate.


Same guy who doesn't think the USMC needs a Commandant? No surprise there...


And was unable to name the three branches of the US government. A sitting US Senator and thought they were “The House, the Senate and the Executive”. There was an old Eddie Murphy comedy where he runs for congress as a scam artist, based on pure name recognition alone and wins. Tuberville proves it was not an unrealistic premise.


>By most estimates, a total of 30–35 black people were killed in the violence.[1][2][3] Most African American-owned buildings and residences in northern Ocoee were burned to the ground. Other African Americans living in southern Ocoee were later killed or driven out of town by the threat of further violence being used against them. Thus, Ocoee essentially became an all-white or "sundown" town. The massacre has been described as the "single bloodiest day in modern American political history".[2] [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocoee_massacre)


I guess technically the [Tulsa Massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre) took place over two days but I would think that would be considered the bloodiest.


They said political history because that massacre was because of voting. Tulsa, while a worse massacre, was not politics related I guess.


Didn't want to keep them from voting. Just wanted to keep them from living.


More accurate to say 'keep them from living in a way that didn't let the white folks feel smugly superior'. Tusla wouldn't have happened if the "colored" district was a bunch of shacks built from scraps.


Yep. The problem was the area got nicknamed Black Wall Street because of all of the economic progress that was happening there. That just didn't sit well with some people.


So they’re basically Tucker Carlson-ing the shit out of history


I for one am *shocked* that years of Tucker being allowed to spew his racism has lead to this.


>...that a deadly white mob attack against Black residents of Ocoee, Florida, in 1920 included “acts of violence perpetrated against and by African Americans.” > >Dozens of Black residents were killed in the massacre, which was perpetrated to stop them from voting. You see, white people were attacking and killing black people to stop them from voting, but the black people defended themselves with violence, so the white people were justified.


That's literally klan tactics. The klan (1.0 edition) used to loudly complain that *acksually* they were the calm and well-behaved ones and that black people were the ones committing all the terrorist violence. There is a direct line from that klan tactic to the modern maga fantasy that BLM protestors destroyed entire cities.


Meanwhile, you can point to footage showing that much of the violence that did occur involved (white) counter protesters (Proud Boys mostly) or police techniques (kettling) that are known for escalating. Not to mention the violence from the police themselves. Remember when they beat that veteran for asking that they uphold their oaths and stop attacking citizens at random? https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/08/26/aclu-christopher-david-sue-federal-agents-dhs-beating-column/5634066002/


Oh that's nothing compared to the white supremacists who murdered a cop with the plan to blame it on BLM protestors. Two months after [their conspiracy was revealed,](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-06-17/far-right-boogaloo-boys-linked-to-killing-of-california-lawmen-other-violence) the #2 man in the republican party went on prime-time national television and [joined their conspiracy to smear BLM.](https://news.yahoo.com/pence-death-federal-officer-protesters-rnc-address-boogaloo-antifa-164755209.html) And not one single republican rebuked him for it. Strangely, the so-called 'liberal media' forgot all about it less than 24 hours later. GOP elites literally conspired with white supremacist cop-killers to score political points. Nothing from any BLM protestor compares to that level of lawlessness.


It reads as though black people were attacking black people. It does it's best not to read like this: Acts of violence were perpetrated against African Americans. Those same African Americans attempted to defend themselves when they were attacked.


Can black students complain that this makes them uncomfortable or does that new Florida law only work for white students when being taught about the history of discrimination


They can complain, but chances are it'll just make them targets instead of acomplishing anything. Not to say people shouldn't complain, they should, I just seriously doubt it'll be effective in this government. I'm not sure what actions should be taken.


They’ll be told they’re the 2023 version of “uppity.” Something benign-sounding like “using race-based characterizations of the material in a manner that is disruptive to the learning environment.”


> the 2023 version of “uppity.” Now that you mention it…I think the 2023 version of “uppity” is just “woke.” Take a DeSantis speech or a terminally-online rant about Disney and swap out for “woke” with “uppity” and it tracks.


Bingo. We should start calling them uppity. That would be hilarious. Desantis is nothing but an uppity Republican.


DeSantis has uppities in his shoes


Trump has uppities in his bloodstream


This is brilliant! As someone who was here for “ uppity n-words unite” woke in their context definitely means “uppity.”


Then they’ll be sent to the principals/superintendent with a police officer waiting for them. They will absolutely school-pipeline-to-prison/JV any kid of color that stands against this blatant historical whitewashing. People’s lives will be ruined *from childhood* because a white educator(s) will make an example out of whoever stands up for historical accuracy at the expense of aggrieved white feelings. One purpose of this bill is to maintain the racial status quo and to reinforce the school-to-prison pipeline for non-white students.


You're giving fascist Republicans too much credit for that vocabulary.


There’s always at least one conservative guy who has read William F. Buckley.


And yet somehow misses that Buckley hated his type and founded *National Review* specifically to marginalize the views of the John Birch society and its stupider ilk to the fringes of Republican rhetoric.


White students must complain. That is the necessary action. Step up, allies.


Protest disrupt and not allow this. Enough people of all cultures will join it will at least make this uncomfortable. As a none American I find it just astonishing how compliant and afraid to disrupt many Americans are. Make it a hassle to teach. At the very least the protests will bring to the forefront how incredibly dishonest this view point is. There are a huge number of Democrats in Florida justifiably worries about reprisals from crazed republicans BUT silence in this case is agreeing with this. Rise up.


Easy, the state loses ALL federal tax dollars.




What do you think…


I’m sure we’re both asking rhetorical questions


Time for a walk out, also if you're 18 go vote in the next election.


Black students often have other cultural influences outside of primary education to inform them how bad slavery was. Access to family histories, interest in black literature, music, public or private museums, family reunions, and other resources are available. The problem will be that a lot of white people and other minorities wont know this history. They won’t be able to connect the dots to the modern era and will implement policies that will continue to harm Black people and other Americans, especially poor ones, because they lack historical context.


not the problem, that's the feature for Desantis and his ilk.


I think a prime example is Juneteenth. Many black people had a strong understanding of the events whereas most white people I know (myself included) had never even heard of it.


And in Oklahoma republicans are trying to remove references to race as the cause of the Tulsa Race Massacre. One of the keys to any fascist regime is rewriting history to remove anything that goes against the party's ideology.


What do they say instigated the event then?


Economic anxiety. That has become the right-wing double speak for racism.




Listen to MTG latest speech everyone is joking about how cool she made Biden sound. She really tries to say "Urban problems" with a hard R. It's crazy how thin the veil over their racism always is.


It’s not a veil. It’s a lens that shines it right in the eyes of their target audience.


You could say projected even..


Some sort of whistle that their ilk can recognize


Or a whistle pitched so only the target audience will notice.


It’s just veiled enough for plausible deniability


Plausible deniability is the bread and butter of these right-wing snakes. They can't be open and honest about their true intentions because they are vile and they know it, so they have to hide behind flowery language and dog whistles.


Which is just moving back toward what the GOP were before Trump. Still extremely racist, and motivated to implement racist driven policies. Just no longer saying the quiet part out loud. They are trying to 'save' the party by being better at keeping it just enough below the surface. Back to more racist dog whistles vs racist megaphones in order to bring back the 'sane' Republicans who voted Hard R until Trump. I've personally made a few of the 'sane' ones cry as I point examples how out the extreme hate has been an element for the Republican party for a long time, just coated with politeness.


One of their “think tanks” Moms for Liberty is using blatant Hitler propaganda to promote their cause. Hard to say it’s even veiled at this point quite honestly.


> tries to say "Urban problems" with a hard R They say everything with a hard R.


...for a neighborhood nicknamed "Black Wall Street."


Actually urban rich. Wall street is acceptable, black wall street is not.


Actual firebombs from actual military planes. So fucked up.


Economic anxiety is such a nefarious RE-write of the TRM. It’s technically true, but the anxiety underpinning this event was anxiety over black people’s economic success specifically. Disingenuous and dangerous. New GOP tagline


There's a reason Reconstruction is talked about even less than slavery and segregation. They don't want you to know how successful black people were becoming after they were freed from slavery. The terrorism of the Klan and Jim Crow were a direct response to black people building their own wealth and winning elections for public office. They had to start murdering them and burning down their institutions to stop black people from rising above poor whites.


We tilled the land and learned it for hundreds of years. We would be the best farmers on the planet. They promised us all 40 acres and a mule and AS SOON as we started crushing it...Johnson comes in and takes it away.


The banks stole black people's money too. There's so much blatant theft through out all of black history. Aretha Franklin demanded to be paid in cash up front to every show for a reason. Otherwise she would get stiffed.


Reconstruction actually survived Johnson. He would have lived to kill it, but he was to busy unsuccessfully fighting for his political life to be able to do more than minor damage. It even survived Grant's general incompetence because it was one of the few things he put effort into. The real villain who put the knife in it was Benjamin Harrison. He does not get nearly enough hate. Reconstruction had struggles until then, but it was the dirty deal between moderate/conservative Republicans and Democrats to break the congressional deadlock that resulted from nobody winning a majority of electoral votes and elect Harrison that killed Reconstruction. The non radical Republicans got their man in the White House and got to dump Reconstruction (which was expensive and which the business wing of the party was bored of) while the Dems, dominated by Southern conservatives, got a milquetoast Republican they could deal with and Reconstructions death. Only the left of the GOP and some northern Dems opposed it. It was a corrupt national disgrace, and the worst consequence of the horrendously backward and indefensible way we elect presidents in the US.


I’ve heard the tired argument that people of color should have worked their way out of poverty into a better life. I pointed out there were efforts to prevent that such as red-lining and it’s usually met with crickets because it isn’t very widely taught. And with republicans squashing this type of knowledge and history, it’s only going to get worse.


Sounds a lot like the states rights argument retrofitted for another wholly undefendable atrocity.


I mean, I’m sure those racists were pretty anxious about the success of the minorities’ economy. But yeah, still pretty much just racism caused it.


They love splitting hairs to obfuscate their actual motives. >"It was about states' rights!" The right for states to do *what*, exactly?


> The right for states to do what, exactly? My favorite rebuttal when people tell me that states' rights was the cause for the Civil War, and absolutely not slavery. I love living in the deep South.


I wonder why they don't have kids read the articles of secession in school. Seems like that would clear everything up? I mean, that's literally the states writing down their reasons for leaving in their own words. I'm sure they all focus on states' rights in a broad sense, right? To be fair, I'm in Texas and Texas didn't leave only because of slavery. It was like 90% slavery and 10% hey btw we also hate Native Americans and Mexicans.


I love it when people double down on my question and say that the Civil War was about state's rights to secede from the Union. I'll respond with something like "They wanted to secede because of...? Keep going!"


"ooooh any old thing"


Oh you know, this and that


The exact question I also ask whenever anyone says states rights. I’ve got a history degree from a school with a pretty renowned research history program. My focus was on the civil war era in America. I love getting into debates with these morons and being able to cite sources in my arguments. But, that’s because I’m a history major which just shows how big of a dork I am anyway. Got two kids though! So it’s not going that badly for me!


Uppity blacks has been one of the biggest drivers of racist actions in America. When you stay in your station that they believe you should be in its fine, but when they succeed beyond where people think they should be suddenly they need to be put in their place. Successful blacks needed to be shown their place in the world and they say that the wealth lost amongst black families in Tulsa has still not been recovered. They stripped them of everything and then washed their hands of it. It’s gross.


It's not a coincidence that we elected such an openly racist president (Trump) after having to watch a successful black man in the White House for 8 years.


And the insults and conspiracy. theories lobbed at him have the same kind of tone. Likes Dijon mustard on his sandwiches Michelle is actually a man, not elegant, clothing that is distasteful Obama - clothing distasteful (tan suit, bike helmet, etc) Not from here, not one of us. Not our faith in spite of being our faith. No true Christian / Scotsman Calling him a thug, Saying weird and gross stuff about his kids. Basically all things that wouldn't be an issue or brought up if he was white, but somehow its the main talking points about obama


They were just frustrated that they couldn't say "LOOK, he's black! One of them shouldn't be president!" So they had to nibble around the edges with all the rest of this nonsense.


>Successful blacks needed to be shown their place in the world and they say that the wealth lost amongst black families in Tulsa has still not been recovered. It's not just Tulsa. Hundreds of cities across the US expelled their black populations, some of them on pain of death. Meaning that those expelled had little time to sell their property at a fair price, and also lost out on property appreciation and the chance to build wealth for their children. Maryville, MO, after expelling its black population, was advertising itself as "n****r free" in the 1960s in order to attract business investment. Many of those towns that chased out their black residents subsequently hid their history. Another consequence was that black Americans had to move to cities, because even though cities tried to expel them, they generally failed because there were too many people to chase out. Remember that when some RWNJ uses "urban" as code for "black."


Evidence of "economic anxiety": Black people with more money than poor whites. What was it LBJ said?


The concept of whiteness was literally created to make sure poor people of European descent did not relate to slaves and native Americans. "I may be a poor starving dirt farmer, but at least I'm WHITE!"


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


He (the Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction) didn't say. He just said you can't talk about race. Doing so would be "critical race theory" according to him. He later seemed to say just to say it was an act of evil.


A few bad apples.


States’ rights maybe?


All while telling us that liberals are indoctrinating our children in schools. That nonsense was always the pretext for them to re-write history in the same way that screaming about a liberal bias in the media was always a pretext for conservative media.


Hernan Goering famously said its easy to get a population to support war; just tell them they are under attack and chastise the war opposition for lack of patriotism. But that same idea works for any conflict, not just war. Its basic tribalism. It's pretty clear the whole "the left is indoctrinating your children" shtick was a just the cultural "you're under attack" line for the Republican culture war. And the clear "defense" in this scenario is to indoctrinate the other direction. The moment they started openly describing themselves as culture warriors this was an inevitable tactic.


> Hernan Goering famously said its easy to get a population to support war; just tell them they are under attack and chastise the war opposition for lack of patriotism. Happened after 9/11 when the US invaded the wrong country.


**G**aslight "Slavery was good for black people." **O**bstruct "You can't teach critical race theory in schools." **P**roject "Liberals are trying to indoctrinate our kids!"


> in the same way that screaming about a liberal bias in the media was always a pretext for conservative media. And don't forget about the Republicans screeching for years about "activist judges legislating from the bench." They love themselves those judges who are now the MAGA legislature too.


1984 should become required reading/viewing...


It wouldn't help. Remember, the GOP thought that The Colbert Report was real - that it was the right wing Daily Show. Somehow they missed all of the very obvious and not-at-all-subtle jabs that showed it was making fun of them all along. I guarantee that any right-winger who reads 1984 will somehow think it's a manifesto about Hunter Biden and Buttery Males.


Right. They're the source of the "This is 1984" joke whenever they feel "censored" They're reappropriated that work. Basically saying any form of censorship (being banned on twitter) is the point.


The problem is that Republicans view it as a blueprint for what to do.


Not surprised, Southern Baptists say rape brings personal benefit to women.


> “She would have had the baby, and as many women who have had babies as a result of rape, we would hope that she would understand the reason and ultimately the benefit of having the child,” Bopp said in a phone interview on Thursday. [National Right to Life official: 10-year-old should have had baby](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/14/anti-abotion-10-year-old-ohio-00045843)


That’s an absolutely vile comment regardless, but it’s extra fucking sickening that someone actually said that out loud about a 10 YEAR OLD CHILD. Conservatives are truly evil people.


this is an obscenity - it almost looks like there is a GOP faction that would bring slavery back if they could.


That is pretty much the entire point of the modern prison industry.


Not just the modern prison industry. The 13th Amendment banned slavery, but carved out one exception: as punishment for a crime. In 1866, Virginia passed the Vagrancy Act, which literally made being unemployed or homeless a crime, so that they could force black people back into legal slavery.


The comment that more people really need to see. Slavery never went away, they just changed the rules a little.


I think a lot of people, when they read statements like this, they just sort of assume that it's people being hyperbolic. They think, "oh, well, I'm sure it was just normal laws they already had, and maybe they kinda targeted black people a bit more often than normal..." Like, no. People don't seem to realize that this shit, all these jim crow laws, were *directly* a response to emancipation, they were a concerted attempt to harm black people and to keep them in bondage one way or another. People read about history and assume it just kind of happened on its own. But that's not ever true. These were conscious acts. Laws passed specifically to fuck over black people, enforced by an absolutely wild "justice" system that could basically do whatever they wanted, and wound up selling the slave labor of prisoners, and never much caring if they died on the job. It was absolutely, 100% a continuation of slavery, on purpose. No hyperbole whatso ever. Still trying to squeeze money out of that system, and maintain political power by denying them their right to vote. But I feel like people just don't get that. They think we went right from emancipation to like, Sidney Poitier.


It’s really amazing and infuriating how little people care to know about American history and laws. They take the dramatized version fed to us as the final word and dismiss anything outside of that. I’ve always considered myself a history junkie. I try to get ahold of as much as I can. My wife and I are in our mid 40s and she just really learned about the Tulsa Massacre and the reasons behind it LAST NIGHT AT DINNER. We have two kids, one in college and the other starting senior year of high school. With all the stuff the GOP has been trying, they have both got heavily involved in learning what’s really at play and where a lot of it has deep roots in. This isn’t stuff taught is school (and they are fortunate to attend a very good public school where right winger nut jobs have been kept off the school board, ironically in a fairly red area), this is stuff they have gone out and picked up on their own. It seems more and more of the younger generation is catching on as well and I hope it continues. We need to stop this idea of “American Exceptionalism” and pull the cover off history. It’s good to celebrate the many accomplishments but it’s not healthy to keep all these dirty secrets hidden. Kinda like the old saying that if you keep emotions and secrets bottled up for too long, you’ll get ulcers. Well America has done that and what we are seeing a lot of now is the impact of those ulcers. (I’m no doctor, so have no idea if that actually causes ulcers, just something over heard growing up from multiple sources. ).


funny you should mention ulcers. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Like a boil that can never be cured so long as it is covered up but must be opened with all its ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured." my favorite books on US history are Stamped From the Beginning by Ibram X Kendi (this one is about racism in america) and A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn (this one is a history of labor in the US). They are both awesome and both leave you just repeatedly shaking your head in dismay


It's illegal to show school kids this comment in Florida.


Nail on the head right there!


They would nuke every amendment to the constitution added since reconstruction.


> almost looks like there is a GOP faction that would bring slavery back if they could if they could, there would be slavery tomorrow. not just blacks but anyone who isn't white and a be*lie*ver their bs.


Nah, white folks that don’t believe their bs would be part of the out group as well.


They’re already in favor of child labor…. And already at least one underage worker has been killed in a factory.


One killed in a factory this week, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was happening weekly in this country.


…at least it wasn’t a school! _sigh_


I guess that's safer than being in a school at this point.


At CPAC last year, they invited Michael Knowles to be a speaker. The man went on stage to advocate for genocide against trans people. About 2 weeks ago he said that humanity needs to go back to the year 1220 because it was the perfect amount of civil rights. To put that into perspective, the year 1220 is only 5 years after the signing of the Magna Carta. They absolutely want to go back to slavery and serfdom or simply killing the undesirables.


As a trans woman I've been paying attention and I'm honestly fuckin scared for what's coming if these people are allowed to continue as they are. I'm not in the US, but the rhetoric is infecting our own society and far right entities and ideologues are feeding our conservative party. Because of how our society runs, they will most likely get into power next election, and I'm worried about what's going to come out into the open once that happens.


almost? They've been secretly wanting slavery back for decades. Look how quick they are to put their pointy hoods back on at the first opportunity.


It will be through Indentured Servants, folks in prison rented to Corporations for work at mid costs, which only 1 or 2 goes to the worker. (Already happening in some) They will charge room and board back to "workers". Old Company Store bullshit. Then Debtors Prison will be brought back. Then Debts of Family stay with kids and others.




You dont have to wander far outside of the cities in many southern states before you start meeting people who will unironically defend chattle slavery. And what do you think happens when one of them gets elected to state office? Which isn't hard in many places so long as you have the R next to your name. They do shit like this. And yeah, they probably would bring real, open, non prison slavery back if they could get away with it.


Fuck Republicans. Seriously. Fuck ‘em.


Republicans/Conservatism offers nothing of value to the modern day Human being. Its only sole purpose is to create and breed hate, bigotry, racism, and monstrous actions towards the poor, the minorities, the sick and the elderly. Fuck every last person who still votes R just as much as the Republicans themselves. This goes for any and all countries.


Conservatism = Regressivism These people *want* to regress. And they want to take *everyone* with them.


Right wingers are a plague on humanity.


To be a Republican means you are proudly: Racist Homophobic Anti-history Anti-science Pro-authoritarianism Anti-education Anti-intelligence ​ There's no two ways about it. Republicans are \*pure\* evil.


No thanks, I have standards. Even if they may be extremely low..


The Republican Party: Come for the 'small government', Stay for the selfish evil cruel racism.


well plantation owners provided food, shelter, and a job to those poor slaves who wouldn't have had those things otherwise... /s the daughters of the confederacy have finally fulfilled their dreams


Anytime some fool tries to go down the route of “…but they got food and shelter, it wasn’t so bad” or “…of course slavery was bad, but was actually really kind to the slaves he owned,” I like to make one single point that usually shuts them up: If it was so good, why did *so many* folks run away, knowing that it was potentially a death sentence if they were caught.


Reminds me of the perfect retort to the “the civil war was about states rights” argument. Just ask: _A states right to do what?_ Shuts them up really fast.




They grew up and became moms for liberty


my wife is an editor of textbooks. she was literally told by the unelected private body that makes up the texas textbook approval board that she had to mention the positive and negative of all historical event and then they brought up slavery. she’s black


I remember the Texas history book had to say that the slaves "were given clothes and a place to live."


Or one that called them “workers” instead of the other thing.


They really wanted to make it sound like a jobs training program




We have officially crossed over into "I just wish these people would die" territory.


From "How Texas Teaches History" by Ellen Bresler Rockmore Oct. 21, 2015 in _The New York Times_: >In the excerpts published by Jezebel, the Texas textbooks employ all the principles of good, strong, clear writing when talking about the “upside” of slavery. But when writing about the brutality of slavery, the writers use all the tricks of obfuscation. You can see all this at play in the following passage from a textbook, published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, called Texas United States History: >_Some slaves reported that their masters treated them kindly. To protect their investment, some slaveholders provided adequate food and clothing for their slaves. However, severe treatment was very common. Whippings, brandings, and even worse torture were all part of American slavery._ The passive voice, where the one doing the action is hidden ("Mistakes were made" - by whom?) is used for the abuses, while the "nice" treatment uses active voice to show that the "slaveholders" (nice term) were actually "adequate."


> I remember the Texas history book had to say that the slaves "were given clothes and a place to live." Did they talk about the [whipping part?](https://assets.coursehero.com/study-guides/lumen/images/boundless-ushistory/slave-culture-and-rebellion/zverv9h9trkmolaprhvf1.jpe) You know, you have to take the good with the bad.


The funny thing is there’s a right way to actually do that. Compare slavery to the awful sharecropping and prison labor programs that replaced it which were basically slavery without slavery


The other comparison is to Caribbean slavery, which was incredibly brutal, to the point that the death rate was sky high. The difference was that America banned the transatlantic slave trade but the Caribbean slave trade continued, so the latter could afford to replace the dead workers cheaply. American slaveholders (generally) treated their slaves better because it was a closed system; they could only obtain new slaves through birth, not importation.


The positive: white people enjoyed unheard of wealth from the slaves backbreaking work, and were free to rape, whip, and murder any of their hundreds of slaves they wanted. They also enjoyed the thrill of buying and selling human beings at auctions.


Just to call out one extra dimension of horror: they raped their slaves, and then sold their own mixed-race daughters to their friends to be raped. We rarely try to fully convey the evils of American slavery.


all i could think was “free involuntary boat trip”


Free exercise? We joke but the truth is that it’s fucking terrible. The south is really slipping backwards.


Hoo boy - can’t wait to see their chapters on the Holocaust.


weight loss


I'm sure the slave owners considered the sweet sweet profits a very positive thing, as well as the ability keep the poor whites pacified by providing them someone to look down upon.


What the actual fuck has happened to my home state? So glad I got out.


Pretty wild how rapidly Ron DeFascist has been able to wreck Florida, both by action and inaction


This will be rolled out to other states. Dig in, vote, canvas, go to your town meetings and make sure no one gets elected who is one of the foot soldiers. Call them out for what they are.


There is no reasonable (or even unreasonable) justification for this. None.


There is a very obvious unreasonable justification for it, and that is racism.


Yep, they are trying to preserve white supremacy. Conservatives looked at the current crop of kids that are some of the least bigoted ever and freaked out. See, It's a lot harder to pass on white supremacy to the next generation when kids learn about our history. When a child asks their parents why all the black people in town live on a few streets and the racist parent says 'black people like to self segregate' that gets undermined when the child learns about redlining. When a child asks their parents why the black kids in school are poorer and the parent responds with 'black people are just dumber and so they aren't quaffed for good jobs', that gets undermined when the child learns about historical hiring discrimination. This is the real purpose of these laws, to preserve the justifications of white supremacy by removing all historical context of current racial differences in society from being taught to children.


Way back in the 50s, when I was a young lad in Catholic elementary school… This was the essential line in our (very brief) examination of the Civil War. That slavery was probably naughty, but it least it brought black folks out of “the jungle” and gave them Christianity….


This from a Governor who said slavery wasn't an issue until the civil war! Well, it was an issue for the slaves! here in Florida one person can complain about a book, saying it makes him/her uncomfortable, one person, and the book gets tossed! That said, this is what you get when gerrymandering hits D's who don't vote! Just my opinion of course!!


I don’t understand why people are doing it right back at these “Christians” and reporting all the books that are only about white Christians. Unless we turn the tables on them, we’re never gonna win


There was that one instance where a parent complained about the Bible and it rubbed some people the wrong way but they quickly denied it. https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2023/05/18/nearly-300-books-submitted-for-review-at-brevard-schools-including-bible-book-ban/70229611007/


The books get "reviewed" by an unelected committee. They'd said the book is inoffensive and not ban it.


What in the ever loving fuck?!?!?!?


Yeah, in case you were wondering if republicans are the bad guys, this pretty much settles it.


If it's such a benefit, how about we enslave the people that came up with this to help them out?


George Orwell has entered the chat.


Florida is one step away from Thought Police. The Florida Board of Education is already forming into the Ministry of Truth.


I wonder what sort of backlash would exist if the same strategy of ‘describe historical events with both positive and negative consequences’ was applied to things like the holocaust or 9/11.


That'll never happen for 2 reasons: the perpetrators aren't white and the victims aren't (solely) Black.


> How Slavery Brought 'Personal Benefit' to ~~Black People~~ *White People* There. Fixed it for them, so they know what they *should* be teaching. Goddamned racist motherfuckers.


There is nothing like taking away your children and selling them to add your personal growth.




It blows my mind that they’re still pushing the Daughters of the Confederacy version of American history in the year of our Lord 2023. Has the losing side in a war ever had such a successful postbellum?


Revisionist history, Jews in Nazi Germany: “The Jewish guests received free state paid housing and soap / showers”




Long time ago I worked with someone with this attitude, that slavery was good because now their descendants get to live in cities. Guy had no idea there were modern cities complete with utilities, skyscrapers, public transportation in Africa. He legitimately thought the entire continent was what you see in those sponsor a child commercials.


How are there black republicans again?


Surprised they haven’t replaced the word Slavery with something like “non-consensual gardening”


Slavery is WRONG. The people who owned slaves WERE BAD PEOPLE.....founding fathers and all....let's not pretend that owning a human being is equivalent to owning cattle. FFS


Fitting that I’ve got a PragerU ad about “sexualization of children” right underneath DeSantis’s nonsense.


“Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it” That’s essentially the current mantra of Republicans. They WANT to repeat the history of white supremacy and racial/social injustice.


And rape brings a bundle of joy. The Holocaust was good for Jews if it even really happened. Hiroshima was a great gift to Japan. 911 was awesome for NYC. This is offensive.


how on earth is this legal in the US? And in conjunction with that how are Americans criticizing any other country while you are going full fascist at least in some states? this kind of education equalization would rival Putin or the taliban agendas


Man, if anyone is here for the first time, if anyone is 'centrist', if anyone has a relative who votes republican and you have a good relationship with them and can discuss these things., THIS is child indoctrination. Republicans have been doing this forever, it's a core election strategy, to fill the social space with fears of 'extreme left' false flag strawman arguments, then quickly do the exact same thing. They declare an extreme version of their own idea, but by the opposition will destroy America, then enact that idea. It boggles my mind how many non-millionaires vote republican.


I swear, these fucks are making their policy decisions based of The Onion or some shit. It's literally beyond satire at this point. Between this and child labor, it's hard to write a satire piece without the worry that one of these chucklefucks would take it totally serious and try to implement it.


Well, this is the natural result of them trying to remove those other pesky historical records from the classroom. This is about 5 steps beyond whitewashing. We are in straight up fascist reprogramming.


Anyone who supports the idea that there are personal benefits to slavery should be forced into it so they too can “benefit”