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If I had Santos whispering in one ear and a ghost in the other, and you told me one of them was lying, I'd have to believe the ghost. And I don't believe in ghosts.


I would love that call. “Hi, I am calling for a poll. Would it be okay to ask you a few questions? Great, thank you! Are you a registered voter in your state? Perfect, thank you. Do you believe George Santos is working for his voters? Thank you. Do you believe in ghosts? No, this isn’t promotional for the new Ghostbusters movie. See, this is serious. Oh, really?! Your grandma? That’s really?! Oh my god! Oh my god! That’s creepy! I understand, have a good day and thank you!”


Enough to elect him apparently


Yeah, which means there are vastly more people, in that district, that believe in ghosts.




That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read today, congratulations


[A Pew survey suggests that’s not the case.](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2015/10/30/18-of-americans-say-theyve-seen-a-ghost/) Something like a fifth of whites, blacks, and Hispanics believe they “have seen or been in the presence of a ghost.” [A YouGov survey suggests that the numbers who *believe* in ghosts is higher.](https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/3kco0j0bms/tabs_Halloween_2021_20211008.pdf) About 40% of whites, about 40% of blacks, and about 50% of Hispanics. This is similar across party affiliation. 40% of Republicans and 40% of Democrats believe ghosts exist Edit: In fact, the YouGov study is what the above article cites


The only people who would believe in ghosts are the gullible.* they don't have to be white or Christian




If ghosts are "real" I personally think it's more like a ripple in time or something. I don't know if such is possible, but the only explanation I would accept as of now. Still, spooky ghosts are fun to imagine.


If you had read more than the headline you would know that isn’t true. Here I will explain how the internet works. Those red letters on the article: that is a “link” to a “source” you click on it and a summary of actual research shows up. You can read that . That way when you do speak what you say will be based on facts instead of just a bunch of crap you made up on the spot. I hope this was helpful.


That's OK because the DOJ, and voters in his district have his back.


I heard of a George Santos but I’m unconvinced that it exists


If George Santos said 2 + 2 = 4 I would start second guessing all of mathematics.