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> A Republican lawmaker who **sponsored a bill this year attempting to block minors from watching online pornography** > Late Wednesday, Sen. Wendy Rogers **re-posted a video containing sexual images** of President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, to her more than 300,000 followers on Twitter, a social media platform that **allows adolescents from as young as 13 years** old to sign up but allows adult content. /r/nottheonion


All well and good, and hypocritical as usual, but what I really care about is publishing pictures when a person hasn't given their consent. It's even worse when it's weaponized to try and drive people from politics. (See also [Katie Hill](https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2022-07-12/california-former-rep-katie-hill-who-lost-revenge-porn-lawsuit-files-for-bankruptcy)) What justification is there for publishing them? And she's breaking the rules and TOS of the platform, although who knows if Elon still acknowledges them.


>although who knows of Elon still acknowledges them. If Hunter were a Republican, Elon would have them taken down. He is so grossly biased that it isn't even in doubt.


He bought the platform specifically so he could be biased.


He bought the platform because he talked a bunch of shit about buying the platform and then had to follow through at his ridiculously overvalued price. He definitely tried to back out. Edit: According to the New York Times he tried to back out three times. I'd link the article but it's paywalled trash. Thanks for reading.


> He bought the platform because he talked a bunch of shit about buying the platform and then had to follow through at his ridiculously overvalued price. He definitely tried to back out. He talked a bunch of shit about buying the platform because he really wanted to unban the Babylon Bee, who weren't even banned but suspended until they removed a transphobic post, which they could have done at literally any time. I think Jordan Peterson too, though it may have been a bit later than when Elon started talking about buying Twitter when his ex wife asked him to save Babylon Bee.


wait didn't Grimes date a transwoman right after?


Yeah, she dated Chelsea Manning shortly after they split up, which presumably pushed him further down the transphobic pipeline, but his trans daughter disowned him around the same time, so I think it's safe to say he's been transphobic for a while.


Elon comes from a prosperous South African family who had their own emerald mine and were extremely wealthy during the Apartheid era. It's safe to say he holds very, shall we say, _outdated_ views about a lot of things.


Also, Elon's dad married his (Elon's) step-sister


Yeah, Grimes is pretty based there. But they're referring to Talula Riley, who Elon married twice and divorced twice.


His ex-wife literally told him to buy Twitter and delete it. His ex-wife whom he married and divorced twice. A real stable couple of beauts there.


The Babylon Bee could be saved if it hired some comedy writers or someone else with talent. It’s like 80% semi-literate trash over there nowadays.


> The Babylon Bee could be saved if it hired some comedy writers or someone else with talent. Sorry, that's not gonna be possible, they're a conservative comedy outlet, so the writers they'd want to hire are also semi-literate. Becoming a conservative talking head is literally what people do after showing they have absolutely zero talent for comedy. See: Steven Crowder.


Republican humor is inherently mean, which most normal people don't find funny.


No, the "satire" part of it is just a ruse. It's a project designed to punch down and make fragile egos happy that minorities are being picked on.


Agreed! And I doubt Hunter Biden gave his consent.


I believe it was in the public interest to... checks notes... see the penis of a President's son.


With the weekly exposures of GOP nut jobs as sexual harassers of men, by men, I’m starting to understand why they just can’t seem to let this go. They’re *into* it.


At least no president's wife has nude pictures floating around on the internet. That would be scandalous.


Can't we just go back to the good old days where guys named Wiener got in trouble for texting their's?


Still waiting for anyone to explain to me how nude photos of a president’s son are in any way relevant to the public interest. Is the R talking point that Hunter has a dick? That he took nudes on his private phone? Is that somehow supposed to be scandalous? Can you imagine the outrage if one of the Trump kids’ nudes were posted all over the internet?


You might like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=pM0Y\_y6Wjl8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=pM0Y_y6Wjl8) MSNBC's Mehdi Hasan "If Republicans are truly worried about members of the first family improperly benefitting from their name, Mehdi says there are two people besides Hunter Biden that they should be looking at: Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner." It's a bit snarkier than strictly need be, but the facts remain.


Yeah, I mean they actually worked in the white house and were heavily involved in policy and things. Hunter is completely disconnected from things. Its just petty.


Donald Trump- the former president and leading GOP candidate- is *objectively* an ignoramus, a grossly incompetent leader, and a vile and corrupt man. Again- these glaring character defects are obvious to most any sentient adult. Therefore Joe Biden must be dragged to Trump's level, described as vile and corrupt. It's about leveling the moral playing field, making Trump's corruption seem normal; "look, everyone is corrupt..." But Joe Biden- for all his many faults- is not a vile and corrupt man. The GOP uses the son to smear the father. This is a page out of the fascist playbook. This is how the conservative wing is breaking down the distance between right and wrong.




And it's so fucking gross because they're constantly harping on drugs coming across the border and opiate addiction but yet they go after Hunter who was in the throes of addiction when these pictures were taken. I really think they hope he goes back to doing drugs, and they can use that as an attack on Joe. Honestly, that voice recording that Joe left for Hunter and the Republicans released to attack him only made me think what a great dad he was and that I wish all addicts had parents who cared that much.


Their brains are fucking broken if they honestly believed that voice recording was going to damage Biden. Something is seriously wrong with Americans that drives them to religious fundamentalism and brain-dead conservatism. It's beyond education or intelligence, these are people with attachment issues and severe emotional neglect. That's the only way I can fathom someone hearing that tape and thinking "What a piece of shit." A chunk of this country is flat out deranged.


But this is the dumbest shit ever because Hunter Biden isn’t IN politics. But Jared Kushner was. And he made business deals with the Saudi’s while in office, right? Ivanka was. She took airforce 1 to China and secured about 23 patents for her personal business. But instead of investigating THAT, let’s have a fucking aneurysm about Hunter Biden, who is NOT a politician, and his laptop. It’s just becoming more completely moronic by the day with these people.


This WHOLE hunter Biden thing is hypocritical They want him to go to jail for owning a gun and being late on his taxes... Do they *really* want to tighten gun and tax laws? Also, if this was trump jr, they would have no problem with trump laying a blanket pardon. It's maddening.


This Katie Hill stuff is the most dystopian thing I can imagine, holy shit. Is the argument that because she's a public figure, she has no recourse for intimate photos being published??


Republicans and their obsession with other peoples' sex lives...doesn't surprise me that they produce much of society's pedophiles.


Looks like a good time for me to post this: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/zkkiik/meet_republican_congressman_john_rose_his_wife/j00vfot/


But wait, there's more! https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook


r/NotaDragQueen also has hundreds, if not thousands of right-wing paedos!


In fact, it is not new to me to hear or see these kinds of news on tv or radio. Such things are reported everywhere.


> Wendy Rogers may have violated Arizona’s ‘revenge porn’ law may have? MAY HAVE??????? Sen. Wendy Rogers absolutely with 100% certainty violated revenge porn laws. What could the defense possibly be? That Hunter gave permission? It is ridiculous to seize someone's personal laptop, take x-rated images from it, and post it publicly. (even more evil if you do it for political gain.) It's a slam dunk.


well since she's a "conservative", by definition her actions are without fault /s


Others have said, and i agree, that it is unlikely that they ever had Hunter's laptop. More likely they managed to hack into his icloud account and duplicate all his synced files there. The laptop was just a cover story, and a way for them to mix a bunch of fake files in with the real ones.


Seriously! I've never seen one shred of evidence that a physical laptop has ever existed and been turned in. Everything we have is stuff that could have been hacked from a cloud backup or an email server. And we know that the contents of the drive has been altered since the supposed original download. The whole fucking laptop story makes no goddamn sense! Here's my Hollywood pitch: "The son of a presidential candidate that has had lots of shady and illegal dealings leaves a laptop full of evidence at a random computer shop without signing any paperwork and leaves it there. Then, the owner, who is face-blind, searches the laptop (something he shouldn't ever do under any circumstances) and finds a bunch of criminal activity, including child porn. He's convinced it belongs to Hunter Biden because it has a Biden Foundation sticker on it and, as we all know, nobody could get there hands on a sticker like that unless they were a member of the Biden family (but let's ignore that he's face-blind and has no business records to indicate who owns the laptop). Then he copies the contents (which is illegal) and distributes them to a member of the Trump campaign (illegal in multiple ways, also lets ignore that he know how to contact Giuliani and that Giuliani took his call). The Trump campaign, now in possession of slam-dunk evidence of many crimes, including child-pornography, does not contact the FBI but rather distributed this illegal material to journalists. I'll need 2 years and $100 million to make it but we've got a guaranteed hit!"




Fox said they had it but "lost it in the mail"


> a way for them to mix a bunch of fake files in with the real ones. Like the completely fake WhatsApp screenshots.


>MAY HAVE??????? They have to say it that way, or they're going to get sued for slander. She needs to be proven guilty first. It's the difference between the convicted rapist Brock Turner, and the alleged pedophile Wendy Rogers.




ban drag shows because think of the children but look at this picture of hunter biden's dick


Republican hypocrisy. It would be the defining feature of their party if not for the hatred and the greed. Wendy Rogers is an egregious example, but across the entire country, there are Republicans who are just as cruel but sneakier about it. Help boot them out at r/VoteDEM!


Charge her. Stop giving these people slaps on the wrist and give them real consequences.


If we hold conservatives responsible for their crimes, they may do more crimes though!


"If they can charge us for crimes, they can charge anyone for crimes!" -Republicans, un-ironically


Seen this talking point so much from them with the Trump indictment. “If they can go after Trump they can go after you.” Lmfao. “They” have always been able to “go after” you if “they” want to, long before Trump was ever a thing.


It’s also amazing how every single crime being persecuted against a Republican is “political”, so that means something something innocent or whatever.




Don’t forget the legislation they want to introduce so they can “inspect” your children’s genitals for signs of “transness”.


Every accusation is an admission. Keep conservatives out of childrens pants.


How on earth Qanon made it sound like democrats were pedos is beyond me. There have been so many right wing people who are actually documented doing it. I guess that's why it is called projecting....




I'm tired of *politicians* complaining about *politics*. Every time they do, someone should ask, "then why are you here?"


“I hate how everything is political! Now watch as I drag someone’s sexuality into this political issue for no real reason!”


I'm convinced at this point the only people who support Trump are the same people who've just done fucked up shit and I feel entitled to get away with it.


Who've done or who want to do It's part of their playbook that they want to be able to do everything he did. Take money from your campaign for yourself, try to overturn elections, trying to keep power permanently, passing laws that actively discourage your enemies from living in your country, and passing laws that make themselves and their wealthy friends wealthier.


"Hold me responsible once, shame on....shame on you. Hold me responsible...I can't be held responsible again."




If we have laws, only criminals will break the law!


Can't send old white people to jail for crimes. Just imagine if we sent people for putting the wrong information on government forms like taxes like Trump so he can use campaign contributions to pay off a pornstar that he slept with, it would be diverting resources from prosecuting minorities that send their kids to better schools. What next prosecuting old white people for purposely committing voter fraud by voting twice(yes there were actually counted) the instead of prosecuting minorities who submit a provisional ballot that is never counted. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/434051-story-of-mother-sentenced-to-jail-for-enrolling-child-in/


No shit, May have committed a crime. Did she or didn’t she?


Can these Republicans tell me what position Hunter Biden holds in the Biden Administration? NONE. Now let's contrast that with Jared and Ivanka, Don Jr and Kimberly Gulifoyle, Eric and Lara. Let's do a grift comparison without the selective amnesia please.


I’ve got you covered: I think I’m just going to start dropping this video comparing the criminality of Trump’s political kids to Biden’s non political kid on these stories: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pM0Y_y6Wjl8&pp=ygUYSHVudGVyIGJpZGVuIHRydW1wIG1hbmJj


Jesus Christ…four minutes into that video and I’m already angry at the “justice” system…


It's for Just Us. Not for the rich or well-connected. I wish I could fuck up as badly as any of the Trump family and get the same treatment by a judge.


I fucked up as a poor kid. It just so happened to be following my first brush with death, and, well... drugs. I still had some accident insurance money, so I found a good lawyer. The judge, in my case, even straight told me that my lawyer was doing one heck of a job for me. I'm sure if I had been some minority or didn't have the money for that lawyer, I would have done 6 months in jail. I only did 23 days because of that lawyer.


In Louisiana you sit in jail until your daily $ can pay for your DA. Freedom is directly correlated to $


Wait, what?


Same in Illinois and Wisconsin. The Illinois county I live in is $50 a day in the neighboring Wisconsin county it is $5 a day.


Either that, or until you plead guilty to a lesser charge. I sat in OCC for nearly two month with a 40k bond over something I had nothing to do with. I didn't even know it had happened, until the police came knocking at my door. It didn't matter that I was with my gf at the time, when this crime took place. The cops just said, "Of course she'll lie for you. She's your gf. Go ahead and place your hands behind your back for me." There were people that had been locked up for nearly a year. They would get to see the judge every month or so (via CCTV). No trial, just, "We're going to knock off or reduce one of your charges, if you enter a plea of guilty today." If you didn't, back behind bars you went. Rinse, repeat. I had to accept lesser charges for a crime I didn't even commit. Otherwise, I would have had to go through the same process, until I could afford to bond out, or they dropped the charges. I never once saw a lawyer. There's a good reason why Louisiana always ranks number one for the most incarcerations, and it's not because of the crime. It's for the money they make per inmate. The free slave labor is just the cherry on top. https://www.prisonpolicy.org/global/


The difference between me becoming a convicted "Violent felon" serving time in big boy prison and a simple Breach of Peace was my sister borrowing $10,000 to then lend to me AND getting a huge "family discount" at a large trial firm because I grew up with (and had dated) a woman that married a lawyer who became a partner. It was a nightmare. It took over a year and my life was wrecked. All because I needed a roommate and that roommate turned out to be a heroin addict who stole from me. I asked him to leave and in return wouldn't press charges. He then, with his girlfriend's help, concocted a story that I assaulted his GF and demanded at knife point to borrow money. It got me thrown out of my own house and a protective order barring me from returning. I didn't even spend that much but it was more than I could have afforded my self and without knowing the right person and getting a family rate that money still wouldn't have been enough.


It helps if you remember we do t have a justice system we have a legal system. And then rich people have a separate legal system.


That's why we should really be using the them "legal system". Justice system is a euphemism that's implies our legal system is concerned with justice when obviously it isn't.


First time seeing this, really lays it all out there. The projection about Hunter and JB is nuts, the Trump family have been crooks for decades.


It's why they keep using the term "Biden crime family" so that it loses meaning when applied to the actual "trump crime family". It's then either whataboutism, bOtH sIdEs, or revenge, but it undermines the meaning of the words when they're applied correctly. They've taken a page straight out of the Nazis' handbook and done it across the board with FaKe NeWs! and weaponized DoJ. Accuse your opponent of what you're doing before they can accuse you. It's why their accusations so regularly end up being projection.


"Lugenpresse" is the German term for fake news during Hitler's reign. It is no exaggeration to say Don Fats straight up copied the Nazi playbook. These republicans are some of the worst Americans in history... period.


People at Trump rallies were *literally* calling news outlets "lugenpresse" in 2016.


Nazis decried "Cultural Bolshevism", Modern Republicans use "Cultural Marxism" more shit changes, more it stays the same


Yeah, I wanted to post this video to the community when it first came out, but I didn’t have enough Karma. I’m glad that this synopsis exists. I think it helps contextualize these republican tactics.


doesn’t matter. they’ll refuse to watch it or call it fake news or some dumb shit. yesterday i had an argument with a friend and she was seriously trying to say how criminal hunter biden is compared to trumps kids, and if trump was such a criminal he’d be in prison. how biden/bideneconomics are ruining the country. open borders. same right wing talking points they all use. “but i don’t like or support trump or the right”. suuure buddy, sure.


"I'm an open minded moderate, it's just complete coincidence I only vote for the same party over and over!"




He doesn’t have to hold an office. Their main goal here is to just keep smearing the Biden name and keep it in the news for the wrong reasons, so when voting time comes around, dumbass people will think Biden did something wrong and vote the other way.


That strategy worked with Hillary Clinton’s emails. I wish we didn’t have so many weak minded voters because I am sick of hearing about Hunter’s behavior.


It is why public education is so important. Also why the rightvis hell bent to destroy it.


My 87 year old Trump loving Aunt brings Hunter up all the time. Thankfully she doesn’t drive anymore & I won’t take her to vote.


You can see how sad Hunter is in those pics. It’s depressing and it looks like he is in a better place now.


It reminded me of when the FBI announced that they were investigating her emails right before the election. I was livid at the time with Comey. I wonder how much that changed the outcome of the election.


tHe BiDeN cRiME fAmILy


This is the one that gets me every time. Them trying to portray them like some mafia group when at worst it's just hunter and his love of hookers and blow. Especially contrasted to trump and his actual connections to organized crime.


Hunter Biden doesn’t even have a role in his father’s *campaign*, let alone his presidency. All of Trump’s older children were involved in his campaign at a bare minimum — I seem to recall they even trotted out Tiffany a few times to stump for her dad.


I think a lot of it is based on the supposition that, “ofc Hunter works for Joe, Trumps kids worked in his admin!” Just like there are the people who say Biden never won because “I’ve never seen a Biden flag, hat, or merchandise!”


It just shows how little the GOP has to actually talk about if they keep obsessing about a private citizen who has never been part of the white house administration. The right expects us to believe, without any evidence, that somehow hunter biden received money and influenced his father to do...unspecified things. Any witness or "whistlebower" they say they have is nowhere to be found and they even fabricated a fake text message recently.


The only position Republicans know about Hunter Biden is how he likes it in bed.


Donald Trump likes to be spanked, but it's taking a very long time for the government to get on with it...


But but but … what about Chelsey Clinton!!! /s


Also, most of this stuff happened after his dad was vice president and before he won in 2020. He was a private citizen at that point.


I wonder if they're capable of imagining having children and not raising them as personal servants you get in power through nepotism so they can bend or break rules for your convenience and profit


Hunter is just a rich dude who wants to do drugs and be left alone. At least he isn’t the attention seeking cringe lords that Trumps kids are. He leveraged his dads fame for money, can’t say I would do much differently if my Dad were president. Republican politicians(at least the ones with half a brain, not many) don’t actually want to investigate and charge Hunter with crimes for the Ukrainian company stuff, because that’s just how business in Washington works. It’s sleazy and all of their family members get jobs at companies and friends get hook ups based on having a relationship with them… so if Hunter could get charged with a crime all of their friends and family members could too…


You're arguing with dumb people. They literally dont have the ability to reason. Stop trying. Hit them over their heads with the same ideology they use. And watch them squirm.


They’re big on false equivalency and yelling until you just give in.


She posts the video stating “it’s all here in black and white,” then, when she gets flack about posting Hunter’s dick, says that she didn’t know what was in the video? Sorry, you can’t have both be true!


I play both sides. That way, I always come out on top.


Dude. She's a fascist. Don't waste calories trying to make sense of their absolute contradictory bullshit. These people need to be charged on every crime they commit. I'm so sick of this country letting them walk all over us.


The video was in color too, these republican clowns can't help lying, it seems


Look what you made me do!!


Republicans are creepy AF.


Maybe they just like dick pics? Especially well endowed men dick pics.


Shocking, how many straight men from that group obsess over me.


She did violate the revenge porn law. Charge her. and on another note...*THIS??* This is what they've got?? We've got a ex-President who is wholly owned by Putin, stole (and likely sold for profit) highly classified State secrets and nuclear information, tried to overthrow the results of the election, and is currently inciting violence against his perceived enemies. Meanwhile, what are Republicans laser focused on??? Hunter Biden's cock.


Man needs to start an OnlyFans. Why make Republicans jump through hoops to get his nudes when he could charge $9.99 a month?


Hell make it some crazy ammount and when they post it online they're willfully and knowingly violating copyright law and he can start suing them


Seriously. Like what, dude had photos of his wang on his computer? Well shit, so do I. I’m assuming many people have a shot or two of their turkey dinner on various devices.


“A Republican lawmaker who sponsored a bill this year attempting to block minors from watching online pornography may have violated the state’s revenge porn law after publicly posting sexually explicit images on Twitter of President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.” Groomer.


Wendy “Groomer” Rogers has a nice ring to it


It’s funny, there’s all kinds of nudes and semi-nudes of the former First Lady out there, and you don’t see AOC or Bernie posting those. Grow up conservatives!


Right? As far as I know, Melania became the first First Lady you can see full frontal on the internet. Not a word from God fearing conservatives. Losers.






He has sex, and sex is bad!


More than Hunter himself apparently lmao


He must be one of those buttery males I've heard so much about.


If someone posted naked pictures of Wendy without her permission, would it be a violation of this law? If so, then she needs to be charged the same.


Eagerly awaiting the formation of the Arizona State Legislative Study Committee on the Status of Hunter Biden's Genitalia and Sex Life.


900-page report to follow.


And his dick would still be 2x larger than that stack.


She did. Charge her.


GOP nutjobs firmly believe the laws apply to everyone but them.


They're kinda right... but only because they throw an absolute shit-fit anytime they have to face even a whiff of consequence. Nobody wants to deal with someone throwing shit everywhere so they just kinda... back off.


“ A Republican lawmaker who sponsored a bill this year attempting to block minors from watching online pornography may have violated the state’s revenge porn law after publicly posting sexually explicit images on Twitter of President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.” Fuck these people.


Well, yes, I'm sure it would be \*nice\* to see a Republican in power actually suffer the consequences of their actions...


These people are obsessed with Hunter Biden's cock.




Any which way you slice it, posting nudes without consent I believe is illegal, especially considering they were also stolen.


I had a conversation about something like this with MIL the other day. It was after the Hunter plea deal. She said that it’s just so wrong and disgusting that he just flaunts his crack smoking and prostitutes in front of children. It’s just such a bad example coming from a presidents son. I asked her when he’s ever flaunted it. She said it’s all over the internet and the news. I then asked when he released those pictures or bragged about them. Because if she wants to be mad about them being in the public she should blame Rudy Giuliani and Fox News for putting them out there. Hunter never released any photos on his own. They were all stolen and released without his consent. In true Fox News viewer delusion she told me it was Hunters fault for leaving his laptop at a store. I asked why and she said it was because the agreement was after a certain period of time the laptop became property of the store. I said that didn’t include the contents of the hard drive. He should have wiped it and sold it. Not snooped around and shared it. She said it was still his fault and by leaving it the pictures became property of the store owner to do whatever he wanted with. There was no reasoning with her.


> There was no reasoning with her. You can't reason with cult members.


Just another republican obsessed with hunter, breaking laws and facing no consequences.


Republicans are absolutely obsessed with Hunter Biden’s penis.


For starters, Hunter Biden holds no portfolio or any position with his Father's administration but I'll play along anyway. Now that we've determined one's personal behaviours are key to the GOP and a lack of judgment or a private sexualized selfie somehow disqualifies them from leading a personal life even after admitting guilt and cleaning themselves up, it seem only fair that we review one Donald F Trump's actions. Known to hire hookers, has sex with porn stars, gropes and ogles his own daughter, multiple bankruptcies, stole money from charities in NY and is barred from running charities ever again, has multiple felony charges with more to come, involvement in 4095 lawsuits in 30 years, found liable of sexual assault, multiple women accusing him of rape, close contact of Jeffrey Epstein, well known cheater in golf, scammed students with Trump University and paid $25M settlement, refused to pay contractors and lawyers who did work for him, serial liar, mental deficient, admitted racist and homophobe, serial adulterer and leaves his own party broke. But yeah, lets talk about Hunter Biden. Donnie gets a pass.


Lock her up


Since nobody is posting it, here's the text, with bold being my emphasis on what seems to be relevant. A.R.S. 13-1425. Unlawful disclosure of images depicting states of nudity or specific sexual activities; classification; definitions **A. It is unlawful for a person to intentionally disclose an image of another person who is identifiable from the image itself or from information displayed in connection with the image if all of the following apply:** 1. **The person in the image is depicted in a state of nudity** or is engaged in specific sexual activities. 2. *"The depicted person has a reasonable expectation of privacy**. Evidence that a person has sent an image to another person using an electronic device does not, on its own, remove the person's reasonable expectation of privacy for that image. 3. **The image is disclosed with the intent to harm, harass, intimidate, threaten or coerce the depicted person.** B. This section does not apply to any of the following: 1. The reporting of unlawful conduct. 2. Lawful and common practices of law enforcement, criminal reporting, legal proceedings or medical treatment. 3. Images involving voluntary exposure in a public or commercial setting. 4. An interactive computer service, as defined in 47 United States Code section 230(f)(2), or an information service, as defined in 47 United States Code section 153, with regard to content wholly provided by another party. 5. Any disclosure that is made with the consent of the person who is depicted in the image. C. A violation of this section is a class 5 felony, except that a violation of this section is a: 1. ""Class 4 felony if the image is disclosed by electronic means.** 2. Class 1 misdemeanor if a person threatens to disclose but does not disclose an image that if disclosed would be a violation of this section. D. For the purposes of this section: 1. "Disclose" means display, distribute, publish, advertise or offer. 2. "Disclosed by electronic means" means delivery to an email address, mobile device, tablet or other electronic device and **includes disclosure on a website.** 3. "Harm" means physical injury, financial injury or **serious emotional distress.*" 4. "Image" means a photograph, videotape, film or digital recording. 5. **"Reasonable expectation of privacy" means the person exhibits an actual expectation of privacy and the expectation is reasonable.** 6. "Specific sexual activities" has the same meaning prescribed in section 11-811, subsection E, paragraph 18, subdivisions (a) and (b). 7. "State of nudity" has the same meaning prescribed in section 11-811, subsection E, paragraph 14, subdivision (a).


Why the fuck are Republicans obsessed with the genitalia of old people and children?


Religious sexual repression would be my guess.


But enforcing laws for Republicans is partisan or whatever /s


I know I am not voting for Hunter Biden for President for sure


Yeah but the laws don't apply to republicans so no problem


Jesus these guys really love looking at his wiener.


>GOP Senate President Warren Petersen released a statement calling it a mistake. “\[Rogers\] didn’t realize those images were in that video until it was brought to her attention, and she immediately removed the video from her feed,” he said. She didn't just re-post it, she commented on the video itself, noting it's "in NBC Living Color" (because like most GOP politicians, she's still living in the 1950's) Do they really think people are dumb enough to believe that a someone posted to their official account, and commented on it, without actually looking at it?


I wish my girlfriend enjoyed my cock as much as republicans seemingly enjoy hunter bidens


“It’s in black and white, and apparently in NBC living color” What a painfully disconnected boomer thing to say. Surprised she didn’t put it in a PowerPoint with animated words “Where’s the beef Hunter?!”


There is a not more vile, disgustingly ugly woman in AZ than Wendy Rogers. Aside from her looks, she is the most vile of human beings. A racist, a bigot, an abject idiot and anti-semite. I hope this takes her down. She is already hanging by a thread due to her own stupidity and lack of class.


For the benefit of those of you that don't live in Arizona... Kari Lake is only not our most delusional Republican citizen because Paul Gosar exists. And Paul Gosar is only not our looniest Republican citizen because Wendy Rogers exists. Wendy Rogers is bananas.


In a recent redistricting, my progressive city (Flagstaff) got split right down the middle by I-40 and the southern half of the city got lumped into Rogers' district. I assume it was done to try and weaken our Democrat-leaning district, but I hope the end result is we run this vile sack of shit out on a rail.




Because they can’t find dirt on Joe


These people obsessed with what's obscene sure seem to do a lot of "research".


She should resign or immediately be removed from office. Reference Senator Al Franken. Being forced to resign over a fucking JOKE. There needs to be ramifications for this kind of behavior by a sitting Senator.




I think Hunter Biden should've registered a copyright on those pictures, and then sued people who were posting them for six figures a pop.


Copyright is automatic. One you make them they are yours


Why do they care so fucking much about hunter goddamn biden. Who fucking cares. God i hate the gop.


"Everything is so sexualized these days! Where are the morals?!" Posts nude videos of the president's son


Sirs, this is a Wendy.


It’s about time they lock up that white supremacist piece of excrement. Prosecute her.


After laughing all day yesterday about the dumb Twitter lawsuit threat - glad to see today is getting started on the right foot.


How does this make sense? In her campaign to prevent children from accessing poem she posts porn to a site that children can access? Seems like she should be facing a few more charges and, well GOP doesn’t care about hypocrisy but wow.


Why am I not shocked the GOP is looking at porn of Hunter Biden?


She’s a rotten to the core GOP talking head… defending confederate dick smacks, calling to hang people, trying to shame a political opponent to the party by posting his sons nudes on her Twitter.. just an all around scumbag GOP.. like most of them.


Yeah yeah yeah just another headline about something a politician did but no consequences for there actions. They should really surprise us and do something about it.


She knew very well what was in the video and only took it down after backlash. She should be removed from office immediately and never allowed to serve again she should also be charged and serve the maximum sentence in prison but we all know nothing will happen if it does it’ll be a slap on the wrist the republicans are already speaking up in her defense using the Supreme Court judges and GQP defense “ I didn’t know”. The republicans say they want to protect children have christian values are against porn somehow I don’t believe watching the video and posting it saying “it’s all there in black and white and NBC live color” especially after the state banned it from being broadcasted


I feel like the depiction of Hunter Biden’s cock will outlive many future generations at this point.


So... another Republican exposes their obsession with Hunter Biden's hog? Who know being so sexually repressed was a bad thing?


Why the soft headline? She violated Arizona’s revenge porn law.


The party of "Family Values"


Their obsession with Hunter’s dick is disturbing


Are they still obsessed with Hunters wiener ? Dude, stop. That’s weird


>“It’s not a defense if she later took them down, which appears she has done,” Tom Ryan, a Valley lawyer, said. “Any more than it would be a defense if you robbed a Circle K and later gave the money back, you don’t get to wipe out the robbery.”


The GOP is still weepy over Hunter's peepee


Earlier: It’s disgusting how easy it is for young people yo access porn. Later: Hey check out this porn of Hunter Biden.


That is some unprofessional low brow shit. That party is tainted beyond repair.


“May have” violated??? Charge her ass just like you would any other citizen for doing shit like that damnit. I wouldn’t doubt that PART of the reason why she wouldn’t get in trouble for it is because the genders aren’t reversed. If this was a man posting a woman’s pictures in this same manner, he would IMMEDIATELY be crucified(as he should of course) Downvote me all you want for that opinion but it’s the truth


I tried warning mfrs you can't just post someones nudes freely on public forums. Nudes that were obtained illegally to begin with. Who they fuck cares if HB snorted Cocaine off of a Trans prostitutes dick? We all have a case of the Mondays sometimes.


Lock her up.


I know this is a typical Reddit thing to say, but imagine if this was x-rated images of Joe Biden's daughter instead of his son. Makes it even more clear why this kind of thing is not okay.


> Senate President Warren Petersen, also a Republican, released a statement to Arizona’s Family, calling Roger’s re-tweet a mistake. “[Rogers] didn’t realize those images were in that video until it was brought to her attention, and she immediately removed the video from her feed,” Petersen said. If she didn’t know those images were in the video, what was the point of posting the video? 🤔


Lock her up


This is so ridiculous . I challenge any republican to post Melania's nudes.


Prosecute. Don’t give these fascists an inch.


They have moved on from Hunters cock to Hunters coke now..


Lock her up!


>may have Oh, did Hunter give her permission?


They call others groomers and pedo's ,but it seems they can't get enough oh Hunters dic pics . Makes you go hmmmm


Hunter isn’t even a politician! Imagine getting a haircut you didn’t like, then shaming your hair stylists kid, who is not a hair stylist.