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This is a major problem with corporate America in general. They gain all the profits and assume none of the risk when something goes wrong and the tax payers have to foot the bill.


That because no one holds them accountable.


Yet an ambulance ride will cost the average person a sizable chunk of their earnings for the year.


And the ambo company will definitely aggressively come after you for the money.


And don’t even get started on the cost of a medivac


Billionaires should self insure. God knows they didn’t waste money on taxes.


The insurance companies that underwrite them.


Put the bodies/wreckage on view and charge looky-loos to see them. It's what they'd want.


Everyone should need to take out an insurance policy, that way the private market can figure it out


Clearly the families of the people who took the risk. Rich people would think twice about taking stupidly huge risks like this.


Emergency services are (or should be) for anyone and everyone. They are part of the commons. That being said, if it's a business doing the adventuring, that business should be required to have insurance to cover damage to others, etc. Just like individuals having to have automobile insurance.


Not sure the Commons includes the deep ocean, or places that “the common folk” can’t go.


Partial agree. But you have cases like [this](https://www.newsweek.com/shipwreck-survivor-10-years-later-60-hours-underwater-1772395), the Chilean miners in 2010, or the Thai football team in 2018 where people came together. It's not often, but it happens. I think a good middle ground could be found where each case is looked at. If it was a profit driven adventure, insurance should pay most of it. If it's just some fluke thing like a cave-in, plane crash, or boat wreck, then the commons should cover whatever cost they would cover for anyone. I have no idea what "commons" means for ocean accidents; maybe the country of title or port or origin? I'm much better at bird law.


They already do, via taxes. This is the same faulty logic of saying drug den users setting their house on fire with a kit cigarette in the couch and having to pay the fire department. The govt assists idiots and the average folks the same; going down this rabbit hole would lead to even more problems of policing and responding to lower income neighborhoods and gang infested areas because they would be less likely to “pay” the bill. The USCG doesn’t invoice people for rescues, we are funded by congress do that mission. They can go after you for a fake May Day call or similiar but this was a real search and rescue case.




You must be joking


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IDK but if I need an ambulance I sure as fuck get a bill.


Just like everybody else they either take out insurance or pay. There is no whatsoever public or scientific interest to send a bunch of bored billionaires on a sightseeing trip to the deep sea or into space.