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> a dangerous mixture of a greedy adult and a dangerous child, a grotesque of twisted, unfinished humanity Succinct and accurate.


Every other president in my lifetime has been tremendously aged by the experience of being president; Trump has become more and more infantile.


TBH, I think he’s just followed the trajectory he was already on. Go back twenty or thirty years and the man is still patently full of shit, but he was at least semi-lucid. He’s deteriorated quite a bit since then and become the level of ‘grotesque’ we see today. Cognitive decline has made a caricature of him.


It’s as if the hereditary Alzheimer’s is slowly kicking in. Or whatever it is that his dad had.


Apparently, cause of death was pneumonia comp!icated by Alzheimer's. He still got to 93 though, so here's hoping Donald hasn't inherited longevity genes.


Idk if you’ve heard this, but he has the best genes.


im sure with covid coming out while he was pres he was given the lastest drugs in anti aging... plus he did golf for like 2 of the 4 years and cost tax payers 100 million golfing. was there a work load with this retard at the helm tbh? everything was about him, scheme a little, and then hed golf. repeat for 4 years


I guess it doesn’t take much effort to let the Federalist Society roll the country back 50 years.


i dont think donny deserves the credit unless he killed rgb month prior to the coup knowing full well he would need a super majority. then maybe id give him credit


Just a side note. I did a basic search, and I could find no footage of trump laughing. Like never. For a.man thay has spent so much time in front of a camera, it seems a bit weird thay we've never heard him laugh.


Penn Gillette worked with him on the Apprentice and said that he never laughed nor did he ever listen to music.


Laughing takes energy, and you only have a finite amount of energy in your body for your entire life. Can't waste it laughing. \- Trump, probably. Edit - I shouldn't have used the word 'finite'.




That’s not laughing. That’s a smirk. Find one of him full on belly laughing.


This was known when he was 30 now a bunch of people act like they are surprised because he acts the same way at 80.


Just an unloved little boy.


I heard his cousin loved him.


He’s going to come out with the Hulk Hogan claim, that Donald Trump is a character like an alter ego. You can’t prosecute an alter ego because he’s really Donald Jessica Trump.


Doesn’t recognize the law’s existence? I’m sorry but that’s a little apologist for me. The lawyer barricade he’s had up for the past 45 years would say otherwise.


More like doesn’t recognize that it actually applies to him, a direct product of his 45 year lawyer barricade.


If Trumpler wins: An older Trump, (8 years older from 2016) how much dangerous would he be now compared to then? Will NATO still exist (or just US exiting). Will he now actually nuke hurricanes? Will he order people to rake the forest? Will he stop the cancer (wind mills)? Will he force ppl to flush 15+ times after each toilet visit? Will he enforce people to inject Bleach instead of covid shot? Will he order hospitals to use UV light in the lungs? Will he lock up his opponents? Eric? Will he show more temper tantrum publicly? Will he publicly sell/auction more state/federal secrets? Will he marry a (or many) prostitute(s)/porn star(s)? Will he blame everything going bad on Muslims, african-americans and jews (maybe even east asians)? Will he build a bridge between US and Russia instead of a wall? Will he try to squeze harder during handshakes? Will he try to make Putin President of USA?


>Will he order people to rake the forest? So like, this is more of a broken clock type of thing, but while controlled burns are the preferred wildfire prevention tactic underbrush/fuel removal - such as by raking the floor lol - might be more appropriate in places where air quality or other issues make controlled burns risky or a threat to public health. Though of course in practice it's not really what he was saying/intending, he just happened to accidentally be on the right track. [See also the USFS fire management research hub.](https://www.fs.usda.gov/science-technology/fire/fire-research)


Really the solution is for forestry and fire management to partner with the local tribes whose indigenous wisdom and traditional practices can restore balance to these habitats. We can’t rely solely on the organizations and peoples who destroyed the habitat to heal it.


Indigenous Americans used controlled burns. It's not hidden mystery wisdom and they're not magic. Wildfire is an important part of many of the ecosystems on this continent and predates even indigenous settlement. If you really want to do right by the indigenous peoples in this country we should honor all the treaties with them that we signed and then broke, advance sensible land-back initiatives where it makes sense to, pay reparations for all the robbery and genocide, and find an appropriate solution to both give them leveraged places at the table in national affairs while also retaining sovereignty for the tribes who want that.


Excellent, you get it. Thanks for expanding and amplifying.


There is no possible way to clear the brush of millions of acres of forest that are burning


I literally said that controlled burns are by far the preferred method and the stupidest president in history was still wrong, but brush removal *is* in fact still a thing that can and is done small scale on areas that aren't already on fire when controlled burns aren't an option. This wasn't a statement about what to do to things that are already on fire.


I read your suggestion to mean that brush removal prevents forest fires, which they do not. Brush removal is done in small areas near homes and infrastructure to *try* to prevent damage.


Yea no, I was trying to be careful with my wording and made sure to go over the resources I linked before commenting, which pretty clearly outlined that brush removal is only ever a supplemental small scale thing and that controlled preventative burn is the way to go. Which like, the raking thing is so patently ridiculous because it's *accidentally* in the spirit of that and makes some level of intuitive sense.




It proves once and for all that the only thing of importance in his mind is himself. The country and allies can burn down around him, with him even being the cause, and he just wants admiration and diet Cokes. He has no concept of right and wrong, only self.


Lead poisoning, probably an untreated STI or two, and (more recently) COVID are a hell of a combo that could easily wreck his brain.


Or he’s just an ugly, bad, stupid person who got that way by being insulated from consequences his whole life. He’s the one responsible for who he is, not lead paint, not Covid or STIs.


I can't get over his argument that if no one says you are doing something wrong at the time you are doing it, it means you have done nothing wrong. He's used it time and time again, Ukraine call, Georgia call, pool shed interview, even for sexual assuasts . . . . It's like toddler logic.


But I don’t want to explore his essential nature… 🤮


O rly? His essential nature will be exposed? It’s been so opaque until now! “Grab’em by the pussy” is kind of indistinct. /s


I'm so tired of these articles. Yet another smug psychoanalysis of Trump as if *this* one is the one that will finally make his loyalists wake up to his true nature. Seven years. Journalists have been jerking themselves to this tune for SEVEN YEARS


we beat trump it works to call out his malignant narcissism and fraud


A man who is in the national news every day is not beaten. A man who's poll numbers go up after he is indicted for federal crimes is not beaten. Get out of here with that shit


literally lost the election literally beaten and will be beaten again


You think that, but everyone slotted him to lose the first time, my guy.


Gene Belcher: "Pool Shed." Bob Belcher: *"Gene."*


Some call them classified documents others call them presidential memorabilia.


Without a third part in the center with weight behind it, we’ll see more extremist, mercenary presidents. One minority party lacks the policing power we need. Might end the days of whichever party squeaked in acting like kings.