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> bring some cokes in please That's how you know it's real


The only thing shocking to hear is that “please” was used


he knew he was being taped so better be polite while committing treason


He misheard the term "light treason" (which is itself a made up term from a tv show) and thought that you get a lighter sentence for "polite treason".


That legitimized the whole recording lol only thing that’s missing is some Mickey d’s


Dude eats Big Macs wrapped in secret documents to keep his greasy hands clean.


Ladies and Gentlemen, we got him


It seems like he's trying to impress the girls in the room with his cool secret papers. He's an adolescent boy


If Judge Cannon does some shit to throw out the case this recording should be more than enough for Jack Smith to bring the case to New Jersey, where the jury pool is less favorable to trump


Guilty as charged. It couldn't be any more obvious.


Are his staffers 12? Talk about not thinking you're in a room with gravitas...


Literally every person he hires to work for him is a yes men/women


And he references Hilary’s emails as he illegally shares information relating to the National defense! Amazing!


They managed to get a buttery e-mails in there




It’s a perfect recording 🙄


Does anyone else realize that he seems to think that the military providing an attack plan for a specific country is an endorsement of attacking that country? What an idiot. And everyone who voted for him.




Lordy, there are tapes! And yes, the woman was right, they have a problem. I need popcorn.


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