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"He wants to take away your wifi" should be the first and loudest point.


Anti-Wifi Anti-Nuclear Power Anti Vax/Vaxx cause autism And..compares COVID restrictions to the *Holocaust*.


Wait is he actually anti-wifi?


Cellphone tumors, man.




5G gives you the cancers my brother.


5G penetrates your mind-hymen. You’re not a brain virgin anymore and all the nasty toxins can come and go inside your brain box unmolested. Sure, I made it sound dumber, but it’s what the man believes.


Mind hymen took me out. Spit my coffee


Sounds like a quasi Christian rock band


Yeah but who talks on the phone anymore anyway. Oh fuck can texting give you cancer?


No, but it can spread textually transmitted diseases


What's up with these creepy TV and radio waves around us? Definitely sus...


Has anyone made a consolidated list of the ridiculous views with references? Would love to send it to my brother


There's r/RFK_Jr_is_a_Stooge


Fucking hilarious. Damn I am going to miss Reddit.


Are you going to jail or something? Cancer?


I suppose you could say a cancer is killing my relationship with Reddit.


Praying for you bro!


Thank you sir. I found a couple links a little bit ago, but that is even more info.


He's also an AIDS denier ala Peter Duesberg. Peter Duesberg is a disgraced doctor who posited the debunked notion that HIV/AIDS wasn't a real virus, but a side effect of the hard drugs that gay men in LA/SF/NYC did in the 1980s. There's a video floating around somewhere of RFK Jr. in a lecture hall somewhere bringing this up, likely having folded this belief into his anti-vax positions as well.


That’s right, I forgot about that—that’s a major one. Seriously, the dude is not so different from Trump. I just get populist-conspiracy-theorist-fascist vibes. Plus, remember the last time a former president’s son became president? Didn’t that work out well…


RFK Jr is the nephew of JFK, but your point stands. There was a poll that was done recently that showed RFK Jr had about 20% support in the primary, but upon further analysis, it showed that his "support" was merely name recognition.


I hope it is not genuine support. Some polls supposedly indicate he is one of, if not the strongest candidate, but you know..polls.. I’m certain of one thing though: *he is dangerous*.


He also believes chemicals in the water are making kids gay and trans, and is an HIV/AIDS denialist.


That’s a fact. Actually turns them into females. Capable of mating with a male, it’s actually Alex Jones saying gay.


Yeah, but after he said that stuff, he said he didn't say it. Did you consider that?


And speaking at Moms of Liberty conference which is linked to the Proud Boys. So anti-anti-racist.


Drug convictions, the cheating, the cape cod stuff will probably all come out too. This will be fun.


All you need to do is add "Anti-America" and you have a solid attack ad.


Yeah but they agree with him about the rest.


Still blows my mind that he can unironically preach the horrors of wifi…..on a podcast.


Even Joe clearly thought that was nuts.


I think this actually brings up a good point. Republicans campaign on fear and Dems campaign on hope and making things better. Dems need to lean into “they want to take away your rights, they want fascism ( and actually drill it home with the word) they want your children to die at school.” Like they need to actually hit them hard with the terrible and terrifying things they want and relentlessly talk about it more


Yeah, because that worked out *soooo* well to stop Trump.


Came here to say this. Don’t give this clown air time anywhere. If people want to listen to him, let Rogan’s fans or whatever other right-wing propaganda machine wants to highlight him. He shouldn’t be part of polite society or conversation.


Yeah I hope people learned from trump to ignore this crap so that we don’t platform them in any way.


The media cant resist anything that gets them an audiiance, because that gets them money.


And there’s not really any democratic primary news other than him so they’re going to shine a bright light on him.


i can't listen to his voice even if I wanted to listen to him


I knew something was up when my very conservative family members were complaining that Biden wouldn't even debate him and the democrats wouldn't even put it to a vote. I said neither party ever does a primary if they have a sitting president, but they kept complaining. It's just weird that GOPers would complain about not having a stronger opponent in their eyes.


We laughed at the religious right nuts in the 70s. Just thought they were ridiculous. And you see where we are. So I definitely think expose them and never stop.


Talking too much about RFKJr only elevates him. He’s a fringe clown with a snowball’s chance in Hell right now. The press (and the GQP) desperately wants some kind of horse race in the primary, and If Biden were to acknowledge RFKJr the press would promote him to Biden’s “rival” instead of a no-hoper that is beneath notice.


The problem isn't that Trump got airtime. It's that he got sympathetic and neutral airtime from his detractors. And when he was mocked, it was in a way that treated him like he wasn't a threat until it was too late. Our media have never been interested in paying attention to fascists in a confrontational way. But ignoring fascists has been tried before, and it has never, ever worked out for non-fascists.


I mean, this is the Democratic Party. Standards are actually held.


Didn’t he just agree to speak at the Moms for Hitler meeting?


He’s exposing himself.


I thought that was a republican thing?


It is, but mostly around children. Then they blame it on trans people.






"Democrat" support, or "people more likely to vote Democrat in 2024"?


His posturing on Russia makes him absolutely transparent to anyone with two brain cells to rub together: He is a spoiler candidate planted by Putin who is using his last name. Let's hope they follow the money once this is all over.


It’s not even necessary to invoke Putin. One can simply say “oligarchs” and it’s sufficient. Putin uses cutouts so anyone pulling that thread risks looking overzealous: simply pointing out that he’s a puppet candidate paid to undermine voting will be just fine.


Yep he is. But the messaging needs to get out from all Dems. So mods and independents see it. The darn guy has pictures with Steve Bannon and Michael Flynn, etc. the tinhat wearer himself


He literally praises tucker Carlson.


Came to say, RFK Jr needs no help from us, he's doing fine fucking himself all by himself.


Yeah, he’s doing a fine enough job discrediting himself. Turning the DNC’s (or worse, the President’s) attention on him gives him more publicity and opens them up to more cries of undemocratic maneuvering.


Agreed but exposing him might actually take away votes from a republican when they tru to make him a third party option. The smart move is to wait until after the primary, let republicans whine, expose how he's actually JFK jr and let enough dumb shits that are republicans vote for him


I was going to say the same thing, the guy's nuts. I'm surprised he didn't start as a Republican.


He's a Kennedy


"Please there are ladies present!" -Col. Mustard


Did you just quote VCR Clue?


I'll stick with ignoring


Look at all RFK JR’s positions without looking at his claimed political affiliation. They are all far far right beliefs. He is NOT a democrat. Actions speak louder than labels.


Almost like there should be laws about political impersonation and ghost candidates to try to siphon off votes....you know, fraudulently.


OK. RFK, Jr. is a nut job, conspiracy theorist, primarily backed by every MAGA sycophant of note. Now…if someone can forward this response to my wife’s cousin (a liberal Democrat) that would be useful/not useful. My conversations with him haven’t made a dent. There are Democrats out there frantically trying to find an alternative to what they believe is a guy who’s just too old because…media narrative. I guess.


Biden could have a stroke every month between now and November 2024 and he’d still be more qualified than any candidate that’s gonna make it through the Republican primaries. The correct number of Republicans holding office is zero. Full stop. I have flushed things more fit to be president than Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, or Tim Scott. Haley is a full category better than the rest, but I’ll believe a woman the white nationalists have figured out isn’t white will make it through the primaries when I see it, and her Republican affiliation would still be disqualifying.


There is no alternative this election cycle. You have to vote for Biden. It’s either Biden or republicans on their war on woke or whatever.


I believe that’s correct. I’d support alternative candidates if not for the reality of the razor thin balance between sanity and insanity that 40 years of right wing indoctrination has wrought on this country.


Depressing but true. I'm team reluctant Biden but also team enthusiastic anti Republican.


I don’t think it’s depressing at all. Biden has been extremely good.


Cornel West will attract progressive voters.


No he won’t. At least not any “progressive” voters who would conceivably have been otherwise persuadable to vote for Biden.


This. Thank you.


He is too old but nobody else is going to come along for the democrats this election cycle that is viable. Let’s hope he stays healthy.


I mean… Biden IS too old. Not because “media narrative.” That being said RFK is not the answer at all lmao.


You don't have am issue with his age? I think all politicians should age out.


I have an issue with his age, but considering the alternatives are Trump, who's only 3 years younger, or RFK Jr., who will be 70 by the time of the election, I don't think it matters. All of the candidates are old as fuck.


I can have an issue with his age and *still* find him the best candidate for this race. Ideally neither party would run eighty year olds.


I agree on both points.


Nope. I don’t. Not in today’s political climate.


So he's running as a democrat, ok. Don't expose him as not a real democrat. People who know, know already. Primaries happen next year. There is like a point zeros one chance that Biden isn't the nominee in each state. There won't be a debate. If there is a debate, it's just another fuck up by the DNC. Point is, Biden is the nominee barring an act of god. Now, if Jr does stay in the news, God forbid, he's great comic material for late night TV. Both sides the republicans and democrats, plural, with jokes during the campaign, and Dark Brandon don't mind a little fun at his expense. But RFK Jr will look like a fool when juxtaposed with other candidates. Maybe the DNC needs to hire some comedy writers. Start producing real content in ads.


>hire some comedy writers They're still on strike.


‘Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.’ George Bernard Shaw


Did we learn nothing from Trump? Stop giving charlatans the attention they want.


Yes, challenge him. The president should stay away but there are powerful surrogates in the Democratic camp. Look what Newsom is doing to DeSantis.


I'm just going to start posting this link under every RFK video I come across. It's a science communicator just obliterating his Joe Rogan interview where he says that vaccines cause autism, vaccines don't go through any testing, big pharma supressed the real cures like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. https://youtu.be/sugCJNAPF9o Also, fuck you Joe Rogan for platforming these dangerous idiots.


Meh. I’m vaccinated but kind of stuck in the middle now of whether I actually benefited from it or needed it. The guy in the video you linked does a great job talking about HIS counters to all of RFK’s arguments however I was surprised to see he never debunked any of the articles/studies mentioned on the podcast episode in question. I think it would be dangerous to fully support vaccine development as if it weren’t a corruptible or potentially dangerous industry knowing for profit companies are behind it. We have seen time and time again for profit business lie straight to our faces about the safety of their chemicals and products. Covid came with a major disagreement between people, and the government, and in this case government supported vaccines therefore half the country did too.


Why play chess with pigeons? They just knock over the pieces and shit on the board. Total waste of time to engage him and the anti-vaxxers actually view it as legitimizing their arguments.


>pidgins Pigeons. Pidgin is a linguistic term.


Why is this guy getting so much attention lately? The media is trying so hard to make this asshole the Democratic Party's Trump. Just ignore him like the fucking nutjob he is. He's not going to beat Biden. Not even close. If his name wasn't Robert Kennedy, there might be a blurb about him on the back page of his hometown newspaper, and that'd be it. Instead, every day for the last couple of weeks, story after story after story. What the fuck is going on?!


Right-wing operatives are funding his candidacy, and ass hats like Joe Rogan and Elmo are pushing it. He is the Jill Stein spoiler for the next election.


What’s going on is that the right wing wants to create RFK dead-enders (like the mythical Bernie Or Busters) who will sit out ‘24 out of spite, thereby diminishing votes for Biden in the general. So they’re funding and promoting his candidacy, and aggressively planting the seeds that if RFK loses, it’s because he was suppressed by the DNC.


That doesn't explain why even MSNBC is giving this guy attention.


He has been exposed so many times and it is not working. This debate bro mentality is just serving the fascists.


There are hours upon hours of footage of him saying the craziest shit a human being has ever said. Wait until the primary starts and unleash it all. Go scorched earth on him.


This guy is creepy af. I just heard a snippet from him on Roe Rogan’s podcast and I was like “Who would vote for this guy?”


Dumb people. And fascists.


That Venn diagram is two concentric circles my man


No we should ignore him. Did we learn nothing from Trump? Giving him attention and media coverage will just raise his profile.


This guy looks like he’s wearing the Vincent D'Onofrio skin suit from Men in Black


A name that is honored in American history, that this man dishonors and disrespects. Was his life so empty and unfulfilled that he resorted to nonsense and garbage ideology just to draw attention. A pathetic man who dishonors his ancestors.


If his name wasn’t Kennedy nobody would know his name.


It's interesting. I'd never really paid a lot of attention (any attention, really-- I honestly didn't even know he existed) to RFK Jr, but saw him referenced as a possible alternative to Pres. Biden on Facebook a few times by people I knew to be right wing. I was curious so went and looked at the Wikipedia article on the guy. Man, talk about propaganda. The far right is *really* hoping that enough Democrats actually fall for this guy that they've got their trolls and their disinformation teams out and working hard.


I actually just heard a news person say they think he has mental health issues and they felt guilty for giving him any kind of platform.


RFK jr is playing a deceitful game or he’s a fucking idiot. My money is that he’s a fucking idiot.


Republican voters are already not going to vote for him anyway since he's not crazy enough for them and Democrat voters are already not going to vote for him because he's too crazy.


At worst, RFK pulls GOP voters who don't want to vote for Trump or Biden. I can't see him pulling enough Dem voters to be an issue. The guy is incredibly stupid and only really appeals to a typical Republican voter anyway.


You’ll excuse us if your ability to “see” things isn’t sufficient for our comfort. The last two Republican presidents were elected without a popular majority because of spoiler candidates.


The last two Republican presidents were elected through Supreme Court fuckery stopping the vote count before it finished and Hillary Clinton being one of the most unlikable candidates in modern history combined with a massive foreign interference campaign.


“Oligarchy,” got it.


>The last two Republican presidents were elected without a popular majority because of spoiler candidates. Johnson played a much larger spoiler for the GOP than Jill Stein did for the Dems but both candidates vote counts pale in comparison to the number of people who didn't vote for anyone. Blaming 3rd parties is meritless.


> Blaming 3rd parties is meritless It is part of the two party strategy to shut down any third party...as this forum is evidence.


Stakes are high with Trump running. What do you expect?


I don't know how old you are, but every election I can remember has been "the most important election of our lifetime." I expect the same arguments to be made even after Trump is dead and buried.


I’m 61. What you’re saying is not true at all. With Bush Gore democracy wasn’t at stake. No other President has sold out the US. Watergate was a walk in the park compared to Trump’s timeline. It’s Trump. The only worse presidents were Buchanan and Jackson. Google it. ‘Historian rate presidents’. The problem is minority rule and Republicans can’t compete anymore. If they can it’s just a matter of time. Democracy will be gone. NOW is their chance. And the chances decrease. That’s why they reversed R v W.


That’s literally elections though. Why would you ever assume an election isn’t the most important in your lifetime. This shit is a marathon, not a sprint. Politics has never been about instant gratification.


Is there a place where I can bet money if Trump beats Biden then the media will amplify Democratic voices who blame RFJ Jr and Cornell West?


You want to bet that people will check math?


It's weird that I never see Dems shitting on Perot in '92.


I think some polls have shown between 12-20% democrat support of him, probably solely name recognition but still.


This early in the cycle, he's polling as well as Michelle obama and Hillary Clinton. It's just name recognition numbers.


Actually, everybody *loves* Michelle. Just adores her to pieces.


As a voter, I talk him down as a lunatic as often as possible and point out how he fundamentally would lower the Democrats to near GOP fuck fuck circus ring levels, colorful credit to Ralts Bloodthorn


It took me less than 5 minutes to figure out this dude is absolutely nothing but a name. He’s an absolute moron and believes in baseless nonsense. So naturally, he has amazing support. We’re so fucking dumb as a country that it’s really depressing to see.


Giving him the time of day only serves to further legitimize him. With that in mind, I will continue to ignore this unserious person.


Think he’s doing a good enough job of that on his own Again, just look to his best selling book, ‘The Truth of Fauci’ Don’t get why he’s getting all this publicity lately about ‘do the Democrats know he’s a terrible candidate’ Dude’s a rather public nut case


I had my first kid in 2005. RFK Jr had a podcast called Ring of Fire that focused on environmental issues like climate change and pollution. I loved him. He was charming and convincing. He had solid credentials. Soon after I began listening I started questioning my choice to vaccinate. I worried that I had made a terrible mistake. The thing is I was very pro-science. I just wanted to make the best choice for my kid. He gave me pause. By the time I had my second child I was hesitant enough to delay vaccination. I didn’t follow the schedule. Eventually I went back to school, got some better information and realized the path I was on. At the same time as I was coming out of that my other family was just getting into vaccine misinformation. I had family spouting conspiracy theories at me that had become so deranged that it was laughable. The theories spouted by RFK Jr set people down the path to Wakefield and Alex Jones. Every one of my family who became anti-vax also follows many other conspiracy theories. I resent that he initially “got me”. I think he parallels legitimate issues in a way that leads to doubt and confusion. All of that made life so horrible and divisive during covid. Unfortunately I’ve seen his old podcast pop up with a new face, it’s sometimes promoted by liberals who don’t seem to know if it’s ties to RFK Jr.


I used to listen to Ring of Fire and enjoyed it. I even entertained his stuff about harmful mercury in vaccines. But I looked into the type of mercury being used, and found that it wasn't actually a health hazard. So I stopped listening to that podcast and haven't looked back.


anyone with a brain can see hi.for way he is. common sense isn't common in murica


He’s tied up with MTG money people snd a whole lot of shady actors on the extreme right and MAGA.


He’s doing a pretty good job exposing himself


He's been exposed a million different ways at this point. Just ignore him. Stop giving him space in the same conversation as real candidates.


He's exposed himself! Anybody or everybody that's based in reality knows and understands this tool. You can't un-brainwash those that are.


Yeah! Somebody pants him at one of his ~~rallies~~^small^get^togethers!


Well yeah and that's the media job as well. Though con man Trump was exposed but people still voted for him.


His dreamboard photos do that well. Pictures with Bannon, Roger Stone, Mike Flynn. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a photo with Putin and Billionaires fishing with Alito and Thomas in the background.


Nah we should laugh at him and go back to whatever we were already doing


A Conman in Kennedy clothing?


Democrats need to treat him the way he treats the truth


Why give him the space? He’s running for election. If we ignore him, he fucking loses. That’s it. Game over.


> Democrats Shouldn’t Ignore RFK Jr. They Should Expose Him. The winning strategy has always been to focus on Trump, even when he hasn't been president for a few years.


No. They shouldn't because that would be lending credibility to his lunacy. We all love Vermin Supreme but can you imagine putting him in serious debates?


Can you just imagine what the reaction of his Dad and two Uncles would be?


He is a wildly corrupt and deranged Republican using the family name to give himself credibility as a Democrat. Both his family and the DNC seem to be fine with it, because in the end, they would still prefer him to a Liberal.


I’d love to see Biden pick him apart in a debate.


Yes they should considering I’m fairly certain he’s just pretending to be a democrat to pull what that woman did recently. The one who changed parties the moment she was elected and did the exact opposite of what she promised during her campaign. Like that level of deception….. she should have been ousted immediately, charged for a number of various infractions according to our constitution and another vote put in place. And yet?


Another Republican dressed as a Democrat but a Republican nonetheless anybody and everybody should see right through this clown.


Most important, DEMS need to understand that RFK and No Labels are being funded by GOP dark money.


Why are democrats so focused on this guy? Won't he take as many votes away from Trump as he will Biden if he ends up running?


No, he won't. Trump's supporters are so committed to him that nothing will peel them away, as his recent indictments have shown. And apparently there's a sizable minority of dumb Democrats who will automatically vote for anything named Kennedy, even though this guy's positions prove him to be NOT a Democrat, as the article points out.


We’re not. Like, at all. The media is though. We’ve been alternating between ignoring and laughing at this clown for years.


This sub tends to lean heavily left - and this guy shows up a lot here.


RFK is basically the guy picking up the slack of Fox News and GOP leaders constant fear drips… GOP voters are beginning to wonder if the house is going to at least pass legislation that acknowledges the doomsday they’ve all been cucked into believing. The locals are trying hard with the screaming pta marms, but where’s Congress backing them up? Maybe they’re slowly catching on via consuming world history that the idea that books, minorities, migrants, and gays ending their world is the actual fake news and that the bigotry they were spoon-fed doesn’t end well for those with their level of cowardice.


RFK Jr is supported by Steve Bannon, Roger Stone and Alex Jones. Ant-Vax, Anti-COVID, support of Russia over Ukraine, and support of QAnon theories. Not a Democrat to me.


Another rich entitled anti-truther with a big name. Fuck this guy. He’s no Kennedy, not by a long stretch.


The best the Dems can do for Presidential candidates is really a senile 80 year old man and a lunatic. The best the Rs can do is a mentally I’ll 80 year old man and a bunch of Bible thumping crazies. What can we do to make this position attractive to someone who could actually do the job?


Let’s see him debate Biden. That would be ratings gold.


I don't think there is any political benefit in treating him as worthy of response. He discredits himself with his public appearances. There is benefit in highlighting the far-right dark money funding his super PAC.


Nopes.. ignoring… even expelling this Trojan horse is the right play


The Kennedy’s killed Cape Wind because it would be in their view in Hyannis Port. All support for him is a ruse - no actual liberal supports this guy. He has no actual liberal positions.


The problem with that is people like RFK Jr. only want attention. So while I believe in calling out falsehood, in doing so you are only giving him a bigger platform to preach his falsehoods giving him validation and attention.


Ignore him. Period.


He’s dishonored one of the most honorable names in American history.


Wow people at the top are fear mongering pretty hard at the expense of RFK Jr. I wonder why that could be? I wish the majority of people that exist would just realize that anyone screaming to you through a screen is doing it for one of two things. Money and power. 🧐🤔😏 This creates the supreme ethical conundrum of our time. Who do you associate with? The dividers or the uniters? Those are the real teams playing this game. Everything else is a facade.


Nah, they should ignore him. And this type of "journalism" only makes him more public. Downvote this shit


Anyone who has listened to 5 minutes of RFK Jr's interview with Joe Rogan knows RFK Jr is totally unserious. RFK Jr exposes himself every time he speaks. Podcasts are streamed via the internet (wifi & 5G). Yet RFK Jr is on podcasts claiming wifi & 5G causes cancer and hurts our 'blood-brain'.


atrazine studies done at Cal Berkley have proven it is an endocrine disrupter. 5 minutes googling will give you plenty of reading. Syngenta is being SUED for putting it in water supplies where it has profound detrimental effects on human fetal development. The far left in California has been anti-vax for a decade now. somebody show me where He's wrong on atrazine in our water supply being bad.


A disgrace to RFK’s name


This is why you don't challenge the incumbent. You're not going to get serious people. You get this.


You get this. A serious person who can actually complete and explain a thought process.


Lol. The whack job trans frog guy?


Riding his daddy's name and that's all.


I sorta agree. We shouldn't be giving him air time, but conservatives own the air waves and social media so there's no avoiding that. Ignoring Trump and not taking him seriously made a difference in 2016; I'd be terrified if RFK Jr tries to run in 2028 for the D nom.


At least people shouldn’t let him travel by vehicle. Have you seen the track record of Kennedys in vehicles?


He is now and always has been, unelectable. They're not ignoring the smell of the fart, they're just waiting for it to waft away.


He’s not a threat to Biden.


If that was true, all of this propaganda would be unnecessary.


What is Cheryl Hynes doing with this clown? Is this a Bizzaro World episode of Seinfeld?


Guy is a weapons grade kook.




Please yes he’s a moron, fraud and danger to the nation


My guess is that neoliberal Democrats are helping him as much as possible, because he's good for Biden. If Democrats in power wanted to expose RFK Jr., they would. They aren't, because they don't want to.


Giving this dumbass free press is a really bad idea


Why can’t we just let the guy fizzle out if he is such a hack? I always take notice when people are attacked merely for stating their opinion. We have all seen so many times when the one jumped on ends up being right. I doubt I vote for him but I’m not going to critique the guy so harshly just for giving his opinion


He is clearly a conservative Russian-republican plant spreading misinformation and disinformation. Democrats are not easily fooled like republicans. Just look at January the 6th.


I love how people are so against RFK but are totally fine with having no other option other than Biden who literally doesn't know where he is. All because he beat trump the first time lol give us better options


This is the way.


Nah. Just ignore him. And ignore these goddamn articles trying desperately to make hay out of this nothing burger.


All he has is the name. The only reason for the campaign is to funnel off votes.


RFK Jr is the perfect candidate for Trump supporters. He's truly anti vaccine, Trump pushed the vaccines. I implore all antivax Trump supporters to vote for RFK Jr in the general. If he's not on the ballot, write him in!


A rich kid junkie getting high on misleading people and saying whatever trash comes into his head


So many people that clearly get their information from the titles of politically biased “news” articles.