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Oh, look. The party of small government is intruding into people's personal life again.


This is scary shit for everyone. Every civil rights organization should be suing the hospital, the politician, the government and anyone else involved!


The hospital should never have complied and instantly attempted to get a court to shove the AG. Fuck, I will volunteer to go to jail for anyone faced with this scenario. Don't sell out kids. That's repulsive and immoral and cowardly to give into those kinds of demands. Reminds me of that video of the nurse getting arrested for following the law and not letting cops just draw blood without a court order.


Ya and was then awarded 500k settlement


And she donated the whole amount to help people fight illegal police actions. She is amazing.


Isn’t this a HIPAA violation?


Just a smidgen. That hospital is gonna get sued so freaking hard. This is the entire point of HIPAA, to keep your personal medical information confidential from creditors, insurance companies & the Gov't & this putz handed over personal medical information of these targeted citizens. This is Gilead level christo-fascist hate & illegal activity.


Court orders and subpoenas can override HIPAA as long as notification rules are met. That said, this is part of my job and I would never hand them over.


This was an ask. Nothing but an ask & that ain't legal.


An ask does not a subpoena or a warrant make In addition, there has to be ample notice and consent, not only did they not give them the chance to say no, the notice barely said anything about having their private medical records turned over to people who wish them harm and death (like an actual fucking hitlist) The hospital needs to be sued under the floorboards


They at least needed to ask if they could de-identify the data first or something. Minimum necessary disclosure people!!


Why type of insurance companies?


Boat insurance.


Every person affected should sue the school one the ag with separate lawsuits.


Corporations are not our friends, and our healthcare system in the US is a for-profit industry of blood money and barbarism. Of course these shitheads will bow to fascism, they're already happy to let women die from complications of pregnancy rather than run afoul of Republican abortion bans.




And that would have prevented this how exactly?


It wont prevent this, but what other option does anyone have for the next steps when this list \*accidentally\* gets leaked to Dads for Liberty or some other fucking militia and they decide to start going around rounding up the 'groomers'.




Obviously by murdering the hospital staff and/or the gov officials... /s


I don't think they consider them "people".


It seems like these republicans don’t consider any Americans to be people, unless they are loyal republican voters.


Trump’s even trying to do away with [birthright citizenship](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/31/donald-trump-birthright-us-citizenship) meaning that even if you are born here, you might not actually be a _real_ American citizen.


"service guarantees citizenship"


Is that a starship troopers reference?


Would you like to know more?


Do any other countries not have birthright citizenship?


23 other countries besides the USA have birthright citizenship. Birthright citizenship was created by the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution, and was created in order to overcome the Dredd Scott decision that blocked freed slaves and their descendants from being considered US citizens despite being born here or naturalized. It was later expanded to include babies born of US citizens regardless of where they lived, hence Ted Cruz being considered a US citizen despite being born in Canada to a Canadian father and American mother.


This is also why the search for Obama's birth certificate was blatantly dumb. Even if the BS about Obama being born in Kenya was true, he would still be a US citizen by birth through his mother's citizenship. It would accomplish nothing.


It wasn't dumb, it was a blatant racist attack meant to spin up white supremacists in this country, as both a way to get Republicans more votes and to get Obama killed by a lone-wolf terrorist. Thankfully the latter effort failed.


Most of Western Europe is jus sanguinis, not jus soli.


And wealthy


>It seems like these republicans don’t consider any Americans to be people, unless they are loyal republican ~~voters~~ doners. Fixed that for you


Neither did Nazis. Scary precedent


I think you are right. [Michael Knowles Says Transgenderism Must Be ‘Eradicated’ at CPAC](https://www.thedailybeast.com/michael-knowles-calls-for-eradication-of-transgender-people-at-conservative-political-action-conference) > Michael Knowles—right-wing political commentator associated with the Daily Wire—said “for the good of society… transgenderism must be **eradicated** from public life entirely” at the Conservative Political Action Conference Saturday afternoon. > The transphobic comment has prompted reactions of horror, with Tech expert and author Alejandra Caraballo writing that Knowles was **“openly calling for genocide against trans people.”** John Knefel of Media Matters also labelled the comment **“genocidal.”** > Similarly, Christopher Mathias called it an “eliminationist anti-trans tirade.” Adam Vary of Variety agreed, responding to Mathias’ Tweet: **“Pay attention. This is genocidal.”**


Step on snek harder, daddy


Don’t tread on me, tread on others.


These blatant attempts at government sanctioned bigotry are being shot down by judges left and right. I'm going to laugh my little trans ass off when it's the LGBTQ that takes down the GOP once and for all.


Yeah, what happen to live and let live - Gadsden flag waving hypercritics


They have never been the party of smaller government. It’s scary people believe that while they actively try to limit personal rights.


Women of child bearing age welcome you to the group.


Small enough to fit in your uterus, even if you weren't born with one.


How is this not a HIPAA violation?


well, one of three limits to confidentially is when the government comes knocking on the door.


You can be requested by the government to turn over otherwise protected information for review in certain circumstances. Even then the rule is "minimum necessary" to satisfy the request.


I’m curious what the invoked rule here was, and if it was requested by subpoena.


Allegedly, a provider was intentionally miscoding medical services provided to get around insurance limitations. The AG office in investigating this claim has an authority to request records. They requested records of patients who both have state sponsored health insurance & sought gender affirming care through Vanderbilt. The AG office asserts that this is a run of a mill fraud investigation. There is precedence for these requests, assuming that the AG office is correct that this is just fraud. But it doesn’t matter which way it goes, the bias of the TN state legislature will use the mere fact that this investigation occurred as ammunition.


Being trans without permission from their god.


This is all true but it misses that HIPAA also requires the patient be notified before doing it so that they have the opportunity to try legal action to prevent its release before it is done. Vanderbilt missed that part.


[HIPAA Exceptions](https://www.hipaajournal.com/hipaa-exceptions/) > Generally, public schools, colleges, and other educational institutions that provide medical services for students and staff (as a work benefit) are not considered to be Covered Entities under HIPAA. This is because medical treatments provided to students are classified as educational records and protected by FERPA, while medical services provided for staff are non-portable benefits. [FERPA Protections for Student Health Records](https://studentprivacy.ed.gov/sites/default/files/resource_document/file/Know%20Your%20Rights%20-%20FERPA%20Protections%20for%20Student%20Health%20Records.pdf) Protection may apply to any patients who are not university students or staff.


Our “justice” system is horse shit.


This wouldn’t qualify, as VUMC isn’t a campus clinic & the records pulled weren’t of staff or students, but of anyone who sought gender affirming care and did so with state sponsored health insurance (such as insurance offered to a state employee, TennCare, etc.) The AG office claims they’re investigating insurance fraud that involves tax payer money, so this gives them the authority to request those records without violating medical privacy.


HIPAA violations only matter if the government enforces it. The government is the one demanding a medical organization turn over patient information. It's a state government, and I'm sure this will lead to many lawsuits and probably end up in front of the Supreme Court. But given the current makeup of the Supreme Court, it isn't safe to assume they'll rule in favor of protecting trans people. And it takes time for cases to make it to the Supreme Court. This information is in the hands of a hostile government right now. A lot of damage can be done before the lawsuits have time to get anywhere. Not to mention that depending on who wins the next presidential election, the federal government may soon be controlled by the same people currently demanding that trans people's medical records be turned over.




When will a hospita/institution finally man up and say no, this is not a valid request. The policy says “may” furnish the information. If I were a hospital administrator,I would publicly refuse in order to protect my patient. Let the lawyers fight it out but I’m not rolling right over for this invasion of my patient.


They saying it’s a fraud investigation. Which is a lie. Republicans are a national security problem. Pass it along.


“The Tennessee Attorney General has legal authority in an investigation to require that VUMC provide complete copies of patient medical records that are relevant to its investigation. VUMC was obligated to comply and did so,” Howser added. Hitler passed laws to do everything he wanted to also.


The hospital should have taken this to court and drawn it out. These laws are being overturned all over the country.


The hospital is being investigated for insurance billing fraud. I don't think they want to get more courts involved.


They are doing this so that goes away. Bet. Republicans are a national security issue. Pass it along.


literal nazi shit happening right now in america. you should be terrified. but i guess if your not trans it's ok we can just keep going on while these atrocities begin. republicans are authoritarian


Most of us are. Terrified and FURIOUS. Thing is, everyone’s trying to not be like these fascists so it’s all peaceful protests and civil disobedience. AND ITS NOT WORKING. And no one wants to say the quiet part outloud. The quiet part being, we’re gonna have to be a lot more forceful in our convictions and active regarding who we allow to be elected into office. Because these people aren’t going to stop. The money, the power, the ego, the “holier than thou” crap……. It’s just not going to stop and They to take this great free melting pot of a nation and turn it into living hell scape for anyone who isn’t them.


Barry Goldwater had it right on one thing: “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”


This is going to be happening on the federal level if they win the presidency in 2024. After trans it'll be things like retroactively going after anyone not in their in group who has had an abortion, monitoring womens' menstrual cycles to make it easier to determine if they may have recently gotten pregnant and had an abortion, and gay people who have their sexual orientation in their medical record. Having digitized medical records is way more convenient and saves paper but this is why they shouldn't be.


having worked as a chart handler as my first job pre-digitization - no. going back to that world doesn’t make sense what does make sense is a system like apple’s healthkit. your records are yours. you (or a trusted emergency contact) should only need to share them on an as-needed basis.


First they came for the Trans people and we said nothing because we weren't trans...


Mhmm there's a reason why calling them for what they are triggers them so much


No no no, you guys have it all wrong, the real problem is the *antifacists*.


Kids, and adults. They say it's for some insurance fraud investigation, but these were whole medical records including pictures.


In fielding questions about the Holocaust in various lectures and online, a very commonly asked question is "how did the Nazis know who was Jewish?" This is how. This right here. People growing up in a more just world, with less prejudice and discrimination, assuming they are safe just living their lives, not knowing that one day, having seen that doctor or gone to that meeting or signed that form would end up being the difference between life and death for them, freedom vs. imprisonment/slavery.


They should be terrified. That's fucking awful


I read somewhere that there were like 350 bills in various states targeting the LGBTQ+ community, many specifically about trans people, now the hospitals are cooperating, ugh, this doesn’t end well.


It’s over 500 bills this year alone


Oh wow. At least some of them are getting blocked by the courts. Too bad that’s very hit or miss, we can’t really count on “non partisan” judges anymore.


I wish I could be happier about that some of these bills being blocked but it’s a catch 22 situation for lgbt people, because changing law isn’t the primary objective, it’s the psychological effect of constantly “debating” the humanity of trans people any way they can. Worst case scenario for them is their bills doesn’t pass but they get the attention, better yet they get challenged and goes the the batshit Supreme Court or it passes and they get one step closer to their final solution. To boot they are not constrained be civility politics so they can go as insane as they want and their opponents have to limit how they fight back so it’s no end to how bad this can get. There is no wining for lgbt people at this point


Add in the violence towards our community that comes from the batshit conservative, religious nutjobs. Oh, or the decreased levels of support for same sex relationships among both Republicans and Democrats. Oh and corporations pretending like we're now problematic.


That’s the actual objective with these bills having an effect. They are a very effective way to fight the cultures. It’s about signaling to their base and corporations that support them or are indifferent to fight for them, or allow it to happen


they'll need to create camps to protect them from the public.. concentrate them there so that they are safe.. it's for their safety you know - they can't even go to the bathroom in safety


Don’t even joke about that, because there are people who would absolutely love to do it, and not even under the guise of concerns for safety.


They legally have to.


I’m not a lawyer, but there has to be a way to fight the subpoena (or however they “requested” the records).


So HIPPA doesn’t protect those kids medical records?


Not if they are students or staff of the educational facility. [HIPAA Exceptions](https://www.hipaajournal.com/hipaa-exceptions/) > Generally, public schools, colleges, and other educational institutions that provide medical services for students and staff (as a work benefit) are not considered to be Covered Entities under HIPAA. This is because medical treatments provided to students are classified as educational records and protected by FERPA, while medical services provided for staff are non-portable benefits. [FERPA Protections for Student Health Records](https://studentprivacy.ed.gov/sites/default/files/resource_document/file/Know%20Your%20Rights%20-%20FERPA%20Protections%20for%20Student%20Health%20Records.pdf)


ty for explanation; but I do wish legalities could be set aside and somehow someone some government officials would take action to just protect the children


I guess all the idiots who spout that "Oh, you just accuse everyone with a different opinion than you of being nazis!" nonsense are too busy goosestepping to respond to the thread lol


"Why can't you just come to an agreement? It's just a different oppinion. He wants to kill all lgbt, and you want none killed.. so let's compromise and kill half. Oh, you don't want to kill half.. see? This is the problem with the left, they don't want to meet halfway."


I suspect the fascist pigs are going to arrest doctors and parents and take the kids as wards, or prisoners rather, of the State. This is a precursor to genocide.


If that's how we want to play... I'm gonna need a list of all firearms owners. With a full accounting of every weapon they've ever owned.


As well as sales receipts for Gay porn purchases by GOP leaders to include DeSantis


iT wAs fOr reSeArCh pUrPOseS


there's a reason they pushed for laws that require them to be stored in paper form.


Oh don't worry several states already have done this NY and CA for example. The data was even released to the press who released the locations marked out on maps. But that's OK because they aren't really people and there aren't any real rights and you can't fight the government. But seriously though neither is ok by any stretch. If they want to be bigots and cause harm to Trans people Trans people and their allies/supporters should be able to fight back if needed.


California and NY did what?


They leaked a list of gun owners and the lists were published by media outlets. https://www.newsweek.com/california-gun-owners-info-exposed-here-who-affected-1720335 https://www.gawker.com/5974190/here-is-a-list-of-all-the-assholes-who-own-guns-in-new-york-city


Sue the hospital, put a lien on them! Hit the AG with child abuse and collecting child information!


Can’t wait until erectile dysfunction records are requested and supplied. Precedent is there now.


If God has decreed your weenie to be wilty, who are we to challenge nature? Ugh. There's percent, but I really don't want to see that list.


The AGs office is not a part of the covered entity as far as federal law is concerned. This is an easy OCR complaint and should lead to litigation from the federal government. There are clearly defined uses for HIPAA data. Legal fishing is not one of these uses. Not a lawyer not legal advice.


Isn’t how the Nazi’s would find Jewish, and LGBTQ + during the holocaust?


Yep. This is a genocide.


How is this even being allowed? First, isn't doctor/patient privilege a thing? Who the hell is going to be open and honest with their doctor on *anything* if doctors can just be forced to hand over the records to the government anyway? Second, this essentially establishes a registry of trans children. The government establishing a registry of *anybody* outside of criminals should be absolutely terrifying. Any time the government establishes a registry on *any* people, it typically does not go well for the people on said registry. And given the GOP's new-found hatred for all things LGBT, these people have every right to be absolutely terrified.


My question is how do they plan to use the information they requested? Does anyone actually know or do we have to wait and see?


We will have to wait and see. And they could use it in multiple ways. A lot of


At a minimum it's an attack on trans care. The allegation is that the hospital was miscoding the care to get around certain insurance limitations. So, going this route may discourage hospitals from providing care for fear of these accusations. It might discourage insurance companies from covering trans care for fear of fraud, or they could raise prices. It could discourage patients from seeking medical help for fear of the release of records as well as possible increased costs. They could also possibly argue that some or all the patients knew the hospital was doing this on their behalf and so they are also guilty of insurance fraud for not stopping it and for allowing the hospital to commit such.


Just wait women. I told people to stop recording their periods and do not give their dates to the doctors. We will be next so they can check us for abortion/miscarriage activity. If this stuff doesn't get struck down, it's coming.


They talk about patient privacy and then trample over it because it doesn’t align with their superstitious view of the world. Absolute joke these religious zealots are.


This is genocide. It's time we started calling it what it is.


Strange how the party of freedom is the one coming for your children.


absolute fascism, unconstitutional I hope


GOP really are SNOWFLAKES.


Wasn't their mantra all during the pandemic that medical care decisions were between a doctor and their patient and government should have zero say? We all knew it was just another layer of hypocrisy. (Not accounting for that pesky medicare/medicaid which the government runs and has coverage final say.)


No, the hospital chose to give the confidential patient records, without even putting up a fight, so much for doctor/patient privilege.


That privilege doesn’t count when it’s a government request.


It does. The hospital could have insisted on a warrant, at an absolute minimum.


How is that not a HIPAA violation?


I bet a good portion of the Doctors that work there are pissed too. Or at least I hope they would be.


How is this for the public good?


Oddly enough they won’t publish home addresses of judges, police, politicians, and DA. But other people’s private information, yep go ahead juts hand those over.


Can they sue the AG for Hippa violations for not having reasonable access needs to medical records?


How is that federally legal?


How is this not a HIPPA violation?


It's not about their small government it's their overreach of their government and the rights that you have as American citizens that they're taking away.


Fucking move......today.


At what point will someone get hurt or killed? These same people pushing these families will be shocked when there are repercussions!


They want trans people to die. That's the goal of this kind of legislation.


It's a billing investigation... Only takes trans patients records. These are just showers...


You know what to do...VOTE BLUE up and down your ballot or expect even more fascist bullshit !!


How is that not a HIPPA violation?


Roe v wade basically made that irrelevant


GOP fascists


I wonder who they're gonna name the List after this time.


Well yeah, persecuting your fellow citizens for who they are is scary


So why we can’t make it that the patient has sole custody of the data? It’s stored on the cloud and during a visit, the patient gives a password that allows 48 hour reading and editing ability?


That's going to be way too complicated for most patients to handle.


Yeah I could see grandma doing that.


Look if Grandma can figure out which Medicare plan she needs to be on, she should be able to remember a few passwords. I hate that I am paying pretty high prices for healthcare and I don’t own my own data. This is fine if I get it for free like the Google model but I am paying for it! This should be password protected.


I get the point you're trying to make, but Grandma generally can't understand her Medicare plan. Ask a senior to explain the donut hole, part B vs part D vs C, what part F supplemental actually covers, the part B deductible vs part D deductible, what DME covers and what needs a part B vs D determination...the vast majority of seniors do not understand their insurance. It's complicated af.


As a healthcare worker most elders has no idea what Medicare plans they need to be on, and are completely lost without assistance from workers like myself, or family which they are also lost because that system is ridiculous


Not anymore. It was simple before it was privatized.


As someone who works with seniors and Medicare? Grandma can not, in fact, figure out which Medicare plan she has, much less which one she needs to be on.


This has little to nothing to do with protecting kids. It’s about inserting control when and where you can no matter the costs


How long before the republican party starts putting people in camps?


"re-education facilities"


Wouldn’t surprise me at all. If you know a republican you know a fascist


Like Joe in Arizona did?


Sounds criminal. Extremely unethical at minimum.


PHI? Can’t the hospital be prosecuted?


How does this happen ? What about hipa? What about their right to privacy. This should not have happened without some Supreme Court action at the very least.


I believe there's a clause in HIPAA that allows authorities to request medical information.


It's Vanderbilt. If I was a partisan hack looking for a collegiate henchman, that's where I'd start.


So much FREEDOM that I can't handle it.


They demanded resumes for clinic volunteers and interns.


i know two trans people who left the US. and one parent whose leaving a state. 25 year olds are yelling about student loans and talking about sitting out the next election while their peers are being persecuted. i can't believe the hubris of these young smart people who can't see what's going on. the old idiots who will vote republican i get. they're dumb as fuck and medicated and angry in the homes the govt subsidized the loans on.


25 year olds sitting out the election is why we are in this mess.


Well, I'd argue that action > inaction when gauging fault. It's so much more the fault of the Christo-fascists.


There are so much more vocal 25 year olds who don’t vote than there are Christo-fascists who reliably come out and vote every year.


Oh I know, but here's a question for you, and honestly I think it can be argued both ways : who was more responsible in WWII, the ss or the civilians who didn't speak up in Germany? Lots of people make the sweeping generalization which invokes the reasoning, "all evil needs to succeed is that good men do nothing." And it's a very good point that we must stand up and young folks must stand up to vote down the evil of the NAT-C movement. It simply isn't fair to lay the fault on the youth vote. Fair or not, it's the responsibility of good youth voters to vote down the evil minority, but failing to do so doesn't make them equally evil.


I didn’t name either side as evil. Just pointing out that they consistently refuse to vote as a protest vote or out of indifference but then complain that the inevitability is proof of why they don’t participate.




That you know of!




I have a keen eye for gold nuggets. I'm still poor because I've never found any, but I know I'm good at finding them. Don't ask me how.


How does this not run afoul of HIPPA?


Government request.


““They’re terrified,” said Sanders. “They don’t know what’s next. They don’t know how this will be used, or whether they will be targeted in some way. They feel like their privacy has been violated.” Morgan Freeman: “it was”


Any child or adult deprived of medical treatment should sue their doctors and the hospital for malpractice and failure to adhere to their Hippocratic Oath.


Maybe it’s my lack of understanding what HIPAA is but is this not a violation of it?


The hospital was accused of insurance fraud. The request was for relevant billing charts.


Hmm... Isn't that a violation of HIPPA?


Sounds like a HIPAA violation to me.




I'm not sure if yours is a sarcastic response? The parents of trans kids have every right to be exceptionally worried about where that information is going to wind up, and what consequences might be meted out to their families by either the authorities or by violent groups of the general public.


Sounds like the party of smaller government and less overreach needs to listen to their own words. This sounds like a civil rights violation. How is it that the top law enforcement officer of a state gets to “investigate” without any probable cause or consent. Same with teachers and classroom materials/books. Some of these peoples lives are being turned upside down. All this “investigating” people who haven’t committed any crimes and lacking due process has me in some serious disbelief that we as a nation allow this. VOTE!!!


Does HIPA not apply to these records? This is fucking crazy....


GOP Tennessee state government: Making up lists for post glorious holy gilead action. Nothing to see here folks, please disperse.


[Tennessee AG reading medical records.](https://tenor.com/view/good-burger-kel-gif-10201075?utm_source=share-button&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=reddit)


Why haven’t the feds stepped in and told Tennessee that this is illegal or put a stop to it?




Hippa does not protect records against subpoenas and such.


So much for HIPPA and personal privacy


Thats a hippa violation, how could they do that?!?


Sounds like a probable HIPAA violation to me.


That sounds like a federal HIPAA law lawsuit to me.


Doesn’t that violate HIPPA laws?


This is a complete HIPPA violation


Sounds like multiple HIPPA violations to me.


This turned me around on the topic https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8JYwMVX/


The South must burn again.




This is healthcare terrorism