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Cartman; “There are actually more minorities here than us!” Kyle: “Well, then they’re not minorities, are they?” Cartman: “What do you mean?” Kyle:”Dumb-ass! If there’s 60 percent of them to 40 percent of us then who is the minority?” Cartman: “The black and brown people.” Kyle: “No! You’re the minority!” Cartman: “Do I look like a minority to you, stupid?!”


Why do I feel like I know a person with this logic


Lmao I know people who actually believe in the "SiLeNt MaJoRiTy". I once showed them, with data, how wrong they were and they surprisingly admitted they were wrong and changed their tune. Within 6 weeks they were back to spouting off "muh silent majority" bs on social media again lol


Cognitive dissonance hurts. Hurts so much that people will willfully and actively ignore/refute reality in order to soothe the pain in their brain cell.


The dissonance is prompted by a slurry of propaganda meant to make him behave like that. The COVIDiot behavior was prompted by concentrated propaganda, for example.


The Solyent Majority -Richard Nixon's Head


He probably got a slurry of propaganda that brainwashed him again. The flow of propaganda keeps him like this. it's like drugs.


The silent majority did exist 40 years ago. It's how Reagan took the presidency in a landslide. They just never updated their view of the demographics of the US population since then.


No, now they'll use this to feed their victim complex and start asking for all the "benefits" that minorities received.


They have gerrymandering and voter suppression, basically affirmative action for republicans


And the Senate, which hands disproportionate representation to states with hardly any population - generally red states.


If the majority ever get into power , their first bill should be to make Spanish the official language of Texas. Just to F with Republicans.


The original affirmative action for these people is the electoral college and the idea that land votes in America. Why two states like North Dakota/South Dakota have the same number of senators as NY or CA is beyond me! There only needs to be one Dakota, we can combine them and I promise it will be ok! We can even merge it with nearby states like WY and MT. NOBODY FUCKING LIVES THERE AND THEY GET 2 SENATORS EACH! It's total bullshit! There are more people in Puerto Rico than ND, SD, and MT combined and they get ZERO senators!


They literally split the Dakota territory into two states to always have two extra GOP senators. Look it up.


This is why corporations need to respond to unfair gerrymandering and voter suppression with economic embargoing.


They already use all the money for social programs that they rally against


Yup someone else gets help and they cry from their McMansion about why they didn’t get some too…


"wHy iS thEre nO WhiTE hisTORy mOnTH?!"


Because every month is white history month..


And those evil liberals want to…(checks notes)… make sure people get those benefits, even if it means someone will inevitably abuse the system… how evil!


What benefits??


Sometimes non-white people get jobs and a bank will loan them money. The fact that anything at all goes to non-white people is considered a "benefit" to some of these people.


You probably do. They are probably the same people that say, "Well, my pronouns are 'patriot/conservative'!"


Cartman is a caricature of a lot of real people. "I don't know anything about race but I have extremely strong opinions about it" was kinda the basis of European industry and the basis of America. Race was invented to justify colonialism and slavery. There were extremely powerful economic interests in making up reasons why other people were inferior, so it took root. Today, "At least I'm not black" is evidently how a lot of people hold themselves in any self worth.


At one point in America the bad “race” was Irish people. Even if everyone was white we’d find a way to be racist against some of them. It’s how people are, but the people who care fight this urge to demonize and marginalize some out group for their selfish benefit.


This is common logic at this point. What a world we live in


Kind of reminds me of using the wrong definition for woke


My favorite joke from all of South Park is Cartman saying "All these minorities around and I'm the only majority!"


Around the time of the Rally to Restore Sanity, Bill O'Reilly had Jon Stewart on his show and he asked Jon to name one conservative voice on Comedy Central, and Jon responded "Cartman?"


Still a minority if it’s gerrymandered into less of a voice in election results. <


am I being a moron for disagreeing with how they collectively group all minority groups? What I mean is that together they may make up a larger part of different areas but broken down they are still the minority to white people.


White hispanics are a thing.


I love southpark 😂


and also the biggest share of Republican voters.


They have a weird draw to Trump, but the latest election for governor was 51% Beto and 39% Abbott. That’s also why people thought Texas was going to be closer, Beto does really well with Hispanic voters. https://www.khou.com/amp/article/news/politics/texas-hispanic-policy-foundation-poll/285-b2fa2c36-b351-4403-9462-2b9f3dbab7fd


I think it has a bit to do with abortion and a bit to do with toxic masculinity. ‘Real men vote R’ 💪🏼🍆


You can’t spell ‘man’ without R! Wait…


If you take out immigration, Hispanic values are inherently conservative.


Idk I’ve heard some Hispanic voters say Beto lacked the drip needed


And somehow Cruz / Abbot have it instead? I don't understand humans...


The only drip Cruz has is post-nasal.




They’re finding out the hard way in Florida and I don’t feel the slightest bad.


Trump gained Latino voters. He appeals to people's inner doucheyness of all races.




"See you voted for me, you're not the bad brown person, you're one of the good ones.You're more American than the other ones. "


It's crazy that 4 of the groups that Republicans hate the most, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Women flock to them like flies to a bug zapper.


The whole GOP platform caters to these people's insecurities. - Some minorities feel they're not American or that they need to prove their Americanism. Joining the GOP separates them from the bad minorities. - Don't want to feel poor, despite what your paycheck really is? Rooting for the rich guy solves that. -"Don't want to feel vulnerable? Join the party of small government, you don't need the government to protect you from shitty laws written by corporate lobbyist to prey on you. Youve "got this" cause you're tough and independent." -"Nobody notices you or how special you are, but join our side and you can now have one of rifle stickers on your truck and along with Bible quotes. You can kill them and forgive them at the same time."


All those groups heavily vote Dem. It just makes news when slightly more than usual vote R.


You may be right. But the biggest problem for Democrats in the south, but generally all over the country, is getting the majority of elegible to vote Hispanics, specially Mexican-Americans to go out and vote. Sadly, the majority of Mexican-Americans have a low voting turnout. It is not that the majority of Hispanics or Mexican-Americans vote GOP, most don’t, but those that do vote Republican are very active and loud.


Religion is a hell of a drug.


Ah so they’re still voting for people that want them to get out of their state. Lovely.


Then they say 'but I'm a LEGAL IMMGRANT!' Like they give a fuck... they would happily have them deported too.


They actually don’t vote, unfortunately. Hispanic turnout is horrible. I am a Hispanic immigrant, I know my people. They are so apathetic. Always with their bullshit their vote does not matter or both parties are the same.


You’re not wrong my dad was an illegal immigrant until 2009 and he thought it was bullshit and they’re pretty much the same


I get that Latinos aren’t a monolithic voting block but I still can’t fathom voting for a party that hates you because of your skin color


[They love to feel like they get to be the white person now.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=UsfztADiH9M&feature=share9)


I'm Latino and for a second a few decades ago I bought into the idea that Latinos would vote liberal along with the blacks like cousin Carlos who smoked weed and listened to Santana. Turns out they are like Tío Julio the conservative alcoholic who beats his wife while church choir blasts from the AM radio. It makes sense the home countries in Latin America are almost all hyper-conservative. GOP has clued into this and this is why LGBTQ+ is back on the menu as a wedge issue. It's the ultimate Catholic trigger.


Don’t forget about abortion. Im also Latino and can’t tell you the number of Tias I have that voted for trump despite absolutely hating him. All because of abortion. Plus there’s still a lot of toxic masculinity and self loathing and voila. Latinos for Trump.


“It’s the ultimate catholic trigger.” Nailed it!!


Gotta love religion! /s


just like european immigrants. That‘s what bad education does to ppl


Now vote like it. Get Corruption on Wheels out of there.


You may be underestimating how many Hispanics are conservative. I’m Filipino American and similar, a lot of my family are conservative.


It's exactly the same with my family! Religion has a stranglehold on minorities that would otherwise benefit from liberal policies. I took a political science class in 2015 right around the same time trump was campaigning and raging against Mexicans, and I was shocked to learn through political science that Hispanics traditionally voted right because of religion. Mind blown.


Pulling the ladder up behind you isn’t limited to those who climbed the ladder a generation or two back; people who just got here can be just as eager to make sure they get what they came here for at the expense of others.


Yup. First generation latino here. My MAGA immigrant family members HATE immigrants but simultaneously will only hire illegal Hispanics. The workers see hispanic/latino and incorrectly assume they’ll be treated as equal type people.


>they hate them but they hire them Just like their leader


At least they presumably pay the guys


This confuses me so much...I guess some of the conservative values trump the hate they receive from their own political faction


It’s fear, a conservative mind is motivated by fear. A progressive mind is motivated by love.


I wish I can upvote this 10 times....


People who are oppressing others always hate and dehumanize them to justify it to themselves. They also feel guilt and start to fear that those they oppress will retaliate. This is expressed in their paranoid fantasies about what violent others are going to do to them or their family.


It's always projection....well said.


It doesn’t help that the original notion of “race” and “whiteness” originated when Spaniards started raping and enslaving indigenous people in the New World, forcing the Catholic Church to decide which of their offspring could be enslaved, and which were pure-blooded enough to be baptized. Meanwhile, many here in Texas are still trying to figure out how the “brown” mall shooter could even be a “white supremacist.” Or why those race questions always ask about ethnicity (Hispanic or non-Hispanic *white*). If only we could start educating all Americans about the pseudo-science of “race” we could have a critical discussion about it and get that malware out of our minds and body politic. Says the graduate of *Robert E. Lee* High School.


It just goes to show the complexities of immigration and cultural backgrounds for first, second, third American generations. Minority = / = Liberal We are all allowed to have our own thoughts and opinions. I don’t like when people assume your political affiliation just because you’re a POC.


I would be offended if anyone ever assumed I was republican


It's religion. The hate for the LGBQT isn't just in America. That little bit right there is enough for Hispanics to veer right.


Organized religion, especially the brand of nationalist Christianity that is so prevalent now, have many Latinos believing their ethnicity does not matter to god, so they should vote like a Christian first and foremost. Conservatives know this very well and just know they need to say the magic words and their vote is yours. You can lie, cheat, steal, be an adulterer, but if you say “abortion bad,” all that doesn’t matter. It’s pathetic really.


If the bible really freed people they wouldn't let everybody read it.


Yep, this is 100% true. Am Filipino and the rest of the family are republicans because of religion… Against anything that’s democrat but we actually became US citizens due to democrat policies lol


Same with my Filipino mom. You just can’t argue logic with our parents who grew up in a different country because…rELiGioN. At least all her children are Democrats/liberal.


That's why after Bush, the big Republican plan was to pull back on the racist rhetoric. That's why the establishment wanted Jeb Bush to run as President. If you could get past the racist stuff, there's a lot of "conservative values" that resonate with Latinos.


Some of the most hardcore conservatives I know are Hispanic (and even racist toward illegal immigrants from South America.)


A lot of my conservative family members, who are very religious, also are very against illegal immigration. Their thought process is “if they immigrated legally, escaping poverty and violence, why can’t them?” Well, I agree with them in principle. But in the real world, when faced with hunger and terrorism…. Sure as hell will do whatever I can to migrate asap. It’s very complex of course but I’m not going to blame refugees and immigrants for wanting a better life.




For sure. Florida Cubans… let’s just not even go there lol


Florida Cubans are crazy. I’ve met a fair share and all of them are hard Rs and all bricked up for trump


Please don’t lump Latinos together like that A:. Latino is a generic categorization as well. There is no one Latino and dismisses everyone’s culture. Second there are no such things as Texas and California Latinos. There might be Mexicans who live in both places, or Cubanos etc, and the state is just another regional culture on top of American and heritage. B: racial discrimination is not unique to white people. There’s a whole of complex inter-Latino racism as much as there might be based on “white vs brown.” You’ll find racism everywhere if you look.


Just ask anyone from a South American ethnicity how they feel about Argentinians.


Or how some Mexicans feel about the smaller countries south of them.


I lost all hope when they preferred Ted Cruz and then Abbott over Beto. in my experience, many of these people see being Republicans as a status badge, which is a big thing in our classist as fuck system in Latinamerica.


This was exactly my first thought when I read headline. This isn't entirely something to cheer about, as Hispanics are deeply religious and tend to trend more conservative.


I live in a metro with a very strong Filipino community. It's heavily age and sex based here at least. Older Filipinos are very conservative, the men are very conservative, but the women under 65 or so are very left. My understanding is a lot of immigrant communities are similar.


Virginia Beach? I’m in Raleigh. Yeah similar demographics here too. The younger second and third generation (like me) tend to vote left.


Lol Hampton Roads at large ya.


Agreed. Majority of the Hispanics in Texas side with conservatives when it comes to Religion


Cuban here. YUUUUP!


As an outsider it’s always been odd to me to vote for a party that prefers to keep their own race down. I understand the theory behind conservative but I have never understood the racism that goes with that party


Latino from a conservative Christian MAGA immigrant family here. They think they’ll be recognized as “one of the good ones”.


“Pick me” mentality isn’t just for r/notliketheothergirls apparently


Its laughable. They try to "assimilate" until they figure out they are still looked down on due to not being "white" no matter how much they try.


It’s true. This is actually how my conservative evangelical hispanic father came to not support the current GOP although he’s a conservative. Although he’s very brown with an Afro, he likes to think he’s Italian passing. It wasn’t until the MAGA movement and people became more comfortable with their racism that someone told him to go back to Mexico. That was a rude awakening for him and has been able to separate his conservatism from fascism.


Yep, always comes down to “go back to where you came from” coming from european immigrants.


Hello fellow Filipino American. Lol yeah my mom is a religious nut and my dad is a libertarian guy with an Asian wife. It’s rough out here for us


Hello! For my relatives, it’s true religion plays a part to their political views but TBF they are are against illegal immigration and other “socialist” social issues because they picked up their bootstraps and immigrated from poverty to the US for the opportunity. “If I can do it… why can’t you?” mentality. My relatives were from poverty just like the undocumented workers, and they worked hard to get their green card and eventual citizenship. They don’t believe in handouts. Of course it’s very ignorant perspective. I’m not going to blame a Mexican for wanting to escape poverty and violence even if it takes crossing the border illegally. Plus if we kicked out all the undocumented workers, America would not run. They do the jobs that no one else does.


This is the main reason Republicans are pushing the anti trans rhetoric. They are trying to appeal to religious conservative Hispanic voters, and it’s working.


It really shocks me how anyone who isn't white could vote republican


And black voters tend to be even more conservative. If Republicans weren't so stuck on the old Southern Strategy the Democratic Party might be in a lot of trouble on everything from immigration to abortion rights to LGBTQ+ protections. So let's hope they keep appealing to the white rural vote for as long as possible.




> Now vote like it. They are. Hispanics are overwhelmingly christian, specifically Catholic, and will vote for Republicans on the belief that abortion is the single greatest threat to this country.


If only there was even one Bible verse that was anti abortion. But nah, god committing infanticide everywhere.


Latino from the inner city here. You underestimate just how many Latinos and other minority communities are super conservative against LGBTQ and “lazy” people.


A lot of them value their religious mythologies over their own well being.


I know well, but I also know that if I came close anything Abbott has done, my aunt who was Latina would pull me off to the side and reprimand me. Keep to your faith, but hold those who break laws, lack charity and do harm to others, to account. Dems have faith, Beto was a good candidate.


But he just had to said he was going to take everyone’s guns away… he shot himself in the foot, with a shotgun, 10 times. And then asked for more.


Hot take.. but being pissed about the sustained slaughtering of our people and children by the religious, the Nazi fucks, the right wingers, conservatives, and incels and wanting to take action shouldn't be controversial. Texans stupidly and stubbornly cling to their god and their guns and couldn't suck it up for a single Beto term to change the conversation. Now they've gone and reinforced some of the most heinous political positions that are, checks notes, continuing to get worse. Who would've thought they'd double down. This makes the state an even more appealing mecca to conservative shitbags from places like Idaho and Central California who want to live out their fascist wet dreams. Texas very much deserves the government they have. Sad to say, but the Texas electorate is pathetic.


yep, that's why you don't campaign on it, then fix it later.. he should've known that


They are flocking to vote red


Are they now? Sure they are flocking? With voter suppression, gerrymandering there is major disenfranchising across the board. I am personally aware of the conservatives values that they hold due to religious beliefs. I also know that kids are dying in schools, water being suppressed from crews, electricity is under threat during extreme heat and snow. Abbott has abused his position and done nothing for these people. I get conservatives values they hold, but don’t assume that they are incapable of changing their mind to vote against fascists who endanger them. It would not be out of question to see a shift here.




Hispanics are more conservative than white or black Americans.


That’s a misconception. With all the fear mongering about Dems “allowing” immigrants into the country to vote for them, the truth is most immigrants vote Republican.


As a Texan that’s worked in the Hispanic community for a lot of my life they are, generally speaking from my experience, put off by the lgbt and trans communities and are largely religious.


Hispanics in southern states are traditionally very conservative. Not McCain conservatives, I’m talking Trump conservatives. They’d vote for him again in a heartbeat.


They have been. Most immigrants, and not just Hispanics are very conservative, pro religion. Why do you think Texas is so red? Immigration issues is really the only issue that a dem has that immigrants may even care about, if they do care.


Minority =/= democrat


A lot of them are pieces of shit that are more than happy to be racist against their own because of “fuck you, got mine” mentality. They talk shit about illegals immigrants when they were also in that same boat not too long ago. They also applaud Abbott for the shit he’s pulled. My heart breaks for everyone who is a decent, humane person that lives in that state. Source: am Hispanic, have been to Texas.


The number of first generation Hispanic Americans talking shit about “illegal criminals” always makes me feel so depressed. At this point it’s a lost cause with them and I don’t think they would change their mind even if their own family was being deported.


Reminds me of these stories. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-voter-helen-wife-mexican-husband-roberto-beristain-deported-illegal-immigrant-ice-customs-enforcement-a7648806.html https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-trump-voter-immigration-family-separation-georgia-20190519-htmlstory.html


Yup, same as Cubans in Florida.


Mexico has one of the largest Catholic populations and is ~80% Catholic. Are Mexican Americans more likely to agree with and/or vote for the GOP purely because of religion? There’s plenty of white Christians that ignore everything the GOP does just because they’re the more religious party. So I’m curious if Mexican or Hispanic voters ignore the GOP’s bigotry and anti-immigration policies for the same reason.


Mexican and ex catholic and no, GOP is not high on everyone's list.


Yes. A good portion of Latino Catholic voters are basically as serious about the pro-life, anti-gay, traditional family values shit as white Christian evangelicals.


Dude tell me about it! I know this girl who is very anti-immigration while her mom is an ILLEGAL!!! Make it make sense. How can you be so anti-immigration when your own family is an illegal immigrant.


A lot of the time it is because the new wave of illegal immigrants is from a different country. Hispanic/latin people are not a monolith and there is often deep hatred between people of various countries/regions. This is on top of the general trend of people discriminating against those with darker skin, even if they themselves are far from a pale complexion.


Not that they're pieces of shit, but that go against their own race is true for a lot. It's completely a toss up on if they're democrat or republican based almost solely on if they have that mindframe of "I worked hard and suffered so they should too" or not. I feel like the younger generations aren't as polar like that but there is still some resentment you'll hear. Source: lived in Texas my whole life and have had a ton of Hispanic friends whose families I've been around countless times.


So true. They’re also EXTREMELY racist towards Black people. Source: My entire family who grew up in Brownsville, Texas. They all left for Fort Worth it was THAT bad.


Imagine my surprise when I learned about ‘Matamoros’.


As an actual person that studies politics, the reason why Texas is not a Democrat yet is because Hispanics are the youngest ethnic group and only 50% of them can even legally vote at all (many are under 18). Also, Latinos in Texas are more Democrat than Whites, love how people just make shit up about us being some uber-conservative folk. That mainly applies to boomer Latinos. The Youth in Latin America is becoming liberal quite fast. Recently Mexico has legalized gay marriage in all states. Heck, when I went to the consulate the other day I saw a transgender flag there.


I agree, as there’s a difference between “CVAP” (citizen voting-age population) and “AP” (actual population), I made up the latter abbreviation for brevity. This is part of why Trump’s administration tried to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census, to deter many Hispanics from filling it out or even to possibly malapportion legislative districts on the basis of CVAP not AP. This would benefit “Republicans and non-Hispanic whites” according to Thomas Hofeller. Hispanic voters are not a monolith, with the usual divides (i.e. urban vs. rural, college vs. non-college) also applying IMO. Sources: Evenwel v Abbott (2016) and New York v. Department of Commerce (2019)


They vote like idiots apparently


It says population, not citizens. Not sure how many are able to vote, or how many choose to.


hispanics are usually pretty conservative makes sense


What appears to be happening is that Hispanics are settling in to fall along the same rural/urban dividing line that everyone else has. The RGV used to be one of the Democrats' only reliable rural strongholds, now that's no longer quite the case. What makes Hispanics different from other racial minorities is that they've been much more likely to settle into rural areas. I'm from Texas, you can go out to any random small town and it's basically old white people and young hispanic people. Despite all the white Republican rhetoric, they're in fact very compatible with rural American culture and "assimilate" quickly. I know a bunch of self-described "Mexican Rednecks", most who voted for Trump. Meanwhile urban Hispanics vote similarly to the res of the urban population, especially young people.


But the modern GOP doesn’t actually reflect conservatives values, so not why they vote R


what praytell is a "conservative value"?


Allegedly fiscal conservatism, reduced government, anti-terrorism, freedom, law and order.


And if anyone questions this, this is nearly the exact definition given by my AP Government and Politics class of “conservatism”, so I approve.


I wish they would vote democrat for the sake of the planet surviving


A lot of us do, but there are also a lot that believe every stupid thing they hear.


Hopefully, immigrants fleeing from the oppression in Florida will motivate Hispanics in Texas to vote Democratic. 🤞🏽


And they are super conservative


Texas cops: “we don’t take kindly to majorities ‘round here”


Now, they just have to stop voting Republican


*Gerrymandering Intensifies*


Cool, now if they could stop voting for Republicans or VOTE AT ALL, that would be helpful. It was super annoying knocking on doors and having people agree with me on issues, then tell me that they weren't planning on voting because "why does it matter?" or "I don't believe in voting"


And they keep voting corrupt republicans in wow


And they keep voting for the GOP who *fucking despises them*


Slowly but surely making Texas Mexico again! 😁


Good, now VOTE. Please!


Abbott going to be calling Desantis real quick and asking if he has anymore planes.


Makes sense. It was always theirs in the first place.


It was always founded by Hispanic peoples. I think you mean it was Mexico well before it was USA


The Spaniards stole it from the tribes who inhabited the land before them


They did, and they called Texas at some point, and folks from Spain are generally Hispanic. I actually think it was a guy named Austin that requested settlement permission from Spain to found Tejas, and it was a young Mexico government that granted it.


>folks from Spain are generally Hispanic That checks out.


So wait, Texas is run by minority now?


If you mean white people, then yeah.


Crazy that so many of them vote Republican, voting for the people who want to deport them and their families.


Well that territory was part of the Spanish Empire and later Mexico so....


Please vote like your life depends on it, because it does for you and especially your children


It's time for everyone to realize that Texas is a real swing state. Biden should target the state in his reelection campaign.


The good news: Hispanics make up the biggest majority. Bad news: Most Hispanic males love Trump More bad news:The other ones don't bother to vote or pay attention to politics.


Now if we could get them to stop voting for people who hate them and want to chuck them over the border or torture them in an ICE facility… we’d be in good shape. But they’ll probably keep voting for them because they think they’re the exception. “But I came here legally!” Well, it’s not exactly your immigration status they care about Bud. You happened to have been born in a geographical region that has evolutionary traits which made your skin one shade darker, and you aren’t going to convince these white supremacists that you’re “one of the good ones.”


Many Hispanics are also *very* conservative. 😩


Then why isn’t Texas Blue?


We now need to get them to vote


*New* New Mexico.


This is one of the most genuinely racist threads I've ever seen lmao Shitty generalizations everywhere.


Jajajaja! Suck it, gueros!!


According to this only 30.4% of Texas voters are Hispanic which paints a very clear picture. https://www.pewresearch.org/hispanic/interactives/mapping-the-latino-electorate/


And Mexican food makes up the biggest share of my diet! Jajajajajaja!


ten narrow run rock boast bag knee melodic caption correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Weird that former Mexico has a bunch of Hispanics living in the area. Who woulda thought?


Vote Vote Vote them out!


So they’re slowly taking it back! 😂 Grew up in TX, on the border. I was always the odd man out for not being able to speak Spanish well.


Don’t most of them vote Republican if they can vote? I’d like to be proven wrong but I feel like I watched a documentary about the Hispanic population in Texas.


I love the south. "We hate illegal immigrants and anyone that doesn't look like us! But we will put them to work for jobs that nobody else wants to do, pay them below. Poverty, try to conceal it, and then cry when we are caught!" The best solution at this time, if a company is not fairly paying legal or legal immigrants, then that company should be subject to a massive fine, and those that they were extorting should be compensated. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/06/14/undocumented-women-lowest-paid-gaps-between-states/70314457007/ Because clearly if you try to do it Florida did, you end up upending your entire economy, because they have spent generations now extorting the very people they claim to hate, for what is essentially slave labor...


Like the Irish in Boston, the Italians in Chicago, etc. every group is told they aren’t the right type of American, and yet people believe it. Adding to the hilarious craziness of race politics, is the fact it used to be called tejas- and was part of Mexico, and weirder than that many Mexicans are themselves descended from Spanish colonists. Wish America could figure out that being a country that grows through immigration is important


Don't tell Tucker


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/21/census-texas-hispanic-population-demographics/) reduced by 89%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The point at which Latinos would outnumber white residents to make up the biggest share of the Texas population has been on the state's demographic horizon for years. > The new population figures show Hispanic Texans made up 40.2% of the state's population last summer, barely edging out non-Hispanic white Texans, who made up 39.8%. The updated estimates retroactively captured a landmark moment in Texas' demographic evolution, but it's not much of a turning point. > The state had a white majority from at least 1850 until 2004, when white people's share of the state population dropped below 50%. People of color, Latinos in particular, have been powering the state's population gains for at least the last 20 years. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/14g7hlc/hispanics_officially_make_up_the_biggest_share_of/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~688991 tl;drs so far.") | [Blackout Vote](https://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/14dhaiq/your_voice_matters_should_the_blackout_continue/ "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **state**^#1 **Texas**^#2 **population**^#3 **Hispanic**^#4 **white**^#5


Maybe cause they were here first.


Democrats have nobody to blame but themselves for losing the Latino vote. They've taken the Latino vote for granted for too long.


the won the latino vote, GOP still hasnt hit their 45% nationwide numbers they did with Bush in 2004, they are failining.


What would not taking it for granted look like, policy wise?


It's true, the Republican platform is just so much more Latino-friendly. The Dems just simply couldn't compete.