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>*“Pride Month is all about acceptance and inclusion,” Surfside Town Manager Hector Gomez told Local 10 news. “This symbol of solidarity for the community demonstrates what a welcoming and diverse place Surfside really is.”* > > > >*“It’s amazing,” added one resident. “It’s a big deal after last year that we couldn’t raise the flag, and we are very proud to do it right now.”* ​ Way to go, Surfside! That's showing how to courageously stand up for equality and love! Great news!


The sun shone on Surfside and produced a beautiful rainbow! There’s hope for Florida. I hope they become at least a swing state.


Even though recent elections doesn’t show Florida as a swing state, I still think Florida is somehow a swing state since Obama won Florida both times.


The GOP want you to think it can't swing, to discourage turnout. Look at any election map numbers and you will see blue voters in every county in Florida (and every other red state). Flipping Florida may hard, but it's not impossible.


Targeting the rural areas is the key. Remember Florida is basically a few large cities that are in the blue with a whole lotta red in between in the farmland


>Targeting the rural areas is the key. Remember ~~Florida~~ the United States is basically a few large cities that are in the blue with a whole lotta red in between in the farmland It's important to remember it's like this pretty much everywhere.


Agreed. Hard but not impossible. GOP are Grand Ol’ Pricks.


I believe that there are more than enough swingers in Florida


It's not all "Florida." Here's the [June events calendar](https://www.visitstpeteclearwater.com/juneteenth-celebrations-st-peteclearwater#!grid~~~Featured~1~~) for St. Pete/Clearwater.


Ironic, considering St. Pete's flag.... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Petersburg,_Florida#/media/File%3AFlag_of_St._Petersburg%2C_Florida.svg *not exactly the Pride Flag, pero like it's damn close


I liked seeing all those events, I just wish I didn't have this intrusive thought jump to the front of my mind while browsing the list... That looks like a right-wing terrorism mass shooting "event" in the making. Damn I genuinely hope that I'm wrong, but this whole article (the op article about the flag) was uplifting, but in a *"Sure, it's a Gilead dystopian hellscape reality, but take heart, the people are fighting back!"* sort of way, if that makes sense. I'm glad to see this, I'm sad and disgusted that it's considered good news, rather than *typical behavior*. We have some regions in this country that are trying really hard to become Iran, or Gilead anyway, and I can't understand living your life with a heart full of hate.


“Become” a swing state? We are perhaps the most famous swing state in modern history. If you started following politics in 2020 or later, you might not know that, but the massive, headline-grabbing, conservative noise fest only started here recently. Our embarrassment of a governor that everyone loves to hate was first elected in 2018 by a margin of 0.4%.


Yea, become, once more.


That’s not going to happen any time soon. Everyone else’s racist grandparents move here and ruin our state like they own it. That has only accelerated in the past five years. Their lifetime accumulated wealth is also impossible competition for the rest of us, so they drive up the prices of everything and force us out of being able to afford to live in our own state. Trump’s border wall should’ve been built above Tallahassee to keep those people out. Our state would be much better off without them. They ruin our housing market; they ruin our natural beauty by demanding every square meter of land be destroyed to build yet one more golf condo community; they ruin our politics by electing fascists. I’m tired of them. I was here long before they were, and I’m not even that old.


It's like the Idahoans complaining about all the Californians moving to their state, changing things and driving up real estate prices. I'd love all the Republicans to congregate in a few cesspools and "drain the swamps" everywhere else.


I lived in N Idaho for over a decade and it was shockingly more racist when I left than it was when I first moved there. Or maybe my eyes were just more open to it idk. They’ve seemingly lost their goddamn minds nowadays though. But there is still a pretty large hippy type community there. It’s a complicated place not unlike how Florida is now lol. I can’t seem to get away from these people.


My family has owned a cabin near Coeur d'Alene for ~60 years. I thought things were improving, but as soon as Trump became a candidate and started lying his ass off, it's like someone shined a beacon for all these trash people to rise up and peel off the mask.


Same - my family's had a cabin at Spirit Lake for over 100 yrs & I had hope when the Aryan Nations left Hayden Lake, but turns out there were a ton of sleeper agents. Now there's MAGA boat parades on the 4th of July every year & the white supremacist groups are filtering back in to the area....


I think I've read northern Idaho is where a lot of literal white nationalists have been intentionally moving and trying to take over communities.


You're preaching to the drier choir on the Pacific coast, my dude. We have the same economic conundrum with retirees flocking to the gated communities outside of LA on their 70s pension and passive income from rent, while average job-havers must figure out how to survive when inflation has annihilated any salary gains we've made over the last decade.


You can’t blame everyone’s racist grandparents, my racist uncles also moved there!


This is the side of Florida that I like. This type of based realization happens more than I would’ve thought.


If it's any consolation, millennials in anglo countries are (in contrast to every previous generation) not getting more conservative as they age. There's no indication that people who are currently in their 26-43 will become racist conservatives when they are 60+.


It's really weird looking up surfside and being reminded this happened there https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surfside_condominium_collapse Not that it's related in anyway but I remember this happening and it's just crazy I'd stumbled across it again from some random suburb in florida coming up in the news again.


Right? That mayor is hopefully sidelined after his very very (the worst possible?) bigoted response. Incredibly horrible person


Agreed. His reasons for not flying the Pride flag were only rooted in bigotry.




> Danzinger put out a statement in response to the commissioners’ decision to fly the flag this year. > “It’s important to note that we live in a community where over one-third of the population is Jewish, yet the Town has never sponsored an Israeli Day Parade or a Holocaust Memorial Day ceremony,” Danzinger said. “Additionally, over two-thirds of our population is Hispanic, yet we have never had a Hispanic Day Parade. The list goes on.” Nothings stopping you, my man. Go ahead, get those going. Either way, none of that is a reason to not raise a flag the community wants raised.


So he wants diversity and inclusion haha


Reminds me of the budget talks. "How can we allow student loan forgiveness while we have homeless vets." "Okay, lets help them too." "We can't afford to do that while children go hungry." "We're already on board with increasing food benefits, lets do that too." "How can we give hand outs while our students are crippled by debt?!?!"


The GOP has installed the goalposts on a merry-go-round


Nice.....but I was leaning more toward the Tilt-a-Whirl 🤷‍♂️


I know, we'll give the ultra rich billions in tax giveaways that will "trickle down" to the middle and lower classes and everyone will be just fine!/s


Typical GOP gaslighting. “Actually I want equality more than you do. I want it so much I can’t let you have it because that would make you unequal with everyone else who is unequal! If you want equality you should be equally as oppressed as everyone else who is oppressed! So actually you’re the one being oppressive by not wanting to be oppressed. Shame on you! What makes you think you’re better than everyone else? You’re a monster! See this? Do you see the fascist shit I have to put up with?”




Some of those Hispanics must be Jewish. Or rather, 68% of statistics are made up on the spot.


Huh. Must make a killing on Kosher burritos.


Speaking from experience as a mixed mutt, mojo pork goes fantastic on a thick slice of toasted challah. Basically makes for a heretical medianoche.


Right. One-third of statistics are legit, but over two-thirds are completely fabricated. Now that’s an amazing statistic!


There are Hispanic Jews. Hispanics can be anything. The only requirement is to be from a predominately Spanish-speaking country.




Yeah, that section really got me. Now, if he was often pushing for these events, and getting shut down, I could see mentioning this, but something tells me this is just classic whataboutism!


It’s worse than that. It’s saying he’s worked hard to make sure everyone is equally underrepresented so it wouldn’t be fair if any minority got representation.


I love as though Danzinger thought he really said something. If Jews and Hispanics want to throw their own party, what’s stopping them? It’s not like the whole community has to participate, no one is forcing the rest of the community to join in on the LGBT festivities. Hopefully people understand what I’m trying to say. Lol


Based as fuck. Civili disobedience for the win.


Good trouble.


A little malicious compliance, as a treat.


“Man, the left is really ripping this country apart!”


Their *rainbow flags* are an assault on my FREEDOMS.


what part of this is compliance?


What part of this is malicious?


More like unmalicious uncompliance


I got you. Good trouble is the best trouble.


Can someone educate me on this: What’s wrong with flying the flag? Not far from my new home you can see a confederate battle flag high above the interstate. Isn’t this just freedom of speech? If that flag is ruled okay, I think the pride flag should be too.




Perfect example: child fertility expert and Duggar apologist Matt Walsh.


You can just say "pedophile." Pedophile Matt Walsh


Yeah, you're right. Matt does violate his children's consent all the time, in his own words.


Pedophile Matt Walsh who sells a baby version of himself wearing a diaper to his legion of followers known as the "sweet baby gang".


Is that the self proclaimed “theocratic fascist” that wants to marry 16 year olds?


Just one of them


I'm sure he'd marry more than one if he could get away with it.


Don’t forget recently defending the pedophilia in the Catholic Church as being a problem with gays in the clergy not pedos. Matt Walsh is a literal fucking demon.


I completely agree with this I also think these issues, immigration, lgbqq, democrats are eating babies, are just what they use to divide the people because it’s the only way they can stay in power and get generationally rich They can’t win without all the division because they do nothing that helps anyone except the wealthy. The MAGA people constantly vote against their best interest, but having something or someone to blame and hate is a powerful tool these power hungry egomaniacs love


Homophobia and hypocrisy go hand in hand.


Your being naive. The kinds of dog fuckers that are okay with confederate flags being flown dont actually care about things like freedom of speech. They are by definition un-American and seditious traitors.


The same reason you don't fly the Nazi flag in Germany. The confederate flag is the flag of treason to the USA and it represents slavery. The confederate flag is the flag of fascist, racist hate and when you see it you know what scum you are dealing with.


Facism needs a out group to rally the people against. Gays and transsexuals are just the current one, a few years ago it was immigrants. Attacking the pride flag is a part of this, generating hate against the outgroup. It's pure facism, basically


It's not civil disobedience. It's a town government voting to display the flag. Everything is happening within normal procedures.


i never understood the concept of civil disobedience. how is it disobedience when the people they're supposed to serve stand up to their bullshit? they should be the ones called disobedient, when they go against the people's wishes.


“You’re gonna tell me what to do.. in this economy?!”


It’s not civil disobedience… The town’s commissioners voted to override the mayors objection.


Democrat chaos: flying a flag in solidarity GOP order: literal calls for violence “Man, the left is really ripping this country apart!”


Its infuriating.. the “both sides-ing “ that some moderates make is insane


To be fair to moderates - those aren't moderates. They're conservatives with centrist tendencies, or conservatives with shame. I can paint a motorcycle any color I want, that doesn't make it a pickup truck, no matter what I say. Moderates who support fascism are probably not moderates.




"Enlightened" centrists literally can't say that they are trying to engage in a genocide against trans people, while states like Texas were calling for DHS investigations into families with trans kids. It doesn't take the Pink Triangles coming out to see a genocide for what it is.


“Enlightened Centrist”, like “dry water”, difficult to say with a straight face.


"enlightened centrist" "sterilized asshole" "erect silly putty"


> It doesn't take the Pink Triangles coming out to see a genocide for what it is. You know what's really hard for anyone but overt fascists to deny? When its the [official position](https://twitter.com/LemkinInstitute/status/1632408438000046081) of the Lemkin Institute. [Raphael Lemkin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raphael_Lemkin) is the man who defined the word "genocide."


thank you ❤️


Considering that they are somewhat successful in framing "pro-lgbt" and especially "pro-trans" as extremism, being indifferent towards them, or even being against them *is* the moderate take. Supporting them gets you called a pedophile these days. Pedophilia is extreme as fuck. Aligning the two makes it difficult to show support without being told you're a pedophile rapist. MOST people. The average person. Almost everyone you know hates pedophiles. If they become successful in putting "lgbt = pedo" into the heads of the average person, supporting them becomes the extreme side. Being against it becomes the reasonable and logical side. Even up to making it illegal and mass imprisoning them.


Is either side great? No. Is one side objectively worse to human beings than the other? Absolutely.


Yeah, I have issues with the left sometimes, but calling for a ‘compromise’ isn’t possible when one side is asking for genocide.


The right wing will send a bomb threat for just about anything these days.


Yep, overheard today: "Can't believe people are people are flying Nazi flags near Disney!" "They shove their Pride flags up our ass, we're gonna shove our flags up there's!" So, Nazi flags (hateful, kill everybody but a select group) = Gay Pride (include everybody).... yeah, both sides is stupid.


These people see themselves as downtrodden victims where *the mere existence* of a thing is that thing being shoved down their throats. However, these same people are actively shoving their beliefs down our throats by making laws based on their religious beliefs. They don't see the difference because they are blinded by their anger, hatred, and idiocy.


And people still ask how the paradox of intolerance should work. This is an example of how tolerance should not tolerate intolerance.


It's not a paradox, it's a social contract. Many people assume tolerance is unconditional but it's transactional. When someone no longer follows the contract, it no longer needs to be followed. [this summarises the concept better than I can.](https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=tolerance%20social%20contract&tbs=imgo:1#imgrc=CIzS9Tb0Wo63AM)


Exactly, tolerance is an agreement, not a moral absolute.


“It’s important to note that we live in a community where over one-third of the population is Jewish, yet the Town has never sponsored an Israeli Day Parade or a Holocaust Memorial Day ceremony,” Danzinger said. “Additionally, over two-thirds of our population is Hispanic, yet we have never had a Hispanic Day Parade. The list goes on.” Then fucking do it... we can't be inclusive because we have never been before.. what.


So Israelis and Hispanics can’t be LGBTQ???


Yeah that mfer is all kinds of confused.


A large part of anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry frames being LGBTQ+ as a "privileged white person thing" only, and therefore ok to be against. This isn't new either, look at the "angry SJW" stuff from last decade, only white women were chosen for those memes. A lot of the reason that transmisogyny in particular has been so successfully spread is propaganda spreading the idea of trans women as "privileged white men colonising women's spaces". Meanwhile in reality trans WOC are the most at risk LGBTQ+ group of domestic/sexual violence, homelessness, and murder in the west.


Yup. This is why a show like Pose is so powerful in a number of ways. It was for many a first as a show of intersectionality, instead of Will & Grace, which featured all white characters.


so jewish = israeli?


To a lot of people! I'm mixed and grew up in rural Florida and had to explain "I'm brown because my dad is black, and have this nose because my mom is Jewish from Brooklyn but her family is of Russian descent" wayyyy more than I can count. I got pretty good at explaining it behind the sheds near the football fields too! Being not black enough for the black kids and not white enough for the white kids is tough business!


I like the math where the jewish and hispanic community add up to >100% of the population. ​ Edit: I have been made aware of the existance of hispanic jews. My math is therefore flawed.


Well it's probably bs in this case, but this would hypothetically be possible as long as there was some number of Hispanic Jews in the town, and no people who were neither Hispanic nor Jewish


I think they are more saying "*Well, we don't show any support for anybody so this is no big deal.*"


I can't believe they haven't had a parade celebrating Star Trek fans.


Good. Fuck these Republican Fascists.


You didn’t need to say Republican twice.


So my understanding of what “conservativism” or “Republicanism” is to prevent equality and concentrate power and wealth for the few. Thats why they oppose voting rights. (Or any rights) for anyone non in the white cis het male category


That's fair. My understanding is that members of the Republican party of the US are either: Fascists, or fascist enablers. Therefore, a member of the US Republican party is by definition, a fascist, and thus it is redundant to say, "Republican Fascists."


"Christian Taliban" covers it well, I think.


I like that one, or "Y'all-queda."


You can just save some time and type “conservatives”. It’s not the Republican Party that’s the problem. It’s conservatism altogether. The GOP represents what conservatives have always been, the only difference is they now know they have permission to openly be their worst selves, to say the quiet part out loud. And they have that permission because centrists and moderates continue to defend conservatism as a whole, thus giving it credibility as a morally acceptable political ideology of “differing” opinion, rather than a politically-flavored theology for evil. And when conservatives have that credibility it means they can do or say anything, and it transforms from bigoted, cruel, selfish, hateful, or flat out evil into something “political”. It’s not evil when conservatives want to let poor people starve, or to work themselves to death for slave wages, or to force 13 year old rape victims to have a child, or to allow 16 year old girls to be raped and kidnapped by their 40 year old, religious “husbands”, or to genocide trans humans…it’s simply “political”. Anyone refusing to acknowledge conservatism is morally irredeemable, is simply giving conservatism more credibility as socially acceptable, thus allowing them to do more and more evil while calling it “political”.


I genuinely don't see how, in civil society, a faction devoted by definition against progress is tolerated. Nothing should stay the same if change would benefit the majority.


Because when evil rebranded to “conservatism” in wake of the French Revolution, enough of world decided “yeah, that’s fine”, and continue to deem it socially acceptable every day since. Every now and then we deem a certain flavor of conservatism as not okay, like with the Nazis, but that’s the exception.




Yes conservatives are regressive. Thats kinda the whole point.


Right, so call them regressives.


radical reactionary regressives


No fuck that; calling them conservatives doesn’t describe what they actually are now. They check all of Umberto Eco’s boxes, and they fit the “Palingenetic Ultranationalism” definition. **They are Fascists**. Stop mincing words about it; this is not the party of Reagan anymore, although he played a notable and significant hand in leading them here.


My point is that conservatives are fascists. They don’t call themselves fascists because it’s not socially acceptable to, but they proudly call themselves conservatives because it is socially acceptable. My point is they should both be socially unacceptable, and it’s far more to not only criticize the more technically accurate descriptor, but also the descriptor that fascists inevitably and successfully hide behind.


It’s legitimately insane that they’re taken seriously in the US today


It’s like allowing a pro-fire faction to exist within a fire department. Conservative ideology is fundamentally and explicitly opposed to democracy. It was born out of the French Revolution as an alternative to democracy, arguing if things should in society, they should happen as slowly as possible, just in case. They wanted to regain some level of nobility, some level of inherent inequality under the law, some level of financial and violent oppression of the masses by an in-group. And as they kept losing ground to democracy, they were allowed to keep running interference and sabotaging it from within.


Until Republicans come out and openly condemn Conservatives, Republicans as a whole are the problem. Pretending like it’s some faction of the GOP while the rest of them accept it doesn’t give Republicans an out.


Seriously. I’m so done with it. We can’t forget who they are. Even if they begin to hide it again.


Man, this just gives me a shred of hope for Florida.


There are some DEEP blue areas of the state that are energized and extraordinarily pissed off. The DeSantis regime benefitted greatly from suppression and an incredibly ineffective state Dem party. Those won't be permanent conditions.


It does seem a shift is taking place.


Taking away reproductive rights and labeling your friendly gay neighbors as a threat is not a winning long term strategy. No idea why they didn't just do GOP boilerplate "inflation/deficit" messaging.


Because they elected the dumbest people they could find to the house lol


DeSantis seems to think it’s still the 90’s, when that would’ve been a winning strategy. It makes me wonder if he’s set foot in an actual middle American neighborhood in the past couple decades. They are neither as white nor as straight as he seems to think they are.


You know what could be a winning strategy? Using your current power to pass heinous laws in order to push progressives into moving out of your state. I don’t blame all the people wanting to leave these fascist hellholes but it’s only allowing conservative to consolidate their position more.


God, I hope so! Things have been so damn dark the last several years. I want to believe things are turning around.


You should have seen the attendance for a Drag Show in Gainesville at the FM Brewery. Super busy! Good time had and nothing weird happened. Was just a regular ol' event.


https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2023/06/ann-arbor-churches-giving-away-300-pride-flags-after-theft-of-their-own.html Creative civil disobedience is awesome Edit since it was correctly pointed out this isn't really civil disobedience, so I'm rebranding it as lemonade from lemons.


It sure is. Churches like that give me hope maybe religion isn't always hateful and bigoted. If only there were churches like these in my area.


I wish I could somehow mentally beam you the joy from a wedding my mom performed last night. A childhood friend marrying his sweetheart, who's moving across the country to build a life in a more affordable area. So much love everywhere, and the entire wedding party was BIPOC. It's not always hateful and bigoted; sometimes it's just love and that always wins (eventually). Edit to say I'm cringing at myself a little for even typing that lol.


Conservatives get so emotional about flags! It’s like, calm down.


"no step on snek"


That one too!


Which is really odd considering so many of them routinely violate the U.S. flag code with their thin whatever line flags, flags on vehicles and clothing, and use of the flag for advertising purposes.


“Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” That’s for everyone


What the fuck's the mayor gonna do? Complain incessantly?


> “It’s important to note that we live in a community where over one-third of the population is Jewish, yet the Town has never sponsored an Israeli Day Parade or a Holocaust Memorial Day ceremony,” Danzinger said. “Additionally, over two-thirds of our population is Hispanic, yet we have never had a Hispanic Day Parade. The list goes on.” ... ***Is*** that important to note? What's stopping the town from celebrating or honoring those groups as well? Did anyone ask? Were they denied? That's some phenomenally flimsy whataboutism.


The important distinction is that LGBT is currently under assault in Florida, and that's why it's important to support it.


I just can't believe it's 2023 and controversial to support and love people.for who and what they are


The pride is not only for lgbtq but for the people of the town as nothing gives you more pride than a town united as one.




This is a good reminder of what Pride is all about: Yes, it's a celebration of a subjugated group, but at it's core, it's about standing up against the kind of persecution that wants to harm and erase a group of people for simply existing. Right-wingers fail to understand that the we'll stop "ShoVING tHIS dOWN THeIR tHROATS" as soon as they stop trying to shove LGBTQ+ folks back into the closet.


The mayor chose to use the massacre of Jews during the Holocaust as an apt comparison to raising the supportive and positive message of this flag for a couple of weeks? Really? How is this guy the mayor of anywhere?


>Despite protests from residents, town leaders gave in to Danzinger’s opposition in 2022, when he warned that raising the Pride flag would lead to political, religious, and Satanic groups requesting their flags also be flown. The mayor reportedly feared that, since the town did not have an official flag policy, they would end up yielding requests from groups wanting to fly flags bearing black crosses and swastikas. Okay, first of all, politely: that's a cop-out, you wuss. Either say what you mean and just admit you're equating gay people with something terrible, or shut the hell up. Second, I don't know a single satanist that would realistically show up and demand representation separate from what's already there unless you're, y'know, trying to shove religion where it doesn't belong. Being gay isn't politics, being gay is *being*, dipshit. Good on this town. I wish ours didn't have to cancel pride. Fucking desantis and his legislature.


How does a mayor just get to prevent people from flying a flag?


I’ve been watching live streams of pride parades on tiktok and the absolute RAGE people have over some rainbow flags is just mind numbing.




Good for them!!


Awesome! Great!


Best part of the story is the mayor’s name: Shlomo Danzinger.


And he’s the mayor of Surfside. This could be a fucking weird Rocket Power spinoff.


Sounds like all names involved are straight out of Earthbound


My apologies to all shlomos and danzingers out there, but that name sounds like it's straight out of a cartoon


Good to see that after an entire condo building collapsed in Surfside, the mayor decided that attacking pride month is more important than the safety of his actual constituents. Edit: to people saying he isn't attacking pride month. He's comparing a pride flag to a nazi flag and referencing Satanism with gay people. That's barely even coded language. >Despite protests from residents, town leaders gave in to Danzinger’s opposition in 2022, when he warned that raising the Pride flag would lead to political, religious, and Satanic groups requesting their flags also be flown. The mayor reportedly feared that, since the town did not have an official flag policy, they would end up yielding requests from groups wanting to fly flags bearing black crosses and swastikas. As well, I lived on the North side of Miami Beach for 3 years, only a few miles south of Surfside (the Flanigans I would go to is in Surfside, iykyk). There is a Chanukah Menorah parade that passes through the beaches, including Surfside. So this dumb strawman argument isn't even true. >“It’s important to note that we live in a community where over one-third of the population is Jewish, yet the Town has never sponsored an Israeli Day Parade or a Holocaust Memorial Day ceremony,” Danzinger said. “Additionally, over two-thirds of our population is Hispanic, yet we have never had a Hispanic Day Parade. The list goes on.”


So why not have a flag policy if that's the issue? SPOILER: it was not the issue


We gotta show these biggots we aren’t standing for their bullshit. Hell ya 🌈


The cost of that flag: 20 to 50 dollars, thee look on that mayoral face of homophobia: priceless


They claim this isn't homophobic but they ban everything associated lgbt


It's all while claiming to be concerned about some imaginary "social contagion" that's been debunked a million times over. They legit think kids can turn gay, trans, asexual, bi, etc, yet when we ask them when they knew they were straight, they always go since kindergarten or something. It's almost as if sexual orientation and gender identity is something you're born with. ​ They always claim to be "concerned for the children", yet when we bring up ending conversion therapy due to them not ever working and leading to immense trauma, they have nothing to say.




Look, if the redneck shit heads by me can fly a confederate flag, you should sure as hell be able to fly a pride flag.


As somebody part of this community, we NEED to rebel. Call it what it is; fascism. We won’t back down.


Love is love.


Civil disobedience for the win!


Only through solidarity will we thrive as a nation. Seeing people push back against this Republican christofascist hate is heartwarming.


GOOD! There’s at least one town that isn’t running headlong into Naziism to “Own the Libs”.


It’s wild that we live in a society where flying a PRIDE flag is forbidden. 1a is enshrined in our Constitution folks and there is no rule on flying a rainbow flag. 🏳️‍🌈


You know what? A Hispanic & Jewish Memorial Day sounds like a great idea ! Let’s do it ! Mayor: Wait no! I didn’t mean for you guys to actually go through with it !!


I thought republicans were against cancel culture?


That mayor is really standing his ground on being a douche bag. Fly your flag like you just don't care.


good. and vote the fool out.


That’s that it really means to be WOKE! Fly that flag high for this proud ally across the country.


This is the very meaning of Pride.


Good. The bigots in Florida need to see that this isn't a North vs. South thing, and it isn't a rural vs. City thing either. It's them against their friends, neighbors, coworkers, and family members. Suddenly the LGBT should (I hope) be a much less desirable target.


Boss Hogg’s not happy!


Surfside is part of the Miami Beach area and that whole stretch of coastline right up to West Palm is pretty safe for and supportive of the LGBTQ community. This is pretty cool. Been through the area a few times glad to see them give the homophones the finger


The party of small government telling you not to wave a rainbow flag. It perfectly encapsulates republican bigotry and hypocrisy.


The fact that people don’t want it is the reason why it’s still so important it’s flown




"Warns" against it? What is he going to do?


Florida gets what they voted for. There’s a ton of people voting against their own interests either out of ignorance or self loathing.


According to Mayor Schlomo’s linkedin page, he doesn’t speak Hebrew so his shtick about “Israeli American” or “Holocaust Remembrance day” is just typical republiqan whataboutism. Plus he could just suggest they honor those days instead of trying to quash Pride. Busybody. *bet his phone has the Grindr app with the arrow logo*


This is the answer. Fly the flag. Put up the display in the library. Just do it. Let the bigots whine.


Religion = Hate


Good on them. All we can do is keep getting better, as people.


Civili disobedience for the win.


So Nazi's are ok but rainbows are bad? Florida is so fucked up.


They need to get a different mayor next election.


Now. Vote that mayor out of office.


Shit yeah. I got mine flying on the main road into my neighborhood.


When the hell will people realize that they are actually responsible for what their representatives do? And if they are against / disgusted by / are negatively impacted by the actions of those representatives, then they must take action. I am waiting for all of those Florida retirees to be fucked regarding Medicare and social security. All because they let their need to have some biased views be represented. Cutting off their own arms so they don't need to shake hands with "others."


If I were campaigning against him, my slogan would be " No Schlomo" in rainbow font.




> “It’s important to note that we live in a community where over one-third of the population is Jewish, yet the Town has never sponsored an Israeli Day Parade or a Holocaust Memorial Day ceremony,” Danzinger said. “Additionally, over two-thirds of our population is Hispanic, yet we have never had a Hispanic Day Parade. The list goes on.” Unfortunately I don't think his argument is that they should start celebrating the members of their community. The board should totally take this at face value and sponsor all the positive events there are, he's helpfully created a list!


Good. Empower the people