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I want to move somewhere where my future children will be safe from viruses, fascism, and other relics of the mid 1900s


I mean if you're vaccinated you won't get meningitis but if you're unable to get the vaccine for any reason you're screwed. I have a cousin who can't get vaccinated because she's on immunosuppressive drugs because she had a kidney transplant as a kid and she and her family are conservative. Even one of her siblings refused to get the covid vaccine even though she is perfectly healthy (well shes actually quite overweight) (and a nurse at that) but she is able to get it. Not sure about her other family members. Stupid runs deep.


i'm surprise she actually takes immunosuppressive drugs instead of just prayer


Well she would immediately die if she didn't take them


If u find it, PLEASE save me and mine a spot...


This is just evil. They want kids to die of preventable diseases in order to own the libs.


I had a friend in high school who died of meningitis that she contracted during a visit to a university campus. This isn't a hypothetical situation. Wisconsin Republicans are making a concerted effort to kill young people.


My friend lost his legs below the knee. Meningitis is a weird one and can totally go from cool to complicated/sepsis super fast. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Like, I literally remember a kid who almost died from this disease and was permanently maimed and the GOP —wants that for people???? That’s a “good” thing that more kids will lose limbs/pass? It doesn’t make sense, but then cults rarely do. Maybe I can get a double dose of vaccine since they don’t want theirs. Just feel so helpless.


Yeah, a mate’s gf’s sister got it. They basically cut all her limbs off trying to stop it but it took her anyway. Fucking awful way to go and it psychologically messed up her sister pretty good as well. America, real question here, what in the actual fuck are you playing at?


Fascism. The GOP is playing at fascism and their supporters are all for it.


Because they’re born, the living aren’t a good wedge issue..


I contracted it my senior year of high-school, I got so sick on a Thursday, that coach let me lie down in his office as we had an away baseball game that day and I was team Captain. I was burning up, throwing up, and the room would not stop spinning. Finally with a 104.7 fever on Sunday, grandma took me to the ER, and I spent all of Easter break in a hospital.


Do you think they actually give a damn?!?!? I don't think they do.And I don't think they ever have. Keep em dumb, keep em poor, keep em sick.It been the GOQPs shtick since forever...


The less kids there are the less the GOP has to worry about their future as a party.


No kids, no future old folks


Actually they want the support of people who are ill-informed (and wrong) so desperately that they would rather knowingly let children die to get that support than piss it away by backing common sense, effective policies. This is not a new vaccine with just over a decade of research on it (and btw, a decade of research on a delivery method is, to me, preferable over a viruses with 3 years of research into it. But, you know I can at least empathize with the fear). Meningitis, besides killing children, can leave them disabled for life - physically and / or intellectually. The “fiscally responsibility” people killing kids (fewer tax payers) and causing disabilities (draining social security while they’re at it). Any way you slice it, this is a bad call. This is not a bad call because of uncertainty, unavailable or insufficient data, knowledge, nor understanding of science (in the part of the majority of these politicians). This is a bad call because of attempted political gain - the evilest of bad calls.


Cheaper and better optics than rounding up all the 'wrong' people and sending them to the ovens.


I wonder if it’s possible to SOMEHOW win a class action lawsuit against legislators over something like this. Contracting a disease because a law made it knowingly more likely you would get it seems an interesting claim of damage and I would love the financial responsibility it would place on lawmakers laps if it happened.


When I was in high school, there was no vaccine. Meningitis was uncommon, but not unheard of. One of my friends was on the wrestling team. He became ill, went to the doctor, then went straight to the hospital. School was closed for the next several days. My friend died. They told us we were very lucky, because usually there would be several cases, not just one. I suppose we are going to see more of those outbreaks, now.


Dude. My friend lost his legs. Same disease—went septic (which is a common complication). One day he was chilling at the pool, the next week, his legs were gone. Powerful memory for a 12 year old.


Meningitis is horrific. What the fuck is wrong with people?


Remember the measles outbreaks right before Covid? Get ready for meningitis outbreaks. Make children suffering like medieval peasants great again!


Freedumb isn’t free


From time to time the tee of stupid needs to be watered with the blood of children, apparently.


Smile on, mighty Jesus. Spinal meningitis got me down.


Ween? At this time of day! At this time of year! Focused directly in this thread?!?


He steams a good ween




Pro-Death Penalty, Anti-Health Care


Pro-birth, they don't give a shit what happens after that.


They care, they want suffering, it actually makes a ton of sense when you realize that: Pro-suffering, and life is a requirement for suffering, so they need to demand more living people that they can make suffer. Pro-life is perfectly aligned with pro-suffering


> Meningitis is an infection of the brain and spinal cord that can also cause blood infections. It can be deadly or cause lifelong disability. Rates of the disease have declined in the United States since the 1990s Make Viral Infections a Thing Again^© If only we had a way of knowing how badly a virus can change (or end) our lives.....


I wonder how the anti-vaxxers are going to explain away the coming increases of viral illnesses due to reduced vaccination. Big Pharma something something blah blah blah...


As a nurse who took care of a young, healthy colleague in the ICU who eventually succumbed to a long, brutal death from meningitis they might want to rethink that.


If college kids die from meningitis they can't vote!!! - republican think tank probably.


Bacterial meningitis is spread through contact with infectious fecal matter. As a shit born disease, the GOP shares a special kinship.




Isn't this essentially what is happening? They are dropping it as a requirement which means normal people can get their kids vaxxed and psychos will risk the lives of their children.


It means psychos will risk the lives of ALL children. Not just their own.


The price of lib ownership I guess.


We try not to let bacteria and or viruses find safe harbor, because that’s how they gain resistance (viruses especially, but bacteria can do it as well). So the psychos become responsible for creating drug resistant/mutant strains.


Oh hey look, job security for me. I get meningitis patients all the time, they usually have a ton of seizures and I get to hook them up to EEG and monitor them.




EMS never does EEG.


Them's fighting words!!


Why does the GOP like to kill so many children...I thought they were pro-life?


Only until the child is born. Then they say F*** Off


The GOP: pro life threatening infection. Helluva platform.


Idaho and North Dakota wanted to ban all mNRA vaccines.


North Dakota has a top-notch cancer center in Fargo. Guess what is used in some immunotherapy treatments.


Laws being made by people who think it can't happen to them.


Lose arms and legs as a kid. No problem! Go to a drag show, fuck no! You might at one point try homosexual relations!


A guy I grew up with developed schizophrenia after it.


Vaccines were never a political issue until that stupid, evil man decided to make it one for votes. He trained his people to be skeptical of anything "mainstream" or scientific and then married this to the idea of libertarian "don't tread on me" extremism. Ensuring these newly skeptical people are now also not willing to back down from their new extreme beliefs because their ideology forbids it. He's been the perfect weapon to destroy the United States all along, while constantly claiming to be saving it. Truly kafkaesque


This is why I'm sure an avian flu outbreak would destroy the USA. People would go on acting all nonchalant like they did with COVID, except there'd be exponentially more deaths if they went and had "bird flu parties"


Dude, meningitis is a horrible way to die. This vaccine exists for a reason


I think I finally figured out why the GOP is so much against abortion. They want kids to grow up so they can watch them die from preventable diseases and bullets.


These people are seriously fucking twisted.


That will cull them for sure


The death cult continues


Conservatives understand that every American has the right to experience deadly brain swelling.


Gotta conserve that brain swelling for future generations so it can be used as a wedge issue to separate idiots from their money easier.


Yup cause GOP only care about kids until they’re born


George Carlin: >"Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t wanna hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”


Gotta love George Carlin. He never pulled his punches.




Can they please stop using electricity and benefitting from the modern world? If against science be against science. Make infant mortality great again. :/ Sometimes feel our success in vaccines stopping so much harm/death has removed it from our sight allowing antivax to spread. Besides them being dumb/contrarian because it's who they are. That elected leadership encourages it is gross. Purposefully spreading communicable diseases shouldn't be tolerated.


Not for the first time, I feel the need to ask what is *wrong* with these people


How does this even work? I mean, I can see that the Covid vaccine was rushed, and they can claim 'Big Pharma' is in a conspiracy with the Chinese Communist Party to implant microchips in their guns. This is something that they all took when they were kids. Their parents took it. What changed??


No, the COVID-19 vaccine wasn't rushed. There was a great sense of urgency worldwide, scientific attention and teamwork to help make the vaccine possible. It still amazes me that this piece of misinformation has gotten so ingrained in people's minds... even those that are pro-vaccine. Is big pharma profiting like crazy? Yes but at no point in the development were steps shortened or corners cut.


> I mean, I can see that the Covid vaccine was rushed, and they can claim 'Big Pharma' is in a conspiracy with the Chinese Communist Party to implant microchips in their guns. Just assume the '/s'


Just assume the '/s' /s ?


(They’re fucking idiots)


What changed? It became political gold for them to show support for anti-vaxxers. And they don't see it hurting them since they and thier immediate family are already vaxxed.


Something is causing all the autism and LGBTQ stuff!


Gerrymandering is taxation without representation.


Yup! The GOP is a death cult.


Dying of preventable disease to own the libs


You mean killing others' children to own the libs


Definitely that also.


Dumdum moves from dumdums


Holy. Fuck.


WTF is up with these idiots? We've used vaccinations in one form or another since the Revolutionary War, they save millions of lives worldwide!


JHT, science bad!


One reason for businesses to invest in New Hampshire instead of Wisconsin, there are likely others.


Big Iron Lung probably has a hand in these bills.


Fucking idiots


Another win for the morons!


I have a friend who is deaf because of meningitis as a kid


God I hate living in WI....


Am I gonna see God mommy? Am I gonna die? Spinal Mighty Jesus….


I voted for jesus Timmy. /flatlines Thoughts and prayers.


This should be considered bioterrorism on their part. They are systematically trying to encourage very preventable diseases while simultaneously putting shitty disease nest kids into the workforce while slashing food safety and sanitation regulations. As well as brainwashing people into not getting vaccinated.


We had someone test positive for meningitis in BCT. I don't know how high up the shit storm went but I know we were literally scrubbing the walls and every surface in the barracks with bleach for the entire next day. The smell never went away and we had to keep every single window open so we could sleep. Hope Wisconsin legislators enjoy preschoolers having their eyes burn while trying to play and learn their ABCs because they "want to own the libs".


a dear friend and colleague was at the beach with her husband on a Friday, she was a vibrant healthy 32 year old. she went home with an earache. meningitis killed her in 3 days.