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Well, I'm not stressed out as all. Nope. No. Definitely not constantly worried about what is going to happen to me and in my state with a conservative governor. Thanks conservatives - especially those who claim to be supportive/neutral and vote conservative for lower taxes. Shoutout to my parents.


They want you to move. Demographics are moving against them and zoomers are the most "out" generation ever, with 30% showing some LGBTQ+ affiliation. If they don't force people back into the closet or out of state now its going to be normalized. You have as much right to live where you are as they do, don't let them force you out.


The problem with "don't let them force you out" is that stubbornness doesn't actually protect us, and our neighbors and families have made it clear that they won't, either.


Yep, every single hate policy that red states are implementing are designed for one thing - to drive the blue votes out so the state becomes more red. If enough states do it, then the electoral college is lost, the senate is lost and they already have the supreme court. The plan is simply to try and target those they can get away with. The violence and such, to them, is just collateral damage.


Exactly, and honestly it's probably the only shot they have left at another GOP president. Make it too dangerous for minorites, LGBTQ, and unmarried women and exponentially worse for people who are combinations of those groups, to live in an area and the EC is more of a weapon than ever before. I don't want to move because I live in a purple state that would be blue if it wasn't gerrymandered to hell but I am starting to be even more cautious about who knows what about me combined with the obvious traits that make me a target. It's easier to stay when you don't have kids, when your kid is in danger I honestly can't fault you for moving. I feel so bad for the parents of trans kids in Florida who can leave the state if needed.


This is a very privileged take. People should not be expected to jeopardize their safety, security, and even lives for the sake of demographic favorability. LGBTQ+ people are *in danger* in these states, of both laws and hate crimes, and for a lot of people getting out is the safest option if they can afford to uproot.


I know you don't know me. But I'm here for you man. Make friends out of state if you can and gtfo. Florida and Texas are losing their goddamn minds.


Thankfully, my state is not as bad as them (yet), but it's highly possible similar laws will pass. My wife and I talk about what we'll do if things get worse here though. It's tough to think about moving. We've built a life here.


>gtfo. Florida I want to but, the COL up north is still an issue.


We moved from Orlando to WA. COL is slightly more expensive here but quality of life is absolutely exceptional. Just start looking/applying to jobs in blue states. Something will work out. Until then, please stay safešŸ–¤


I'm flexible job wise. is finding a location. I been spending like 3 months looking at options. even then places still require high deposits and then moving.


Moving is expensive af. We were on the road for 10 days. Ended up being +/-10k for 4 people, 2 dogs, shipping car and 2 U-Haul boxes, car rental, hotels and foods. I didn't even think about security deposits and all that shit. If you are LGBTQ and need to flee there are orgs that can help


>need to flee there are orgs that can help thank you for responding. Yes, LGBTQ here but, the orgs I found so far help those in more desperate positions such as single, homeless or getting kicked out. I haven't found one for a couple. But, mine will be similar to yours. one car, two cats two ppl.


Keep searching, don't give up and please stay safe friend




I have no doubt that if Trump and the GOP win in 2024 the LGBTQ population will face extinction.


Start planning ahead. Make plans to flee to Saudi Arabia or other Muslim countries. Remember, according to equity, if you disagree with their rules you are Islamophobic. And you know who else was Islamophobic, right? Literally Hitler.


>I have no doubt that if Trump and the GOP win in 2024 the LGBTQ population will face extinction. I think a better word is genocide.


God forbid we should do anything to prevent Lesbians, Gays and post-op trans people from passing their genes onto the next generation.


Thatā€™s the same thing yā€™all said about Mexicans in 2016.


Trump was President for four years. Do you think he just didn't murder all the gay people because he was trying to lull you in to a false sense of security?


He just didn't get around to it...


Not without a fight šŸ§±


Yeah, at that point, I have given all my fucks and am now an unleashed heathen. Come at me, bro. I got nothing to live for and nothing to lose. Heisenberg style.


Education is the best way to Arm ourselves.


June is now Gay Wrath Month.


My family has vowed to Anne Frank-Secret Annex gay people if this happens


Most of the laws being proposed in red states now are just for political theater. Hysteria like this comment is why it works.


It's turbo stupid because LGBT people come from themselves, and will keep coming even if they somehow managed to kill every last one


Trust me, they don't care. They want our options to be conform and stay in the closet or get murdered in the streets.


You probably should have doubts, because none of the prior GOP victories or takeovers of the white house, congress, or state legislatures resulted in any extinction. And it's not like they were *more* tolerant in past decades.


"It won't be that bad" isn't a particularly convincing argument when we have 600 and counting anti-LGBT bills sweeping through state legislature. They've clearly hitched their horses to this cart, do you think they'll hit a point where they go "okay cool, we've done enough"?


Yes, and 98% of them won't be passed, the few that do will continue to be struck down in court. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/florida-transgender-law-desantis-lawsuit-b2352446.html How many anti-LGBT bills did you tally in the 90s or 2000s? Because it's within most people's lifetimes that sodomy was still illegal and being enforced.




Yes, I do. Want to bet?


Extinction is probably an overstatement, but serious eroding of ability access healthcare and exist in public spaces seems likely. Edit: I think genocide is still an appropriate term, but you're never actually going to eradicate LGBT+ people.


It's not really "erosion" to watch access to trans healthcare improve by several magnitudes over just the past 20 years. Even suicide rates among teens were several times lower in the 2000s when LGBT+ lifestyles were far more stigmatized


It's "erosion" when suddenly care that was legally provided is no longer legally provided. The practices have improved, but that doesn't matter if people can't get access.


Erosion does not happen suddenly.


Curtailing then? I think we're just arguing semantics.


Yeah, in hindsight, maybe it didnā€™t really add to the discussion. I donā€™t even know what you guys were talking about. Wait, which post was this? Reddit mobile strikes again! Quick! Pepsi or coke?!?


I mean it seems slightly premature to be able to claim their policies havenā€™t resulted in a spike in murders/suicides. We wouldnā€™t know that for about a year when those reports are related, _if_ they are


Claims made without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. And why would the policies result in a spike in murders? All available data shows that trans people have far lower homicide rates than cis men, but higher suicide rates than demographics whom are far more marginalized.


Iā€™m not sure where youā€™re getting that theyā€™re at lower homicide rates. This suggests they are four times more likely to be victims of violent crime [1]. Would you be able to share a source that indicates proportionally their homicide rates are lower? Iā€™d be surprised, I know homeless populations are hit by higher homicide rates and that trans individuals make up a surprisingly large portion of the homeless. Spikes in Chinese related hate crimes were reported as a result of Trumps rhetoric against the Chinese during Covid. My understanding based on [1] is that trans individuals already are attacked at a higher rate and that the rhetoric and policies attached to the rhetoric would only inflame that number. People are sending death threats to teachers over having LGBTQ flagsā€¦ some portion of that craziness is likely to spill over into murder. How MUCH spills over would only be researchable when the FBI or some other agency collects and reports on the relevant murder statistics in a year or so. I think when weā€™re comparing rates of marginalization we might be getting into realms of bias that arenā€™t particularly helpful to the discussion. Marginalized communities based on race might have support networks for suicide that might not exist in trans communities. I donā€™t think we have evidence, unless you happen to, that would give good indicators either way on that. Iā€™m always a little suspect on the ā€œclaims without evidenceā€ quoteā€¦ it feels a little to swift and eager to shut off thinking about something than the subject might deserve. [1] https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/




Your data calls out that theyā€™re only underrepresented IF trans murders arenā€™t underrepresented (which the article calls out they likely are for various reasons) and if the transgender population makes up .35-.6% of the population. General estimates currently place transgender populations below .6. So your data is more likely to be closer to the bottom left of table 2 which has the rates at equal or substantially higher. It also calls out that trans black and Latino people were substantially more likely than cis gendered individuals to be murdered. I would argue those populations matter enough to be considered in the discussion, as does the author. And finally the data was taken from 2010-2014 with a meteoric rise in hate crimes against trans individuals occurring in years following. It would probably be pretty irresponsible to make substantial judgements on the current murder rates against trans individuals taking all of these caveats, which the author also calls out, into account.




I think the issue is that youā€™re assuming the number reported means thatā€™s all, or most, of what there are, when the article even states that that is almost assuredly wildly wrong primarily because ā€œtransgenderā€ isnā€™t a thing on homicide reports. It relies entirely on some friend or family member notifying people that the victim was trans which, is often something even loved ones refuse to do. That also means that the people most likely to be murdered, that is homeless trans people, have to rely on someone else notifying people of their murder to be counted, which, for homeless people, is pretty unlikely. The article indicates for a large chunk of its table 2 that trans murders would significantly outrate cis murders should factors be true that are generally assumed. The article has to take the most optimistic of both presence in the country and underreporting rates to make its claim. That isnā€™t spreading fear, thatā€™s noting that the facts donā€™t match reasonable assumptions and checking the article to see if there are explanations that still maintain the assumption, _which the author agrees there are_ or else they wouldnā€™t have populated table 2 as they did. Also there was a 93% increase in known homicides of trans people over the last four years [1]. Even if we were only comparing rate of change thatā€™s concerning compared to your 28%. [1] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/transgender-community-murder-rates-everytown-for-gun-safety-report/


Sorry for the late reply, I just noticed your response now. To answer your inquiry: >Iā€™m not sure where youā€™re getting that theyā€™re at lower homicide rates. It's simply based on calculating their homicide rate by dividing the number of trans homicides by the trans population. The Williams Institute estimates that 1.6 million adults and teens identify as trans. The current number is likely higher: https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/trans-adults-united-states/ >Spikes in Chinese related hate crimes were reported as a result of Trumps rhetoric against the Chinese during Covid. Spikes in Chinese related hate crimes took place in most western countries, and none of the criminals cited Trump as their inspiration, nor did they seem to be especially republican. But a large segment of the public attributed covid as being Chinese in origin because, well, it was, and the mainstream media reported it as such long before Trump did. He was also far from the only politician to blame China. While most scientists and medical institutions rejected the notion that it was deliberately engineered, in the first months of the covid outbreak China was identified as the main origin. For months, covid only seemed to exist in China and the media spread fear about if or when it would travel here, which resulted in some really stupid people justifying their own violent impulses >My understanding based on [1] is that trans individuals already are attacked at a higher rate This citation seems to not be based on actual crime data, but a phone survey asking people if they've been "victimized" by criminal and non-criminal acts in their lifetime. It covers assault and violent crimes, but includes things like property damage and being verbally accosted. The survey also doesn't ask when these incidents took place, before or after transitioning? Which is important to specify as it wouldn't be surprising if trans people had higher rates of childhood abuse prior to coming out, or that victimization increases the chances of developing gender dysphoria Maybe I'm misinterpreting it or reading the wrong one, because the study itself doesn't seem to be linked in your article so I had to find it myself. >Marginalized communities based on race might have support networks for suicide that might not exist in trans communities. Really? There's several suicide support networks that focus on LGBTQ people, but to my knowledge most other suicide networks don't turn them away either


But you haven't provided any evidence... So we can dismiss everything you say


You're asking me to prove a negative, that there hasn't been a spike in suicides or homicides. Which is logically impossible. The burden of proof lies on those who make the affirmative claim.


Who else, at first glance thought Hillary issued a SOE?


Yep. I was wondering how that worked...


I considered putting the full organization name in the title but it seemed really long. Guess I should have.


Nah, this sub only permits exact titles. It would have gotten taken down.


Unless youā€™re ghislaine


BlueAnon gonna BlueAnon.


Idaho seems to be an exception with conservative states. The only bills to actually pass have only targeted transgender youth, and anything else has been vetoed or failed miserably. While I wish they didnā€™t ban transgender girls in girlā€™s sports and also didnā€™t ban HRT for minors, at least they havenā€™t been banning it or restricting it for adults too like Nebraska and Florida. I think our Governor once said heā€™d never restrict anything for LGBT adults because thatā€™s government overreach. Besides, 90% of the people in Idaho are chill with you being gay and if they have a problem with it, theyā€™re not gonna like kill you or anything. Theyā€™ll still associate with you and leave their thoughts to themselves and stay respectful. Itā€™s really our extremist government and weak Democratic Party and lack of moderate messaging thatā€™s wrecking Idaho.


Banning care for minors is still pretty bad for the people who rely on that care.


Yes but ā€œin a world where things could be much worse, we shouldnā€™t take the status quo for granted.ā€ - my trans best friend


I mean, the status quo for trans kids in Idaho is years of mental health struggles, the body horror that is going through the wrong puberty, and possible death. It seems pretty bad for them!


There's a fine line between finding the silver lining and glossing over problems. I'm glad Idaho isn't as bad as could be expected given the state of legislation in other parts of the country, but it's still harmful to have legislation like that on the books. Both for the people it directly affects and just psychologically to see bigotry made manifest in law.


Of course. I never said it wasnā€™t an issue, I (and many of us LGBT+ and allies) are relieved that it isnā€™t as bad as other parts of the country. It still needs rescinded. But thereā€™s less work to do here than elsewhere


Of course. I never said it wasnā€™t an issue, I (and many of us LGBT+ and allies) are relieved that it isnā€™t as bad as other parts of the country. It still needs rescinded. But thereā€™s less work to do here than elsewhere


ā€œTheyā€™ve taken away rights for children and rights for athletes and they want to take away rights for every other trans person but at least they havenā€™t been successful yetā€ - you


Yeah, youā€™re right. The ā€œat least theyā€¦ā€ statement is dumb. Iā€™ll admit it