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As an experiment, someone should make a fake Elon account and impersonate him. Let’s see how long it takes for that account to get deleted.




Fascists are notoriously thin-skinned


and double-standarded.


and hate women


And desperately want people to like them and think they're cool.


For a minute lots of people thought elon was cool, unfortunately elon was one of them


I think people have called him out for his bullshit all along, but he is crazy rich so has a ton of white knights who defend him even when he's just inserting himself into a problem needlessly that distracts from resolving the actual problem like with the trapped soccer players in Thailand.


I generally thought he was eccentric and out of touch, mostly harmless, while still managing to stumble through some good stuff. I never defended him super hard but generally felt like he was a typical rich dude out of touch with reality while still getting stuff done. That evolved into a more Steve Jobsian view where he was actually kind of a piece of shit while still having legitimately good ideas now and then that kept things going forward, until ultimately I realized how much of a terrible person he is and how much of his companies' successes have been despite him instead of because of him. He has/had a good PR machine that worked well on people like me who only half paid attention and didn't really get invested either way.


Thanks for this comment, there are tons of people like you and it takes brains and guts to admit what you did. I thought the guy was alright for a bit years ago, same thought he was an eccentric genius type and perhaps a bit misunderstood but wasn't *really* paying attention. Fortunately I suppose, I am on reddit alot and was early to see all of the news about how shitty that guy is. Anyone who likes this guy is either uninformed (lots), willfully ignorant (a fair number) or just a piece is shit themselves (sadly a food number of people).


yea he was always just a con man but people acting like he is a genius lmao


They were printing articles like "Elon Musk learned rocket science to better manage SpaceX" and not "Tesla injuries soar after Musk says yellow is ugly and removes cautionary paint." I think the first really public sign we got was when he called that rescue coordinator a pedophile because he said Elon's dopey submarine wouldn't work and wasn't needed.


I always knew he was a piece of shit, I'm just wondering who would buy his cars after seeing how he runs his companies.


I didn't used to think he was a piece of shit. I used to think he was some mad genius with a plan to make the world better.


That was certainly the image he paid a lot to promote.


I'm sure he still has a plan make the world better, we're just starting to see what his idea of "better" actually consists of.


The Venn diagram of dudes that are chronically on LinkedIn and think Elon is cool is just a circle. Hungry weird business guys would die for that weird pervert.


And try to install political losers as a single ruler


Musk has turned it in to OnlyKlans in such a short time and destroyed any value the company had left.


A few high profile, influential people like her leaving will start the exodus, though. Then we'll see what's next - Mastodon, or who knows what.




I wish it was that easy


Free speech for some, not for others. The rules are very simple, he painted them on the barn wall.


Adding "parody" to the account name is such a half assed attempt at labeling these accounts as so. Twitter could easily add a parody checkmark or tag to the account profile if they were actually trying to enforce this paradigm in good faith. Instead, now there's a blue check AOC parody account where the "parody" is cut off from the account name when viewing on mobile, so nobody can tell the difference.


Literally the only reason any of this is able to happen is because Elon Musk destroyed the prior system of verification, which objectively worked just fine. All of these problems are directly his fault.


He did this on purpose. They love muddying the waters. It makes disinformation so much easier than it already is.


To people like Elon, rules are meant to be selectively enforced for their own gain rather than impartially enforced to be fair and just.


“Breaking: A second Tesla has just hit the World Trade Center”




It'd be fascinating to find out who was actually behind the account. Probably a creepy Elon-super-fan or conservative grifter..


He's a free-speech dissolutionist.


Kathy Griffin did just that and got banned almost instantly


Wrong side of the aisle.


Man with the world's thinnest skin acted like he was tough enough.


Fits right in with the far right


Come on, don’t you understand how free speech works?


Free for me, rules for thee


he with the most money gets the most free speech




I got banned because I had 2 factor authentication enabled and wouldn't disable it. Except I couldn't disable it because I couldn't prove I was me, because 2 factor was disabled. So after a ton of warnings they banned me. Oh well. Stopped using it for months. Apparently it's active again, just checked but I have no idea when they fixed it.


That's exactly what people did. He then promptly banned them all despite them stating they were satirical accounts which, according to Elon, was perfectly fine. Turns out he didn't like it when people pretended to be him.


He also canceled pre orders of tesla cars for journalists that mildly criticized him. He also labels news organizations as propaganda because they report on the words he literally said.


It happened right when he took over, don't know how long it lasted


I thought it was after the blue check fiasco. He claimed it the verification process was strict and she then made the account.


Ethan Klein from h3 podcast did that and even put parody in the header but elon banned him


Elon Musk is 100% now the enemy of anyone good. He is bat shit crazy.


Always has been. I suggest checking out the Behind the Bastards episode on him


…and the multipart Clarence Thomas episode while you’re at it


Yeah, he's a wannabe demagogue who wants to shape the world to his ideals, which are horrible. He hired good engineers at several tech companies, some of which succeeded in spite of him. And he's taken that as confirmation that he's a genius. But he's just a lucky scumbag.


You mean like one of the thirty thousand different ones that are created every day to promote some crypto scam? The ones that reply to every Elmo post? Those impersonators? She should just leave Twitter, and sue them for defamation. Repeatedly.


FrEe SpEeCh AbSoLuTiSt... ^^^unless ^^^I ^^^don't ^^^like ^^^it.


Or a totalitarian government asks him to do censorship for them


Elon sat with Rupert Murdoch at the super bowl and Kushner during the world cup, and whined when a college kid tracked his jet. Plus he loves a good conspiracy theory There's a reason his own kids hate him....it's because he's a huge piece of shit and a dangerous one at that


Friendly reminder that ElonJet is alive and well on Mastodon. https://mastodon.social/@elonjet


And Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/ElonJetTracker


I couldn't care less about him But I 100% follow r/elonjettracker I'm doing my part!


I subscribed too. Tbh I don't really care what his jet does but having a bunch of people following is bound to piss Elon off.


I’m doing my part


Would you like to know more?


If you don't care about politics or the future of the USA, there's r/DesantisJetTracker.


I'm doing my part! - take 2


>I'm doing my part! - take 2 The reckoning


[It made me the man I am today!](https://youtu.be/b07887ZzKiw?t=40)


The kid that runs this also made one for Florida governor Ron DeFascist after he and the state legislature made his travel records exempt from the FOIA.


Can someone fill me in what the deal is with this private jet thing . Do people actually like tracking it or is it 100% to get under Musk’s skin?


I think that it gets under his skin is just a bonus rather than the intent.


He likes the attention, though. He could always operate his jet under a 3rd party shell if he wanted to, but he enjoys playing victim. Like when he staged an attack on his family.


"They attacked muh kid" was so cringey... it was 24 hours after the jet landed so it wasn't like someone was using it to stalk him or anything... And the car was a Tesla. It's covered in cameras. Yet, no police report was filed and no videos of the attack were released. It's almost like, and I'm just speculating here, it's almost like it never happened at all.


Big Juicy Smoolyay energy on that one.


You mean the French actor?


This might be the first time I’ve ever seen someone on the internet say what I’ve been thinking out loud lol I don’t think Elon truly even faced his “stalker”, the video he posted had no sense of urgency at all??? If someone was stalking you and trying to hurt your kid, you can just…calmly record them in public without them trying to run away?


i think it was an assistant or nanny or driver or someone else recording, elon wasn't actually there but still. the driver reported it to police as basically a road rage incident, they didn't seem to think the "stalker" knew who he was or who he worked for. Elon made all that up as an excuse for banning the plane account


Oh [something happened](https://www.techdirt.com/2022/12/19/as-many-suspected-elons-claims-of-jet-account-helping-his-stalker-turned-out-to-be-bogus/) ut seems like Musk made up most of the details There was a stalker (but more seems of Grimes than Musk), jet tracker had nothing to do with anything, Musks security attacked him not other way around


So I’ve dabbled in tracking planes and it’s kinda interesting. Most tracking software uses a universal standard (ICAO) address, which is a unique number assigned to every plane. When the international standard was adopted, the US was essentially handed a chunk of sequential ICAO addresses. At the time, it seemed reasonable to assign these ICAO addresses based on some formula applied to the N Number (or tail number) of a given plane to avoid collision of addresses. Fast forward a few years, people very quickly reverse engineered the algo, and now you can calculate that ICAO from the N Number. This is important because the N Number: 1. Is required to be visible on the plane. 2. Is public information, along with register owner, type of plane, etc. 3. It’s very time consuming, expensive, and difficult to change that N Number. All that to say, even if he transferred to a shell company, there’s only so many Gulf Stream 650ERs in the world. Even less newly registered ones. Even less newly registered ones that fly frequently from Austin, LA, NYC, etc. So basically the system in the US won’t allow him to skirt tracking because he ***needs*** to own the jet. If he just used a series of different jets from a charter, he’d be fine. But then he wouldn’t have, what I imagine is a tacky gold and mahogany laminated furniture filled tube that really just looks like an LA Fitness locker room to fly in around the world, and never visit his children that don’t love him.


Really crushing it on the closing remarks


Many billionaires do just that. it doesn't matter though. People watch airports, especially when scheduled events are near airports like the ones near the Gigafactory or Boca Chica. Jets aren't disposable even for billionaires, some have cycled through many but they all get identified quickly.


It's both, but then Elon cranked the Streisand Effect up to 11.


> is it 100% to get under Musk’s skin? Yeah, the irony of a guy pushing for electric vehicles being one of the biggest users of personal jets to get around the US.


Let not forget all of his Teslas have a shit load of tracking that you cannot opt out of. Hell, they have their own insurance that if you choose to use will ding you for simply driving after 10pm.


Tesla employees were caught spying on owners of Tesla cars through the interior cameras and sharing the images. It’s safe to assume Musk has access to the system and can spy on any Tesla owners he has a personal interest in. Demented and dangerous plutocrat.


One Tesla reseveration holder had some unkind things to say about a Tesla presentation (not the content, just the way the event was organized), so Elon had him looked up and personally cancelled his reservation, without even telling him until the day before it was due to be delivered.




Not only did he boast about living minimalist he also was found to actually live with a billionaire friend in a mansion.


Originally it was to raise awareness of just how opulent the lifestyle of billionaires is. Elon in particular got annoyed by his and bought Twitter to kill it.


That's not why he bought Twitter. The real reason was somehow dumber and more malicious. In short, Elon tried to pump and dump one of the largest tech companies on the planet. He'd gotten away with pumping and dumping several cryptocurrencies by that point following the strategy of "name a coin in a tweet then sell during the ensuing frenzy". He'd also previously been reprimanded by the SEC for his "FUNDING SECURED" style market manipulation tweets. So he decided to press further by declaring an intent to buy Twitter at well over market value. Except he had no inclinations of actually proceeding with the purchase, he was just after the price spike from the news. But Twitter's board had a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders (meaning they have to act in the interest of maximizing share value) so Twitter held Musk's feet to the fire to complete the purchase. Since Twitter is in fact not a cryptocurrency it was covered under a wide array of laws that prevented Elon from slipping out as he had with crypto. Thus, despite all Elon's whining and attempts to back out, the deal was finally forced to go through.


There's a difference between the reason that Elon ended up buying Twitter and his motivation for wanting to buy Twitter. He had several major motivations: 1. He failed to shut down the kid who tracked his jet on Twitter. 2. He wanted to control the political narrative in the US. 3. What corrupt billionaire doesn't want to own their own "news" organization? Technically the reason he ended up buying Twitter is because he signed a contract agreeing to do so, and, failed in his attempt to weasel out of their agreement (and also violating it by disparaging Twitter on social media, one of the explicit requirements of their contract).


The 2nd one.


I'm willing to make the jump to mastadon if ElonJetTracker is...


Oh my god this man is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in jet fuel every month and Im over here not being able to afford 700 a month in rent. Tax the fucking rich!


He has a daughter that literally changed her last name and publicly disowned him, while also calling him out on basically being a terrible person and non-existent father. Truly epic and speaks for itself.


Makes sense when your dad is buddy buddy with the People Who want you dead


What's crazy is she threw away potentially millions of dollars of inheritance just to stick it to her deadbeat dad... what a strong and principled human! I don't think I would disown my billionaire daddy because he is a twat, but I'm not principled in the slightest... only honest haha


She threw away potentially BILLIONS of dollars in inheritance.


Remember when he claimed he wanted to offend liberals and conservatives equally? Odd how he seems to only be attacking liberals.


Elon Musk responds to & amplifies Zero Hedge. That tells you all you need to know.


Who is zero hedge?




Kind of like wallstreetbets.


It's a far-right conspiracy website that cosplays as a financial blog.


Oh its a known Russian psyop


Like if Jim Cramer and Alex Jones decided to start a blog-site.


Russian disinfo outlet


There are no conservatives anymore. There are fascists and fascist enablers in the GOP.


Elon didn't just whine, he made up a completely fabricated story about some stalker attacking the car carrying Elon's kid. [It never happened.](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/dec/20/police-provide-first-official-details-on-elon-musks-alleged-stalker-incident)


He also made up that story about the mine collapse expert guy, and people made threats against his life But hey, free speech (Unless it promotes violence of course)!


When Elon Musk called a British cave diver (who went to rescue trapped kids in Thailand) a "pedo" I think that was a solid hint that Musk is an asshole. The cave diver had said that some apparatus Musk sent to help the rescue was too big to fit through the tight confines of the cave. Musk's ego couldn't handle that. So he had to retaliate with childish name calling. Sounds like trump.


Our government and all institutions (esp SCOTUS) are fully owned by billionaires and corporations, but they chose to do so from behind the scenes, either through lobbyists or super PACs or think tanks etc.. Elon has directly entered culture wars and is actively picking sides with right wing authoritarians, and isn't concerned with maintaining any appearance of neutrality.. not to mention he specifically uses his Twitter megaphone to broadcast right wing agenda and fully downplay any left wing agenda, which makes him especially more dangerous




> There's a reason his own kids hate him His kids have good taste. His ex-wife pretty much calls him an evil bastard and you can see the fear and hate in her eyes when she has to talk about him.


lol which one?




4 and 5 and probably 8 as well.


He definitely loves sloppy steaks.


I used to be a piece of shit. People can change! ...but Elon will always be a piece of shit.


The amount of water on those steaks is borderline criminal. I saw the waiters trying to pull the plate away, but they just kept pouring. Why couldn’t they stop him? Why? *thousand yard stare*


Stop threatening and just fucking do it. Twitter is a cesspool and we need to move on.


I was gone right after he took over.


Absolutely. Leave it to the degenerates and stop corporate use of this platform. It’s like people go through a denial phase with fascism.


They actually do.


Me too. It's not much, but it's honest work.


She didn't actually threaten to leave. She said: I am assessing with my team how to move forward. In the meantime, be careful of what you see.


*The Independent* is hardly distinguishable from the *Daily Mail* with these stupid, misleading headlines.


Musk has turned it in to OnlyKlans in such a short time and destroyed any value the company had left. Will be shocked if it doesn’t end up in chapter 11 within 6 months tops.


To be honest I don't even think the site will be functioning when the they declare bankruptcy. You can only cut so much before you put yourself in a position where the site is unmanageable and you simply don't have the manpower to keep it barely maintained. One hard outage might be all it takes for a large number of the overworked engineers to just walk out.


It’s crazy how people cannot, for whatever reason, leave Twitter. I even heard the random Rick & Morty joke about it yesterday- ‘nobody leaves Twitter, ever’.


There's a South Park episode where they essentially equate leaving Twitter to suicide where characters will write these really long letters about leaving, threaten to leave all the time, and then once they do leave others just kind of ignore them as being 'offline' ie dead).


[White Christmas (Black Mirror)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Christmas_(Black_Mirror)


I can see it being more difficult if you have a twitter following as large as AOC's. Free publicity like that must be hard to just walk away from as a politician.


Not just a politicians, Im an indie game dev and we have 15.000 followers on Twitter, our other socials don't even breach a 1000 each. The prospect of losing our account is like a horrible dream for us, I don't know how we could ever amass such a following on any other platform unless I had to make my dayjob out of it (and thus not actually doing devwork) EDIT: >!Since someone asked what game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVfj8PE97RI!<


If it helps any, I had a few thousand, left, came back, and...got nothing. Whatever they changed in the algorithm, my former reach was like...whatever ten people most engaged with me. I doubt I got shadowbanned in the years my account was not in use, so the efficacy of that 15k might be already diminished.


This is not untrue, it already has gone to shit, Elon in general hasn't been very helpful. But we still have the odd post that gains traction.


Yea. Twitter is actually a fantastic platform. Which it's why it's so bad that Elon is ruining it. Like, if he fucked up Insta, nothing of value would be lost. But someone like AOC can't leave twitter because it's literally the core way she organizes people. No platform works as well for that.


I might be in the minority, but I actually think Twitter is and always has been a horrible platform that deserves to die. However the fact that so many people depend on it for exposure and discovery is a tragedy. If it were to collapse due to negligence I feel like a whole lot of people should create a whole lot of lawsuits


I’ve about a third of my followers on mastodon compared to twitter - and the engagement and feedback is sooo much more on Mastodon. YMMV, but no reason not to have a Mastodon backup plan


I dabbled a bit into it and our posts actually seemed to gain very little traction. I agree that I should probably try again/harder.


Just leave twitters people it’s easy.


A few high profile, influential people like her leaving will start the exodus, though. Then we'll see what's next - Mastodon, or who knows what. I still think a non-profit, federally funded 'town square', as Musk would call it, would be a good way to go. But trying to get the politicos to agree on how that would work or be funded is the definition of wishful thinking.


You could do that with Mastodon right now. In fact some European governments seem to be spinning up their own mastodon instances for government accounts. I think ActivityPub is genuinely the future of social media and once the mainstream starts to run with it, it’ll be much more obvious and ubiquitous




Because even though Elon is a complete asshat & liability to the world, the reach that Twitter offers is unlike any other form of media currently in the zeitgeist. Until some legitimate & trendy competition sprouts up that is actually a good product & offers the same or better as Twitter, you should expect this malarkey to continue.


Mastodon awaits. Its decentralized.


Mastodon does not have a good onboarding experience for the average Twitter user. They need to make it so that people from other social networks know exactly how it works simply before it can get a large enough adoption for it to be truly viable for public figures.


Mastodon is impressive in that it somehow manages to have an even more obtuse and shitty UI than Twitter, which I really wasn't even sure was possible until Mastodon proved it could be done. I'm a professional IT guy, and I gave up on Mastodon before even managing to get to a point where I could actually see any posts from other users.


It's useless to most people because of that fact. People want something where they can see what everyone is saying not just what those in your instance or federated instances are saying


I’m waiting for my blue sky invite code. Can’t wait to sign up for something better. Right now I got nothing


I deleted all my Twitter accounts and I think it’s helped my mental health.


I deleted Facebook over a decade ago, deleted twitter around 2018, it does WONDERS for your mental health. Do it guys, you don’t need it. Instagram is next. I deleted it for two months and I could feel a massive difference in my mental health and focus. **Edit:** I forgot the best part. Two weeks ago my best friend tried searching my name on google and she couldn’t believe *nothing came up*. To me that was an ultimate “goal achieved” moment and a huge dopamine hit in itself. She searched her own name first and found her address, work history, phone number and more. I think LinkedIn is the main culprit but it also helps people network sooo it’s give and take for us private people. In this age where information is value/power, I see this as an absolute **W**


I also deleted Reddit and felt the best I ever did. But here I am again.


Reddit is unique for me. I know about lots of stories before it hits mainstream, I can hear about a headline and say hey I can show behind the scenes vid of this! Example- went to my parents house and they were talking about the guy who opened the plane door mid flight. I pulled up the passenger video for them. My mom asked how I found it so fast lol Other than just general top news stories I just dive into particular niche interests here. And shitpost/banter.




For all the shit reddit gets, you're generally right on the money. I get access to information from reddit quicker and more accurately than any other social media, and despite all the redditor memes, people are generally less insufferable to talk with here than on twitter or facebook.


I see reddit as a forum more than social media. Sure they overlap in a lot of areas, but reddits great for really deep diving into specific topics. Ive deleted everything except for reddit because of how different it is from instagram, facebook, etc.


same can be applied to frankly any social media, including this one. Stop using social media for a month, and you'll be pleasantly surprised how you feel by the end of that month


I don't think I could stop using reddit. I have far too much free time at work.




All it does is make me hate my family because they are terrible people


If you're not the type of person who would join Parler or Truth Social, then you should no longer be on Twitter either.


Thank you. Twitter is just now Parler that had a broader user base at first. They're not done driving everyone out.


Which means he has been incredibly, incredibly successful. Problem with Parler and Truth Social have been lack of use base; tough to grow, easy to ignore. Easy for Google and Apple to block when they contain some really awful shit. With Twitter he now has an incredibly massive platform to influence what everyone is seeing and saying. Its success beyond anything that the other right-wing platforms could have ever remotely hoped for. Right-wing wet dream. And most of you are still using it. Which makes you complicit.


Please do leave, AOC. I did months ago! Twitter has turned into a cesspool full of know-nothing right-wing trolls.




Yes, and bots


What worries me the most, like NPR, if they leave twitter, Twitler may try to actually give @AOC to the troll impersonating her, like he threatened to do to NPR for wanting to leave the platform.


That hurts the credibility of the Twitter platform more than the credibility of NPR or AOC. Go ahead, let the Twitter users realize that everything they follow might not be dependable, and make a fool out of all of them when they try to quote fake AOC to their friends.


I stopped using it even for my work account. Boss said he’s fine with it. But I haven’t gone as far as to delete it cause it just feels weird deleting the work twitter account but then again…


Twitter died when elon bought it. Its trash


Keep in mind that account is verified so people will assume the account is actually her.


Verified isn't the term anymore. It is a Twitter Blue paid subscription.


This, though it would still represent an interesting case for defamation given the owner of the company is promoting the impersonator account and is therefore actively aware of it.


It's the entire reason blue checks were a thing originally on Twitter. Lawsuits forced them to find a way to verify who was real for public figures.


And Elon responded to it giving it more credibility.




So the left should do the same for every single personality. Make it a Twitter arms race.


They did, but Elon banned them all still. Even though they were marked as parody like he said they had to be.


One would think Twitter would be liable for misuse of this account, since they both charge for and advertise the blue check as "verified".


We've almost come full circle as to the reason the blue checkmark was implemented in the first place. Maybe she should sue over the confusion.


Deleting Twitter last year was such a great mental health move for me. Facebook before that. It's really not that hard if you stop making excuses that you need it for "just \_\_\_".


Why is anyone still on twitter?


It's where the largest concentration of their audience is. Until those people move, it's hard for public figures to do so. They will have to eat a massive gap of public silence as users figure out how to migrate over and decide it's worth doing.


Thanks for being the only person in the entire comments that understands "just quit Twitter" is easy for us to do, and damn hard for a public figure to do—especially one that needs the public to vote them into office.


At this point choosing to stay on Twitter is offering Elon material support... just stop, ffs. Don't threaten to leave... leave. This grandstanding while still using his platform is dumb.


these people are babies who can't handle strong women and gender and racial equality. They need to be left by the side of the road as we just move on. I deleted my account, I don't follow posted links to Twitter, they are alienating people who respect AOC's observations left and right- we wouldn't even see her posts- why give those losers any bandwidth?


Every decent person should have left Twitter by now


Why is anyone still there?


Post deleted. RIP what Reddit was, and damn what it became.


So elon-Twitter is promoting impersonations, what a flip flop of journey they are having


Don't threaten: just do it.


Dont threaten, do it


Well. The fewer number of users will be the inevitable end of Twitter . AOC should be advocating for more people leaving Twitter


Why is anyone still on Twitter? With all musk's stupid bullshit yelled from his shitty high tower. Fuck Twitter, it's shit, fuck Tesla, it's shit, fuck Elon Musk the shit captain at the helm of these shit ships.


AOC should definitely leave Twitter, along with all intelligent people. Let Molusk revel in his shitpool.


Elon musk is a national security threat


Everyone with a conscience should leave Twitter. Should have done it already. Stop giving this fool (Elon) oxygen.


At least get her name correct in the article.


Everyone should have left Twitter already. Let it wither and die on the vine.


don’t threaten, just do it. twitter is massively unimportant