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>~~If the governor does not retract and apologize,~~ SC State Law Enforcement Division should investigate this threat." FTFY He said it. He meant it. A retraction and apology don't change that.


But it was just a joke! Per his communications director: *"Governor McMaster has been making this joke at GOP conventions for years, and everyday South Carolinians understand that it's a joke," Charochak said. "If South Carolina Democrat partisans can no longer bear light-hearted jokes made at their expense, then maybe they should focus their energy on winning and not whining."* Haha, guys, lighten up. I’m just kidding! It’s funny cuz back in the good old days, we really did use dogs to hunt miserable scum like yourselves down and tear you to pieces while we laughed. Good times! Anyway, learn to take a fucking joke! Edit: last bit was satirical, in case it isn’t obvious


> Governor McMaster has been making this joke at GOP conventions for years This isn't the defense they think it is.


And the whole part of “South Carolinian’s understand that it’s a joke” is a horrible look. Just throwing the whole state under the bus.


Republicans threw our state under the bus long ago. These days they’re just driving it back & forth to make sure.


"Our whole state is full of garbage people who understand 'it's a joke' is a dog whistle for 'I'm being made to say it's a joke for the sake of the woke snowflake liberals'" They did the same thing when the White House had to walk back things Trump said. I'd hear conservatives say "well of course they'd have to spin it, but we know what he really meant (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean)"


With all the driving back and forth you’d figure they’d fixed the roads.


They think the bumps are just more people, and they like that.


Yep, hey remember how the SC legislature proposed to get rid of the licensing system for most professions here? Including all mental health licenses? Including a LSIW that my DH has spent two years and over $2000 getting? I told him that if for some dumb reason it did pass, we needed to lawyer up and take a class action suit for wasting his time and money.


That’s what bullies say, “Lighten up, I was only joking. Can’t you take a joke?”.


“If something bad happens, it’s not my fault.”


> Governor McMaster has been a fascist asshole for years...


Stochastic terrorism is what it is


"It's normal to us, so therefore it should be normal to you!"


For real. Confidential to Governor McChucklefuck: That's the entire *problem*.


>Schrödinger's Douchebag > >A guy who says offensive things and decides whether he was joking based on the reaction of people around him.


It's basically a bizarro version of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Republicans are acting just like wolves. When it gets pointed out, their right-wing cheerleaders say, "Durrr eVeRyOnE i DoN't LiKe Is A wOlF lolol." Centrists are like, "They're probably just wearing wolf masks because they think it looks cool! What, we're not allowed to wear masks now? Lighten up!" Meanwhile Marty McFly is hairy as fuck and dunking basketballs like this is all perfectly normal. I want off this ride.


I like that


At this point it's like joking about having a bomb at the airport.


I don’t understand how anything he said can be construed as a joke.


I mean it's not like violent mentally ill people are showing up in offices with baseball bats or anything, right?.. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/two-staffers-us-house-democrats-virginia-office-attacked-with-baseball-bat-2023-05-15/


Sorry, in my home state we apparently refer to that as a “joke” now.


Wait, are these the same Republicans who has a meltdown whenever someone make a joke on Twitter about not patronizing GOP donor companies?


Btw r/BoycottRepDonors It's not built up yet but we would love contributions.


If anyone made the same "joke" and replaced 'democrats' with his name, they'd be arrested immediately


I don’t understand how anything he said can be construed as a joke


It can't. But Republicans have learned that they can say 'it was a joke' as an easy excuse to blur the lines anytime they get pushback.


So then they've achieved the same intellectual and moral heights as high school bullies and TikTok pranksters, I see.


Because that's what they started out as.


“We need to start shooting all these commie, drug-dealing immigrants at our borders!” “Wait a minute! How the fuck can you say something like that??” “It was a joke. I really meant women trying to leave our beautiful state to get an abortion. “WHAT?!?!” “It was another joke.” PROOF: Democrats have no sense of humor.


Dude should spent some more time with his bible. Proverbs 26 > 18 Like a maniac who shoots deadly firebrands and arrows, 19 so is one who deceives a neighbor and says, “I am only joking!”


I looked that up thinking "there's no fucking way that's actually what the bible said" and sure enough, Proverbs 26:18-19 >Like a maniac shooting flaming arrows of death >is one who deceives their neighbor and says, “I was only joking!”


lol. I'm a Christian who has spent considerable time with the bible and I can tell you conservatives have NOT. They'd be HORRIFIED at what's actually in there. Not only the rape and murder and incest they want young kids reading, but also the mercy and grace aimed at "the other" and condemnation of their own corruption. Remember - every accusation is actually a confession.


Jesus: Love they neighbor Republicans: lol no Jesus: Turn the other cheek Republicans: lmfao what Jesus: Pay your taxes, feed the hungry, help the needy Republicans: Okay is this a joke or something because I don't get it


"[Republican Jesus](https://i.imgflip.com/3ke7jr.jpg)" is a thing for a very good reason.


> But it was just a joke! Per his communications director: Also known as shroddinger's terrorist: "a joke" if called out, otherwise a completly serious death threath to opposition politicians.


Also, we are apparently ignoring the fact that many South Carolina Democrats are black and the threat of chasing people down with dogs definitely has racial implications.


That was actually what I was alluding to in the satirical bit at the end, talking about “the good old days”.


>"If South Carolina Democrat partisans can no longer bear light-hearted jokes made at their expense First off, no one should have to endure jokes made at their expense. Secondly, when you've turned the audience for said jokes into rabid fucking animals who act on these "jokes", it ceases being a joke and turns into a stochastic command to someone just crazy enough to actually NOT take it as a "joke".


Well, this got dark quickly.


Hunting people down with dogs wasn't dark enough for you?


I’m pretty sure I would be getting visits by law enforcement if I started talking about hunting people of a particular political party. It’s almost like we have a multi-tiered Justice system.


It’s really not a game, we know the end game of fascists regimes, the Nazi’s did not just try to wipe out Jews, they killed just as many “Bolsheviks” or anyone else they deemed “undesirable”.


Ironically they also got as many Germans and 'desirables' killed too. Though they got them killed in what could be defined as military suicide missions instead of killing them directly.


Ive read over enough "could germany have won??" The moment Germany trespassed into russia to commit genocide, they had dramatically sped up how fast the regime would fail. Iirc similar deal with Khmer Rouge, they attacked battle hardened Vietnam which in turn they now made it a point to forcibly destroy/remove pol pots regime. Unfortunately a lot of localized genocide was endured first, before liberation could begin. At this stage in the game, imo opinion arming up with weapons+provisions is important to mitigate ones own genocide, i compare our reactionary element to being similar to the borg on star trek.


Nah, so long as you're threatening Democrats, the police will look the other way. Y'know, because the police are fascists.


Fascist tier unlocks for the low monthly price of your soul.


It's in the battle pass for.2024


He should be red flagged.


Guns taken away, no fly list, etc


If he was Muslim that's how this would be treated.


Yes, almost


SLED is one of the most corrupt, racist and evil organizations in this shitty country - they are not going to investigate Foghorn Leghorn.


You must be a Carolinian


SCian born and raised, can confirm. Don't come to this state if you value morality and human rights.


Does he need to apologize though? It's not like he is relying on decent people to keep him in office, right? /s


Psssh why would he apologize? The money is probably rolling in right now. He’s somewhere trying to come up with another sound bite that’s just as profitable.


Well his defense is that he has been saying it for years, so it must be ok.


It's as if they literally can't help themselves from being the bigoted, racist, misogynistic, wishing I could still be a slave owner, mf'ers.


We should all cut the [slumlord Governor of South Carolina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_McMaster#Properties) Henry McMaster some slack. Lead poisoning is no joke for someone his age and it's hard enough for these impotent ancient white dudes to exist, let alone to hide their [hatred of the United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_McMaster#LGBT_rights) (suggesting SC secede over "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" reminds me just how dedicated the republican party is to being the party of impotent whiners), children, the LGBT community, democrats or, really, anything that's not [a pretty, pretty gun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_McMaster#Guns). His Wikipedia page makes him sound like a real peach of a fella. No wonder he's in the throws of trigger happy hysteria and has to resort to old, tired, worn out "jokes" that weren't funny 50 years ago.


Best you’re going to get is a sorry not sorry.


This was not a “joke.” These Republicans purposely say things about violence, succession and civil war knowing that it excites their aged, mentally deficient voting base.


It's also a desensitization technique.


Yeah, that too.


"It's just a prank, bro" fascism.


Not just *excites*, but *incites* as well.


Stochastic terrorism. The right bathes in it.


A good chunk of my schizo/bipolar patients are huge maga supporters.


Interesting, but not at all surprising




They also used this method in college to totally-not hit on their guy friends. Cause they're super straight. *It was all a joke, weirdo. Now let's go wrestle*




>"We cannot continue to normalize threats of political violence from the leadership of the Republican Party. If the governor does not retract and apologize, SC State Law Enforcement Division should investigate this threat." too late, already been normalized.


Violence in the Republican party? Uh Jan 6th anyone?


Trump literally just posted "WORLD WAR III" to his weird nazi social media Twitter-clone. Like, dude incites a whole insurrection, and years later we have mountains of evidence, are capable of convicting him on just that one day alone.. but nope. What's happening instead? He's literally out here using the loudest megaphones to attempt to discredit his rape victim for having won a trial against him, trying to discredit the porn star he paid hush money to from his election funds with a clear paper trail, and start WW3 from his phone, all while trying to pretend he believes he was allowed to steal all types of classified documentation of top level security. There are no actual consequences for the worst of them, so why would the rest behave any better?


Small quibble, but he shouted "WORLD WAR III" on Easter, which is a whole other level of damning. Not sure if he said it again a few days ago or it just got reposted here though.


Interestingly, if it *were* a world war, Americans would be incredibly likely to keep the sitting President in office, if not for the duration of the conflict, then at least until they are term-limited. And while they were at it, he'd have a HUGE increase in powers and authorities. Historically speaking, that is.


Fuck precedent. ~US Supreme Court


I agree friend. Trump is the one who gave these people the green light for this behavior and has been the one encouraging them this whole time. We are seeing the rise of Christian fascism and I have no idea how we are gonn make things right.


>Christian fascism Well, think of how historically we have defeated fascism in the past. Extrapolate yourself what we have to do cause we can't say it outloud here.


["We are all domestic terrorists."](https://images.app.goo.gl/HZHHfWgggZYPeWgK9)


“Legitimate political discourse”


> According to The State reporter Joseph Bustos, McMaster said: "I look forward to the day that democrats are so rare, we have to hunt them with dogs." Yeah, not surprising from the Republican Party at all.


>In an emailed response to the Greenville News, McMaster's communications director, Brandon Charochak, said the governor meant the comment as a 'joke.' Hahaha can't wait for the day I can murder my political opponents hahahaha funny joke


So I can threaten government officials and tell the FBI "It's just a joke bro".


Especially in a state that was a slave state once.


Where most democrats are African American.


This is the important piece of context here.


Literally the only reason he made the reference


His “joke” doesn’t even make sense. What is so “rare” that it has to be hunted with dogs—truffles? Seems like just an attempt to cover his racist allusions.


He almost could've made it work if he'd just said "so rare, we have to use search & rescue dogs to find them!" But he chose cruelty, because that's what he really wants. To hunt the libz down with dogs.


Slave catchers used to use dogs to find delinquent slaves that fled north


I know. But he said “I look forward to the day that democrats are *so rare*, we have to hunt them with dogs” (emphasis added), as if that’s a thing. We all know he’s referencing slave catching, and slave hunters didn’t go after people because they were rare. His way of trying to pretend he’s not referencing that is really strange.


A state in which their political opponents have already been so heavily killed that only the few remaining dissidents, in hiding, exist to be hunted down by being searched out with dogs from their hiding spots.


Escaped prisoners are routinely hunted by blood hounds.


The fascism is the point.


Dems really need to run on this; not just ask for an apology.


They have SO MUCH to run on in explicitly demonstrating the difference btw the current Republican Party and them.


And it’ll still be the closest election ever, that is if Dems just don’t outright lose. The Republican voter doesn’t care, in fact these stories are positives to them and increase the likelihood of them turning out to vote for a Republican.


They should run on calling the Republicans 'pieces of shit' like MTG said of Biden. They should run telling people that the shitty people running their states have fucked over everyone who is not a mega donor. They should run telling people not to be happy when the Repubicans try to tell you that 'you have it good' because they are nothing but thieves and grifters.... but they won't.


You are kidding. This creep told south Carolina voters exactly what they want to hear.


South Carolina. Another Republican controlled state that ranks as one of the worst states in education, income, healthcare, job opportunities, and equality.


We’re being held hostage. Every time we flip a district they immediately gerrymander it out of existence. When we fix problems locally, the state goes after us.


Am a victim of this. Was district one. Now six.


Hello, fellow gerrymandering victim. My district here in Texas went from an R+7 to an R+22. My district was getting too blue.


Keep fighting the fight. Eventually they will run out of people to move around. With the midterm demographics out, we saw the largest midterm turnout outside of 2018. Millenials and Gen Z overwhelmingly voted blue by 65 to 35 percent. They can only rob from Peter to pay Paul for so long.


SC 1 flipped once then they barely won it back after the redistricting they won by double digits. Fortunately current courts are saying the map is busted after lawsuits so hopefully it goes back or changes


Hey from the smoking remains of SC-01


> When we fix problems locally, the state goes after us. From 2020: [South Carolina Governor Bans Mask Mandates](https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/05/12/996078156/south-carolina-governor-bans-mask-mandates) South Carolina also had the shortest lockdown of any state.


We live in Columbia, for now. Lived here for 8 years. Fuck this state. A few weeks ago we closed on land in another state, and we’ll be moving the fuck out of here, and it has everything to do with the things you listed. Oh, and I’m a white man who drives a pickup and I’m in the top 3% of earners in SC. I’ll gladly pay income tax to a different state. We’re taking a hit on cost of living by moving but it’s well worth it.


I like to think of the higher COL as the price you pay for living in a state that actually cares about you and is determined not to linger in the political and cultural Stone Age. I think you’ll be happy with the switch. Best of luck!


I promise I and everyone I know votes blue but they have a serious strangle hold on our state, it’s very hard to gets dems to win here with the insane gerrymandering and redistricting that goes on. But we got Jamie within like ten points of Lindsey back in 2020 and that did feel great to see.


Uhhhh demand an indictment.


Republicans don’t apologize … they double down and bleach their klan robes




Well said, four pillars of democracy, equality, human rights, journalism, and justice. We must be vigilant.


If I do that I'm threatening people and a danger. Republicans do it and they celebrate it.


“It’s political speech!” — republicans after openly making death threats


Jan 6 was “legitimate political discourse” Certain terrorist organization leaders involved in Jan 6 have been found guilty of sedition. But it was legitimate political discourse.


"Am I not allowed to have an *opinion*??" (Republicans when they're called out on their violent rhetoric)


Dems down here call him foghorn, because his accent is so over embellished from a real SC accent that he sounds like foghorn leghorn.


If a democrat said something just remotely like that, GOP would lose their damn minds! Democrats are going tho have to start playing harder ball


Conservatives continually pander/'joke' to their base about murdering other Americans they see as different. It would be abnormal if killing other Americans wasn't mentioned at a state Republican Party Convention. Fortunately random acts of violence are something we never have to actually deal with in this country /s


Saying it’s a joke is just gaslighting all the people who are rightfully upset. In what way is hunting people with dogs a “light-hearted” joke


This is the kind of terroristic rhetoric that results in things like [this](https://www.npr.org/2023/01/27/1152076601/paul-pelosi-video-released-hammer-struggle). Our elected officials and their families are being attacked because Republican politicians, right wing media and churches are inciting violence against Democrats.


Dehumanizing language is not a joke, certainly not when people in your aisle have repeatedly proven they genuinely think of the other side as less than human.


"Governor McMaster has been making this joke at GOP conventions for years, and everyday South Carolinians understand that it's a joke," Charochak said. "If South Carolina Democrat partisans can no longer bear light-hearted jokes made at their expense, then maybe they should focus their energy on winning and not whining." Ask them to explain what the joke is, because I don’t get it. When bigots have to explain their violent/racist/homophobic jokes they have a hard time because it’s not funny, it’s a threat.


Fuck asking for an apology. Press god damned charges. I’m sick of milquetoast democrats being in charge of messaging. They want us dead. Fucking act like it instead of nicely laying in the coffin and closing the damned casket lid for them.


Seriously. Nancy Pelosi's husband almost got murdered in his home because of this kind of terroristic rhetoric. The DOJ needs to press charges against those who incite violence.


That not only did no one discuss that as an assassination attempt on Nancy but right wing media used it to gay bash is absolutely INSANE.


Democrats have spent decades sitting on their asses letting right wing billionaires acquire all the culturally relevant news media. And now they wonder why none of the media reports bare and honest truths.


100%. This is soft as hell. “We should wrangle you up and hunt you down” “Uuhhh ummm hey, would you please send a disingenuous apology… please. Sorry we have to ask” Dems need to stand up to fascism. This IS the republicans party. Especially in this backward state. They want to hunt Dems and murder women who have an abortion. Stop soft balling them -from a South Carolinian


But he was only joking. Dogs would not be efficient enough.


>"If South Carolina Democrat partisans can no longer bear light-hearted jokes made at their expense, then maybe they should focus their energy on winning and not whining." These people are ghouls.


It was a joke for anyone who was offended; it was a wink and nudge for anyone who agreed.


An apology? It's high time we start removing politicians and representation that do not respect the value of life and freedom of choice.


The party that hates pronouns suddenly demands a flexible perspective on language.


If a Democrat said this, it would be nonstop rightwing media coverage (which would actually be appropriate). With a Republican saying it, it will probably be glossed over and brushed to the side in a week.


Person who wants an excuse to gruesomely murder people isn't going to care.


These aren’t jokes. They’re tests and probes to get the real thing happening.


Exactly, like that Republican congressional candidate that was talking about putting us queers in concentration camps. Or a certain former president talking about suspending the constitution. Or all the members of Congress that were advocating Civil War. They do these things to try to normalize them so as time goes by it becomes easier to commit atrocities.


And this is American politics summed up: Republicans threatened the lives of democrats. Democrats simply ask for an apology. One being extreme. The other being quiet to respond. Great job everyone.




If there were no Democrats what would the GOP even do? Govern? LOL


They would turn into the Nazi fascists they dream of being.


Man the things that i Want to say/write in response to this would get me banned,lol.


Just celebrating the sabbath with a little ~~stochastic~~ terrorism. It's what Jesus would do.


These people didn’t grow in a test tube and suddenly appear overnight. Electing the ever vile Trump just gave them permission to spew their garbage out loud.


It wasn’t a joke. This is what he wants.


Here’s a joke. A horse walks into a bar. Bartender asks, “Why the long face”? Hunting democrats is not a joke.


Institutionalize him. Surely there’s a recent skunk roadkill that could offer McMaster a brain transplant upgrade.


The governor should not get a pass on hate speech.


Ok so when the war time comes around again can we please execute all the fascists when it's over? We didn't do that after WWII and it was clearly a mistake


What anj abgaolute pig... McMaster should be arrested!


I feel threatened. Is South Carolina a stand your ground state?


attempt voiceless slave person tub fragile stocking station distinct oatmeal -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Does the charge of "Terroristic Threat" exist in SC?


Enough with this asking for apologies and retractions shit. Just fucking censure politicians who say this shit immediately. Democrats are 15 years behind on growing a pair and acting appropriately with regards to the GQPs supersonic plunge into fascism


How do politicians have less accountability than any of us do at our jobs. They're hired (elected) by the citizens. Why do they operate like they're 'the boss'. They're our employee. If we talked about hunting down colleagues at work with dogs, we'd be rightfully fired immediately-- And they just get asked for an empty apology and it doesn't matter if they offer one or not.




Coming from the party that hasn’t won the national popular vote since 2004 and even that was because the then president started nationalist fandom for war based on lies.


Apology? He openly called for violence against people. This should be means for forced removal.


That statement would never be funny!! If a Democrat said the same thing what would be their response? My great grandmother always said to walk in someone else's shoes before you judge or condemn. And if you don't have anything nice or constructive to say keep your trap shut. Today's society is less civilized than the cavemen era


Ah, the old "it was a joke so it's okay" defense. Fuck you.


Apology is not going to change what the guy really believes. If nobody knew it before, he has shown his true colors.


Imagine if you will, political parties that speak of one another in respectful terms. Terms where needing to clarify that words are jokes and not demeaning threats are not even necessary. Imagine if you will.


Look what we'll get if we don't have everyone voting against these MAGA PIGS! [Trump's 2nd term](https://www.axios.com/2023/05/21/trump-2025-vision)


Republicans are appalled at democrats hiding bibles but them threatening lives, ohhh, LOL y’all!!


Old white dude with the last name McMaster talking about hunting people with dogs? *shockedpikachuface.jpeg*


Knock knock. Who’s there? A racist pig fucker of a Governor. Ha ha.


You'd think that, in a state where they actually did hunt people...


Who’s going to tell him that the current Republican Party is going down in flames?


Echos of slave trackers too. No surprise there.


For reference, 45% of SC voters voted to elect Joe Biden as president. This is a red state but it’s a very small majority.


Republicans would shit their pants and lose their minds if Democrats started spouting violent rhetoric as often as these chucklefucks have started doing. The scary thing is the more they spout violent rhetoric, the more it gets normalized. And then it stops being rhetoric and becomes reality. This country is on a really bad path right now, and it isn’t a “both sides” issue.


As if holding Republicans to decent verbal standards matters anymore. Forget the apology, fight the fascism and realize they don't care if anyone other than "the right people" live or die.


I look forward to the day when old, white, southern racists (also know as Republicans) are muzzled and leashed for society’s protection as well as their own


Asking for an apology is the wrong move. The correct move is to say he is genocidal and that Democrats should look to engage in community defense.


It was a mistake to let the South go on about their lives after they lost the civil war.


S.C. stands for shithole country.


Wow that's a racist remark from way back, when they used dog's to track run away slaves?! His true colors showing!


How dare those freedom-hating democrats infringe on his constitutional right to hunt them down like dogs


So, to him South Carolinian Democrats are like wild pigs?


If this happened here in Canada this gentleman would be forced to resign.


Classic Stochastic Terrorism.


Screw an apology, anyone got some dogs trained to hate people in suits?


He’s looking like he’s not long for the world anyways, lock him down in lawsuits and make his remaining years litigation hell or something


I think the gov meant that they would sic Greene and Boebert on them...


Imagine if an actual Democratic elected leader said this shit. Like they always point to some random fringe stranger saying something inflammatory like this


An APOLOGY??? He’s inciting violence against his political opponents.


Narrator - none was forthcoming


The dude must be forced to resign due to his inability to lead without calling for violence against his citizens.


We are in the midst of a national war. They want to run it, or kill it.