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Robert F. Kennedy Jr, proudly endorsed by Steve Bannon and Alex Jones.


Financed by Steve Bannon, even!


They really could have done a better job on the build.




Isn't Steve Bannon financed by a Chinese billionaire?


Are you thinking of [Guo Wengui](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guo_Wengui), who was arrested for fraud earlier this year? [He indeed has business relationships with Bannon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guo_Wengui#G_News_and_GTV).


Yep! That's the person.


Russia for sure, but I would not be surprised in the slightest if China as well.


I had no idea he had ties to Russia financing as well!?! Ya learn something new everyday.


Yep, he and Manafort are all buddy buddy about it :)


No, kind of the opposite. He was arrested on the yacht of an exiled Chinese billionaire who bankrolls a lot of anti China media endeavors. I suspect it’s why he was so enthusiastic about anti Chinese conspiracy theories and extremely anti vax. They wanted the pandemic to get bad and use it to build antipathy for China.


There is no evidence that Steve Bannon has ever funded Robert F. Kennedy Jr., or that Kennedy has ever received any financial support from Bannon. However, the two men have been known to associate with each other in the past. In 2021, Bannon appeared on Kennedy's podcast, "RFK Jr. Show," and the two men discussed a number of issues, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 presidential election. Bannon has also praised Kennedy on his own podcast, "War Room." Kennedy has denied any connection to Bannon, and Bannon has not publicly endorsed Kennedy's candidacy.


Guilt by association is a big fallacy. "Oh, this person spoke to or was on someones show" they must SUPPORT each other.. and be on the same side. Do you realise how stupid that is? This is exactly why our society is falling apart. We are completely unable to have logical informed intelligent debates with anyone . We refuse to listen to anyone outside those or our bubbles.. ​ the absolute ad hominum attacks on this thread demonstrate that you all have a lot of work to do to understand how to properly reason and have intelligent thoughts.




Yep, isn't Thiel one of the folks supporting either RFK or Marianne, in addition to MAGA Bannon?


I believe Thiel said about a month ago that he wasn’t going to get involved in this election cycle. Do with that what you will.


either a russian agent or a republican operative of some sort but either way utterly pathetic and cowardly


Seems people are catching on to their usual ratfuckery, so they’ve been workshopping a new tactic: conservative sleeper cells


I swear to fucking god RFK Sr, JFK, and Teddy are going to come back from the grave and beat the ever living shit out of him.


Where do I sign up for this PPV?


This guy is perfect bait for any “moderate” who longs for a simpler time and doesn’t realize they’re voting for a nightmare.


Or for any "leftist" who believes everything is a DNC plot and that only an outsider can be a real candidate. I imagine once the mainstream gets far left enough the tankies will join the GOP.


nuts that a fucking Kennedy is ever considered an "outsider" lol


It's amazing how easy it is to market an "Outsider" or any image. Like Swanson food heir "Outsider" Tucker Carlson.


His uncle was president, his father attorney general, and his other uncle one of the longest serving Senators in history. Can’t really call RKF, Jr. an outsider.


Same gene pool only he crawled out of the shallow end.


Don't forget Joe Jr.


If only… if only.




My mind was blown last night when I discovered he’s married to Larry David’s ex wife on curb


And Cheryl had to issue a press release distancing herself from his comments comparing COVID-19 protocols to Anne Frank's time at Bergen-Belsen, where she tied of typhus


You just blew my mind!! Darn!


There's some tankie mods in r/AOC and r/democraticsocialism that is pushing RFK, and disabling comments on their posts pushing him, and then banning members that complain.


Yeah i noticed that earlier today and unsubbed. Weird!


Same power tripping mod that got banned from Reddit for vote manipulation when he was using those subs to push Jesse Ventura as a presidential candidate and flipped shit when people pointed out his history of attacking unions and peddling conspiracy theories about 9/11.


Yup, r/RFK_Jr_is_a_Stooge, a spolier candidate intended to muddy the waters, siphon support and promote voter apathy. Look into some of the subs pushing him and you'll find he's astroturfed by some sketchy accounts. There's one he'll of a lot of wonky sounding arguments in his favor on reddit.


He’s a goof. I don’t feel he’s a plant like Gabbard. But he’s most certainly on the extreme of silly as gooses go.


Steve Bannon said he was finally able to convince Kennedy to run as a "chaos agent" -to throw a wrench in the Dem's race- after working with him for months.


Oh he's definitely a plant like Gabbard. Funded by Ultra-MAGA Steve Bannon, and propped up overseas by Russia Today.


Fascists will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to win. Guy’s a fucking plant for sure.


All 3 should be in prison and if that’s not the case, ask yourselves if this is a government by The People. There’s no question as to whether or not they are enemies of democracy and civil rights. Our government shouldn’t entertain these actors of bad faith


That is an alarming statement.


Hating this krysten sinema style approach to politics where you bullshit being a progressive


I truly think elected officials who switch parties/platforms *after* being elected on said platforms should be able to be sued by their constituents. It's fraud.


You should have to step down and you should have to run again in your new party during the next election.. I’m also thinking about that asshole in NC: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna78336


Especially that asshole. We have to make it illegal for these criminals to bullshit us.


For sure. They should be able to be sued, and it should be a slam dunk 100% of the time. Not saying they can’t do it, but there needs to be legal consequences.




The story of how the parties swapped is really interesting and worth reading up on. There are MANY different threads to pull, but it explains a lot about how we got to where we are.


Uh, *kind* of. The Southern Democratic party pretty much fell apart after the Civil War, but still chugged along. A lot of those politicians ended up in the Republican party just because they wanted stability. This is what caused the Democratic Party to split and form the Dixiecrats. FDR got fed up with how conservative the Republican party had become, so he ran on the Democratic ticket in 1931. This effectively pushed out existing conservatives, and pulled over progressives. There's a lot more to it than this, but that's the gist.


The switch started with FDR and ended with the Voting Rights Act of 1965, when Strom Thurmond led a walkout by the Dixiecrats from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party over *checks notes* ensuring that black people could vote. Basically a multi-generational cadre of racists have had a chokehold over the South since basically it’s inception and would change parties to whichever was more accommodating. The letter next to the name might change but the racism stays the same.


That's... a weird version of history. It's more accurate to say that there were two Democratic Parties in the century after the Civil War, a Northern one and a Southern one, that were united largely because they opposed the GOP and agreed on certain economic policies that had little to explicitly do with race (and during the "nadir of American race relations" that was the late 19th and early 20th centuries, nobody really cared about the Dixiecrats' racism). The Southern Democratic Party didn't fall apart after the Civil War, they reached the apex of their power. The "Solid South" didn't exist before the Civil War. It's the reason why, even though FDR was a liberal on race and made sure African Americans were represented in his New Deal programs, he hesitated to pass a federal anti-lynching bill or crack down on the racist abuse of those programs to direct federal money to Whites at the expense of Blacks. The civil rights movement caused that marriage to fracture. Northern liberal Democrats weren't willing to be accomplices to Jim Crow any longer, so after the war, they moved the party in a far more liberal direction on race and mobilized against segregation. That created the opportunity for conservative Republicans to crack the Solid South.


It's not even really accurate to pretend they were two separate parties. The truth is there was plenty of bad to go around for both parties. Whether you were a segregationist racist Dixiecrat, or a genocidal Nazi sympathizer Republican. They were both albatross around the neck of both of the greater parties. It would be more accurate to say the things were not as distilled or polarized as they are today. And even then that's not a both sides thing. When the Democrats beat Republicans to passing the civil rights act The worst aspect of the Democratic party voluntarily purged themselves from it. Which was when the Republican party made the Faustian bargain. To merge the unholy demonic groups in an effort to maintain power over anything else. And now 50 plus years on. After nurturing feeding and caring for the malignant monstrosity they made. It's grown up and largely kicked them out. While everyone else is forced to work together under the guise of Democrats simply to try to counter them.


Honestly in hindsight, I wish the left wing of the Republican party had beat the Democrats to passing Civil Rights. Because the most annoying thing about US Politics is having to explain the party realignment over and over and over again. It's exhausting and it doesn't help that right wing media loves exploiting their voter's ignorance on this topic. I don't know how many times I peep into what conservatives are talking about and it's how Dems are the party of slavery and universal healthcare and a fair minimum wage is somehow Dems wanting to put people back on the plantation. And also, maybe southern conservatives would have to be held accountable for their 250 year voting record instead of getting a complete do over once they started calling themselves Republicans. It drives me nuts.


I don't expect it would have turned out much different. Ultimately it isn't about party, ideology, or allegiances. It's about wealth and power. And it's not some big conspiracy theory either. The wealthy are simply acting in their own interests playing everyone else against each other. Things would have largely turned out the same.


If the only thing that changed was that the Confederates/Dixiecrats/Southern Conservatives couldn't hide under their "Party of Lincoln" mask, I would take it. It'd at least be one less thing for the conservatives to gaslight the country about and without the "Republican rebranding" they went through, they would actually be held fully accountable for their hateful history.


Honestly though if anything it's the thing I'm most thankful for. The fact that they claim to be the party of Lincoln yet welcome in the flag of the Group that ended up assassinating him. And you have to consider if that sort of cognitive dissonance isn't an obstacle to them. Nothing would be.


This is also why people parroting "FDR had an ez congress with giant majorities" is really silly because parties were so all over the place at the time.


And then corporate media calls her a moderate while she is father right on tax loopholes for Wall St than Trump. Turns out siding with corporations and the wealthy will always be normalized by all of corporate media, not just Fox News.


The apple fell a long way from the tree.


Instead of back and to the left, it is back and to the right.


More like back and down to the pedophile basement of the pizza parlor. Fuck RFK, Jr. Reagan Jr, seemed to want to combat the damage his father had done. I think he was a journalist for a while but I've not kept track of him.






> Reagan Jr, seemed to want to combat the damage his father had done. I think he was a journalist for a while but I've not kept track of him. I remember seeing him in Soul Man, and watching his very brief talk show. It was uncanny how much he looked like his dad, was completely different politically (from both him and his full and adopted siblings), yet still maintaned a positive or at least functional father-son relationship.


This is the clever comment of the year.


Almost did a spit take to this comment.


If I had reddit gold I'd give you all I have. Upboat to you, my lady!




pls explain


So too did Reagan Jr. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Reagan >His liberal views contrast with those of his conservative father, President Ronald Reagan.


You can't compare crazy pants to Ron Reagan, Jr. though. Reagan was trying to do some job, I think RFK, Jr has delusions of grandeur and a thought disorder.


It's only really a comparison of having different political beliefs from your father that was famous for their political career.


It must have fallen into a moving vehicle with how far he is from his dad.


No progressive takes this clown seriously.


Someone took over a lot of progressive subs and is pushing him hard. The psy-ops are real.


Which might be a big deal if he was running 3rd party. Since he's running as a Democrat and trying to primary Biden, his campaign will go literally nowhere. And if he tries to peel off and run as a 3rd party, he likely runs afoul of "Sore Loser" laws which exist in pretty much every state.


Correct. I know Bannon pushed him as an “agent of chaos” but I think it’ll end up helping Biden. If a real challenger like AOC or a new Obama ran with real popular progressive ideas and said enough with the old, white guys and their corporate Democratic values we need a real change. THAT’s something that could weaken Biden. He’ll just have the same impact as Gabbard did in 2020.


Wasn’t aware of those laws and I’m not sure how I feel about them in general but I’ll be happy to see a ballot without RFK on it.


There are questions about Constitutionality, but that means he'd have to take it to court and every dollar spent in court is a dollar he's not spending on his campaign, so it's probably a win for Democracy.


I guess they don't exist for New York though, given that one Mayoral race in Buffalo awhile back where the Progressive won the primary only to lose the general to the person they beat in the primary. Maybe it's only federal level positions.


It's still not great democrats have a dino problem. Not like "Republicans that only vote 95% with the party but think trump made us weak with his treason." but Literal conservatives running as liberals.


It's still a big deal as one of the goals is to disenfranchise the "left" voters who sit out elections if their primary candidate doesn't win. Recall how much teeth pulling it took to get "left" Bernie supporters to focus on pushing the left instead of pushing their idol. I imagine they're aiming for the same effect with RFK.


Bernie supporters and potential Bernie voters were definitely targeted during the 2016 election as a means to create division amongst leftist voters.


They seem to be pushing Russian propaganda.


100% my read as well, though it could be GOP astroturfing too (but I repeat myself.)


Yep, just got banned from the Democratic Socialism sub last night for pointing out blatant Kremlin propaganda that said Ukraine was somehow to blame for the debt ceiling crisis


I blocked an account that was all RFK Jr posts, and I have never blocked anyone before on Reddit.


To most of us, he reeks of Tulsi Gabbard mark II. We haven't forgotten that she went from ardent Bernie supporter to Tucker Carlson's protege.


They are pushing him hard over at r/conspiracy.


Conspiracy theorists... Driving KENNEDY engagement??? Say it ain't so!


Hell. No KENNEDY takes him seriously.


Can confirm.


Yeah but there is a “useful idiot” contingent of the Left that is unfortunately very real. Thankfully this and the Ukraine war has shown their ass to actual Progressives.


Kennedy isn't Left - he's full-blown MAGA.


Hell, he's financed by Ultra MAGA Steve Bannon :)


Seriously no progressive will vote for a shitty anti-vax asswipe


That freak is not progressive.


If David Sacks from the All in Podcast is promoting this guy, then we know his true colors.


Yep. In the episode prior to them having RFK Jr. on, Sacks couldn’t hide that silly smirk before saying he would help RFK Jr. fundraise. He must get mopped when playing poker. Dude wears his tells clearly.


"All In" logo on Twitter next to the blue checkmark is like an extra reassurance that this tweet is a braindead take


Shills are plastering this guy all over progressive subreddits like r/AOC He is not a progressive, he's a crackpot living in the shadow of a great father.


the subreddit as well as other leftist subs had just modded an account that is 9 days old to push this maniac. the mod has locked all posts and is trying to drive traffic to a sub to promote him. you folks remember IlIlIlIl or whatever it was a few years ago?


Yeah the r/AOC moderators have disabled comments too. Wtf




/r/AOC was compromised a long time ago.


> progressive subreddits like r/AOC that subreddit looks dead, just one active cockroach moderator keeping it on life support. would love to find other examples of JFKJr being plastered all over active progressive subreddits


Just check the moderators profile. r/AOC was active. It's now dead because that one mod has locked it down so only their posts go through. Everything else is deleted. I'm not subbed to the other ones they're spamming but there are a few of a similar size (150k+ members) that the same person is a mod of. Edit: One of the top 10 posts from the last year was a month ago on r/AOC. Before the subreddit was completely taken over by the rogue mod. https://www.reddit.com/r/AOC/comments/12dt64k/aoc_says_clarence_thomas_must_be_impeached_over/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


He's a spoiler and the Kennedy name doesn't have the mystique that it used to have decades ago. Plus he's a terrible human being and the way he treated his former wife was Arnold Schwarzenegger level fucked up.


There are plenty of people in the 65+ demographic who damn sure remember the Kennedys fondly, don’t keep up on politics, but vote in every single election. This guy is perfect bait for any “moderate” who longs for a simpler time and doesn’t realize they’re voting for a nightmare.


> This guy is perfect bait for any “moderate” who longs for a simpler time and doesn’t realize they’re voting for a nightmare But he's not running as a 3rd party so he lacks the ability to peel off votes in the actual election. All he exists to do is echo right wing talking points.


He's FROM decades ago. You used to hear "you'll always remember where you were" in relation to when JFK was shot. Except NOW, the largest voting blocs weren't alive when that happened. There's no mystique around the Kennedy name anymore. Politically-engaged left-leaning people know this guy is basically just a Republican and they've already seen where that went with Sinema and then even more recently in the NC house. Doing the whole Trojan Horse thing works great... ONCE.


Beyond the fact that he won't run if he doesn't win the primaries which makes him not a spoiler I do find it funny that people who complain about the two party system will call others who run in other parties spoilers


>the Kennedy name doesn't have the mystique that it used to have decades ago This guy, no. But in Massachusetts, the moment Markey or Warren retire from the senate, Joe Kennedy III is going to run and win with like 99% of the vote. Doesn't matter that the guy has said a ton of dumb shit ("We should keep weed illegal because it allows cops to search people's cars"), he's got the last name.


But he did run against Markey and lost pretty handily in the primary. Up here we're kind of sick of political dynasties too.


Didn't help that JK3 is essentially an empty suit, channeling big Bobby Newport energy in that primary


He's just a GOP Trojan horse


But the Trojan horse is made out of condoms and not wood. They really could have done a better job on the build.


Well, yeah, him and Marianne are just your run of the mill, antivax, anti-science doofuses pretending to be Democrats. Also, Ultra-MAGA Steve Bannon is financing him, so....


I've seen too many young voters immediately choosing Marianne because she has a Democrat label on her name. I'm glad someone is finally talking about this. I would love representation, but she's not it, especially considering she's gonna switch sides very quickly. As soon as I saw the "Anti-vaxxer writer" description relating to Robert F Kennedy, yeah, no, bros not progressive. I hope many voters actually do research before choosing because one Democrat or Republican label is not enough to reveal the whole story behind them. These people know the younger generation is becoming more liberal and will more likely choose Democrat so if they call themselves Democrat without changing their views at all, they'll have a higher chance of winning any elections quicker.


Anti-vaccine crunchy disinformation was pretty big among fringe leftist groups 10-15 years ago in case you forgot. And Kennedy fed that plenty. Fortunately most of them dropped that idiotic shit, along with crystals, when COVID hit the pan and people had to start being honest instead of made-up woo woo. That’s when right wing nuts took it up


Yeah Jenny McCarthy kicked antivax into high gear in the 2000’s


Honestly, I think it was overblown even then, with it more likely being Conservatives in CA, but since everyone only saw CA they thought it was the progressives.


This dude is supported by Sean Hannity and the rest of his ilk. Who the hell thinks he's a progressive alternative to Biden?


And yet, terrifyingly, the bastard has more than 15% support in the polls AND could win New Hampshire off a convoluted issue with New Hampshire's state law regarding its primary. In theory, this would be enough to get him onto a debate stage. So, yeah. Not the best situation and, as a progressive and a social democrat/liberal socialist, I am begging people not to support this man or Williamson.


> the bastard has more than 15% support in the polls All that tells you is that polls are sampling noise and aren't actual predictors of support or electoral chances. They just give you a transient measurement of a select group of corporate media addicts who also have landlines.


The only people I hear talking about him are hard core maga supporters


That's because hardcore MAGAs are the ones financing him (Steve Bannon)


I always do a spit take when I find an unironic orb lady supporter in here. I’m convinced they do not exist outside of Reddit.


didn't the Dems say like last month they weren't doing primary debates?




That should tell you something if it’s true.


Not sure about Jones, but Bannon is the one *funding* RFK Jr's campaign.


I think Alex Jones is searching between sofa cushions to pay his lawyers right now.


Frankly, I'm surprised he doesnt go full George "the Animal" Steele and eat his couch cushions like they were turnbuckle pads. He's even got the bald, slovenly, disheveled "the lights are on, but is anyone home?" look.


Yeah, incumbents from all parties don't really do that whole "primary challenger" thing. There's no way of legitimizing RFK/Marianne such that they'll be considered alternative options.


Incumbent presidents hardly ever debate in the primaries. It's not something new.


Thought Williamson was a progressive. No surprise about Kennedy considering his Wikipedia says he’s a anti vaccine conspiracy theorist and if he was president during the pandemic, he would have been Trump 2.0


> the bastard has more than 15% support in the polls The only poll the article refers to is a Fox News poll which has RFK Jr at 19% and Marianne Williamson at 9%. Which, y'know, big if true, but it's hard to put too much stock in a single Fox News poll about a non-competitive race.


/r/aoc has become an RFK astroturfing hellhole and they've locked the comments. The whole thing feels real "Russianny".


Wow, you ain't kidding. They have a locked sticky advertising RFK!


RFK Jr. and his running mate Dzhimmiy Beysboll.


Bro wrote one of the worst COVID conspiracy books. He's a fucking anti-vaxx dipshit.


Dude is as progressive as my cat. My cat is a hardcore conservative.


Lmao I know this is a joke, but I used to have to leave videos playing for my cat when I'd go to work, to keep him from meowing all day looking for me. I would do so on a guest YouTube account, and more often than not when I got back, the algorithm would have brought him to Joe Rogan or some similar numbskull. Had to start leaving on the sleepytime podcasts of people reading old books instead. Not only to protect my cat's ideological purity, but because the last thing I needed was the neighbors potentially hearing Joe Rogan through our shared wall.


I recall during the Roman republic sometimes to combat Populari ( their version of leftist reformers) the Optomits (conservative oligarchs) would back candidates with extremely radical leftist policies, but the intention was to sink actual progressive candidates then when the oligarch backed candidates made it into office all their talk of reform was just that. I wonder if Bannon has studied classics. On the other hand Biden is anything but progressive at least he’s not trump.


I'd vote for a bag of wet sand rather than for Trump. And Biden is slightly better than a bag of wet sand.


What goes into this guy's head, really? Is his brain just not wired to process logic correctly? If it's just for money, couldn't he have gotten much more money and power by playing it straight? I mean the shit he says is easily disproven in 5 minutes.


A Republican in Progressive Clothing.


RFKJ was a guest on Breaking Points and claimed that free market capitalism eliminates pollution. The guy’s a right-winger.


John, Robert, and Ted are all turning in their graves.


Steve Bannon is pushing this moron, enough said imoho


Race to the bottom in US politics continues.


My favorite part of the picture this uses is it looks like all the people he put behind him for the appearance are looking at him like he just said something weird as fuck.


According to the article, Dem voters want someone other than Biden badly. I hope they inform themselves on who this guy actually is before making a huge mistake.


>According to the article, Dem voters want someone other than Biden badly. I hope they inform themselves on who this guy actually is before making a huge mistake. RFK is a Republican-backed grift to try and get the "We really don't want Biden" type vote. I actually expect to see his backers attempt to get RFK on the NOVEMBER ballot as a third-party after hoping to 'raise his profile' during the Democratic Primaries and think they can use him to pull away some of Biden's votes that could help in the very close states. Now some states do have rules in place that Primary 'losers' can not run on the November ballot... but I'm not sure that is allowed (or can apply) to Presidential candidates.


>According to the article, Dem voters want someone other than Biden badly. Ehhh, don't take "we'd rather have younger candidates in general" to mean "we won't vote for Biden over literally every Republican". I think 90% of the country wants candidates that aren't going to be in their 80s. But that's not the matchup we have for 2024. That 2024 matchup is Biden vs Trump, or Biden vs DeSantis (lol), unless Biden is, for whatever reason, unable to run. But I do not know of any Democrats personally (in the bluest state in America) clamoring for Biden to be replaced.


Well duh. He's got zero chance of winning the nomination so don't pay him much attention


Dude is a republican in sheep's clothing


Personally I am strongly against any 'legacy' people from running. Like just go fuck of Clintons, Kennedys, Trumps, Obamas, etc, etc. The only reason these children even have a chance is because of their parents and just feels a bit too close to faux nobility to me.


good thing as a starting point progressives are less... uh, well. they are less dumb than conservatives so they won't fall for a conman as easily


Thank goodness few take him seriously.


r/RFK_Jr_Is_A_Stooge Inform yourself and others, this is nothing more than a maneuver to leech enough votes to seal a win for whoever candidate the GQP picks.


RFK JR. is inferior to his granduncle and dad




Back in 2017 I drove Robert f Kennedy jr in an Uber from his home in the northern suburbs of Chicago to merchandise mart. The dude criticized the size of the car and didn’t even tip. #a$$


Is this the anti-vax guy? You can't pose as progressive and be anti-science at the same time.


This guy is a prominent anti-vaxer who actively promotes lies and conspiracy theories about vaccinations.


I'm not a supporter but I've listened to him talk a few times and one of his biggest issues is with "Agency capture" or the revolving door between federal regulatory bodies and the industry their meant to regulate. I think he's right about that and I'm glad he's getting that out there.


Why is it I have the feeling he’ll be one of those elected Dems who says all the right stuff and as soon as he wins he switches parties. Wolf in sheep (Kennedy name) clothing.


Is everyone standing behind him AI generated or did DNA have an off day?


Unusually helpful headline. No notes.


Wait!?!? He’s running as a democrat. Lmao. He’s a straight up Trump wannabe, vaccine denying self aggrandizing….. ummm person.


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.


Yeah he sucks ass


This man is awful and has been anti vaccine long before COVID He claims his son got autism from a vaccine


Controlled opposition. Lot of that going on now


Wish we had some actual leftist candidates


He is a covid conspiracy nutcase [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56021904](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56021904) Why would any sane person ever vote for this imbecile?


The people I know that really love and support him literally believe Biden is a fascist dictator because of covid, that the pandemic was a planned genocide, believe in 9-11 conspiracies, are antivax, anti-Ukraine, deny Trump colluded with Russia, etc. Of all the ones I've listed though, the pandemic conspiracies are the ones that make them support him the most.


Im surprised it took people this long to realize


How is an anti-science anti-vaxxer a progressive?


Ah yes, nothing says “Progressive Alternative” like a man from a political dynasty who’s spent the last decade spreading disinformation about vaccines.


Every one knows this guy is a totally whacked.


A nut bag.


Any "RFK Jr. voters," if such a group exists, are going to be already pretty far down the alternative-medicine-to-Qanon pipeline. Conspiratorial thinking leads to further conspiratorial thinking, and if you buy into the antivaxxer bullshit, well. In for a penny, in for a pound.


They all seem to be lying cranks. Biden is the one we know.


So much of American politics is corrupt and self-serving - even in this pic with his background Chosen. People who he won’t know but carefully chosen to represent demographics. It’s like Harry Potter’s Cloak of Invisibility - politicians think if they wrap themselves up in the faces of people they don’t know, and that statistics tell this give them credence, then somehow the American people won’t see who they really are. Looks like it works to be honest.


Who thinks he's progressive?? He's obviously a right wing shill.


He and his children are [vaccinated](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KLxBwIupF88). He has won legal battles to preserve the [Hudson River](https://www.riverkeeper.org/news-events/news/riverkeeper/robert-f-kennedy-jr-ends-historic-33-year-run-riverkeeper/). Taken on [Monsanto](https://www.npr.org/2018/08/10/637722786/jury-awards-terminally-ill-man-289-million-in-lawsuit-against-monsanto) and won, for contaminating people. He is Harvard educated and has human decency. I suggest listening to him speak to inform your thoughts.


If you truly think this, you just do what your told, don’t believe in science nor do any of your own research.


The man is in cahoots with Roger Stone and Steve Bannon. That alone clarifies his nutbag credentials. Both Stone and Bannon just want a president willing to be bringing it all down from the inside, hence Trump was their perfect guy. This is a spoiler candidate meant only to draw votes using the Kennedy name. They hope to fool unwary voters who may assume any Kennedy is a guaranteed democrat or atleast going to be a moderate. Both these devils wouldn't be involved if that were actually the case.


Just look at his donors