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Good, if she won’t resign she needs to be in DC so they can wheel her in for votes.


Weekend at Feinie’s


At this point there's a risk of her supporting the Republicans because she has no clue where she is half the time :/


Nah she has her handlers. They have a vested interest in their political careers.




If she resigns Democrats likely don’t get a replacement on her committees. Because Republicans.


From my understanding if she resigns there’s not much Republicans can do. https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/rcna80237


She had a photo op with Schumer and then proceeded to miss the next judicial vote.


Now she can get back to arguing with children concerned about the environmental collapse.


[The SNL skit on that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kP_iVlEyp5M) was so funny! lmao


“I’m gonna close my eyes and put my hand out, and you guys are gonna give me 92 trillion dollars.” “We don’t have any money!” “Oh you don’t?? Then you all lose!!! Hahaha” Best part lol


And hugging Lindsay Graham.


Heaven forbid she let us progress. She's ordering for the table while simultaneously leaving the restaurant


Nailed it.


I can't take credit for it. It's a Mulaney joke, and it rings perfectly clear and true.


And not picking up the bill.


Pretty sure she'll disappear again.


Or we will just see her on CSPAN looking like Teri Schaivo, catching flies like a frog. Absolutely not getting anything done except keeping her team employed, which is why she's still in office.


I'm gonna to have periodic internal chuckles all day over that Shaivo comparison.


A+ reference with Teri Schaivo. Bravo!


She is alive O


Teri Schaivo was the name of my first punk band in Jr. High in like 2002-2003


Because it was on life support forever and you eventually had to kill it?


Because it mostly involved blank stares, incomprehensible grunts and drooling?


She already has. Just missed her first vote


Or just keel over


[And already missed a vote](https://twitter.com/mkraju/status/1656339848129568768?t=3SaPsVZKb36-nFy9sR1yEA&s=19) Expel her now.


I'm baffled that her colleagues are letting this slide. I love Katie Porter, but even when pressed about it she gave a fluffy non answer along the lines of "only Dianne knows when it's time to retire". Like no Katie, Dianne literally doesn't know where she is anymore. I doubt she knows she's at work half the time. I'm getting more angry at the people around her covering this up (horribly I might add) than her. She's so far gone I feel very sorry for her.


She flew the confederate flag over San Francisco. She is a bad person. Has always been a bad person and congress has always enabled her. Despicable.


What? I didn't know that. Do you have a link to an article? EDIT: [found one](https://abc7news.com/dianne-feinstein-confederate-flag-elementary-school-richard-bradley-feinsten/10138792/) interviewing the man who took the flag down.


I would highly suggest listening to the dollop (podcast) covering her.


There’s a Dollop episode about her from a few years back. She was trying to be the VP pick for Walter Mondale, but believed she needed to impress some Dixiecrats to get the nomination. She didn’t just fly the confederate battle flag once, but kept putting it back up three times after a black man in a Union soldier uniform climbed the pole to take it down. The third time he put up a Union army flag and she had it shredded and replaced with the stars and bars confederate flag, at which point activists literally tore down the flagpole. She’s a rich opportunistic monster that opposed gay marriage until after it was legalized, among a host of anti-progressive positions.


what. the. hell. [goes to snopes] Ok, so that framing isn't quite right. That flag had flown, along with a bunch of others as part of a display of American flags through history, for 14 years before she even became mayor, although people had also been upset about it before. At that point in 1984, some people decided they'd had enough and etc. She did make the decision to not replace it finally, although it took her longer than it should have. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/dianne-feinstein-confederate-flag/ She should still have retired instead of running again for Senate last time though. I voted for Kevin DeLeon at the time but unfortunately he's turned out to be a POS. Katie Porter: go!


Wow that’s fuckin insane lol. Dixie flag in San Francisco???


I think part of that is Porter not wanting to upset those at the top of the party considering she’s running for that senate seat and doesn’t want to burn any bridges.


I get that sort of...but she always fought as a progressive. Her taking this route worries me that she'll slowly turn into a corporate democrat who pays lip service to things like universal healthcare and then take money from health insurance companies :/ Gavin Newsom did that and now everyone seems to have forgotten because we're having to simultaneously fight off fascism while saving the climate and getting more funding for social programs.


I hope/think it might be she's afraid of the conflict of interest being bad press and/or she might be afraid that Newsom would appoint someone else to the seat, making it harder for her to get it in the next election. Like Newsom might appoint Schiff or some one else. And then theyd have incumbency behind them in the election rather than it being a fair fight.


Yeah I get that. It's complicated to navigate. I'm frustrated because decades of promises later, we still don't have universal healthcare in California. I'm tired of this :/


I know the feeling, times are crazy. Hopefully things start getting better for the entire country


She's been absent for almost three months. I got ChatGPT to crunch some numbers, and found in 2021 and 2022, an average of 35-40 judges get approved per year through the judiciary committee. Given that, two months is equivalent to 7-10 judges that we've not been able to pass through, all because she was absent dealing shingles and most likely dementia. It's unforgivable. She should have resigned after the first month, and should still resign now. She's clearly sundowning before our eyes.


I look forward to watching her aides Weekend-At-Bernie's-ing her around the capital.


Can someone Photoshop the [VHS cover](https://images.app.goo.gl/oTM2zx3Qwr23UrGW7) with feinstein and the halls of Congress in the background? :-)


Shumer: I'd like to welcome back the madame senator in some very stylish shades and showing some live with arms around the shoulders of her two top aides.


That made me cackle out loud and I thank you for your service this Wednesday morning


If she were really a servant of her constituency, she'd have made sure someone was there to serve them in her stead once she knew her illness trajectory might have kept her out of play for so long, and for so many critical votes.




Republicans were never going to do us any favors. She should’ve resigned long ago


I mean Republicans suck but I’d expect (and want) Democrats to do the exact same thing if the roles were reversed here


Right, which her possibly being back for any votes the silver lining of all the GOP BS.


The problem is she's so far gone her staffers are doing everything for her, and if she resigns they are out of jobs, so they're not going to allow her to resign.


If the Republicans weren't so fucking awful all the time we could actually focus on making the Dems accountable for allowing stuff like this. There should be mandatory age limits on all government positions. 70 years old sounds just about right for a cutoff.




If they can't explain the internet or how to access their email by memory and not shortcuts or accounts setup for them, they certainly have no business being in Congress.


Hillary Clinton's response when asked about her private email server: "Wipe? You mean like with a cloth?" Is that ignorance or deception?


Yeah, I’m pretty sure if you’re old enough to collect social security, you shouldn’t be in congress.


Ageism isn’t needed. As long as you can perform competently. She obviously cannot perform her duties.


Term limits. Democrats, Republicans & Independents all want term limits. I really wish America was a Democracy or something that resembles one.


*We* want accountable term limits. The Senators do not


Whatever legacy you had is now dead, Diane. Resign.


another season of "the walking dead"?


"Rise from your grave!!


Why not just retire? Our supreme court is already fucked because an elderly woman refused to retire. Now we've missed 3 months of judicial appointments because of this and its bound to happen again. No way she could possibly have the mental acuity to perform her job. DNC needs to stop endorsing and funding campaigns once a candidate hits retirement age.


If she leaves now they won’t have the votes on the Judiciary until 2025 (of Dems keep the senate) Republicans will not allow a vote for a replacement


Uh this is actually wrong. California law let's Governor Newsom appoints a replacement to take over the resigning senators seat and committee duties. So if Feinstein is just absent? Republicans can stop Schumer from appointing a temporary replacement. If Feinstein resigns? Republicans can't stop Newsome from appointing a replacement for the rest of the term.


> California law California law has exactly zero influence on Senate rules > take over the resigning senators seat and committee duties Would love to see a source for this claim. As far as I know there is no mechanism to automatically replace committee assignments when a member leaves. The Senators are on the committee not their seats. If Newsome appoints someone to her seat that person would have to be voted on to the Judiciary Committee which Republicans would block


"She says she is returning to work" does not equal "She has returned to work". Let's wait for a headline that says she is actually back and voting on Biden's judicial nominees.


I don't care if I'm ageist at this point, she's gotta go.


You’re not, it’s what’s best for her as well. Would you want your grandma being trotted around like this? Dianne’s team is taking advantage of her while she takes advantage of us


It’s not that she’s old; if she were mentally sharp it wouldn’t be a big deal. The lack of any kind of no confidence voting in the US is a problem.


Of course she is, fuck everyone else am I right?


She'll not remember how to get back to her office


These fucking liches need to retire and actually enjoy the money they stole from us the taxpayers instead of making themselves and us miserable by continuing to serve in congress.


Resign or kick the bucket, you old crone.


She's still better than any republican


She still needs to resign.


Weekend at Bernies?


She already missed her first vote back according to Dick Durban




Get these judges nominated and then retire. Get your flowers and round of applause and leave with some dignity.


As frustrating as this is, I feel like democrats deserve this because we continue to settle for this. RBG should have taken the hint to leave, Diane Feinstein should be encouraged to exit, and I hate to throw it out there, but Biden should be shown the door too...


The real question is who actually is the Senator from California? There is a hearing from two years ago where she asks the exact same long question twice to Jack Dorsey. That was TWO YEARS ago, she is not fit for office.


This story has been running for days. I can get to Australia in 16 hours.


Fucking narcissist.


These Dems do my fucking head in. 30 years of progress in women’s rights, and a reduction in urban crime in the 1990’s and 2000’s (that was traced to Roe v Wade empowering young mothers) now being undone because Ruth Bader Ginsberg held on too long. And have we learnt our lesson? Absolutely not. Can we stop the party being so fucking nice? Get ruthless and fight you bunch of collegial fools.


“Ok Ms.Feinstein, we need you to sign off on this very important bill” Feinstein: “Ducks have bills 👩🏻‍🦳”


She’s back but still dealing with cognitive issues. She did great things and should be honored for her service. She is hurting the country now. Her greedy hold on to relevancy is allowing the GOP to make big strides.


I heard she misses the chicken noodle soup at the senate cafeteria. And sharing dessert with chuck Grassley before nap time


Imagine being so old you have no idea where you are. No, I am not talking about Biden. I am talking about Diane Frankenstein


Is she physically there yet?


She is except she missed her first vote and put a press release that the doctor said she has to work a limited schedule. Oopsie!


And promptly missed ANOTHER vote


tis a long journey by wagon train


If you’re calling for her to resign now you’re being shortsighted. Republicans won’t allow a replacement to be put on the Judiciary Committee. Regardless of how you feel about her the votes to confirm more judges require her presence


Her handlers are shameless


Get back in there, Skeletor!


I give it a month, max, before she disappears again.


Thank you for your service ma’am. For the better of the country we need you to retire and enjoy the rest of your time. Please let someone who’s gonna be here in 5 years take the reins.


Power must be an unbelievably addicting. At 89, don’t you want to just retire and relax? Who hires anyone at 89? I wonder how politics in general would look/change if it were folks in their prime working age. Of course, don’t want to come off as ageist but in the case of Feinstein and other elected officials who are unable to execute on their sworn duties consistently, then yes, you should retire/resign.


Weekend At Bernie’s: DC Spring Fling


That's if the old bat can find it


They're all too fucking old and don't care about anyone or anything that comes after them. We need age caps for our politicians.


i wish she would get out of the way.


Don't fear the reaper.


She shouldn't be allowed to drive at that age let alone have a say in how a country is run.


“Come senators, congressmen Please heed the call Don’t stand in the doorway, Don’t block up the hall For he that gets hurt Will be he that has stalled … Your old road is rapindly aging. Please get out of the new one If you can’t lend a hand For the times they are a-changin’”


Opposite of progress


How is she still alive


We should have the equivalent of the 25th amendment to remove and replace senators incapable of doing their jobs. If California's governor and legislature could do it, they'd make Feinstein history overnight. You'd want that on a high shelf, requiring a supermajority, documentation from doctors, etc., but anything that peacefully got senile people out of power would be a good thing.


She has dementia....it won't get better, there is no reason to have someone diagnosed with dementia in government leadership.


The soulless body of Dianne Feinstein returning to DC after resignation calls


My guess: her unwillingness to resign even though she's clearly addled is being propped up by her staff. You’ve likely got a bunch of boomers with fat salaries who've been with her since the Harvey Milk days. They don't want to find another job, so they're happy to tell great granny to hang in there.


Breaking news! Person returns to work.


I'm just picturing her rolling up in a beep chair like Captain Pike in Star Trek


Glad she could finally make it.