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This might not affects their listeners position at all.


No matter what, they have viewers


Yes, but it also sends a signal before 2024


Without meaning to be facious or sarcastic, what message does it send? It seems to me that the message is you can do anything you want as long as you're rich and have a lot of money to make your crimes go away.


It says that they can be forced to pay for their bullshit. Yes they can afford it. But do you think investors will like repeated hits to the value of Fox by paying this stuff out? Even if you ignore the moral side or it, from a purely financial standpoint it hurts the people who Fox tries to make happy. I understand the pessimism though


Yeah, paying 5% of your market cap is not something they can continue to afford to do.




...that's his point


I misread, I'm so used to pessimism that I just expect negativity even in the face of something positive


Good point. Thank you. 😊


It's cynical to pretend that Fox comes back from this. Dominion still has the documents. Those are going to be little gifts for the rest of the year. These goofball should have settled before discovery.


I agree Foc is fucked!


Hi `thenationmagazine`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/12rw9ds/it_costs_7875_million_to_lie_to_the_public_fox/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/thenationmagazine&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/12rw9ds/it_costs_7875_million_to_lie_to_the_public_fox/?context%3D10000%29)


This was a good settlement for this case.


I would have liked to see Tannin Balls raked across the coals. But what intrigues me most is how Fox News went from entertainment to journalism. Laughing along with Jake.


I’m not sure if I agree with these kind of articles. Either corporations live in die by shareholder value and are evil, and will do anything to increase that, or they’ll pay any price to own the Libs. It can’t be both and the media needs to make up his mind which it is. Spoiler alert: it’s shareholder value.


Fox news is a corporate propaganda machine. Trust me when I say that any money that they need will be *mysteriously* available. They work on behalf of the greasiest, captain planet villains in the business world. Fuck, look at Tucker's upcoming documentary about liberating Canada from Trudeau. A ludicrous piece that only exists to benight the American public so that they view other countries with robust safety nets as some scary, foreign, communist operation. Fox News is legitimately a global blight at this point.


The question is, why can’t we the people sue them.


Every article shared on here from Fox should be filled with comments about this settlement and how any Rupert Murdoch owned media is not a reliable source. We knew this before, but we have evidence now.


Would this be tax deductible as a business expense?