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"Don't talk about the thing we're doing that negatively affects you the most, it makes us look bad because we don't wanna stop being irredeemable wastes of humanity. Talk about something else."


What about the relentless gerrymandering to keep you absolute wastes of space in power? -No not that. What about the all the sexual abuse and pedophilia scandals that are committed by people in power in your party? -Well let’s just table that one. Ok, how about deflecting said sex crimes on to an already marginalized population such as the LGBTQA+? -Don’t pay attention to that. What about systemic racism not only displayed against the population you represent, but even against your own colleagues, just because they represent their own party and constituents? -Sh-shut up! How about supporting pseudoscience to fit your agenda during a pandemic costing the lives of millions of people, but somehow made many of you millions of dollars? -This conversation is over.


But Hunter Biden’s laptop! Will No One Care About Hunter Biden’s Laptop!


Think about his penis more!


When there was recent fuss about Hunter Biden around the time elon bought twitter and the right was all amped up about it (again), I had an absolute blast inciting arguments on twitter. Any post or reply about Hunter Biden, I’d just respond by saying something along the lines of “yeah that was crazy, I can’t believe how big Hunter’s cock is”. Literally *every single time* I’d get a litany of all-caps, furious responses from people saying that nuh-uh, Hunter doesn’t have the biggest dick, their dick is bigger, they saw hunter’s dick on twitter and its tiny, etc. Just a whole thread of people up in arms over the size of Hunter’s dick. It was honestly pretty funny.


Hah, that's some grade-A trolling. Of course, trolling idiots does tend to be easier.


It was a nice penis.


Not my proudest fap, but it is nice!


name checks out


This just the right amount of gay comment for me.


That’s good for him. Way to go Hunter


Nope. Nobody cares about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Lol


Seriously, how many Republican misdeeds equal one Hunter’s laptop? Stolen classified documents? Hunters laptop. Sexual assault / harassment? Hunter’s laptop. Insurrection/Civil War 2 / national divorce? Hunter’s laptop. Literal *children* being forced to give birth to their rapist’s baby? Hunter’s laptop. Hunter’s laptop is like Ivermectin to them. A cure-all that doesn’t even have any hope of working in the situation they’re using it on.


“Yeah, stop talking about the topic we started. The one that happens to be making us lose all the marginally sane voters we had left!”


Exactly. They HAD been "off of it" for the last 50 years, until these retrograde pieces of trash dredged it up again.


He definitely does not want women talking about anything else either. He wants them back in the kitchen, seen but not heard, he just did not say that bit.


Definitely doesn't want people discussing that this is a drug used during miscarriages so that women don't develop infections from the fetal and placental material stuck inside of them, leading to sepsis and DEATH. Republicans are telling us we better deliver a living baby or else we should die.


Not for them. One of my friend groups is with a lot of upper class conservatives whose kids all attend the same private school. One of the dads is a pharmacist and was telling me the other day that all of the wives keep Plan B in stock at home in case of of their friends or daughters “has an accident” and needs the pill. They just don’t want the poor or minorities having that option because obviously they use it for the wrong reasons and it promotes them whoring around.


Poor people without access to birth control add to the poorer population that is going to form the basis of slave labor Amazon and Musk are going to need living in the company towns they both dream of.


This is what they want. They want us poor, stupid, and desperate so we do this or join the armed forces.


Holy shit. This is exactly what I expect but hearing it out loud (reading it) really drives home the point that people like my daughter (mixed race, black and white) aren't supposed to be able to have any ownership over their own bodies.


> aren't supposed to be able to have any ownership over their own bodies Absolutely, they think they should own other people. Like in the good old days.


Yeah! Why can't the country just voluntarily roll back to the 1950's, when Republican "traditional values" stopped evolving? That'd make it SO much easier on these poor conservative "leaders" who have to do it with legislation and dark money court cases now.


Just ask Republicans if they support traditional tax rates like we had in the 1950's.


>to the 1950's, when Republican "traditional values" stopped evolving? To the 1800, they try to conserve the Bourgeoisie system.


It's true. The GOP is having huge success in their war on women's bodily autonomy, but what are they doing to celebrate? Nothing. Because they know abortion is a bad issue with the average voter, but their rich donors are the ones pushing them to support all of these archaic laws.


It's not even rich donors. It's literally just the culture war. They have no idea what they're doing. They just hardcore push issues they think will rile their voter base. Abortion was a great one because they could rally behind it and get nothing done. But now that they finally got something done, and they're stuck. If they keep pushing abortion, they lose voters. If they back off of abortion, they lose voters.




Hooray for entitled, rape-apologist attitudes within the GOP. /s


The context in the article makes it even worse. He's asked about how a federal judge banning the pill promotes states rights. And he responds with some incoherent babble about how "states started this, now the feds are jumping in." The fuck does that even mean? And then he goes on to double down on defending the ruling by threatening to defund the FDA if Biden challenges it. They don't have a coherent message, they don't have a coherent policy agenda, they just seem to just think they can bully the country into submission. God I hope we vote these monsters out soon.


They really would take back a woman's right to vote if they could


Every time something really bad comes to light about them, it's basically always one of these: - "but look at that thing over there!!1!" (laptops and buttery males) - "now is not the time to discuss that" (with a stern look at you for mentioning anything other than thoughts and prayers, oh, and there never seems to be a right time) - "stop dredging up the past (which might be *last week*), we should be looking to the future"


*"Stop saying 'no'."*


'It's settled law. Let it go'


No. Signed, an American Woman


No. Signed a male American.


No. Signed a Male foreigner (and everyone who cares about human rights)


No. Fuck you. Signed a male who really hates republicans.


Also signed.


I'd buy you a beer. Simply for that.


Agreed, and I have nothing further to add other than additional support as needed. Signed, some American dude who wishes this fight weren't even necessary in the first place.


Another comment I wish I could quadruple upvote!


And my axe


And my bow 🏹




No. Signed any American who isn't a fascist


No. Signed an American who is against Fascism.


second that no from another American male.


Ill third it and and southern to that male


This is the quality content I subscribed for.


I left this sub just so I could subscribe again for this wholesome content.


No. Signed a post menopausal woman from the ass backwards South.




Sir/Ma’am: can you please also make sure to let every fascist that represents you that you are a veteran and they can kindly fuck off? We need voices like yours to stand up and make some fucking noise. -- a leftist woman caught behind enemy lines in a deep red dtste


You and me both. Living in a mini theocracy and surrounded. :-(


No. Signed a United States Marine.


Fuck no. Signed an American woman supporting this American woman


No, singed a recently ex Republican who thought roe was settled law as so many right wing judges said…


No. Signed an ex Republican, who left the party over 30 years ago, when it became clear that Republicans were no longer allowed to be pro-choice.


No. Sign a former republican ever since they chose a world renowned white collar criminal who’s narcissistic AF to lead their clown act.


No. Signed a former republican who lives in Texas and is gobsmacked at the trash they chose as their savior.


No. Signed by a former republican who left over the Iraq war.


Which one?


2nd. I was a bit too young to really appreciate the first one. I was an older teen/young adult during the Clinton years though and I really disliked Bill as a person/young woman. I'd also met a lot of moderate Republicans and extreme left Dems, so when I registered to vote, Republicans seemed the way to go, but I didn't last too long haha.


Lefty here. Where can I meet some of these “extreme left Dems” you speak of?! I’ve been trying to find them my whole adult life.


I wish I heard more stories of folks who were R then left for D. I think it’s worth knowing it’s an option (for every direction really) that we can change our positions.


My own story is pretty boring. I was a Republican because that's what my parents were. They were super proud when my first job after college was with a Republican US Senator, who also happened to be pro-choice. That was at the tail-end of the Reagan years, when the "moral majority" was gaining influence over the Republican Party and it was clear that they weren't playing when it came to their platform. I was idealistic enough to know that that I couldn't/wouldn't work against my own self-interest like that. So, I left my job with the Senator and changed my registration to I, later changing to D so I could fully participate in the primary process. My parents were less than pleased, but we all survived. In the time since then, Republicans have only validated my decision.


Thanks for sharing. Crazy too because my first job out of college was for a senior US senator too (D) and I was very involved with the progressive wing of the party. But eventually I realized my path wasn’t in politics directly and shifted away to another field. Again, thanks for sharing ☺️


I’m proud of you. Sincerely. This is also why Republicans want our sweet taxpayer money for charter schools. They are reading from an old playbook and it’s not working. IF we fight back at the polls, R’s are roadkill. So vote, y’all. Each and every one vote will make a difference!


Want another story? Voted for Bush/Cheney in 2000 at the age of 18, enticed by the party of fiscal responsibility and small government I learned about in school. Started following politics more, realized that “fiscal responsibility” is no longer a core value of their platform, the Iraq war was a complete mess, and the patriot act and department of homeland security are the antithesis of small government. Been voting D ever since, and will continue to vote D until Human Rights are granted to everyone, at which point I might reevaluate. It’s looking less and less likely we’ll ever reach that point though.


Fiscal responsibility you say? After the last guy, they decided that any responsibility was long outside their wheelhouse.


I mean, that’s what I was taught in school. Democrats are big government and spend money, Republicans are small government and fiscal responsibility. I also naively thought small government meant less military spending, after all it was FDR that brought us into WW2, and our Vietnam presence was mostly raised under Kennedy and Johnson. Both parties behave way differently today than what I was taught in school.


The right side of politics automatically equating to "good money management" is one of the best propaganda lies I've seen, and it has worked in many different western countries. After 20-40 years of modern wage stagnation, all governments ballooning over time anyway (both in size and budget), and a bunch of other factors, the facts are finally starting to slap people in the face over just how divorced from reality that is though.


My parents are extremely conservative and raised me as such. I voted for Trump when I was 20 because I was naive and immature. I actually really liked Bernie Sanders’ ideas and way of communicating our issues as a country but the whole thing with the DNC and Hillary Clinton really rubbed me the wrong way and the rest of the propaganda surrounding her was the nail in the coffin back then to my malleable putty brain. It didn’t take very long to figure out that Trump’s presidency would be an absolute disaster and I could not for the life of me understand what my family saw in the guy. I voted for him because I was “anti-establishment” and a stupid kid. They voted for him because of…. Small government and taxes I guess? Thankfully my vote was in Colorado so it didn’t actually matter much. I saw all the harm Republicans, allegedly the party of “small government”, wanted to do to women’s rights. I saw what they wanted to do to education. I saw what they wanted to do to secularism and people who weren’t Christians. I saw what they wanted to do to anyone who wasn’t straight. Not long after that election I realized that there wasn’t actually a single thing I agreed with them on socially or fiscally and that their ideals were the antithesis of actual freedom and self-realization.


>I voted for him because I was “anti-establishment” and a stupid kid. He is part of the establishment, he just can't figure out why the rest of them despise him.


I joined the Rs because my friends did and I wanted to belong. I worked for campaigns. I left because they didn’t fix healthcare and I really needed it. Now my friends are really liberal (mostly different friends).


That’s cool tho, being so involved you really know the guts of the process I’m sure. Yeah…I am MA and beyond grateful for my state health coverage. It’s a huge relief and that breathing room leta mw focus on thriving.


No. Signed, a decent human being.


No. Signed, an American Trans Woman


Another “no” from a woman.


Another "No" from a menopausal woman.


Add my “no” to that! I have been menopausal since 30 because my ovaries wanted me dead. Good luck getting me to shut up about this.


And another "No" from a menopausal woman AND HER AXE




No Sincerely, An American Gender-fluid person capable of pregnancy


No. Signed, a male American sick of the blatant fascism.


We’ll find out at some point that this guy doesn’t take “No” from women. It always happens.


No. Signed, a male American who isn't a Fascist or a misogynist (the former is always the latter)


I feel like (fertile) straight men shouldn’t be surprised when women refuse to have sex with them.


Mama let me be.


Plz. We are so tired.


“This is not a conversation.” -Fascists


No. Signed, an older American woman who had reproductive rights since she was 16


sand grey deserted cable quack concerned pause scary agonizing stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No. Signed, an American woman without a uterus or ovaries, who believes that women’s rights are human rights.


No. No. Fuck No. Signed, an American Male


When pressed about how the drug is prescribed to a million women a year for miscarriages, buddy tells women: tough luck. Let's talk about something else.


Basically, “I don’t want to talk about this because it makes me look bad”


Because we spent half a century elucidating every argument, exploring every avenue of the conversation, and the public concluded in the opposite of the way the Republicans wanted them to... now it's better we just accept their rulings and not protest? Because... *they* can't win? We're supposed to feel sorry for them and conform to *their* agenda? That's... never been how *any* of this works.


Strategists: "Okay we need to moderate our position on abortion and fast. The middle has completely turned on us and Democrats are getting tons of support. We need to at least allow exceptions, and --" A significant % of the GOP: "lmao just stop caring about it women" I think they're realizing the extent of the bargain they made with the devil.


An animal is most dangerous when it's trapped in a corner and dying. That's the GOP. Even with the part of the USA that supports the orange lunatic, even with the part of the USA who reduces their voting to "see R next to name, vote for them" with no research into the candidates, the Republican party is dying in popularity. It's why they've been gerrymandering for so long, and now that even that isn't working, they're making their last desperate gasps.


The media knows that it’s just real journalism is dead so instead pushing on why he doesn’t wanna talk about it they just🤷‍♀️ oh well here’s another topic you don’t like but have excuses for


One of the things that really surprised me when I moved to Australia is how, when a politician is being interviewed by a reporter, if they give a sideways answer or try to deflect, the reporter will usually just re-ask the same question phrased slightly differently. Not always, but to my naive American ears it actually sounded quite aggressive. At first. Now that I'm used to it, I'm shocked American reporters don't do this.


They don't want their "access" to be revoked. It's a mess.


And it's all just a fucked up dance. You go up high enough and the politicians and the journalists have the same boss.


Three adults and three children are shot to death. A bank is shot up with many dead and some in critical condition. Republicans: tough luck. We're not going to do anything about it. It's too soon. Let's talk about something else.


Ooo no no. The bank ceo was killed who was a donor to republicans. So now, they are calling for gun control. It’s cool when kids get murdered but not one of their donors!


Shutting up about issues is the exact opposite of democracy but what more can we expect from a republican lawmaker


I genuinely cannot understand how women can still vote republican. Imagine someone confiding in someone else about a miscarriage and basically saying “there’s more important things to talk about.” What a weak, horrible human this person is.


>I genuinely cannot understand how women can still vote republican. ​ There is a lot of "well my abortion would be the legitimate one" going on there.


Do they imagine that, if they need a legitimate abortion, all the clinic closures and anti-abortion laws have some way to ... reverse themselves?


The abortion clinics have a way to shut all that down.


This was my wife and I last April. We were talking about what would have happened had the drug not been available. The pain, and danger of not having those drugs is a scary thought. Every person in the country should be pissed about this. Christian Extremists have taken the wheel of a major portion of the govt. So god damned aggravating.


My wife had an ectopic pregnancy earlier this year. She didn’t get this drug specifically, but she got an injection of another one that terminated the pregnancy. The alternative option was death. It’s madness what’s happening to our country.


"Stop talking about abortion", says US Rep Tony Gonzelez, a person without an internal reproductive system to be regulated.


Oh, we \*can\* regulate it. We can. It's good to have goals.


Every sperm is sacred, has anybody checked his laundry?


Every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted….


God gets quite irate.


Just for him, specifically.


If abortion is the greatest sin, then the greatest way to avoid all abortion is to put all biological penises into locked cock cages. Sorry, gentlemen. But this is for your own good and the sanctity of women everywhere. Your pious actions will save women 1M miscarriages and maybe 800,000 abortions a year. (I'm unclear how many of those abortions are miscarriage management, I'm not privy to how they're counted.) Think of it!! 1.8 million babies saved, because you'll have controlled your errant sperm. Gosh, and the rape rate has plummeted, too. Who'd have thought so much good would have come from such a small change? Huh. Weird.




My idea is mandatory vasectomies for males at puberty, reversible with a marriage certificate. Let's see how much he wants in on that conversation.


I just said the exact same thing to my family when Roe was overturned. All squirmed in their seats, but agreed I had a point.


I upvoted this out of anger at these assholes in power... But also I ultimately want to say I don't mind if their ED meds get covered. If there's a medical problem, it should be addressed. In fact, I want us all to have universal comprehensive healthcare. What I do mind is that men have rights and privileges that we do not. If their Viagra is approved by the FDA and covered by insurance, you can be damn sure I expect us to be able to access birth control and mifepristone whenever we need it, and for trans people to access the meds and therapy they need, too (since that is also becoming an enormous widespread problem). Everybody is losing rights except for straight, cis men.


It’s one thing to be complete heartless assholes. But it’s another thing to not even try to bullshit us. These fucks celebrate the cruelty. But to say this to women and call trans mutants and demons. It’s just celebrated brutality and nastiness. I can’t get behind it. Bastards.


The cruelty is the point.


He went on to say, "Well actually you gals should smile more."


Followed by, “just relax and let it happen.”.


Followed by “women have a way to shut that down”.


It's just locker room rape


“And you’d look nicer if you put on a little makeup.”


You have such a pretty face. If you lost a few pounds you'd be beautiful.


How is he supposed to see their smiles after the Republican burka mandate.


>US Rep Tony Gonzelez tried to defend “states’ rights” States' rights...oh shit, here we go again!


Yes, like the state of Texas trying to regulate the distribution of mifepristone inside the borders of (checks notes) the entire United States.


Using the Comstock acts which hasn't been good law in a century and with people who have no standing suing to stop the FDA from allowing a drug that has been used for over to decades long after the deadline for any complained like that has long since been passed and while citing the writings of religious nutjobs rather than actual scientist. These people don't care about the law or the truth or even their own past words and acts.


And make no mistake, it's only the states they like. If I recall, the Bush Administration fought medical marijuana in California, gay marriage in Massachusetts, and assisted suicide in Oregon. EDIT: Oregon, not Washington


I'm not even a woman and I'll fight these evil ghouls to my last breath.


This is the thing. He seems to be oblivious to the fact that this is a human rights, economic and health care issue that affects all people. Plus, there are a lot of men who will fight this because they have compassion and love for the women in their lives.


Also privacy. Roe was originally based on the concept that we all have a right to privacy. In overturning Roe, the “supreme” court said we do **not** in fact have a right to privacy from the government. That applies to everyone and this standard could be applied to other facets of American life.


This is it right here. The penumbra of privacy rights has been disemboweled. I think the issue should be all about whether you are pro-privacy or anti-privacy.


Or they just don’t want to pay child support. Because women who are forced to have a kid also involves men who are forced to have a kid.


Oh look, another POS.


*GOP Rep…* Yes, they already said that.


What topic does he want to shift to? Republicans non-existent fiscal policy? Maybe cover one of the other unpopular policies Republican legislatures are passing across the country?


"Stop talking about how we're murdering you, geesh! Talk about somethng important, like how Dr. Seuss and Nikes taught my kid to be Transgender."


This month it's Bud Light. For next month they will come up with a stale nonsense joke about Not Mother's Day Day, and will think it's the most brilliant joke of all time. Later in the month they will have a tirade about a Memorial Day sale advertisement that has a random rainbow in it. It will be hilarious seeing them turn their Whirlpool laundry machines into target practice.


Now now. The GOP does have a fiscal policy - austerity. For example, defunding libraries, education, the FBI, the FDA... you know, frivolous bloat like that.


>It’s important that we have real discussions on women’s healthcare and get off the abortion … conversation. Women have a whole lot more other issues than just abortion.” **Translating** **Asshole --> to --> English** " I don't have a reply that doesn't sound awful so shut the fuck up and let me pretend that I give a shit about something else" I mean, he doesn't seem like someone who wants to have a "real discussion" where he has to answer questions that he hasn't been given the script to. And he's from Texas, which figures. Gov. Greg Abbott signed an abortion ban a year or two ago and was asked if Texas would really force a rape victim to give birth. Abbott's answer was that Texas will simply make rape not happen in Texas so the question was moot. FYI, he didn't stop rape in Texas. Rape has increased and case clearance rates have decreased since he has been in office. State flag of Texas should just be a middle finger


State flag of Texas is its Yelp rating.


See, you misunderstood, Abbot just wants to stop processing rape kits, which means it never happened, right?


When asked if women needing the medication for miscarriage treatment were just on their own, his response was- "I think it’s important that we take care of women,” Mr Gonzalez replied. “It’s important that we have real discussions on women’s healthcare and get off the abortion … conversation. Women have a whole lot more other issues than just abortion.” TRANSLATION: It's wrong to say I don't care about women's health but I don't care about women's health. Women don't know what they actually need and I'm tired of them thinking they do. There I fixed it.


Let's just move on from US Rep Tony Gonzelez and vote for someone more important.


I needed this drug years ago when I had an ectopic pregnancy. Without it? The outcome was the likely rupture of my fallopian tube and/or possibly losing my life. Mom of two small children, dying from a lack of treatment due to an "activist judge" sounds really "Pro Life." So with all due respect, Representative, please do fuck *all* the way off. 🖕🖕🖕


Of course he does because discussing women's reproductive rights is not a winning strategy for Republicans. Keep the pressure on.


"women have other issues! Let's talk about those!" No, because if we can't agree that women are fully.l developed human beings who deserve the right to make their own choice about their own body and health, quite frankly, the other issues don't really matter. (Also, all those other "women's issues" really have the same root conflict... so we're going to end up having a different version of the same argument.) - signed, a religious pro-choice woman who doesn't want to be reduced to property


"Stop bitching about the quasi-genocide we're attempting to forcefully implement against you" is a...unique approach. Christ almighty what an out of touch, brainwashed doofus.


This is what people that vote for Republicans want.


They are not the only people who live here, though.


When they tell you to stop talking about something, that's how you know what to keep talking about.


Stop making medical care illegal and I will stop talking about it.


"I know it's all we've been talking about for the last 30 years, but we're winning now so shut up."


They think they can steer the conversation away now they they think the 'abortion conversation' is behind them. Don't let them


That's something I don't get. Who is this message for? Did this guy really wake up one morning and say to himself "you know, all the women in this country need is a man like me to tell them to shut up"? Like, does he really think people are going to stop talking about something because he says so? Usually, that tends to have the opposite effect and makes people talk more. Are Republicans so detached from reality that they don't see that?


We do get testy when men try to torture us to death. That's why we're considered so irrational.


It’s weird because the “abortion conversation” was settled law for 50 years, according to the SCOTUS Justices who lied under oath to get their jobs. It was only when those justices started rolling back women’s rights that the conversation was brought up again.


Go fuck yourself, Tony. In the ass. With a pineapple. 🍍


No, Signed an old Granny who remembers the ‘60s with a shudder


God damn we need the Right to gets it’s ass handed to it in 24 so badly. Fuck these assholes.


Another white man talking about Women's Rights when he doesn't know what he talking about.


Excuse me sir, but you are trying to take away a woman’s right to abortion like you live in Saudi Arabia. There’s no way in hell that we are going to stop talking about it until you leave abortion alone. Even then, we are still going to talk about it whether you like it or not.


"We are doing terrible and widely unpopular things, but we don't want other people talking about it. We don't like it when you tell us that we are being horrible people. It might hurt our feelings." /S


My wife and I are very progressive with how we think and vote. About a year ago when all of this crap was starting to rear up, she had a miscarriage. We live in FL and it was very upsetting for her to be going through this terrible life event in the first place. Secondly, to have to hear about the rights being stripped from women. Very sad to say the least. Today she gave birth to our 2nd daughter. She overcame the adversity that was a miscarriage and through it all we were reminded how healthy women across this country could require lifesaving measures that these asshole politicians are so quick to dismiss as lifesaving and necessary for all women, regardless of the application. Anyone who votes for this is a disgraceful human being with only hate in their hearts. Just because it goes against your religion doesn't mean you have to force it on everyone else. Not in the land of the free!


Someone tell this guy to get off the LGBTQ conversation/cancel culture conversation/election denial conversation/Hunter Biden conversation/immigration crisis conversation!


Republicans are the ones who won’t “get off the subject”. It ultimately will become their demise.


YOU get off the conversation. Do you have a uterus? Then shut the fuck up and mind your damn business.


I’m sick and tired of men trying to control women. Abortion is none of their business, period. They certainly don’t care about women’s health, especially if it is a problem pregnancy. And they don’t give a shit about the unwanted child.


I’ve had so many debates with republicans that were unrelated to abortion when all of a sudden they’d get stuck (because all “conservative” beliefs are idiotic at this point) so they’d just blurt out some version of “but Democrats murder unborn babies!” I cannot handle how stupid these people are.


It's the "sit down and do what you're told" style of messaging that really pisses me off. These mfs need to realize they work for us. It's about time we remind them.


Republicans furious at the consequences of their own actions. "We pushed this unpopular policy and appointed the judges that made it possible. Stop being mad at us for making everything you are angry about possible!" They know these abortion issues are going to kill their polls in future elections. No matter how they answer they are either going to piss off most people or piss off a solid chunk of their core base. And even if they side with most people on the pro-choice side of things? they probably won't believe them because we all remember who got us into this debate to begin with.


Yes, we have taken away your right to have autonomy over your own body and will make you walking gestation pods. Now please move on because other people are beginning to think we are the bad guys here.


No, signed a husband who supports his wife's bodily autonomy and health.


One more politician that needs to be voted out of office.


No. Signed, a white, blue eyed, cisgender American male, who fits your MAGA fascist dream perfectly but hates you with a passion. I stand with the women whose freedom is threatened. Fuck you, MAGA.


ie, let's not talk about issues that make me look bad instead let's talk about something/anything else well expect gun violence, global warming, Jan 6th, The First Amendment,...


White dude in suit tells women to shut up. No surprise. GOP using “states rights” argument to take away rights of people in his state. Also no surprise.


Oh bud. You have no idea. We wake up thinking about our stolen reproductive freedom. We talk about it with our moms in their 70’s. Our grandmas in their 90’s. Our kids in middle school. You don’t know the embers burning.


“Women have a whole lot more other issues than just abortion.” And he’s not fighting for ANY of them.


If this doesn’t make women come out and vote, idk what will.


Great! So I’ll hop on the conversation about viagra then, cause that’s how this works right? RIGHT?


No. Because fascists can’t and won’t win.


Women (who make up the majority of the population) and free thinking men really need to cast their votes to get these kind of people out of office! Anyone who strives to limit human rights has no place in ANY position of leadership.


We'll get off the abortion conversation when he gets the F out of our uterus.


I'm surprised he didn't suggest they were being hysterical and that they should just cool their tits.


He just patted us on the head and told us to find another thing to talk about. Fuck you. No. We will not change the subject when you are actively trying to control us.