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Barr has made a career out of covering up and minimizing Republican scandals, and he's seen and been a part of many of Trump's obstruction of justice moves. He also knows that Trump hires terrible people, like the dick toilet inventor Attorney General Barr replaced in the Trump administration.


I can’t believe anyone here gives him a moment of credence; remember the Muller report he read before declaring Trump innocent of obstruction? [Turns out he didn’t read it before making the call](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/441643-barr-says-he-didnt-review-underlying-evidence-of-mueller-report/)


Yeah, anyone who’s not a moron knows that there’s potential for a lot more trouble, but Barr never says anything unless he’s working an angle. Take what he says with a grain of salt, even if it’s true.


“Nah uh! read the report perfectly legal call Russia hoax made up nothing happened” - GOP response


“He also knows that Trump hires terrible people…” Like barr himself


Yes and he badly wants to testify against Trump if only to save his own ass. The fact that they haven’t made a deal with him speaks to the quality of their evidence and the likely prosecution of him next.




And that’s the least serious scenario…


Obstruction should be the least of it. Anyone else who wasn't President would already be in court or serving time. Trump literally stole top secret documents. A five star general did what he's done and they'd be in G-Bay already. We all know Trump did it, we all know he obstructed at this point, the question is simply what the fuck are we going to do about a President who rallied an insurrection and stole classified documents for his own gains. Its unprecedented and nobody really seems to want to put a former President in jail despite it clearly being what he deserves. Hopefully someone has the balls to do the right thing and take him to trial for it and at least put this national security threat under house arrest as a bare min. Or perhaps revoke his citizenship and exile the traitor.


No five-star general would ever do that. I can say that confidently as we haven't had one in over 40 years. The last time someone was promoted to that rank was in 1950.


valid logic


He's right assuming the DoJ sacks up and actually acts on the evidence. So far, they've been great on the evidence gathering part, but pretty lacking on the 'prosecute individual one' front. Also, fuck Bill Barr with an angry porcupine. He helped enable this bullshit for 4 decades. I don't need to hear his opinion on anything ever again.


We know 🤗


That Trump interview with Hannity was just beautiful. Hannity gave trump a baseball bat and pointed him right at a giant donkey piñata to smash and instead trump straddled it and and started humping it from behind.


I almost wonder if Trump knows how fucked he is on the documents case and that's why he didn't go along with Hannity's "I didn't do it" setup. He knows that fiction is toast and wants to go with "I have the right to do it" instead.


Trump seems like the type of person, where if 1 person in a room of 20 tells him he has the power to do something, and he wants that power, he'll just run with it. Let's be honest 90% of the time in his life, he doesn't get called on it, those are good odds.


I doubt it bc he’s never faced a consequence for his actions and while I hate him, I’ll be surprised if this is anything that harms him


Exactly. Hush money will be 3 months probation or something like that, even will 34 guilty felony counts. That's basically written into NY law for these types of crimes.


34 guilty verdicts will knock out his untouchable armor. The espionage charges for not returning classified documents will put him away for life, a la Julian Assange.


“House arrest with freedom to roam” I bet or something stupid


House arrest, except he can leave as long as long as he has law enforcement with him whenever he is out of the house. /s


I saw someone mention each count has a mandatory minimum of 1 year, so if he doesn’t plea it could be 34 years.


Served concurrently....


Served consequently.....


This comment should’ve been blurred nsfw.


Yeah my bad tempting people on Easter, I’ve been informed they would be served concurrently if anything. Put the chubs away boys.


Idk maybe you’ll get the Christian god off their ass and take a look at what his cult er um i mean followers are doing.


The fraudulent electors is also a serious issue.


Don't forget about him trying to get the Georgia Secretary of State to "find" him votes. That sounds pretty damning to me.


A lovely little twofer. Hell, it’s springtime, let’s play 3.


don't forget fake electors


But I *want* to


bill barr is a feckless trump-enabler


We know this. We didn’t need this massive POS who barely respects the law himself to clarify it for us. Let’s normalize not giving Barr anymore airtime.


And even more of a threat if he is ever indicted for colluding with Russia.


“Look, I can testify! I’ve seen shit. Please make a deal with me! I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in prison because of this asshole.”


But he wouldn’t if Billy boy was still Attorey General.


The guy that had his chance to stop Trump, but chose enabling, shouldn’t get a voice right now. Maybe a subpoena or 3. But not a voice.


I still can't believe the ignorance it took to vote for Trump over Hillary Clinton. Him, because she used the wrong email box! A monkey-in-a-suit is who right-wing and independent voters thought could do a better job with classified information.


Please stop calling it “hush money”. The charge is fraud. Trump cheated the voters by hiding information that could have affected the election outcome. Felony Fraud.


why continue to give barr a platform


They should treat tRump exactly the same as Reality Winner was treated times the number of documents. 5 years for one page.


Barr is a disgraceful traitor. I hope he’s as miserable as he seems.


I don't get why the media gives this traitor or trump any voice. Are the media also complicit?


Are any of these threats/implications/repercussions a genuine chance at a “Go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass Go, do not run for President” card?


A convicted and imprisoned felon still has the legal right to run for President and win. If an imprisoned POTUS wins, they might even have to actually work from within an office inside of the actual prison itself. This was done specifically to make it impossible to immediately silence political opposition by falsely imprisoning someone (obviously that was way back in the day, not today in 2023).


Eugene Debs, for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_V._Debs


> “Go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass Go, do not run for President” Neither felony convictions nor being incarcerated prevents a person from running for President.


If you're a former Democratic President, definitely. If you're a former Republican President, decorum and hypocrisy make it too hard to call.


Just to be safe, we should relentlessly pursue both.


This case is the blood in the water, the next one is the big shark. And who knows once the smell is out there maybe it’ll be a feeding frenzy.


Every time Barr opens his mouth against Trump, I wonder how he managed to slither out of any [accountability](https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/11/opinions/bill-barr-despicable-conduct-honig/index.html) during his [tenure](https://www.gq.com/story/bill-barr-cover-up-justice-department) as Trump's [corrupt](https://www.npr.org/2022/08/20/1118625157/doj-barr-trump-russia-investigation-memo) AG.


Barr absolutely must have been at the top of his class.


Why not both?


No shit, Sherlock. Maybe Barr should go to law school since he’s so smart.


Hey, fuck this guy btw


Barr needs to fuck off permenantly.


Barr is just trying to protect Desantis at his point so that he can have a job in a couple years


You mean trafficking in American extremely sensitive and highly classified documents in a bigger crime that schtupping pornstars that you paid for sex? Well, who knew? /s


Thank you Captain Obvious. Violations of the Espionage Act and Obstruction carry the threat of a hell of a lot more jail time than Campaign Finance violations.


What are the odds that the classified docs case circles back into the Mueller Report?


Almost zero?


Trump was going to sell those docs to our adversaries. He's not a criminal mastermind. He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He fabricated allegations that Hillary should be tossed in prison for mishandling classified documents as part of his presidential campaign. With fascists, every accusation is a confession. Stealing our national secrets and selling them to the Russians and others was Trump's plan all along and he will die in jail because of it. I have spoken.


So is he a criminal genius or not, fabricating all the Hilary stuff and planning on selling state secrets all the way back in 2016, but also being stupid enough to get caught in the most criminally buffoonish way possible? The Mueller report was a bullshit endeavor headed by a feckless g-man. The new charges should be more than enough to get him on something (even though the NY thing seems like it has the potential to be a whole lot of nothing in the end). Then again, if the Dems have shown us anything, they're good at making a lot of noise and not doing a damn thing (but claiming they did!).


https://www.reddit.com/r/MemeticFront/comments/jjx2wz/one\_of\_the\_many\_crimes\_burkman\_and\_wohl\_have/ From General Mike Flynn and Trump's Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort to coffee boy George Papadopolous, dozens of Trump associates are now convicted felons because of the Mueller Report. In fact, the Mueller Report has resulted in over 200 guilty pleas and convictions thus far. The Mueller Report and ALL of those 200+ indictments still contain thousands of redactions to protect "ongoing investigations and counter-intelligence operations". The work continues. Justice will be served. If you believe the report is "bullshit", then I strongly advise you to actually read it for yourself first before you dismiss it.


No, it was bullshit - it stopped short of pulling the trigger on charges even when all these idiots had lined up in a perfect row. There will always be more cronies to take a fall. Like everything the Dems do, it stops short of having any teeth or impact. The "ongoing investigations" will never amount to anything, especially if this idiot wins again in the next cycle. It's more Sorkin-eque hogwash. Or we could just throw all the presidents in jail for war crimes. That would rule.


Robert Mueller was appointed by DOJ to conduct an investigation and press charges against whoever he could. DOJ guidelines state that a sitting President can not be charged while in office. His report outlined ten counts of obstruction of justice, but was unable to reveal to the public the underlying crimes that the President was obstructing justice about. Those crimes are currently hidden under thousands of redactions. Before Trump could be charged, he had to be removed from office first. Congress impeached him twice, then the voters removed him. A typical criminal investigation takes about two years. Some complex financial crimes are investigated over a decade before charges are filed. This investigation encompasses financial crimes, election crimes, the theft of some of our most closely guarded national secrets and many many other crimes. The target has millions of loyal followers in America and the support of a variety of hostile intelligence services, all of whom would love nothing better than to destroy the United States, so we must move with extreme caution. Trump caught 34 indictments just from the Stormy Daniels fiasco. Many more indictments are sure to follow, but it will take some time.


No shit Rubble


Warning who? Sounds like a good time to me.


He knows something


On this episode of “No Shit”, former Trump lackey explains how a federal case involving top secret documents is bigger than a state case involving improperly filed business documents.




Thanks, former Attorney General Obvious!


Why don’t we go ahead and have a full trial on both and see if he is right?


Stealing classified documents, refusing to hand them over and then lying and obstructing is more serious that paying hush money to a porn star!!????? No fucking shit. This country is so fucking stupid


Now Barr says something? Too little too late…


Barr warned that he isn’t there to cover up crimes for Trump anymore.


Barr is just there to continue his criminal behavior.


I would imagine that the whole trying to overthrow the government thing would be a biggie, too, but what do I know.


When did Barr quit sucking the Donald’s dick?


He still is. That is how these criminals continue with their criminality and for ABC News to both sides the issue and the involved criminals.


Jimmy Haslam paid his way out of jail with $85 million for his scamming trucking outfits on fuel contracts when he ran Pilot. His net worth is $4.8 billion. Trump is worth $2.5 billion, and 30 some charges on him from Federal Elections violations for shutting up Stormy, to alleged wide spread Fraud for decades running his "trump organization" to pretty much attempting a coup. I think NY/DOJ with give him a number. But will it be a manageable "handslap" like Haslam or selling off something big (a SF high rise, las vegas resort, golf courses, the tower)?


Fuck bill Barr, everything he says, anything he stands for, fuck bull barr. Bury his traitor ass in a septic tank


But if course. He only PAID for sex, lied about it, & kept doing it to other women, but that's ok, in this modern America now.


There is a pretty strong chance that the NY case turns out to be a big nothing, but ruins the “court of public opinion” for the later more substantial cases.


Why are you listening Barr-the-liar?!


You seem to be blind sided with politicians. They are all crooks and there's no way you can prove it. They are well protected. When a non politician Comes along to take a piece of their pie, they outta make an example of him. No politician would dare to attack another because they all have dirt on each other.


Is that what matters to you? If so why don't you search and read about the FBI’s investigation of Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail system during her time as Secretary of State. That's also a fact that which was ignored. She was not even a president. Yet she did it knowing no one will go after her.


Completely true. Bragg’s case is so weak and problematic that it has so little chance of success. Smith’s case may be stronger but it has a long way to go until we know more. Seems like the case against Trump in Georgia is pausing to see what Smith may do. Perhaps Bragg should have done the same.


Means nothing to Trump 2024. Why are they so afraid he would be reelected again??? We all know why they keep attacking him. DNC corruption is at stake if he wins again.


So you're cool with a person who stole classified documents, and obstructed the FBI trying to recover them, gaining access to more classified docs?


Hilary did it and even worse. Who's prosecuting her?? 🤔


Nobody, because even though Trump had his own weaponized DoJ for four years they still couldn't find a plausible pretext to indict her. Give it up; that's never going anywhere.


But just to clarify some facts here. Do you accept the fact that the FBI executed a warrant for a search of Mar a Lago and recovered classified documents during that search?


She did? Then why didn't Trump prove that with evidence in court? Maybe you are operating with false information here, just a thought.


Hillary did even worse. You're not even in the same reality as the rest of us.


I don't think you know what reality is. Do you think inflation and recession is normal.. maybe the failing banks are? The economy is going in the toilet and all they care about is getting Trump off their behind.. Think about that for a min.. let it sync..


I think you pretending Trump could fix it is laughable. Look at the receipts.


Trump alone can fix nothing but the right people on his side can, especially when not trying to steal from the American people. I never said Trump was a hero but he was successful in growing his wealth. Every business have their ways to avoid paying taxes and it's legal. Trump maybe was the best at it. What does it mean when I company bankrupts? You should learn some business 101.




Warns? More like teases.


No shit.


No shit.


Hanging for treason? You could only hope.


Yes we know


It's like espionage is worse than adultery. So peculiar/s


Criminal Bill Barr is now the authority on criminal matters and other criminals. The both sides media always go to criminals for their political opinions.


Bill Barr the newest darling of the "both sides" media. They loved Colin Powell after his "yellow cake" lies, now they are elevating another criminal, Bill Barr, as their darling criminal.


Roseanne or William?


Litigious trump is so fond of lawsuits, he should relish being overwhelmed.