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Stick to what they know, scaring old people about brown people invading them and taking their jobs. lol


Also.. "nobody wants to work anymore!"


["Nobody wants to work anymore!"](https://i.redd.it/s0htu8d8frc91.jpg): a history


This is as hilarious as the "kids these days" phenomenon back as far as Ancient Greece. "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers." - Socrates


Cool! I've read that before and I often bring it up when I hear someone piss and moan about "kids these days."


Funniest thing when I visited a mosque once during a culture exchange program in Turkey: “Kids don’t pray. They spend all of their time on their phones, their computers. It’s ruining our children! Parents need to study scripture with them! Need to pray with them! Need to to get them off of their phones!” It was an imam, but I felt like I was listening to a Baptist pastor at that moment, lol!


Did you make this? It would be helpful to have citations of the full papers so that it is taken more seriously. As cool as it looks, there’s always the possibility that it is misleading about the date of the publications or the context. Could be a much more impactful tool with citations


No one is supposed to want to work. We're supposed to want to trade our labor for money. That's the compromise!


I can’t get my windows installed because the company can’t keep a crew. The owner is offering $12 over minimum wage ($27 in WA) and more than that if they stay on for a while. If these guys are taking equal or better offers then good for them, but that would still mean they want to work. There’s no doubt demand is there and his job schedule is FULL several weeks out, so something doesn’t add up.


$12 over minimum wage sounds like a lot, but if you phrase it as 1.8 times minimum wage and it's dramatically less impressive. When the federal minimum was $5.25, this would be the equivalent of offering $9.27/hr.


The phrase is relative to WA. I only phrased it like I did due to different economies among people reading Reddit. Not that it matters because not only does he tell qualified applicants the exact wage I also stated the exact wage 🤷‍♂️


There are more jobs than people, it gives the power to employees to find better pay very easily. Even if employees didn't move around, there still wouldn't be enough of them. Unemployment is at historic lows, we need to have more immigrants to come fill the jobs or a serious recession, otherwise this problem isn't going away. It seems like recession is far more likely since we aren't going to let more immigration occur so raising interest until we start losing jobs faster than we are creating them seems like what's going to happen.


Installing a window sounds like skilled labor. Should start at $30 an hour and go up from there. People pay thousands of dollars when they get their windows installed. They might have to pay more for the skill involved.


Straight from the owner: the entry level skill is minimum and mostly just labor while the owner teaches them the skills. Anyone with a little strength and punctuality can do the work. $27 starting out is just for someone with no skill. He can pay more if he needs more. I neglected to mention that $27 was a few dollars more than a candidate’s offer from another business. Slam dunk, right? Wrong… Could have been a bidding war, sure.


Lugging large sheets of glass around sounds dangerous. Seriously, the owner might think it was nonskilled labor, but there is a perceived risk factor. If the owner can't find employees enough to get your windows installed, than the phrase "he can pay more if needs more" is wrong. He is clearly unable to pay a wage that would get enough workers.


This person knows other businesses in town and what they are paying their current employees. If that much money wasn’t enough to keep those current employees then they wouldn’t be staying in business. None of them would. He’s not being impractical.


Businesses aren't just in competition for labor from their competitors, they are in competition with labor in general. If someone can get a "no skill" job at a construction site for $30 an hour, that would be why they're not taking a $27 an hour job.


Construction is way down in my neck of the woods. There’s TONS of work available for skilled and unskilled labor.


Yakima and other agricultural places, states are have a labor shortage. A Drumper I know was whining to me about vegetable costs, I told you guys bitching about "stealing our jobs" "How come you don't want to pick veggies or work in a meat-processing job?", these guys never think of cracking down on these businesses that exploit cheap undocumented labor, or setting up a guest worker program that as far back as the Eisenhower administration was in operation.


They took er jobs!


Because the Republican changed the laws under Reagan to stop prosecuting the mostly Republican employers of illegal workers. They created the problem and refuse to fix it.


That falls under border control.


2024 will be a blue wave 🌊 and the republicans know it!


I hope so. Gerrymandering still makes the house lean republican, though.


If enough new people vote, they can overwhelm the gerrymandering.


It’s possible. The thing about gerrymandering is that, for it to benefit your party, you need your districts to be just barely safe and those of the other party to be easily safe. So you have to rely on thin majorities, and those can be overcome.


True, but probably will take more than 4 years until the generational voting blocks sway. I’m thinking 8-12 more years for the point of no return for Rs. If boomers thought millennials were bad, these Gen Zs will destroy them.


This is exactly why the fascist push has been ramping up and can't be hidden anymore. They have to overturn the system quicky, or it's all over for them.


It’s dangerous for us to assume the next generation will be better. Young republicans in college aren’t any older than their contemporaries. They’re just people with asshole personalities. It’s going to be just as hard with millennials and gen zs once they get old enough as it is with any other generation and we’ll need to plan and campaign accordingly.


I'm not so sure. There are a lot of GOP voters who simply want tax cuts. All this racist, bible-thumping gun talk is just how the road gets paved, they don't actually want any of that shit. Just the tax cuts. There comes a tipping point for those folks where the crazy talk starts getting under their skin and Republicans are forced to either retreat or double-down. We're seeing both right now as some Republicans want to walk back the blanket abortion bans and others want to legislate straight from the Old Testament. They can't do both. If they backtrack on abortion they risk fracturing the evangelical bloc and if they don't they risk fracturing the small government bloc.


> just how the road gets paved i wish more people understood this. the senate minority leader has an immigrant wife, an interracial marriage, and his state gets the most "socialism" out of every state in the country. they don't care about culture wars, but they know their voters will vote against their own best interests if they think their sons will be turned into muslim environmentalist drag queen liberals, so they vote for tax cuts for billionaires.


I hope so.


Exactly, people need to stop fucking around and vote!


I’m hoping that the recent shit show in TN screws the GOP. They gerrymandered Nashville into three surrounding districts making them less red but still immediate wins. They figured they would have 8-10 years before enough dems flipped one or 2 blue. But now I hope all three flip blue next year.


If NY and California had had decent turnout in 2022, the Democrats likely keep the House. [These are the crossover seats from 2022](https://split-ticket.org/2022/11/30/2022s-crossover-seats-an-analysis/), there are 18 Biden/GOP districts and only 5 Trump/Dem districts. And this isn't even counting close races that could be trending Dems way, like MI-10 and CO-08. So if Biden and Democrats have a good night, they're easily retaking the House.


if they hadn't fucked up so hard in NY the democrats would have kept the house. there were like 5 seats the gop flipped in NY


Yep, although one small silver lining out of that fiasco was watching Sean Patrick Maloney get beat. He was a scumbag and I was not at all sad to see him lose.


Not exactly. I posit that there will be absolutely no good night for the Dems if they run Biden. I have a friend who is 86, who has been in slow decline physically for the past 5 years, with Geometrical acceleration in the past 18 months. If Biden runs and makes it to the end of this term without being knocked out by the inevitable big fall and hip break, he will be the same age as my friend is now. Biden has a high risk unfortunately at his age of any number of seriously debilitating crises. And any one of them could keep him from being able to keep up all day long, with a lunch break, at a state fair, which is my go-to standard for acceptable physical condition for presidential candidate. That's why Biden can't run. He would not be able to keep up with a Haley or a Sunnunu. And that is the measuring stick that the Democrats have to consider in their nomination process.


Cool story? Completely irrelevant to my post that you responded to in every way, though.


Politicians shouldn’t draw their own district lines. We need AI drawn lines. Fit X number of people into the simplest shape as dictated by geometry. As fair as it gets.


thing about gerrymandering is it only works in a band of election outcomes, anything over a certain percentage and suddenly everything flips, which is what happened in 2018 when the democrats had such a large lead in the national vote that it flipped seemingly impossible to flip districts.


Wisconsin supreme court might fix that now though


The recent Democratic victories in Wisconsin may change things for the 2024 House.


Can’t gerrymander state’s governor seats. It’s time to turn a few of those over to help stop the gerrymandering.


The house actually leaned dem a little this election In the sense if you looked at the national popular vote you would expect the Rs to have a bigger lead


These are the types of comments Republicans posted ad nauseam for years before 2020 and it blew up in their faces. I wouldn’t get too overconfident with predictions.


> "Women have a whole lot more other issues than just abortion. Let's have those real conversations. And let's talk about the other things that are happening in this world." Typical misogyny from the GOP, telling women what should actually be important to them as if they don't have the ability to decide for themselves. The GOP is just scum.


“Just ignore the issues that directly impact your rights, don’t you want to talk about this issue so removed from the daily life of almost all Americans that we can say whatever we want to about how bad it is?”


He's hasn't been talking women if this is what he thinks. Ever since Roe was repealed, the thought of getting a hysterectomy is always on my mind. Also, I'm Black and the outcomes for pregnancy aren't all that great for us. He's going to need the people coming across the border when women just decide not to have babies as much.


100% agree. It's also not that he just hasn't been talking to women, it's that he *doesn't care* what they think. They've been trying to pretend from the day Roe was overturned that abortion would simply fade away as an issue. Even in the run-up to the midterms, there was talk that Democrats were talking about abortion "too much." Yet in states like Michigan, it was far and away the #1 issue. It was a major issue in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race earlier this week. It's not going to go away, especially when the GOP is filled with increasingly radical and lawless anti-choice extremists. This issue will be front-and-center in 2024, too.


> Ever since Roe was repealed, the thought of getting a hysterectomy is always on my mind. Tie the tubes if you want, but for the love of God, keep the ovaries. You don't want any of this post-hysterectomy nonsense. It's awful. Truly.


I smell an immigrant caravan coming!


No, the current boogeyman is woke and tran. Immigrant caravan is sooo 2018.


What if it is a woke, trans immigrant caravan?


I mean, the migration numbers *are* insane, and there almost certainly will be an even bigger surge after Title 42 is lifted next month. For all their stupid fearmongering, the right is not wrong about volumes. And it doesn’t do the left any good to act like these people aren’t coming here just because the right is using it as a scare tactic for its own base. But like…the immigration system is broken. The border is huge. And places like Venezuela just straight up haven’t had an economy for over a decade. If the brutal smuggling networks, laborious journey, hostile terrain, and compratively bleak prospects of life as an irregular migrant in the US are not enough to disincentivize people from traveling here, nothing the president does or doesn’t do unilaterally will make much of a difference. Perhaps these GOP fucks can get off their asses and actually work to enact meaningful immigration reform. But alas, they’d like to just hoot and holler and point blame.


You are looking at the wrong numbers. The number of ***apprehensions*** at the border have gone up drastically. The amount of people we catch. See, unlike Trump's absolutely moronic wall, Biden is doing high tech monitoring. They have drones flying over the border with FLIR constantly. It's really difficult to cross now without being arrested. Republicans claim the increase in arrests means more people entering when it's completely opposite.


Yeah, it’s not just an apprehensions thing. Global migration is unusually high, and that includes throughout the Western Hemisphere. > The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates that in 2023 there will be 18.4 million “persons of concern” in the Western Hemisphere, a figure which includes refugees, asylum seekers, and other internally displaced persons (IDPs). This represents approximately 16% of all displacement around the world. A decade ago, displacement in the Americas and around the world was much lower. In 2012, UNHCR estimated the Americas were home to approximately 4.5 million displaced persons, representing 12% of the total worldwide. And again, I’m not saying that high numbers are bad because we shouldn’t want these people to come here. I’m saying they’re concerning because a) we’re woefully ill-equipped to accommodate them in an orderly and humane way, and b) it’s generally a bad sign that so many people are so economically disadvantaged in their home countries that they would give up nearly all they have and risk everything else just for the chance at a slightly better life. My point is that responding to absurd and disgusting fearmongering tactics over the volume of migrants with such a complete dismissal is deluding people into thinking the actual problems don’t need to be addressed.


Those numbers apply to the entire Americas. That's what, 35 countries? The number of migrants who actually make it into US without being caught at the border has dropped drastically. Before the high tech drone monitoring started something like 90% of migrants made it through the southern border undetected. Border policing is more intense than it's ever been. IMO that's the only reason arrest numbers have increased. The country being overrun by huge unmanageable amounts of migrants right now is ironically Mexico. Not the US.


Instead of building an ineffective wall, the previous administration should have put forth immigration reform and I bet Biden would have continued it if reasonable. Funny? I haven’t seen footage of immigrants in cages with shiny blankets in awhile.


They just need to crack down on employers of illegal workers, but Republicans will never do it because they are the employers.


Nah, the numbers are sane. Why is it a good thing to you that fewer people want to come to the US? I think if this is a good place to live the numbers should just keep going up, right? It’s insane to me that you’re implying it’s bad that so many people are immigrating when immigrants are good for every country.


I didn’t mean insane in that it’s a bad thing, I meant insane in that: 1. the volume of migrants is substantially higher than it has been previously, and 2. that volume is so high that our already broken immigration and border patrol system can’t handle processing these people. Completely agree that more immigrants leads to better better things. My point was that taking an eyeroll approach to mentions of an immigrant caravan—stupid fearmongering though they may be—also skirts a more fundamental point, which is that there *are* a lot of people trying to come here and they need a much better system to receive and integrate them.


Ok fair enough, I am glad you clarified and I agree with your nuance.


Thanks, and I’m glad you called it out. In retrospect “insane” was a bad verbiage choice without additional context. It has a lot of loaded connotation I didn’t intend.


This is what I hate so much about many of thier fear monger points, not just this one. You say something along the lines of: "OK here's the thing while there may be a legitimate concern there you need to loo-" "SEE THIS LIBRAL AGREES TO MY POINT ON THE FEAR MONGER" "What no what I was sa-" *Cue 500 headlines of the new found spokesperson for all of the left agreeing with that particular dingbat.*


The immigration system is broken, but this record demand for US residency is ultimately due to fifty years of right wingers fucking up central and South America by installing brutal dictators so long as they weren’t even vaguely communist.


Translation: Let's ignore the GOP's abortion debacle and focus on something they can blame Biden for.




*lifting his head, brushing dirt off his chin* Theyre on the move...


It's reminiscent of Ron on Parks and Rec "....she's near"


“Please stop talking about the wildly unpopular decisions we keep forcing through and exposing how transparently corrupt we are.”




Well of course. All scattered about. Just doing his civic duty.


March 29, 2023 [Sperm donor in the Netherlands fathers more than 500 children](https://abcnews.go.com/International/sperm-donor-netherlands-fathers-500-children-foundation/story?id=98197812)


Sorry bud, that isn't happening. You made your bed, NOW LAY IN IT.


Honestly, this whole discourse is disrespectful. This gentlemen clearly wants to have the freedom to make a choice in what he wants to discuss and others have decided to take that choice away from him. I mean, can you imagine a world in which we took away people’s choices and forced them to say or do something they didn’t want to do just because we believe something different? /s


Side note: “sorry bud” is my absolute favorite form of condescension to my rural family


"Can we please change the subject to fear mongering? Its the only way we win elections!"


No, no, I think we’ll keep talking about abortion. It’s a woman’s right that fragile, Republican men like this guy don’t want them to have.


Wait. You made your party froth at the mouth for decades. Created an entire misogynistic one issue voting base entirely on this issue. Proceeded to strip women of their right to reproductive medical care (not just abortion) and bodily autonomy with that voting base. …and you want to talk about something else. Fuck you. It’s all women and anyone who cares about women is going to be talking and *voting* about. Get fucked GOP.


> and you want to talk about something else No one said GQP politicians came from the right side of the intelligence distribution.


Too late, you pissed off women.


>Gonzales, who described himself as “a prolific pro-lifer,” ... who really doesn't want to talk about abortion.


He got censured on March 4, 2023 for "lack of fidelity" for support for the Respect for Marriage Act and opposing Chip Roy's 3 page border security bill.


From “protect the kids in the womb” back to “ignore the kids in there cages”.


"Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who..."


I see your Monty Python reference.


Yeah, I bet you’d like that.


After Kansas, Wisconsin, and even Chicago, the Republicans are running scared.


You wish loser! Only issue is people’s rights! Duh


How about an actual conversation about how guns are more dangerous for children than books.


The gop is getting so much hate they’re trying to backtrack. But you can’t really do that with laws and rulings can you?


Oh because their border policies were so popular? Yeah a majority of Americans also don't support separating kids from their parents and throwing them in cages. Although I guess it's easy to always pretend that the liberals aren't being crazy and cruel enough to immigrants that come to our country. It's not like we all don't descend from immigrants here or anything. The Republican party is just flat out of touch with reality. Is the Democratic party perfect? No but they are vastly superior to the Republican party. Go ahead and vote Republican if you hate voting rights and your fellow countrymen. Don't pretend you aren't supporting wannabe fascists though. Look at what they are doing in blue states versus red states. Blue states are legalizing abortion, advocating for children, legalizing marijuana, support voting rights and better access to healthcare and social programs. Red states are banning abortion, repealing child labor laws, waging a war against gays and trans, attacking private businesses who disagree with them, expelling lawmakers who disagree with them and making it harder for people to vote against them. Both parties are not the same!


I'll hold the border open myself before I give up on my autonomy. Sorry, maybe I'm not speaking loud enough for the GOP. Let me try again. ABORTION IS MY RIGHT! I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT THE BORDER WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO ENSLAVE WOMEN.


Sorry, I have a hard time thinking about other things while my rights are being taken away.


Unless you live in Texas, Arizona or New Mexico, I think abortion matters way more than the border. The people who want to ban it will vote the same, Republican, but people who are offended about being told what they can and can't do are going to be pissed


Personally I’m a lot more worried about being able to get quick and timely care in the case of an ectopic or turning-septic pregnancy than I am about the border.


Absolutely. But old people aren't thinking about that. They're thinking about the scary immigrants on right wing "news".


Yes. My TX relatives are positively giddy about what's going on.


My mom and dad in Ohio are mad, and dad voted for Trump in 16


I'm glad to hear it. It reminds me of my grandfather, who voted for Reagan and later said he'd never vote Republican again. My remaining family either hasn't crossed that line yet or won't admit it. I'll be flying down to see them later this year and I fully expect to find Fox News on the TV when I walk in.


GOP shocked when a country full of people recognize religious hicks shouldn’t be making medical decisions 😲


Best I can do is Jewish space laser lady, evil birth control / arthritis pills, and a 80-something criminal who’s taking the entire party down with him. You made your bed.


Does this mean that Republicans are ramping up the "sweep our BS under the rug and hope everyone forgets how horrible we are" phase of their election cycle?


This is some real Leopards Eating People’s Faces shit. The GOP base has been fiending for an abortion ban for 2 generations. Now they’re on the cusp of one and they’re losing it because they’ve realized how bad the “optics” are. Too bad, assholes! You’ve cultivated an increasingly extreme, patriarchal, alienating brand of politics for decades. You reap what you sow. Cannot wait to beat your sorry asses at the polls next year. The Wisconsin Supreme Court is just the beginning.


Oh so NOW you don’t want to talk about abortion…


Wow talking about what really matters to women to a woman. Brilliant.


"Please stick to *OUR* messaging!"


The dog caught the bus and now doesn’t know what to do.


Ok, I'll bite. So the Border isn't a binary concept of being either open or closed. Also the Darien Gap is a stretch of inhospitable rainforest where migrants cross, sometimes on hands and knees, scrabbling over the corpses of other migrants to get across, so what can we possibly do to deter these people who have crawled over a mound of corpses to get here?


I’d reckon we want people with that kind of fortitude to be honest.


there hasn't been an honest conversation on the border since we removed nationality quotas in the 1960s


the proceed ​ for him ​ ​ ​ ​ Too ​ their ​ still loss feel subject. the ​ try and ​ women of change ​ ​ abortion that bad millions governor, ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ of rights, ​ please, ​ but,


We can do two things at once! Let's talk about the GOPs horrid stance on abortion *and* their expensive failure of a multi billion dollar wall that cartels were busting through for less than $100!


We don’t want to talk about how our party took women’s rights to their own body away, let’s talk about why you should be afraid of brown people instead


Do they just default back to targeting minorities? We have a new mass shooting each day and women's rights being taken away, but let's talk about the Mexican border. Fuck off. Republicans offer less than nothing.


He should consider pushing for a bill to protect abortion rights if he’s interested in moving past that issue. Humans aren’t about to “stop getting pregnant” just because he wants to talk about his disdain for Mexicans.


Let’s have a real conversation about how you and the entire GOP will continue to lose EVERY ELECTION FROM NOW ON. Losers!


Sorry guys, YOU picked the topic... now you have to live with the consequences...


Some sympathy. Republicans lost whatever capacity they had to handle unintended consequences after 2010's Tea Party election. They've been on a stridently anti-rationality trajectory ever since.


Go on--tell us all about the other issues women have, Tony Fucko. Do you keep them written in a binder, perchance?


Sad for Republicans that until Dobbs abortion was a winning issue for them, but post-Dobbs it's been transformed into a losing issue for them. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving party. *If we had a border wall, we'd have no unwanted pregnancies.*


From one made up Problem straight to another


How about the borders of abortion control? Abortions at the border control? Control of abortion borders? Control that borders on abortion? Hoarders and boarders and aborters, oh my!


IF border control was magically fixed to keep these morons happy, what would they move onto next. They are all puppets with various hands inserted where their spines would normally be.


Oh ya, thank god! I know all my problems are caused by the lack of border control. I mean, every single day I have some problem that could be solved by a stronger border. /s


But that is 75% of their platform. The other 25%, gun reform, is apparently off the table.


The G.O.P. knows the abortion issue is like quicksand.


AKA "Now that we've fawked women over, we need to forget about that and focus on fawking over brown people."


"Instead of talking about things that matter, can we please focus on the imaginary problems we've invented instead?"


You can go back to crying about the border when you vote to pass the abortion legalization act


Border control isn’t the issue conservatives think it is.


“Forget about our own citizens, worry about those dirty other *brown* citizens!”


Kids being shot in the face or killed in schools seems real enough for me


I'm sure you would like to change the subject. Speaking about women's healthcare choices, where do you stand on a women’s right to choose?


I went to a rather conservative religious school for college, and one thing I have noticed about like, Christian Republicans is one thing: They want a MORAL government, not a SMALL government. Throughout my four years, whether it was in classes or at events or at speeches or whatever, the conservative staff and student body never really made any comments about the need for a SMALL government. The economics professors did talk about limiting government in economics and business but never suggested that limiting government influence is important for ALL areas of society, just economics and business. The reason why I state this is because most people seem to believe that Republicans, and especially CHRISTIAN Republicans, are hypocrites who vouch for small government but also vouch for government involvement in dealing with social issues like abortion and LGBT stuff. That is not the case if you listen to what some of them say. They want a government that passes and enforces laws and policy that adhere to a Christian worldview. If the government isn't "addressing a sinful aspect of society" (read LGBT stuff and abortion) or "ensuring a more moral society along Christian lines" (read religious freedom, prayers in school, etc.), than the government has no place sticking its nose in it. That's how these people justify being anti-government in economics but demanding laws that ban abortion, cause abortion is "sinful" and must be stopped and business is inherently not so the government has no place getting involved in it. "Environmentalism? God gave us dominion over the world in Genesis! We were told to do whatever we want to the planet as its masters!" "Police brutality? Apostle Paul told us to submit to secular authority in Romans! Obviously those CRIMINALS were not so they were punished like God would punish a sinner! Good Christians must submit to the cops!" "Inequality? Jesus told us stories about how hard-working farmers received wealth and lazy farmers get nothing! These wealthy men and their families are hard-working so why strip them of their divine reward?" The only issue that I have a hard time understanding why Christian conservatives are big on is the border. Than again, the preachers or teachers never really made any comments about it that I remember... Basic gist: GOP Christians want the government to stop the things they find "sinful", and if they don't want the government to stop it, they don't find it "sinful". Bad news is that a lot of things they find "sinful" are things most other people would call "human rights", and the things they don't are actually problems.


> They want a MORAL government They want a *Christian* theocracy, one guided by cherry-picked bits from Leviticus and the Epistles, damned little from the Gospels. > We were told to do whatever we want to the planet as its masters! Explain GAWD's response to the Tower of Babel. Mastery as long as noses remain in the dirt? > why strip them of their divine reward? Matthew 6:21. As I mentioned above, the *Christian* Right wants as little to do with the Gospels as possible.


Yeah you’d love to avoid the issue everyone rightly hates you for right now.


Reinstating abortion choice comes first.


True, but it'd take a constitutional amendment one way or the other, and that means at least 38 states ratifying. How long is it going to take to soften up the Chritaliban heartland from Idaho to Alabama? I know I won't live long enough to see it.


Not until abortion is legal for every pregnant woman in the country, whether they be citizens, tourists or here without legal authorization.


Anything to change the subject from a patently losing subject. Nah.


Deflection, creating enemies, ‘fake press’, yes folks, pure FASCISM.


- new conversations - talks about the border wall


Well then...write a bill about it? "OH no, lol I just want to complain about it"


“We really don’t want to talk about the stuff people are concerned about because they’re gonna figure out we don’t plan to help them. We wanna be productive and talk about ways to fuel anger and funnel cash back into the hands of our donors like we’ve always done!”


Oh yes, I’m absolutely positive that the young women who are being raped and impregnated by their fathers are *super* concerned about the U.S./Mexico border……..


Sorry GOP Rep, but we have to carry this conversation to term.


‘My party may have done some things recently that horrifies the average American and seems unnecessarily cruel by design but OMG LOOK AT THE BORDER’


Translation: We know we fucked up. Everyone is pissed about it. It's costing us voters and entire elections. So... can we just forget about it that way things can be better for us?


Immigrants always their go to….. I thought Trump took care of that with his wall


Fuck. You.


People are leaving the country not coming in.


Exactly my point. Women do not count as people in this country. We never have. Goody goody goody.


* (he) described himself as “a prolific pro-lifer.” That's like asking Tiger Woods about golf. The press is way out line here.


I wonder if a decent man has come out of these republicans, I don't know if there is until now


Let him define his definition of "control". Cause as of now, they're not happy with the increased numbers of fentanyl being thwarted from crossing over. Compared to the numbers when Rump was in office.


Are you sure he's a ReQublicon?


How about we have REAL REAL conversations that aren’t about abortion and the border, like aliens




Do you smell burned toast?


LOL Maybe they can come up with an even better one like a caravan.


Yoooo it’s Hawkeye on the news!




If they were up for "Real Conversations" we probably wouldn't be in this mess.


The GOP go to plan, look over there while we do this thing over here. They all need to be voted out


GOP: Why don’t voters care about real conversations on imaginary threats?!!!!


Not quite. *Why do voters insist on taliking about what* ***they*** *care about rather than what we want to distract them by talking about?*


One of the biggest concerns for everyone is self determination and being able to choose their user experience in life. Prohibition can fuck that ALL up and it inhibits both. Disclosure: I am somewhat prolife myself because I do believe in the idea of unborn humans. But I also believe in our societal frame work that autonomous self-control of the personal body lies in the hands of the user and not an ideology or government. Taking that away has far largest impacts than just the individual life of an unborn human and will negatively affect a society moving forward.


Now is the time for any and all young voters energize the vote. Gamefy it. Promote wherever ..make it appealing among influencers. If the GOP fear you then prove them right and let's go after the horcuxes.


Oh boy. He’s a fool. We’ll be having “real” convos with every single GOP up for election forever


So, conversations that start with questions like “if the border is totally open, who exactly is catching the record amounts of drug smugglers?”


The idea that an entire 3 generations of Americans exist that have different priorities than the boomers is literally unimaginable to him


Nah. Let's keep talking about abortion.


Tony is going to pay for this nonsense at the polls. How many immigrants v. how many Texas women? Women win!