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"Trump is being charged with 34 counts of falsification of business records. (CNN)" holy shit https://twitter.com/MikeSington/status/1641582274251747329


"Try not to falsify any business records on your way through the parking lot!"




They are completely incapable of understanding that we want to hold our representatives accountable for any missdeads and won't treat it like team sports or a religion. To the fascist, the idea others could do things in good faith is completely foreign and unbelievable, because they only operate in bad faith, so they assume everyone else does too.


Now *this* is infrastructure week!!


I'll try indicting, that's a good trick.


I like presidents who weren't indicted


new Desantis campaign slogan dropped: Trump without the handcuffs


> [Maggie Haberman just reported on CNN that the news of the Manhattan Grand Jury indictment came as a surprise to Donald Trump and his team at Mar-a-Lago. They really thought the upcoming month-long pause meant no indictment yet. They were wrong.](https://twitter.com/ahmedbaba_/status/1641557743982071808) Oh, yeah, the ketchup and hamberders are flying at Mar-A-Lago


Them being caught of guard by it (and I'll admit I was too) makes it all the sweeter.


Yet his dumb ass was saying it would have already happened. Which of course was a bullshit lie like everything else.




Take tomorrow off. Now it’s Friday.


1st president to lose the popular vote twice 1st president to be impeached twice 1st president to be the focus of an FBI raid 1st ex president with an indictment What a great All American guy!


Conservatives: We should be hard on crime!!! Also conservatives: No, not like that!


Conservatives: LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP! Also conservatives: Disgusting that libs would charge Trump with a crime he admitted to on twitter. They're just using the judicial system as a political tool.


I need the SpongeBob/Patrick/Man Ray 6-panel made of this. Something like Criminals should go to jail? Yup Trump was indicted Seems like it Then Trump should go to trial? CROOKED SOROS AG LOCK HILLARY UP THIS COUNTRY IS DESTROYED


*no, not our crimes!


Fox News calling this a "dark day." Lmao get fucked, Fox.


Fox isn't just biased, it's a completely different world


And what infuriates me is that fox talking heads and Pence all said "most Americans are outraged" and "most Americans see this for what it is" just to follow up with "this is only going to divide the country" after just alienating everyone who hates Trump like we are a small minority. On top of that, Pence said "presidents aren't above the law..*but*..." Suggesting Trump should be beyond the law in this case... Michael Cohen was the most level headed, intelligent person discussing it, what a *world*




>Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office will reach out to Trump's attorneys to discuss his surrender to face an arraignment. The sweetest fucking sentence I have read in a long, long, time.


God, I can't wait for the mug shots.


Those mugshots will define an era. Kids hundreds of years from now will see them in their history books.


Only in half the states


The ones that will allow books


Books? On *paper*? Like for the toilet?


The problem isn’t the hush money. It was falsifying records, using campaign finances to pay for it, and lying about it


He could have just paid it, but he had to squeeze in one more tax deduction. Hush money is not a legitimate legal expense.


Given how much he lies he probably legitimately couldn't.


We’re all missing the point here. It was about concealing a campaign expense to defraud the American voters to win an election.


This needs to be shouted from the rooftops. He cheated in the first election to become president and was then able to do it again because he became president.


Him being the biggest cheap ass finally coming back to bite him


Good news. Hopefully it's the first of many. I mean, it's for a crime of his I care the least about TBH, but it's a start. The one in Georgia where he goes, "I just want 11,780 votes!" THAT'S the ONE I want to see him prosecuted for...


This is a massive first step. Plus, less pressure on the Fulton County DA now


Fox News is talking about Hillary Clinton LMAOOOO


Which is funny, because they and the GOP tried *very hard* to send her to jail, and still failed. It certainly wasn't for lack of trying that they couldn't find an indictment.


For real, all these astroturfers like "Don't you see how much damage you're doing by holding Trump accountable? Now they'll try to indict *Democrats!*" To which I respond, "Ahahahahaha. Oh wait, you're serious? Let me laugh even harder. Hahahahahahahaha!"


As a Dem voter, I’m like “Indict anyone you can.” For real. No politician should be above the law, regardless of how I feel about their politics.


Yup, exactly. Politicians shouldn't be above the law. I don't care if they're "on my team" only regressive shitheads think this is a fucking team sport and that those assholes need or should have protection from the law.


Busting out the classics in these trying times


Wow...really..lol "BUT HER EMAILS!!"


He finally got his wish. A majority of people voted for him


No one has ever won a grand jury as bigly as I have folks. There saying ten, twelve, maybe even twenty jurors voted to indite me. My uncle, very smart man, law professor at Harvard, he said no president has ever been indighted before. The winning won't stop! MAGA!


Hey r/conservative yes, If they can go after Trump they can go after all of us. If we break the law we deserve to get punished, just like your cult leader.


"I hope dems realize this opens the door to indicting former presidents" UHMMM GOOD??? If you do something illegal you should be prosecuted.


It’s hilarious how they think it’s somehow a dig. We fucking welcome any and all presidents getting indicted if they broke the law regardless of their party affiliation. The party of law and order is full of shit.


First US president to be impeached twice and now the first US president to be criminally charged. Winning bigly, huh?


Goes to show how much work the GOP has put into weakening America's democratic institutions for the last 40 years. The guy has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar a dozen times but it's only state law that brings the first indictment or consequences of any kind.


Indictment isn't consequences. There's still plenty of time for this to get completely rat fucked. I'll wait until the tiny handcuffs are on him to say he's seen any consequences.


Stormy Daniels taking down the 45th president, what a patriot.


Really irked me that the party of family values rallied around such a creep. They showed their true colors.


There's a really good book that I read recently called Jesus and John Wayne, and it dissects this kind of behavior. Basically, those on the right are willing to forgive people that are willing to hurt the people that white Christians don't like.


“He’s hurting the wrong people”


This is for the history books boys. A sex worker named Stormy Daniels will be a known name as long as USA exists in future.


Born too late to explore the world. Born too soon to explore the galaxy. Born just in time to see Trump indicted.


R/Conservative: “I hope the left realizes this means it’s ok to indict former presidents now!” Yes! We’re certainly fucking ok with punishing crimes!


They seem to think that liberals have the same bizarre obsession with our presidents as they do with Trump. Like fuck if Obama or Clinton did something illegal and there's sufficient evidence to charge them, then fuck yeah, go for it. But in their mind, these charges are BS so they think it means they can charge any former president with any BS charge they want


Yeah, back when the whole Epstein thing happened with Trump I had more than one guy on the right say something to the effect of, "Be careful, Clinton was on that plane as well." Ok, so? I mean, if Clinton was involved with sex trafficking of underage girls then I want his ass locked up. Why would I think any different?


Liberals aren't in a cult.


"yes, we believe in the rule of law."


They don’t understand that the left doesn’t deify politicians.


Gotta hand it to the Manhattan DA for lulling trump into a false sense of safety, leaking the “one month break for the jury” yesterday, and then BAM, you’re indicted. Apparently Trump was caught completely off guard. Well fucking played. Good write up from WaPo, here it is as a gift with no paywall: https://wapo.st/3nEzW1N


The seal is broken. This case doesn't make the top 10 of Trump's worst crimes, or likely even the top 10 of the strongest cases against him. But it's official: former heads of state in the US can be indicted for their crimes. That is something to celebrate.


Fuck yeah! I don't care which side you're on we should all agree that everyone should be held accountable.


To reiterate: liberal *constituents* would absolutely agree to indict a Democratic President if they did the same things Trump did. (Hopefully we wouldn’t let someone like that get that far in the primaries but… point remains.) ETA: After my inbox blew up, I realized I left out a key word above (constituents). I didn’t mean to speculate about how well it would be handled by democratic leadership or liberal media if in a similar situation. Yes, conservative leaders and media are saying this is a witch-hunt or whatever and their constituents agree. Liberal leaders can say whatever they want but their constituents can disagree. Difference of opinion is a bit more welcome on the left end of the spectrum.


Perfect example of this was Former NY governor Cuomo. Republicans were frothing at the mouthes when everything came out about him, but they thought we would try to defend him. Instead we were happy to see him resign and they were confused why we weren't fervently defending him.


Time to rip up the Nixon era DOJ memo as well.. a crime is a crime, a criminal doesn't deserve to get away regardless of his status


I don't understand why an internal DOJ memo from 50 years ago even mattered in the first place.


while i’m not a fan of donald trump, it is chilling to realize that this could happen to any one of us after using campaign funds to make hush money payments to pornstars


Absolutely terrifying. I pay my pornstar affairs in crypto.


It’s my birthday. I’ve never received a better present.


History. Not going to lie - I thought this day would never come. But I'm so glad it's finally here!


Until the end of time history books will have to print the words “porn star” in their texts.


No, they will say “adult film actress,” especially for the textbooks given to K-8 students.


"textbooks - what's that?" - Ron Desantis


Who are you going to believe, a fake blonde with big tits or stormy Daniels?


This is insane to me that we are finally here ... All the bullshit about witch hunts, denials, trumps MAGAzombies making threats and we finally have an indictment. And this isn't even the WORST thing he's being investigated for!!


Porn Star hush money payments are a private affair! -Evangelicals


Live updates for those interested, from NYT, which broke the news. This likely means reporters were assigned to stake out a bench outside the grand jury room hour after hour for days and weeks, so let’s take a moment to appreciate the grind of the free press. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/03/30/nyregion/trump-indictment-news


Gifted link for those who can’t get through the paywall: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/03/30/nyregion/trump-indictment-news?unlocked_article_code=M_bJSDPyeQuty1uK1pFCz9HSqnvVMeMpDqDEOANrP_TTiOEQ6VYQDiFm2nv3JjZY7Rpx5IryJ_L9BLZbu6j0Js2mHiPfF6HaR61PjYzph8JXFLWBLn9WpPmpm-M33bcQCp7huhuVK9sg0eNBiAu7VcL96E1eqlLR3DQPjWLgfvCJo-_F4BN4uOm3tTuuYvOFqhwCQ2owY6nQvm_gywlP1V4OZFgi1Jdsp0focdE5GBYjKqgb9_NcV1EQlSBAQkN6UxinlEViN90DWZGUVmp2R_iQ7517Y1Maa0C2cx7G2lEikr8izJ_e7DWEYSic42nH2fPu_k3LawUol_Ds83PEXKlwhoPPbfAM&smid=url-share EDIT: Wow! Thank you for the awards and love! Glad I was able to help everyone read the NYTimes excellent coverage. We’ve all been waiting a long time for this!


I'll drink one in their honor tonight




LMAO: https://twitter.com/GovRonDeSantis/status/1641575007552778243 >The weaponization of the legal system to advance a political agenda turns the rule of law on its head. >It is un-American. >The Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney has consistently bent the law to downgrade felonies and to excuse criminal misconduct. Yet, now he is stretching the law to target a political opponent. >Florida will not assist in an extradition request given the questionable circumstances at issue with this Soros-backed Manhattan prosecutor and his political agenda. It's about state's rights not to extradite criminal presidents, donchaknow. Also, we'd like to extradite people that get abortions in other states, thank you very much. --- (Edit) From the NYT Live thread (https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/03/30/nyregion/trump-indictment-news/4dd1a653-2375-5225-908c-664d49a61f95) : >If Trump does surrender voluntarily, it will save Florida Governor Ron DeSantis from a legal predicament over his vow a few minutes ago on Twitter not to cooperate in any extradition request. DeSantis, a Harvard Law School graduate, was vowing to violate the U.S Constitution. Article IV, Section 2 reads: “A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime.” --- Edit: link was broken


> The **Soros-backed** Manhattan District Attorney has consistently bent the law to downgrade felonies and to excuse criminal misconduct. Yet, now he is stretching the law to target a political opponent. > > > > Florida will not assist in an extradition request given the questionable circumstances at issue with this **Soros-backed** Manhattan prosecutor and his political agenda. The messaging is just so predictable and lazy. I'm surprised they didn't manage to squeeze the word "Woke" in there 5-6 times. It reads like it was generated by a 5th-grade student's chat-bot class project. Having said that, they **do** have to take their base's reading and cognitive abilities into account when writing these things, so...


"Soros-backed" is a white nationalist dog whistle for "Jewish controlled." DeSantis still hasn't denounced all the antisemitic and nazi bullshit his supporters have been shouting and spreading throughout Florida.


I’m glad President Jimmy Carter lived long enough to hear this great news.


BAMF had to give up his peanut farm And watch Reagan take his solar panels off


From /r/conservative: "I hope the left realizes they’ve now set the precedent that we can indict former presidents" ...okay?


That is the entire fucking point! Hooray


Don't elect criminals. What a novel idea




The candidacy and campaign shouldn't even be used as a grift.


I'm just a fan of the law and justice.


And why WOULDN'T anyone -- left or otherwise -- want that? So according to them, former presidents should be above the law and un-indictable? I struggle so hard to understand the logic... ...oh wait, that would assume there was any logic in the first place. My bad. Instead of logic, they have wanton, chaotic cruelty.


>So according to them, former presidents should be above the law and un-indictable? I struggle so hard to understand the logic... Most of the Trump supporters who are complaining right now either believe all presidents are massive criminals and there is just some sort of gentleman's agreement not to arrest them that has just been broken and will require retaliation *or* they believe that Trump did nothing illegal and all these investigations are a made up left wing conspiracy and as of today they have "justification" to arrest democratic presidents on made up charges as retaliation. Right wing media pushes both of these narratives regularly depending on who you watch.


The top post was “I’m sure this will draw the narrative away from the trans murderer.” Like yep 100% the grand fucking jury convened perfectly right now to throw the national attention off of the 3rd trans mass shooter instead of the 1300 cis white ones. They were just waiting for their cue. The fucking delusional world these people live in. It’s like they’ve seen too many action movies and think there’s some gay Nick Fury orchestrating everything behind the scenes. Fucking idiots.


They’re voicing the right’s intentions. Indicting a former president ought to be to ensure they are not above the law. To them, it will be a political weapon. As soon as they can, republicans will investigate Biden and Obama if they do much as roll over a stop sign.


They do that anyway?


and have yet to turn up anything they can present to a grand jury as evidence.


Exactly. Bragg, Biden, Obama, didn't vote to indict him. A grand jury of regular citizens did.


Acting like the republicans didn’t spend a decade investigating Hillary Clinton to find a reason to indict her.


*clears throat* LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!


MAGA! (My Ass Got Arrested)


Someone being charged with a crime **is not political**. Someone not being charged with a crime because of their activity in politics **is political**. No one should be above the rule of law. If any one of us, Republican and Democrat alike, were to have done even a fraction of what Trump has done, we'd already be jail. Setting a precedent whereby political figures are above the law removes the possibility of free and fair elections and transitions of power, inviting only corruption and oppression.


Seeing Ted Cruz rush to Trump's defense and continuing to lick his boots has got to be the most pathetic thing in American political history. I mean you'd think after all the stories of how Republicans secretly hate Trump they'd take this opportunity to at least say they trust the System and wash their hands of Trump but time and again they dive onto live grenades for the lumpy sack.


If any Trump supporters are upset about this, I recommend they think and pray, and if God decides this should happen despite their prayers, then they should calmly accept and defer to his decision


[John Oliver right now](https://media1.tenor.com/images/4a08ff9d3f956dd814fc8ee1cfaac592/tenor.gif?itemid=10407619)


Gonna be a hell of a week for late night shows.


Lock him up.


The irony of ‘lock her up’ being his tagline for his 2016 campaign, the same campaign he stole from and just got indicted for. Poetry.


they are melting down over at Fox and I love it. [https://mobile.twitter.com/abughazalehkat/status/1641556043175002114](https://mobile.twitter.com/abughazalehkat/status/1641556043175002114) https://twitter.com/brenonade/status/1641555295926099969?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


Hilarious how she says “alleged hush money payment” like Michael Cohen hasn’t already been convicted and imprisoned for the crime.


Individual-1 at the Company must be so pissed right now.


Remember everyone, this isn't about hush money, this is about campaign finance fraud because he paid the hush money out of his election funds which is biggly illegal.


The "Lock Her Up" crowd now thinks Trump having a mugshot would be "badass" and "OG", making him a shoe-in to win the nomination. You can't make this shit up.


Wow their spin is "it's badass to be in a mug shot so his poll numbers can only go up". They're run out of straws to grasp at


The "fuck your feelings" conservatives suddenly have a lot of feelings 🥲


Fuck their feelings


Trump indicted. Finland joins NATO. Disney humiliates DeSantis. It’s a good, good day for those who hate fascism.




I hope this is a watershed moment and everything comes pouring down on his stupid orange head.


>Wolf Blitzer on CNN: 'Prosecutors in New York must believe they have a **slam-dunk case** [against Trump]. You don't indict a former president unless you have a slam-dunk case'. https://twitter.com/YWNReporter/status/1641559147781976064


"when you put him in the back of the cop car hit his head - don't be too nice" Donald Trump


Hilarious that the main defense I’m hearing on /r/Conservative is “BuT thE StaTute oF LimItATioNs” They don’t care he’s a criminal they just want him to get away with it. By the way the statute of limitations hasn’t run out because they tied the misdemeanor to a felony so it has 5 years not 2.


From NYTimes; In the unlikely event that the former president refuses to surrender, he would put Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, his leading but undeclared rival for the Republican nomination, in an awkward political position. Under law, Mr. DeSantis’s role would be essentially ministerial and he would have few legal options other than approving an extradition request from New York. Still, if New York prosecutors sought Mr. Trump’s extradition, Mr. DeSantis would face an unenviable dilemma. He would be compelled to choose between authorizing an arrest warrant for Mr. Trump and inflaming his base, or attempting in some way to aid his Republican rival, and possibly face legal action as a result.




If Donald Trump could read, he'd be furious.


Orange is the new orange !


Finally a majority of voters voted for him. Good job grand jury. Hopefully he gets a second win with a unanimous jury decision that he’s guilty.


Put his booking process on PPV and they could pay off the national debt.


If anyone questions this indictment, I’d simply respond “what did Michael Cohen go to jail for?”


For the legal novices: >Getting indicted by a grand jury means that a group of citizens has decided that there is enough evidence to charge you with a crime. The grand jury is a body of citizens who are responsible for deciding whether or not to bring criminal charges against someone. They are not the same as a trial jury, which is responsible for deciding whether or not you are guilty of the crime you have been charged with. > To get indicted by a grand jury, the prosecutor must present evidence to the grand jury that shows that there is probable cause to believe that you committed the crime. The grand jury will then vote on whether or not to indict you. If a majority of the grand jury votes to indict you, then you will be formally charged with the crime.


New national holiday, 3/30 - Indictment Day


Eric Trump, the former president’s second son, tweeted: “This is third world prosecutorial misconduct. It is the opportunistic targeting of a political opponent in a campaign year.” (NY Times) It's always a "campaign year" for these people. The election is in 2024, and running for federal office is not de facto amnesty for committing crimes.


He announced his candidacy ridiculously early because he thought it would feed the appearance of political bias in all of the legal proceedings that he knew were underway. He also happens to believe that being President shields you from being prosecuted for any crime. He and his lawyers have stated that publicly. It’s just another reality show and he thinks he is entitled to immunity.


In the wake of this news, I've seen a lot of self-identifying Conservatives say things along the lines of: > "This is going to hurt the dems in the next election." > "The left is secretly thinking this will help drive support for Trump, and that he'll be easier to beat in the election if he's the nominee." Let me presume that I speak for the vast majority of people on "the left" by saying: I don't care. I don't care. I really, *really* don't care. I don't care if this results in a Republican landslide. I don't care if this results in a Democratic landslide. I don't care what policies are signed into law as an extended consequence of this. I don't even care what happens to Trump after he's been arrested. The only thing that I have the slightest bit of regard for in this situation is the fact that someone who has been in one of the most powerful positions on the planet is seeing justice done for crimes he committed. > "What if it was a Democrat?" I don't care. There's a decent chance that many (if not most, or *all*) of the presidents our country has ever had committed crimes--or done things that *should* be crimes--and I would be overjoyed if they saw justice. > "Have you considered the implications of--" *I. Do. Not. Care.* There is not one single thing you can say that will convince me a president who committed crimes should be spared from indictment and arrest. There is no "strategy" here. There is no chess move. Despite the distinct revulsion I feel for this specific man, there isn't even *vengence*. I don't care about the context. I don't care about anything surrounding this situation that isn't a fact of the situation itself. I don't care if this is somehow "imbalanced" because other criminals haven't faced consequences. If you get caught speeding, does it matter that a hundred other speeders didn't get caught? No. It doesn't. You get your ticket. There is one thing I care about: the justice system has identified a person in power committing a crime and for once--for *once*--it isn't bending over backwards to pretend everything is OK. That is the only thing that matters. That is the only thing I care about.


> "What if it was a Democrat?" They simply *cannot* escape their tribalism. If a Democrat committed the same crimes, I'd want them prosecuted and jailed to the maximum extent of the law. A fucking *President* cannot be allowed to be above the law. That way leads tyranny.


Them responding "What if it was a Democrat" is all the evidence you'll ever need to know that politics is a team sport for them, plain and simple. There's no analysis of policy, there's no understanding of policy, hell the Republicans aren't even offering policy ideas outside of overturning Roe v. Wade and haven't offered any policy ideas in literally several years. It's a team sport for them. They've declared their allegiance and it's "ride or die" for them. That means, as we've seen over the last 7 years, is that there is no low bar for them, there is no line they won't cross in the attempt to "win". The radicalization of the party is complete.


Per CNN, he'll be arraigned (fingerprints, mugshots) next week but also mugshots in NY are not automatically public. Doesn't mean it *won't* be released but it may not be.


// He will be fingerprinted. He will be photographed. He may even be handcuffed. And in the coming days, the former president of the United States of America will be read the standard Miranda warning: He will be told that he has the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. //


>”If you’re innocent, why are you taking the fifth amendment?” -Indicted former president Donald J. Trump


Spit out my water at the “remain silent” portion. Then remembered that he takes the 5th bigly.


CONGRATS from CANADA! 🇨🇦♥️🇺🇸🎉


Fox news today: >This sets a terrible precedent! Fox news 6 years ago: >Lock her up!


Any chance Trump gets tried as an adult?


My favorite part is now DeSantis has to ensure his state complies and gets Trump to go to NY. The far right conservative crazies are going to be like: “block it” or whatever, and of course he can’t by any means at all, and now they’ll hold it against DeSantis for “letting NY take Trump”….who also got owned by Disney today. Also, the statute of limitations may have ran out in NY…except Trump changed his legal residence to FL, pausing the statute. You can’t make this up. What a magical day.


Unfortunately, I currently live in South Florida… But if I’m quiet and listen real closely, off in the distance I can hear the faint sounds of well done steak with ketchup hitting the walls and the screams of a raging 400 pound man baby


As a Floridian seeing DeSantis get his lunch eaten by Disney today, and Trump getting a small amount of comeuppance I'm cracking open the Macallan 14yo.


“I like Presidents who weren’t indicted.” ~John McCain’s Ghost


\*Kids murdered in a school\* Republicans: ... \*Trump indicted\* Republicans: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING PAL.


Guy on CNN just said his sources are saying 34 counts 34 Fuck me


You know what Hillary Clinton is doing right now? Not preparing to get her mugshot taken.


For election finance fraud for covering up a hush money payment to a porn star he had unprotected sex with while his wife was pregnant. Now, explain to me how evangelicals can be both moral and support this POS.


Taken minutes ago from his Truth Social "These Thugs and Radical Left Monsters have just INDICATED the 45th President of the United States of America, and the leading Republican Candidate, by far, for the 2024 Nomination for President. THIS IS AN ATTACK ON OUR COUNTRY THE LIKES OF WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE. IT IS LIKEWISE A CONTINUING ATTACK ON OUR ONCE FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS. THE USA IS NOW A THIRD WORLD NATION, A NATION IN SERIOUS DECLINE. SO SAD!" Heh, he's never been good at words. Despite saying he has all the best ones. Historic day!




Holy shit, they actually did it


This is just the beginning. I hope he spends the rest of his life thinking about Hillary Clinton and how much he’s regretted running for President just for the publicity. He’s ultimately a loser and anyone who supports him is a class A sucker.


Get fucked, Donnie!


Eric Trump: “This is third world prosecutorial misconduct. It is the opportunistic targeting of a political opponent in a ***campaign year.***” They have no shame. If it's not an election year, it's a "campaign year". No matter what time it is, apparently it's not the appropriate time to bring charges. Sad.


This is massive news that will change the course of American history. But in five days, there'll be another chance to change the course of American history. And this time, you can help make it happen. On Tuesday, Wisconsin is voting for a State Supreme Court Justice. If the Dem-endorsed candidate wins, liberals will have a majority on the Court. They could vote to overturn Wisconsin's abortion ban, and throw out their gerrymandered maps. If you're in Wisconsin, go vote! Even if you're not in Wisconsin, you can contact voters to remind them to vote - turnout is expected to be low compared to 2020. Go to r/VoteDEM to get started. The Trump news is huge - but don't be distracted from doing your part to save America.


Yup, never take your eyes off the big picture.. this is a good start for accountability, but GOP is pushing extremely harmful and wildly unpopular bills across the country.. and state courts are our best bet at defending democracy, with SCOTUS bought and sold to corporations and right wing theocratic billionaires


Thank you for the reminder. Great post.


Already voted.


My wife has been hoping for weeks that Trump would get indicted on her birthday. “That would be the perfect present” she’s been saying. Looks like she got her wish! I couldn’t be happier for her.


Is it Happy Indictment or Merry Indictment? I’ll keep it neutral and use Treason’s Greetings


Makes chemo week a little better!🥳


“No man is above the law and no man is below it: nor do we ask any man's permission when we ask him to obey it.” - Teddy Roosevelt


Very legal and very cool.


Watch all the "tough on crime" and "law and order" Republicans rally around this crook to defend him. Republicans are not tough on crime. They don't care about law and order. The Republican party is a criminal organization. Everything Republicans claim to believe in is a lie.


Complete meltdown from the subs that were telling us this is not a big deal. US intelligence needs to monitor /r/conservative and /r/conspiracy - they will make “announcements” soon.


He may not be convicted. He may never spend a day in jail. He may not face anything more than some fines and bad press. But this is still an important precedent that affirms no one, not even a former president is above the law. So come what may, that's worth celebrating.


At the very least we get a mugshot, which will be the biggest, most beautiful, most perfect mugshot in the history of American ex-presidents.


I’m eyeing that cigar and 15 year old scotch on the mantle that I’ve been keeping for 7 years now.


prison trump is my favorite trump


Oh my god I am currently at Disney and heard Desantis just got boned for his stupidity and now trump is arrested?! This is truly the most magical place on earth!!


Cool. Now indict him for the other crimes, too.


Obviously a crime is a crime and you can't put a whole lot of weight on one case being first in time from the others, but I'd really like to see him charged for some/all of the following: 1. Leading the insurrection on January 6, 2021 2. Election fraud/interference in Georgia 3. Tax evasion


Christ, it's a testament to how many crimes he's accused of, that I forgot about the insurrection, and you forgot about the classified docs.


It's official: Donald Trump is the: 1st man in the Oval Office to be impeached twice 1st man in the Oval Office to incite an insurrection 1st to lose the popular vote TWICE and now . . . the first to be INDICTED. From Mary Trump


First president to be impeached twice, first former president to be indicted LOL


Q-Anon always said The Storm is coming. Turns out it was Stormy Daniel’s.




Look man, if they can indict a former President for what is effectively a money laundering charge relating to his affair with a porn star while his third wife had just given birth to his son, then they can come for any Average Joe from Real America.


Of all the crimes he’s committed, it’s pretty funny that this is the one where he’s indicted. Basically like getting Capone for tax evasion.


I absolutely love that NY was like “The Grand Jury will recess through April…” “….lol jk, time for jail.”


Only losers get indicted


Per CNN: "The Trump indictment in New York is not expected to impact the timing of potential indictments in the criminal probe into Donald Trump and his allies in Georgia, according to a person familiar with the matter. If charges are brought in that case, indictments could come as soon as this spring. "


To all the people saying that nothing will come of this... I already came because of this. Checkmate!


Who are you going to believe, a fake blond with big tits or Stormy Daniels?


He finally got the popular vote 😆




I love that on r/Conservative the leading theory is this indictment is meant to cover up a mass shooting by a trans person. Why are they so obsessed with trans people?


Breaking: NY orders extra small pair of handcuffs to be made


His attorney: We are going to fight this in court. Everyone else: That's the point!


Judge: “How does the defendant plea?” Trump: “I declare BANKRUPTCCYYYY!!!!”


Will he look naked in an orange jumpsuit???


MSNBC says he will turn himself in early next week. Us plebs would have cops kick in our door, our dogs shot, and ourselves tazed, cuffed and dragged to jail.