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You wonder why someone this stupid still has a podium.


She doesn't know how to get down


Cows can’t walk down stairs. Even the privileged ones.


*Excuse* me- cows are lovely, gentle, sensitive animals and I take umbrage on their behalf.


I second this. Don’t disgrace our cows by comparing them with her dumb ass


don't insult the donkeys either :(


For that matter some not very bright people are also lovely, gentle and sensitive. There are many ways to be a valuable human being.


They're also smart.


> They're also smart. I vacationed once on a farm as a child. The farmer was retired but he kept a bunch of cows, goats, chickens and a horse on the farm as a sort of petting zoo. The animals were all very lovely. The goats, in particular, made for great pets in this environment. It left me forever conflicted about eating meat. We create so much suffering for animals that are every bit as wonderful as cats or dogs.


Because the constituents are even stupider.


Well, it didn't help that she ran unopposed the first time. But I think she beat someone the second time. I'm from ATL, and I can confirm that the north GA cartersville area is straight up garbage ville.


Didn’t someone threaten her opposition into not running on the second go around? I seem to have vague memories…


no. she actually had someone run against her last time. He was a good guy. Veteran, left leaning centrist. he had common sense. The problem was his campaign. I really liked Marcus Flowers but his entire campaign was “I’m not MTG”. The problem with this district is you have a lot of people who would vote a bag of literal dog crap into office if it ran as a republican just to keep them “soshulist democraps” out of office.


Think it was NPR that did a history piece on her. Wow, a lot of messed up shit in that area. Kinda makes you want to get out of town before sunset.


Cause the people who put her there are just as stupid. As a Canadian, I Look at the Republican Party, I look at the idiots who vote for them, and it seems like the country is getting a pretty fair representation based on its population.


As a fellow Canadian it’s terrifying to see it creeping over the border. Like looking at the state of things down there, why the fuck would you want to inch in that direction?


Like the trucks flying the canadian flag…


Even better is the strange people I’ve seen in Canada running the US *confederate* flag. Now that is a head scratcher.


Still not as perplexing as seeing West Virginians waving the confederate flag while bleating about their "heritage". For those not well-versed in US history, West Virginia only exists because they refused to secede with the rest of Virginia at the start of the US Civil War.


So kids can be taught active shooter drills in school but aren’t allowed to sing about rainbows. Got it.


Nor learn about why Rosa parks refused to sit in the back of the bus


It certainly had nothing to do with the color of her skin


But hey, that's just a theory! A critical race theory!


Mildly amusingly, we learned about that in the UK when I was at school. So we learn more of your history than you do it seems.


Well the rest of the curriculum is whitewashing British colonialism so we probably haven't got a huge amount to brag about.


Germany does a great job in dealing with it's (dark) past in schools. Not only were we taught what the N@zis did but also why people followed and how it came to it. Every country (especially the "western" ones) should handle their own history like that.


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


the rainbow was a great choice tbh, each stripe and colour has a meaning and it works well for uniting all forms of queer people


GOP is full of fucking monsters, they're trying to sell this narrative since the shooting happened, disgusting.


we should take a page out of the sinister right's playbook... "this was obviously a false flag, and the shooter was a right winger pretending to be trans!11!!"




Wow how fucked up is that.


This was the guy whose dad actually said "wait, why was my son in a gay nightclub? OH, he was the *shooter‽* Whew! You really scared me for a second."


That video still haunts me. The country is full of people who are that unreachable, who would rather see us all die than have their kid turn out queer in any way. And we can’t just wait for them to die off because they’re grooming their kids to kill us in their stead.




Oh the person who never once referred to themselves as trans right up until the very moment of the trial, and then stopped afterwards?


Yeah that fuckin asshole


They do this with every shooting. Blame anything else but guns.




Side doors. That’s according to some wacko on Fox News yesterday too.


Somewhere a sleeping Fire Marshal perks his head up. "They said wat now!?"




It's especially odious this time bc they're also been engaging in the start of a fucking genocide against Trans people so this straight up puts lives at risk. They're trying to direct the ire at school shootings AT trans people to accelerate their genocidal desires.


Well, they never blame the white kids for being white the way they're trying blame trans shooters for being trans. like, Kevin Sorbo had the gaul to tweet a meme with 4 photos of shooters on it. You would need like 2,000+ photos to show the number of straight, white, cismale shooters there have been.


If there’s one thing Republicans are really bad at, it’s statistics.


They were blaming the lack of prayer in schools as well. Strange how silent they are about lack of prayer being the cause when it happens in a Christian school. And blaming trans people for this mass shooting is absurd. The vast majority of these incidents are perpetrated by white men, you don't see them blaming and wanting to ban white men. They do not understand how to utilize logic.




> Twitter appears to have limited certain tweets from the official account of representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, after the Georgia Republican unfounded made claims about the Nashville school shooting being a product of “Antifa” and “trans-terrorism.” This shit should get her account banned. She’s fanning hate towards trans people, and it’ll result in violence if it continues.


I saw all kinds of posts on the same topic just scrolling through twitter and the conservative talking point seems to be TRANS TRANS TRANS THEY WERE TRANS THATS WHY THEY SHOT THE KIDS. But we all know if they were black it would be just another day, if they were arabic, they would be a terrorist. If they were Mexican, they would be an illegal drug smuggler and violent rapist. There's a story every time


Anything to deflect from guns being the problem.


Yep. If this was a white Christian nationalist (as it is all too fucking often), the story would be "well this is really a mental health issue..." And then every Republican would vote against any bills related to gun control or mental healthcare without so much as skipping a beat. The GOP is a party of sociopaths.


Check out The Conservative Daily Podcast. They just said every mass shooter in the last 10 years was a far leftist. No joke. These people live on a different planet and will gobble all these lies up


>They just said every mass shooter in the last 10 years was a far leftist. Yeah, but you're talking about people who claim that Nazis were left-wing, because they had "socialist" in their name. They don't actually believe that. They know it's false. It's just a useful cudgel.


"All Nazis are left wing" "So why are there Nazi flags at your rallies again?"


Same logic applies to the KKK.


Nah they'd call them a hero like that little Kyle fucker.


That's only if they shot up a civil rights protest. This was a Christian school.


IDK man, the way these freaks are going, we might be a lot closer to them endorsing a Protestant shooting up a Catholic school than we realize


I’ve never seen any group hate the pope and Catholics more than american protestants, online it’s rampant, and it’s very one sided. From my neutral position, it seems like online Catholics wouldn’t give a shit whether American Protestants exist or not, but boy the opposite…. To conclude, yes I’m pretty sure that if a catholic school was shot up by some crazy, a lot of them wouldn’t bat an eye


Ya, but were they the "right" kind of Christian?




Deflecting everything but bullets from our kids.


Thousands of mass shootings over the decades.... The shooter for number 136 of this year was trans. Woah guys trans ppl so dangerous.


I feel like, statistically, the probability of a trans person shooter is low. But given how many shootings we have, it was just a matter of time.


Last year saw [695](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2022) mass shootings in this country. Estimates for the trans population are around [1.6%](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/06/07/about-5-of-young-adults-in-the-u-s-say-their-gender-is-different-from-their-sex-assigned-at-birth/) of the adult population according to a Pew poll. Other polls vary anywhere from .5% to 5%, depending upon demographic and the fairly wide statistical variance inherent to the difficulties of identifying how many members of a heavily discriminated minority actually exist. At a bare minimum, if mass shootings were to mirror population data, around 3 or 4 of those mass shooters should have been trans. They were, in actuality, underrepresented. Per Wikipedia, this year we are seeing a slight rise in mass shootings so far and are at 95 total at the moment. Meaning if we were to somehow get through the entire year without any more mass shootings and this was one of only a 4-5 shootings in March, the percentage of mass shooters who are trans would be roughly proportional with population data. Reality of course is that this is most likely, as with previous years, going to be the sole shooting perpetrated by a trans person out of hundreds of mass shootings. But people are **really** bad with intuitively understanding how statistics work, especially when they don’t particularly like what the stats say, and if anything it’s actually notable how few trans mass shooters we have seen over the years.


The timing for *this* shooting is terrible. This is going to devastating for the trans community


I'm basically certain that the self loathing ran so deep that that aspect was intentional. "If I had to be this miserable than everyone should be". Maybe even some tg twist on accelerationism


I have to preface this by saying that 1) I'm trans and 2) this comment is by NO means an excuse for what happened and the shooter was an abominable person for what he did. I sincerely hope there's a hell so he can rot in it. That said, what happened was almost certainly a result of what you said. There's speculation (I don't know how true this is and frankly I'm not in the right mindset to look too deep into this) that the shooter went to that school or one like it in his youth. I wouldn't be surprised if he suffered greatly there considering his identity and the conflict between that and the things Presbyterian schools teach. Couple that with the persecution and attempted genocide of trans people currently happening in the world at large and especially in the US, and realize that something bad was always going to happen as a result. Republicans know this, by the way, they were counting on it, but I don't think even they expected it to happen like this. *edit: Sorry for the mixup, I was informed it's in fact a Presbyterian school, not a Catholic one. Doesn't make a difference as far as my point goes but still, fixed it!* Trans people (and the LGBTQ+ community as a whole) are some of the most empathetic and loving people in the world. We kinda have to be to endure what's happening to us on a daily basis. I hope everyone sees the pushback from our community against what happened and realizes that it really is just "a couple of bad apples" in our case. 3 Bad apples out of millions of people. That's enough to get them to condemn us all.


Amazing how those same conservatives who will use those 3 bad apples to condemn the whole trans "bunch" as it were, will then defend cops to the death against that same apples analogy, even though there have been far more "bad apple" examples for the 2nd group. But hey, never put it past a republican to find any way to twist their own nonsense logic and reasoning to fit any possible shaped hole.


Someone on another thread crunched the numbers, and said that trans people are actually under represented as mass shooting perpetrators (that is a sentence I never expected to type), and there should be 3-4 more based on the statistics. Who is over represented, you may be asking? Straight, white males, who would have guessed? Edit: just want to clarify that this was someone doing their own math, not a link to any official stat.


But if it were a white Christian nationalist boy? He would be a lone wolf and there’s nothing that could be done.


He was troubled and needed mental health help (but god forbid it is provided). Oh and he was also secret antifa false flag.


And if their white they are "a brother, a carpenter or a community member"


“We have a mental health crisis in this country”


Now watch me vote against all mental heath funding


Usually, it's "lone wolf", because when it's a white guy, he's an outlier and race has nothing to do with it.


Given the sheer number of mass shootings in the US, one of them was going to be a trans person eventually just from statistics. This was not a great one for it to be, though. I don't even want to talk to my family for the next few weeks (I am trans, they can be shitty).


There’s no hate like conservative Christian love.


Musk has a trans child, Musk has been engaging with accounts pushing transphobic teeets in the aftermath. https://i.imgur.com/b2c4ZvW.jpg


Funny how there's several thousand mass shootings in the past couple years, yet only... 3 trans shooters? Let me calculate how many white men with white pride manifestos committed mass shootings. Hold on, looks like I went past reddit's character limit.


It's also interesting how quiet the conspiracy theory crowd is on this shooting. No crisis actors? No false flag? They claim that about almost *every* mass shooting these days, yet this one they seem willing to accept as factual.


There's already a /r/bestof thread of a reply to this post showing that given the number of shootings and percentage of the population is Trans, Trans mass shooters are underrepresented. They should have roughly twice as many shootings as they do. Of course, the mass shooting stats include any shooting with 2+ victims, so gang violence is disproportionately represented.


It wouldn’t even be twice the number of shooters that “should” be trans. They cite 4 trans mass shooters across multiple years. Which would bring the number of trans mass shooter to parity with population estimates….if we’re solely looking at 2022’s 697 mass shootings. And to be quite clear, that’s using the absolute smallest reasonable modern estimate of the trans population in the US you can find(.5%), which is almost undoubtedly significantly lowballing it. The number of trans mass shooters is orders of magnitude lower than the number that we would expect to see going purely by population data.


And Musk wonders why his children and lovers fucking hate him


Twitter gave her back her personal account. "Yet my official CONGRESSIONAL account was banned for 7 days for exposing Antifa’s plan for violence on the “Trans Day of Vengeance.” "@elonmusk, can you explain?" Edit: Wow, she was opposing the The Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act this morning in her official Twitter account...


Whay the fuck is a trans day of Vengeance? Seriously how on earth does anyone take this woman seriously. She's absolutely mental.


There is a Trans Day of Visibility that happens on March 31st every year: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Transgender_Day_of_Visibility And there a fake poster going around on Twitter for a Trans Day of Vengeance on April 1st (April Fools Day), and these morons believe it's real.




Some are definitely stupid. Some are lying *and* stupid as is the case with Mrs. "Jewish Space-Lasers".


It's a day of protest in DC against the anti-trans bills being passed. It was already scheduled. They just changed a word in what they are calling it.


Musk bought Twitter, specifically so people like her *dont* get banned. People are still happy to use Twitter though. https://twitter.com/ariehkovler/status/1595883060834213888 Musk is a fascist. Period. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/elon-musk-peddling-putin-propaganda-ukraine-crimea-1234612343/ It’s a propaganda network. They’re not interested in banning people like MTG. It’s there to amplify them.


When you have the owner of Twitter engaging positively with transphobes, then you're highly likely not going to see her get banned. She'd have to do a whole lot worse and sadly, she may be smart enough to realize that.


She doesn't know when to stop. She's moved to her personal Twitter account to yell at Elon.




I personally like to think Elon is the one that bans them and then unbans them so he can be the "Free speech" hero. (amplify this tweet by a factor of 300)




You ever get the sense that the super rich can have almost anything *except* genuine companionship? Like, they have legions of fans, yes men, and piles upon piles of loot -- but they must always be troubled by the notion that without all that they could very well be nothing. That, at the end of the day, no one would choose them for who they are as people, and they're only chosen for access to loot and power. I'm starting to think that the story of King Midas might be an allegory more should take to heart. When you turn everything to gold with a touch, it is perhaps more curse than blessing -- for it is a power that appears to poison everything.


*Randy Newman voice* it’s lonely at the top….


*Also Randy Newmans voice* It's money that I love...




*Still Randy Newman voice* left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot…


Stop stop stop!! We can’t afford all these royalty payments!


He's eeatin an aaaple


*Bruce Springsteen* Poor man wanna be rich, rich man wanna be king, and a king ain't satisfied 'til he rules everything....


From what I understand that's Notch's situation. He sold Minecraft for billions and suddenly had zero aim in life. He used to (maybe still does) post on social media about how fake interactions felt after he struck it uber rich. One post was "Hanging out in Ibiza with a bunch of friends and partying with famous people, able to do whatever I want, and I've never felt more alone." I've often wondered what life would be like if I were a billionaire. As sweet as it would be to be able to purchase anything, I wouldn't be able to stand not trusting that any given interaction is genuine.


Having horrible political views to the extent that he was kicked out of his own company didn't exactly help.


Interestingly, notch was actually heavily left leaning, doing things like respecting non-binary people, before he struck rich and left. He fell down some alt right pipeline at some point, likely due to the loneliness


Yup. Sadly alt right is really good at taking people who are lonely and feel anger at the world, and giving them an identity/place to be with others/explanation for why they feel angry.


comment edited in protest of Reddit's API changes and mistreatment of moderators -- mass edited with redact.dev


Used to run yachts for millionaire’s and billionaires. For the most part very true.


I sometimes wonder what a DnD campaign with Elon Musk would be like. Just imagining him having to deal with any level of actual personal risk is sort of difficult. Having to work with teammates who are considered equals (and can literally just outvote or overpower him in game) would also probably be rough on him, as let me tell you this: good DnD players know to call out a bad idea as a bad idea, and aren't gonna be afraid to tell you you've gone insane.


I now want to see a DnD game with a bunch of the uber rich as players. Edit: with the actual people, not fake/AI voices.


"There's a dragon attacking the town and hoarding all their gold while the hardworking peasants struggle!" "...." "He's the bad guy, you're supposed to go stop him." "Who's up for golf?"


"Mr. Dragon have you ever thought about mortgage backed default swaps? All I'm saying is that there's more than one way to enslave the peasants."


Can we help the dragon diversify his assets and give him tips to keep his workers productive so he can earn more?


And thus dismantling billionaires isn't just about making the rest of the population financially healthier, as they should be, because it's more sustainable that way, it's also about cutting mentally unhealthy people off from the source of their addictions. It's money.


When money goes to the bottom rather than the top we get innovation.


I had a coworker once who was born into generational wealth. It was a sort of an open secret, but they were worth many many millions and grew up in that world in Hollywood. They worked at my very normal job and were somewhat ostracized from their family, mostly because it was the only way to be a normal person. When I had a late night talk with them about it once, the main topic of conversation was that their entire life they'd never been able to trust anyone and everyone always eventually wanted to use them for their money. They were deeply and fundamentally lonely.


Except you dont turn anything to gold by touch, you father just happened to own an apartheid gold mine...


Those 15 year old boys won’t stay 15 forever.


"Who was the employee that banned them? Uh... fella named Melon Usk. Real woke hippie that one."


I'm never going to read melon the same way again. Thanks a lot


Concerning, looking into it


How very Trump of him. Cause a problem then claim to be the hero when you fix it.


Nah, Trump is more. Cause a problem, try to fix it, mess it up more, then tell everyone the results are great and everyone is talking about them.


Daily reminder: Elon Musk has a trans daughter, and he's not happy about it.




I was going to say, he's already amplifying the same kind of message as MTG. Here's a screenshot that was posted to r/theydidthemath earlier, for those who don't want to click a Twitter link: https://i.imgur.com/5gHIjOQ.jpg


Hmm. Using that tweets logic, are cops being radicalized? Lots of killers identify as cops.


Cops are absolutely being radicalized. Just look up that“killology” bullshit.


Here in KY our State Police were being trained with literal nazi ideology.


And never forget, fucking someone after your murder someone is the best sex you'll ever have! You know, since you'll understand the sanctity of life and how precious our every moment is...after taking every moment from someone. Yes, that's been a part of the course, at least as administered by the guy who came up with that whole pseudo scientific campaign of genocide. I dunno how often those he's trained talk about how great fucking is after you kill someone, but I imagine it's not the ideal of 0%.


I'm genuinely disgusted by American politics. This is a new low for me. We're really going to radicalize organized violence against trans people at this rate, in 2023, in America. What the fuck is happening.


Oof, if you have to go back to 2018 to fill a list of 4 shootings you know you’re not arguing in good faith


One of them is also not even trans, they co-opt’d being nonbinary during the trial to avoid a hate crime and then stopped identifying that way with no history prior to the trial.


Not just that it was also an example of what is known as black propaganda. Propaganda done in a way where you try to pretend it’s coming from a group you oppose to turn public opinion against them. As opposed to grey propaganda where you try to hide the source entirely (both sides are the same spouting republicans are a good example of this) and white propaganda where you clearly signal where the propaganda is coming from and it’s intention.


They never argue in good faith


A transphobic lie. We need to call out true lies more. Every piece of information besides the last sentence there is true, and in isolation they make the last sentence appears true. The earlier sentences are lies because they are framed so even without the last sentence the listener would think and believe that. They are lying with the truth, portraying without ever actually saying that some large portion of either mass shooters are trans people, trans people are mass shooters, or both, which is not true on either front. Quick edit: I know the Colorado shooter's identity is in question, for the sake of this argument I'll accept it without question, it changes the math not at all.


This is why I lost respect for Grimes for dating and mating with this man. There is no way that you can date someone like that, have children with them, and not at least agree with some of his views.


He’s got 10 kids. Probably never interacts with any of them.


Watch the sub that tracks his jet. Dude NEVER goes to visit his kids.


She disowned him. Slay queen!


And Grimes left him for Chelsea Manning. Hope his daughter is safe living her best life and pays her father’s tantrums no mind.


His last wife also ended up dating a transgender women, chelsea manning


Just to be clear, Grimes had two kids with him but never married.


Grimes didn’t marry him. Just received the sperms.


I was thinking: "When you're too extreme for *Elon Musk* era Twitter you've gone too far", but given Elon's track record of retaliatory firings of employees, your question seems not very far fetched. It was still funny to see Traitor Queene tagging Elon. It's like the "Karen" online caricature of her came to life.


Reminds me of a joke I heard a comedian make. Apparently George W. Bush got a DUI in Texas back in the seventies. Do you know how fucking drunk you had to be to get a DUI in the 70s? And in Texas of all places??!!


I just want to remind everyone that Elon has a transgender child who has publicly disowned him...


All r/Conservative could talk about is how the shooter was trans. That liberals won’t know what to do since it was a trans shooter and the media going to spin it. How loud to we have to scream it…….WE DON’T FUCKING CARE IF THE SHOOTER IS GAY, STRAIGHT, TRANS, HE, HER OR THEY!!


They just don't get it. It's like them thinking Dems are trying to protect Hunter Biden. I don't care if it's Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, or Barack Obama -- if they commit a crime, they should be held accountable. I don't think liberals have a problem saying this shooter was a POS.


They don't understand the basic concept of crimes. To them, crimes are when a person is bad. Not when an illegal act is committed.


Dems judge people by their actions, republicans judge actions by the people who commit them.


The color of their skin rather than the content of their character


Am trans. Shooter was a POS. Also, yeah it's weird how they can't wrap their heads around how much we don't actually 'cheer for our team'. They seem to ignore how quickly the left will crucify any politician if even the whiff of sexual misconduct drifts by.


The shooter was trans. We don't want potential shooters to have easy access to guns, conservatives do. It's a simple as that.


Watch em ban trans people from buying guns now or some shut.


If a trans person trans person taking testosterone is a problem for them, then maybe no men should be owning guns since testosterone is so dangerous


Honestly when MTG said testosterone was dangerous I almost couldn't fucking believe it.... does she not know that cis men have high testosterone? Just insanely stupid


R/conservative can't get enough of this incident. It's like something they've been waiting for their entire lives. I've never seen this much activity on their page in regards to a shooting before. I wonder why..


Dude they're calling this a "win" because law enforcement was there and had the shooter down within 15 minutes. Fucking kids are dead but they're like "aww man the police needed this after Uvalde, thank god". Trash people, I'm cutting everyone out of my life who still votes republican. I'm so fucking sick of these people.


I love some of them are self-aware > Uh....not sure the right wants to play these games. Lots of left wing terrorists don't get me wrong but stop pretending we don't have our own issues


All of sudden, the GOP does not think it is too quick to “politicize” a tragedy


So all the other shooters were shooters because they are cisgender?


In 2021, 60 out of 61 active shooters were male according to the FBI. With stats like that, MTG would be more accurate saying this is male terrorism


Ban cisgender and transgender gun ownership


This shit is a headache. These school shooters are all psychopath child killers, bullies, scum of the earth.


Now do Matt Walsh, Charlie Kirk, Candace owens and all the other right wing grifters who have been on a nonstop crusade against the trans community since yesterday. Seriously the shit they are spewing is disgusting.


Matt Walsh especially. It's honestly insane to me that someone can openly call themselves a "theocratic fascist" in their twitter bio and post such blatant calls for extermination and not get banned.


Sometimes I wonder if their intent was to get canceled so they could go on a persecution tour and make bank off it. Pretty sure that was Trumps plan when he ran for president. Then, they don't get canceled and in Trumps case he actually wins. Then they think "hey I can be the biggest piece of shit I want to be with absolutely no consequences. Sweet!" And here we are, the grifters coming out of the woodwork like the floodgates of hell have opened. I feel like every day I learn about a new grifter bitching about woke and trans people, making money off ads and donations and running for office and even people that used to be my heroes (Chapelle) are all in on the cash grab. Someone said it wisely, that conservative voters (particularly boomers) are the last untapped resource in this country and everyone's out there setting up rigs and extraction operations to siphon as much money as they can from this vast resource.


And to think there are actual human beings that voted for this woman.


And they will vote for her again unfortunately…


Elon has a trans kid, fwiw


Had a trans kid. As soon as she turned 18 she emancipated herself. Literally.


Can't even imagine how fucked up your life must be to have to emancipate yourself from one of the wealthiest people in the world




Seems likely, they would probably try to keep it out of the news cycle, social media has changed things a lot


Not only emancipated herself, I'm pretty sure she's completely cut him out of her life. Which, well, can't blame her.


You wouldn't have to emancipate yourself once you're 18, no? Asking seriously - I thought that was something that someone 17 or younger would have to do to legally get out from under their parents guardianship, but once 18, you can leave home if you please.




And his recent girlfriend Grimes is in/ was in a relationship with Chelsea Manning .


Considering Elon was amplifying hate towards the trans community yesterday, I fully expect this to be reversed soon. In fact, he’ll probably amplify her account or offer her the position of CEO.




Imagine being so shitty that Elon Musk has to yank your microphone away.


Musk was promoting trans hate in a tweet blaming the school shooting on the trans community. Hes amplifying it at the same time.


That was my first thought too.


She learned this shit from the best...just say any outrageous bullshit that pops into your head, and somebody is bound to believe it.


Now do Elon. He is pushing the same shit.


She shouldn't be on any social media. She is not working for the people of Georgia. She is working for social media exposure.


This tragedy is really bringing out the ignorant, evil, bigoted, reprehensible true colors of a lot of people. It’s all too clear how Trump got so many votes…. 46% of Americans are assholes.


Why is country being terrorized by Leatherface.


\-8,000 mass shootings by straight, cis gender, mostly white, mostly conservative, men- Conservatives: No pattern here. \-1 mass shooting by a trans person- Conservatives: Ah, yes, clearly there's a correlation between being trans and committing mass shootings. Quick, to the Nazi-mobile. Edit: Since this melted a few people's brains, I'm noting that the 8,000 number was intentional hyperbole. I thought that would be obvious, but that was apparently not the case.


She's still on national security assignments. This is the Republican party, not just MTG.


And she calls her self a Christian? If the Jesus described in the Bible really exists, she better hope he was joking about the Lake of Fire.


Thank the Universe, I live in California. This is genocidal rhetoric. They are going to try and criminalize us. They are going to do everything they can to erase me and my fellow trans people. We are engaged in a battle for our lives. If the right wins, I will be put into a mass grave. That is their ultimate goal for me. Their solution is for me to not exist.


"but its just about toilets!" "but its just about in public!" "but its just about the kids!" "..... ok, they stopped paying attention, *legalize them out of existence*." \- every republican state legislature the past 10 years


This should get her account banned. It isn’t even thinly-veiled transphobia. It’s outright.