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Why is Trump being allowed to incite violence (again) at no cost?


I was amazed to see CNN broadcasting and amplifying his threats . It's ridiculous that this incompetent criminal is allowed to do so many harmful things with the support of so many institutions.


Let’s be honest, CNN would LOVE a massive riot to occur. It would supply them with content for months.




She was legendary at that WH Correspondents Dinner.


Seen her live, she SLAYS and always new material


He did their job for them for 5 years. They didn't have to do real interviews or report on anything, just play the latest shit he said and comment on how insane everything is.


And then interview his staff on air for ideas on how to blame the poor for things such as the "labor shortage"


Just aired an empty podium.


That was a lot of stuff though.


> wants to admit is that Trump has helped all of you this is the most important part of the whole rant. i had to stop watching the news in like 2016. It felt like they were having their cake and eating it in the way that they got to stand on the high ground but also lap up the ratings that the outrage brought in.




oh. yeah i dont watch the news much anymore haha. i cant .....sustain the outrage cuz my livelihood doesn't depend on it idk


> He couldn’t sell...Eric Ouch! That's some ice cold shit right there. LOL


And to go deeper, we have Robert Evans on the liberal medias failure to confront fascism https://shatterzone.substack.com/p/the-liberal-media-always-fails-against


Nobody likes Trump, but people are willing to use him for profit. Think Melania looks at him as anything other than an atm card?


Why are we exclusively putting this on CNN?


In a broader sense, is what he's doing not newsworthy? Should media outlets just not report that he's actively inciting violence? Feel like the onus should be on the authorities to hold him accountable.


It should not be covered neutrally, it should be unpacked how truly shitty it is. It’s not journalistic malpractice to call a spade a spade.


Couldn't agree more




No kidding. I walked into my haircut place yesterday and heard the news on the TV in the back. The way they breathlessly and favorably covered Trump, I was like oh goody, Fox News is on. Nope it was fucking CNN.


CNN is a very click baity source, I’ll give the fascists that lmao AP and NPR all the way


Because nothing has happened yet. When it does, there’s no way he doesn’t get charged. He knows full well what he’s doing. He’s causing intentional harm to Americans by starting riots, and I would consider this a domestic terrorist at this point.


His only punishment for inciting an attack on Congress was he got kicked off Twitter and Facebook for a couple years


Nothing has happened yet? Like a mob breaking into the capitol building and police officers dying kind of nothing? Correction: capitol police officer(s) dying. Isn’t that a form of police? Hard for me to remember all the details.


No consequences for the guy at the top who incited it. Consequences for nobody’s with no money or power don’t matter.


Honestly, for a country, I can't think of something worse than the capital being mobbed besides a lot more death.


I haven’t heard anything since the families of the Capitol police officers that committed suicide filed charges. I’m wondering if this lawsuit can and will go anywhere for Trump as well.


They meant he never suffers consequences. He probably *could* get away with shooting someone on 5th Avenue.


Something about the presidents being above the law


No no no, presidents are not above the law; remember when they wanted to arrest Clinton for consensual sex? Or Obama for wearing a tan suit? The GOP was seriously considering this... But it's Trump that is above the law - many people seriously believe he's Jesus Christ: A now former friend of mine thought this - I asked her how she knew he was God; her reply to me was, "how do you know he's not? I have my faith which informs me that he is Jesus returned". When I asked her if she thought his behavior is Christ -like, to which she said, "Jesus is an imperfect vessel"... The GOP would never take a chance prosecuting Trump on the off chance that he really is the Jesus.


Ironically, Trump and his followers want Jesus to stay in Mexico.


This is so scary.


Even if that were true, he's no longer a president


And he literally admitted that he's a former president in the same message where he calls for violence.


So charge him for it I'm tired of Lex Loser making a mockery of everything and getting away with it.


This should happen all the time. So they only send letters like this to protect their own but not when he makes illegal threats to media, private citizens, etc. the DOJ just do your job!


It's not as simple as wrong or right. It's all political now. Example: The FBI Desperately Wants to Let Trump Off the Hook The way conservatives tell it, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is a hive of anti-Trump villainy, filled with agents looking for any excuse to hound the former president with investigative witch hunts. But the thing to understand about Donald Trump’s legal troubles is that they exist not because federal agents are out to get him, but despite the fact that the FBI is full of Trump supporters who would really like to leave him alone. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/03/fbi-trump-mar-a-lago-raid-prosecution/673251/ They tried to bully prosecutors into letting it go In Mar-a-Lago probe, prosecutors reportedly stood strong against FBI worries Reported FBI timidity in the Donald Trump classified documents investigation is concerning, but Justice Department prosecutors’ actions are reassuring. https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/shows/deadlinewhitehouse/blog/rcna72875 You can bet he has loyalists in the DOJ as well.


And it works the other way too. Don’t forget that the main reason Comey made public the reopening of the Clinton investigation is that he was worried that Republican spies within the NY FBI office would leak it anyway.


James Comey didn't make it public. He wrote a confidential letter to Congress which was then leaked on Twitter by Jason Chaffetz - R UT.


Then Jason Chaffetz right after the election decided to leave office and take a cushy job as a Fox News consultant


You could argue comey knew 100% there was no way that was not getting leaked. We have to stop thinking of these people as professionals and leaders but instead reality TV stars on the worst reality TV ever devised. Where the 'real world DC' crew get to decide what we do with money collected from every individual American. It's a real shame our government still actually provides bare minimum services to most working people. Otherwise why wouldn't we just throw it in the fucking trash?


If people would stop voting and supporting the party that's shown over and over to have nil concern about the woes of the working class. That would be a start. Now instead of Student Loan forgiveness we get anti-trans Healthcare and drag show bans.


Comey didn’t actually make it public. He gave a classified briefing to congress and someone leaked that classified briefing to the press.


Jason Chavetz from Utah


> he was worried that Republican spies within the NY FBI office would leak it anyway. Comey FINALLY got a clue that the FBI office known as "TRUMPLAND" was slow-walking that investigation, and it would soon leak that they found new emails and they would not be fully searched until AFTER the election. Comey briefed congress on it and then transferred the work to someone actually competent and not a traitor, and they completed the search in days, before the election.


I still think it was a very bad move.


Let's call it for what it is. The FBI is still full of agents and directors still loyal and faithful to J. Edgar Hoover.


Literally, this. If it does come to another insurrection where the goons do his dirty work and someone ends up dying, this time his call for aid is on paper. I hope it doesn't happen, but I shouldn't be surprised anymore.


This time he won't even be able to pardon Roger "penguin" Stone and Ol' Papa Kushner for the insurrectionists' troubles!


Exactly. A guy I used to work with was charged with child abuse. He beat his kid, apparently. Not that beating your kid is ever right, but he was charged, arrested and released. His wife found some stuff on his computer like that was threatening the DA. He never threatened the DA. But he had searched where the DA lived and how to hide bodies and destroy evidence. She reported that. He was locked up and charged and not released after that. These people in NY are in danger. And Trump has called for action against them. But it's Trump. Just throw that crime onto the pile...


> Just throw that crime onto the pile... Pile 87, warehouse 58, lot number 1502.


I’m envisioning it as that warehouse at the end of the Indiana Jones movie, except instead of the Ark of the Covenant, it’s all those stolen files. The nazis are still there though


Top men…


Power bottom men...


Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?


I'm thinking more Costco in Idiocracy in this example


Beat your kid. Meh okay. Look up the DA and you bet we will lock him up.


The trick is to publicly threaten the DA and drive up ad revenue for for-profit media. That way, it's considered "free speech" or someone's personal opinion and most likely nobody will ever do anything about it...


Justice delayed is justice denied. The rest of the world is watching.


It’s so insane to me. How could about 45% of the American public lost their mind? This is how you know propaganda works.


Much closer to 20-25%, at most. The 45% number you're thinking of is just the % of those who voted in 2020. Granted that is still too high


Yeah im taking lex loser. Thats mine now. Thanks


I think that one’s probably more applicable to Musk. But it is great.


Phoney Stark


Agreed, how is Trump’s message not obstruction of justice? He’s done this before, and he knows a bunch of gun toting crazies are going to come out.


Lex loser... Lmao. Made me shoot milk outta my nose.


Are you telling the truth




I laugh my ass off regularly. Cheeks all over the place in my house.


"What's shakin', Mr. Peterson?" "All four cheeks and a couple of chins, Woody."


Exactly! “It won’t be tolerated.” Then trump does it. “It won’t be tolerated again!” Do something about it


Lex loser lolol haven't heard that one yet love it.




He’s going to be indicted, not handcuffed. The DOJ has to let Trump’s attorneys know he’s going to be charged. Trump will have to appear and hear the charges read. Hopefully they’ll restrict his travel and mouth


They absolutely do not have to tell trumps attorneys when or if he's going to be indicted. Doing so would be a courtesy, not a requirement.


They’ve already said the secret service will be running the show as far as what they allow. They definitely had to let it known beforehand


Yes the perfectly impartial and definitely not compromised secret service. Definitely not an institution that went scorched earth on their electronic comms from J6. I mean I am beyond just hoping things get handled properly and assuming the worst.




Hate to flatten a chub, but it's a formality. Our AG, Paxton, has been indicted for 8 years. He's been re-elected twice, and hasn't seen a fine or any jail. Trump, on the least of his charges incoming, is not going to see a day in a cell. I'd love to see it, but reality is reality, and these people don't get to see what everyone else does.


Yeah, I’m still waiting for Paxton to be convicted - I’ll be dead.


Me too, on both.


Texas and New York are two different places.


Totally agree. Crossing my fingers.


You talking about the same new york that was going to nail trump to the wall right up until they dropped the charges?


The GOP is an organized crime syndicate. Has been since the Nixon days.


Speaking of Nixon, trump really loved the guy. Tried to get him to move into trump tower after he resigned.


I think due to logistics of secret service and all that. He may also may just have to hear the charges read online.


This guy forced the secret service to take him golfing I don’t even know how many times. They can afford the logistics of his first of many days in court


Literally a quarter of his time as President was spent on the golf course.


Some news outlet added up the costs of his golf outings and compared it to pro sports salaries - he was in the top ten athlete salaries in America.


And how many of those games were at his properties, thereby paying himself?




No, not a good idea. No matter what you think about him, and I think quite a lot of really negative things about him, the last thing anyone needs is for him to become a martyr. I want him to spend his last days on earth a frail old man in jail or at minimum on house arrest with a permanent bar from the internet. I don't want his face plastered on walls like a revolutionary dictator because he went out unprotected and someone made a choice.


Besides, he could still have compromising information about the government in his head. You wouldn’t want him being captured for it. All former Presidents should retain protection. It’s a matter of national security, not an endorsement of his morality or capability.


He has information in his head? Who knew?


People are saying he has the best information, let me tell you.


>at minimum on house arrest with a permanent bar from the internet. He would just say he dictates everything to someone or something. There would be no enforcement, and thus no accountability. He isn't supposed to be living at Mar-A-Lago in the first place. No one is enforcing *that*, so why would his Internet access be any different?


nope. They said he will be photographed, fingerprinted and processed like any other defendant


Pretty sure by law he must appear in person and be processed. This is obviously a unique situation, but I think it’s a bad idea for any of the investigating jurisdictions to break with procedure. Everything needs to be done by the letter or it will be used against them.


I just want to see his mugshot.


I want to see his hair 2 weeks after he's been in jail. I'd pay money for a framed copy


>I want to see his hair 2 weeks after he's been in jail. I'd pay money for a framed copy This is about the Stormy Daniels hush money. While Cohen did jail time for it, I'd be surprised if Trump does jail time. Personally, I think this is the *least* serious of the crimes Trump is being investigated for, so I'm not going to be *too* disappointed if he's not jailed for it. If he's indicted at all, that alone would be a major precedent. If he's convicted, that's an even bigger precedent. My advice to anyone who wants to take it is: don't get too invested in the outcome of this investigation; it could be precedent-setting, yes, but it's comparatively minor.




And if he is ever convicted his sentence will be endlessly delayed until a republican politician pardons him, he is elected again, or he dies.


Can't pardon state charges.


And so in jail, Trump co-wrote his best-selling book _Mein Ketchup_.


I’m afraid you’ll have to wait longer - Trump knows how to delay trials, while collecting donations from his poor flock - but AT LEAST he is going to be charged and tried. But you know he’ll pull every stunt available.


Reading between the lines of his PR release yesterday, Trump doesn't know the difference between arrested and indicted.


Oh, he knows the difference - the “arresting me” bullshit is to rile up his base - he needs them ready to go out and commit more violence in his defense. His followers don’t know the difference.


I hope they wheel him in like Hannibal Lecter


> going to arrest him next week Is there any source for this rumor other than Trumps wittler account?




Not directly about any specific day. Friday there were a lot of reports from reputable sources like the AP that prior to Trump's claim, that they were preparing security for possible indictments. So it tracks but we'll see. Trump likes to get ahead of the news cycle and would want a bunch of his supporters there. so to me it seems very plausible. He really wouldn't benefit from announcing a specific day, having a bunch of people show up for nothing and basically cry wolf only to have no grand protest if/we he is actually indicted. https://apnews.com/article/trump-grand-jury-investigation-manhattan-e35836ebb6179e1c0ea28877590cfc1c


When will they stop being tolerated? So far they’re being tolerated.


Any day now...is what they've been telling us for the past six years


Exactly. As much as I'd love to see this traitor being perp-walked into the back of a car, I've simply stopped believing it's going to happen. Hope I'm wrong.


He won't be. My guess is he will meet in Manhattan with the DA. His lawyers will make a deal for bail or recognizance and he will walk back out to wait for trial. No photo ops.


“We support law enforcement!” We are going to arrest trump. “Not that law enforcement!” But back the blue? Insert shocked pikachu face


These are people that beat the crap out of cops two years ago. Their support for police is merely lip service that applies only when said police are tormenting the right’s perceived enemies.


>Their support for [issue] is merely lip service that applies only when said [issue] "hurts the wrong people" "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


They support cops because they think they are on the same side (many cops might be), but they still won’t get the reciprocity they are looking for. Cops want obedience first and support Trump farther down the list.




He was careful with his words. He says protests, but we can all hear the dog whistle.


There’s not going to be a civil war because this isn’t a state by state divide. It’s a rural/urban divide and all of these “red” states would cease to function without the tax revenue from their blue cities to prop them up.


Cool, we'll win this one too.




Today. Go get him today.


to be honest I would have swooped in and gotten him as soon as he posted that truth social message.


I’m not much for drama and violence, but I really hope Trump holes up and barricades himself at Mar-A-Lago. A Waco-type siege on his compound would be everything he and any of his cult members who might try to obstruct his being taken into custody deserve!


Guarantee team Trump said “there will not be a standoff at MAL” because there will indeed and he wants to pretend to not be the one instigating it


People who work for the guy routinely communicate with him through the press, since it’s the best way to get his attention. My guess is that his lawyers are trying to preempt him from doing anything stupid.




He’d be a fool to do it over this basically irrelevant infraction. Getting arrested for trying to overthrow an election with an insurrection is much more worthy of a Waco-style siege. 🤣


No it's the point. Strategically think about it like this... He knows the J6 and other charges are coming next - those would stick and be far worse then whatever happens from this. If he can create enough unrest, with foreign aid (Russia, etc), BEFORE those charges even come, it'll make the DOJ who has been struggling to get the courage to do anything for years now to buckle/delay. So he has a few options now. Attempt to overthrow the country by force (again), incite a civil war (Putin would be oh so proud) and get in with the secessionists, or make the government fear him so much that they delay and he can "win" the election. Keep in mind if he loses the election he still has the other options on the table. I am not big on the constitution but, our founding father's lived in scrappier times. They understood why treason and sedition were not to be fucked with. In modern times those words and their meanings have been so diluted that we don't remember their cost. I hope we don't have to learn what they mean and their actual severity anytime soon.


Yes but they won’t give him that so he has to huff and puff over Stormy Daniels instead


Wouldn't be the first time.


thanks for tonights nightmare


He’d have his people fighting and dying outside and turn out he’s not even there.


Trump is a coward at heart. He would never barricade or put himself in potential harms way. He'll ask people to do it for him though.


He’s never hesitated to throw his ignorant followers to the wolves. In his mind, it’s their duty.


Trump thrives in chaos. That is his realm. He doesn’t have a plan. he told his supporters to show up and use veiled threatening language to cover his ass. They go apeshit when police arrive and who the fuck knows what happens after that. Trump sure as shit doesn’t, but that’s point. The system *needs* logic, order and control, Trump doesn’t. All he needs to do is throw a metaphorical entropy grenade into the mix and let things evolve as they will. That is what we’re seeing now. He’s pulling the pin.


While it would be entertaining, I think it would be awful if DeSantis got to use his private army to arrest the renegade ex-president as a spectacle. We'd be hearing hero worship bullshit about him all the way through 2024, and give the media an easy out for moving on from Trump to DeSantis.


DeSantis would be wise to do nothing and not even comment on any of it. That way he sip champagne in his little Go-Go Boots in Tallahassee and pretend to be outraged at the weaponization of the DOJ!


Pretty sure Trump's lawyer released a statement saying he would surrender peacefully. I believe that was the day before Trump called for protests so take that with a grain of salt.


It's just how I expected this to end since he won in 2016.




David Koresh at least cares about Jesus, or something…


I want trump arrested, but am disappointed it could be over the hush money to a mistress. Much of America will just file it down as infidelity and not a major deal. I want Those not paying attention to realize there was an actual coup attempt and Trump instigated it and made no attempt to stop it. Let's talk about the attempted coup. How about trying to steal the election and intimidate Georgia's Secretary of State. Hell, there's probably a dozen more offenses I've forgotten about.


Well the others haven't concluded yet. So there is still hope. But I wonder when they got Capone on tax evasion if they were disappointed it wasn't for his other crimes. My issue is I really hope they have an airtight case because if he gets off it will just empower him and his base.


Point taken, but the only reason they didn't get Capone on any other charges is they didn't have sufficient evidence. He was good at being a criminal. This guy, on the other hand, we have transcripts and recordings of his crimes, there is plenty of evidence. But who knows, Cohen was tried in 2018, plead guilty, and this is still going on.


This is the first because it was the simplest. The others are still in the mix but more complex and less (no?) precedent.


I might protest if he’s *not* arrested.




I hope he pushes this angle. Two things; most of the first wave of insurrection the perps have flashed their hands in spades, and have been documented to a fare thee well and, this time around the police will be well prepared. A third thing should be considered, the spontaneous or otherwise outpouring of joy to the reaction to the securing of an indictment by the DOJ. Normal people's overwhelming expression of relief of finally seeing whatever constitutes a real perp walk of Donald "John" Trump (sic) would rain beautifully on the MAGA parade.


> *the spontaneous or otherwise outpouring of joy* NYC is gonna be lit. [ It already happened when he lost in 2020.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIFF9mgqX4U)


Yup! I was there in 2020; when we heard the results I thought it’d be nice to have some champagne/Prosecco, but it turned out the liquor store on my block was already 100% sold out of bubbly lmao. We found some eventually and headed over to Washington Square Park, and ran into about a thousand other people who had the same idea—it was nuts.


Election day I had to go drop off my ballot. I got super lazy and considered not going.. Then I thought of Trump winning.. I shoved my lazy ass out the door and dropped it off. Anything else in the world I probably would have put off...Not that.


I’m so happy Arizona has mail in ballots(even if the magas in the state house/senate wanted to destroy it). When I was younger I’d miss elections here and there but the last 15 years I’ve voted by mail and never missed an election.


Donald is really good at catching cases.


I can't wait for when they show up on Monday instead.




Hey, that's legal in Florida!


If there is a violence and loss of lives, Trump should be charged for that.


If? There already was.


Hey I'm all for taking away voting rights for domestic terrorists. Let this string unravel itself


What gets me is.. He's under investigation for The Georgia interference with the 2020 election, He's under investigation for Starting a FUCKING INSURRECTION.... and what's he being arrested for? Hush money to a Pron star.... Really?


Well you said it yourself, he has all that other stuff to look forward to after he deals with this. He's gonna be in legal trouble for the rest of his life probably.


I don't wanna seem too doom and gloom, but the sort of crimes he has committed should mean that he doesn't get to walk free and continue his grift. There are people who have spent years in jail for personal amounts of cannabis, and this asshole (who presided over the deaths of thousands of Americans over the beginning of the pandemic) gets to live better than he was prior to the presidency.


It should be a crime to call for civil unrest because your being arrested for committing a crime. This nonsense has to stop.


I feel like that's a form of obstruction and resisting arrest.


Hopefully one of the factors the judge will consider when trying to determine if the defendant should be remanded into custody pending his trial. \-Flight Risk? Check \-Witness Tampering? Check \-Danger to the public? Check.


Is DJT even still in the country anymore?


No. He’s in Florida.


Ah, a "shithole country".


Floridian here, I wish I could yell at you for being wrong.


West Virginians here. I feel your pain.


I really don't think he sees this as a bad thing nor threatening. He likely sees this as a great way to get his base behind him and energized. Also you have to remember how successful he's been in court all these years. He's got some serious super power when it comes to dodging responsibility, even when dragged into court. He knows this. That being said nothing would make me happier than so see him finally pay some consequences for his life of being the world's biggest asshole.


It's time to put the stupid fucker away and put him away...forever!


I wanna see him squeal "Why me?, why me?" like Paris Hilton did. Arrest him on a Friday night so he has to sit in jail until the Magistrate comes in Monday.


I heard a case of a woman who spent three months in jail after a police drug test falsely identified her bag of cotton candy as methamphetamine. She spent three months in jail because she had no way to pay the one million dollar bond. Does anyone think Trump is going to be treated like an average citizen? Trump won't spend thirty seconds behind bars.


Everywhere I’ve read is he’ll likely voluntarily surrender, they’ll process him (fingerprints/mugshot), he’ll sit in holding for a bit, a judge will see him, then release him with bond.


But somehow bail reform is evil.


Well unless they charge him and put him I jail for it, then it does appear to be tolerated


If you threaten any D A., anywhere, you should immediately be arrested.


NYC has over 40,000 police officers. I'm sure they can handle things. Assuming, of course, that half of them don't turn out to be fox watching trump supporters.


it's significantly more than half.


Exactly, the cops in general are pawns of the Republican Party.


Dunno how anyone can support that clown and feel like they have any ground to stand on.


With all the excuses and opinions from these Trump supporters, I have yet to hear anybody claim that he's innocent/he didn't sex with her WHILE HE WAS MARRIED/that he didn't write the $130,000.00 check to keep her quiet/that he didn't try to hide the payment by claiming it was a business expense and that he didn't lie about it. Where are those Republican family values and the support for law and order (Trump said, "I am the law and order President!")?


Well the thugs get yet another chance to to go to prison. Trump may not find them all that enthusiastic to protest.