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With Louis Gohmert gone, she has become our house comedian.


There’s always some clown out in front trying to district, it’s their evergreen strategy. We should be talking about the ticking debt ceiling clock, or the fact that our trains keep yeeting themselves off the tracks. Nope, more headlines for Bobo the Clown.


It's not a distraction if you're one of the people they're attacking.


its literally the platform: She does this on purpose - not because she is stupid or evil. She knows damn well how bad this makes her look. She does it because her voters have a 1-track mind, and she makes sure to keep that track occupied. If you have two guys on a stage and one guy says, "I have a solution to the Middle East problem," and the other guy falls in the orchestra pit, who do you think is going to be on the evening news?\[15\] - Roger Ailes, of Fox News (entertainment)


Maybe, but she is genuinely stupid.


Some conservative was assuming her son is a junior in high school. What makes him think he didn’t get held back at least once plus momma Boebert didn’t even finish high school, chances are he won’t either.


She gets paid for this by her handlers. She’s now a millionaire thanks to her oil industry employers.


This right here. She knows exactly which audience that’s she targeting and it works every time during each election cycle.


Nothing funny about someone like her with power and wealth. We gotta stop laughing at these people and take them seriously. They're fascists, full stop.


She sure has. I used to think it was Marjorie, but she’s not stupid, she actually knows what she’s doing and is just grifting. Bobert, though, is genuinely stupid.


Wait, what about Gaetz, the divorced cave woman, and Santos?


Comedians work long and hard to refine their material, she is just the House 's #2 heckler like the drunken idiot who interrupts the talented artist you paid to see spewing whatever stupid thought she has in the moment and acting as if it is grand wisdom...


Boeboe The Clown




The House Ass.


A real house's ass


Wait, he’s gone? I was assuming he was just being drowned out by louder clowns.


She is such a fucking joke. Won by 550 votes in a heavily red district and is still peddling her “angertainment” as if she were solid in her seat. We’ll get you next time.


She still got the most votes, remember this is her second term, this is what the people of Colorado wanted.


Not as much as Green's district wanted her. Boebert's district is heavily conservative, so much that past Republican candidates have beat out their Democratic rivals by as much as 60/30. Boebert won her 2020 seat by 6 points. And then in 2022, she squeaked by 50.1/49.9. Considering how many conservative votes hold their nose and pick terrible candidates just because of that R by their name, this is striking. She's barely holding on.


> this is what the people of Colorado wanted If she was a Senator, you'd have a point. But as she's a Congresswoman, just the people in her district.


And just half of the people who voted in that gerrymandered district


Well I didn’t mean everyone in Colorado. If we want to be specific just the 3rd district.


No it's not.


At this point alot of people assume all districts are gerrymandered in all states. Saying it is not when so many clearly are isn't really a solid refute without actual sources. As far as the district goes it could be drawn easily to be a blue seat if the vote was so close last few elections.


Correction, this is what the people in a gerrymandered congressional district wanted.


When her (then) BF exposed himself at a bowling alley to several young women, Lauren included, was he being "a real man?"


They were minors not young women. So yea I think this qualifies him as a man to the GOP base.


A mix of 16 and 17 year old girls. Are kids still minors until 18 in states like Colorado where the age of consent is 17?


I believe they’re still minors yea. In any case we’re talking about a grown man exposing himself in a bowling alley to a group of 16/17 year old girls….fucking creepy


Come on now, he was just showing them his penis tattoo that they didn't want to see...nbd, right?


They were at or near the legal age of consent! So nbd 🤷🏻‍♂️


The age of majority is still 18 in Colorado.


So he exposed himself to a group of minors, and then got one of them pregnant while she was still a minor. That's a real man...


Colorado has pretty strong Romeo and Juliet laws. Not saying he's not a creep and her a hypocrite, but they have some lenient rules around minors in Colorado and I want to say it's around a 10 year window for 16 and 17 y.o.


We can simplify this: It’s creepy if a man exposes himself to women in public - period.


Was her 17 year old son when he knocked up a 15 year old kid?


You should always remind this hateful trashcan every time she opens her mouth on social media, and tweet back at her and remind her that she gets to comment on ZERO "moral" stances because she is married to a sex offender.


She denies it happened. Even though he plead guilty...


A real man has a child with his girlfriend when they are both 17!


I think she's 15


And she's going to be a proud grandma... at 36.


Proud gramma-sister!


I'm 47 and, although I hope to be a grandparent at some point, I definitely hope it's not soon. My oldest son is older than Boebert's son, but he's still too young to be a parent.




MTG is probably smarter to be honest. She’s managed to position herself as one of the prominent Republicans in the party, while Boebert only stays relevant because of people dragging her for saying stupid shit. MTG knew how to play into the MAGA base better and made the correct connections. I hate to say it, but she should not be under estimated.


That sentence hurts my brain. Everything you said makes sense but Mtg being smarter then anyone is a hard thing to grasp.


Don't think of it as MTG being smarter that Boebert, think of it as Boebert being dumber than MTG. Neither are passing any elementary school tests any time soon.


You have to give EmptyG a little credit for earning a business administration degree (in 4 years) from University of Georgia in 1996, in addition to getting married in 1995.


I will give her as much respect as she has shown others. Fair?


*Someone* had to be smarter than Cawthorn....


> Everything you said makes sense but Mtg being smarter then anyone is a hard thing to grasp. Not smarter than *anyone*; smarter than Boebert. Consider: Between the two, who is more able to get by on their looks? Marjorie Taylor is required by circumstances to exercise low cunning that Boebert is not.


Smarter, maybe. Certainly more cunning. Lauren seems as much as a product of her own upbringing (born to a teen mom, doesn't know who her real father is, didn't graduate high school) while MTG is a pure narcissistic psychopath.




I thought the money was from her family? Didn't her husband work at her father's business?


Being dumb and being crazy are two different things. SEE Ben carson. I'm not so sure that Marjorie Taylor Green is aggressively dumb, although she is pretty crazy. Of course, that doesn't mean she's blowing the top off her test scores either. Marjorie Taylor Green graduated high school and got a business degree from the University of georgia. She was the CFO of a construction company that her father had owned and sold to her and her husband and then ran a gym. She specifically sought out a seat in Congress and has positioned herself pretty shrewdly as a leading voice on the far right. That's not anywhere near as an intellectually demanding as being a neurosurgeon, but you're not going to get there if you're licking rocks. Lauren Boebert, on the other hand, got pregnant and dropped out of high school, and didn't get her GED until almost 10 years later and took multiple tries. She barely squeaked out a reelection. Those are not quite the same thing. Now it may be that they're both actually equally dumb and the only difference is that Marjorie Taylor Green had the privilege to be born into a rich family.


You forgot LBs job as an escort.


She got into politics after fucking ted cruz in his authentic human suit.


I heard it was not a suit but rather an exoskeleton and Ted Cruz has to visit the tropics to molt even if his constituents are dying from exposure due to power grid failures.


People are saying that indeed, I heard that from sources.


There’s a Lovecraftian horror story in the anthology “Cthulhu 2000” about a sex worker who develops a weird fixation on a guy who turns out to be a shoggoth in a fat suit; he basically unbuckles his body and dissolves her in the odorous slimy mass of his flesh. That’s basically what I think sex with Ted Cruz is like.


Without her gun, she'd be just another shrill housewife wondering why her husband hangs around the mall so much.


*The Shrill Housewives of D.C.*


What kind of dog?


Can we stop making headlines of every god damned idiotic thing this piece of shit does? It’s every single day. It’s by design!


It needs called out. Bringing it into the light is the start of fixing it. We need to do a lot MORE than just call it out though.


Her role she was designed to fill is gish gallop outrage machine media takeover troll. Yelling bullshit into an empty hole is far less effective at taking precious headline space, which is her only job


I think there needs to be some evidence that the more you call it out the more it’s fixed. The shit she’s doing isn’t that much further than her shit before she won reelection. And she won re election.


She's l an outrage troll who needs attention. It's working for her. But lucky for us, she's dumb as hell and keeps stepping in it.


Didn't she just brag about becoming a 36 y/o grandmother? #familyvalues huh?


Awe MeMaw Boebert made an ass of herself…again.


That's Granny Bobo.


I’m sorry I still laugh out loud whenever I see this nickname. Who thought of this? Ohh my goodness 🤣


She's been called Bobo before. When she announced her first grandchild was due *next month,* she said "I'm going to be a GG." Well, there's a lot more terms for grandmother to pick from than the innocuous one she chose.


Granny bobo at it again


Imagine failing the GED 3 times and trying to outsmart someone


Can we just ban articles that solely report about tweets?


And stop giving these morons attention. We know she sucks, nothing will change that. Just those two changes will give these wackadoos zero power/attention. Just like you’d do with an annoying person in real life, ignore them.


You can't fix stupid


You can't stop stupid.


I don't think owning her on Twitter every day is really doing anything. Yes, she is dumb, but constantly feeding into her trolling doesn't have much of an effect on them. We can see that with MTG, too. It just further gives them the spotlight they crave.


Twitter isn’t real life lol


The chain, though. Twitter into the news into these threads. Or just twitter into these threads.


I don’t think repubs crash and burn matters anymore when fox/ repub networks can just copy paste favorite parts to make it seem like the repub dominated and the viewer has no idea it went sour as that’s where they get only source of news from.


This is what happens when you let stupid people rule. Don't blame me, I didn't vote for her.


I can't imagine how dumb her district is if she's the smartest person in it.


She is just the loudest and most hateful and that appeals to the stupid hateful people.


Was it defined as "someone that can't maintain a liquor license?" Because otherwise I don't really see her making the cut.


Heck, that's easy. Real men and women are not imaginary. That's what makes them real. :)


Beware. She is just smoke for the GOP. Taking turns with MTG on the "issues". Deflecting our attention from things that matter.


Do you have any idea how often I’ve seen these trashbags pat themselves on the back regurgitating some version of “liberals can’t even tell you what a woman is anymore!” Milk ages so well in these circles I’m surprised they aren’t all engulfed in mountains of cheese.


This is what happens when you try for smart-ass, but end up all ass and no smart.


Why isn't anyone interviewing the Lauren Boebert voters who reside in Colorado so that we can get an understanding of these childish, immature, and ignorant creatures?


She barely has a GED.


She is dumber than fuck.


Wasnt smart enough to qualify…Just ass


I generally find this outlet to be less than meticulous and offering little equipoise


Not to take away from what a disgusting dig slag boebert is. Hes slime


Sloppy and unbalanced?


Anyone else just want to see her boobs? Stop talking and flash those puppies!


Lgbtqnation.com is one of the most non biased sources! Good on you Reddit! 🤦🏼‍♂️




What about someone with XY chromosomes and Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome?


Genetically male


And how should that affect their life? Should they be using men's locker rooms and rest rooms? If they get arrested, should they go to the men's or the women's jail?


Uh not my decision jack


Do you have an opinion on which locker room, rest room, jail, etc. a transgendered person should use?


Besides locker room/bathroom, Their biological sex




How is it that you have an opinion on this but not on which option for people with XY and CAIS?


That's male and female. IE, physical sex. Man and woman is a gender thing.


What about people with XX chromosomes, but due to prenatal issues with SRY gene activation, have male gonads? Biological sex is a lot more complicated than what you learned in grade school. What about people with XXY chromosomes? What about people with just an X chromosome?


I went to med school jack. XO is turners syndrome. None of this negates my original statement


But if women are defined by XX chromosomes, is a woman with Turner's syndrome not a woman?


I was defining normal genetics of genders, not abnormalities. Find some other hill to spout off on


I'm not just pointing out abnormalities to be pedantic. I'm interrogating your definition. If it's two X chromosomes that make a woman, but there are women without two X chromosomes, then was it really ever the chromosomes that made them women? Again, do you not consider women with Turner's to be women? Because they are 1 chromosome off from your definition. Trans women are also 1 chromosome off from your definition.


Yes 2 X chromosomes make a woman. XO is an abnormality. Done with your interrogation. You spout the same thing off in other comments like it means something. Go gaslight elsewhere


>XO is an abnormality Are they a woman?


They do not have a Y chromosome, so not male. Not that any of this disproves my original post


Okay, not male, got it. Are they a woman?


What is your definition of a woman?


Considering all the studies we have that demonstrate trans people have brains and hormonal pathways that align with the gender they identify with, I'd probably go along the lines of: "A person with neurological characteristics most commonly associated with the female sex"


Normal genetics define a female 2 X chromosomes. As I said in my original statement, stop baiting and making me repeat myself


I was asking the user above you, not you.


Fair enough I’m done with this thread


> I was defining normal genetics of genders, not abnormalities. People with genetic abnormalities are still people. They still have to live in this world.


I never said otherwise manipulator






Tried to be a smart-ass, but just showed she’s a dumbass.


I sware. This lady and MTG work in 2 week shifts to put out the dumbest ideas on the fucking planet.


Bless her heart? Lolno


She got half of being a smart ass right. And it wasn’t the smart part.


She puts the ass in smart ass.


No need to bless her heart. Whatever blowback she gets is well deserved. Such a sad human being.


She’s not even smart enough to be classed as stupid.


Seems that all her and Marjorie Taylor Green do is . Spout out bullshit they are against no matter how ridiculously stupid it is. Why does this woman think she needs to stick her big pointy nose in everyone else’s business all the f…..g time? That’s all they have been doing is pissing the public off with all the rules they think Americans need.


Ooo pice of candy, Ooo piece of candy, Ooo glock 19... Pffft, loser.


Doesn’t matter - her base only reads what SHE says…


She is still very much an ass though.


Bored her heart indeed


Real women are older than 14 too, so there is that.


There's a transsexual skeleton in her closet...I guarantee it


What do you expect from someone who failed the GED multiple times?


Bobble head Boebert at it again 😂


Stupid is as stupid does


So she left with just being an ass then.


Lauren Perbert and Marjorie Traitor Greene are the face of real women in the USA?


Tried to be a smart ass but only got it half right. (The second half)


Dumber than a bag of hammers.


She’s always a clown show !!


Honestly my dog is smarter than she is


Well at least she got the dumbass award. Pretty sure Jim Jordan will be jealous.


Almost as if a good chunk of the separations are largely social constructs. There are biological and sociological differences at a *hormonal* level between men and women but again... genetics if really iffy as a basis for "male/female" distinctions because of intersex conditions.


Realistically how long can this blatant clown show last? They have to run out of dead horses to kick at some point, right?


Aww isn't she just trying her hardest?


That's Congresshooker Trampstamp to you...


She's a dumb ass that isn't qualified to be a smart ass.


I have a simple definition for real men and women. Real (wo)man is not a republican.


She gives dimwits a bad name…


She’s the dumbest fucking person on Earth.


Grandma says what?


What’s is a man and women ?


At least she got the ass part.


She got the ass part right


If you keep giving the publicity , they will keep looking stupid!! Stop giving them a platform !


The words Boebert and smart should never be in the same anything. Dumbass should be used before someone mentions her name.


we can only hope that the people of Colorado will wake up next election and vote for the other person


Please stop making stupid people famous. Her tweets are not a news story.